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20 Dutch Musicians Weave Together Beethoven’s Best Melody


By the Good News Network

Twenty Dutch musicians from the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra were forced to stay sequestered in their homes this week amidst COVID-19 shutdowns—but they still came together in harmony to produce a powerful music video for the world.

With a full string section, woodwinds, and brass horns, the video opens with the familiar notes of the triumphant Symphony No. 9 by Beethoven, first played almost 200 years ago.

“We’re adjusting to a new reality and we’ll have to find solutions in order to support each other,” wrote the team on YouTube. “Creative forces help us.”

“Let’s think outside of the box and use innovation to keep our connection and make it work, together. Because if we do it together, we’ll succeed.”

Known also as “the choral symphony”, it was the first ever symphony composed using voices, which come in near the end of the composition.

The four-minute YouTube clip reaches that crescendo with an unseen choir recorded singing the glorious words of the German poem, An die Freude (Ode To Joy), by Friedrich Schiller—the poem chosen by Beethoven to accompany his final masterpiece.

Glad, as his suns fly
Through the Heavens’ glorious plan,
Run, brothers, your race, Joyful,
as a hero to victory.
Be embraced, you millions!
This kiss for the whole world!

(WATCH the wonderful video below)

UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders: Support consensus renewal


By CAP Freedom of Conscience

At the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council, States will consider a resolution extending for three years the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders. Civil society organisations from across the world are calling on all States to support the consensus renewal of the mandate, and to resist any attempt to undermine the mandate and States’ obligations. This is a key opportunity for States and the Council to demonstrate their support and recognition for the indispensable role defenders play to ensure that all people enjoy freedom, dignity, justice and equality.

Human rights defenders are people who act with humanity, serve humanity and who contribute to and bring out the best in humanity. They are key to our daily lives – they work so our governments are more transparent and accountable, our environment cleaner and safer, our schools and workplaces fairer, and our futures more sustainable. As human rights defenders confront power, privilege and prejudice, they frequently face a wide range of risks and threats, including against their organisations and their families, friends and loved ones.

Despite their vital contribution, both some governments and non-State actors are still seeking to silence defenders as they expose injustices and demand accountability for all.

The mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders is integral to their protection and recognition, globally. It gathers and responds to information on the situation of defenders around the world, engages constructively with governments and non-State actors and provides expert recommendations to promote the effective implementation of the Declaration on human rights defenders (‘the Declaration’).

In 2019, the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly supported the vital work of defenders. The Human Rights Council recognised the critical role of environmental human rights defenders in protecting natural ecosystems, addressing climate change, attaining the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The General Assembly passed by consensus a resolution focusing on implementation of the Declaration and some key elements of protection policy; the resolution also attracted a record number of co-sponsors.

At the 43rd session of the Council, States will consider a resolution extending the mandate of the Special Rapporteur for three years. This is a key opportunity for States and the Council to demonstrate their support and recognition for the indispensable role defenders play to ensure that all people enjoy freedom, dignity, justice and equality.

Civil society organisations* from across the world are calling on all States to support the extension of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur by:

  • Participating positively in the negotiations on the resolution,
  • Presenting early co-sponsorship of the text,
  • Resisting any attempts to dilute the mandate or State obligations, and
  • Supporting consensus renewal of the mandate.

source : https://www.ishr.ch/news/hrc43-support-consensus-renewal-un-special-rapporteur-human-rights-defenders

List updated on a rolling basis*

  1. International Service For Human Rights (ISHR)
  2. Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD)
  3. Sudanese Development Initiative
  4. Partnership for Justice- Nigeria
  5. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain
  6. European Center for Democracy and Human Rights
  7. Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business
  8. Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights
  9. Centro de Justicia y Paz – Cepaz
  10. World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)
  11. International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
  12. Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR)
  13. Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
  14. Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience – EU
  15. Article 19
  16. The Southern Africa Human Rights Defenders Network
  17. Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
  18. DefendDefenders (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project)
  19. The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association – ILGA World
  20. Réseau Ouest Africain des Défenseurs des Droits Humains
  21. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
  22. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
  23. Global Witness
  24. Association for Advancement of Legal Right
  25. Emonyo Yefwe International – Kenya
  26. International Centre for Ethnic Studies- Sri Lanka
  27. IFEX
  28. Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada
  29. Peace Brigades International
  30. MENA Rights Group
  31. Brot für die Welt
  32. child rights connect
  33. Amnesty International
  34. Coalition Ivoirienne des Défenseurs des Droits Humains (CIDDH)
  35. Coalition Burkinabé des Défenseurs des Droits Humains (CBDDH)
  36. Dominicans for Justice and Peace
  37. UPR-Info
  38. International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
  39. Coalition Malienne des Défenseurs des Droits Humains (COMADDH)
  40. Réseau Ouest Africain des Défenseurs des Droits Humains
  41. Seguridad en Democracia (SEDEM)
  42. The ICCA Consortium
  43. Natural Justice
  44. URG (Universal Rights Group)
  45. World Assembly of Youth (WAY)
  46. Forest Peoples Programme
  47. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation

From social distance to Muslim solidarity proximity at the time of Covid-19


By Vasco Fronzoni at freedomofbelief.net

The Italian Muslim communities have faced the challenge of contagion with a pragmatic spirit. As it known, Islam does not recognize universal leaders, and therefore chooses on the basis of the general reference principles, which in the case of epidemics refer to a hadith that prescribes «if you hear of a plague in a land do not enter it; and if it breaks out in the land where you stay, do not leave»[1]. Muslim communities in Italy have given consistent indications with this substantial precautionary principle, stopping the movements generally linked to production activities; remaining on Italian territory despite being the one most penalized by contagion after China; closing prayer rooms and mosques to avoid contagions, in line with government regulations. It should be noted that this attitude is grafted on the homologous attitude of the ecclesiastical authorities, who have indicated to the faithful alternative ritual paths by accepting the limitations imposed by governments[2].

In addition, Muslims in Italy are particularly notable for their concrete, supportive attitude, which follows their contribution capacity and which goes beyond any confessional boundary, which essentially recalls the obligation of zakat, one of the pillars of Islam. For Muslims, solidarity practices and philanthropic acts not only affect a social attitude but also constitute an essential element of religious practice. In this respect, the principle of solidarity is a key element of the whole Muslim society, basic as Buddhist ethics of compassion and the Christian commandment of love for neighbor[3].

In Islam, brotherhood of faith replaced the ancient clan, tribal, race and ancestry ties that existed in the pagan era «The believers are but brothers» (Quran, XLIX, 10)[4], generating a sense of belonging that is concretized in a spiritual and material solidarity, according to the Quranic precept: «And cooperate in righteousness and piety» (Quran, V, 2). Based on this principle, the Islamic community takes care of both spiritual and material well-being: «Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful» (Quran, IV, 36). The primary function of altruistic activities in Islam is therefore to achieve an equitable distribution of income and wealth in different ways, through direct donations from the rich to the poor, with projects of assistance for disadvantaged people and programs for community development, or trough targeted interventions that will enable the poor to become economically more autonomous[5].

Based on these shariatic references directed to humanitarian action, the Italian Muslim community stood out for the following initiatives, monitored from the beginning of the health crisis.

Some initiatives have also been recorded in the international arena, like those adopted by countries such as China and Russia. Intra-Islamic cooperation, in fact, stood out for the humanitarian activism undertaken to support Italy and the Muslim communities present in the territory in the fight against the spread of the virus through substantial donations.

