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Understanding the Risks of Cannabis: Empowering Youth through Drug Prevention

Understanding the Risks of Cannabis: Empowering Youth through Drug Prevention

In today’s fast-paced world, where the allure of quick fixes and instant gratification is ever-present, drug prevention becomes essential

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, July 26, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — In today’s fast-paced world, where the allure of quick fixes and instant gratification is ever-present, drug prevention becomes an essential pillar of societal well-being. Cannabis, the most widely consumed substance in Europe, has captured the attention of 15.1% of the population aged 15-34, with alarming numbers of daily cannabis users standing at 2.1% (EMCDDA European Drug Report, June 2023). To address this pressing issue, Dr. Christian Mirre, former CNRS researcher, and current Representative of the Foundation for a Drug Free Europe, has been at the forefront of advocating drug prevention and education.

The European Drug Report highlights the startling figures, with 97,000 users seeking treatment for cannabis-related issues in 2021. Cannabis is also involved in 25% of acute toxicity presentations, often when combined with other substances, making it a gateway to the world of drugs for young people.

“Cannabis has 3 subspecies: Cannabis sativa sativa L., Cannabis sativa indica, and Cannabis sativa ruderalis. France is the top hemp producer in Europe and third in the world,” reveals Dr. Mirre in an article, shedding light on the significance of cannabis cultivation in various regions.

Dr. Christian Mirre emphasizes that the use of cannabis has evolved over time. “Initially, C. sativa was considered for its euphoric effects, producing the ‘high,’ while C. indica produces a relaxation of cerebral activity, creating a ‘stone’ effect,” he explains. The distinction between the subspecies has become relevant in understanding the varying effects of cannabis consumption.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS): A Key Player

“The ECS is composed of membrane receptors, endogenous ligands, synthesis enzymes, and degradation enzymes, regulating various bodily functions,” Dr. Christian Mirre highlights. It is a complex system that plays a vital role in maintaining balance and homeostasis in the body.

Psychoactive Substances: Unraveling the Impact

In a recent article, Dr. Christian Mirre delves into the impact of psychoactive substances found in cannabis. “The psychoactive substances THC and CBD, along with synthetic cannabinoids, exert profound effects on the human body,” he explains. While THC is responsible for the euphoric high, CBD is promoted for its potential health benefits. However, recent research suggests that CBD can transform into THC in certain conditions, raising concerns about its safety.

Synthetic Cannabinoids: A Dangerous Trend

Dr. Christian Mirre warns about synthetic cannabinoids, highlighting their higher potency and the serious side effects they induce. These substances, known by various street names like Spice and Black Mamba, pose significant health risks, including convulsions, cardiovascular and neurological disorders, and psychosis.

Preventing Drug Abuse: A Collective Responsibility

The Foundation for a Drug Free Europe’s Truth About Drugs campaign aims to debunk the myths and misconceptions surrounding cannabis and other drugs. Dr. Christian Mirre stresses the importance of combating biased and commercial arguments, stating, “We need to tackle this widely popular substance very seriously.”

The role of parents, educators, and communities in drug prevention is crucial. “There are a large number of possible influences on adolescents such as family, school, peers, neighborhood, leisure, media, culture, and legislation,” Dr. Christian Mirre affirms. However, parents and parenting practices hold the key to guiding young individuals towards making informed decisions and avoiding the pitfalls of drug abuse. To help parents, says Ivan Arjona, Representative of the Church of Scientology for Europe, “proper educational material is needed and this is what our church has done since more than 2 decades now”. Arjona also explained about the importance of the task other churches have done and are doing said that “the Catholic Church has taken on a proactive role in drug prevention, recognizing the urgency of combating substance abuse and addiction since many decades too. By adhering to its principles of compassion and social justice, the Catholics actively raise awareness about the dangers of drug use through workshops, seminars, and campaigns, and in more and more cases, they are using materials provided by Scientologists, showing that our cooperation is not only needed, but also effective” concluded Arjona.

