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Nigerian Christians praise Muslim group’s call to government over Boko Haram’s terror actions

Nigerian Christians praise Muslim group's call to government over Boko Haram's terror actions
(Photo: REUTERS / Akintunde Akinleye)A protester holds a placard calling for the release of secondary school girls abducted in the remote village of Chibok, before a protest along a road in Lagos May 14, 2014. Nigeria’s government signaled a willingness on Tuesday to negotiate with Islamist militants holding more than 200 schoolgirls, a month after the kidnapping that has provoked global outrage.

Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation with an estimated 210 million people, has a distinctive mix of people with almost equal numbers of Christians and Muslims, most of whom get on, living their normal lives intertwined in peace, except when terror strikes.

Therefore, when one of the country’s leading Muslim organizations spoke out against the terror unleashed by the Boko Haram extremist group in the name of Islam, Nigerian Christian leaders welcomed it.

The statement followed frequent criticism from many in the country, including church leaders and ecumenical organizations associated with the World Council of Churches, that the government has not done enough to protect the people from this terror.

The militant Islamist group Boko Haram – which has caused havoc through its wave of bombings, assassinations and abductions – is fighting to overthrow the government and create an Islamic state.

Boko Haram promotes a version of Islam which makes it “haram,” or forbidden, for Muslims to take part in any political or social activity – including education – associated with Western society.

On June 17, Jama’atu Nasril Islam or JNI said in a widely reported press release that it is “in utter shockwave over the unfortunate repeated incidences of loss of precious lives and wanton destruction of property arising from well-coordinated attacks of armed bandits, Boko Haram terrorist groups and rapists.”

Elder Uzoaku Williams, president of the Women’s Wing of the Christian Council of Nigeria and publicity secretary of the Interfaith Dialogue Forum for Peace, said in reaction, “I deeply appreciate the timely and prophetic response of JNI.”

JNI said, “These repeated calamitous scenarios would have been avoided had the government risen to the occasion.

“We nonetheless as always condemn the repeated brutal acts in their entirety; especially the lackadaisical attitude of relevant security agencies that seemed to be overwhelmed, despite repeated calls by concerned and well-meaning Nigerians for decisive action.”


“It is time that religious organizations collectively rescue the nation that is fast enveloping with silence in the face of gruesome destruction of lives and property. I totally align with JNI and together we can build back our nation Nigeria,” said Elder Williams.

JNI said in its statement, “We implore the government to take all genuine calls, concerns so raised and recommendations proffered so far.”

Archbishop Henry C. Ndukuba, primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) expressed appreciation of the deep concern and “pious response” of the leadership of JNI concerning the “degenerated state of insecurity in Nigeria and the West African region.”

JNI said that considering the religious beliefs of the perpetrators, “sincere religious scholars must be involved in arresting the menace.”

“Linked to the menace of gender violence is undoubtedly rape, whose devilish manifestation ought to be sternly addressed.

“Hence, the JNI strongly opines that the female’s chastity, honour and integrity must be fully protected.” JNI called for a collective approach between the Federal Ministries of Women’s Affairs,

Justice, and Internal Affairs, as well “as sincere religious scholars in mapping out strategies of arresting raping and gender violence in Nigeria.”

The group implored all Muslims, particularly imams, to recommence Qunootun-Nawazil “or special prayers at calamitous periods in the last Raka’at of each obligatory prayer and non-obligatory prayers seeking Allah’s intervention.” ”

Likewise, fervent observance of Adhkar (remembrance of Allah) should also be ventured to by all Muslims, as it is a vital tool for easing fears, tension and uncertainties such as the myriad security challenges bedeviling Nigeria,” said JNI.

Boko Haram was founded in 2002. Its official Arabic name, Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad, means “People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet’s Teachings and Jihad.”

Boko Haram regards the Nigerian state as being run by non-believers, regardless of whether the president is Muslim or not – and has extended its military campaign by targeting neighbouring countries.


