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Liechtenstein brings an Inter-State case against the Czech Republic


On 19 August 2020 the Government of Liechtenstein lodged an inter-State application against the Czech Republic under Article 33 (Inter-State cases) of the European Convention on Human Rights, alleging breaches of the rights of its citizens in property cases.

The case concerns the Government of Liechtenstein’s complaint under several Articles of the Convention about the respondent State’s classification of Liechtenstein citizens as persons with German nationality for the purposes of applying the Decrees of the President of Republic of 1945 (also known as the Beneš decrees), which, among other things, confiscated property belonging to all ethnic Germans and Hungarians after the Second World War.

In its application the Government of Liechtenstein alleges violations of Article 6 (right to a fair trial), Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) and Article 13 (right to an effective remedy) of the Convention, Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (protection of property) to the Convention, as well as of Article 14 (prohibition of discrimination) taken together with the other Articles.

The Government of Liechtenstein refers in its complaints to two sets of proceedings concerning property in the Czech Republic, one set against the Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation, which inherited all the property owned by the late Prince Franz Josef II, and one set concerning 33 individual cases brought by Liechtenstein nationals, including the head of state, Prince Hans-Adam II.

The Czech Republic has asserted ownership to the property in the cases. According to the Government of Liechtenstein, one of the cases was concluded in favour of the Czech State in a decision of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic of February 2020.

For a Q&A on inter-State cases please click here: https://web.archive.org/web/20211030212417/https://echr.coe.int/Documents/Press_Q_A_Inter-State_cases_ENG.pdf

Against the backdrop of a humanitarian crisis, COVID-19 responders carry out heroic work in northwest Syria

Against the backdrop of a humanitarian crisis, COVID-19 responders carry out heroic work in northwest Syria

“Ten years of crisis, repeated attacks on health care, death and displacement of health-care workers, and an increase in hostilities towards the end of 2019 have all posed significant challenges for the ability of the health system in northwest Syria to respond to COVID-19,” says Dr Mohamed Altwaish, a dentist by training who serves as Public Health Coordinator for Hand in Hand for Aid and Development (HIHFAD), a WHO implementing partner in northwest Syria.

Since the first cases were identified on 9 July, COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted health-care workers, who comprise 23 (43%) of all 54 identified cases reported by WHO. This has placed significant pressure on the already fragmented health infrastructure across the region (nearly 30% of health facilities are considered nonfunctional), including in Idleb and Aleppo governorates, which have been strained by years of crisis.

He stresses the critical work spearheaded by local health-care workers to mobilize COVID-19 preparedness and response efforts in collaboration with the WHO Emergency Field Programme in Gaziantep, Turkey, and the coordination of the Turkey Hub Health Cluster’s COVID-19 Taskforce, established in March 2020.

“Even before there were cases identified in northwest Syria, health-care workers were technically and logistically mobilizing local response efforts to combat COVID-19,” says Dr Altwaish. HIHFAD worked closely with WHO to establish isolation and treatment centres for suspected cases of COVID-19, ensure access to proper personal protective equipment for health-care workers across health facilities, and scale up training for community health workers to disseminate public health advice.

Leading training efforts for community health workers is another of Dr Altwaish’s roles. “I provide 1-day trainings for community health workers to engage local communities in COVID-19 prevention efforts as well as provide them with the skills to train other non-medical staff in how to distribute and disseminate these messages.”

Health-care workers have played a vital role in fostering community awareness of the growing threat of COVID-19, which has been one of the most challenging parts of the preparedness and response effort in northwest Syria.

“Health-care workers have struggled a lot to gain the acceptance of the local community, particularly in wearing masks and practising social distancing,” Dr Altwaish says. “Stigma was an issue from the beginning, particularly when the first case was identified among a member of the health-care workforce. Individuals started to assume that if you are a health-care worker, then you must have COVID-19.” He emphasizes the resulting psychological stress and pressure on the health-care workers to ensure the safety of their patients while continuing to provide essential services.

