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Svietlana Tsikhanouskaya to MEPs: support Belarusians’ European aspirations | News

Svietlana Tsikhanouskaya to MEPs: support Belarusians’ European aspirations | News

Addressing the plenary, the leader of Belarus’ democratic forces Svietlana Tsikhanouskaya called on MEPs to support Belarus’ European perspective and urged Parliament to take its relationship with democratic Belarus to a new level, She proposed the signing of a memorandum before the 2024 EP elections as the basis of cooperation between the European Parliament and democratic Belarus. “Belarusians want to hear that our country will not be given to Putin as a consolation prize,” she said.

Ms Tsikhanouskaya said they would need help in their fight to bring democracy to Belarus. Lukashenka does not deserve place in the international community, but a ticket to the international court in Hague, she said. Next year Belarusian democratic forces should start issuing their own passports that would confirm Belarusian citizenship, Ms Tsikhanouskaya announced, which will serve as a travel document for exiled Belarusians. ,.Soon she will ask EU governments to recognise this new travel document.

You can watch her speech again here. (13.09.2023)

EP President Metsola said: “The people of Belarus must be able to live in freedom. Free from autocracy. Free from oppression. It is what they want. It is what they chose. It is what they deserve. We will continue to support Belarusian democratic forces and to play an active role in shaping the European Union’s response to the on-going political crisis in Belarus. It is critical that we further expand European Union sanctions against the regime and do not lose sight of what they have done.”

Prize for EP President Metsola

During a bilateral meeting, EP President Roberta Metsola received the “Cross of good neighbourhood”, awarded to outstanding individuals who have significantly helped the cause of Belarusians, from Ms Tsikhanouskaya

MEPs alarmed over the situation in Belarus

On Wednesday, Parliament also adopted a new report on EU relations with Belarus, supporting the country’s democratic political parties in their declarations about the European aspirations of Belarusians. MEPs call on the Belarusian regime to release all political prisoners and strongly condemn the Minsk regime’s role as an accomplice in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. They note with great concern the rampant political, economic, military and cultural subordination of Belarus to Moscow, rendering the country a de-facto satellite state hosting tactical nuclear weapons under Russian command.

In the report, MEPs also call for tougher EU sanctions against Belarus while stressing that the recent arrival of Russian mercenary Wagner Group fighters creates new potential security risks for Ukraine as well as for Belarus’ EU neighbours and the wider EU. The text will be available in full here (13.09.2023). EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell and MEPs also discussed the new report on Tuesday afternoon (12.09.2023).

The report adopted by 453 votes in favour, 21against and 40 abstentions.

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2024 European elections: 15 additional seats divided between 12 countries | News

2024 European elections: 15 additional seats divided between 12 countries | News

The European Council’s proposal was based on Parliament’s report of June 2023, which started the process and was prompted by demographic changes in the EU since the 2019 elections. Additional seats will be allocated as follows:

  • Belgium +1 [22]
  • Denmark +1 [15]
  • Ireland +1 [14]
  • Spain +2 [61]
  • France +2 [81]
  • Latvia +1 [9]
  • Netherlands +2 [31]
  • Austria +1 [20]
  • Poland +1 [53]
  • Finland +1 [15]
  • Slovenia +1 [9]
  • Slovakia +1 [15]

Parliament consented to the legislative decision with 515 votes in favour, 74 against, and 44 abstentions. The upcoming elections (6-9 June 2024) will take place with the new number of seats in Parliament.

During the debate that preceded the vote, MEPs criticised the European Council’s attempt to influence Parliament in its budgetary functions, and reiterated Parliament’s independence. The co-rapporteurs regretted the European Council’s failure to immediately inform Parliament it intended to deviate from the original proposal, both in terms of overall seats and on the provisions for a pan-European constituency. You can watch a recording of the debate here.


Parliament’s composition is assessed before each election, in line with the principles set out in the Treaties (i.e. a maximum of 750 MEPs plus the President, no less than 6 and no more than 96 seats for any EU country, and the “degressive proportionality” principle), and based on the most recent population figures.

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Libya – Floods of ‘epic proportions’ leave thousands dead

Libya – Floods of ‘epic proportions’ leave thousands dead
© National Meteorological Centre, Libya - Flooding has struck northeastern regions of Libya.

