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Roma integration: EU must do more against social exclusion and anti-gypsyism | News | European Parliament

Roma integration: EU must do more against social exclusion and anti-gypsyism | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20200910IPR86837/

COVID-19: Member states need to harmonise health assessments and measures | News | European Parliament

COVID-19: Member states need to harmonise health assessments and measures | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20200910IPR86818/

Sakharov Prize 2020: the nominees | News | European Parliament

Sakharov Prize 2020: the nominees | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20200917STO87301/

Latest “Bahá’í World” essays delve into economic justice, racial unity, community building

Latest “Bahá’í World” essays delve into economic justice, racial unity, community building | BWNS

BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE — Earlier today, The Bahá’í World website published three new articles on themes highly relevant to the well-being and progress of humanity.

The essay “Community and Collective Action” describes the hopeful efforts of groups of people around the world to build a new kind of community based on the oneness of humankind and explores the vision and process guiding these efforts.

Overcoming the long-standing plague of racial injustice is the subject of the article “Spatial Strategies for Racial Unity,” which inquires into the nature and approaches of Bahá’í educational programs and community building efforts which seek, in the context of neighborhoods and villages, to raise capacity for service to humanity.

The growing disparities around the globe between the wealthiest and poorest members of society is the subject of the article “Is Economic Justice Possible?” The article surveys the world’s current economic condition and explores the implications of Bahá’í principles on the enormous challenge of building an economic system that is just, benefiting all of humanity.

The Bahá’í World website makes available a selection of thoughtful essays and long-form articles on a range of subjects of interest to the wider public, conveying advancements in Bahá’í thought and action and reflecting the Faith’s purpose in the world.

An email subscription service is available, informing subscribers when new articles are published.

WHO/Europe and the Turkic Council sign a memorandum of understanding

man sight on white microscope
Photo by Lucas Vasques

WHO/Europe and the Turkic Council sign a memorandum of understanding strengthening new partnerships in the WHO European Region

Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, and Mr Baghdad Amreyev, Secretary General of the Turkic Council, signed a memorandum of understanding between WHO/Europe and the Turkic Council on 11 September 2020.

The memorandum lays the legal basis for future cooperation and concrete collaboration between the 2 organizations in the field of health, including moving towards universal health coverage, protecting against health emergencies and promoting the well-being of the populations in the Member States of the Turkic Council. A work plan will be elaborated to assist the implementation of joint programmes and projects.

During the meeting, the Regional Director referred to WHO/Europe’s excellent relations with the Member States of the Turkic Council, stating that it is committed to building a strong alliance with them and to coordinating stakeholders in and across countries.

The collaboration between the Turkic Council and WHO/Europe was further strengthened by the first-time participation of the Turkic Council and Mr Amreyev at the 70th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe. Mr Amreyev addressed the Regional Committee and strongly supported the proposal of WHO/Europe to unite the efforts of regional multilateral institutions and mechanisms around health as one of the key objectives of the European Programme of Work (2020–2025), “United Action for Better Health in Europe”.

“Unusually early demand in Europe for overseas organic blueberries”


This year, in Europe, the demand for overseas organic berries has begun unusually early. Carsol Europe’s Roelant Komen has noticed this. “Many supermarkets want to start with organic berries. The Dutch season is progressing well. And the European season is nearing its end. So, clients want to continue the organic season with overseas blueberries.”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== "Unusually early demand in Europe for overseas organic blueberries"

Carsol Europe get their organic berries from Argentina. “They do farm organically in Peru too. But, these berries are mostly destined for the North American market. These are grown according to American organic standards, not European ones.”

“The supply from Argentina is still limited, so prices are high. This year, air freight was also 30 to 40% costlier than last year. That’s because there were almost no Argentinian flights to Europe. The weather is currently a little chilly, so the fruit isn’t ripening as fast. But, we’re getting enough. Fortunately, it’s dry; when it rains, quality becomes challenging,” says Roelant.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== "Unusually early demand in Europe for overseas organic blueberries"

Roelant expects large volumes from week 41. “The organic season really gets going in October. There’s a peak until week 45. Then, supplies start to diminish from week 46 again. I think the Argentinian season will be over in about week 49/50. The Chilean container season usually begins in January. It’ll be very interesting to see how the market will look in December. We do have air freight from Chile in December, but those berries are very expensive.”