The protection of health-care workers continues to be a priority for WHO and local implementing partners in northwest Syria. Attacks on health care – a hallmark of the conflict in Syria – have brought the number of health facilities down further and deprived civilians of basic access to medical care. Now, with COVID-19 on the rise, stigma and barriers to care have added new challenges for the health-care workforce.

“When a fellow member of the health-care workforce tested positive for COVID-19, the event was an alert to the entire community in northwest Syria to better prepare and plan and avoid this in the future.”

Caritas Internationalis: ’empower local communities’

Caritas Internationalis: 'empower local communities' - Vatican News

By Vatican News

World Humanitarian Day is annually celebrated on 19 August. It is a day set aside to raise awareness about humanitarian assistance worldwide and to pay tribute to the men and women who risk their lives to provide it.

“On this day, the international community recalls the generosity of heart of thousands of humanitarian workers, of the poor and above all the survivors of the disasters who in hope aspire to live in dignity”, said Aloysius John, Secretary-General of Caritas Internationalis, in a statement issued on the eve of the annual event.

The world marks this year’s celebrations amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. It also falls shortly after the massive 4 August explosion in Lebanon which claimed many lives. Thus, Caritas Internationalis is calling for “greater support to local civil society organizations, especially faith-based ones which around the world are supporting, helping and empowering local communities.”

Caritas Internationalis – a global confederation of 162 national relief and development agencies – is the second-largest civil society Catholic network and is present in almost all countries of the world. It aims to defend, serve, and accompany the poorest communities especially in times of disaster.

Local communities, first place actors of solidarity

“At a time when the disasters are getting to be more and more complex and the sufferings are high,” continued the statement, “the first support is given by the local communities which are better placed to bring appropriate help to the affected.” They are, therefore “to be recognized in the first place as actors of immediate solidarity,” insisted Caritas.

Even as the different parts of the world battle with the Covid-19 pandemic, Caritas points out that local communities have “shown the importance of being autonomous in taking quick action in responding to the pandemic.” Many, Caritas said, are “highly engaged in motivating and mobilizing community members to bring support and help to those who are vulnerable and also to build awareness around the danger of COVID-19 showing them how to avoid contamination.”

At this historic moment, continued the statement, “the international humanitarian system is being tested like never before, and humanitarian missions at the global level are bringing help to 1 in about 45 persons around the world.”

For this reason, Caritas “fully supports the localization of humanitarian aid and works to provide local communities with the knowhow and the means they need to enable them to respond to humanitarian emergencies autonomously.”

“This World Humanitarian Day must lead us to innovation in humanitarian response wherein governments and international aid community must focus on the empowerment of the local civil society organizations, especially faith-based organizations which are present with local communities,” said Aloysius John.

“At a time when the localization agenda is being introduced, it is vital that enough means are given to the civil society organizations to empower the local communities and prepare them for the humanitarian response in autonomy,” he added.

Appeals by Caritas

Caritas calls on governments to allocate funds to the empowerment of local civil society organizations and their basic structures, as well as provide funds to enable local communities to take appropriate action at times of disaster. Caritas is also calling for the protection of humanitarian workers and the interests of local communities.

World Humanitarian Day

In 2008, the United Nations General assembly designated 19 August as World Humanitarian Day in memory of the 19 August 2003 bomb attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad which killed 22 people, including UN chief humanitarian in Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello. World Humanitarian Day was celebrated for the first time on 19 August 2009.

Southern African Catholic Bishops stand with Zimbabwean Bishops. – Vatican News

Southern African Catholic Bishops stand with Zimbabwean Bishops. - Vatican News

Vatican News English Africa Service – Vatican City

Southern African Church in unconditional solidarity

Bishop Sithembele Sipuka says that the Catholic Church and its Bishops in Southern Africa stand “in unconditional solidarity” with the Bishops of Zimbabwe in the face of vilification by the Zimbabwean Government.

“We, the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) … continue to note with increasing concern the unabated situation of repression in Zimbabwe, resulting in increasing hardship and suffering to the citizens,” reads a statement released Wednesday, by the Bishop of Mthatha and President of the SACBC, Sithembele Sipuka.