UN agencies and partners are responding to the disaster unfolding in eastern Libya after extreme rainfall caused devastating flooding and loss of life over the weekend, humanitarians told reporters in Geneva on Tuesday.

Latest figures as of Tuesday night, suggest there could be more than 5,000 people dead and around 10,000 have been reported missing in the massive floods triggered by Hurricane Daniel, which overwhelmed the eastern parts of the country at the weekend, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) said.

We stand in solidarity with Libya: Guterres

In a statement released by his Spokesperson, UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his heartfelt condolences to the Libyan authorities and the families of those who have perished,

“At this time, our thoughts are with the thousands of people being affected there in their communities, we stand in solidarity with all people in Libya during this difficult time”, said Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric, briefing reporters in New York.

He said the UN team on the ground is responding at the site.

“Furthermore, we are mobilizing resources and emergency teams to support those affected people and are working with local, national, and international partners to get urgently needed humanitarian assistance to people in the affected areas.”

The UN is working with Libyan authorities to assess needs and support ongoing relief efforts, he added.

Libya is in effect under the control of two rival administrations, the internationally recognized Government in Tripoli, and authorities based along with the parliament in the east. 

Neighbourhoods swept away

According to the UN weather agency WMO, two dams burst during heavy storms over the weekend, sweeping entire neighbourhoods in the city of Derna into the sea.

The floodwaters reached a peak in northeastern Libya on Sunday, with strong winds of up to 80 kilometres per hour, interrupting communications and bringing down electricity towers and trees.

Torrential rains caused flash flooding in several cities.

“The humanitarian needs are huge and much more beyond the abilities of the Libyan Red Crescent, and even beyond the abilities of the Government”, stressed Tamar Ramadan, head of the IFRC delegation in Libya, who was speaking from Tunis via videoconference.

“That’s why the Government in the east has issued an international appeal for support.”

Margaret Harris, spokesperson for the UN World Health Organization (WHO) said the flooding was of “epic proportions”.

“There’s not been a storm like this in the region in living memory, so it’s a great shock,” she said.

Prepositioned aid

Dr. Harris added that WHO has deployed prepositioned aid supplies to the affected areas. She estimated that torrential rain affected up to 1.8 million people and damaged and even “wiped out” some hospitals.

“The work now is really to get in supplies, sadly some of those supplies are things like body bags, but also trauma kits,” the WHO spokesperson said.

The Libyan Government has announced three days of mourning in all the affected cities, calling them ″disaster areas.″ Emergency responders, government workers and residents were digging through rubble to look for survivors.

“Our second priority is to look at the people who are displaced”, WHO’s Dr Harris said.

Already vulnerable

“There are lots of people who are already living in precarious circumstances. And we have to look at what kind of field hospitals can be set up, and what kind of mobile clinics. So there’s a great deal of work that needs to be done and is being mobilized as I speak.”

Libya has become a key springboard for migrants from over 40 countries heading for Europe, who most likely have also been severely impacted by the floods, the UN migration agency (IOM) warned.

“There are roughly 600,000 migrants in Libya at this time and we are conscious that in some of the affected areas there are migrant populations but at this early stage and [given] the many access issues that we and humanitarian responders are facing, we don’t have a clear picture about how badly they have been affected”, said IOM spokesperson Paul Dillon. 

State of the EU: Ukraine, Green Deal, Economy, China, Artificial Intelligence | News

State of the EU: Ukraine, Green Deal, Economy, China, Artificial Intelligence | News

Opening the debate, EP President Roberta Metsola said: “The European Union today is stronger, and more united than ever before. The world is changing and Europe must adapt and change with it too. We must keep striving to make our Europe a place of equality of opportunity, of access, of prosperity – where everyone can reach their potential. We must keep reforming. We should always keep people’s concerns at the centre of all our actions.“

Commission President von der Leyen said that the EU has undergone a substantial transformation since she first presented her programme in 2019, adding: ”We have delivered over 90% of the political guidelines I presented” back then.

On the Green Deal, the decarbonisation of Europe’s industry while maintaining its competitiveness, she announced an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicles. ”We must defend ourselves against unfair practices” she said.

President von der Leyen stressed the importance of a fair transition for farmers, families and industry and that “Europe will do ’whatever it takes’ to keep its competitive edge.” She announced a competitiveness check by an independent board for every new legislation.

