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Việt Nam continues reform made in the Free Trade Agreement to boost exports and investment from Europe.

Việt Nam is continuing its institutional reform commitments made in the historic EU-Việt Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) in an aim to boost exports of agricultural products and attract more investment from the EU trading bloc. 

Việt Nam continues reform commitments made in EU-Việt Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) aiming to boost exports and attract investment from the EU trading bloc.

HCM CITY — Việt Nam is continuing its institutional reform commitments made in the historic EU-Việt Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) in an aim to boost exports of agricultural products and attract more investment from the EU trading bloc.

Võ Tân Thành, vice chairman of the Việt Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), said the country has made huge progress in administrative reform and improvement of the business environment.

“After the EVFTA took effect in August, exports to the EU in August and September increased by 4.2 percent compared to the same period last year. In September alone, exports increased by more than 14 percent year-on-year,” he said.

However, the EU is a highly demanding market and exporters must meet its food safety standards and management procedures, and provide transparent information about their labor force and working environment, he noted.

European consumers prefer high-quality products, especially those that are organic or fair trade, or have geographical indications, according to Thành.

He urged farmers to gradually shift from traditional to more sustainable cultivation and to adhere to food safety and hygiene regulations in the EVFTA and other FTAs.

Exporters must also follow the rules of origin (RO) and engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainable development, and environmental protection, said Thành, who spoke at a conference on Vietnamese farm produce exports to the EU under the EVFTA organized last week in HCM City.

Lê Duy Minh, chairman of the Việt Nam Farms and Agricultural Enterprises Association (VFAEA), noted that the EU is the third largest trade partner of Việt Nam and one of the country’s two biggest export markets. Exports of agro-forestry-fishery products to the EU stand at nearly US$5 billion per year.

Phạm Văn Duy, deputy director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s Agro-product Processing and Market Development Department, said: “The EU is a choosy market, so meeting the EU’s requirements will help businesses open the door to other markets in the world.”

He said that it was important to protect the intellectual property of major agricultural products and to promote branding, geographical indications, and traceability.

For the past decade, Vietnamese exports of agricultural, forestry, and aquatic products grew more than 9 percent on average each year.

Việt Nam’s agricultural sector will be one of the biggest winners from the EVFTA, as reductions in tariffs will increase demand and boost exports to Europe’s high-spending consumer market, according to experts.

Trade-in agricultural products represent nearly 12 percent of the total two-way trade between Việt Nam and the EU.

The trade pact abolishes 99 percent of import tariffs over the next seven to 10 years.

With a population of more than 500 million and a combined GDP of over $15 trillion, accounting for 22 percent of the world’s GDP, the EU is the world’s largest exporter and importer with annual trade of $3.8 trillion. — VNS

Book Guardians oppose National Library’s plan to get rid of overseas books

Book Guardians oppose National Library’s plan to get rid of overseas books

Ngā Kaitiaki o ngā Pukapuka/Book Guardians Aotearoa has been formed this month, in response to the National Library beginning to dispose of its precious and priceless Overseas Published Collection of over 600,000 books.

BGA has been advised by former Prime Minister Helen Clark that at no time was it intended that the National Library would or should collect and preserve only New Zealand published materials, and that her government passed the National Library Act in 2003 in order to end the indiscriminate culling of books which occurred in the 1990s.

Former Attorney General Chris Finlayson Q.C. is horrified at this further attack on the national collection, and with BGA Executive Member Dolores Janiewski is seeking an urgent meeting with the National Librarian and the Chief Executive of the Department of Internal Affairs to discuss the inadvisability and possible illegality of the current cull, and to advise a halt to any further disposal until the new government and incoming ministers have been properly briefed.

Jim Traue, a former Turnbull Librarian, also supports the BGA’s kaupapa. He made the role of the National Library quite clear in his op ed:

“The National Library, as our one library of last resort, has a responsibility to ensure that no book, once deemed worthwhile by being selected for a library’s collection, will ever disappear from the nation’s bookstock.”

