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Lord‘s Prayer – Interpretation

Explanatory Bible, or Commentaries on all the books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament: in 7 volumes / ed. A. P. Lopukhin. - Fourth edition, Moscow: Dar, 2009 (in Russian).
Is the Lord's Prayer an independent work, or is it borrowed in general or in separate expressions from Holy Scripture and from other sources? 

By Prof. A. P. Lopukhin

Matthew 6:9. Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven! hallowed be thy name;

“Pray thus” – literally: “therefore, pray ye thus.” In Russian, the dissonant “so” (οὖν) in conjunction with “so” (οὕτως) was the obvious reason why “so” was changed to “same”. The Greek particle is expressed in the Vulgate by the word “hence” (si ergo vos orabitis), and in German and English by “therefore” (darum, therefore).

The general idea of the original is expressed in these translations insufficiently clearly and correctly. This depends not only on the difficulty, but also on the impossibility of rendering exactly the Greek speech here into other languages. The thought is that “since you should not resemble in your prayers the pagans who pray, and since your prayers should differ in character from their prayers, then pray like this” (Meyer, [1864]). But even this is only a certain approximation to the meaning, beyond which, apparently, it is no longer possible to go. Meanwhile, a lot depends on the correct explanation of the word “so”.

If we accept it in the sense of “just so, and not otherwise,” then it will be clear that all our church and other prayers, with the exception of “Our Father,” are superfluous and disagree with the teachings of the Savior. But if the Savior commanded to say only this prayer (ταύτην τὴν εὐχήν) or only what He said (taata), then one would expect complete accuracy in the expression, and it would be, moreover, incomprehensible why there is a difference in the two editions of the Lord’s Prayer, in Matthew and Luke (Luke 11:2–4). There are more differences in Greek than in Russian, but in the latter it is noticeable in the fourth petition (Luke 11:3). If we translate οὕτως – thus, in this kind, in this sense, like this (simili or eodem modo, in hunc sensum), then this will mean that the Lord’s Prayer, according to the Savior, should only serve as a model for other prayers, but not exclude them. But in this last case, we will give a meaning to the word oύτως which it does not really have, and especially it is not used in the sense of simili modo or in hunc sensum.

Further, they say that if the expression were to be understood not in a strict sense, then it would be said: “pray as it were” (ούτως πως – Tolyuk, [1856]). The accuracy and definiteness of the words of prayer, according to some exegetes, are also indicated by the words from the Gospel of Luke: “when you pray, speak” (Lk. 11: 2), where the word “speak” expresses the exact command that those who pray utter exactly the words indicated by Christ.

However, one cannot fully agree with either of the above interpretations due to their one-sidedness. It must be remembered that Christ, both before and here, leaves it to the people themselves to draw further conclusions and consequences from His words. So here, too, simply the initial or initial prayer, the prayer of all prayers, the most excellent prayer, is expounded. Its study is first of all necessary for every Christian, whether it be an adult or a child, because in its childish simplicity it is accessible to the understanding of a child and can serve as a subject of thoughtful reasoning for an adult. It is the baby talk of a child who is beginning to speak, and the deepest theology of an adult husband. The Lord’s Prayer is not a model for other prayers and cannot be a model, because it is inimitable in its simplicity, artlessness, richness and depth. She alone is sufficient for a person who does not know any other prayers. But, being initial, it does not exclude the possibility of continuations, consequences and clarifications. Christ Himself prayed in Gethsemane, uttering this prayer itself (“Thy will be done” and “Lead us not into temptation”), expressing it only in other words. Also, His “farewell prayer” can be considered an extension or extension of the Lord’s Prayer and serve to interpret it. Both Christ and the apostles prayed differently, and gave us an example of saying other prayers.

Judging by the message of Luke, the Savior, in a slightly modified form, said the same prayer at a different time, under different circumstances. But there is also an opinion that He said this prayer only once and that either Matthew or Luke does not determine the exact time and circumstances of the utterance. There is currently no way to resolve the issue as it was.

Is the Lord’s Prayer an independent work, or is it borrowed in general or in separate expressions from Holy Scripture and from other sources? Opinions are again divided. Some say that “it is all skilfully composed of Hebrew formulas (tota haec oratio ex formulis Hebraeorum concinnata est tam apte). Others hold the opposite opinion. While asserting that the first view, if accepted, would not contain anything irreverent or subject to objection, they point out, however, that attempts to find parallels for the Lord’s Prayer from biblical or rabbinical sources have so far been unsuccessful. This view is now predominant in New Testament exegetics. Distant parallels, they say, if possible to look for, then only to the first three petitions. The similarity of the Lord’s Prayer with certain sayings in the First Epistle of the Apostle Peter (1 Pet. 1:15–16, 2:9, 15, 3:7, etc.) pointed out by Bengel and others should be recognized as only very remote and, perhaps, only accidental, although the parallels encountered here have some significance for interpretation. In church literature, the oldest mention of the Lord’s Prayer is found in the “Teaching of the 12 Apostles” (“Didache”, ch. 8), where it is given completely according to Matthew with a slight difference (ἀφίεμεν – ἀφήκαμεν), with the addition of “doxology” and the words: “so pray three times a day.”

The number of requests is determined differently. Blessed Augustine accepts 7 petitions, St. John Chrysostom – 6.

