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PM calls EU tactics ‘extreme’ while defending breach of international law

PM calls EU tactics 'extreme' while defending breach of international law

Boris Johnson accused the EU of preparing to go to “extreme and unreasonable lengths” in Brexit talks as he defended breaching international law amid a mounting rebellion from Tory backbenchers.

The former chancellor, Sajid Javid, became the most senior of the prime minister’s past cabinet colleagues to say they could not support the UK internal market bill prior to a Commons vote on Monday night.

Javid joined two former Conservative attorney generals, Jeremy Wright and Sir Geoffrey Cox. David Cameron, one of Johnson’s predecessors, had earlier expressed “misgivings” about the creation of powers to row back on elements of the withdrawal agreement involving Northern Ireland. All five living former prime ministers have now expressed concern about the bill.

More than 20 Tory MPs are expected to withhold support for the bill but most will abstain unless the government makes concessions on giving parliament a vote on the new powers before the vote.


What is the UK internal market bill?


The internal market bill aims to enforce compatible rules and regulations regarding trade in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Some rules, for example around food safety or air quality,  which were formerly set by EU agreements, will now be controlled by the devolved administrations or Westminster. The internal market bill insists that devolved administrations  have to accept goods and services from all the nations of the UK – even if their standards differ locally.

This, says the government, is in part to ensure international traders have access to the UK as a whole, confident that standards and rules are consistent.

The Scottish government has criticised it as a Westminster “power grab”, and the Welsh government has expressed fears it will lead to a race to the bottom. If one of the countries that makes up the UK lowers their standards, over the importation of chlorinated chicken, for example, the other three nations will have to accept chlorinated chicken too.

It has become even more controversial because one of its main aims is to empower ministers to pass regulations even if they are contrary to the withdrawal agreement reached with the EU under the Northern Ireland protocol.

The text does not disguise its intention, stating that powers contained in the bill “have effect notwithstanding any relevant international or domestic law with which they may be incompatible or inconsistent”.

Martin Belam and Owen Bowcott

Whips told some MPs the threat of withdrawing the Conservative whip had not been ruled out if they rebelled.

In a nod to some angry MPs, Johnson said he would never invoke the controversial powers in the internal market bill if a Brexit trade deal was reached with the EU. He said the UK would “simultaneously pursue every possible redress under international law, as provided for in the [Northern Ireland] protocol” – a measure suggested by Cox.

Opening the debate in the Commons, the prime minister claimed the EU was willing to “use the Northern Ireland protocol in a way that goes well beyond common sense, simply to exert leverage against the UK in our negotiations for a free trade agreement”.

Johnson said the measures in the bill – which would hand unilateral powers to ministers in key areas yet to be agreed with the EU, breaching the terms of the treaty agreed in January – were “a protection, it’s a safety net, it’s in an insurance policy, and it is a very sensible measure”.

He said threats from the EU, which the bloc has denied, had made the legislation necessary, claiming the bloc could prevent food exports from Great Britain to Northern Ireland.

That claim drew incredulity from the shadow business secretary, Ed Miliband, who responded for Labour. He said the bill did “precisely nothing” to address that issue, offering mockingly to give way to Johnson in the Commons if he had found anything in the bill that dealt with the “supposed threat”.

“He didn’t read the protocol, he hasn’t read the bill,” Miliband said. “What incompetence, what failure of governance, and how dare he try and blame everyone else? This is his deal, it’s his mess, it’s his failure.”

Intervening in Johnson’s speech, Wright raised the ministerial code which he said bounds ministers to respect international law. Earlier the former attorney general had said he along with many others, were “profoundly disturbed by what’s going on”.

Two former barristers – Cox and Rehman Chishti, who quit as the special envoy on religious freedom – also told the government they would not back the bill, along with former solicitor Gary Streeter.

“There is concern among some lawyers in parliament about what effect this would have on their practice after they leave parliament – the bar has made its view very clear,” one MP said.

The debate also saw the first of the 2019-intake of Tory MPs decline to back the bill. Imran Ahmad Khan, who represents Wakefield, said: “Moral authority is hard-earned and easily lost.”

