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Spain awards next level of religious recognition to the Bahá’í Faith


Madrid, 26 September 2023- After 76 years of development as an integral part of Spanish society, the Bahá’í Community has been officially recognised by the Government as a community as deeply rooted in the country. The report of the Advisory Commission on Religious Freedom was unanimously favourable, marking a step forward in the recognition of minority rights and religious diversity in Spain.

Bahá'í Community of Spain with Mercedes Murillo and the Ministry of Presidency.

Bahá’í, deeply rooted in Spain starting in 1947

Since the formation of the first group of believers in Spain in 1947, the Bahá’í Community has worked to put into practice its fundamental principle, which is the unity of humanity, within Spanish society through initiatives and processes of education, institutional development and social action, processes that this week have led to its official recognition as a community deeply rooted in the country, published in the BOE No. 230-Sec.III (the Official Bulletin or Gazette of the Spanish state).

This recognition, based on the provisions of Royal Decree 593/2015, has been made after the analysis of the report submitted to the General Subdirectorate of Religious Freedom, which supports the five fundamental criteria, among which is “the presence and active participation in Spanish society“.

Working with the society

In this regard, the declaration as deeply rooted of the Bahá’í issued by the Ministry of the Presidency highlights “the activity it carries out in society in the field of non-formal education, the defence of Human Rights, in particular, of religious freedom and of those persecuted for their Bahá’́í status, of equality between men and women, which forms part of the principles of the Bahá’í faith expressed by its founder“. In addition, the legal provision refers to “activity in the academic and legal fields, as well as participation in forums and inter-religious dialogue roundtables“.

Bahá'í official recognition from the Spanish government
Spain awards next level of religious recognition to the Bahá'í Faith 3

In addition to the social role of this community, the ministerial order of notorious rootedness (or deeply rooted) recognises the fulfilment of a series of fundamental requirements: the Bahá’í Faith has been registered in the country for 55 years, with 108 registered entities and 17 places of worship listed in 15 Autonomous Communities and Autonomous Cities. It is stressed that this community “has a structure ranging from the National Assembly to the Local Assemblies, with its statutes defining how its legal representatives are elected, the minimum number of members to form a local community and the rules of coordination within its structure that guarantee continuity and responsibility within it“.

A step forward to equal treatment

With the publication of this resolution, Spain and its administration are moving forward in the process of equalising the rights of minorities,” said Patricia Daemi, a member of the Bahá’í Community’s legal team. “The Bahá’í Faith becomes the eighth denomination to be granted this recognition in our country but, in this case, and for the first time, Royal Decree 593/2015 regulating the objective criteria for the deeply rooted declaration of religious denominations in Spanish territory is being implemented,” emphasises Daemi.

Another element to highlight is the unanimous favourable report issued by the Advisory Commission on Religious Freedom, composed of experts, government representatives and religious leaders of denominations with notorious roots, as it represents a step forward in the establishment of equal relations within the context of religious diversity in Spain.

Validity of Bahá’í religious marriages

Having the status of “deeply rooted” automatically allows religious communities to give civil validity to marriages celebrated under their worship, a permanent seat in the Advisory Commission on Religious Freedom of the Ministry of the Presidency and the formal capacity to establish a bilateral negotiation process with the Government.

We understand that our role, like that of every religion, must be to build a more cohesive, just and prosperous society, taking advantage of the strength of spiritual principles such as love and the recognition that humanity is one family,” explains Virginia Pedreño, Secretary General of the Bahá’í Governing Council. “For this reason, the recognition of the well-known rootedness is not only a goal achieved but also an impulse and a motivation to continue contributing to the development of society“.

Morocco and Libya: UN scales up support for disaster relief

Morocco and Libya: UN scales up support for disaster relief

Two very different catastrophes in Morocco and in Libya united by the “unimaginable trauma” of bereaved families, continue to mobilize the UN’s relief efforts, the Organisation’s top aid official Martin Griffiths said on Friday.

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Scientology In Hamburg Celebrates Half A Century Of Fighting For And Winning Freedom For All

Scientology Hamburg

HAMBURG, GERMANY, September 28, 2023 /EINPresswire/ — On the first weekend in September, the Church of Scientology Hamburg celebrated its 50th anniversary in Hamburg with members and invited guests. In an illustrated journey through time, Scientologists from the very beginning, new Scientologists and invited guests were given an insight into the eventful history of Scientology in Hamburg.

