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Nigerian rights group: ‘Government must serve all citizens’

Nigerian rights group: 'Government must serve all citizens' - Vatican News

By Fr. Benedict Mayaki, SJ

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and the continent’s largest democracy. Home to approximately 200 million people, it is blessed with abundant human and natural resources, with a rich mix of over 250 ethnic groups and over 500 spoken languages.

Recently, however, northern Nigeria has seen increased instances of violent attacks and escalating acts of terrorism. The southern part of Kaduna state, in particular, has been the epicenter of a rash of attacks, with at least three occurring in July alone. Nigeria’s northeastern region has also been plagued by terrorist attacks carried out by the extremist Boko haram organization, which has killed thousands and displaced approximately two million people. These various factors, coupled with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, make for a grim situation.

In an interview with Vatican News, Mr. Emeka Umeagbalasi, the board chairman of the International Society for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law (Intersociety), spoke on the situation in northern Nigeria, stressing the need for a government for everyone irrespective of ethnicity or religion.

Born in 1969, Emeka Umeagbalasi is a graduate of security studies and holds a Master’s degree in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution. He is also a human rights activist and the convener of the Coalition of Human Rights and Democracy Organizations (SBCHROs), a group of over twenty rights and democracy organizations in Southeast Nigeria. Mr. Umeagbalasi is also a Catholic.

Pope Francis’s closeness 

Pope Francis, at the Angelus address on Saturday, 15 August, prayed for Nigeria in the wake of the violence and killings in the north of the country.

The Nigerian Bishops’ Conference (CBCN), in a statement dated 8 August, said that they are “tired of this situation” of increasing insecurity, especially in southern Kaduna. They called for a stop to the killings in the country, and urged all Christians to join in a 40-day prayer of one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be to the Father each day, ending on 1 October – Nigeria’s Independence Day.

Interview with Emeka Umeagbalasi

Disproportionate Christian casualties

“Nigeria is a country of roughly fifty percent Muslim and fifty percent Christians,” Umeagbalasi pointed out, adding that the country also has a multiplicity of ethnicities. It is therefore expected to be “governed secularly and pluralistically.” 

However, said Umeagbalasi, the attacks from the Boko haram militants, Fulani herdsmen, and other terrorist groups in the region “have destroyed over 17,000 churches since 2009.”

To remedy this, the current government administration has to examine its very foundations and corporate motives, as to whether it has “come to govern everybody irrespective of the citizens’ religion and ethnicity,” he said.

“The government can rewind,” he stated. “The government can go back to the drawing board and start from the foundation, reorganizing the entire establishment to give it a true picture of a pluralistic Nigeria.” For this to happen, he explained, no faction should be given preferential treatment by the government.

Umeagbalasi also lauded the Pope’s recent fatherly gesture of praying for Nigeria, saying that “it means that the Pope is not oblivious of what is going on in Nigeria.” 

Southern Kaduna attacks

Kaduna state, the focal point of recent attacks, straddles Nigeria’s religious and ethnic divide.

Northern Kaduna is predominantly Muslim and Hausa-Fulani, while the south is largely Christian and populated by several ethnic groups. Relations between the North and South have been strained, owing largely to competition over resources and tensions of a political nature. Unfortunately, these tensions have sometimes resulted in violence.

The spate of recent attacks, according to Umeagbalasi, are part of a bigger picture. He pointed out that, while the focus of recent attacks is presently southern Kaduna, other states have also suffered violent attacks. He gave the example of Plateau and Benue states where he says 158 and 152 people have been killed respectively. “Even Igboland where Christianity is concentrated is not spared,” he added.

Umeagbalasi pointed out that for the violence to end in northern Nigeria, the government has to evenly distribute “the composition and concentration of all the public security and policing structures,” and not put them in the hands of members of one ethnic group or religion.

“Kaduna is composed of roughly sixty percent Muslims and forty percent Christians,” Umeagbalasi said. Therefore, it would be expected that “all these particular socio/cultural factors are reflected” in state government and security.


The International Society for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law (Intersociety) was founded in 2008 with the vision of campaigning “vigorously for the promotion and advancement of democracy, accountable governance, rule of law, civil liberties and public security and safety.”