Carsol sells its blueberries mainly to the German market. This market is supplemented with sales to other countries. These include Switzerland, Austria, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands. “The total demand for organic fruit and vegetable is climbing. But, this increase is even larger with blueberries,” concludes Roelant.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== "Unusually early demand in Europe for overseas organic blueberries"For more information:

Roelant Komen
Carsol Europe
Tel: +31 (0) 107 632 682
Email: [email protected] 
Website: www.carsolfruit.com

Protect lives, mitigate future shocks and recover better: UN-wide COVID-19 response 

Protect lives, mitigate future shocks and recover better: UN-wide COVID-19 response 

According to the September update of the UN Comprehensive Response to COVID-19, no country has been spared; no population left unscathed. 

Among other things, the update outlines the steps needed to save lives, protect societies and recover better while pointing the way to addressing future shocks, above all from climate change, and overcoming the universal inequities.

Three-point response

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has often said that the pandemic is a human crisis that has laid bare severe and systemic inequalities.  

“No country has been spared. No population group remains unscathed. Nobody is immune to its impacts”, the report spelled out.

To address this, the UN is pursuing a three-point comprehensive response focused on health, safeguarding lives and livelihoods, and addressing underlying vulnerabilities to rebuild a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable world.

Health first

The update revealed that the UN system led the global health response early on, providing life-saving humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable, establishing rapid responses to the socio-economic impact and laying out a broad policy agenda.

Solid science, reliable data, and analysis are critical for policy- and decision-making, especially for the tough choices required during a pandemic, according to the report. 

To help create a knowledge base and provide support to national policymakers, the UN has also issued a series of policy brief that examines the pandemic’s diverse impacts and offers relevant information and advice. 

Containing the virus

The most urgent course of action in dealing with COVID -19 has been to suppress transmission of the virus, through detecting, testing, isolating and caring for those affected. 

This requires physical distancing, fact- and science-based public information, expanded testing, increased health-care facility capacities, supporting health-care workers, and ensuring adequate supplies. 

Some countries can or have already achieved these conditions with their own resources but developing countries continue to need considerable support, the report noted.

Universal access

The update shone a spotlight on the need for the biggest public health effort in human history.

That means a vaccine, diagnostics and treatment for everyone, everywhere. 

At the Global Vaccine Summit in June, the UN chief spelled out, “A COVID-19 vaccine must be seen as a global public good”.

Battling twin crises

As climate change is not on hold, recovery from COVID-19 must go hand-in hand with climate action.

And addressing both simultaneously requires a response stronger than any seen before, upheld the report.

It saw recovery as an opportunity to address the fragilities laid bare by the virus, including the climate crisis.

Moreover, it outlined the steps needed to move forward, such as decarbonizing transport, buildings and energy sectors; transitioning away from fossil fuels; and creating jobs to build resilient and sustainable infrastructures. 

Sustaining the response

As the world is still in the acute phase of the pandemic, the UN update maintained the importance of sustained political leadership, unprecedented levels of funding, and extraordinary solidarity between and within countries to recover. 

The Organization will continue to consult with Member States and all partners on how best to support these efforts over the long term.

Archbishop Gallagher’s mission in Belarus – Vatican News

Archbishop Gallagher's mission in Belarus - Vatican News

By Vatican News and L’Osservatore Romano

An article appeared in the Italian edition of L’Osservatore Romano on Wednesday regarding Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher’s visit to Belarus.

On Friday, 11 September, Archbishop Gallagher traveled to Belarus. A statement released by the Holy See Press Office that evening said that he had gone there “to show the attention and closeness of the Holy Father to the Catholic Church and the whole country”.

The Archbishop was accompanied by Archbishiop Antonio Mennini, Apostolic Nuncio, and Archbishop Paul Butnaru, Secretary of Nunciature in service at the Section for Relations with States. When they arrived in Minsk, they were welcomed at the airport by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Sergei Aleinik, and by the temporary Attaché of the Apostolic Nunciature in Belarus, Rev. Maher Chammas. 