Prayer begins with an invocation, where God is called “Father”. This name occurs, although rarely, in the Old Testament. Apart from the fact that in the Old Testament people are sometimes called “sons of God”, there are also direct names of God the Father, (Deut.32:6; Prem.14:3; Is.63:16; Jer.3:19; Mal.1:6). In Sir.23:1 and Jer.3:4 the name of God as Father is used as an invocation. And not only Jews, but also pagans called, for example, Zeus or Jupiter the father. In Plato’s Timaeus there is a place where God is called the Father and Creator of the world (ὁ πατὴρ καὶ ποιητὴς τοῦ κόσμου); Jupiter according to Tolyuk ¬¬ Diovis ¬¬ Deus et pater. But in general, “in the Old Testament idea (not to mention the pagans), we observe that it was rather special than universal, and did not become a concept that determines the character of God. God’s attitude towards Israel was paternal, but it was not evident that it was such in its very essence and that all people were subject to God’s paternal love and care. The legitimate idea of God still prevailed. Power and transcendence were the outstanding attributes of God. The recognition of this was correct and important, but it was subject to a one-sided development, and such a development took on a separate form in later Judaism. The legalism and ritualism of the later Jewish period arose to a large extent from the inability of the people to fill the truth about the royal Power of God with the truth about His paternal love. Lawful submission, expressed in rites in which they thought to express reverence for the transcendent majesty of God, more than filial piety and moral obedience, was the dominant note of Pharisees’ piety. But Jesus Christ spoke of God primarily as a father. The expression “Our Father” is the only one where Christ says “our” instead of “your”; usually “My Father” and “your Father.” It is easy to understand that in invocation the Savior does not put Himself in relation to God in the same way as other people, because the prayer was given to others. The words “being in heaven” do not express the thought: “most exalted and omnipresent Father”, or “highest, omnipotent, most good and all-blessed”, etc. Here is signified the usual idea that people have of God as a Being who has a special sojourn in heaven. If “who is in heaven” were not added, then the prayer could almost refer to any earthly father. The addition of these words shows that it refers to God. If the invocation had said: “Our God,” then there would be no need to add “who is in heaven” at all, because this would have been clear without that. Thus, “Our Father” is equivalent and equivalent to the word God, but with the addition of an important characteristic – the patronymic of God and at the same time the thought of God’s loving attitude towards people, as the Father towards His children. The remarks of exegetes that the Savior wanted to designate here not only patronymic or paternal love for people, but also the brotherhood of people among themselves, the participation of every believer in this brotherhood, can be accepted. The filial relationship of people to God is based, however, on their personal relationship to Christ, because only through Him do people have the right to call God their Father.

“Hallowed be thy name.” Instead of any ingenious reasoning and interpretation of these words, the easiest way, it seems, is to understand the meaning of the petition from the opposition. When is the name of God not sanctified among people? When they do not know God, they teach about Him incorrectly, do not honor Him with their lives, and so on. The attitude of people to God in all petitions is presented under the images of earthly relations. It is quite understandable for us when children do not honor their earthly father. The same can be said about honoring the name of God. God Himself is holy. But we contradict this holiness when we disrespect the name of God. The point, then, is not in God, but in ourselves. As for the very expression “Hallowed be Thy name,” and not the essence itself or any of the properties of God, then the essence of God and the properties are not spoken of, not because it is holy in itself, but because the very essence of God is incomprehensible to us and that the name of God is a designation, in a sense accessible to all ordinary people, of the divine Being itself. The simple people speak not about the essence of God, but about His name, they think about the name, with the help of the name they distinguish God from all other beings. According to Tolyuk, the word “sanctify” corresponds to “to glorify” and “to glorify” (εύλογεῖν). Origen has ὑψοῦν, to exalt, exalt and glorify. Theophylact says: “Make us holy, just as You are glorified through us. As blasphemy is uttered by me, so may God be hallowed by me, i.e. let him be glorified as a Saint.”

Matthew 6:10. let your kingdom come; may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Literally: “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth.” In the Greek text, only the words are arranged differently, but the meaning is the same. Tertullian moves both petitions of this verse, putting after “Hallowed be Thy name” – “Thy will be done” and so on. The words, “as in heaven, so on earth” can refer to all three of the first petitions. Many arguments are found among exegetes about the words: “Thy Kingdom come.” What Kingdom? Some refer this expression to the end of the world and understand it exclusively in the so-called eschatological sense, i.e. they think that Christ here taught us to pray that the Last Judgment would happen soon and the Kingdom of God would come in the “resurrection of the righteous”, with the destruction of evil people and in general all evil. Others dispute this opinion and argue that the second and third petitions are closely related to each other – the will of God is fulfilled when the Kingdom of God comes, and, conversely, the coming of the Kingdom of God is a necessary condition for the fulfillment of the will of God. But to the third petition is added: “as in heaven, and on earth.” Therefore, the kingdom is spoken of here on earth as opposed to the kingdom of heaven. Obviously, heavenly relations serve here simply as a model for earthly relations, and, moreover, simultaneous ones. This is the best explanation anyway. Christ was hardly talking here about the distant future, in the eschatological sense. The advent of the Kingdom of God on earth is a slow process, implying the constant improvement of man, as a moral being, in the moral life. The moment when a person realized himself as a moral being was in itself the onset of the Kingdom of God. Further, the Jews, to whom Christ spoke, knew the continuation and development of the Kingdom of God from their previous history, with constant setbacks and obstacles from the side of evil. The kingdom of God is the dominion of God, when the laws given by Him receive more and more power, significance and respect among people. This ideal is realizable in this life, and Christ taught us to pray for its realization. Its fulfillment is connected with the prayer that the name of God be hallowed. “A goal is set before the eyes, which can be achieved” (Tsang, [1905]).

Matthew 6:11. give us our daily bread this day;

Literally: “give us our daily bread today” (in the Slavic Bible – “today”; in the Vulgate – hodie). The word “bread” is completely analogous to the one used in our Russian expressions: “work to earn your own bread”, “work for a piece of bread”, etc., i.e. bread here should be understood in general as a condition for life, subsistence, a certain well-being, etc. In Holy Scripture, the word “bread” is often used in its proper sense (cibus, and farina cum aqua permixta compactus atque coctus – Grimm), but it also means in general any food necessary for human existence, and not only bodily, but also spiritual (cf. John 6 – about heavenly bread). Commentators do not pay attention to the word “our” at all. This, let’s say, is a trifle, but in the Gospel, trifles are also important. From the first time, it seems not entirely clear why we need to ask God for bread for ourselves, when this bread is “ours”, i.e. already belongs to us. The word “our” seems superfluous, one could simply say: “give us our daily bread today.” An explanation will be given below.

“Durable” (ἐπιούσιος) is explained in various ways and is one of the most difficult. The word occurs only here and also in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 11:3). In the Old Testament and classical Greek literature, it has not yet been found anywhere. To explain it “was torture for theologians and grammarians” (carnificina theologorum et grammaticorum). One writer says that “to wish to achieve something precise here is like driving a nail in with a sponge” (σπόγγῳ πάτταλον κρούειν). They tried to avoid difficulties by pointing out that this is a scribal error, that in the original it was originally τόν ἄρτον ἐπὶ οὐσίαν – bread for our existence. The scribe mistakenly doubled the τον in ἄρτον and changed επιουσιαν to επιουσιον accordingly. This is how the Gospel expression was formed: τοναρτοντονεπιουσιον. To this, without going into details, let us say that the word ἡμῶν (τὸν ἄρτον ἡμῶν τὸν ἐπιούσιον) completely prevents such an interpretation, moreover, in Luke 11:3 there is undoubtedly ἐπιούσιον – like in Matthew . Therefore, the interpretation in question is now completely abandoned. Of the interpretations that exist and are accepted by the latest scholars, three can be noted.