Javid, who quit the cabinet earlier this year, said it was not clear why international law had to be broken and that he was “regretfully unable to support the UK internal market bill” unamended. He added the UK should wait until it was clear the EU intended to act in bad faith and until then use safeguards already enshrined in the withdrawal agreement.

Others planning to abstain include Tobias Ellwood, the chair of the defence select committee, who said: “Everything is getting very high-octane, and the collateral damage to Britain is reaching the US Congress, where people are bewildered we are going down this avenue.

“Many of us are conflicted because I came into politics to further Britain’s place on the international stage, and now we are at a time where there is an absence of political leadership, and we can’t hold our heads up high if we are being seen to challenge international law.”

Most MPs with concerns about the bill will be expected to abstain rather than vote against, saving their ire for votes next week where amendments will be tabled. Asked whether Tory MPs who rebelled on Monday night could lose the whip, Johnson’s spokesman stressed it was “critical” that Conservatives backed the bill.

An amendment next week has been put forward by the chair of the justice select committee, Bob Neill – another former barrister. It would require parliamentary approval before any future decision could be made by the government to disapply the terms of the Northern Ireland protocol in the withdrawal agreement.

Those backing the Neill amendment include the former cabinet minister Damian Green, the QC and former justice minister Oliver Heald, the Northern Ireland select committee chair, Simon Hoare, and Damian Collins, former chair of the culture select committee, who are all expected to withhold support for the bill.


From Brefusal to Brexit: a history of Britain in the EU



The French president, Charles de Gaulle, vetoes Britain’s entry to EEC, accusing the UK of a “deep-seated hostility” towards the European project.


With Sir Edward Heath having signed the accession treaty the previous year, the UK enters the EEC in an official ceremony complete with a torch-lit rally, dickie-bowed officials and a procession of political leaders, including former prime ministers Harold Macmillan and Alec Douglas-Home.


The UK decides to stay in the common market after 67% voted “yes”. Margaret Thatcher, later to be leader of the Conservative party, campaigned to remain.

‘Give us our money back’

Margaret Thatcher negotiated what became known as the UK rebate with other EU members after the “iron lady” marched into the former French royal palace at Fontainebleau to demand “our own money back” claiming for every £2 contributed we get only £1 back” despite being one of the “three poorer” members of the community.

It was a move that sowed the seeds of Tory Euroscepticism that was to later cause the Brexit schism in the party. 

The Bruges speech

Thatcher served notice on the EU community in a defining moment in EU politics in which she questioned the expansionist plans of Jacques Delors, who had remarked that 80% of all decisions on economic and social policy would be made by the European Community within 10 years with a European government in “embryo”. That was a bridge too far for Thatcher.

The cold war ends

Collapse of Berlin wall and fall of communism in eastern Europe, which would later lead to expansion of EU.

‘No, no, no’

Divisions between the UK and the EU deepened with Thatcher telling the Commons in an infamous speech it was ‘no, no, no’ to what she saw as Delors’ continued power grab. Rupert Murdoch’s Sun newspaper ratchets up its opposition to Europe with a two-fingered “Up yours Delors” front page.

Black Wednesday

A collapse in the pound forced prime minister John Major and the then chancellor Norman Lamont to pull the UK out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism.

The single market

On 1 January, customs checks and duties were removed across the bloc. Thatcher hailed the vision of “a single market without barriers – visible or invisible – giving you direct and unhindered access to the purchasing power of over 300 million of the world’s wealthiest and most prosperous people”.

Maastricht treaty

Tory rebels vote against the treaty that paved the way for the creation of the European Union. John Major won the vote the following day in a pyrrhic victory. 

Repairing the relationship

Tony Blair patches up the relationship. Signs up to social charter and workers’ rights.


Nigel Farage elected an MEP and immediately goes on the offensive in Brussels. “Our interests are best served by not being a member of this club,” he said in his maiden speech. “The level playing field is about as level as the decks of the Titanic after it hit an iceberg.”

The euro

Chancellor Gordon Brown decides the UK will not join the euro.