  1. March 23, 2020. The Muslim community in Alexandria has decided to participate in the solidarity initiatives undertaken to deal with the Coronavirus epidemic by announcing that it wants to create an internal fundraiser to donate to the local hospital, and in the meantime, they have organized a blood donation[6].
  2. March 23, 2020. The Essalem cultural association of Fornovo donated € 2,700 in favour of the Fornovese Green Cross in aid of the commitment to fight the epidemic[7].
  3. March 23, 2020. The Muslim community of Forlì donated € 7,000 to the local health agency (Ausl)[8].
  4. March 23, 2020. The Muslim community in Imola through its association House of Islamic Culture donated € 1,000 euros to the local health agency[9].
  5. March 24, 2020. In Bergamo, the local Muslim community, through the Toubkal association in collaboration with Muslim Young-BG and the Muslim Association of Bergamo, set up home delivery of groceries and medicines for the neighbourhood and for elderly people in need[10].
  6. March 25, 2020. The Muslim community of Bassano del Grappa has launched an online fundraiser for donations to the San Bassiano hospital[11].
  7. March 26, 2020. The Islamic cultural association of Ticino has decided to contribute to solidarity initiatives against the spread of Covid-19 by donating the sum of € 1,500 to the Municipality of Castelletto Sopra Ticino for the purchase of health disposals. Fundraising continues through a dedicated online platform and the local Islamic community solicit to donate in favour of the Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Civil Protection and Hospitals[12].
  8. March 26, 2020. The hospital of Manerbio received € 1,800 from fundraisers promoted by the Islamic association Chorouk that invited the local community to continue donating what it can to fundraising for the Garda health agency[13].
  9. March 27, 2020. The Muslim community of Carnate, through the local cultural center, made a small but significant donation to the AVPS association of Vimercate, whose volunteers serve in the nearby hospital[14].
  10. March 30, 2020. The Muslim community of Sermide and Felonica, in the province of Mantova, made a donation through the Amici della Pace Association a contribution to the local hospital[15].
  11. March 30, 2020. The Islamic Cultural Center of Brescia has donated € 7,000 to the Spedali Civili di Brescia and is also engaged in the distribution of food at home for families who are in a state of difficulty and who are unable to benefit from social safety nets[16].
  12. March 31, 2020. The Islamic Culture Center of Cuneo has launched a fundraiser in favour of the local Santa Croce Hospital, appealing to the entire Muslim community and to all the citizens of Cuneo to support operators engaged in the front line to contain the advance of the Coronavirus epidemic in the city[17].
  13. April 1, 2020. The fundraising organized by a collective of 13 different Muslim associations in the province of Brescia yielded € 55,805, donated to the Fondazione Comunità Bresciana onlus in favour of the public health system[18].
  14. April 1, 2020. In Carpi the local Pakistani community donates € 10,000 for the fight against Coronavirus and the mayor has publicly thanked the community from his facebook page[19].
  15. April 2, 2020. The Muslim community of Crema has collected € 4,450 in favour of the local hospital, reporting on the bank transfer “Covid-19 emergency”[20].
  16. April 6, 2020. The Muslim community of Reggio Emilia donates € 56,000 to the structures involved in tackling the epidemic in the city and the mayor has publicly thanked the Muslim families who contributed to the fundraising[21].
  17. April 6, 2020. Even DailyMuslim, the online newspaper of Italian Muslims, through Nexilia, the network of digital solutions for independent publishers, has decided to contribute during the Covid-19 emergency, by donating all the advertising revenue generated on the home pages of the network sites to Italian Red Cross, through the #RestoInHome campaign[22].
  18. April 11, 2020. The Muslim community of Catania has donated € 6,000 in health disposals (gloves, masks, disinfectant) to the local Garibaldi hospital, also launching a fundraiser and continuing the distribution of food packages for families in need[23].
  19. April 11, 2020. The Muslim community of Santa Croce sull’Arno donated some founds to the Coronavirus Pisa Mutual Aid Fund, set up by the Società della Salute Empolese Valdarno Valdelsa, receiving public thanks from the Mayor[24].
  20. April 13, 2020. The Muslim community of Perugia and the local Muslim donor group AVIS responded with great participation to the request for blood[25].
  21. April 14, 2020. The Islamic centres in Lughese Area (Lugo, Fusignano, Alfonsine, Massa Lombarda, Cotignola, Conselice, Lavezzola and Bagnacavallo) collected and donated € 22,670 to the Umberto II hospital in Lugo, to counteract the health emergency[26].
  22. April 14, 2020. The Islamic cultural association Amici Del Valdarno has launched a volunteer project aimed at people who are unable to go out for shopping because of the epidemiological emergency. The initiative made in collaboration with the Islamic Federation of Toscana and the Red Cross of Figline and Incisa Valdarno provides the door shopping service for families in need[27].
  23. April 15, 2020. A group of women from the Islamic association of Molinella, with a collaboration and social help spirit, create 7400 masks and donate them to the local citizenship in help to counter Coronavirus.[28]
    Some initiatives have also been recorded in the international arena, like those adopted by countries such as China and Russia. Intra-Islamic cooperation, in fact, stood out for the humanitarian activism undertaken to support Italy and the Muslim communities present in the territory in the fight against the spread of the virus through substantial donations.
  24. April 8, 2020. The World Muslim League, known for being the most important NGO in the Islamic world based in Mecca, has donated 1 million dollars to Italian civil protection as a contribution to combat the spread of Coronavirus[29].
  25. April 9, 2020. Qatar has sent two field hospitals to support the Coronavirus emergency in Italy[30].