From there, the Delegation went directly to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where a meeting with Minister Vladimir Makei took place. During the meeting, which lasted about an hour and a half, some of the most important moments of the collaboration between Belarus and the Holy See in the international sphere were recalled, as well as the important contribution of the local Catholic Church to the spiritual growth of the Belarusian people, to their social assistance, to the good inter-religious national coexistence and to the promotion of the cultural identity of the country. Particular attention paid to the best way in which the Catholic Church can continue to carry out its spiritual mission for the benefit of all citizens.

On Saturday, September 12, Archbishop Gallagher met with the Catholic Bishops of Belarus at the Apostolic Nunciature. The meeting allowed, on the one hand, to know more deeply the challenges that Catholic communities and their Pastors are facing and, on the other hand, to show them the concrete closeness and support of the Holy Father. The dialogue was very useful in evaluating together the path that the local Church needs to follow in order to remain faithful to its identity and its evangelical mission, while also making itself an effective instrument of social unity. 

In the afternoon, the Delegation made a private visit to the Orthodox Cathedral in Minsk, the adjacent Chapel of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, and the nearby Catholic Cathedral. The visit gave them the opportunity to discover some details of Belarus’ religious history and, above all, of its capacity for spiritual rebirth after the difficult period it lived under atheism.

That evening Archbishop Gallagher met the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to the Holy See, Mr. Sergei Aleinik in the Apostolic Nunciature. This dialogue allowed them to once again exchange points of view on various themes of national and international importance as well as to to deepen other reflections on some aspects of greater relevance and importance.

On Sunday, 13 September, Archbishop Gallagher celebrated Holy Mass in the chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature. Some Catholic Ambassadors also participated in the celebration. At the end of the liturgy, he briefly greeted those present.

On Sunday afternoon, the Delegation made a private visit to the Memorial Shrine in honor of all the Saints, meeting the Rector of the Shrine, the Most Reverend Archpriest Fyodor Povny. This time the Delegation was able to learn more about the history of the Belarusian people and the richness of their Orthodox Christian tradition.

On Monday, September 14, the Secretary for Relations with States returned to the Vatican.

EU executive to propose framework for minimal wage in EU

EU executive to propose framework for minimal wage in EU

“For too many people, work no longer pays,” von der Leyen told the European Parliament in an annual policy speech. “Dumping wages destroys the dignity of work, penalises the entrepreneur who pays decent wages and distorts fair competition in the Single Market,” she said.

The issue is politically tricky so the Commission is not trying to set a single EU minimum wage or to impose one minimum wage setting system for all of the 27 countries in the bloc.

Instead, it wants to ensure there is a collective bargaining for wages in place, that different national systems have clear and stable criteria, that trade unions and employers are involved in the process, that there are few exemptions and that there are monitoring mechanisms in place.

White House hosts Israel-UAE- Bahrain deal signing – Vatican News


By Nathan Morley

The agreements signed at the White House on Monday formalize the normalization of Israel’s relations with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Now the countries will exchange embassies and ambassadors and to cooperate on a broad array of issues, including banking, education, trade and health issues.

Listen to Nathan Morley’s report

Mr Trump said it was an incredible day for the world: “Today, the world sees that they are choosing cooperation over conflict, friendship over enmity, prosperity over poverty and hope over despair,” Trump said. “They are choosing a future in which Arabs and Israelis, Muslims, Jews and Christians can live together, pray together and dream together, side by side, in harmony, community and peace.”

Speaking at the signing, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heralded “a new dawn of peace.”

Meanwhile, following the signing of normalization deals, there was a fresh round of violence between Palestinian militants in Gaza and Israel.

According to Israel Radio, militants fired two rockets into Israel on Tuesday night. One hit the coastal city of Ashdod, wounding two men.

In response, the Israeli military bombed sites in Gaza including a weapons factory, and a military compound used for rocket launching experiments by Hamas.

Leaders in the Palestinian territories accuse U.S. President Donald Trump of being biased in favour of Israel, and condemned the deals.