In a world filled with temptations and misconceptions, drug prevention takes center stage in safeguarding the health and future of our youth. Understanding the risks associated with cannabis and other illicit drugs is crucial to making informed decisions. With organizations like the Foundation for a Drug Free Europe and leaders like Dr. Christian Mirre spearheading the cause, along with the support of members of the Church of Scientology worldwide, we can work towards creating a society that prioritizes the well-being of its people and stands united against the dangers of drug abuse.

As we mark the UN International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, let us stand together, united against the dangers of drug abuse, and strengthen drug prevention measures. Through understanding, awareness, and education, we can empower our youth to make the right choices and lead healthy, drug-free lives.


1. https://europeantimes.news/2023/07/life-and-drugs-part-2-the-cannabis/

2. Consult also the regulation in the EU: -Recreational use of cannabis – Laws and policies in selected EU Member States https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2023/749792/EPRS_BRI(2023)749792_EN.pdf

3. International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking – EU action against illicit drugs https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/ATAG/2022/733548/EPRS_ATA(2022)733548_EN.pdf

The sex scene in Oppenheimer scandalized India


Christopher Nolan’s latest blockbuster, Oppenheimer, has sparked outrage among India’s Hindu right, with some calling for a boycott and demanding the removal of a sex scene in which the main character utters a famous line from the religion’s scriptures.

The film tells the story of the atomic bomb through the eyes of its creator, Robert Oppenheimer, and the scene in question shows actor Cillian Murphy, who plays the title role, having sex with Florence Pugh, who plays his lover, Jean Tatlock.

Pugh paused during intercourse, picked up a copy of the Bhagavad Gita, one of Hinduism’s most sacred scriptures, and asked Murphy to read from it, CNN reported.

“Now I have become Death, destroyer of worlds,” says Oppenheimer’s character as the two resume intercourse.

The scene has sparked outrage among some right-wing groups, with a politician from India’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) calling the film a “disturbing attack on Hinduism” and accusing it of being “part of a larger conspiracy by anti-Hindu forces”.

In a statement on Saturday, India’s Information Commissioner Uday Mahurkar said the scene was a “direct attack on the religious beliefs of one billion tolerant Hindus”, likening it to “waging war against the Hindu community”.

He added: “We believe that if you remove this scene and do what is necessary to win the hearts of the Hindus, it will help establish you as a sensitive human being and win you the friendship of billions of kind people.”

The film was well received by most quarters in India, which conducted its first nuclear test in 1974, with critics giving it rave reviews and people flocking to cinemas to watch it.

According to local figures, “Oppenheimer” grossed more than $3 million in its opening weekend domestically, more than director Greta Gerwig’s highly anticipated “Barbie,” which opened on the same day and grossed just over $1 million.

The Film Board of India gave Oppenheimer a U/A rating, which is reserved for films that contain mild adult themes and can be watched by children under 12 with parental supervision. So far, there are no bans on the film in any of the states and union territories of the country.

“Change in Tone”

This is not the first time that the Hindu right has taken offense at films, TV shows or advertisements for their portrayal of Hinduism. Some of them have been boycotted or even taken off the air after protests by conservative and radical groups.

In 2020, Netflix received significant backlash in India over a scene in the series “A Suitable Boy” that depicted a Hindu woman and a Muslim kissing in a Hindu temple. That same year, Indian jewelry brand Tanishq pulled an ad featuring an interfaith couple after online criticism.

Meanwhile, analysts and film critics say there is a shift in tone in some Indian films, with nationalist and Islamophobic narratives gaining support from many people in India as well as the BJP.

Last year director Vivek Agnihotri’s box office hit The Kashmir Files, based on the mass exodus of Kashmiri Hindus fleeing violent Islamic militants in the 1990s, polarized India, with some hailing the film as “heartbreaking” and “real “, while others criticized it as Islamophobic and inaccurate.

Similarly, the release this year of the film The Kerala Story, about a Hindu girl who is tricked into joining ISIS, angered critics who called it a propaganda film that demonized Muslims.

Before “Oppenheimer” premiered, Murphy says he read the Bhagavad Gita in preparation.

“I thought it was an absolutely wonderful text, very inspiring,” he says in an interview with Indian film critic Sucharita Tyagi. “I think it was a comfort to him [Oppenheimer], he kind of needed her, and she gave him a lot of comfort, throughout his life.”