EU enlarges to to include eight countries of the former eastern bloc including Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

EU expands again, allowing Romania and Bulgaria into the club.

Migrant crisis

Anti-immigration hysteria seems to take hold with references to “cockroches” by Katie Hopkins in the Sun and tabloid headlines such as “How many more can we take?” and “Calais crisis: send in the dogs”.

David Cameron returns from Brussels with an EU reform package – but it isn’t enough to appease the Eurosceptic wing of his own party

Brexit referendum

The UK votes to leave the European Union, triggering David Cameron’s resignation and paving the way for Theresa May to become prime minister

Britain leaves the EU

After years of parliamentary impasse during Theresa May’s attempt to get a deal agreed, the UK leaves the EU.


p class=”css-38z03z”>Others expressing serious concerns were the chair of the foreign affairs committee Tom Tugendhat, former transport minister George Freeman and the veteran Tory Sir Roger Gale who said: “An Englishman’s word used to be his bond. Under Johnson that is not so.”


p class=”css-38z03z”>One senior backbencher accused the whips of scare tactics. “Unfortunately this is being framed as being pro or against Brexit again, even whether you are patriotic,” the MP said. “Cox’s intervention should prevent it descending into those shallow waters.

“They are now leaning heavily on loyalty to the prime minister – and there are many people who do want to go back into government and they will be tested today, there’s no question.”

There is consternation even among loyal long-serving Conservatives who are planning to back the government. One former cabinet minister said they would only back the bill “through gritted teeth”.

On Monday, Cameron said: “Passing an act of parliament and then going on to break an international treaty obligation is the very, very last thing you should contemplate. It should be an absolute final resort. So, I do have misgivings about what’s being proposed.”


p class=”css-38z03z”>The former Labour prime ministers Gordon Brown and Tony Blair and the former Conservative prime minister John Major all said the bill risked the UK’s international obligation. Johnson’s predecessor, Theresa May, has also made clear in parliament she is concerned about the implications of the bill.

The Brief, powered by Eurogas – Hagia Sophia in Cyprus: when Eurocrats ruin Europe

The Brief, powered by Eurogas – Hagia Sophia in Cyprus: when Eurocrats ruin Europe

Europe’s unification process was never going to be an easy task. When there are economic imbalances among EU member states, when the creation of an ‘EU identity’ clashes with different cultures, the integration process is faced with difficulties.

But with the right policies in place, these differences can be gradually overcome. What cannot be handled is ignorance, especially in the EU bubble.

EU lawmakers from Greece’s leftist Syriza party have complained to European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen and Parliament President David Sassoli after the executive’s services said in an official written reply that Istanbul’s famous Hagia Sophia church is in …Cyprus.

The MEPs said it was unacceptable that the Commission does now know where one of the most important symbols of Christian heritage is.

In late July, the Turkish government decided to turn Hagia Sophia, a UNESCO World Heritage site, into a mosque, prompting strong reactions across the world, as well as questions to the Commission from Syriza lawmakers.

“The Commission monitors closely the situation concerning religious and cultural monuments in the areas not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus and attributes great importance to the preservation of cultural heritage,” the Commission said in its reply.

When Eurocrats in the Brussels bubble, who often act like they know everything, make this kind of mistake, it’s not a communication issue. It’s about ignorance or, worse still, indifference.

For many EU citizens, especially Greeks, Hagia Sophia’s status is highly emotional and sensitive, and Turkey’s decision made many people unhappy.

If we ignore these people – and this is but the latest example – we cannot expect to get a broad consensus for a more integrated Europe.

If people associate ‘united Europe’ primarily with Eurocrats in their ivory tower, the project will never make headway.

A message from Eurogas: Achieving climate neutrality is a goal we share. We can save the European economy around €130 billion every year until 2050 to deliver it. This could be over €4 trillion in total. An affordable pathway to climate neutrality is vital in the post-Covid world. Find out more in the Eurogas study.

The Roundup

EU leaders are holding virtual talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, hoping to make progress on trade and investment, even as tensions mount between Beijing and the West over Hong Kong and treatment of the country’s Uighur Muslim minority.

