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A famous archaeologist with sensational news: We are about to discover the common grave of Cleopatra and Mark Antony


Archaeologists have announced that they are very close to discovering the place where the last ruler of Egypt, Cleopatra, and her lover, the Roman general Mark Antony, were buried, in all probability together.

Scientists believe they have pinpointed the exact location where some of the most influential figures in human history are buried.

The mysterious tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony will finally be discovered. It is located in the area of Taposiris Magna, about 30 km from Alexandria, said the famous Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass (pictured).

  “I expect very soon to come across their tomb where they were both laid to rest. We are on the right track and we know exactly where we need to dig to find it,” assured Hawass, who is Egypt’s former tourism minister.

Cleopatra and Mark Antony commit suicide in 30 BC. At that time, the ruler of Egypt, the last ruling representative of the Ptolemaic dynasty, was 39 years old, and Mark Antony was 53 years old, notes 20minutos.

Back in February 2013, researchers announced that they had found the bones of Cleopatra’s murdered sister, Arsinoe IV, in Turkey. The remains were discovered as early as 1985 in a ruined temple in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus (today’s western Turkey). The archaeologist who claims to have discovered the bones has high hopes for new forensic techniques to definitively identify the find.

At first glance, it appears that the remains belong to the one killed more than 2,000 years ago by order of Queen Arsinoe. But opponents of this view believe that a DNA test cannot confirm whose bones they are because they have been processed too many times. However, the scientists from the Austrian Academy of Sciences who made the discovery are convinced that the remains belong to the classical era of the Egyptian royal family.

Princess Arsinoe is believed to be Cleopatra’s younger half-sister. Their father is believed to be Ptolemy XII Auletus, but it is not known whether the two were from the same mother.

It is known that the two did not love each other. After Caesar’s murder, Cleopatra convinces her lover Mark Antony to kill Arsinoe, as she sees in her a rival in the struggle for power.

The EU has banned Russians from coming in private cars


The European Commission has confirmed that entry into EU countries with cars registered in Russia is prohibited. Personal belongings of Russians crossing the border, such as smartphones, jewelry and laptops, are also at risk of confiscation.

“It does not matter whether the vehicle is used for private or commercial purposes as long as it falls under the customs codes listed in Annex XXI (including code 8703) and originates in or has been exported from Russia,” the European Commission said in its new clarifications. Customs code 8703 covers passenger cars and other vehicles designed to carry less than ten people.

Last summer, some Russians traveling to Germany in their cars faced arrests at customs. In early July, as RBC wrote, German customs confirmed that the import of passenger cars from Russia is prohibited under Article 3i of Regulation 833/2014, which defines the embargo against Russia, and that any movement of goods, even for personal, non-commercial purposes, falls under it.

This interpretation has raised questions among lawyers, since Article 3i prohibits the import or transfer to EU countries of goods listed in Annex XXI that “generate significant income for Russia” (ie, the sale of goods may be implied). In particular, Russian jurists pointed to such situations as the result of abuse by officials of the executive branch or misinterpretation of German customs legislation regarding the difference between importation and entry into the country by private car. The position of the pan-European regulator was unclear.

On September 4, the Russian Embassy in Germany reported continued isolated cases of detention by German customs officials of Russian-owned cars registered in Russia and temporarily imported for personal purposes or transit. “The arguments that in this case we are not talking about the import of goods intended for sale, but of private property used for personal purposes and temporarily imported into the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany on a legal basis, are not taken into account,” the embassy said.

Now the European Commission is clarifying the ban by confirming it. The period for which a car with Russian license plates is imported and the customs regime used for this (for example, admission to free circulation or temporary importation) are irrelevant, the European Commission emphasized.