Oppenheimer, who is known as the “father” of the atomic bomb, was drawn to Hinduism and its teachings. He is a polyglot and a scholar, studying several languages, including Sanskrit.

Two decades after the Trinity bomb test – the world’s first nuclear explosion – took place on July 16, 1945, Oppenheimer told interviewers: “We know the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few cried, but most were silent.”

He said he remembered a verse from the Bhagavad Gita: “Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

This line is used in the film many times, including during the sex scene.

Image credit: Universal Pictures

180 schools in Ukraine have been completely destroyed


Russian forces have completely destroyed 180 schools in Ukraine, and over 1,300 educational institutions have been damaged. This was announced by the Ukrainian Minister of Education and Science Oksen Lisovii, quoted by “Ukrinform”.

“Today, we have 180 schools that have been completely destroyed. More than 300 educational institutions have been destroyed, and over 1,300 have been damaged and are subject to expert assessment as to whether they can be restored or not,” he reported.

According to him, the Ukrainian government has allocated 1.5 billion hryvnias for the construction of bomb shelters before the start of the next school year. 3/4 of the schools have such shelters of varying level and quality.

“75% of schools are equipped with bomb shelters, but this does not mean that 75% of students can resume their studies. It is about 9,000 schools, and we have a total of 13,000 schools. Our priority is to resume in-person education, where this is allowed for security reasons. In places close to the areas of hostilities, the classes will be held remotely,” explained Lisovii.

In order to improve the quality of education, the ministry recommends that higher education institutions also resume face-to-face education when the security situation allows it. Many of these institutions can create bomb shelters architecturally, but sometimes they don’t have enough capacity to accommodate all the students.

Another problem, according to Lisovii, could be the migration of teachers. It may also create barriers to resuming full-time studies. For this reason, the management of each school will make an independent decision whether to resume classes.

Already in December 2022, the European Commission and the government of Ukraine signed a package of measures in the amount of 100 million euros for the reconstruction of school infrastructure destroyed during the war.

The Commission specified that the support will reach Ukraine through the humanitarian partners of the EU and partly in the form of budget support for the government of Ukraine.

Under an ongoing contract with the Polish development bank “Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego”, the EC has allocated around 14 million euros for the purchase of school buses for the safe transport of Ukrainian children to school.

The European Commission has also launched a solidarity campaign to donate school buses to Ukraine, organized through the European Commission’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre.

A total of 240 buses have already been provided by the EU and Member States, with donations continuing.

Illustrative Photo by olia danilevich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brother-and-sister-with-books-on-their-heads-5088188/

Defence, is the EU creating a European army?

Defence, is the EU creating a European army?

While there is no European army and defence remains exclusively a matter for member states, the EU has taken big steps to boost defence cooperation in the past few years.

Since 2016, there has been significant progress in the area of EU security and defence with several concrete EU initiatives to encourage cooperation and reinforce Europe’s capacity to defend itself. Read the overview of the latest developments.

High expectations for EU defence

The vast majority of EU citizens (81%) are in favour of a common defence and security policy, with at least two thirds backing it in each country, according to 2022 data published by Eurobarometer. Some 93% agree that countries should act together to defend EU territory, while 85% think that co-operation on defence should be increased at EU level.

Percentage of EU citizens in favour of a common defence and security policy

EU leaders realise that no EU country can tackle the current security threats in isolation. For example French President Macron called for a joint European military project in 2017, while former German chancellor Merkel said “we ought to work on the vision of one day establishing a proper European army” in her address to the European Parliament in November 2018. Moving towards a security and defence union has been one of the priorities of the von der Leyen Commission.

EU measures to boost defence cooperation

A common EU defence policy is provided for by the Treaty of Lisbon (Article 42(2) TEU). However, the treaty also clearly states the importance of national defence policy, including Nato membership or neutrality. The European Parliament has consistently supported more cooperation, increased investment and pooling of resources to create synergies at EU level to better protect Europeans.