“ We met by Zoom and raised a glass to the memory of the great book collectors and protectors of Aotearoa New Zealand, from Alexander Turnbull to the first National Librarian, Geoffrey Alley, and his successor, Graeme Bagnall”, said BGA Executive Member Christine Dann, describing the launch of Book Guardians Aotearoa.

“ We also vowed to honour their memory by doing our best to ensure that the books they collected and protected in the past are cherished and accessible to all New Zealanders in the present and future.”

“We are also receiving advice from other librarians, historians, writers, researchers, academics and former politicians and civil servants who know why it is wrong to dispose of most of the National Library’s books, and are keen to see it stopped immediately”, said Dr Dann. “Helen Clark thinks this should be an election issue, and we agree with her.”

Newsroom: On the vandals at the National Library

What Barrett, Republicans and Democrats said about religion at her controversial 2017 hearing

What Barrett, Republicans and Democrats said about religion at her controversial 2017 hearing
“You’ve been outspoken about your role and your Catholic faith, and what that plays in your life,” then-Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, said. “And you’ve thought and written about the role your faith should play in your profession.”
Grassley offered Barrett, then nominated for a US appeals court seat, an early chance to explain her views on a topic that was bound to be a flashpoint.
This time around, during her confirmation hearings to join the Supreme Court, Republicans say the subject of religion should be out of bounds, and committee Democrats have said they are reluctant to raise the touchy subject. That could prevent questions — and explanations from Barrett — on a recurring theme in her academic writings and presentations related to the relevance of faith in the law.
“Her religion is immaterial, irrelevant,” Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii said on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday. “I am totally focused on what this nominee sitting there as a justice is going to do in striking down the Affordable Care Act. That is what I’m focused on. I will not ask her questions about her religious views. They are irrelevant.”
Among her notable writings, Barrett, a former Notre Dame law professor, co-authored a 1998 law review essay that asserted Catholic judges opposed to capital punishment should recuse themselves, rather than impose a death sentence on a criminal defendant.
In the same piece, Barrett and co-author John H. Garvey referred to Catholic opposition to euthanasia and abortion as well, noting, “The prohibitions against abortion and euthanasia (properly defined) are absolute; those against war and capital punishment are not. There are two evident differences between the cases. First, abortion and euthanasia take away innocent life. This is not always so with war and punishment.”
Today, as President Donald Trump wants to elevate Barrett to the Supreme Court to succeed the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, questions about Barrett’s religious views have intensified. But so have accusations from her supporters that publicly exploring Barrett’s religious writings necessarily reflects an anti-Catholic bias.
While Democrats were more scrutinizing of Barrett during the 2017 hearing, to be sure, several Republicans found it constructive to ask, from their general positions of approval, that Barrett explain her approach to law and faith. And Supreme Court justices have, on past occasions, been questioned about how their religious faith might influence their legal thinking.
In 2017, Sen. Ted Cruz was among the committee Republicans who joined in with sympathetic queries related to Barrett’s religious views. But he is also among those who now suggest it should be off-limits. In a statement soon after Trump nominated Barrett on September 26, the Texas Republican asserted Democrats in 2017 had “interrogated Judge Barrett not for her record or her qualifications, but for her faith. It was a shameful exercise of religious bigotry, the likes of which should have long ago been relegated to the history books.”
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, drew criticism then and now for her statements at the time.
“Why is it that so many of us on this side have this very uncomfortable feeling that dogma and law are two different things,” Feinstein began. “In your case, Professor, when you read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you. And that’s of concern when you come to big issues that large numbers of people have fought for, for years in this country.”
Barrett herself addressed the 2017 line of committee questioning in a 2019 speech hosted by Hillsdale College in Michigan: “It seems to me that the premise of the question is that people of faith would have a uniquely difficult time separating out their moral commitments from their obligation to apply the law. And I think people of faith should reject that premise.”
Barrett remarked that all people with deeply held moral convictions must hold back such personal convictions and preferences.
“The public should be concerned about whether a nominee can set those aside in favor of following the law,” Barrett said. “But that’s not a challenge just for religious people. That’s a challenge for everyone.”
She warned at the Hillsdale College event about any unconstitutional “religious test” imposed on someone who would hold public office.
If Barrett is confirmed to the Supreme Court, she would be the sixth Catholic on the nine-member bench, a phenomenon that reflects GOP presidents’ disproportionately turning to socially conservative Catholics in recent decades. Barrett, a 48-year-old mother of seven children, is distinguished however by her outspokenness on issues of faith and scholarly writing addressing the topic.
Barrett would succeed a strong proponent of a woman’s right to end a pregnancy and join a conservative court majority that if not ready to overturn Roe v. Wade is poised to allow greater state regulation and curtail reproductive rights.
So Democratic senators are likely to explore what factors would influence Barrett as she weighs abortion rights, as well as other religiously and morally charged areas of the law, such as LGBTQ rights.
In 2017, Republican senators gave Barrett an opportunity to clarify whether, as Grassley phrased it, she would put her “religious views above applying the law.”
“Never,” Barrett said. “It’s never appropriate for a judge to impose that judge’s personal convictions, whether they derive from faith or anywhere else, on the law.”
Barrett gave similar answers to Democrats, who used the committee forum to express concern that Barrett’s religious beliefs would indeed shape her legal rulings. Feinstein said she feared that Barrett would undercut the 1973 milestone decision Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal nationwide.
“You have a long history of believing that your religious beliefs should prevail,” Feinstein asserted.
Barrett insisted throughout the hearing that her position was the opposite. “Any kind of conviction, religious or otherwise, should never surpass the law,” she said at one point.
Until the death of Ginsburg on September 18, the religious make-up of the high court was five Catholics (Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, and Brett Kavanaugh), three Jewish justices (Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan) and one practicing Episcopalian (Neil Gorsuch, who was raised a Catholic).