The EU will press China to aim for climate neutrality by 2060 or eventually face punitive carbon tariffs during a summit aimed at concluding a bilateral trade agreement by the end of the year.

The European Commission will argue this week in favour of a 55% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and push for higher shares of renewable energy as part of an ambitious plan to achieve net-zero emissions by mid-century, EURACTIV has learned.

EU lawmakers threatened to veto any trade deal with the UK unless Boris Johnson’s government withdraws its plans to tear up parts of its Withdrawal Agreement with the bloc, as negotiations on a future trade deal teetered on the brink of collapse.

Seventy-one lawmakers from the major political groups in the European Parliament have called on EU member states and the Commission to end fragmentation and improve coordination in order to better tackle the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

European Romani communities experienced increased institutional racism and discrimination during the COVID-19 lockdown measures across the bloc, a new report by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) has found.

The European Commission has agreed to extend a waiver of aircraft takeoff and landing slot rules for a further six months, in a boon to the struggling aviation industry.

Look out for…

  • European Parliament’s plenary session with a preparation debate on the special European Council meeting in late September, EU’s chief diplomat Joseph Borrell briefs EU lawmakers
  • EU lawmakers vote on reports on EU arms exports, amendments to the EUCivil Protection Mechanism and implementation of the EU Association Agreement with Georgia
  • European Commission College meeting with Communication on Implementation of Recovery and Resilience Facility; Digital Package; Green Package; Revised State Aid guidelines on ETS; EU Action Plan to Counter Racism
  • EU takes part in UN General Assembly

Views are the author’s

Fitbit’s ECG app gets regulatory clearance in U.S. and European Union

Fitbit’s ECG app gets regulatory clearance in U.S. and European Union

Fitbit’s new electrocardiogram app has officially received regulatory clearance in the U.S. and European Union for its latest smartwatch, the Fitbit Sense, to monitor heart rhythm and detect atrial fibrillation.

Now that the app has 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and CE marking, Fitbit Sense users can access the ECG app beginning in October.

The company conducted a clinical trial to assess the ECG algorithm’s ability to accurately detect atrial fibrillation from normal sinus rhythm and to create a recording of the heart’s electrical rhythm. The study’s results demonstrated the algorithm could detect over 98% of atrial fibrillation cases and was 100% accurate in identifying participants with normal sinus rhythm.

Wearable ECG sensors like this give people a way to take on-the-spot readings of their heart rhythm at any time. To use FitBit’s app, users hold their fingers to the stainless steel ring on the watch and stay still for 30 seconds while the watch conducts a reading that can be shared with a doctor.


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death globally, according to Our World in Data. The American Heart Association estimates that someone dies of CVD every 37 seconds in the U.S. and that there are more than 2,300 deaths from CVD each day, based on 2017 data.

Despite being so common, CVD is largely preventable. The World Health Organization says 80% of premature heart disease and stroke could be prevented.

Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia and often results in significant clinical events and costs, according to research in the Journal of Thoracic Disease. However, in at least one-third of patients, it doesn’t have symptoms and sometimes isn’t found until after complications such as stroke or heart failure. Newly developed ECG technologies offer a way for physicians to diagnose diseases early to prevent future complications, the research said.


In August, Fitbit announced the launch of its new range of products that included the Fitbit Sense, Fitbit Versa 3 and Fitbit Inspire 2. The announcement of the Fitbit Sense smartwatch marked the company’s first device compatible with an ECG app.

Fitbit had been working on adding heart rhythm tracking capabilities for some time through its heart study. It now enters the ECG space after competitors Apple and Withings previously added similar features to their respective watches.

In other wearable news, Amazon released its first health tracker, called the Amazon Halo. Notable features for its device include activity and sleep tracking, body fat percentage measurements and voice-recorded tone assessments.


“Helping people understand and manage their heart health has always been a priority for Fitbit, and our new ECG app is designed for those users who want to assess themselves in the moment and review the reading later with their doctor,” said Eric Friedman, Fitbit cofounder and CTO, in a statement. “Early detection of AFib is critical, and I’m incredibly excited that we are making these innovations accessible to people around the world to help them improve their heart health, prevent more serious conditions and potentially save lives.”