In recent years, the EU has begun to implement ambitious initiatives to provide more resources, stimulate efficiency, facilitate cooperation and support the development of capabilities:

  • The permanent structured cooperation (PESCO) was launched in December 2017. It currently operates on the basis of 47 collaborative projectswith binding commitments including a European Medical Command, Maritime Surveillance System, mutual assistance for cyber-security and rapid response teams, and a joint EU intelligence school.
  • The European Defence Fund (EDF) was launched in June 2017. It was the first use of the EU budget to co-fund defence cooperation. On 29 April 2021, MEPs agreed to fund the flagship instrument with a budget of €7.9 billion as part of the EU’s long-term budget (2021-2027).
  • The EU has strengthened cooperation with Nato on projects across seven areas including cybersecurity, joint exercises and counter-terrorism.
  • A plan to facilitate military mobility within and across the EU to make it possible for military personnel and equipment to act faster in response to crises.
  • Making the financing of civilian and military missions and operations more effective. Since June 2017 a new command and control structure (MPCC) has improved the EU’s crisis management.

Spending more, spending better, spending together

EU countries spending more on the procurement of defence equipment

According to data published by the European Defence Agency on 8 December 2022, total European defence spending stood at a high of €214 billion in 2021, up 6% on 2020, the seventh consecutive year of growth.

The report shows spending on defence equipment and research and development rose 16% to a record €52 billion.

The EU strengthens its common defence strategy

Russia’s war against Ukraine underlined the need for the EU to strengthen its defence strategy and speed up weapons production.

On 13 July, 2023 Parliament voted in favour of €500 million in financing to help EU industry ramp up production of ammunition and missiles to increase deliveries to Ukraine and help EU countries refill stocks, the so-called Act in Support of Ammunition Production. (ASAP).

MEPs are also working on the European Defence Industry Reinforcement through the common Procurement Act (EDIRPA) to support EU countries in jointly purchasing defence products such as weapon systems, ammunition and medical equipment, in order to help fill the most urgent and critical gaps. The aim of the act is to boost the European defence industrial and technological base and foster cooperation on defence procurement.

In June 2023, Parliament and Council reached a deal on new rules to encourage EU countries to jointly procure defence products and support the EU’s defence industryThe new tool will have a €300 million budget until 2025. The EU will contribute up to 20% of the purchase price of common procurement contracts.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Defence, is the EU creating a European army?
The benefits of closer cooperation on defence 

Photo by the European Defence Agency 

North Korea warmly welcomed the Russian delegation


Sergei Shoigu was greeted with red carpets and the Russian national anthem

North Korea has rolled out the red carpet for Russia’s defense minister, with representatives from Moscow and Beijing set to attend events marking the anniversary of the Korean War, the first known foreign visitors to the country since its border was closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, AFP reported.

Tomorrow, Pyongyang will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Korean War armistice on July 27, 1953, which ended hostilities and is marked as Victory Day in the North.

The Russian national anthem was played throughout Pyongyang International Airport, which was “wrapped in a warm atmosphere of welcome” to greet Russian General Sergei Shoigu and his delegation, the Korean Central News Agency reported.

“The flags of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation were flying and the Korean People’s Army Honor Guard was at the station in front of the terminal,” the statement said.

Shoigu was met by North Korea’s Defense Minister Kang Soon Nam, and hundreds of uniformed soldiers lined up at the airport to welcome the Russians.

The North Koreans expressed their “full support” for the Russian army and people “who are fighting to protect their country’s sovereign rights and development and interests,” the state agency added.

Russia, a historic ally of Pyongyang, is one of a handful of nations that maintain friendly relations with the North.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is staunch in his support for Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and, according to Washington, supplies missiles to Russia.

Park Won-gon, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul, said the fact that Russia’s defense minister flew to Pyongyang while his country was at war was “very significant.”

“Although the emergency quarantine system remains in place, Kim Jong Un may have felt the need to show something to his people at the Victory Day celebrations,” Park added.

“The presence of the Chinese and Russians can send a very united message to the United States,” he said.