1. The word “daily” is derived from the Greek preposition ἐπί (on) and οὐσία from εἶναι (to be). Such an interpretation has the authority of the ancient church writers, and precisely those who wrote in Greek. Among them are John Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great, Theophylact, Evfimy Zigavin and others. If the word is understood in this way, then it will mean: “give us the bread that is necessary for our existence, necessary for us, today.” This interpretation is obviously accepted in our Slavic and Russian Bibles. Against him, it is objected that if nowhere, except for the Lord’s Prayer, is the word ἐπιούσιος found, then there is, however, ἔπεστι and others, a word composed of the same preposition and verb, but with the omission of ι. Therefore, if the Gospel spoke specifically about “daily bread”, then it would not be said ἐπιούσιος, but ἐπούσιος. Further, οὐσία in popular usage meant property, wealth, and if Christ had used οὐσία precisely in this sense, then it would not only be “purposeless” (Wiener-Schmiedel), but it would also have no meaning. If He used it in the sense of “being” (bread needed for our being, existence) or “being”, “essence”, “reality”, then all this would be distinguished by a philosophical character, since οὐσία in this sense is used exclusively by philosophers and the words of Christ would not be understood by ordinary people.

2. The word ἐπιούσιος is derived from ἐπί and ἰέναι – to come, to advance. This word has different meanings; for us it is only important that in the expression ἐπιοῦσα ἡμέρα it means tomorrow or the coming day. This word was composed by the evangelists themselves and applied to ἄρτος in the meaning of “future bread”, “bread of the coming day”. Support for such an interpretation is found in the words of Jerome, who among his rather brief interpretations contains the following note. “In the Gospel, which is called the Gospel of the Jews, instead of daily bread, I found “mahar”, which means tomorrow (crastinum), so the meaning should be this: our tomorrow’s bread, i.e. give us the future today.” On this basis, many recent critics, including some of the best, such as the German New Testament grammarians Wiener-Schmiedel, Blass, and the exegete Zahn, have suggested that the word means tomorrow (from ἡ ἐπιοῦσα, i.e. ἡμέρα). Such an explanation is given, by the way, by Renan. It is perfectly clear what a difference in meaning results from whether we accept this interpretation or agree with the previous one. However, if we accept the interpretation of Jerome, then we should admit, not to mention various philological difficulties, that it contradicts the words of the Savior: “do not worry about tomorrow” (Matt. 6:34); It would also be incomprehensible why we ask: “Give us tomorrow’s bread today.” Pointing to “mahar”, Jerome himself translates ἐπιούσιος with the word super-substantialis. According to Kremer, from ἰέναι and complex with it, it is impossible to prove a single production with an ending in -ιουσιος, on the contrary, many such words are produced from οὐσία. In words compounded with ἐπί, whose root begins with a vowel, fusion is avoided by dropping ι, as in ἐπεῖναι. But this is not always the case and ι is retained, for example, in such words as ἐπιέτης (in other cases – ἐπέτειος), ἐπιορκεῖν (in church Greek – ἐπιορκίζειν), ἐπιεικής, ἐπίουρος (in Homer ¬¬ ἔθορος). Thus, it should be assumed that ἐπιούσιος was formed from οὐσία, like similar formations from words ending in ια – ιος (ἐπιθυμία – ἐπιθύμιος, ἐπικαρπία – ἐπι κάρπιος, περιουσία – περιούσιος, etc.). The meaning of οὐσία in the place under consideration will not be philosophical, but simply – being, nature, and ἄρτος ἐπιούσιος means “bread necessary for our existence or for our nature.” This concept is well expressed in the Russian word “daily”. This explanation is also confirmed by the use of the word οὐσία by the classics (for example, by Aristotle) in the sense of even life, existence. “Daily bread”, i.e. necessary for existence, for life, is, according to Kremer, a short designation of the Hebrew “lehem hawk” found in Proverbs 30:8 – the daily bread, which in the Seventy is translated by the words “necessary” (necessary) and “sufficient” (in the Russian Bible – “daily”). According to Kremer, it should be translated: “our bread, necessary for our life, give us today.” The fact that the interpretation of “tomorrow” is found only in Latin writers, and not in Greek, is of decisive importance here. Chrysostom, of course, knew Greek quite well, and if he had no doubt that ἐπιούσιος was used in the sense of “daily”, then this interpretation should be preferred to the interpretation of Latin writers, who sometimes knew Greek well, but still not like natural Greeks.

3. Allegorical interpretation, partly caused, apparently, by the difficulties of other interpretations. Tertullian, Cyprian, Cyril of Jerusalem, Athanasius, Isidore Pilusiot, Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine and many others explained this word in a spiritual sense. Of course, in the application of the expression to “spiritual bread” there is, in fact, nothing subject to objection. However, in the understanding of this “spiritual bread” among the interpreters there is such a difference that it deprives their interpretation of almost any meaning. Some said that bread here means the bread of the Sacrament of Communion, others pointed to the spiritual bread – Christ Himself, including the Eucharist here, others – only to the teachings of Christ. Such interpretations seem to be most contradicted by the word “today”, as well as by the fact that at the time when Christ spoke His words, according to the evangelist, the Sacrament of Communion had not yet been established.

Translations: “daily” bread, “supernatural”, must be recognized as completely inaccurate.

The reader will see that of the above interpretations, the first seems to be the best. With him, the word “ours” also acquires some special meaning, which, they say, although “does not seem superfluous”, could also be omitted. In our opinion, on the contrary, it makes sense, and quite important. What kind of bread and by what right can we consider “ours”? Of course, the one that is acquired by our labors. But since the concept of earned bread is very flexible—one works a lot and gains little, another works little and gains a lot—the concept of “ours,” that is, earned, bread is limited to the word “daily”, i.e. necessary for life, and then the word “today”. It has been well said that this simply points to the golden mean between poverty and wealth. Solomon prayed: “Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with my daily bread” (Prov. 30:8). (to be continued)

Explanatory Bible, or Commentaries on all the books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament: in 7 volumes / ed. A. P. Lopukhin. – Fourth edition, Moscow: Dar, 2009 (in Russian).