Photo: A map of the current members of the European Union/ https://europe.unc.edu/toolkits/chapter-3/

EC ends monitoring for Bulgaria and Romania


The Commission introduced the reports from 2007 and first prepared assessments and recommendations every six months and later annually

The European Commission announced on September 15 that it is terminating the cooperation and verification mechanism that oversaw judicial reforms and the fight against corruption in Bulgaria and Romania, as well as against organized crime in Bulgaria.

The Commission introduced the reports from 2007 and first prepared assessments and recommendations every six months and later annually.

In 2019, the EC decided to stop issuing reports for our country due to sufficient implementation of the recommendations, and by then it had issued 17 assessments.

In July of this year, the commission announced that it intended to terminate the mechanism. The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism was introduced upon the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU in 2007 as a transitional measure, according to today’s EC announcement.

From 2020, the EC introduced a common annual report on the state of the rule of law in each of the EU countries.

“I would like to congratulate Bulgaria and Romania for the significant progress achieved since their accession to the EU so far,” said the chairperson of the commission, Ursula von der Leyen, as quoted in the announcement.

“The rule of law is one of our core shared values as a union and both countries have delivered on important reforms in recent years. We recognize these efforts by terminating the mechanism. Work can now continue under the annual rule of law assessment, as for all other countries in the EU,” she adds.

The development of the situation with the rule of law in the EU has set a new context for the cooperation of the EC with Bulgaria and Romania, the announcement adds.

The annual reports on the rule of law accompany sustainable reforms for Bulgaria and Romania, as well as for the rest of the EU countries. Since last year, these new reports also include recommendations, monitoring the implementation of many of the agreed reforms in Bulgaria and Romania. When appropriate, progress on them is also monitored within the framework of the European semester, notes the commission.

“The termination of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism is a recognition and unreserved assessment that with the work of the government and the National Assembly, the Bulgarian side managed to implement fundamental and sustainable reforms in the field of the rule of law, which clearly demonstrate the ability of our country to fulfill its obligations to a predictable and reliable member of the European Union,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Maria Gabriel.

According to her, this is recognition for the long-term activity and efforts of Bulgarian citizens and civil society.

“Today’s decision of the European Commission is a significant success and recognition of the reforms being carried out in Bulgaria, in the area of the rule of law. This significantly increases confidence in the Bulgarian justice system and will have a favorable impact on the process of Bulgaria’s integration into Schengen and the Eurozone,” commented the Minister of Justice Atanas Slavov of Bulgaria.

Over-compliance with unilateral sanctions hurts human rights

Over-compliance with unilateral sanctions hurts human rights

As governments increasingly use unilateral sanctions measures to pursue foreign policy objectives, it has become common for businesses, including banks and financial institutions to over-comply with them, said the UN Human Rights Council-appointed Special Rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures, Alena Douhan.

Ms. Douhan said some individually imposed sanctions are having a widespread detrimental impact on people’s right to healthcare.


“Health systems around the world are highly vulnerable to the enforcement of unilateral sanctions and the growing cases of over-compliance and excessive de-risking policies,” she said. 

In her report to the 54th session of the Human Rights Council, Ms. Douhan highlighted the negative effects of over-compliance with unilateral sanctions by businesses across the globe. 

She noted sanctions can pose serious challenges to the procurement and delivery of medicines, medical equipment and other humanitarian goods, which are exempt from any restrictions.

Secondary sanctions

The growing use of secondary sanctions has serious implications for the human rights of citizens living in sanctioned countries, including their right to adequate, appropriate and timely healthcare. 

The UN said the impact of these sanctions extends to a wide range of health-related issues, including the shortage of health workers in sanctioned countries, limited opportunities for training and barriers to accessing scientific knowledge and research.

Knock-on effects

“It also affects all relevant underlying determinants of health, including access to safe water and sanitation, food safety, and clean, healthy and sustainable environment, among others,” Ms.Douhan added. 

She recalled that the enforcement of unilateral sanctions and zero-risk policies violated numerous international treaties and customary obligations of States.

That includes obligations under the UN Charter and relevant international human rights treaties. 