Photo: Kim Jong Un at the Victory Day parade in North Korea. Source: KCNA

EU’s Bold Step: Phasing Out Animal Testing, But Cosmetics Still a Concern

white plastic bottle beside white ceramic swan figurine

The European Commission’s recent move to phase out animal testing for chemicals in Europe has been hailed as a step in the right direction by animal welfare campaigners. However, it falls short of addressing citizens’ wishes regarding the ban on animal testing for cosmetics. Despite the “Save Cruelty-Free Cosmetics – Commit to a Europe Without Animal Testing” European citizens’ initiative garnering support from 1.2 million European citizens, the Commission has not taken action to protect the existing EU ban on cosmetic animal testing. This article explores the Commission’s initiatives and the concerns raised by citizens and animal protection groups.

A Positive Start: Phasing Out Animal Testing for Chemicals

The European Commission’s plan to eliminate animal testing for chemicals is a welcome move for animal welfare advocates. This initiative seeks to promote alternative methods for chemical testing and ultimately reduce the use of animals in research and education. Campaigners commend the Commission for acknowledging the importance of prioritizing non-animal testing approaches.

Ignoring Citizens’ Demands: The Issue with Cosmetic Animal Testing

Despite a significant number of citizens expressing their support for cruelty-free cosmetics, the Commission has failed to uphold the ban on animal testing for cosmetics. The EU had implemented a ban on animal testing for cosmetic ingredients back in 2009, but animal tests for chemicals used in industrial settings or released into the environment continue under the REACH regulation. Disturbingly, updates to REACH suggest an increase in animal testing, further perpetuating animal suffering.

Animal Suffering in Laboratories

In 2020, a shocking 7.9 million animals endured unimaginable suffering in EU and Norwegian laboratories. Rabbits, mice, cats, and dogs were subjected to forceful administration of substances, infection with debilitating diseases, genetic manipulation, brain damage through surgery, exposure to severe pain, and breeding programs that perpetuated the cycle of suffering. The Commission’s exploration of non-animal methods is a step forward, but it falls short of citizens’ demands for a comprehensive reform.

The “Save Cruelty-Free Cosmetics” European Citizens’ Initiative

Launched in August 2021, the “Save Cruelty-Free Cosmetics” ECI garnered support from various animal protection groups, including Cruelty Free Europe, Eurogroup for Animals, the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, Humane Society International/Europe, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, backed by beauty brands The Body Shop and Dove. The initiative called for strengthened and protected bans on cosmetic animal testing, the transformation of chemical regulations to eliminate animal testing, and a commitment to phasing out all animal testing in Europe.

Commitments Made by the Commission

In response to the ECI, the Commission has made some positive commitments, including:

  1. Developing a roadmap to end all mandated tests on animals for industrial chemicals, pesticides, biocides, and human and veterinary medicines.
  2. Exploring the creation of an expert scientific committee to advise on non-animal approaches’ development and uptake.
  3. Proposing an action plan for the European Research Area to coordinate national policies in replacing animal use in laboratories and accelerating the implementation of non-animal methods.
  4. Organizing expert workshops to prioritize research areas that accelerate the transition to animal-free science.

Looking Ahead: Pushing for Meaningful Impact

While these commitments are encouraging, citizens expect the Commission to ensure their implementation has a maximum and meaningful impact. Animal welfare advocates will continue to push for further action, urging the Commission to propose more substantial changes to legislation and policies, setting a path for member states, regulators, and assessment bodies to phase out all animal testing in laboratories. The goals of the ECI must be pursued collectively by all relevant actors.

The European Commission’s plan to phase out animal testing for chemicals shows progress towards a cruelty-free future. However, the failure to protect the ban on cosmetic animal testing disregards citizens’ wishes and the suffering of countless animals. It is imperative that the Commission heeds the calls of its citizens and takes further action to ensure animal welfare remains a top priority in Europe’s scientific endeavors. Only through collective efforts can Europe move closer to a future without animal testing.

Quantum sensors can offer completely new opportunities

Quantum sensors can offer completely new opportunities

Quantum physics is not new, but we have only recently become able to control quantum phenomena and thus use them to develop new technologies. One of the areas in which quantum technology is most mature and ready for application is quantum sensors, where quantum phenomena can help make the sensors ultra-sensitive, enabling them to see details and measure much smaller quantities than possible with currently existing sensors.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Quantum sensors can offer completely new opportunities

The laboratory of Kirstine Berg-Sørensen. Image credit: Jesper Scheel

Defective diamonds as quantum sensors

Alexander Huck is one of the DTU researchers researching the use of diamonds as quantum sensors for more than ten years. These are artificial diamonds with a built-in defect: the NV centre. The NV centre behaves like a quantum mechanical spin that can register weak magnetic fields and other physical parameters.