Mr. Umeagbalasi said he hopes the organization he leads will become a formidable voice with the capacity to represent effectively what is going on in the country “on the local, national and international level.”

Indonesian Cardinal denounces social ills on Independence Day

Indonesian Cardinal denounces social ills on Independence Day - Vatican News

By Robin Gomes

Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo of Jakarta has called on Indonesians to work together to fight corruption, violence and climate change as the country celebrated its Independence Day on Aug. 17.

Independence Day in the south-east Asian nation was limited to a subdued virtual ceremony because of the Covid-19 restrictions. 

Corruption, violence and environmental damage

In a video message, Cardinal Suharyo reminded all that the ideals of the nation – unity, sovereignty, justice and prosperity – oblige all sectors of society to work towards the common good.

These national ideals, he pointed out, are being threatened by corruption, violence and environmental damage. 

Indonesia continues to be plagued by high-profile corruption cases, unrest in Papua, and violent acts of terrorism or intolerance by religious extremists. Meanwhile, the destruction of rainforests, pollution resulting from slash-and-burn agriculture and plastic waste are degrading the environment. The Cardinal lamented that these ills are growing every year.

Common good

When celebrating Independence Day, Cardinal Suharyo said, “We should not only commemorate it but take it as our responsibility … to build and realize the common good”.

The 70-year old Cardinal reminded Catholics that, despite the hardships caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, they should work for social justice and promote the national ideals in families, communities, parishes and basic communities.

Two other eminent Catholics have backed the Cardinal’s call.

“It is our responsibility as citizens to overcome these challenges for the progress of our nation,” Vincentius Hargo Mandirahardjo, chairman of the Association of Indonesian Catholic Intellectuals (ISKA), told UCA News.

Jesuit Father Francis Xavier Mudji Sutrisno, a professor at Jakarta’s Driyarkara School of Philosophy, said the three social ills cited by the Cardinal must be a priority of the government.

“The law must be enforced fairly to overcome corruption, violence and environmental damage,” he told UCA News. “If the law can still be sidestepped,” he warned, “these problems will never stop.” 

He blamed the situation on the lack of morality in Indonesia’s politics. Democracy without legal certainty provides fertile ground for violence, corruption and acts detrimental to the environment, he said.

He exhorted all to “work hand in hand to end such practices and put our selfishness, group or personal interests behind us to achieve a better society.”

Canadian Bishops release message for Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples

Canadian Bishops release message for Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples - Vatican News

By Vatican News

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has published a Message for the National Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous People, marked each year on 12 December, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The Day, celebrated since 2002, is coordinated by the Canadian Catholic Indigenous Council, which also prepares the annual message. This year’s observance is focused on the theme “Healing of the Earth.”

Called to solidarity

In their message, the Council reminds the faithful that “We the Body of Christ are called to live in solidarity with all peoples” and “to respect, protect, defend and nurture the oneness of all of God’s Creation.”

The message looks to the creation stories of indigenous peoples around the world – stories that can teach us about how God created the world, the goodness and purpose of creation, and our relationship to it.

“Another relationship is about healing,” the message says. “God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to lead us in the way of healing and restore relationship with God, other peoples, and all creation,” it continues, pointing to the Lord’s use of and interaction with created things. “Jesus was in full relationship with all things of creation.”

Earth as a gift from God

Citing Jesuit Father Rigobert Minani Bihuzo, the message says that “the Church is called to strengthen its teaching about the Earth as a gift from God.” We are called not only to be good stewards, it says, but also to bring healing to relationships.

The message recalls Pope Francis’ teaching on “ecological conversion,” which requires respect for individual and collective human rights. “People of faith,” the message says, “are to advocate for peoples whose way of life depends on the land, and are to defend the rights of persons who are victims of exploitation.”

Working together for our common home

In the face of “the very real threats to our ecology and way of life,” the message says, “we must come together as one human family.”

The Canadian Bishops’ message concludes with an expression of gratitude: “We recognize the benevolence of the Creator, who has provided us with the gifts of the Earth, water, fire and air. We are grateful for all He has provided. We express our gratitude through our lives of prayer, song, dance, story, ceremony ritual.”