Archbishop Ndukuba said, “The religious, community and traditional leaders occupy a very strategic place in this fight and therefore must be sincere in their efforts; first intentionally support the government, and secondly eradicate religious and cultural factors that promote and enhance insecurity.”

In August 2016 Nigerian Christians and Muslims opened the International Centre for Inter-Faith Peace and Harmony, located in Kaduna, where more than 20,000 people have died in various conflicts over the preceding three decades.

Among a growing number of interfaith initiatives in Nigeria, the centre’s goal is to promote interfaith relations and cooperation in Nigeria.

Key local Nigerian organizations, the Christian Council of Nigeria and JNI, led the effort to open the center, which was preceded in 2014 by a consultative forum held in Abuja that drew about 40 Muslim and Christian leaders.

Boko Haram attacks have killed over 30,000 and displaced an estimated 3 million people since July 2009, when the violence started in the country’s northeast states Borno, Adamawa and Yobe, across an area roughly the size of Belgium.

Srebrenica: Honour victims and survivors by preventing future atrocities, UN experts urge


Srebrenica : 25th Anniversary – Srebrenica Memorial Day, 11 July 2020 Remembering Srebrenica: Honour victims and survivors by preventing future atrocities, UN experts urge

GENEVA (9 July 2020) – UN human rights experts today urged governments to honour victims of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide by building peaceful, inclusive and just societies to prevent a repetition of such an atrocity.

“Genocides are not spontaneous,” the 18 experts said. “They are the culmination of unchallenged and unchecked intolerance, discrimination and violence.” On the 25th anniversary of the start of the genocide, in which at least 8,000 Bosniak men and boys were massacred within a few days, the experts* issued the following statement:

“It’s been 25 years since the world witnessed the worst atrocity to take place on European soil since World War II, the genocide of thousands of Bosnian Muslims in July 1995. The Srebrenica genocide was the outcome of a four-year campaign that marshalled the forces of discrimination, hostility, forced deportation, arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearances, systematic sexual violence and mass murder, resulting in the killing of more than an estimated 8,000 predominantly Bosnian Muslim men and boys. The international community also failed to protect the people of Srebrenica who were killed at the time when they needed our support most.

In remembrance of those whose lives were taken so brutally in this massacre, we are humbled by, and pay particular tribute to, the courage, strength and resilience of the Srebrenica and Žepa survivors who stand with millions of others as totems of the unspeakable devastation that unchecked xenophobia discrimination, hostility and violence against persons based on religion or belief can engender.

The graphic accounts and testimonies of the heinous acts of violence and ethnic cleansing (including sexual violence against women and children) that took place in Srebrenica amounted to genocide, according to both the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The besieged town was intended to be a safe haven for persecuted people from nearby villages. On 16 April 1993, the UN Security Council had passed Resolution 819 requiring all parties to treat ‘Srebrenica and its surroundings as a safe area which should be free from any armed attacks or any other hostile act’.

Genocides are not spontaneous. They are the culmination of unchallenged and unchecked intolerance, discrimination and violence. They are the result of sanctioned hatred fostered in permissive environments where individuals first spread fear, then hatred for material or political gain, fracturing the pillars of trust and tolerance between communities and resulting in devastation for all.

In our interconnected, technologically advanced and diverse world, it is deeply alarming that racism, xenophobia, stigmatisation and scapegoating continue unabated, destabilising or even destroying societies and the lives of individuals around the world.

As international experts vested by the international community with global human rights mandates, we are guided by the lessons of the past. We reflect on the lost opportunities to prevail against systematic human rights violations, not just in Bosnia and Herzegovina but in cases of atrocities elsewhere both before and since. But we also aspire to continue to mobilise the international community in its effort to tackle any expression of ethnic, racial, religious, gender-based or other forms of discrimination, hostility and violence against all persons. These include groups in vulnerable situations, such as religious or ethnic or sexual minorities, migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons.

On this day of reflection, 25 years on, we also remember other communities that have been subjected to or are facing mass atrocities purely on the basis of their identity. We urge States and the international community to uphold their obligations, take urgent and effective action to protect those in danger, fend off the virus of hate and discrimination (including online), and ensure accountability.

Building resilience in the post-war era requires respect and empathy for the survivors and their families, and sustained efforts by the leaders of the country to strengthen trust and good-will within and between various communities.

Meaningful efforts to combat inaccurate and inflammatory rhetoric and reject discourses of denial are also crucial. The international community, too, must join Bosnia and Herzegovina in acting collectively through committed, long-term work on healing a society ravaged by war. We owe it to all those whom we failed to protect the guarantee of non-repetition through building peaceful, inclusive and just societies.


*The experts: Mr. Ahmed Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief; Mr. Fernand de Varennes, Special Rapporteur on minority issues; Ms. Agnes Callamard, Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions; Ms. Cecilia Jimenez-Damary, Special rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons; Mr. Fabian Salvioli, Special Rapporteur on the promotion of the right to truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence; Mr. Victor Madrigal-Borloz, Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; Mr. Nils Melzer, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Members of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances: Mr. Luciano Hazan (Chair), Mr. Tae-Ung Baik (Vice Chair), Mr. Bernard Duhaime, Ms. Houria Es-Slami, and Mr. Henrikas Mickevičius; Members of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Ms. Leigh Toomey (Chair-Rapporteur), Ms. Elina Steinerte (Vice-Chair), Mr. José Guevara Bermúdez, Mr. Seong-Phil Hong, Mr. Sètondji Adjovi; Mr. David Kaye, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of expression

German Sales Drop 14% in the First Half of 2020

German Sales Drop 14% in the First Half of 2020

Book sales were down 13.9% in Germany for the first six months of the year compared with 2019, according to the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, the German booksellers association. As of April, the number was even worse—down 21%—but it has since recovered somewhat as German bookstores have largely reopened after a period of lockdown due to the coronavirus.

During the lockdown itself, between March 23 and April 19, in which bookstores had closed in all federal states except Berlin and Saxony-Anhalt, sales were down 65.7% compared to the same period in 2019. In 2019, the German book market saw €9.29 billion in total sales, which was up 1.7% over 2018.

“The pandemic hit the book industry badly economically, but also released a lot of creative energy,” said Karin Schmidt-Friderichs, director of the Börsenverein, citing the launch of new delivery services and online events and the robustness of online stores as assets that have helped the industry through this time. “However, due to the lack of marketing opportunities, many publishers were forced to postpone new publications or to drop them entirely—many of which are titles by unknown authors and niche titles, which is alarming.”

The German government has supported an extensive promotion campaign for books, and the Börsenverein has continued to lobby the government for support, arguing it is necessary to sustain the bookselling ecosystem in light of the ongoing pandemic.

Human trafficking for organ removal needs urgent international attention


Human trafficking for the purpose of organ removal needs urgent international attention, concludes expert roundtable co-organized by OSCE and partners

VIENNA, 8 July 2020 – Despite its high profits and catastrophic harm to victims, trafficking in human beings for the removal of organs is one of the least understood and addressed forms of human trafficking globally and needs urgent attention from the international community, an international group of experts concluded in a two-day online meeting held on 7 July.

The event,  co-organized by the Office of the OSCE Special Representative for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (OSR/CTHB), the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and co-sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), was an opportunity to share experiences in addressing this challenge and examine possible ways to enhance responses in the OSCE region.

The meeting gathered legal, criminal justice, medical and victim-protection experts from over 20 OSCE participating States, Partners for Co-operation and international organizations.

The experts noted that, although it is specifically mentioned in the internationally-recognized definition of trafficking in human beings, human trafficking for the purpose of organ removal remains a troubling and elusive form of exploitation across the globe. They emphasized the need to raise international attention to the issue and deploy all available tools to combat it.