Alexander Huck has used quantum diamonds to measure biological material, among other applications. In 2020, he demonstrated—together with a multidisciplinary research team—that measuring electrical activity in muscles was possible using an NV diamond quantum sensor.

“The advantage of using diamonds to measure biological material is that we don’t need to attach electrodes to the material to measure a signal. Instead, we can place a diamond, in this case in the shape of a small flat plate measuring 1-2mm x 1-2mm, close to the biological material without ‘damaging’ it and then measure signals using magnetic fields. We’ve recently succeeded in performing similar measurements of brain activity from tissue in mice, which is a major new milestone,” says Alexander Huck, Associate Professor at DTU Physics.

In his opinion, quantum sensors will play a big part in the work to gain more knowledge about the brain and neural networks, eventually contributing to both improved diagnosis and cures for brain disorders.

Knowledge of molecules and photosynthesis

Alexander Huck has recently also started using NV diamond sensors on length scales much smaller than cells and tissue from muscles and the brain. He wants to try using the quantum sensor to gain greater knowledge about molecules. The overall focus is on electronic processes on a molecular scale, such as photosynthesis, which he wants to learn more about by looking at one or a few molecules at a time.

“If we can understand how photosynthesis works in detail, it may—in the long term—allow us to copy how plants harvest energy from the sun and convert it into storable and transportable chemical substances. Much of our current knowledge is based on analyses of large groups of molecules, and this can obscure some of the details. I want to gain knowledge about them by looking at the molecules individually,” says Alexander Huck.

Increased knowledge about human cells

Kirstine Berg-Sørensen also uses quantum technology for biological sensors, but with smaller diamonds. Her focus is on obtaining greater knowledge of our cells.

“In recent years, cell biology researchers have discovered that cells are not as heterogeneous as we thought. The individual cells develop differently, even though they come from the same starting point. This applies, for example, to cancer cells, but also to immune cells, which is my focus area. It’s important to gain more in-depth knowledge about which cells are responsible for disease development and disease control, respectively,” says Kirstine Berg-Sørensen, Associate Professor at DTU Health Tech.

Kirstine Berg-Sørensen has worked with optical traps in the laboratory throughout most of her career. In this work, a highly focused laser beam of infrared light is used to examine the biological material. In this way, the light does not heat up the material and thus does not create changes in connection with the analyses.

“About six years ago, through Alexander Huck’s work, I became aware of nanodiamonds, which make it possible to register weak magnetic fields, for example in human tissue. This gave me the idea to study cells by combining our methods, and we’re now collaborating on this,” says Kirstine Berg-Sørensen.

Combining two methods

The cells first absorb tiny nanodiamonds that have a diameter of about 120 nanometres—500 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair. The researchers use laser light to read what the diamond measures.

In the long term, the goal is to develop an advanced measuring tool for biological material based on the two methods. The advantage of both diamonds and optical trap is that they are biocompatible, which means that they do not interact with the biological material and thus do not ‘disturb’ anything in connection with the measurement. In addition, their magnetic sensitivity can function at room temperature, and therefore does not require extremely low temperatures below minus 150 degrees, unlike other types of quantum sensors.

“We’ve already shown that we can get the cells to absorb the nanodiamonds. Now we need to refine our method to get optical tweezers, a laser beam, to ‘push’ the diamond around in the cell, so that we can measure several parts of the cell. We’re currently working on this,” says Kirstine Berg-Sørensen.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Quantum sensors can offer completely new opportunities

E-MAT comprises a range of instruments, which, under controlled conditions, allow for the development and synthesis of novel materials. Image credit: DTU

Development of new quantum sensors

Although quantum sensors are already capable of performing more accurate measurements than ordinary sensors, work is being done to improve them further, for example in a collaboration between researchers working to develop new materials, and where Alexander Huck contributes with his expertise in NV diamonds and quantum sensors.