Death penalty cases

When William Brennan, a Catholic, was nominated in 1956, senators asked him about his faith during his 1957 confirmation hearing, which Barrett and Garvey noted in their law review article on Catholicism and the death penalty.
They quoted Brennan as saying, “What shall control me is the oath that I took to support the Constitution and laws of the United States,” rather than the obligations of his faith. Brennan, who became a leading liberal and served until 1990, declared, “That oath and that alone … governs.”
For their part, Barrett and Garvey added, “We do not defend this position as the proper response for a Catholic judge to take with respect to abortion or the death penalty.”
During her confirmation hearing for the Chicago-based US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, Barrett declined to state her position on abortion. She said that as an appeals court judge she would be bound by 1973 and 1992 Supreme Court precedents guaranteeing women a right to end a pregnancy.
When then-Sen. Orrin Hatch, of Utah, asked if people who take their faith seriously can still be impartial judges, Barrett responded, “Senator, I see no conflict between having a sincerely held faith and duties as a judge.”
As Cruz questioned her about the law review piece, he asked her to elaborate regarding when Catholic judges might sit out death penalty disputes.
“I’ve read some of what you’ve written on Catholic judges in capital cases,” Cruz said. “In particular, you argued that Catholic judges are morally precluded from enforcing the death penalty.”
Barrett cautioned that she had not advocated such a broad prohibition and that the essay, published in the Marquette Law Review, had centered on trial judges, not appellate judges.
“It addressed a very narrow situation,” she told Cruz, when a trial judge who was “a conscientious objector to the death penalty” would be in the position of imposing a death sentence. “We concluded,” Barrett said, “recusal would be the judge’s best course.”
“Is it fair to say,” Cruz asked, “that it is not your intention as a blanket matter to recuse yourself in capital cases?”
“Correct, Sen. Cruz,” Barrett responded.
To Cruz and other senators, Barrett emphasized that the piece was researched more than 20 years ago, when she was a law student at Notre Dame, the “junior partner” on the collaboration. (Garvey is now president of Catholic University in Washington, DC.) Barrett said the essay did not fully reflect her thinking after she became a law professor. But she declined to elaborate on any differences.
Under Democratic questioning three years ago, Barrett reinforced the stance that she would set aside all personal views as she ruled.
To Hirono, Barrett acknowledged that if she were a trial judge, she would refuse to sign an order for an execution. Barrett added, however, as she told Cruz, that when she worked with the late Justice Antonin Scalia reviewing appellate matters, she did not take herself out of death penalty cases.
“When I was a law clerk to Justice Scalia,” Barrett said, “I routinely participated in capital cases.”