Submitted: April 22th 2020. Published: April 30th 2020.

Taken from: DiReSoM Papers 1, Law, Religion and Covid-19 emergency, Edited by Pierluigi Consorti, May 2020

DiReSoM (Diritto e Religione nelle Società Multiculturali – Law and Religion in Multicultural Societies) is a research group created in 2017 by Italian Scholars in Law and Religion. [https://diresom.net]


[1] ⬆︎ Al Bukhari, Sahih, Al-Maktaba al-‘Asriyya, Beyruth, 1427 H., IV, n. 5728.

[2] ⬆︎ A. Fuccillo, La religione “contagiata” dal virus? La libertà religiosa nella collaborazione Stato-Chiesa nell’emergenza covid-19, in Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose, www.olir.it, 21/04/2020.

[3] ⬆︎ H. Kung, Islam: passato, presente e futuro, Rizzoli, Milano, 2005, p. 685.

[4] ⬆︎ For Quran, it was used the revised edition edited by the General Presidency of the Islamic Scientific Research Directorate, Ifta, Preaching and Religious Orientation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, al-Madinat al-Munawwarah (Medina), 1351 H. (1932).

[5] ⬆︎ In tal senso M. Ariff, La raccolta delle risorse attraverso il volontariato islamico nel Sud-est Asiatico, in A. Pacini (a cura di), Tasse religiose e filantropia nell’islam del Sud est asiatico, Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Torino, 1997, p. 23.

[6] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/la-comunita-islamica-di-alessandria-avvia-ra…

[7] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/covid-19-la-solidarieta-dellassociazione-ess…

[8] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/la-comunita-islamica-di-forli-dona-7mila-eur…

[9] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/la-comunita-islamica-di-imola-dona-mille-eur…

[10] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/le-associazioni-islamiche-di-bergamo-al-serv…

[11] ⬆︎ https://www.gofundme.com/f/emergenza-nazionale-corona-virus?member=&utm…

[12] ⬆︎ https://www.gofundme.com/f/emergenza-nazionale-corona-virus?member=&utm…

[13] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/lassociazione-chorouk-dona-altri-1500e-allos…

[14] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/la-solidarieta-della-comunita-islamica-di-ca…

[15] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/anche-a-sermide-la-comunita-islamica-contrib…

[16] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/la-comunita-islamica-di-brescia-dona-7mila-e….

[17] ⬆︎ https://www.gofundme.com/.

[18] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/brescia-record-di-donazioni-dalla-comunita-i…

[19] ⬆︎ https://temponews.it/2020/03/31/il-grande-abbraccio-della-comunita-musu….

[20] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/a-crema-lamministrazione-ringrazia-lacomunit….

[21] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/reggio-emilia-la-comunita-islamica-dona-56mi….

[22] ⬆︎ https://www.restoinhome.page/.

[23] ⬆︎ https://www.facebook.com/comunitaislamicadisicilia/posts/21118169856924…

[24] ⬆︎ https://www.facebook.com/congiuliadeidda/posts/1581820935309428.

[25] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/a-ponte-felcino-perugia-la-comunita-islamica….

[26] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/i-musulmani-del-lughese-donano-oltre-22-mila….

[27] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/la-comunita-islamica-di-valdarno-arezzo-atti….

[28] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/molinella-bo-donne-musulmane-producono-e-don…

[29] ⬆︎https://www.futuroquotidiano.com/coronavirus-la-lega-musulmana-mondiale-….

[30] ⬆︎ https://www.dailymuslim.it/il-qatar-dona-due-ospedali-da-campo-allitali…

APPG statement on EU’s Special Envoy on FoRB


The UK All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) urges the European Commission to renew the mandate of the Special Envoy on FoRB outside the EU.

Dr Ján Figel was appointed the European Commission’s first Special Envoy for the promotion of FoRB outside the EU, following a resolution adopted by the European Parliament in February 2016.