“Our goal is to systematically examine whether we can find a new sensor that is small, biocompatible, capable of operating at room temperature, and able to measure magnetic fields in the brain of living organisms. This will enable us to significantly expand our knowledge of the processes in the brain. We are planning to fabricate new sensora by using new custom-made 2D materials that enable us to control defects at the atomic level,” explains Nini Pryds, Professor at DTU Energy, who is a materials scientist and in charge of the work.

The goal of the specific project is to develop a completely new quantum sensor based on 2D materials that will be more sensitive than a diamond.

“To create better, less expensive, and more practical small sensors, we will examine whether it’s possible to use completely different types of magnetically sensitive sensors based on 2D materials. With the new sensor, our future goal is to be able to offer better detection at an earlier stage, before brain diseases have time to develop further,” says Nini Pryds.

The development of the new sensor will also benefit from a new infrastructure research facility, at DTU, E-MAT. This is the first of its kind in Northern Europe, for synthesis of new generation of quantum materials and it only exists in a few places worldwide. E-MAT consists of glovebox with controlled environment encompassing a cluster of key equipment including state-of-the-art deposition methods enabling the control of surfaces and interfaces at atomic scale. This infrastructure will makes it possible not only to predict new materials theoretically, but also to actually make these materials and testing them. This makes the researchers confident that they will succeed in developing a new quantum sensor in the coming years.

Testing of quantum sensors

Some quantum sensors have already come so far in their development that their use is being tested in real life. This includes a quantum accelerometer, which in the future could substitute the GPS system for navigation.

In the current test version, the quantum sensor is a large box that takes up a lot of space when mounted in an airplane and sent on a trip over Greenland to navigate via the Earth’s gravitational field. One goal will be to reduce the quantum sensor to chip size so that, in the future, it can be used anywhere, in aircrafts, boats, buildings, under ground, and under water. This will ensure independence from the GPS system, which can be jammed or spoofed, and which poses a threat in the current geopolitical situation.

Source: DTU

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Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed) was detained in pre-trial detention


A week ago, the Solomensky District Court in Kyiv granted the prosecution’s request to change the remand of the abbot of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Vyshgorod and Chernobyl Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed) from house arrest to pretrial detention.

The court allowed him to post bail of 33 million hryvnias (just over $800,000) to remain under house arrest.

Metropolitan Pavel is accused of collaborationism and propagandizing the ideology of the “Russian world.” He faces eight years in prison and confiscation of his property. The latter is the likely reason for setting such a high cash bail, which would shed light on his condition and allow that money to be forfeited. Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed) will remain in pre-trial detention until August 14.

During the court session, the metropolitan stated that he was ready to swear on the Bible that he was innocent. “I have never supported the aggressor, I have never supported Putin,” he said. And he distributed from the pretrial detention center an address to the monks in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in which he compared himself to the confessors from the time of the Bolshevik regime. “All the accusations against me are complete lies. The false witnesses, including on the part of some brothers, they cannot accuse me of anything.” He also urged the monks not to accept a new abbot.

Russian Patriarch Kirill did not hide his joy at the opportunity this news gives him to resume the topic of “the canonical Ukrainian Church in persecution, which needs protection against the godless regime in Kiev.”

During the bishops’ conference, which took place on July 20 in Moscow, Patriarch Kirill designated Metropolitan Pavel as a confessor and said: “A religious figure cannot and should not be subjected to such repressive measures because of his religious beliefs. I note with great concern that the change of the remand of Metropolitan Pavel, a man of advanced age, from house arrest to pre-trial detention threatens him with a serious deterioration in his health and may lead to his death in the detention center.”

However, Patriarch Kirill does not take any action towards his (former) clerics detained in Russia, among whom Fr. Ioan Kurmoyarov, who is also of advanced age and imprisoned for his anti-war beliefs, with the refusal of communion and the possibility of wearing Christian symbols.