With regard to Artificial Intelligence, Ms von der Leyen said that AI will improve healthcare, boost productivity and help to address climate change. The Commission’s “number one priority is to ensure AI develops in a human-centric, transparent and responsible way” she said, also calling for an international panel of experts similar to the IPCC on climate change to steer its development.

On Ukraine, she announced that the Commission will propose the extension of the EU’s temporary protection to Ukrainians and an additional 50 billion euros over four years for investment and reforms. “Our support to Ukraine will endure.”

The Commission President also referred to the rule of law, enlargement, migration, EU-Africa relations, the Global Gateway initiative, climate change, food security, and an upcoming Social Partner Summit.

You can watch her full speech here.

Leaders of the political groups

Manfred Weber (EPP, DE), highlighted three priorities. Firstly, economic growth and competitiveness, saying “we need growth, we need jobs, we need decent incomes, we need prosperity, we need a strong industry,” and welcoming initiatives to reduce red tape, invest in innovation, and cultivate trade relationships. Secondly, he cited migration, emphasising that Europe needs to decide who can enter at its borders and highlighting the “European DNA” of protecting refugees. Thirdly, he asserted the necessity for a European Defence Union and the need for ”optimism, vision, values and the readiness for the next step to become a real European Union.”

Iratxe García (S&D, ES) said the EU’s top priority should be reindustrialising to achieve strategic autonomy, while advancing the green transition to halt the consequences of climate change. She thanked President von der Leyen for her clear message in support of the Green Deal but regretted the lack of emphasis about consolidating the Union’s social pillar. Ms García called for the inclusion of gender violence to the list of EU crimes, and to use the frozen Russian assets to help fund the rebuilding of Ukraine. She also urged the EU to secure a deal on the migration pact and stressed that “Europeans’ money cannot end in the pockets of governments abusing people’s fundamental rights”.

Stéphane Séjourné (Renew, FR) emphasised the importance of making the most of the legislature’s remaining months. He highlighted the positive steps made in response to the pandemic, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, and the European Green Deal. He demanded the EU focus on reindustrialising Europe and noted that the EU has now regulated the digital “wild west”. Mr Séjourné stressed the need for a lasting solution to migration issues. He also criticized the “poisonous” unanimity rule in the Council and urged Europe to heed the desperate pleas of judges in Poland and Hungary.

Philippe Lamberts (Greens/EFA, BE) criticised “those who are calling for a pause” in climate and environmental legislation, saying, “we are not above nature (…) whether we like it or not, there are limits to what our planet can take and to what it can give.” He said the ecological transition represents “the single biggest economic opportunity for Europe.” Lamberts also urged the European Commission to address housing issues and to step up its efforts against breaches of the rule of law, “and not only towards Poland or Hungary”.

“Is the EU in a better shape today than twenty years ago?” Ryszard Legutko (ECR, PL) asked. “The answer is no, as there is more than ever instability, uncertainty and the inflation is high.” “People smuggling is thriving, the Green Deal is a costly extravaganza, the cost of the EU’s common debt will be two times larger than predicted and the EU budget is in shambles”, he added. “The Commission slides towards oligarchy, meddling in national policies, and trying to topple governments they do not like, having made the rule of law a caricature.”

Marco Zanni (ID, IT) said that on the Green Deal, the EU has “a historical opportunity to be less ideological and more pragmatic,” adding that we need to tackle climate change without harming “our farmers, firms or buildings’ owners”. On the announced investigations into foreign subsidies, Mr Zanni questioned their usefulness, stressing that we already know that China is involved in unfair competition. On migration, he said that while EU fails to agree that “who has no right to be in, needs to stay out” it won’t be possible to “solve the issue”.

Martin Schirdewan (The Left, DE) said: “True political success is measured by the real-life situations of the majority of people, not by eloquent speeches.” He added that, despite lofty promises, the reality for many Europeans remains grim, with rising living costs and falling real wages. He highlighted the struggles of workers, single mothers, and retirees, accusing the Commission of fostering a Europe that increasingly serves corporations over its citizens while “95 million people in the European Union are threatened by poverty”.

You can watch the full debate here.