Charting a Resilient Future: Ursula von der Leyen’s Vision for a Stronger European Union


Brussels, September 13 2023. In a moment for the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission is preparing to deliver her eagerly awaited State of the Union speech on September 13th.

Given the challenges confronting the continent, including geopolitical tensions and climate change, this address is anticipated to establish the direction, for the EUs path in the upcoming year.  This address, the final one of von der Leyen’s current mandate, promises to encapsulate the collective spirit of unity that defines the Union’s character.

Last year, in her 2022 State of the Union speech, President von der Leyen underlined the importance of solidarity, declaring, “This is Europe’s spirit. A Union that stands strong together. A Union that prevails together.” As she prepares to address the EU once again, her words carry even greater weight, as the Union reflects on a year of unprecedented trials.

Over the past year, the European Union has navigated a complex tapestry of challenges with resilience and determination. The energy crisis tested the continent’s resourcefulness, while the influx of Ukrainian refugees marked a humanitarian response on an unprecedented scale.

In the face of these trials, the EU displayed remarkable resolve, bolstering its economy through strategic investments and upholding its core values of equality, inclusiveness, and social fairness.

In her upcoming address, President von der Leyen is expected to highlight the following key achievements:

  1. Solidarity with Ukraine and Accountability for Russia: The EU took decisive measures to support Ukraine and hold Russia accountable for its actions. This included diplomatic efforts, economic sanctions, and collective defence commitments that underscored the Union’s commitment to its Eastern partners.
  2. Economic Resilience and Investment: Unprecedented European investments provided a much-needed boost to the economy. This commitment to economic vitality both at home and abroad reflects the EU’s dedication to fostering stability and prosperity.
  3. Energy Security and Sustainability: The Union successfully navigated an energy war with Russia, demonstrating its ability to safeguard its energy supply and champion sustainable practices. This achievement underscores the EU’s commitment to combating climate change and reducing dependency on external sources.
  4. Accelerating the Green and Digital Transitions: The EU’s ambitious drive to transition towards a greener and more digitally integrated economy was accelerated. This commitment positions the Union as a global leader in innovation and sustainable development.
  5. Upholding Core Values: The European Union remained unwavering in its dedication to equality, inclusiveness, and social fairness, even in the face of challenges.

President von der Leyen’s address will also outline the overarching priorities for the year ahead, which include:

  • Advancing the European Green Deal to combat climate change and promote resource efficiency.
  • Fostering a digital transition that is human-centred and innovation-friendly.
  • Building a stronger global presence for the European Union by making sustainable investments in infrastructure and engaging with multiple countries.
  • Ensuring the European way of life by upholding the rule of law and facilitating safe and lawful migration.
  • Encouraging and fostering European democracy through increased citizen engagement and active participation.

As Ursula von der Leyen prepares to deliver her State of the Union address during her current term all attention is focused on the European Union. In a time marked by challenges and possibilities her vision, for a more robust and resilient Europe serves as a symbol of optimism and cohesion. The upcoming address, scheduled to be broadcast on September 13th not only aims to reflect on the EU’s journey but also to shed light on the path ahead emphasizing solidarity, innovation and mutual prosperity.

World Bank suspends new loans to Uganda over controversial anti-LGBTQ law


Uganda’s anti-homosexuality law is fundamentally at odds with World Bank values, financial institution says

The World Bank has said it will suspend new loans to Uganda over a controversial anti-LGBTQ law that has been condemned by a number of countries and the United Nations, Reuters reported.

A World Bank team visited Uganda immediately after the new law came into effect in May. Experts have found that additional measures need to be taken to ensure that the government implements the projects according to the bank’s social standards.

“Our board of directors will not consider making any new loans until the effectiveness of the additional measures has been verified,” the bank said in a statement. The measures in question are currently being discussed with the authorities in Kampala.

“Ugandan’s anti-homosexuality law is fundamentally at odds with the values of the World Bank. We believe that our vision of eradicating poverty… can only be successful if everyone is included, regardless of their race, gender or sexuality,” he added. the international organization.

“We remain committed to helping all Ugandans, without exception, to lift themselves out of poverty, gain access to essential services and improve their lives,” emphasizes the World Bank.

After its new head, Ajay Banga, took office in June, 170 civil society organizations demanded that he take “concrete and timely action” against Uganda’s new law, including freezing future lending to the country.

Human rights groups have condemned the anti-LGBTQ law, which provides for the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” – a crime that includes sexually transmitting HIV/AIDS – and 20 years in prison for “promoting” homosexuality.

Illustrative Photo by Akandwanaho TarzanLyts: https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-wearing-colorful-robe-9922916/

The Power of Music: How it Impacts Our Emotions and Mental Well-being

The Power of Music: How it Impacts Our Emotions and Mental Well-being

Music has an incredible ability to evoke emotions and influence our mental well-being. It is a universal language that can transcend barriers and connect people across different cultures and backgrounds. Whether it is the melodies that make us feel nostalgic or the beats that energize us, music has the power to transform our moods, uplift our spirits, and provide an escape from the pressures of everyday life. In this article, we will explore the profound impact of music on our emotions and mental well-being and how we can harness its power to enhance our lives.

I. The Neuroscience of Music: How Our Brains Respond

Recent studies have shown that music has a direct impact on the brain, creating neurological responses that can affect our emotions and mental state. When we listen to music, the brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This surge of dopamine can lead to feelings of happiness, motivation, and even euphoria. In addition, music activates various brain regions, including the limbic system, which plays a crucial role in emotional processing.

Furthermore, music can also affect the production of stress hormones in the body, such as cortisol. Scientific evidence suggests that listening to calming music can reduce anxiety and lower cortisol levels, promoting relaxation and overall well-being. On the other hand, listening to upbeat and energetic music can boost mood, increase energy levels, and improve motivation.

Understanding the neuroscience behind music allows us to harness its power deliberately. We can create personalized playlists that cater to our specific emotional needs, whether it’s to unwind after a long day or get motivated for a workout. By manipulating our brain’s response to music, we can effectively manage our emotions and improve our mental well-being.

II. Music as Therapy: Its Healing Effects

Music has been used as a therapeutic tool for centuries, and its healing effects are now widely recognized. Music therapy involves the use of music as a means to promote emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being. It is often used in healthcare settings to complement traditional treatments and help individuals cope with mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and trauma.