Propaganda in the country needs cases like that of Mitr. Pavel to justify its political and military aggression. The actual involvement of any individual is of no importance, much less the problems of the Ukrainian Church. An eloquent example is provided by the comments on the arrest of Vyshgorod Metropolitan Pavel by two famous Russian propagandists:

Kiril Frolov commented on the case as follows: “We, the Orthodox Christians, supporting our head and the holy church both on the military front and on the information-political front, humbly ask His Holiness Patriarch Kirill to ask President Putin to crush the ukro-reich of the antichrists and liberate Kiev.”

And Alexander Dugin reportedly said: “We will liberate Kyiv. We will return the Lavra to the people. Everything else is pointless. We will wipe Ukraine off the face of the earth, and then deal with its masters. But not immediately. We said: from the face of the earth!”

Purchases of cognac and vodka reduced in Russia


Russians are probably buying counterfeits.

They have sharply reduced their purchases of cognac and vodka, writes Vedomosti newspaper.

According to Rosstat data, quoted by the newspaper, sales of vodka decreased by 16.4% during the year, and of cognac – by 20.3%.

Such a noticeable decrease is probably due to the shadow market, experts of the publication admit. Since many foreign brands left Russia after the start of the war, fake alcohol products from shadow manufacturers can be purchased in stores.

Another reason is the decrease in the income of the population, especially the middle class. So people start buying cheaper drinks. Counterfeit products are not counted in the statistics.

Earlier, the Ministry of Industry and Trade noted that while there is a moratorium in Russia, restrictions on inspections of shops selling alcohol, the state cannot fully identify and stop the sale of counterfeit products.

Photo by Kelly    : https://www.pexels.com/photo/assorted-alcoholic-drinks-2796105/

Speaking through Colors, The Symbolism of Art

a close up of a multicolored object with a black background

Art has always been a powerful medium of expression, allowing artists to communicate their thoughts, emotions, and ideas through various forms. Within the realm of visual art, colours hold significant meaning and symbolism, enabling artists to convey messages and evoke certain responses from their viewers. This article explores the profound association between colours and symbolism in art, shedding light on how artists utilize this connection to tell stories and establish deeper connections with their audience.

I. The Language of Colors: Understanding Symbolism in Art

Colours have long been associated with different emotions, cultural beliefs, and societal norms. Certain colours are universally recognized and understood to represent specific feelings or ideas. For instance, red often symbolizes passion, love, or danger, while blue is often associated with calmness, sadness, or trust. Understanding these color associations is crucial for artists who aim to evoke a particular response from their viewers or convey a specific message.

Artists often rely on the psychological effects of colours to create a particular atmosphere or mood in their artwork. Warm colours like yellow, orange, and red are known to evoke feelings of energy, happiness, and excitement, while cool colours like blue, green, and purple tend to elicit a sense of calmness, serenity, and tranquillity. By strategically choosing the dominant colours in their compositions, artists can manipulate the emotions and reactions of their audience, enhancing the impact of their work.

II. Symbolism Transcending Colors: Hidden Messages in Art

While colours play a significant role in the symbolism of art, it is important to recognize that the deeper meaning behind a piece lies not only in the choice of colour but also in the composition, subject matter, and overall context of the artwork. Symbolism in art can be subtle, requiring viewers to delve beneath the surface to fully grasp the message being conveyed.

Artists often incorporate various symbols and motifs into their work to represent abstract concepts or personal experiences. These symbols could manifest as religious or cultural icons, animal representations, or even everyday objects that hold symbolic meaning to the artist. Colours can also be imbued with additional symbolism when used in combination with these symbols, creating a multi-layered narrative within the artwork.

The interpretation of art heavily relies on the viewer’s own experiences, knowledge, and perception. Therefore, the meaning behind symbols and the colour palette used in a piece can differ from person to person. This subjectivity encourages dialogue and allows viewers to connect with the artwork on a personal level, fostering a sense of engagement with the artist’s intention.

In conclusion, the symbolism of colours in art unlocks a whole new level of communication between artists and their audiences. By tapping into the inherent associations and psychological effects of colors, artists can effectively convey emotions, ideas, and stories. Understanding the symbolism behind colors in art not only enhances our appreciation of the work but also deepens our connection with the artist’s intentions and the narrative they seek to communicate.