We commend your prophetic voice

Bishop Sipuka continues, “We commend you for your prophetic voice in naming and condemning the brutalisation of ordinary people by security forces and the underlying corruption that has led to the total collapse of services to the people by the government (of Zimbabwe).”

People needed to hear voice of encouragement

“Your Pastoral letter of Friday 14 August 2020 clearly describes the hardships and problems faced by Zimbabwe, and analyses the causes, which those in authority do not want to hear. Your voice of encouragement to the people of Zimbabwe is what they needed to hear in this time of their greatest need. It is opportune and appropriate that this letter was issued on the eve of the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. We take hope from and hold on to the assurance given by Our Mother that, “God has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly.” (Lk. 1:52),” says Bishop Sipuka.

Support for the Archbishop of Harare

The Bishops of Southern African, in particular, condemn the personal attacks targeted at the Archbishop of Harare, Robert Christopher Ndlovu, by Zimbabwe’s Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Senator Monica Mutsvangwa.

“It is most regrettable that instead of addressing the issues, the Government through its Information Minister, Monica Mutsvangwa, chose instead to target and insult Archbishop Robert Ndlovu as “evil-minded,” projecting its own tribalistic agenda to fuel divisions in the country. To you bishops and particularly to you Archbishop Ndlovu we remind you of what Jesus foretold about those who speak in his name that “they will seize you and persecute you” (Lk.21:12),” assured he Bishops.

For Shepherds, keeping quiet is not an option

“We pray that the Bishops and the Church will continue to speak prophetically, with the voice of God, and be the light that shines in the darkness, ‘and the darkness has not overcome it,’ (Jn.1:5). Keeping quiet is not an option, and as shepherds of the people, your voice of support gives hope to the people entrusted to you to carry on. As your brothers and sisters in Southern Africa, we assure you of our support and prayers that this time of suffering, in your country, may soon come to an end,” Bishop Sipuka said. 

Bosnia and Herzegovina should recognise sex crime survivors’ rights, say experts

Bosnia and Herzegovina should recognise sex crime survivors’ rights, say experts

Between 12,000 and 50,000 girls and women were raped by armed forces in the country from 1992 to 1995, according to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

One of those women, a Bosnian Croat identified only as S.H. to protect her privacy, was robbed and raped in the town of Prijedor, which was occupied at the time by Bosnian Serb forces.

Filed away

She reported the incident to police but did not obtain a copy of the official report and no investigation was opened. In 2008, S.H. discovered that her initial case files had been disposed of 10 years after the offence.

After contacting the UN panel in 2017, it said after reviewing her case that her experience reflected the situation of many victims of conflict-related sexual violence, whose cases had not been investigated in a timely and effective manner.

In a statement, it also noted that the rape had caused S.H. physical and psychological harm, including a serious genital infection, for which she could not afford treatment.

The UN-appointed independent experts further added that since the assault, S.H. had suffered from depression and a personality disorder.

She had also been living below the poverty line since getting divorced in 2009, they explained.

In an appeal to the authorities to pursue investigations against perpetrators of all sex attacks, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) said that they had acted ineffectively and too slowly.

Paltry compensation

In 2019, the authorities eventually recognized S.H.’s status as a victim of conflict-related sexual violence and granted her a monthly disability pension of $66. 

Such compensation for victims is not commensurate with the harm suffered, the independent experts insisted.

In the case of S.H., she had endured severe physical harm impacting her sexual and reproductive health and rights, they added, as well as the psychological harm and material damages she endured for more than 25 years after the incident.

A life of poverty 

UN research conducted in 2017 into the socio-economic obstacles faced by survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina showed that 62 per cent of survivors were unemployed, 64 per cent had no social support, and more than a half of them lived under poverty line. 

Among its recommendations, the Committee urged the Bosnia and Herzegovina government to ensure that survivors of wartime sexual violence have full access to national remedies, effective relief and reparations on a basis of equality before the law.

Tailoring health interventions: behavioural and cultural insights for health

Against the backdrop of a humanitarian crisis, COVID-19 responders carry out heroic work in northwest Syria

How does a better understanding of masculinity help us to create better mental health policies? How does a culture-centred approach to health literacy improve knowledge about sexual and reproductive health among Iranian and Afghan minority groups in Sweden? And why don’t enough people in Romania get vaccinated?