Great causes, great allies for freedom

As a special guest speaker, a German religious scholar gave those present an insight into his work and explained why, from his scientific perspective, Scientology is without question a religion, as the highest German courts have confirmed.

Numerous congratulations and greetings from at home and abroad reached the Hamburg church. The leader of a Christian religious community personally presented the church leadership with a letter of thanks for allowing his congregation to use the Church of Scientology premises free of charge for their church services for a year.

It all began in 1970 when a student at the University of Hamburg brought the book “Dianetics – The Modern Science of Mental Health” by L. Ron Hubbard to Hamburg from a trip to Canada. She quickly got two other fellow students interested and the foundation was laid. Scientology grew from a small group in a private living room on Flughafenstrasse in 1970, to the founding of a mission in 1973 on Gerhofstrasse at Gänsemarkt, to a large Scientology church with several thousand square meters on Domplatz in the heart of the Hanseatic city.

Scientology in Hamburg can look back on an eventful history. The 1990s and the first decade of the new millennium in particular were characterized by a number of disputes with officials who had set themselves the goal of impairing the free exercise of religion by the church and individual members. In contrast, however, the courts insisted on facts rather than opinions, and their rulings strengthened the rights of the church and its members.

A decision by the Hamburg Higher Administrative Court in 2004 was of groundbreaking importance. In a legal dispute, a Scientologist sued against the “technology declaration”, the so-called “sect filter”, distributed by the city of Hamburg, because, in her view, its distribution constituted an infringement on her religious freedom in accordance with Article 4 of the Basic Law. The Hamburg Higher Administrative Court ruled that the dissemination of this statement by the city of Hamburg was unlawful and ruled in favour of the Scientologist.

In 2005, this judgment was confirmed by the highest court the Federal Administrative Court, among other things, with the following words: “The Higher Administrative Court determined on the merits that the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard determined the goals of people, spoke to the core of their personality and explained in a comprehensive way the meaning of the world and human life.

For this purpose, it referred as an example to the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard about the immortal soul as the carrier of a life energy that changes through countless lives, as well as about the path to higher levels of existence that is reminiscent of levels of redemption Goal of human existence. The Higher Administrative Court correctly assumed that such statements of Scientological teachings were suitable for fulfilling the concept of faith or worldview.”

The review of the past 50 years also included the commitment of the Hamburg Scientologists in various humanitarian areas.

Scientology Commitment to human rights

“Human rights must be made a fact, not an idealistic dream”, L. Ron Hubbard once wrote. The commitment to human rights and especially religious freedom was already a matter close to the hearts of the Hamburg Scientologists in the 1990s. With numerous large-scale demonstrations, they emphatically pointed out the need to respect religious freedom.

At the end of the 1990s / beginning of the 2000s, Hamburg was the final point of the European Marathon for Human Rights with large rallies and concerts. Information stands were used to inform the public about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and thousands of information brochures about this human rights document were distributed. Representatives of various religious communities and dignitaries from Hamburg, Germany and the world came to the open days to talk about the importance and respect for human rights.

30 years of commitment to a drug-free life

L. Ron Hubbard wrote in the 1960s “Drugs are the most destructive element in society.” Hamburg Scientologists have been active in drug education and prevention since the 1990s. In winter, warm drinks and food were often distributed to those in need at the main station. An anti-drug art exhibition was held in the foyer and from the 2000s onwards there were more information stands, street distribution activities and lectures.

The publications of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, which is recognized as a non-profit organization and based in the USA, are used. To date, more than 2.7 million educational booklets have been distributed in Hamburg and the surrounding area.

Volunteer Ministers

The motto of the volunteer ministers is “There is always something you can do about it.” True to this motto, Scientologists flew from Hamburg to Sri Lanka in 2004 and stayed for several weeks to help people after the devastating flood disaster in Southeast Asia. Even after the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley, volunteer ministers set out to give those affected the help they needed.