Research has shown that music therapy can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance the quality of life for individuals with mental health disorders. It can also assist in the development of emotional expression and social skills. In addition, music therapy has been found to be beneficial in pain management, as it can distract from physical discomfort and enhance the effectiveness of pain medication.

The power of music in therapy lies in its ability to bypass the analytical part of the brain and reach the emotional core directly. This allows individuals to process and express emotions that may be difficult to articulate verbally. By using music as a therapeutic tool, clinicians can help patients explore and address underlying emotional issues, ultimately leading to improved mental well-being.

In conclusion, music has a profound impact on our emotions and mental well-being. It can stimulate feelings of happiness, relaxation, and motivation, while also reducing stress and anxiety. Understanding the neuroscience of music allows us to harness its power deliberately and create playlists that cater to our specific emotional needs. Furthermore, music therapy has been proven to be an effective treatment for individuals with mental health disorders, providing healing and promoting overall well-being. So, the next time you feel down or overwhelmed, turn on your favorite song and let the power of music uplift your spirits and improve your mental well-being.

How To Stay Healthy & Well Throughout The Year

Sliced Tropical Fruits on a Platter
Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels

Life can get busy at times and this may mean you start to put yourself last. However, doing so can lead to you being in a poor mood and feeling sluggish. Soon enough, you may find you’re in poor health and are ready to make some positive changes to your lifestyle.

Here you can learn tips for how to stay healthy and well throughout the year. This way you can function to the best of your ability and be more productive. You’ll also have more energy and can hopefully avoid experiencing any major wellness complications in your life.

Stay Active by Exercising

One of the best ways to remain healthy year-round is to stay active by exercising. You should focus on moving more during the day and monitoring how many steps you’re getting. Exercise can be fun if you listen to good music and choose to participate in activities you enjoy doing. It might also help to find a workout buddy so you can keep on track and keep each other motivated to exercise. There are many health benefits of staying active so be sure to put this tip at the top of your to-do list. You’ll also sleep better at night when you move more during the day. On the days you don’t feel like working out is when you should force yourself to because of how great you’ll feel when you’re done. 

Take Vitamins & Supplements

Another top tip for staying healthy and well throughout the year is to consider taking vitamins and supplements. There are many upsides to doing so including boosting your immune system. For example, you can take bpc 157 which offers several health benefits including improving mood and behavior, improving cognitive health, and strengthening your immune system. If you live in a cloudy or rainy climate or where you have harsh winters then also consider taking vitamin D. This will ensure that you feel mentally well and stable even though you may not get a lot of natural sunlight. You can always do your own research or have labs done to see which vitamins would be best for you to take or which elements your body is lacking. 

Visit Your Doctor & Dentist

It’s also a good idea to visit your doctor and dentist regularly throughout the year. You may be someone who often puts this off or maybe you feel okay so you avoid making appointments. However, these visits are important to maintaining good health. Visiting your doctor and dentist is the perfect time to address any concerns. It’s also wise to schedule and attend these appointments for preventative health reasons. You may be able to catch any wellness issues ahead of time before they snowball into something worse and more costly. You may not realise it but your oral health can also have an impact on your well-being too so be sure to brush and floss and see your dentist a few times per year.  

Cook for Yourself at Home

If your goal is to stay well throughout the year then consider cooking for yourself at home more often. Eating out not only costs you more money but you’ll also likely consume more calories and larger portions this way. Instead, make a grocery list and do some food prep in your free time. You may also want to make meals in advance that you can stick in the freezer and pull out to eat when you are in a hurry or need a quick meal put on the table. Cooking can be fun and relaxing if you take your time as you work on brushing up on your skills. You’ll have a lot more control over what ingredients you use and how much you eat when you choose to cook for yourself. 

Attend to Your Mental Health

It’s easy to look over your mental health and well-being when your schedule is hectic and you have a lot of other responsibilities. However, ideally, you should work to slow down and live more mindfully in general. This means paying close attention to the present moment and not worrying about the past or what may or may not unfold in the future. There are many ways you can nurture your mental health depending on your interests and what you’re trying to achieve. For instance, you can journal your feelings, do some extroversion and self-improvement activities, or go for walks out in nature to help you reset. Keep in mind that discipline of improving and constant learning can be tricky at first but try not to get frustrated. Give yourself a chance to slow down and reflect and then notice how much better you feel once you begin to learn and slow down more frequently. Your mental health is a vital component to your overall well-being and it will make a difference in your mood and energy levels if you are good about taking care of yourself in this manner. 

Try to Break Bad Habits

You can’t keep ignoring your poor habits and expect to feel great. Sit down and think through what your habits are and which may be holding you back from being the best version of yourself. Breaking bad habits isn’t always easy but it’s worth your time to identify them and try to turn these around for the better. For you, it may be that you smoke or drink a lot of alcohol or maybe you watch too much TV. Start by noticing what these bad habits are and then come up with an action plan for successfully combating them over time. Everyone has some bad habits so keep in mind that you’re not alone and to not be too hard on yourself. The first step is admitting to them and then you can go from there. 

Give Yourself A Break

If you’re someone who works a lot or has a demanding job and many household responsibilities then you may not practice self-care as often as you should. One way to ensure you stay healthy and well throughout the year is to give yourself a break every so often. Take time off work to go on a holiday or just take some days to yourself at home. Not only schedule time away from work but be more mindful daily to rest and find ways to help you recharge. For example, maybe you take a nap or get lost in a good book. You may also want to set a timer during the day so you remember to get away from your computer or desk and stretch your legs and give your mind a rest. Try to also reduce your overall screen time and how much time you spend on technology to give yourself a break away from it all. 

Go to Bed at A Decent Hour

Getting enough sleep is so important for your overall well-being. Therefore, make it a point to go to bed at a decent hour each night. Instead of playing on your electronics you can read or take a warm bath to help you wind down. Configure your bedroom for optimal sleep as well by making sure the room is dark enough and set to a comfortable temperature. See if your mattress needs replacing too because a good mattress can help you improve your sleep. When you get good sleep and rest you can wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to seize the day. 

Practice Self-Love

It’s also important that you not let self-destructive thinking get you down or it can start to negatively impact your health. Get in the habit of practicing self-love daily and reminding yourself of all your positive attributes. It may help to write a list that you can review often to help keep your spirits up. Practicing daily gratitude and reading positive affirmations is yet another way to improve your level of self-love. You’ll soon notice your thoughts become less negative and less emotionally charged when you begin to love and appreciate yourself. 