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Unemployment Rates Maintain Consistency Staying Below 5% for the Consecutive Month

A Man Looking at a Message
Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels

In a remarkable demonstration of economic resilience, the unemployment rate among countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) remained steady at 4.8% in July 2023. This marks the month in a row that the rate has stayed below the threshold of 5% according to recent data.

Although the rate increased in 15 OECD countries, including Denmark, Lithuania and Austria it remained unchanged in nine others. Decreased in another nine. It is worth noting that unemployment rates reached record lows or were close to them in five countries, such as Germany and the United States.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Unemployment Rates Maintain Consistency Staying Below 5% for the Consecutive Month
Unemployment Rates Maintain Consistency Staying Below 5% for the Consecutive Month 3

The total number of individuals across OECD nations experienced a slight rise to reach 32.9 million in July. However, this figure remains close to the point recorded back in April 2023.

The youth unemployment rate, which encompasses workers aged between 15 and 24 years old saw a minor increase to reach 10.5% in July compared to June’s rate of 10.3%. This upward trend was observed across fourteen OECD countries with Finland, Austria, Denmark, Israel, Mexico and the United States experiencing substantial increases.

Conversely, there was little change observed in unemployment rates, for both genders and workers aged 25 years old and above. In this context, both the European Union and the euro area managed to keep their unemployment rates at historically low levels with rates of 5.9% and 6.4% respectively. Except for Greece, Slovenia, Belgium, Ireland and Spain, all countries in the euro area experienced either increasing rates.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Unemployment Rates Maintain Consistency Staying Below 5% for the Consecutive Month
Unemployment Rates Maintain Consistency Staying Below 5% for the Consecutive Month 4

Despite these trends, there are still noticeable differences among countries like Estonia, Greece, Luxembourg, and Spain as some continue to struggle with unemployment rates that remain significantly higher, than their lowest recorded levels.

In countries outside of Europe, we noticed a rise in unemployment rates in Mexico, Australia, Japan, Korea and Canada. However, Türkiye, Israel and the United States went against the trend. Experienced a decrease in their unemployment rates.

Based on the information Canada’s unemployment rate stayed steady at 5.0% during August. On the other hand, the United States witnessed an uptick in their unemployment rate from 3.5% in July to 3.8%, in August 2023.

Doorstep by EP President Metsola ahead of State of the EU debate


You can follow it live on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS.

State of the European Union debate

At 9.00, Commission President von der Leyen will give her final State of the European Union address before the 6-9 June 2024 European elections, followed by a debate with MEPs. She is expected to outline her Commission’s priorities from now until the end of its mandate. She is expected to focus on a stronger and more resilient European Union, on the EU’s continued support for Ukraine, on energy security and EU energy independence, the EU’s twin green and digital transitions, and on protecting core EU values.

In their reactions, MEPs will assess the Commission’s work and its plans for the year ahead, alongside presenting their own priorities. The annual State of the Union debate allows MEPs to scrutinise the European Commission’s work and contribute to setting the EU’s policy direction.

You can follow the debate live here.

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Türk: Ethnically motivated attacks leave hundreds dead in Sudan

Türk: Ethnically motivated attacks leave hundreds dead in Sudan

“Such developments echo a horrific past that must not be repeated,” said Volker Türk UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, marking “five months of futile suffering, death, loss and destruction.”

Mounting casualties

Speaking at the UN Human Rights Council, Mr. Türk also warned of mounting civilian casualties, as 1500 have already lost their lives to what he called a pointless conflict.

The human rights chief highlighted the increase in indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian areas, including schools, homes and hospitals. 

In past week alone more than 103 civilians have been killed during military operations by both parties in Khartoum and Omdurman, including many women and children.

Killed at home

“People are being killed inside their homes or when running to safety” said Radhouane Nouicer, the UN’s human rights expert in Sudan.

Essential services have also been brought to a halt in areas affected by fighting and the paralysis of the economy has pushed millions to the brink of poverty. 

Five months on, over five million have been uprooted from their homes and one million are seeking refuge in neighbouring countries.

“There is no reprieve in sight,” said Mr. Türk.

Rights violations

Addressing the Geneva forum, Mr. Türk said he was “repulsed to hear of the ongoing epidemic of conflict-related sexual violence,” as over 45 incidents with nearly 100 victims, including 19 children, were reported to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). 

According to the data, the majority of perpetrators – around 78 per cent – have been men in RSF uniform or armed men affiliated with the RSF.

In response, UN Women called for every instance of sexual and gender based violence to be investigated, without any impunity.

OHCHR have also reported an increase in allegations from both sides of torture and killing of people outside combat. 

Deploring the widespread cases of arbitrary detention, Mr. Türk said that “hundreds – and likely thousands – are being held incommunicado in appalling conditions.”

Mr. Nouicer reported a “total disregard for international law and its principles” and cited violations to international law both by the Sudanese Armed Forces and the RSF. 

Although promises have been made by both sides to investigate allegations, Mr. Türk said that “the silence has been deafening, with nobody held to account.”

“It is time that the perpetrators of these gross violations are identified” and investigated, he insisted.

International Response 

At present, access to areas affected by fighting are limited and humanitarian efforts are “callously blocked, denied-and directly attacked.” 

Since the start of fighting, the World Health Organization (WHO) has documented 56 attacks on healthcare facilities. 

According to the UN, Sudan is now one of the most dangerous countries in the world for humanitarian workers, with 19 lives lost and several missing. 

Many states, including Egypt – one of the largest hosts of Sudanese refugees – have repeatedly called for a ceasefire to allow aid to flow into the country. 

Mr. Khalifa Ahmed, Prosecutor General of Sudan, responded to comments by calling on the international community to declare the militia a terrorist organisation, adding that Sudanese authorities were working to “put down the rebellion” and to ensure a ceasefire, humanitarian access and the return of those displaced. 

Mr. Nouicer said that the world is “waiting for a revival of international diplomacy,” adding that the conflict “would not end unless there is increased pressure from the international community.”

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Syria: Urgent response needed to uptick in fighting, economic crisis

Syria: Urgent response needed to uptick in fighting, economic crisis

In its latest report, the UN Human Rights Council (OHCHR) body found that attacks on civilians, escalating fighting, economic decline and human rights violations persist, despite the country’s re-admission to the League of Arab States.

The continued war in Syria is a “monument to the failure of diplomacy” said Inquiry Chair, Paulo Pinheiro.

Speaking in Geneva at the launch of the report, Mr Pinheiro called on all parties to the conflict to cease the attacks on civilians following the recent wave of demonstrations.

He urged the government in Damascus to respond positively to Syrians’ legitimate aspirations and rights before the country “plunges deeper into escalating violence and economic decline”.

Aftermath of earthquake

The Commission Chairperson reiterated the need for “unilateral coercive measures” imposed by the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia, and Switzerland from 2011 onwards, to be reviewed, and called for the easing of sanctions since the earthquake on 6 February 2023 to be maintained.

He pointed out that at the time of the earthquake, the Commission received “multiple reports of aid diversion, extortion and corruption,” and documented “obstruction and interference in aid delivery” in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake.

The “Government and other parties needless hindered life-saving aid” and “no party answered our call for a cease-fire. They continue shelling and they continue the war”, Mr Pinheiro said.

Citing the report, Mr Pinheiro explained that a single airstrike on 25 June killed or injured over 37 civilians at an outdoor vegetable market in Idlib that should have been observable to the offensive forces.

He added that of the 15 attacks documented in the earthquake-affected area, several may constitute war crimes.


According to the report, humanitarian operations were also affected by suspected Israeli airstrikes that rendered key transport infrastructure inoperable.

“These instances, as well as the failure of the UN Security Council to reach a consensus in July to extend cross-border aid deliveries via the Bab Al-Hawa border crossing, stand as a stark reminder of how hostilities, politicisation and fragmentation in Syria harm civilians and deprive them of much-needed assistance,” Commissioner Lynn Welchman said.

Calling for a thorough review of the failures of the earthquake response,” she urged warring parties and the international community to ensure that cross-border humanitarian assistance can continue at the necessary scale and in a principled, needs-based and sustainable manner”.


Meanwhile, the UN aid coordination office (OCHA) found that continued hostilities, including shelling, have displaced some 5,300 families, which is more than 26,500 people, between 1 and 9 September.

Clashes in northeastern Aleppo forced nearly 4,600 families from their homes and there are reports of overcrowding in camps and villages, with some families resorting to sleeping in the open. As of 9 September, at least five people were killed, with 22 others, including 11 children, injured.

While the situation in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate, in Syria’s northeast Syria, is calm, hostilities since 27 August have reportedly resulted in 69 deaths and 96 injuries.