“One of the things I am struck by is how incredibly challenging it is to respond to this form of trafficking in human beings. And yet I am also optimistic because we have been jointly developing some of the tools we need like new technologies and improved financial investigations,” said OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Valiant Richey. He also added that the OSCE looks forward to working with a wide range of partners on a list of concrete recommendations.  

Many participants pointed out the inadequacy of the legal instruments currently in use, and the crucial necessity to enhance co-operation between countries to make perpetrators accountable.

Participants stressed that particular attention needs to be devoted to situations with patients travelling abroad to get a transplant or coming from abroad with a donor. The crimes often cross borders which makes it much harder for investigators and prosecutors to track perpetrators and exercise jurisdiction over cases that can span numerous countries. Without international judicial co-operation, these crimes – even when detected – are rarely prosecuted successfully, noted the participants. They also said that the role of financial investigations in detecting and countering flows of money alimenting and paying for these illegal services is vital. 

A crucial point in the discussions was the critical role that can be played by the medical personnel, both in preventing these crimes but also in reporting dubious situations, including when the origins of the organ to be transplanted are not clear.

Participants also proposed improving the capacity of anti-trafficking practitioners and medical personnel to identify victims. Better identification could also lead to enhanced assistance to survivors, which today is mostly lacking.

Borrell : decision on Hagia Sophia is regrettable

Hagia Sophia
Photo by Raimond Klavins

Turkey: Statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell on the decision regarding Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia has a strong symbolic, historical and universal value. Turkey has developed a well-established tradition of cultural conservation as well as a recognised tradition of intellectual and cultural openness.

The ruling by the Turkish Council of State to overturn one of modern Turkey‘s landmark decisions and President Erdoğan‘s decision to place the monument under the management of the Religious Affairs Presidency, is regrettable. As a founding member of the Alliance of Civilisations, Turkey has committed to the promotion of inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue and to fostering of tolerance and co-existence.

Guadalajara Fair Offers Proposals for 2020

Guadalajara Fair Offers Proposals for 2020

The organizers of the Guadalajara International Book Fair said they are considering a variety of scenarios for this year’s fair, which is scheduled to run from November 28 to December 6.

The main proposal is to divide the fair between the Expo Guadalajara, where the fair is traditionally held, and a second pavillion at the Cultural Center at the University of Guadalajara, which is approximately a 10 to 15 minute drive away. The intention is to minimize the density of people at the fair at any one time to meet limits that will be approved by Mexico’s health authorities.

Should the threat of the pandemic be too acute to hold a face-to-face fair, the organizers say they are considering holding a virtual fair or canceling the event altogether.

Last year, the fair hosted 2,417 publishing houses from 48 countries and 828,266 visitors. The United Arab Emirate of Sharjah is the 2020 guest of honor, and the fair will have a special focus on Arabic language and culture.

Manchester City back in Champions League as European ban overturned on appeal


EURONEWS – A ban stopping Manchester City playing in European competitions (Champions League) for the next two seasons has been overturned.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) delivered its verdict after hearing the club’s appeal against the UEFA sanctions, issued in February for “serious breaches” of Financial Fair Play rules.

CAS announced City were cleared of “disguising equity funds as sponsorship contributions”.

The club’s fine for failing to cooperate with independent investigators has been slashed from €30 million to €10 million.

Pep Guardiola’s side secured second place in the Premier League after a 5-0 drubbing of Brighton and Hove Albion. Therefore the blue half of Manchester will play in next season’s Champions League.

City said in a statement on its website that “while its legal advisors are yet to review the full ruling” the club “welcomes the implications of today’s ruling as a validation of the Club’s position and the body of evidence that it was able to present.”

“The Club wishes to thank the panel members for their diligence and the due process that they administered,” it added.

Fans expressed their delight at the ruling on social media.