Keep Hydrated by Drinking Enough Water

You may feel sluggish or down if you are dehydrated. Therefore, you should try to drink enough water each day to ensure you feel energised. It’s also important that you drink plenty of water if you are someone who gets a lot of exercise. If you don’t like the taste of plain water then you can always squeeze some fresh fruits or vegetables into your glass. It may also help to carry a water bottle around with you to remind yourself to fill it up and drink more water as well. Another benefit of drinking enough water is that your skin will look brighter and be healthier overall. 


Keeping healthy and well can be tricky and challenging at times. However, it is possible to do it with the right level of motivation. These tips are a lot to take in and think about but they can help you get back on the right track. Start by picking a few that you believe you need to work on the most and build upon your successes as you implement these suggestions into your routine. The benefits of doing so will be well worth your efforts and time.

Grandeur Unveiled, 10 facts to know about Brussels’ Grand Place

people walking on the street
Photo by Yannis Papanastasopoulos on Unsplash

The Grand Place in Brussels is an awe-inspiring collection of buildings both private, that primarily date back to the late 17th century. It forms a marketplace with charming cobblestone streets and its origins can be traced back as far as the 12th century.

The Grand Place showcases structures that symbolize the city’s authority and guilds. This architectural masterpiece beautifully combines artistic styles from Western culture creating a harmonious blend that reflects the vibrant essence of this important political and commercial hub.

A brief count of its History

A brief glance into its history reveals a story about Brussels as a prosperous trading city in Northern Europe. Despite enduring bombardment by Louis XIV’s troops in 1695 Brussels managed to rise from the ashes through an impressive reconstruction effort led by local authorities. This endeavour not impresses with its expeditious completion but also, with its intricate embellishments and cohesive architectural vision.

Throughout time the Grand Place has accumulated captivating narratives and urban legends. Recognizing its significance it was rightfully designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998. Today the Grand Place holds importance as a beloved tourist attraction and an iconic symbol of Brussels.

In the century efforts were made to restore the Grand Place to its former grandeur.
The guildhalls underwent renovations and new buildings were constructed. This square became a symbol of Belgian pride and was used for public celebrations.

The tower rises to a height of 96 meters. Features a statue of Saint Michael, who is widely respected as the patron saint of Brussels.

Built during the century the King’s House or Bread House building showcases an architectural style influenced by neo-Gothic design. Originally serving as a bread market it later transformed into a museum. The facade is adorned with statues representing the counts and countesses of Flanders.

10 important facts to know about the Grand Place 

  1. Belgium’s Heart of Power: The Grand Place in Brussels is a symbol of the city’s history resonating with the echoes of bygone eras. This iconic square serves as a living testament to the ebb and flow of power in Belgium throughout the centuries. With the Brussels City Hall on one side and the majestic Kings House lovingly called Breadhouse on the other the Grand Place has always played a crucial role in governing our nation. The stones, beneath your feet, carry not the weight of important decisions but also reverberate with political discussions and reflect our united spirit under its majestic arches.
  2. Cultural Keeper – The City Museum: The City Museum is nestled within the Grand Place safeguarding the tale of Brussels. As you wander through its corridors artifacts share whispers of a city that has endured both triumphs and tribulations. Paintings, sculptures and relics all add their touch to the lively tapestry of this historic square unveiling the diverse aspects of Brussel’s cultural growth.
  3. A Grand Market’s Embrace: The Grand Place, also known as the Grand Market is a blend of sights and sounds that captures the essence of Brussels. It’s a place where market traditions meet architecture creating an enchanting experience that captivates both residents and tourists. The perfect balance, between business and culture creates an atmosphere inviting you to join in the lively rhythm of the city.
  4. Dimensions of Distinction: The Grand Place is a sight measuring 223 by 361 feet. This outdoor venue has hosted gatherings, festivals and significant events. Its cobblestones bear witness to both celebrations and solemn occasions. It represents the city’s resilience. Acts as a backdrop, for the diverse stories of life that unfold upon it.
  5. Europe’s Enchanted Gem: Amongst Europe’s most enchanting squares, the Grand Place emerges as a resplendent gem. Its architectural opulence harmonizes with its bustling atmosphere, creating an ethereal beauty that lures travellers from across the world. The square’s intricate detailing, from the ornate facades to the cobblestone pathways, paints a portrait of a city that values both its past and its present.
  6. Pulsating Heart of Brussels: At the crossroads of the city, the Grand Place stands as a pulsating heart that draws people like moths to a flame. Its central location and revered status make it a perpetual hub of activity, a cultural nucleus where stories of the past merge seamlessly with the rhythm of modern life.
  7. A UNESCO Emblem of Heritage: Bestowed with UNESCO’s prestigious honour in 1998, the Grand Place shines as a beacon of cultural heritage. This recognition elevates the square’s significance beyond its physical form, underscoring its role as a bridge between generations and a testament to the collective memory of Brussels.
  8. Architectural Symphony: The Grand Place is enfolded by architectural marvels, including the iconic Brussels City Hall and the majestic Breadhouse. These structures frame the square with their opulent designs, intertwining history, and contemporary vibrancy to create a visual symphony that captivates all who behold it.
  9. Symbol of Brussels’ Soul: Beyond its status as a tourist hotspot, the Grand Place embodies Brussels’ soul, with each cobblestone and façade narrating a unique chapter of the city’s narrative. This cherished emblem pulsates with the energy of countless footsteps, forming a living connection between past and present.
  10. Eternal Rendezvous of Life: The Grand Place is more than just a static location; it’s a vibrant tableau of life that unfurls daily. An open plaza where history intersects with modernity, this sprawling expanse is a stage for the ever-evolving story of Brussels, where each footstep contributes to the eternal dance of life.

In summary, the Grand Place in Brussels exemplifies an intriguing fusion of various architectural and artistic styles from Western culture. With its vibrant history and captivating urban legends, this square holds immense significance and has become an iconic symbol of Brussels, attracting numerous tourists. For those interested in architecture, history and culture, visiting the Grand Place is highly recommended.

[1] https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/857/ 
[2] https://theculturetrip.com/europe/belgium/articles/the-history-of-brussels-grand-place-in-1-minute
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand-Place
[4] https://www.itinari.com/grand-place-brussels-history-meets-legend-to-create-a-tale-bmjc
[5] https://www.britannica.com/topic/Grand-Place
[6] https://www.sophiesworld.net/grand-place-brussels-belgium/

Taiwan Celebrates Dr Hong Tao-Tze 80th Birthday in Spectacular Qigong Style

Dr. Hong Tao-Tze - celebrating 80 years young
Photo credit: Copyright 2023 Tai Ji Men

Tai Ji Men Movement marked a momentous occasion on July 30, 2023, as they celebrated the 80th birthday of their visionary Founder and Grand Master, Dr Hong Tao-Tze, uniting many qigong practitioners worldwide in a journey of balance and harmony. Founded in 1966, Tai Ji Men embraces the core philosophy of harmonising opposing forces like yin-yang and body-energy (qi), transcending cultural boundaries.

The celebration was attended by hundreds of dizis and prominent figures including Taiwan’s Government Vice-President as well as Taipei’s Mayor Chiang Wan-an among others, all of them echoing Dr. Hong’s timeless message of global peace. Beyond Tai Ji Men, Dr Hong Tao-Tze‘s influence extends as an advocate for cultural preservation and world harmony. With a legacy spanning decades, he continues to inspire well-being and unity.

On July 30, 2023, the celebration of the Founder and Grand Master of the Tai Ji Men Movement’s 80th birthday took place in Taipei.

Dr Hong Tao-Tze, 80 years young

Dr Hong Tao-Tze, Grand Master of Tai Ji Men

Dr Hong Tao-Tze is the Shifu (Grand Master) of thousands of qigong practitioners known as the Tai Ji Men, a spiritual movement he founded in 1966. Tai Ji Men is an ancient “menpai,” meaning a school, of qigong, martial arts, and self-cultivation that gathers tens of thousands of dizis (disciples) in Taiwan and abroad (they also have a growing number of centres in the US, for example).

Wisdome Entrenched in Taosim

It is deeply entrenched in the wisdom of Taoism. At its core, the academy’s spiritual philosophy revolves around achieving a harmonious balance between opposing forces such as yin and yang, heaven and earth, and the body (heart) and energy (qi).

The followers of Tai Ji Men, known as dizi or disciples, come from diverse backgrounds and various faiths, without any requirement to adopt Taoism. By aligning with their inner convictions and engaging in the practice of qigong and martial arts, these dizis endeavour to enhance their physical well-being, cleanse their hearts, and rediscover the essence of their souls.

Dr Hong Tao-Tze was celebrated by high officials and international human rights activists

The celebration was attended by hundreds of dizis and prominent Taiwanese figures, including the Mayor of Taipei, Chiang Wan-an, and the Vice President of the Executive Yuan of Taiwan’s government.

Among the special guests was also a delegation of international scholars and activists, such as Dr Agorom Dike, President of the Caribbean and African Faith-Based Leadership Conference and Liaison to the White House Faith-Based Cabinet Offices, Herta Margarethe Habsbourg-Lorraine, President of the Austrian NGO Flame of Peace, Willy Fautre, President of Human Rights Without Frontiers, Thierry Valle from the UN ECOSOC NGO Freedom of Conscience, Massimo Introvigne, Director of Bitter Winter magazine, or Eric Roux, Vice-President of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights.

Tai Ji Men, being known internationally for their cultural and artistic presentations, the event was an opportunity for a great artistic show with dancers, martial art practitioners, singers, and musicians, who thrilled the audience for more than two hours of entertainment.

Peace throughout the world

Dr Hong Tao-Tze was, of course, at the centre of the celebration, and he delivered a message of peace to the attendees, as usual wishing everyone peace throughout the world. At 80, Dr Hong Tao-Tze exudes health and youthfulness. As evidence of his good work, the enthusiasm and happiness of his dizis were dazzling, and the celebration was a real demonstration of joy for all the participants.

Chinese Culture

Dr Hong’s endeavours encompass the celebration of traditional Chinese culture, as well as global advocacy for world peace and compassion. His academy integrates fields such as medicine, philosophy, literature, and education, forming a comprehensive approach to martial arts.

The bond between Dr Hong Tao-tze, affectionately known as ‘Shifu,’ who fulfils the roles of both a revered fatherly figure and a teacher, and his students, referred to as ‘dizi,’ is profoundly robust. Similarly, the dizi shares profound connections among themselves. The organization places significant emphasis on moral principles that aspiring dizi must uphold before they can be accepted as disciples of Tai Ji Men.

Peace and Love, a non-stop message and command

The Tai Ji Men Cultural Goodwill Group and the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), of which Dr Hong Tao-Tze is the President, have embarked on journeys to 101 nations, spreading the message of conscience, love, and peace.

In addition to instructing and leading the Tai Ji Men Dizis, Dr Hong has gained global recognition for initiating a worldwide peace movement. He has convened with a multitude of international leaders, ranging from Pope Benedict XVI and Nelson Mandela to the Secretary-General of the UN, as well as government officials from nations across the globe. His objective is to advance global harmony through diverse methods like cultural interactions and solemn ceremonies involving the ringing of the Bell of World Peace and Love. That is what Taiwan was celebrating in July.

Green transition of tourism in Europe?

group of people standing facing lake view
Photo by Elizeu Dias on Unsplash

In a world facing challenges climate change has become the most pressing global concern affecting every aspect of our lives from economies to ecosystems. Its impact knows no boundaries. Affects cities, regions and nations alike. As we navigate this turning point the tourism industry, a component of the global economy finds itself in a unique position to drive positive change. This article explores the interconnected relationship between tourism and Europe’s pursuit of becoming climate neutral as inspired by the European Green Deal.

A Beacon of Progress: The European Green Deal

The European Union (EU) firmly committed to leading by example spearheads an eco-friendly revolution through the implementation of the European Green Deal. This visionary initiative not sets goals for achieving climate neutrality by 2050 but also commits to significant emission reductions of 55% by 2030. These courageous commitments send a call for action and an undeniable recognition of the need to address climate change impacts.

The European Green Deal acts as a roadmap, for reshaping Europe’s path towards sustainability. At its essence, it embodies a determination to reshape economies, industries and societies to coexist with the environment. By adopting an approach the European Union (EU) establishes a framework that spans various sectors inviting governments, businesses and individuals to join forces on a shared mission.

The “Fit, for 55” package lies at the heart of the Green Deals’ effectiveness. It is a collection of policies and legislative measures introduced on July 14 2021. This ambitious package reflects the EUs commitment to translating aspirations into laws. Through a review of existing regulations and innovative initiatives in climate change, energy efficiency and transportation the “Fit for 55” package brings the objectives of the Green Deal into reality.