More than 6,700 families have been displaced according to Syrian Arab Red Crescent.

 Safe return ‘implausible’

The Commission also documents how recent weeks have seen increased conflict in greater Idlib, displacing thousands, and killing dozens in Deir-Ezzor, as well as an outbreak of large-scale protests calling for economic, social, civil and political rights in Government controlled-areas, notably Suweida.

It warns that beyond the frontlines, the safe return of Syrian refugees is implausible with cases of ill-treatment by Syrian security forces, including some blackmailed for their release.

Several refugees, including children, have since gone missing, it states. Arbitrarily detaining, torturing, forcibly disappearing and executing civilians in areas under their control is a war crime and crime against humanity the Commission points out, while calling for the release of all persons arbitrarily detained in Syria.

In a positive development, Mr Pinheiro noted that families seeking clarity on the fate of detained, disappeared and missing loved ones had received “long-awaited welcome news” following the establishment of the Independent Institution on Missing Persons in Syria by the General Assembly in June. 

No peace

Commenting on the impact on ordinary Syrians, Commissioner of the Inquiry, Hanny Megally described the experience of truffle gatherers in central Syria: “We’re seeing an increase, [in] people fighting over economic needs and survival and that results in violence, abductions.” People fighting over the truffle market is “an example of the country descending into that state of insecurity,” he said. 

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24 million more people could face emergency levels of hunger this year: WFP

24 million more people could face emergency levels of hunger this year: WFP

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) said on Tuesday that a historic funding shortfall was forcing it to “drastically” cut rations in most of its operations, potentially pushing an additional 24 million people to the brink of starvation over the next 12 months.

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Bruges: an enchanted city to visit in winter


Bruges: an enchanted city to visit in winter

Bruges, a small picturesque city located in Belgium, is often considered a dream destination to visit in summer. However, the charm of this city in winter should not be underestimated. Indeed, Bruges transforms into a true enchanted city when snow covers its cobbled streets and Christmas lights illuminate its canals.

When you walk the streets of Bruges in winter, you feel like you are walking into a fairy tale. The medieval houses with their colorful facades blend perfectly with the winter landscape, creating a magical atmosphere. The canals, which are already magnificent in summer, become even more beautiful when covered with a thin layer of ice. You can even take a boat ride on the canals to admire the city from a different perspective.

One of the main attractions of Bruges in winter is its Christmas market. Located in the market square, this market is filled with wooden chalets where you can buy unique Christmas gifts, handcrafted decorations and of course, traditional treats like waffles and Belgian chocolates. You can also take advantage of the ice rink set up next to the Christmas market to try your hand at ice skating, a must-do activity in winter.

If you are an art lover, Bruges will not disappoint you. The city is home to numerous museums where you can warm up while discovering masterpieces. The Groeninge Museum, for example, exhibits a collection of Flemish art ranging from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. You can also visit the Basilica of the Holy Blood, which houses a sacred relic: a drop of Christ’s blood according to legend. This basilica is also an architectural masterpiece not to be missed.

In addition to its artistic heritage, Bruges is also known for its gastronomy. In winter, you can taste typical dishes of Belgian cuisine, such as mussels and fries, stoemp (mashed potatoes with vegetables) and of course, the famous Belgian chocolates. Be sure to visit an artisanal chocolate factory to see how these delicious chocolates are made and why not, buy a few as souvenirs.

To escape the winter cold, you can stop at one of the many cafés in Bruges. The city’s cafes are famous for their warm atmosphere and rustic decoration. You can enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or coffee while warming up by a fireplace. Some cafes even offer local specialties, like Bruges waffles, for an even more authentic experience.

Finally, if you have the courage to brave the cold, don’t miss out on a walk in Minnewater Park. This park, also known as “Lake of Love”, is a peaceful place where you can enjoy the beauty of nature. In winter, the lake is often frozen, creating an enchanting landscape. You can also stroll along the park’s trails and admire the majestic swans that live there.

In conclusion, Bruges is an enchanting city to visit in winter. Its magical atmosphere, its Christmas markets, its museums and its gastronomy make it an unmissable destination for lovers of culture and beauty. So, don’t hesitate to put on your coat and set off to explore this magical city on your next trip.

Originally published at Almouwatin.com