Caritas Greece calls for support for Lesbos refugees and for locals – Vatican News


By Linda Bordoni 

Tension is high on the Greek island of Lesbos with thousands of migrants sleeping rough after last week’s refugee centre fires and local residents worried about coronavirus fears and social strife. 

Authorities are building a temporary camp to shelter the men, women and children left without a roof over their heads. The migrants, however, are demonstrating as they fear the untenable situation in the overcrowded and unsanitary Moria camp that held four times the numbers it was supposed to will be repeated.

Pope Francis travelled to Lesbos in April 2016 to express his closeness to the men, women and children escaping conflict and poverty and urged European nations to agree on a common relocation policy that protects people and respects their dignity.

During the Angelus on Sunday, he recalled that visit and voiced his solidarity with the migrants.

Maria Alverti, Director of Caritas Hellas – the Greek office of the Catholic Church’s global confederation of relief, development and humanitarian agencies– told Vatican Radio that Moria camp is almost completely destroyed leaving 11 to 12000 homeless and camped along the roads.

Listen to the interview with Maria Alverti

Alverti said the army has taken control of food distribution and is engaged in dealing with tension caused by some groups of local residents on the island who do not want the migrants in the towns.

“We believe these are minorities,” she said, but the tension is tangible and humanitarian workers have been instructed not to take autonomous action and the government is coordinating all relief efforts.

Providing relief

She said they have decided to create a new structure close to another camp on the island and are currently erecting camps and working on infrastructure in order to be able to host about 1,000 people.

“They have already transferred some vulnerable families to stay there, all of them are waiting to be tested for COVID-19 before entering the new structure,” she said.

Meanwhile, Alverti said, Caritas has started distributing water and has about 1,000 sleeping bags that will be given to the new structure for the refugee population.

Most urgent need

Obviously, Caritas Hellas’ prime concern at the moment is the provision of aid where needed. But, Alverti said she agrees that the incident has really highlighted the need for a common European policy for the relocation and integration of refugees and migrants.

“I am sorry to say that Moria was a ticking bomb for many years. It has been years that we were warning that accident or arson could happen there. So Moria should not have existed in the first place,” she said.

The relocation of people and the sharing of responsibility should definitely start taking place, Alverti explains. She added that it is understandable that  Greek authorities will not be relocating anyone to the mainland in the near future.

“It’s not easy to say you can transfer 12,000 people overnight to the mainland. I really believe that Europe should help in coming up with a common migration policy which would protect the rights of the people,” she said.

Recalling Pope Francis’s visit

Maria Alverti recalled Pope Francis’s visit to Lesbos in 2016 saying it was hugely encouraging for the people on the island.

She said that for Caritas greece “it was important not only at a spiritual level but also knowing we are doing the right thing gives us strength.” Alverti went on to reveal that the Holy See and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Dignity “have been supportive of our work for many years: so it is very encouraging and very inspiring to know we are in the right position and doing the right thing.”

“The Holy Father’s words are always an inspiration and guidance,” she said.

Hopes for the near future

Regarding her hopes for the hours and days to come, Alverti underscored the fact that as Caritas Greece, her people are standing by ready to help in coordination with the Ministry covering the basic needs.

“Maybe it would be wishful thinking not to have new Morias to come,” she said, expressing her hope that this alarm will have an impact on the consciences of European leaders and on the mentality of politicians who should realise that the current system is not working.

It is also important, she pointed out, to take into consideration the challenges faced by some local communities: “that’s when you get some extremist elements of society coming forward and finding room and space in which to share hate-speech”.

In her final thoughts, Alverti noted that is up to political leaders to stop giving them grounds to fuel fear and antagonism. Recalling the amazing solidarity the people of Lesbos demonstrated in 2015 at the peak of the arrivals of migrants, she noted that the mentality is not the same anymore and said it is important to “See how the local communities can be supported in this solidarity.”