“Claims about the unintentional character of the adverse humanitarian impact of unilateral sanctions on human rights, and in particular on the right to health, and references to good intentions should not be invoked to legitimize designing and implementing such unilateral measures,” the Special Rapporteur warned.

Special Rapporteurs and other UN experts are not UN staff and are independent from any government or organisation. They serve in their individual capacity and receive no salary for their work.

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Rights expert appeals for action to tackle elder abuse

Rights expert appeals for action to tackle elder abuse

Claudia Mahler, UN independent expert on the enjoyment of all human rights of older persons, made the appeal in her annual report to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

She said violence against older persons remains unaddressed despite being widespread, pervasive and putting millions of older persons at risk, amid a rapidly ageing world.

Not a priority 

“Combatting abuse in old age is not a priority at national, regional or global levels,” she added.

Ms. Mahler cited information from the World Health Organization (WHO), which estimates that one is six older persons has experienced some form of violence. 

In her report, she noted that violence, neglect and abuse in old age has far-reaching consequences to both mental and physical well-being, underscoring the need for adequate interventions and solutions. 

Cases spike in crises

“An increase in violence against older persons was noticed during ongoing crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as in armed conflicts and the consequences of climate change,” she said.

“Crises lead to economic setbacks, which put more strain on support structures worldwide, which in turn may put more older persons at risk of suffering from violent acts.”

While there is currently no globally accepted definition of “elder abuse”, she said five forms of abuse can be identified: physical; psychological or emotional; sexual; financial or material; and neglect.

Ageism fuels abuse 

Ms. Mahler also recognised hate speech as an additional form of abuse against older persons.

“Ageism plays a significant role and risk factor in the prevalence of abuse on older persons,” she said.

“Negative stereotypes and bias underlie the concept of ageism and can lead to harmful consequences, including violence against and abuse and neglect of older persons”.

Prevent and protect

Ms. Mahler’s report identifies several actions to prevent and protect against abuse of older persons, including legislative and policy interventions, prevention programmes, provision of age-appropriate community services, law enforcement response and access to justice.  

She also encouraged the effective collection and analysis of data on the prevalence of violence, abuse and neglect cases. 

“Such data is crucial to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue. The diversity of older persons should be integrated in data-collection methodologies and protocols,” she recommended.

Independent voices

Independent experts are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council to monitor specific country situations and thematic issues. 

They work on a voluntary basis. serve in their individual capacity and are independent from any government or organization. 

The experts are not UN staff and do not receive payment for their work. 


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UN experts urge Saudi Arabia to revoke death penalty for dissent on social media

UN experts urge Saudi Arabia to revoke death penalty for dissent on social media
Unsplash/Stijn te Strake - A bird's eye view of the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia must immediately revoke the death sentence handed down to Mohammed Al Ghamdi for posting critical views online, as the crackdown on freedom of expression in the country continues to escalate, independent UN human rights experts said on.

Mr. Al Ghamdi was arrested by the Saudi security services on 11 June 2022 and charged with criminal offences for opinions he expressed on social media platforms X and YouTube.

The charges included “betrayal of his religion, country, and rulers;” “spreading false rumours with intent to disrupt public order and destabilise security;” and “supporting terrorist ideology and a terrorist group.”

‘Heinous crimes’

On 10 July this year, Saudi Arabia’s Specialised Criminal Court found Mr. Al Ghamdi guilty and sentenced him to death. According to the court, Mr. Al Ghamdi was being severely punished for “heinous crimes” that were allegedly “amplified through a global media platform.”

“The mere expression of critical views online cannot meet the threshold under international law for the imposition of the death penalty,” urged the human rights experts.

“Under no circumstances do the alleged crimes constitute the ‘most serious’ crimes,” they added.

‘Clear and chilling message’

The Human Rights Council-appointed experts stressed that freedom of expression and opinion were critical to achieving a free and democratic society and sustainable development.