The Green Deals ambition resonates strongly across sectors in tourism. Recognizing the role tourism plays in Europe’s economy the Green Deal paves the way for this sector to become an advocate for sustainable practices. By promoting eco initiatives reducing carbon footprints and encouraging travel behaviour the EU positions the tourism ecosystem as a leader in environmental stewardship.

Beyond shaping practices within the tourism industry itself, the European Green Deal also has reaching implications, for how Europe is perceived as a travel destination. The commitment, to achieving climate neutrality and reducing emissions sends a message to travellers; Europe is devoted to preserving its wonders and cultural treasures for future generations. This deeply resonates with an increasing number of travellers who prioritize experiences that align with their values. The allure of exploring landscapes engaging in cultural exchanges and supporting local communities enhances Europe’s appeal on a global scale.

Reaping the Rewards of Transformation: A Win-Win Scenario

The pursuit of a tourism ecosystem within the European Union brings forth a period of mutual benefit. By prioritizing sustainability there are advantages waiting to be unlocked. Ranging from reducing carbon emissions and protecting the environment to cost savings and increased competitiveness. By striking a balance between prosperity and environmental stewardship Europe’s tourism industry emerges as a catalyst for positive change.

As industries transition towards practices a broader transformation takes place. Emissions are reduced, and waste generation. The strain on fragile ecosystems lessens. The pursuit of sustainability drives innovation leading to advancements in energy sources eco transportation options and resource-efficient practices. Together these efforts contribute not to the planet but also, to a more resilient and thriving tourism sector.

However, the benefits of tourism go beyond helping the environment. Businesses and destinations that embrace principles also have the opportunity to reap rewards. By implementing energy measures and waste reduction strategies they can reduce costs and enjoy tangible financial advantages. Additionally incorporating practices makes a destination more appealing, to conscious travelers who seek immersive and responsible experiences.

The holistic approach of the European Green Deal empowers communities to use tourism as a catalyst, for growth. When destinations align with eco practices they not enhance the travel experience but also improve the quality of life for residents. Sustainable tourism promotes the preservation of heritage boosts economies and safeguards natural resources thereby creating a positive cycle of impact.

In this era of transformation, there is a phenomenon. The rise of European Green Capitals. These cities embody the values of the European Green Deal. Serve as living examples of urban living. The European Green Capital Award, established in 2010 recognizes centres that prioritize sustainability, innovative urban planning and community engagement.

Cities bestowed with this prestigious title demonstrate a harmonious blend of ecological integrity and vibrant city life. They lead the way, in implementing initiatives that aim to reduce carbon emissions improve air quality create spaces and promote sustainable transportation. These capital cities utilize technology, design and citizen involvement to build urban environments that inspire people worldwide.

Not do European Green Capitals make an impact but they also serve as sources of inspiration for the global community. Their success stories resonate across borders. Motivate cities to embark on similar sustainability journeys. These cities act as incubators for groundbreaking ideas that extend beyond their boundaries triggering an effect of positive change.

In essence, the rise of European Green Capitals mirrors the transformative power of the European Green Deal. By showcasing implementations of environmental goals in their urban models these cities exemplify the broader EU-wide effort towards building a more resilient, greener and harmonious future.

A Journey Towards Sustainability

As Europe embraces sustainability with arms its tourism landscape undergoes a transformation towards responsible exploration. Guided by the principles of the European Green Deal the EU envisions a future where tourism thrives in harmony, with our planet—an achievement that reflects efforts and thinking policy making. This shift illuminates our path forward while establishing a legacy of stewardship for generations to come.

The impact of the European Green Deal, on the tourism industry demonstrates its ability to drive change. By combining growth, environmental protection and cultural preservation Europe’s dedication to tourism goes beyond its borders and serves as an inspiration for other nations. As travellers embark on adventures they actively contribute to creating a more sustainable future. Europe’s timeless charm and commitment, to sustainability, invite us all to join this transformative story.

100,000 Romanians may receive 3,000 lei each for their old car


Individuals who enroll in the program must be domiciled or resident in Romania and live in the municipality to which they apply, have no tax arrears and fines

One hundred thousand Romanians could get 3,000 lei (around 600 EURO) each for their old car under a scrapping program for old and polluting cars that starts today in Romania, reports the Ziare news site.

The budget of the program for scrapping old and polluting cars – Local Rambla is 240 million lei, announced the Minister of the Environment, Mircea Feket.

“Car owners will receive 3,000 lei in exchange for scrapping an old and polluting vehicle. Of these, 2,400 lei are provided by the Environmental Fund, and 600 lei come from the local budget,” explained the minister.

He informed that about 500 mayors have enrolled in the scrapping program for cars aged 15 and over. Romanians who apply for it are not obliged to buy a new car in exchange for the funds received.

The car to be scrapped must be registered in the tax registers of the town hall applied for, be 15 years old or older, have a Euro 3 pollution standard or below and have the main components, such as an engine, transmission and undercarriage. Individuals who enroll in the program must be domiciled or resident in Romania and live in the municipality to which they apply. They must not be in arrears for paying taxes, fines and contributions to the local and state budget.

Illustrative Photo by tom balabaud: https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-mercedes-benz-w114-sedan-parking-near-house-3404355/

A Balkan State Introduces Compulsory Earthquake Insurance


The Albanian government proposed for public discussion a draft law on mandatory earthquake insurance of homes. The bill provides for mandatory insurance of all homes and parts of homes that are used for commercial establishments, offices or other similar purposes.

Only buildings that are made of clay/brick, the structure of which includes reed fibers or similar material, as well as buildings with a movable or temporary location, will be exempted from compulsory insurance.

For the most needy social strata, the compulsory insurance will be financed from the state budget.

The insurance only covers damage to the dwelling itself and does not include damage to furniture, interior fittings, etc., as well as non-property damage, including death.

The amount of the insurance will be determined by a decision of the Council of Ministers of Albania on the proposal of the management board of the National Earthquake Fund of Albania. To determine the amount, actuarial calculations will be performed on the basis of an earthquake risk map, which will be approved by the Council of Ministers.

Photo is illustrative | Photo by Wilson Malone: https://www.pexels.com/photo/orange-and-white-traffic-pole-on-cracked-gray-asphalt-road-4558211/