UN backs new eco-label to help consumers choose sustainable rice – Vatican News

UN backs new eco-label to help consumers choose sustainable rice - Vatican News

By Vatican News

The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) is a grouping of over 100 public, private, research, financial institutions and civil society organizations, which through sustainable production standards and outreach mechanisms contributes to increasing the global supply of affordable rice, improves livelihoods for rice producers and reduces environmental impact of rice production.

Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), SRP has developed the “SRP-Verified” Label to reduce the environmental impact of one of the largest food crops in the world.

Environmental impact of rice production

Rice, wheat, and maize are the world’s three leading food crops; together they directly supply more than 42% of all calories consumed by the entire human population.   Of these, rice is the daily staple of over 3.5 billion people, accounting for 19 percent of dietary energy globally. 

Yet, the crop has an undeniable environmental impact. Rice farming consumes up to one-third of the world’s developed freshwater resources and generates up to 20% of global anthropogenic emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

This life-giving crop will also be the victim of rising global temperatures, with production expected to fall by 15% by 2050 due to climate change, according to the International Food Policy Research Institute.

New environment-friendly label

The SRP launched a new SRP Assurance Scheme together with its own eco-label to help consumers and global rice stakeholders choose sustainable rice.  The Scheme is based on the SRP Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation, the world’s first voluntary sustainability standard for rice.

Employing best practices in rice farming can reduce water use by some 20% and methane emissions from flooded rice fields by up to 50%.

“The Assurance Scheme offers supply chain actors a robust, cost-effective and transparent path to sustainable procurement. Consumers are increasingly demanding that food is produced sustainably, and now they have a reliable way to choose environmentally friendly rice,” said Wyn Ellis, SRP Executive Director. 

With the new label, consumers will be able to trace the rice back to the country of origin. The scheme will also benefit an entire industry. By stocking SRP-verified rice, retailers can make significant and measurable contributions to sustainability commitments and climate change targets.  Industry actors will also be able to de-risk their supply chains and ensure stability by sourcing through SRP-verified suppliers.

Switching over to SRP practices can help farmers boost their net income by 10-20%.  With 90% of the world’s 144 million rice producers living on or near the poverty line, this can make the difference between a secure livelihood and a family going hungry.  (Source: UNEP)

Ministers back 5-year plan to put health in Europe on track

Ministers back 5-year plan to put health in Europe on track

Today, ministers of health and public health leaders from the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region endorsed a new 5-year vision, the European Programme of Work (EPW) 2020–2025, that sets down how WHO/Europe and its Member States will work together to meet citizens’ expectations for health.

“People rightly demand quality, accessible health care; they expect health authorities to protect their health during emergencies; and they want to be able to thrive in healthy communities. The EPW, approved today, offers the blueprint to deliver this,” said Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe.

“It is very encouraging to see Member States adopt this vision for health in our Region with such enthusiasm. I am gratified by their commitment to regional solidarity in the face of growing public health challenges, and their strong willingness to tackle pervasive inequalities,” he added.

The EPW, also known as “United Action for Better Health in Europe”, was discussed and agreed at the 70th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, the European Region’s health assembly, held virtually this year on 14–15 September 2020.

Under the EPW, European Member States will implement 3 core priorities:

  • guaranteeing the right to universal access to quality care without fear of financial hardship;
  • protecting against health emergencies; and
  • building healthy communities, where public health actions and appropriate public policies secure a better life in an economy of well-being.

These core priorities are anchored in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and are aligned with the global vision set out in WHO’s General Programme of Work 2019–2023.

“COVID-19 has brought to light the weaknesses and strengths of European society. It has bluntly revealed the reality of our health systems. The most vulnerable, such as older people and people with mental health needs, often carry the heaviest burden in health emergencies; solidarity and trust between people and health authorities are under pressure; and the voices of health leaders and scientists need to be heard by politicians because health and the economy are inextricably linked. The pandemic has forced us to address these issues very quickly, but the EPW shows us how to address them in a way that generates trust, better health and ultimately builds back better societies,” concluded Dr Kluge.

Lessons learned from COVID-19

At the Regional Committee session, Dr Kluge also outlined worrying interruptions to health services in the Region during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • 68% of Member States have reported a disruption to services for noncommunicable diseases, including monitoring of diabetes, hypertension and cancer screening;
  • countries are reporting and projecting a 10% increase in breast cancer mortality and a 15% increase in colon cancer mortality;
  • 6 countries in the Region, representing 22% of the infant population, have disrupted routine immunization schedules; and
  • in May, 28 countries reported a 50% decrease in case notifications for tuberculosis.

The following 3 key lessons are highlighted in the intra-action review of the COVID-19 response and detailed in the report of the Regional Director.

  • We need solidarity to succeed in health emergencies. Solidarity among individuals and communities and among countries involves sharing supplies, hosting patients in hospitals, sending health professionals, providing logistics support, and contributing to global initiatives such as the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator to speed research, development, production, and fair allocation of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines.
  • We need stronger health systems for stronger health security. Stronger health systems can respond effectively to the pandemic by ensuring sufficient supplies of personal protective equipment, test kits, intensive care beds, and tools to track and trace COVID-19 cases; by taking full advantage of innovative and integrated ways to deliver care with a well-trained workforce, strong links to social services and digital health solutions; and by maintaining the delivery of essential health services through dual-track service delivery.
  • We need to acknowledge health and economic prosperity as 2 sides of the same coin. Controlling virus transmission is a prerequisite for reopening businesses and trade, and the move from response to recovery offers an opportunity to put people and their health at the centre of policy, recognizing that public health is a driver of economic development, security and peace.

WHO/Europe and the European Commission agree future common action in 5 key areas

WHO/Europe and the European Commission agree future common action in 5 key areas

Press note

Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 September 2020

WHO/Europe and the European Commission have issued a joint statement to boost their already strong partnership and adapt it to new health priorities and emerging challenges. The statement was presented today at the annual session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe to representatives from the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region.

The document calls for closer partnership between WHO/Europe and the European Commission in 5 priority areas of shared interest:

  • health security against health emergencies and other threats
  • effective, accessible, resilient and innovative health systems
  • a comprehensive response to noncommunicable diseases with a focus on cancer
  • sustainable food systems and health
  • health cooperation with non-European Union countries in the WHO European Region.

A more concrete plan outlining projects and steps of cooperation will be developed in the coming months. Overall, the agreement aims at:

  • fostering technical, policy and geographical synergies
  • strengthening citizens’ voices and trust in health and food authorities
  • maximizing support to countries.

European Union condemns execution of Iranian champion wrestler

European Union condemns execution of Iranian champion wrestler

Afkari was executed in Iran on Saturday, according to Iran’s state-run news agency IRNA, despite a high-profile international campaign calling for the sentence not to be carried out.The 27-year-old was executed at a prison in Shiraz, according to IRNA. He had been sentenced to death in relation to the murder of the Iranian government’s water and sewage department’s security agent Hasan Turkman during the August 2018 protests in Shiraz, according to Iran’s state media Mizan.”Human rights remain a central feature of our engagement with Iran,” said a statement by the EU’s spokesperson, issued on Monday.”We will continue to engage with Iranian authorities on this issue including through the local EU representation in Tehran and also on individual cases such as this recent execution.”The European Union is opposed to the death penalty under all circumstances and cases with no exception. It is a cruel and inhumane punishment, which fails to act as a deterrent and represents an unacceptable denial of human dignity and integrity.”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== European Union condemns execution of Iranian champion wrestler

The International Olympic Committee said it was “shocked” by the announcement.”In letters, Thomas Bach, the IOC President, had made direct personal appeals to the Supreme Leader and to the President of Iran this week and asked for mercy for Navid Afkari, while respecting the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” a statement said.”It is deeply upsetting that the pleas of athletes from around the world and all the behind-the-scenes work of the IOC, together with the NOC of Iran, United World Wrestling and the National Iranian Wrestling Federation, did not achieve our goal.”

Iran’s judiciary spokesperson Gholam Hossein Esmaeili was quoted by the Tehran Municipality’s daily newspaper Hamshari as saying on Wednesday that Afkari had been sentenced to the Islamic verdict of ghesas [qisas] or “retribution-in-kind.”

According to Hamshari, Esmaeili said Afkari was required to appease the victim’s family by paying a restitution. If he was unable to do so, the judiciary would be required to carry out the death sentence, because the case had already been reviewed by the Supreme Court and because the courts said he had already confessed to killing Hassan Turkman.

IRNA reported on Saturday that Afkari was executed after the victim’s family refused to forgive him and allow him to pay restitutions.Afkari’s lawyer Hassan Younesi told CNN that philanthropists had gone to the city of Shiraz and were trying to raise money to pay the restitution, but it was too late — the Shiraz judiciary informed Afkari’s family the sentence was already carried out and they didn’t get to say goodbye.

Iranian champion wrestler Navid Afkari executed despite international campaign

The World Players Association, an international body that represents professional athletes, had protested the sentence and called for Iran to be threatened with expulsion from international sport, including from the Olympic movement, if the execution was carried out.”

Navid was one of thousands of Iranian citizens who took part in spontaneous demonstrations that year against economic hardship and political repression in Iran,” said a statement from the WPA. “However, he has been unjustly targeted by the Iranian authorities who want to make an example out of a popular, high-profile athlete and intimidate others who might dare exercise their human right to participate in peaceful protest.”

WPA said in the statement that Afkari was “sentenced to death twice after being tortured into making a false confession.”Addressing the protests, Esmaeili said, according to the Tehran newspaper, that the campaign aimed at stopping the execution led the judiciary to provide a videotaped confession and re-enactments carried out by Afkari himself to Iranian State TV IRIB.

Afkari’s case sparked interest beyond the sports circles. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch called for an international intervention and a new trial.US President Donald Trump got involved last week, asking the Iranian leaders last to spare Afkari’s life. “Hearing that Iran is looking to execute a great and popular wrestling star, 27-year-old Navid Afkari, whose sole act was an anti-government demonstration on the streets. They were protesting the ‘country’s worsening economic situation and inflation,'” Trump tweeted.”To the leaders of Iran, I would greatly appreciate if you would spare this young man’s life, and not execute him. Thank you!,” he added.

Protests must be nonviolent; governments must respect rights, pope says

Protests must be nonviolent; governments must respect rights, pope says

Vatican City — Expressing his concern about demonstrations taking place in many countries around the world, Pope Francis appealed for nonviolence, dialogue and the guarantee of civil rights.

“In these weeks, we are witnessing numerous popular protests all over the world — in many places — expressing the increasing unrest of civil society in the face of particularly critical political and social situations,” the pope said Sept. 13 after reciting the Angelus prayer.

“While I urge the demonstrators to present their demands peacefully, without giving in to the temptation of aggression and violence,” he said, “I appeal to all those with public and governmental responsibilities to listen to the voice of their fellow citizens and to meet their just aspirations, ensuring full respect for human rights and civil liberties.”

The pope did not mention any specific city or country. However, two days earlier he had dispatched his foreign minister, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, to Minsk, Belarus, to show his closeness to the people and his support of the local church.

Thousands of people have been demonstrating daily since President Alexander Lukashenko, in power already for 26 years, claimed Aug. 9 that he had won reelection again. Hundreds of people have been arrested, and the country’s main opposition leaders have been forced into exile.

Pope Francis also may have had in mind the ongoing protests in the United States over police brutality and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, and more than a year of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.

In areas where there are protests, the pope asked Catholic communities, and especially their pastors, “to work for dialogue — always in favor of dialogue — and in favor of reconciliation.”

Also after his recitation of the Angelus, the pope spoke to visitors in St. Peter’s Square about the fires Sept. 9 that destroyed the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, displacing some 12,000 asylum-seekers and, as the pope said, leaving them “without a shelter, even a precarious one.”

“I still remember my visit there” in 2016, he said, and the appeal he, Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Orthodox Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens made to other European governments and citizens “to do our part toward giving migrants, refugees and asylum seekers a humane and dignified welcome in Europe.”

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Vegan Food Market Size is Witnessing at a CAGR of 10.5% from 2019 to 2026

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