And during the pandemic, volunteer ministers were out in Hamburg with the stay-well message and distributed the information booklets in shops and the neighbourhood. The booklets contain basic information about what you can do to generally protect yourself and others from infections. Direct assistance was also given to a friendly Islamic community by regularly disinfecting its premises so that believers could perform their prayers safely.

The Way to Happiness

True to Rule 12 from The Way to Happiness, “Protect and improve your environment”, Scientologists have carried out a large number of clean-up operations in the Hanseatic city in recent years, thereby contributing to a clean Hamburg. Almost 150,000“The Way to Happiness” booklets were also distributed to interested citizens.

Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR )

Here too, Hamburg Scientologists were involved in a variety of actions to protect the human rights of psychiatric patients. A large part of the work of CCHR consists of the documentation of psychiatric abuse cases. In the 1990s, cases of sexual abuse by psychiatrists against patients came to light. However, these cases could not be prosecuted because there was no corresponding criminal law provision in the statute book.

Members of the CCHR Germany national office, based in Hamburg in the early 1990s, drafted a legislative proposal to make sexual abuse in therapy a punishable act and made it available to hundreds of decision-makers. In 1996, CCHR sent out thousands of copies of the brochure “Psychiatric Rape” and raised awareness among large sections of the German media, which helped to shape public opinion. Finally, in 1998, a law was passed making sexual abuse in therapy a punishable offense.

The TV station Scientology Network also portrays Freedom Medal winners Nicola Cramer and Bernd Trepping, who have been campaigning for human rights and the protection of psychiatric patients for decades. Both met the Church of Scientology in Hamburg in the late 1980s. The Freedom Medal is the highest international recognition that can be awarded to a Scientologist for outstanding, humanitarian service to society

Confidence building critical to break Syria political deadlock

Confidence building critical to break Syria political deadlock

A comprehensive solution to the Syrian conflict remains elusive, the UN Special Envoy for the country said on Wednesday, calling for “concrete moves” and confidence-building measures to break the impasse.

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Karabakh: Azerbaijan must ‘guarantee the rights of ethnic Armenians’

Karabakh: Azerbaijan must ‘guarantee the rights of ethnic Armenians’

“Azerbaijan must also promptly and independently investigate alleged or suspected violations of the right to life reported in the context of its latest military offensive…during which dozens of people, including peacekeepers, were killed,” said, Morris Tidball-Binz, the UN Human Rights Council-appointed Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.

Thousands have moved into Armenia from the Karabakh Economic Region of Azerbaijan in the span of just a few days, including many elderly, women and children.

UN chief António Guterres said on Tuesday he was “very concerned” about the displacement.

“It’s essential that the rights of the displaced populations be protected and that they receive the humanitarian support they are owed,” Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told journalists at UN Headquarters.

Long-running conflict

Conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region has persisted for more than three decades, but a ceasefire and subsequent Trilateral Statement was agreed almost three years ago following six weeks of fighting, by the leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia, leading to the deployment of several thousand Russian peacekeepers.  

Amid last week’s flare-up in fighting and the arrival of the first refugees in Armenia, the UN chief called for fully-fledged access for aid workers to people in need.

International standards must apply

Mr. Tidball-Binz said that “investigations must be conducted in accordance with international standards, in particular the Revised UN Manual on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-Legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions, also known as the Minnesota Protocol”.

This requires that investigations be carried out promptly and be thorough, complete, independent, impartial and transparent.”

“I reaffirm my readiness to provide technical assistance to the authorities for ensuring compliance with their international humanitarian law and human rights obligations to properly investigate every potentially unlawful death in line with applicable standards of forensic best practice,” the Special Rapporteur said.

Special Rapporteurs and other UN experts are not UN staff and are independent from any government or organisation. They serve in their individual capacity and receive no salary for their work.

Taking questions from reporters in New York, the UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said that the UN has been in communication with the Government of Azerbaijan on issues relating to international law and humanitarian principles, noting that the Government has given public assurances that all citizens in the region would be protected.

Alarming images

He also flagged a statement issued on Wednesday by Alice Wairimu Nderitu, the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide.

“She reiterated her strong concern over the ongoing situation in the South Caucasus region…She said the images of people leaving due to fear of identity-based violence are very alarming”.  

Ms. Nderitu called for “all efforts to be made” to ensure the protection and human rights of the ethnic Armenian population who remain in the area and for those who have left.