The mandate has served as a focal point for promoting FoRB outside the EU, with Dr Figel working alongside the European External Action Service, civil society, religious leaders and governments. Dr Figel has also served as Special Adviser to the Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development and he has worked extensively with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Special Rapporteur on FoRB, and the UN Deputy Secretary General responsible for Genocide Prevention, as well as his counterparts in European governments and in the US.

The unique position of the EU Special Envoy has enabled him to be viewed as a neutral broker by many countries. This fact has been instrumental in helping to foster dialogue and make effective interventions. For example, in assisting with the release of Asia Bibi, who spent years on death row in Pakistan due to an unfounded blasphemy allegation. Czech national Petr Jašek, who was jailed alongside two Sudanese pastors and a FoRB activist, also acknowledged Dr Figel’s important role in securing his freedom.

The Special Envoy has demonstrated how FoRB can be promoted and protected effectively through the European Union’s external action. This helps to explains why, on 15 January 2019, the European Parliament renewed its support for the Special Envoy in its resolution on the “EU guidelines and the mandate of the EU Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion outside the European Union”.

Dr. Figel’s mandate has now expired. The UK All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief urges the European Commission to renew his mandate in order to protect and promote FoRB outside the EU.

The mayor from Elche apologizes, but is it enough to ask for forgiveness?


For many years I have stayed away from Elche politics and its ins and outs. But writing from time to time about issues related to the city of Elche has to be a hygienic and tasteful exercise for me. I have read on the SER page that Carlos González has apologized for telling the people from Elche actively and passively that they were going to go to phase 1

It is always better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. However, without placing the blame on him, nothing further, if he makes me reflect on the lesson that I imagine he will have learned, and it is none other than realizing that betting on the leader (Sánchez) is not always betting on a winning horse Political leaders only work, the higher up they are, trying to make their interests prevail, not everyone’s, but theirs.

And they don’t mind leaving those who are expendable at the feet of the horses, that is, a mayor of the City Council, whoever he is, is expendable. The battle of the president of the Generalitat will be another, perhaps his leader will offer him more money in the “proportional” distribution to the communities or perhaps, who knows. But in the case of the mayor from Elche, he has no choice but to put up with it, and I imagine that he will feel betrayed by many. And it is that sometimes the data is not important and national politics and “vested interests” are always above small interests.

Perhaps the mayor, apart from apologizing, which honors him, and I must admit that I like it, should see the way and way to compensate the computable spending of the establishments that, paying attention to his words, prepared to start on Monday past.

Although it is true that the establishments were not very cautious, because they did not realize that even the tail is pig, that is to say that until the BOE does not publish it, the words, even if they are televised, are carried away by the wind.

Prudence in short for one and for others. And may the Mare de Deu distribute luck. Living immersed only in politics, however progressive it may be, should not make us forget that, depending on the position we occupy in the ladder, some are more expendable than others.

Originally published at LaDamadeElche.com

Europe Day AD 2020 comes at a time of great test for the Union – Message of EPP President Donald Tusk


by EPP

Seventy years ago, Robert Schuman published his Plan for Europe which led to the creation of the European Union. Today, the need for unity of our continent seems even more evident. With all its flaws and errors, the Union is the only real alternative to the Europe of egoisms, conflicts, poverty and oppression.

We are living in the time of pandemic, which makes us realize with full force and clarity the importance of enhanced cooperation and coordination of our actions. Nationalists are excellent at creating problems and completely helpless when it comes to solving them. No country on its own, will solve on a national level, none of the great challenges of the XXIst century: the pandemic, migration, climate crisis or the environmental catastrophe.

Today, Europeans need to confront more than one plague. We have been attacked by the Coronavirus, and the fight against it is our highest priority today, but it is accompanied also by the viruses we already know: lies, fear, hatred, doubting the sense of our values: unity, solidarity, democracy, rights of individuals and minorities, freedom of speech and the rule of law.

Europe Day anno domini 2020 comes at a time of great test. And it depends on us, Europeans, whether the Union will survive the coming crisis, perhaps the gravest in our history. But we must care, care deeply, otherwise the grimmest prophesies of fatalists and the ominous dreams of our enemies about the division and collapse of Europe will be fulfilled. Today, we need the imagination, determination and the courage of our Founding Fathers.

And then, like them, we can also win.

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