CARICOM Deplores Blacklisting Of Its Member States By European Union

CARICOM Deplores Blacklisting Of Its Member States By European Union

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) deplores the ongoing unilateral, arbitrary and non-transparent blacklisting strategy employed by the European Union (EU) against CARICOM Member States.

The most recent inclusion of CARICOM States to the blacklist of alleged non-cooperative tax jurisdictions and jurisdictions identified as being deficient in the area of Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT), underscores the EU’s unwillingness to take into account the substantial progress made by CARICOM Member States at compliance with global standards.

Moreover, the unquestioned use of ratings from other international bodies as a determining factor in the decision to list a jurisdiction along with the absence of meaningful prior consultation with the affected States negates the spirit of partnership and multilateralism that has characterised the relationship between CARICOM and the EU.Along with the unprecedented task of staging a post-COVID-19 economic recovery, these CARICOM States now have the added burden of being subjected to the EU’s discriminatory tactics disguised as tax policy and governance.Blacklisting severely affects the economic prospects of the listed states and the Community, in general, at a time when all of our Members are already faced with the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This labelling causes significant reputational risk, erodes our competitive advantage, and discourages the investment that CARICOM States desperately need to drive inclusive growth and build economic resilience.

The Caribbean Community calls upon the European Union to desist from this harmful practice of blacklisting small states, and instead pursue a mutually collaborative engagement towards our shared goals of effective tax governance and combatting money laundering and terrorism financing.

Paul Kewene-Hite Publishes A “How To” Book Of Proven Frameworks For Any Venture Idea

Paul Kewene-Hite Publishes A “How To” Book Of Proven Frameworks For Any Venture Idea

 <strong>New Book </strong><i><strong>Survive &

Thrive Author Paul Kewene-Hite
Publishes a “How To” Book of Proven Frameworks for any
Venture Idea

Award-winning entrepreneurship
expert Paul Kewene-Hite’s new book
Survive & Thrive, brings you 12 proven frameworks
with 16 applications successfully taught in 32 countries to
over 14,000 individuals and groups across industry,
government, corporate and education sectors. Kewene-Hite
shares a compelling step-by-step guide, thoughtfully curated
to give you the tools to take you from first concept to
venture reality and ultimately, to realizing your
entrepreneurial dream.

Wellington, New Zealand

In an era of global and economic
uncertainty, author and entrepreneurship expert Paul
Kewene-Hite’s timely new book, Survive & Thrive,
Entrepreneurship Frameworks That Work
, easy to follow
how-to guides to create your entrepreneurial initiative,

offers powerful tools for achieving any entrepreneurial

Following a decade of award-winning
entrepreneurship boot camps, Paul seeks to offer his
readers, both novice and experienced entrepreneurs, critical
tools, which, successfully applied will equip the reader
with the ability to navigate the challenges as they become
informed and empowered. These frameworks offer the reader
the ability to: Create a Startup | Build
around Science & Technology | Plan
Software | Launch inside
Corporate, Family
, School, and
Government | Explore
Acquisitions | Puzzle through
Turnarounds | Lead during a
Crisis | Evaluate your
Career | Shift into a
Lifestyle career | Positively impact people
and the planet with a Social Venture | Lead
Volunteers | Strategize
Sales | Document your ideas for

Global Head of
Accelerators at Google, Sami Kizilbash says, “Like thousands
of aspiring founders around the world, I sought Paul’s
mentorship early in my entrepreneurial career and continue
to benefit from his frameworks over a decade later. The
proven methodologies in Paul’s book – paired with intimate
reflections on his life and work – bring clarity and heart
to an otherwise ambiguous craft. Survive & Thrive
is a timeless companion for entrepreneurs of every kind, at
any stage of the journey.”

As a five-time winner of
the Deans’ Commendation for Excellence in Teaching at
INSEAD, Paul has successfully used these frameworks in his
coaching and training with individuals and groups in high
schools, business schools, governments, and companies of all
sizes and industries around the world. Published in August
2020 by Mātanga Hāpai Limited, https://matangahapai.co.nz/,
a consulting practice based in Wellington, New Zealand which
Paul co-founded with his wife, Natasha, his new book
Survive & Thrive, Entrepreneurship Frameworks that
, can be purchased on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Survive-Thrive-Entrepreneurship-Frameworks-That/dp/0473535033.
For Wellington locals, a book signing event will be held
next week on Tuesday 13th July at Vic Books in Pipitea from
5:30 to 7pm to celebrate the launch. More information for
the event can be found at https://survivethrive.win/events?fbclid=IwAR3e-dzqWjynIHUp0GIDlqv1VjyeTG_p5A8JrkRSJp05BfcBzpCettupTko.

© Scoop Media

Steven Samblis, the 1 Habit Press Publisher, Launches the Largest Book Ever Published on Entrepreneurial Habits

Steven Samblis, the 1 Habit Press Publisher,  Launches the Largest Book Ever Published on Entrepreneurial Habits

Steven Samblis, the 1 Habit Press Publisher, Launches the Largest Book Ever Published on Entrepreneurial Habits – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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I got leading from God to write book about Pastor Adeboye – Victoria Praise Abraham

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Valley Views — Books: An essential business

Valley Views -- Books: An essential business

Main Street is getting back its vibe as restaurants serve outdoors and more people venture downtown, trusting masks and their newly developed instincts to keep a distance. But action behind the scenes never ceased, as merchants worked feverishly to do what they could to keep their businesses open.

Take the case of Judy Wheeler, owner since 1998 of Towne Center Books near the Pleasanton Arch. When we all went into quarantine in March, she never quavered in her belief that books are essential — and she would continue to provide them.

The doors were locked and employees were told to stay home, but Wheeler continued to work long and hard, transitioning from having an online presence to being an online-only store, complete with increased orders and arranging timely deliveries and pickups.

“Actually it’s pretty exhausting because there are so many more steps in doing things,” Wheeler said. “Fortunately our customers are fabulous. They’ve been supporting us from the get-go.”

She also noted that some folks right here in town finally discovered the bookstore who’d never noticed it before — and they continue with their support.

Deliveries have always been free for orders $20 or higher, but Wheeler started pickups outside. For a while, paper bags containing books lined the back entrance waiting for their respective customers — all on the honor system.

One large order did disappear after bags began to be left in front, on Main Street. Someone took the books and left a box of tea, which made Wheeler shake her head, wondering if the book-snatcher considered this a fair trade. Now customers who have preordered can knock on the door and get handed their books if they prefer not to enter.

Wheeler said she reopened a little later than the nearby restaurants, because she had to install Plexiglas and make the store easier to browse without too much touching. Plus the space had to recover from its sudden input of boxes to fill online orders and the maze of wires quickly installed to facilitate increased Internet usage.

“There was probably more danger in tripping over something than getting the virus,” Wheeler said. “It’s much better now. We had to reconfigure displays and still have an area to process books.”

Now there is hand sanitizer “everywhere” and signs remind everyone to be respectful of each other. But people are good about keeping their distance, Wheeler said, and she oversees the operation, knowing it is OK for a family to convene in the back and still let others in the front. She will make appointments for those hesitant about mingling.

Wheeler said she has loved the shop’s location at 555 Main St. near the Arch since she moved in. She has been in the book industry for 35-40 years, first working as a publisher’s rep and for a book distributor, so she knew when she bought the book store that it was a tough business.

“When I started thinking I wanted a store, I knew I wanted it downtown because nowhere else really made sense,” she recalled. “Now my location is actually even better because Pleasanton has become more vibrant each year. Inklings has helped a lot, and Starbucks has brought more people, too.”

And the Arch is a draw.

“Everybody who comes to town has to take a picture under the Arch, and for graduations and weddings and special occasions,” Wheeler said. “My daughter had a wedding picture taken under the Arch.”

She bought Towne Center Books with its name, which has resulted in some strange calls as people confuse the shop with the city and telephone for all kinds of help.

“We’ve had calls from someone who wanted a dog license, and not long ago someone called to say they’d locked their keys in their car,” she said with a laugh.

Now business is picking up and Wheeler is optimistic about the holiday season. She pointed out that most people prefer browsing in person rather than online, plus the staff can offer suggestions. Jigsaw puzzles — especially those with 1,000 pieces — are selling well, too, and other games.

“We’re good for sheltering in place — we can keep you busy,” she said.

And that’s essential.

Editor’s note: Dolores Fox Ciardelli is Tri-Valley Life editor for the Pleasanton Weekly. Her column, “Valley Views,” appears in the paper on the second and fourth Fridays of the month.

Marketing Indonesian titles, a challenge in the digital time

Marketing Indonesian titles, a challenge in the digital time

As COVID-19 ravages nations and the untimely demise of the National Book Committee (KBN), what has become of Indonesian titles in the global market?

With the London Book Fair canceled less than a week before its scheduled opening in March, all eyes are now on the Frankfurt Book Fair 2020, slated to run from Oct. 14 to 18.

The Frankfurter Buchmesse, as it’s called in German, touted as the largest book fair in the world, dates back to the 15th century when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press.

This year marks the 72nd edition of the fair, although it will be a scaled-down affair because of the pandemic and has been dubbed a “special edition”.

Originally, a physical presence would still be maintained on-site, while a majority of events taking place online on Oct. 17 as the “BOOKFEST Digital” that offers free access to anyone with an internet connection.

Frankfurter Buchmesse director Juergen Boos said in a webinar that it was “a very tough decision” to proceed with the physical fair, but that stakeholders viewed the fair as a “beacon of hope” that culture and the publishing industry would survive.

“So we decided to go ahead with it, all while knowing that a lot of people will not be able to travel. Some people might be afraid to attend such a public event,” Boos explained, adding that some of the larger publishing houses and international conglomerates had decided not to attend.

But all on-site exhibitions were canceled in September, as current travel restrictions have proved an impediment to the planned country stands. Quarantine requirements enforced on Oct. 1 have also made it unfeasible for both European visitors and exhibitors alike to travel to the fair.

Canada, the guest of honor for this year’s Frankfurter Buchmesse, has postponed its presence until next year.

Indonesia, the 2015 guest of honor with the slogan “17,000 Islands of Imagination”, will not have a stand at this year’s fair, either. Even so, there is still hope for Indonesian titles.

Beyond books: Jakarta Content Week, organized by the Tujuhbelasribu Pulau Imaji Foundation in collaboration with the Frankfurt Book Fair, is set to run from Nov. 11 to 15 in Jakarta. (Courtesy of Tujuhbelasribu Pulau Imaji Foundation/-)

Laura Bangun Prinsloo, the chair of the nonprofit literary organization Tujuhbelasribu Pulau Imaji Foundation and former chair of the now defunct National Book Committee (KBN), told The Jakarta Post that most countries would be represented at the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2020 by their embassies.

“At the Education and Culture Ministry, back when the KBN was still around, we always worked closely with the [relevant] embassies in question for any event in a [host] country,” she recalled. “However, I don’t know whether our embassy will be willing to do the task without the KBN.”

The KBN, formed in early 2016 to curate Indonesian titles for international book fairs, was disbanded in February this year. The ministerial decree regulating it expired in December 2019 and was not renewed.

Laura said that while the KBN’s contributions were difficult to calculate, its activities during four years of operation had resulted in a significant amount of sales. With more than 1,500 titles sold to date, she noted that this was no small achievement for a Southeast Asian nation.

“However, it’s still tiny compared to South Korea or China with their consistent sales [figures], so we still have a long way to go. I don’t know whether our lack of presence at Frankfurt, both digital and physical, will work in favor of pushing Indonesian content,” she added, as Indonesia would not have a country stand at Frankfurt this year.

Making ties: Frankfurt Book Fair president Juergen Boos (left) and Tujuhbelasribu Pulau Imaji Foundation chairwoman Laura Bangun Prinsloo sign an agreement on their partnership for Jakarta Content Week in February this year in Jakarta. (Courtesy of Tujuhbelasribu Pulau Imaji Foundation/-)

Laura said that the Frankfurt fair was important for the Indonesian publishing industry, which was relatively new to the international scene.

“Every year, the [book sales] discussions start at [the Bologna Children’s Book Fair and the London Book Fair] in March and April, but signing and closing the deals usually take place in Frankfurt, as most rights traders attend the Frankfurt Book Fair. Even if they were unable to attend London, they would always be at Frankfurt without fail, as it is the largest,” she said.

Even though BOOKFEST digital was free, Laura said that Indonesian publishers might not consider it a priority, as publishing agents and the KBN usually handled book rights trading.

“As Boos said earlier, [the event] is free of charge and anyone can attend, but I’m not sure that those who have never traded rights before would be willing or capable. Sometimes we have great content, but we don’t know how to sell it,” she said.

“Once the [BOOKFEST] platform goes live and is open to everyone, can you imagine the millions of books there? If [visitors] are unfamiliar with an agent or a publishing houses, they won’t take a look [at the titles], as there’s too much content available.”

Going global: One of the main purposes of book fairs is to trade rights for literary titles. Publishing agents and the National Book Committee (KBN) used to handle rights trading for Indonesian titles, but the KBN was disbanded in February 2020. (Courtesy of Tujuhbelasribu Pulau Imaji Foundation/-)

But Indonesian fare will be front and center during Jakarta Content Week from Nov. 11 to 15, organized by the Tujuhbelasribu Pulau Imaji Foundation in partnership with the Frankfurt Buchmesse, in Jakarta. The weeklong exhibition will highlight a variety of Indonesian content, from books to movies, even cosplay and culinary events.

“We thought that even without government support, we still have to move forward. We partnered with the Frankfurt Book Fair and convinced them to invest in Indonesia.

“In creating an event like Frankfurt for the Asia-Pacific region, we went with every possible reason that Jakarta is the place to host it,” Laura explained, citing the success of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair for Middle Eastern literature and the Cape Town Book Fair for African literature.

Expanding Jakarta Content Week to include more than just books was also intentional, with Laura noting that the publishing landscape had extended beyond print books and e-books.

“It’s such a cliché to say ‘content is king’, but that’s just how it is. We’re talking about selling stories in a variety of forms,” she said. (ste)

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Saturday 11/7: Strike Debt Bay Area Economics Book Group – Revenge Capitalism

Saturday 11/7: Strike Debt Bay Area Economics Book Group – Revenge Capitalism

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Strike Debt Bay Area hosts a non-technical book group discussion monthly on new and radical economic thinking. Previous readings have included Doughnut EconomicsLimitsBanking on the PeopleCapital and Its Discontents, How to Be an Anti-Capitalist in the 21st Century, and The Deficit Myth.

For our October discussion we will be reading the first two chapters of  ‘Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts‘ by Max Haiven (You can order it from Pluto Press.)

For our November discussion we’ll be reading the third and fourth chapters, and for our December discussion we’ll read the final chapters and closing material.

Join us – all are welcome!

Capitalism is in a profound state of crisis. Beyond the mere dispassionate cruelty of ‘ordinary’ structural violence, it appears today as a global system bent on reckless economic revenge; its expression found in mass incarceration, climate chaos, unpayable debt, pharmaceutical violence and the relentless degradation of common life.

In Revenge Capitalism, Max Haiven argues that this economic vengeance helps us explain the culture and politics of revenge we see in society more broadly. Moving from the history of colonialism and its continuing effects today, he examines the opioid crisis in the US, the growth of ‘surplus populations’ worldwide and unpacks the central paradigm of unpayable debts – both as reparations owed, and as a methodology of oppression.

Revenge Capitalism offers no easy answers, but is a powerful call to the radical imagination.

Max Haiven is Research Chair in Culture, Media and Social Justice at Lakehead University, Canada. His books include Art after Money, Money after Art (Pluto, 2018), Crises of Imagination, Crises of Power (Zed Books, 2004), Cultures of Financialization (Palgrave MacMillan, 2014) and the Radical Imagination (Zed Books, 2014).