“It is alarming that Saudi Arabia’s punishments for online expression include the death penalty or prison sentences of several decades under anti-terrorism laws. These punishments are completely inconsistent with international law and human rights standards,” the experts said.

“The arrest, detention and sentencing to death of Muhammad Al Ghamdi sends a clear and chilling message to all those who wish to express themselves freely in Saudi Arabia.”

‘Flagrant violation’ of human rights

The human rights experts urged the Specialised Criminal Court and other judicial institutions in Saudi Arabia to grant Mr. Al Ghamdi a stay of execution, or temporary hold on legal proceedings.

“We are deeply concerned by reports that Mr. Al Ghamdi’s mental health has deteriorated since his detention, aggravated by the lack of medical care and the conditions of his detention,” the experts said.

“This sentence, if carried out, would constitute a flagrant violation of international human rights standards and will be considered an arbitrary execution.”

Special Rapporteurs

Special Rapporteurs are part of the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council, work on a voluntary and unpaid basis, are not UN staff, and work independently from any government or organisation.

Tournai, city of art and history: discovering its hidden treasures


Tournai, city of art and history: discovering its hidden treasures

Located in Belgium, the city of Tournai is often overlooked by tourists who prefer to go to more popular destinations like Brussels or Bruges. However, Tournai is full of hidden treasures that deserve to be discovered and explored.

Tournai is known to be the oldest city in Belgium, having been founded over 2000 years ago. Its rich history dates back to Roman times, and the city was later occupied by the Franks and Normans. Over the centuries, Tournai has become an important cultural and artistic center, and this is reflected in its exceptional architectural heritage.

One of the jewels of Tournai is its Notre-Dame Cathedral. Built in the 12th century, it is considered one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in Europe. The cathedral also houses a treasure trove of religious art, including sculptures, paintings and liturgical objects. Be sure to visit the Cathedral Museum, which displays a collection of medieval artwork and religious treasures.

Another must-see site in Tournai is the belfry, listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. Dominating the city, this imposing tower offers a panoramic view of Tournai and its surroundings. Inside, you can learn about the city’s history through interactive exhibits and historical artifacts.

Stroll the cobbled streets of Tournai and you will discover many other architectural treasures. The Grand-Place is a lively place where there are beautiful Flemish Renaissance style houses. Rue des Chapeliers is a real treat for architecture lovers, with its 14th century stone houses. Don’t forget to visit the Bishop’s House, a magnificent example of neo-classical architecture.

In addition to its rich architectural heritage, Tournai is also a city of art. The Museum of Fine Arts houses an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures and ceramics, ranging from medieval to contemporary art. There you will find works by great artists like Rubens, Van Dyck and Bruegel. The Natural History Museum is also an interesting place to visit, with its collection of stuffed animals and fossils.

Tournai is also known for its festivals and cultural events. Every year, the city hosts the Car d’Or procession, an ancestral tradition that dates back to the Middle Ages. During this procession, a golden cart is pulled through the streets of the city, accompanied by musicians and dancers in traditional costumes. This is a unique spectacle not to be missed.

For food lovers, Tournai does not disappoint. The city is full of restaurants and cafes offering traditional Belgian cuisine, as well as international dishes. Don’t miss out on tasting the local specialties, such as mussels and fries, white pudding and waffles.

In conclusion, Tournai is a city of art and history that deserves to be discovered. Its rich architectural heritage, museums and festivals make it an exciting cultural destination. Whether you are a lover of art, history or gastronomy, Tournai will not fail to seduce you. So, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden treasures of this magnificent Belgian city.

Originally published at Almouwatin.com

Proposed law against the public burning of holy scriptures in Denmark

Proposed law against the public burning of holy scriptures in Denmark
Proposed law against the public burning of holy scriptures in Denmark

Last summer, a Quran was burnt in Sweden. This unspeakable act aroused strong emotions in the international community. Following this criminal act, Denmark is now proposing legislation to criminalise such acts and protect the holy scriptures.