UEFA said it had taken note of the decision, adding: “Over the last few years, Financial Fair Play has played a significant role in protecting clubs and helping them become financially sustainable and UEFA and European Club Association remain committed to its principles.”

City’s win will raise doubts about the future of the UEFAs Financial Fair Play program, created in 2009.

They join Paris Saint-Germain and AC Milan in defeating UEFA at CAS in the past two years.

The urgent ruling came one month after a three-day hearing held by video link between Switzerland and England. A full verdict detailing the evidence, expert witness testimony and the judges’ reasons is unlikely to be published for several weeks.

UEFA could choose to challenge the CAS ruling at Switzerland’s supreme court. Federal appeals in CAS cases rarely succeed and only consider narrow grounds of legal procedure.

UEFA decided to create the FFP system 11 years ago, following the global financial crisis, to monitor finances of 200-plus clubs which qualify each year for its competitions. Clubs must approach break-even on commercial income and spending on transfers and salaries. Sponsor deals linked to wealthy owners must be set at fair market rates.

South Korea Shincheonji Church of Jesus says members to give plasma for COVID19 research


The agency Reuters has reported that circa 4,000 recovered COVID-19 patients from the religious group Shincheonji Church of Jesus at the center of South Korea’s largest outbreak will donate plasma for research, an official said on Tuesday.

In February and March, a massive outbreak among members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus made South Korea the scene of the first large outbreak outside of China.

Church founder Lee Man-hee had internally advised recovered members to donate their plasma, which is badly needed for coronavirus research, Shincheonji media coordinator Kim Young-eun told Reuters.

Many of recovered church members wanted to donate to express thanks to the government and medical staff, she said.

Daegu authorities had previously filed a complaint against the church apparently “falsely accusing” it of not submitting a full list of members and facilities, and not cooperating with city health efforts. Such a request in Europe would be completely illegal.

Shincheonji says have fully complied with government efforts of prevention.

Over 200 people have so far come forward to donate plasma as of the end of June, said the National Institute of Health, and also said they were in talks with Shincheonji for donations.

South Korea health officials have said that in the absence of other treatments or vaccines, plasma therapy may be a way to lower the death rate, especially in critical patients.

At least 17 South Koreans have received the experimental therapy, which involves using plasma from recovered patients with antibodies to the virus, enabling the body to defend against the disease.

Californian Superior Court scheduled to dismiss all the charges against Apostle Naasón Joaquín García


The Public Affairs Office of The Church of The Light of the World (La Luz del Mundo), has issued a statement vindicating the innocence and dignity of their leader Naasón Joaquín García. In their press release published on facebook, they said:

“The Ministry of Public Relations of the Light of the World Church reports that today’s hearing, in which the Superior Court was scheduled to dismiss all the charges against the Apostle of Jesus Christ Naasón Joaquín García pursuant to the ruling of the Court of Appeals, has been continued to August 6th, at which time the Court announced it will dismiss all the charges. The charges were scheduled to be dismissed in May, but the delays have been caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is important to note that the decision issued by the Court of Appeals determining that the Apostle Naasón Joaquín García’s constitutional rights had been violated, causing him significant harm and damage and noting various procedural violations to the detriment of his human rights, was issued in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the United States of America and laws of the State of California.

The Court of Appeal’s decision strengthens the confidence of the members of the Church in the judicial institutions tasked with imparting justice. We continue to publicly express our confidence in the integrity, innocence and honorability of the Apostle of Jesus Christ.

We thank God for his favorable response, as well as all those who have accompanied us with their solidarity and understanding throughout this process. May God bless you.”

The Church of the Light of the World has been working with local authorities to help their members and population at large, to cope better in these times of Covid19.

Ursula von der Leyen on Srebrenica genocide: “we failed to protect those who were most in need of our protection”


Message from Ursula Von Derleyen

On the 25th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, the entire world realises that we failed to protect those who were most in need of our protection. It is our duty to remember, speak up and act: No more blood in the name of race or religion. No more genocides, never again.