Emergency shelter, ‘critical’

In a press briefing in Geneva earlier in the day, the World Health Organization’s head of Health Emergencies, noted that possibly up to a third of the population of the Karabakh region has moved “in a very, very short time.”

They don’t have their normal meds with them. They haven’t eaten, they are thirsty. There is a risk of dehydration, there’s a risk to disease and other psychological traumas which go along with that. I think right now, given the cold temperatures at night emergency shelter is absolutely crucial.” 

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Pakistan floods a ‘litmus test’ for climate justice says Guterres

Pakistan floods a ‘litmus test’ for climate justice says Guterres

Top UN officials pledged support for Pakistan on Wednesday as it continues the painstaking process of rebuilding in the wake of last year’s devastating floods.

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US urged to end detention of Venezuelan Special Envoy

US urged to end detention of Venezuelan Special Envoy

They called for his immediate release and for the US “to comply with its obligations under international law…and drop all charges against him.”


Mr. Saab was appointed as a Special Envoy by the Government in Caracas in April 2018 to undertake official missions in Iran to secure humanitarian deliveries, including of food and medicine, a press release issued by the UN human rights office detailed.

The US alleges the envoy was behind a corruption network involving a Government-subsidized food programme called CLAP that was in effect, stealing from the Venezuelan people, while also using food as a form of social control, according to the US Treasury.

In July of the same year, Mr. Saab was placed under US sanctions for allegedly being responsible for inter alia engaging in transactions or programmes administered by the Venezuelan Government.

On 12 June 2020, during his third trip to Iran, while in transit through Cabo Verde, he was arrested and detained by local authorities. Following an extradition request by the US, he was ultimately extradited in October 2021.

Problematic arrest

According to the Human Rights Council-appointed experts, the Cabo Verde courts dealing with his case reportedly rejected his numerous appeals against the extradition, his diplomatic status as an ad hoc diplomat and the decision in his favour by an ECOWAS Court in the region.

They said the courts also “discarded numerous official communications” from Venezuela, and recommendations from international rights bodies, including the Human Rights Council’s Special Procedures and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

“We note with concern the reported irregularities in the arrest and detention in Cabo Verde of Mr. Saab, prior to his extradition to the US,” the experts said.

“In particular, information we received indicates that at the exact moment of his arrest, while he was on his place at the Amílcar Cabral International Airport, there was no Red Notice by Interpol, nor an arrest warrant presented to him. Both were instead issued ex post facto,” they noted.

Charges against Saab

Following his extradition, US judicial authorities dropped seven counts of money laundering against him, while maintaining a single count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.

“We deeply regret that for almost two years since his extradition, Mr. Saab remains in detention awaiting trial for alleged conduct which is not considered an international crime, and thus should not have been the subject of extraterritorial or universal jurisdiction,” the UN experts said.

The experts were informed that since his extradition Saab was being detained at the Federal Detention Center in Miami, which is not a correctional institution, but instead a pre-trial administrative facility.

Violation ‘for millions’

“The actions against Mr. Saab are not only violations of his human rights…but also a violation of the right to an adequate standard of living for millions of Venezuelans, as result of the abrupt interruption of his mission for the procurement of essential goods,” the experts said.

Special Rapporteurs and other independent UN experts are not UN staff. They serve in their individual capacity and receive no salary for their work.

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Regional action essential to address migrant surge through Central America

Regional action essential to address migrant surge through Central America

With record numbers of people transiting through Central America and Mexico in search of a better life further north, UN migration agency IOM on Wednesday appealed for regional action to address their immediate needs while tackling the drivers of migration.

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The dazzling architecture of Mechelen: between tradition and modernity


The dazzling architecture of Mechelen: between tradition and modernity

The town of Mechelen, located in Belgium, is a true architectural gem. With its harmonious blend of traditional buildings and modern structures, this city offers a dazzling sight for architecture lovers.

Mechelen has a long history dating back to medieval times, and this is reflected in its architecture. The narrow, winding streets of the old town are full of buildings dating back centuries. St. Rumbold’s Cathedral, with its imposing spire and beautifully ornate Gothic interior, is one of the city’s highlights. With a height of 97 meters, this cathedral is a true masterpiece of Gothic architecture.

Strolling through the streets of Mechelen, one discovers many other historic buildings, such as the Town Hall, with its richly decorated facade, or the Church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste, another impressive example of architecture Gothic.

But Mechelen is not limited to its medieval heritage. Over the years, the city has also developed modern and contemporary architecture that blends perfectly with historic buildings. One of the most striking examples of this combination of tradition and modernity is the Hof van Busleyden Museum. Located in a historic 16th century building, the museum has been completely renovated and expanded with a modern glass extension. This juxtaposition of old and new creates a unique atmosphere that makes visiting the museum even more interesting.

Another outstanding example of modern architecture in Mechelen is the Lamot cultural and congress center. Located in a former brewery, this building has been transformed into a multi-purpose space where exhibitions, conferences and cultural events take place. Its contemporary architecture combines modern materials such as glass and metal with traditional elements, such as the red bricks characteristic of the region.

In addition to these specific examples, Mechelen is full of many other modern buildings that demonstrate the city’s architectural innovation. The architects managed to integrate contemporary structures into the existing urban fabric, creating a visual harmony that is both impressive and pleasing to the eye.

Besides its architecture, Mechelen also offers many other attractions for visitors. The city has a rich cultural history, with many museums, art galleries and historic sites to discover. Additionally, Mechelen is also known for its beer, and visitors can sample a wide variety of Belgian beers in the town’s many cafes and breweries.

In conclusion, the architecture of Mechelen is a fascinating blend of tradition and modernity. With its well-preserved medieval heritage and innovative modern buildings, the city offers a unique visual experience. Whether you are a history, art or architecture lover, Mechelen is an unmissable destination. So don’t hesitate any longer and come discover the dazzling architecture of this charming Belgian city.

Originally published at Almouwatin.com

‘You can’t even face your own parents’, cyberbullying victim tells Human Rights Council

‘You can’t even face your own parents’, cyberbullying victim tells Human Rights Council

According to findings from the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 130 million students worldwide experience bullying, which has been exacerbated by the spread of digital technologies. UNICEF estimates that one in every three students from 13 to 15 is a victim. 

Suicide risk

The Council heard heartfelt testimony from 15-year-old Santa Rose Mary, a children’s advocate from Uganda, who said that once one’s personal information or intimate photos have been shared online, “you can’t even face the community where you live, you can’t even face your own parents”. 

She warned that such situations can bring a child to take their own life when they “have that feeling of not being needed in the community”.

UN deputy human rights chief Nada Al-Nashif noted that according to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), cyberbullying affects girls almost twice as much as boys

Far-reaching effects

Ms. Al-Nashif quoted research from the UN World Health Organization (WHO), showing that children who are subject to bullying are more likely to skip school, perform less well on tests and can suffer sleeplessness and psychosomatic pain. 

Some studies also show “far-reaching effects extending into adulthood”, such as high prevalence of depression and unemployment, she said.

Getting it right

Ms. Al-Nashif told the Council that the “complex” topic of cyberbullying lies at the intersection of human rights, digital and policy issues.

“To get this right, we must adopt a holistic approach, and address root causes”, she said, underscoring that “central to this is the voice of children themselves”.

She also stressed the “centrality and power of companies in the online space”, insisting on the responsibility of tech companies to provide adapted privacy tools and follow content moderation guidelines “in line with international human rights standards”. 

15 million attacks: Facebook and Instagram

A representative of Meta, Safety Policy Director Deepali Liberhan, took part in the discussion and spoke to the magnitude of the problem.

She said in the third quarter of 2023 alone, some 15 million pieces of content had been detected on Meta’s platforms Facebook and Instagram that constituted bullying and harassment; most were proactively removed by Meta before even being reported, she said. 

Ms. Liberhan highlighted the company’s content moderation policies and ways in which Meta was enforcing them on its platforms, partnering with experts to inform the action it takes, and incorporating anti-bullying tools into the user experience.

School violence and bullying, including cyberbullying, is widespread and affects a significant number of children and adolescents.

Collective responsibility 

At the conclusion of the session, panellist Philip Jaffé, Member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, stressed the “collective” responsibility for the safety of our children.

“We need to make children more aware of their rights and make States and other components of society more aware of their obligations to protect [them],” he insisted.

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