Bangladesh Church launches tree-planting campaign for “Laudato Si’” Year

Bangladesh Church launches tree-planting campaign for “Laudato Si’” Year - Vatican News

By Robin Gomes

The Catholic bishops of Bangladesh have launched a campaign to plant 400,000 trees across the country during the current the Special “Laudato Si’” Anniversary Year, in commemoration of the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si’” – On Care for our Common Home.

The bishops led by Cardinal Patrick D’Rozario, Archbishop of Dhaka, inaugurated the tree-planting drive on the premises of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Bangladesh (CBCB) centre in the capital Dhaka on Aug. 14.  In keeping with Covid-19 health protocols, only a limited number of clergy, religious and lay representatives attended the ceremony. 

The bishops who planted 3 fruit trees, called on Catholics in the country’s eight dioceses and their parishes to do so during the 2020-2021 period. 

Laudato Si” Anniversary Year and beyond

It was on May 24, 2015, that Pope Francis signed his landmark encyclical.  The 5th anniversary of the document was marked with a “Laudato Si’” Week, May 17 to 24 this year, which kicked off the year-long Special “Laudato Si’” Anniversary Year, May 24, 2020, to May 24, 2021.

The Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development that is organizing and promoting the celebrations said that the end of the “Laudato Si” Anniversary Year will see a 7-year period of projects, activities and initiatives by Catholic communities and institutions across the world, to spread the spirit of the encyclical.

Ecological balance

At the inaugural ceremony, Cardinal D’Rozario, CBCB president said that trees play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance.  However, with population growth and the many needs of people, forests and green covers are gradually depleting.  As a result, various natural disasters are affecting the world. In such a situation, the Archbishop of Dhaka said, the community needs to be aware of and emphasize maintaining the natural balance.

The cardinal hoped that by uniting with the world community and the country, Bangladesh’s Catholic Church will be able to contribute at least a little bit to the ecological balance and sustained development of the country by planting the trees.

Celebrating Bangladesh’s independence and founding leader

With the tree-planting drive, Bangladesh’s bishops also intend to mark 50 years of the country’s independence next year, as well as the birth centenary this year of the founding father of the nation, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Bangladesh which attained freedom from Pakistan on March 26, 1971, will be marking a year-long celebration, March 26, 2021, to March 26, 2022.  The nation that marked the birth centenary of Mujibur Rahman on March 17, 2020, also launched a year of centenary celebrations, which will conclude on March 17, 2021. 

Cardinal D’Rozario is the head of the 50-member national committee, formed last year to plan both celebrations. 

“We love the nation and we hold the father of the nation in high respect,” said the cardinal.  “Every Catholic in the country,” he said, “needs to plant a tree to express love for the country and honour for our founding leader.”  “We will mostly plant fruit trees, but also trees that can produce wood in the future.”

CBCB-Caritas partnership

The tree-planting initiative is being sponsored by the CBCB and Caritas Bangladesh, the social service arm of Bangladesh’s Church.

Bishop Gervas Rozario of Rajshahi, the president of Caritas Bangladesh said they been organizing various programmes in the dioceses to sensitize people about climate change and the environment.   Tree planting, he explained, is a symbolic activity of the Church for national awareness in safeguarding the environment.

The initiative connects grassroots communities with global efforts for environmental conservation, said Benedict Alo D’Rozario, president of Caritas Asia, the continental body of Catholic charities.

Speaking to UCA News, he said Christians can make more environmental conservation efforts without spending a penny.  He encouraged practices such as abandoning plastic bags for jute bags, utilizing waste to produce compound fertilizer and preventing wastage of drinking water. 

Lahore’s Archbishop Shaw hosts inter-religious gathering

Lahore’s Archbishop Shaw hosts inter-religious gathering - Vatican News

By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

On 31 July, Lahore’s Archbishop Sebastian Shaw announced churches would reopen in the diocese in mid-August. He cited important occurrences in August as the motive for his decision: Independence Day, 14 August and the Solemnity of the Assumption, 15 August.

The Archbishop also reiterated the need to follow safety measures, reminding Churchgoers that they would follow procedures in place to protect against the virus. In addition, he said that services would be kept short, numbers to a minimum, and consecutive Masses would be offered to accommodate the faithful.

Last week, many coronavirus measures ordered by the government were then lifted.