Behavioural and cultural insights are still relatively underutilized in global health. By drawing on fields outside of medicine such as the social sciences and health humanities (including anthropology, history, sociology and psychology), it is possible to develop more effective health interventions.

“Recognizing and understanding the rich and diverse social, cultural, political and historical dimensions that affect health in the WHO European Region is essential to provide actionable support to countries that is tailored to their needs,” said WHO Regional Director for Europe Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge. “The Insights Unit will help health authorities to improve how their services meet citizens’ expectations – delivering respectful and people-centred care,” he concluded.

A new unit at WHO/Europe

Recognizing that, in terms of health policies, a one-size-fits-all approach is not always the most effective, WHO/Europe identified behavioural and cultural insights as a flagship area for the Region in the coming years. It established the Insights Unit to collaborate with partners and across sectors, academic disciplines and technical areas. The Unit is guided by 4 key principles:

  • evidence – draw on evidence, test and evaluate it, and disseminate good practices;
  • context – generate socially nuanced, culturally sensitive, people-centred health insights;
  • scale – support the scale-up of interventions with proven impact; and
  • partnership – work with experts, transformers, colleagues and critics.

The Unit works to identify barriers to and drivers of healthy practices. There is ample opportunity to encourage national health programmes and health authorities to use these insights to design more effective health interventions by ensuring they are relevant to their populations.

Behavioural and cultural insights in practice

Across the European Region, there are many cases of behavioural and cultural insights being used in practice.

For example, Kyrgyzstan has experienced measles outbreaks among internal migrants with low vaccination rates. Research to identify the reasons behind these low rates showed that a legislative barrier faced by people migrating from rural to urban areas was preventing them from getting routine vaccinations – an issue that could be changed to improve vaccination coverage and prevent measles.

High rates of cervical cancer incidence and mortality in Romania also reveal how cultural contexts impact health behaviours. Historical and ethnographic research has looked at the lasting legacy of pronatalist policies introduced during the Ceaușescu regime (1966–1989) and how associations with these policies have led to considerable stigma against cervical cancer screening and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. People-centred health promotion efforts that acknowledge this historical stigma are needed if policies are to succeed in bringing down cervical cancer rates in Romania.

Another example is WHO/Europe’s ongoing work to support Member States across the Region to conduct behavioural insights studies in the context of COVID-19. Knowledge about the public’s fears and worries, levels of trust and risk perceptions, as well as their views on restrictions, testing and tracing, and a future COVID-19 vaccine, helps governments shape their pandemic responses.

If you want the answers to the questions posed in the beginning of this article, listen to the Health in Europe podcast, where Katrine Bach Habersaat, Nils Fietje and Anastasia Koylyu explain examples of how behavioural and cultural insights have been used to reveal the impact of social expectations on mental health, improve health literacy and understand low rates of vaccination.

Flagship initiatives

The work of the Insights Unit contributes to one of WHO/Europe’s 4 flagship initiatives to complement the European Programme of Work, which sets out health priorities for the coming 5 years. These initiatives – the Mental Health Coalition, Empowerment through Digital Health, the European Immunization Agenda 2030, and Healthier Behaviours: Incorporating Behavioural and Cultural Insights – are intended as accelerators of change. They mobilize action on critical issues that feature prominently on the agendas of Member States and for which high-visibility, high-level political commitment can be transformative.

Greek island Mykonos gets partial lockdown – Vatican News


By John Carr

As of today, all the smart bars and taverns on Mykonos will have to close at midnight, and at all other hours social distancing and mask-wearing will be required.  And the all-night partying in luxurious villas, where to get in would cost maybe a thousand euros, had been halted.

The move comes after weeks of official fury at television and social media images of masses of  people packing the bars and beaches, in defiance of the rules, taking no precautions whatsoever.  Mykonos’  small police force has proved inadequate to cope with the situation.

Cases of Covid-19 in Greece are rising again, with about 220 deaths so far and more than 6,000 infections since the pandemic began.  Crowded islands such as Mykonos have been blamed for the spike.  Local bar owners and hoteliers are howling their protests that business will take a fatal hit.  

Listen to the report

India’s Catholics called to stand in solidarity with poor – Vatican News

India’s Catholics called to stand in solidarity with poor - Vatican News

By Robin Gomes

India’s Catholic community has been urged “to strengthen its solidarity with the poor”, who are considered “useless objects” in the eyes of today’s economic system.

The call was made by Archbishop Felix Machado of Vasai Diocese, secretary-general of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI), who inaugurated the annual general body meeting of the All India Catholic Union (AICU) in Mumbai on Sunday.

Plight of the poor

“We should not treat the poor as insignificant non-persons without any rights and an obstacle to society. It is a matter of concern and we must understand their plight and treat them equally,” Archbishop Machado said in a webinar that was hosted in keeping with the Covid-19 protocols.    

Founded in 1919, the AICU is the oldest lay Catholic organization of India.  In a press release on Tuesday, it noted that participants expressed concerns over the plight of the poor, the digital divide in society, attacks on minority rights and the Indian government’s “worrisome” New Education Policy (NEP).

In his address, Archbishop Machado explained, “due to globalization, millions of poor people are considered as useless objects and are used and thrown away by the economic system”. In this regard, he recalled Saint Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis who have urged that the foreign debt of poor countries, manipulated by creditors with taxes and interest, be written off.   

Indian and Christian at the same time

Archbishop Machado dismissed allegations of “vested interests” that question the patriotism of India’s Christians. “We are Indians and at the same time Christians,” he said, stressing the two cannot be separated.

At the same time, the Church promotes dialogue with all, irrespective of their religious affiliations, to foster values of peace, justice and freedom so that everyone’s rights are respected.

“We need to collaborate not only with other Christian denominations but also with civil society and like-minded people of all faiths,” the AICU statement said.


The AICU meeting noted that the government’s New Education Policy has created apprehension in the country’s Christian community.  The CBCI and AICU have demanded continuing consultations on the NEP and assurances that it will not violate the rights of states or religious minorities and will ensure adequate budgetary provisions for universal education.

The meeting also touched upon issues such as threats faced by the Catholic Church from religious fundamentalists, changes in laws related to the environment and the need for a concerted response from the CBCI and the AICU to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

COVID-19 and conflict, a double battle for humanitarian workers

Against the backdrop of a humanitarian crisis, COVID-19 responders carry out heroic work in northwest Syria

Humanitarian worker Aron Kassahun Aregay joined the WHO Country Office in Ukraine in late 2019. From having worked as an epidemiologist in numerous emergency settings on the African continent, he was now in charge of information management, coordinating the health cluster response in the eastern conflict areas.

“The challenges I witnessed in Ukraine were somewhat different from what I had experienced in other settings. In Ukraine, I see elderly people and people with disabilities struggle the most, being isolated with limited capacity to face the challenges of this humanitarian crisis,” Aron explains.

“COVID-19 has increased their difficulties and suffering, and of course the sufferings of all affected people in the conflict areas. For us humanitarian workers, COVID-19 has undoubtedly added to the existing challenges.”

Saving lives, supporting health systems

In protracted emergencies, such as the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, lack of access to essential health services is one of the biggest challenges for people living in emergency settings. The health system in eastern Ukraine was in a fragile state already before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many health-care workers had left the region, and health facilities had been neglected for years.

“WHO’s core principle not only to assist people who are in crisis, but also support and sustain the existing health-care system, is at the centre of our work as humanitarians,” says Aron. “We provide technical trainings to health-care professionals and help deliver life-saving equipment.”

With COVID-19, Aron soon found his tasks broadened. Supporting the Incident Management System, he initially disseminated information about COVID-19 to all partners working in the east; advocating, preparing and aligning all response activities; shifting the priority of all the humanitarian actors in the eastern conflict area to plan and prepare for the outbreak.

Now Aron is leading one of the major pillars in the COVID-19 response with the WHO Health Emergencies Programme in Ukraine, that of health information, epidemiology (surveillance) and contact tracing – working in close collaboration with other response pillars. His work also covers predictive modelling of the outbreak and assessing health system readiness to cope with potential surges of new infection.
“For me, being a humanitarian means that your ultimate goal is to save lives at any cost. Whether in the eastern conflict areas or any other areas with emergencies, in whatever context, whether during a pandemic or not,” says Aron.

“We don’t take sides in a conflict or political crisis and we maintain a neutral position in all situations we are faced with,” Aron explains. “Impartiality is one of the most important things in crisis and emergency response. Those who are most in need should be the first to receive help and support. You kind of have to be a conscious and compassionate superhero.”

World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day, observed each year on 19 August, comes as the world continues to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Aid workers are overcoming unprecedented challenges to assist people in humanitarian crises in 54 countries all over the world, all with their specific environments, challenges and hurdles.

World Humanitarian Day is dedicated to recognizing the work of humanitarian personnel and those who have lost their lives working for humanitarian causes.

Why the Indo-Japan ACSA agreement is important

Buddhist Times News – why the Indo-Japan ACSA agreement is important

By  —  Shyamal Sinha

A much anticipated summit between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe is scheduled to take place next month.

The summit would witness the signing of the Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement (ACSA). The meeting that comes at a time when India and china are locked in a face-off is likely to take place on September 10.

The Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement (ACSA) statute (formerly known as “NATO Mutual Support Act”) was enacted to simplify exchanges of logistic support, supplies, and services between the United States and other NATO forces.

At the end of the bilateral summit meeting in Tokyo between the two leaders in 2018, both countries agreed to begin formal negotiations on the ACSA. This would allow the Indian military and the Japan Self Defence Force to use each other’s bases for logistic support. “The two leaders welcomed the joint exercise between each of the three services and the commencement of negotiations on the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA), which will enhance the strategic depth of bilateral security and defense cooperation,” the joint statement read.

The ACSA would permit the Indian Navy access to a Japanese base in Djibouti. The Japan Maritime Self Defence Force would be permitted to use India’s military installations on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands located in the Indian Ocean.

The ACSA was first discussed during the annual India-Japan Defence Ministerial Dialogue held at New Delhi in August 2018. It was also on the agenda of the Indian National Security Advisor, Ajit Doval and his Japanese counterpart, Shotaro Yachi held at New Delhi in September 2018.

The joint statement by the Prime Ministers also said, “recognizing that enhanced exchanges in expanding maritime domain awareness (MDA) in the Indo-Pacific region contributes to regional peace and stability, they welcomed the signing of the Implementing Arrangement for deeper cooperation between the Indian Navy and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).”

The meeting of Modi and Abe is important also in the context with the tensions with China. The issue regarding the Chinese would figure in the talks. The expansion drive by China is not just limited to Ladakh. It has also caused concerns for Japan over the ownership of the Senaku Islands. Abe too is under pressure from his Cabinet to take a tough stance on China.

China’s territorial hunger and thirst of strategic expansions has ruffled the wrong feathers not just with India but also countries sharing the waters of East China Sea. Japan, for instance, has been fairly a global player since the World War but the tables have considerably turned in these 75 years.

There’s a storm brewing and China is once again at the centre of it, guiding the wind and steering the vessel. Only this time it’s not India.

East China Sea is a crucial stretch of contention between China and Japan and the Red Dragon’s advancements and disputed claims over the Senkaku/ Diaoyu islands could possibly spark a new political tension in Asia in the coming years.

While China shares its borders (land and sea) with 14 countries, it is at loggerheads with most of them, including islands such as Taiwan.

Tensions around the East China Sea stretch, roughly 1,200 miles (1,900 kilometres) southwest of Tokyo, have been brimming for years. With both countries claiming over the region for hundreds of years, neither Japan nor China is expected to pull their mast down over the territory which is considered “a national birthright” in both Beijing and Tokyo, according to CNN.

Both claim authority over the uninhabited islands, known as the Diaoyus in China and the Senkakus in Japan, but Japan has administered the area since 1972.