Article written by Bashy Quraishy* and Thierry Valle* (see short bios at the bottom)

Mr Bashy Quraishy brings his expertise to bear on the discussions that this legislation is stirring up in Danish society. He is assisted in his analysis by the President of CAP Liberté de conscience.

Background of the proposed law

Denmark is a peaceful country where laws are respected, and the society practices an age-old proverb: “One can always agree to disagree”.

This mindset has helped Danes to avoid big differences, minimise societal conflicts and live a rather peaceful life. The cornerstone of accepting differing opinions is the notion of unlimited freedom of expression. It means that people can say anything, they please. It has worked because Denmark has been a mono-cultural, mono-ethnic, and Christian nation for nearly one thousand years. That attitude, however, has also created an underlying intolerance and hostility towards other cultures, faiths and living styles, especially towards Muslim communities and Islam.

Since the early seventies when immigrants from developing countries were allowed to come and work, ill will has slowly but surely increased towards those groups that are officially described as; foreigners with non-European cultural backgrounds.

Various political parties were established on an agenda of negativity that a large part of the mainstream media helped to spread.

It was in this background, that Danish politician – Rasmus Paludan –started burning the Quran in public in 2017 – first in minority-populated areas, then in public places and in front of the Danish parliament. Despite protests from minorities and progressive Danes, the government did not do anything to stop it. Instead, the police kept on providing protection during his provocative actions. According to media reports, from 2017 up until 2020, the Danish state used 127 million Kr. to protect Mr. Paludan and his Quran-burning events.

He later moved to Sweden and started doing the same. Some Iranian and Iraqi refugees have started copying him by burning the Quran in public and in front of various embassies. It must be mentioned that this happened with the authorities’ permission and resulted in local and diplomatic protests. It is said that there have been over 100 Quran burnings over the past few months in 2023.

The international condemnations of Quran desecration in Denmark and Sweden

Unfortunately, the inaction of the Danish and Swedish states, not only helped to escalate the deteriorating situation, it created anger among Muslims in Scandinavia and internationally. OIC and individual countries reacted strongly. They believed that such actions were planned and implemented without authorities taking any action to stop them. Many non-Muslim lands also strongly condemned the desecration of religious books like the Quran.

First Denmark refused to act and kept on talking about freedom of Expression but when the warnings of trade sanctions started coming from OIC, and powerful Muslim countries as well as warning statements from the UK, USA and China, Denmark thought about its economic and foreign interests and the government decided to propose the bill to outlaw the burning of all the religious books.

Facts about the bill against the burning of holy scriptures

The government on 25th August 2023, presented its proposal for a legislative intervention to prevent the burning of holy books such as the Quran and the Bible in public places in Denmark.

The government’s proposed bill, reads, “Anyone who, publicly or with the intention of spreading it in a wider circle, is guilty of improper treatment of an object with significant religious significance for a religious community or an object that appears as such, is punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to two years”. The proposal does not include satirical drawings or religious clothing. The law, if passed, would be attached as “subsection 2” to the existing section 110 of the Criminal Code, which prohibits desecration of other nations’ flags.

It seems that the proposal is aimed at actions that take place in a public place or on the Internet, and it does not just apply to burning. one must also not throw on the ground, trample on, cut or tear such a religiously significant object. In the end, the courts will have to deal with the gravity of the crime.

The reactions

After the proposal was made public in a hastily arranged Pres briefing in the parliament, Jørn Vestergaard, professor emeritus found the word, Inappropriate or Improper treatment as too vague a term. He suggested using the term ‘degrading’ instead. Lasse Ellegaard, a famous intellectual said that burning the Quran (or other holy books) is an assault on the believer who has based his existence on its content. And a reminder to all Muslims that the arrogant Christian West still celebrates the mentality of the Crusades.

Historian and former editor-in-chief at Politiken Newspaper, Bo Lidegaard, who had worked in the Prime Minister’s Office during the Mohammed crisis said that banning Quran burnings is about protecting minorities and it is a misunderstanding that the Quran burnings had anything to do with freedom of expression.

In my own opinion, the proposal is very vague and rather confusing. The law would cover all religions and it is the court that would decide after the police complaints. The most important issue is the attitude of the police authorities who must take the cases to the courts and the judges who would act. Here, I am a bit sceptical. But all in all, I welcome the initiative.

The reaction of the Muslim communities and the Danish public

Muslim communities, religious reps and NGOs in Denmark have welcomed this initiative. They expressed their support both in press releases, letters to editors and articles in the media. In the survey, conducted by institute Voxmeter on behalf of news wire Ritzau, 1,000 people were asked whether they want the proposed law change to be adopted.

Some 50.2 per cent answered “yes”, 35 per cent said “no” and 14.8 per cent did not know. The survey was among the first to assess public opinion on the pertinent issue since the government announced that it would ban Quran burnings in public.

Most of the Danish media, political parties and a part of the elite are opposing this bill and use the usual excuse of freedom of expression. These fundamentalist forces are those people who have no regard for other people’s opinions, and ideas and only want to push their own version of the reality on others and the society. They even do not care that the Danish Constitution clearly points out that freedom of expression is always under responsibility and Danish Panel Code 266b states that freedom should not be misused to harass minorities or demonise people of other faiths or cultures.

Muslim countries welcome Danish “Quran law”.

The Danish government’s bill is appreciated and a step in the right direction, according to Muslim countries. Iraq’s foreign minister Fouad Hussein was among the first to respond to the Danish government’s desire to criminalize Quran burnings while Muqtada al-Sadr, leader of the Sadr militia declared on Twitter, that he is now prepared to enter into a meaningful and constructive dialogue with Denmark and Sweden.

Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem al-Abdullah al-Sabah and the chairman of the Arab League parliament, Adel bin Abdul Rahman Al-Asoumi, called Denmark’s bill “a step in the right direction”. Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Pakistan has always maintained that the desecration and burning of holy scriptures constitutes a serious act of religious hatred, which must not be allowed under the guise of freedom of expression, opinion and protest.

According to Hürriyet, Turkey had a great influence on the Danish government’s decision, and therefore the bill is considered by the Turkish leadership as a step in the right direction.

Heinrich Heine predicted the Quran burnings 200 years ago

Quran burning in Europe is not a new phenomenon. On August 20, it was exactly 200 years ago that Heinrich Heine’s drama Almansor was performed at the National Theater in Braunschweig. In Heinrich Heine’s drama from 1823, the main character’s servant, Hassan, says almost prophetically: ‘This is just the beginning, but where you burn books, you also burn people in the end’. He was referring to 1499, when the Archbishop of Toledo, the confessor of the Spanish royal couple and the Grand Inquisitor Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros ordered the burning of five thousand books containing ‘Muslim’ theology, philosophy, and natural science. Quran burnings have thus also been carried out in the name of Christianity. It is worth remembering in these Quran-burning times.

What is the latest development regarding the proposed law?

On 25 August 2023, the bill was sent for public consultation for four weeks with a deadline of 22 September 2023, so that the bill can be expected to be tabled in the opening week of the coming parliamentary year. On September 1, 2023, the Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard presented a written submission before the Folketing, where he proposed an act to amend the Penal Code (Prohibition against inappropriate treatment of objects with significant religious significance for a religious community.

In his letter to the parliament, the justice minister argued that the recent Quran burnings have meant that Denmark is increasingly seen in large parts of the world as a country that facilitates mockery and denigration of other countries and religions. The actions must be assumed to have had as their primary purpose to mock and provoke reactions. Let us hope that Danish bill would soon become a law and would inspire Sweden to do the same.

Bashy Quraishy is a member of a number of Commissions, Committees and Boards involved with Human Rights, Ethnic/Religious Equality Issues, anti-racism, anti-discrimination, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, both in Denmark and internationally.  He is the Coordinator-ENAR Platform – in Denmark and a Council Member – of the Institute for Human Rights – Denmark. he also animates “Bashy’s Corner” TV Copenhagen- Denmark.

* Thierry Valle is president of the Coordination of the Associations and the People for Freedom of Conscience, a European NGO with United Nations Consultative Status, created two decades ago and dedicated to protecting the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

Honoring women Life Freedom

Honoring women Life Freedom
Honoring women Life Freedom

A Film Festival entitled “Honoring women Life Freedom “was organised in United Nations plaza New york on September 14th by Empower Women Media organization and stopFemicide to Commemorate the death of Mahsa Amini one year later and the Iranian uprisings for equality,justice and human dignity.

The festival started with a commemoration ceremony and a morning session with very high level speakers and experts to highlight the women and men who lost their lives in the 2022 Iran protests mainly Dr Sousan Abadian an author and a generative cultural renewal,Dr Ardeshir Badaknia ,a physician, author and artist, Uriel Epshtein (CEO of Renew Democracy initiative), Yasmin Green (CEO of Jigaw ),Patricia Karam (senior policy advisor at Freedom House ),Sheila Katz (CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women ),Navid Mohebbi (a policy director at NUFDI ),Reverent Johonnie Moore (President of the Congress of Christian leaders ),Suzanne Nossel (CEO of PEN America ),Myriam Ovissi (Trustee at Ovissi Foundation),Farah Pandith (First Special representative to Muslim communities at US department of state)and Dr Javaid Rehman (UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran).

The afternoon session involved Film makers who covered the issue of women’s rights violations in Iran but also in the Middle East and South Asia followed by a discussion with the presence of Lisa Daftari (Editor in Chief of The Foreign Desk ) and Marjan Keypour Greenblatt ( Founder and Director of Alliance For Rights of All Minorities ) moderated by Shirin Taber the Founder and Executive Director of Empower Women Media.

Manel Msalmi,the president of the European Association for The Defense of Minorities, expert on Minorities and iran gave the closing remarks of the film festival. She highlighted the fact that there is an ongoing repression of Iranian women in Iran including those of Kurdish,Arab ,Baluch ,Azerbaijanis as well as religious minorities mainly the Bahais .Those women have been facing various forms of discrimination and marginalization including limited access to education, job opportunities and political representation.

The emblematic case of Mahsa Amini, the 22 year old girl Kurdish Iranian woman who died on September 16th 2023 three days after being arrested by the regime’s morality case shocked the world and highlighted a characteristic of the regime mainly ethnic and sexist discrimination. However, for the very first time, we witnessed a solidarity between the different ethnic and religious minorities in Iran after the Iran protests in 2022 and all the different ethnic groups showed solidarity with youth and women in Iran.

The Azerbaijani minority (around a third of the population) suffers from cultural oppression in many fields and women are in the most difficult situation. The Azerbaijani women are suffering in Iran as all the people there and especially as a minority and above it – as women.

The Azerbaijani women in particular were active in the protests. All the opposition groups in Tabriz  had united around the Azfront group with highly developed Telegram channel. These were women in Tabriz who put all the opposition together and worked with Azfront media to give voice to women and minorities in Iran. There is an ongoing movement of solidarity and unity which shows that “women ,Life ,Freedom ” is a movement for all Iranians to call for freedom, equality, justice and human rights for all .

Morocco and Libya: UN scales up support for disaster relief

Morocco and Libya: UN scales up support for disaster relief
© UNICEF/Abdulsalam Alturki - Floods devastated the northern coastal Libyan city of Darna.

Morocco and Libya, two very different catastrophes united by the “unimaginable trauma” of bereaved families, continue to mobilize the UN’s relief efforts, the Organisation’s top aid official Martin Griffiths said on Friday.

He called for solidarity with the people of the two countries and spoke of the tragedy of people looking desperately for their loved ones for days on end. 

In Libya, “some have lost 50 or more family members”, he said. 

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Morocco and Libya: UN scales up support for disaster relief
Morocco and Libya: UN scales up support for disaster relief 2

Immediate deployment

Asked whether the UN was “ready” when disaster struck, Mr. Griffiths answered: “unequivocally, yes.” 

He told reporters that within 24 hours of the earthquake which shook Morocco’s Atlas Mountain range last Friday, the UN deployed a disaster assessment and coordination (UNDAC) team of 15 people out of Geneva and key staff from the region. 

Need for coordination

That team was now being redeployed to Libya with the consent of the Moroccan authorities to support essential coordination of the humanitarian response to the deadly floods.

If you don’t have coordination, there’s chaos. And that loses lives,” Mr. Griffiths insisted.

Morocco: Second phase

The UN Emergency Relief Coordinator said that in Morocco, the earthquake had claimed nearly 3,000 lives. Although the early figures were “terrible enough”, they are likely to be overtaken by events as rescuers work through the rubble.

He highlighted the country’s “distinguished history” of building up response capacities in recent years.

The UN humanitarian chief stressed that the response in the country was moving from the initial phase, when the focus is on finding survivors and providing for the internment of those killed, to phase two, where supporting the survivors with aid – shelter, food, medicine – becomes the main priority.

Libya: 900,000 people affected

In Libya, where the UN already had a humanitarian presence on the ground, a “completely different catastrophe” unfolded, Mr. Griffiths said, that was “appalling, shocking, unimaginable in its consequences”.

There was speculation that some 20,000 people may have lost their lives in the massive flooding triggered by Storm Daniel over the weekend. Access to the city of Derna, the epicentre of the tragedy, remained difficult.

The UN relief chief said that 900,000 people in the country had been affected, “on top of a situation where 300,000 people in Libya already needed humanitarian aid”.

Helping humanitarians do their job

Mr. Griffiths described the challenges on the ground in the response to the disaster in Libya.

Those included coordinating with the internationally recognized Government and the de facto authorities in the east, discovering the “full extent” of the disaster, as floods and torrents have destroyed buildings and sludge was still concealing the “level of death and need”, as well as “getting the right aid to the right people at the right time”. 

“That’s why coordination is so important,” he said. “It’s not a bureaucratic issue, it’s a prioritization issue. Helping key humanitarian agencies to do the job they do so well.”

Martin Griffiths, UN Emergency Releif Coordinator in Geneva, Switzerland.
UN News/Daniel Johnson – Martin Griffiths, UN Emergency Releif Coordinator in Geneva, Switzerland.

Urgent appeal

On Thursday, the UN launched a flash appeal for Libya just over $71 million targeting 250,000 people for the next three months.

The UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in the country, Georgette Gagnon, was leading the organisation’s response efforts and a coordination hub has been established in Benghazi.

Mr. Griffiths detailed the most urgent needs in Libya: equipment to find people in the sludge and the damaged buildings, shelter, food, clean water and sanitation, as well as key primary medical care, as the threat of cholera looms large.

He said the possibility of opening a maritime route to bring in aid to Derna, as requested by the city’s mayor, made “complete sense”, and stressed the urgency of simultaneously supporting people fleeing to the south, away from the disaster area. 

The UN relief chief also underscored the need for psychosocial care, a “huge issue” given the extent of the trauma caused by the disaster.

“Massive reminder” of climate challenges

Mr. Griffiths stressed that in Libya, “climate and capacity have collided to cause this terrible tragedy”.

He called the disasters in both countries a “deeply shocking” and “massive” reminder of climate and its presence around the world

“We face a really difficult year ahead and government capacities will be stretched to the limit in both these countries,” he said.