Cathedral reopens

True to his word, the first Mass was celebrated in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart on the Solemnity of the Assumption. The next day, a ceremony in which Archbishop Sebastian Shaw himself opened the doors of the Cathedral symbolized the reopening of every church door in Pakistan. Present for the ceremony were leaders of other faith traditions in Pakistan.

Inter-religious service

The Dean of the Anglican Church of Pakistan in Lahore, Pastor Shahid Meraj, prayed the opening prayer of thanksgiving.

Archbishop Shaw commended the faithful for having respected the government anti-Covid guidelines. He also requested that Christians continue to observe those guidelines for the purpose of saving lives. Although belonging to different religions, “we are all brothers”, Archbishop Shaw said. “We are indeed united even in the difficult time of Covid-19.”

Sadar Bishan Singh, Pakistan’s Sikh representative, expressed his gratitude to Archbishop Shaw for organizing the celebration. “People of all religions are glad to go back to their worship places and those who left the world because of the pandemic may rest in peace,” he said. He then prayed for love and unity between those following different religious traditions.

Those present were reminded by Asim Maqbool, a representative of the Muslim population, that everyone had been affected by the virus, regardless of religious persuasion or ethnicity. “We all had to put our trust in God,” he said.

Bishop Irfan Jamil of the Anglican Church observed that everyone had rallied together for the good of those who are poor.

A leader of the Shia community, Qasim Raza Naqwi had words of congratulations for everyone who played a role in saving the lives of the virus’s victims.

Quoting the Quran, Mufti Syed Ashiq Hussain said that respect is due to all religions and sacred places of worship.

Church closures

Churches initially closed in Pakistan on 15 March before the official lockdown began. Some churches of various denominations later chose to open only for Sunday worship. Public Masses began to be celebrated in churches in the Archdiocese of Karachi, Sindh Province, and Islamabad-Rawalpindi Diocese in July.

Covid in Pakistan

Pakistan has registered almost 290,000 Coronavirus cases, just over 6,000 people have died from it and a few more than 270,000 have recovered. The number of new cases has been declining dramatically. On 16 August, only six deaths were reported.

UAE: High Representative/Vice-President Borrell speaks to Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed

UAE: High Representative/Vice-President Borrell speaks to Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell had a phone call on 17 August with the UAE Foreign Minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed.

They discussed the welcomed normalisation of relations between Israel and the UAE and High Representative/Vice-President Borrell reiterated the EU’s position, in particular the EU’s commitment to a negotiated and viable two-state solution and the need for a resumption of meaningful negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

The High Representative/Vice-President and the UAE Foreign Minister also tackled regional issues and the importance of dialogue to find solutions. On Libya, High Representative/Vice-President Borrell reiterated the urgency to find a political solution to the crisis. On the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), he recalled that the deal remains a key pillar of the global non-proliferation architecture, contributing to regional security.

Charles Michel invites members of EC for video conference on 19 August 2020

Invitation letter by President Charles Michel to the members of the European Council ahead of their video conference on 19 August 2020

Our foreign ministers discussed developments in Belarus and the Eastern Mediterranean last Friday. Since then, the situation in Belarus has continued to evolve, and I have therefore decided to call a video conference on Wednesday at noon to address this issue.

What we have witnessed in Belarus is not acceptable. The 9 August elections were neither free nor fair. The subsequent violence against peaceful protesters was shocking and has to be condemned. Those responsible must be held to account. The EU has started work on sanctions.

The people of Belarus have the right to determine their own future. To allow for this, violence has to stop and a peaceful and inclusive dialogue has to be launched. The leadership of Belarus must reflect the will of the people. There should be no outside interference.

Based on these principles, we will discuss how best to respond to the evolving situation in Belarus.

As for the other main topic discussed by our foreign ministers, the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, I propose that we allow time for thorough preparation and come back to the topic during a special  European Council on 24-25 September 2020.

Belarus crisis: Top UN official concerned over torture allegations

Belarus crisis: Top UN official concerned over torture allegations

Belarus crisis – Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecki, UN Resident Coordinator, has expressed serious concern over allegations of torture and other ill treatment of people, including minors, who were detained after demonstrations connected to elections held on 9 August.

“Torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment are absolutely prohibited and can never be justified,” she said in a statement issued late last week.

‘Deeply troubling’ testimonies

While welcoming the release of many detainees on Thursday, Ms. Kazana-Wisniowiecki said testimonies about their treatment in custody are “deeply troubling”, adding that “if confirmed, these reports would point to systemic problems in the management and oversight of detention facilities in Belarus.”

Thousands of people were arrested in protests that erupted across Belarus after preliminary results for the election showed President Alexander Lukashenko had secured a majority of the votes, giving him a sixth term in power.

UN reactions and recommendations

Senior UN officials have been monitoring the ongoing situation.

On Friday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said torture allegations must be investigated, while the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, earlier condemned the violent response to the demonstrations.

The Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Violence against Children has also expressed deep concern over the torture and mistreatment allegations.

Najat Maalla M’jid recounted a “particularly shocking” case in which a 16-year-old boy was allegedly beaten while in detention, resulting in brain injuries. The teenager reportedly was hospitalized and put in an induced coma but has since regained consciousness.

“Special Representative Maalla M’jid welcomes the release of a large number of detainees on the night of 13 August, but recalls that detention of children should only be used as a measure of last resort, for the shortest period possible and that legal support should be provided to all children in contact with the justice system”, according to a statement issued on Friday.

Assistance and access

The UN Resident Coordinator has requested an urgent meeting with Belarus’s Minister of Interior to discuss human rights concerns and to offer broader UN support and other assistance, according to the statement.

Ms. Kazana-Wisniowiecki has also requested that the UN visit two detention facilities in the capital, Minsk, to see conditions there.

The authorities also are urged to take immediate measures to prevent any instances of torture or other ill treatment in detention.

Support and accountability

Meanwhile, detainees and those released from custody should receive adequate medical care, including rehabilitation and psychosocial support, she added.

The specific needs of children and young victims of torture or other ill treatment, or who have witnessed violence, also should be addressed.

“As we receive increasing numbers of reports of torture and other ill-treatment, it will be important to ensure that when possible these are well documented, also to allow for the prompt, thorough and impartial investigation of and future accountability for such acts,” said Ms. Kazana-Wisniowiecki.

“Timely medical examinations will be crucial in this regard, alongside the important work of human rights organizations gathering information on these cases”.

2-2020 Ordinary Call for Contributions for the European Union Po

2-2020 Ordinary Call for Contributions for the European Union Po

2-2020 Ordinary Call for Contributions for the European Union Police Mission for the Palestinian Territories (EUPOL COPPS) – Deadline for applications: Thursday 3 September 2020 at 17:00 (Brussels time)

Pope donates ventilators, ultra- sound scanners for hospitals in Brazil

Pope donates ventilators, ultra- sound scanners for hospitals in Brazil - Vatican News

By Vatican News

Pope Francis continues to make his heartfelt appeal for generosity and solidarity for communities and countries hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic by personally leading the way through concrete acts of closeness and affection. 

This he carries out through the Office of Papal Charities, a department of the Holy See headed by the Apostolic Almoner, or papal almsgiver, Polish Cardinal Konrad Krajewski.

In the latest move, the Cardinal says in a Statement released by the Holy See Press Office on Monday, the Pope’s charity is being directed to Brazil.  Eight Draeger intensive care ventilators and 6 portable Fuji ultrasound scanners are being shipped to needy hospitals in Brazil.

Hope Association

This, Cardinal Krajewski says, has been made possible through the generous commitment of Hope Association, an Italy-based non-profit group that helps needy children and communities.  Highly specialized in humanitarian projects on health and education, Hope Association, he says, finds ways to obtain high-tech life-saving medical equipment through donors, and arranges for their shipping and installation in hospitals.

Helping the poorest and neediest 

These medical devices will be delivered to hospitals in Brazil chosen by the Apostolic Nunciature, so that “this gesture of Christian solidarity and charity can really help the poorest and neediest people”.

On several occasions, the Office of Papal Charities has mobilized medical material and equipment to be donated to many health facilities in situations of emergency and poverty around the world so that many human lives are treated and saved. 

After the United States, Brazil has the world’s worst coronavirus scenario, reporting more than 3.3 million cases and close to 108,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic.