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Elms College Establishes St. John Paul II Center for Ethics, Religion, and Culture

Elms College Establishes St. John Paul II Center for Ethics, Religion, and Culture

… Paul II Center for Ethics, Religion, and Culture (CERC), thanks … questions related to ethics, religion, and culture in today’ … Paul II Center for Ethics, Religion, and Culture,” said Elms … on topics related to ethics, religion and spirituality, health, and …

European Union agrees to help Mozambique tackle insurgency: statement

European Union agrees to help Mozambique tackle insurgency: statement

COVID Judaism is now competitive religion

COVID Judaism is now competitive religion

(RNS) — There are few people in the Jewish world that I respect more than Ron Wolfson. He is that rare creature in Jewish circles — a true visionary; a thought leader whose insights have helped transform the way that synagogues operate and/or should operate. Few people have done more to help American Jews reimagine what Jewish institutional life could look like, and to create those programs that would make those changes real and enduring.

That is why I encourage you to read Wolfson’s recent article in the Forward.

Because, whether he knew it or not, Ron just figured out the biggest problem that synagogues are now facing.

Wolfson lauds the worship offerings of synagogues during the pandemic. Many of them were, to use his term, “extra-ordinary.” Deftly produced, visually exciting, aesthetically powerful — to a fault.

What is the problem?

Almost every synagogue in that article is affluent and/or urban and/or urbane and/or large and/or richly staffed.

Those large-ish, urban and urbane congregations can afford the spectacular production values. Every rabbi can tell you about their own members who chose not to “attend” their services, because they were too busy “shul surfing” to see what the huge synagogues were doing.

I not only respect Wolfson; I also respect the rabbis in those larger synagogues. Many of them are my friends and teachers. Their vision is appropriately large.

But, what about the rabbis who are running one- or two-person operations?

Anecdotal evidence seems to indicate that many synagogues are now encountering more than the usual financial stresses. Add to those stresses the costs of running what has basically become a television studio.

If Jews are looking for the big productions out in the cyber world — and if they can find those productions without even leaving their couches — how can those smaller shuls possibly “compete”?

Are we now experiencing synagogue social Darwinism, where only the strongest will survive?

Worship in the age of COVID could increasingly fall under the sway of the rampant consumerism of American life. Years ago, Reginald Bibby, a Canadian sociologist, wrote: “(Religion) has become a neatly packaged consumer item — taking its place among other commodities that can be bought or bypassed according to one’s consumption whims …”

The danger of online worship is that the individual worshipper abandons his or her own community and becomes a browser via the browser for spiritual audiovisual experiences — the way I often surf through Netflix.

Synagogue life cannot simply be about “market share” or “hits.” That is a form of idolatry.

It needs to be about a sacred community that commits itself to increasing “social capital” among its members.

What does it mean to increase “social capital” during these dark times of a pandemic?

We don’t know — yet.

Two things seem certain.

First, we cannot abandon kavannah, sacred focusing and intention, as a goal of worship. That, and not the shiny aspects of production, should be our goal.

Second, in the time of COVID, above all, effort counts. Congregants appreciate the efforts that their clergy made so that the Days of Awe could be meaningful. Moreover, they were remarkably forgiving of the predictably unpredictable technical glitches. They knew that we had thrown ourselves into the arms of the capricious gods of Zoom and Wi-Fi.

There is such a thing as “good enough,” and the overwhelming majority of American Jews accepted it.

That says a lot about who we Jews really are.

But, as for synagogue Judaism: To quote the Buffalo Springfield: “There’s something happening here; what it is ain’t exactly clear.”

Or, it might be becoming increasingly clear. Synagogue life will not go back to the way it once was.

The future belongs to those synagogues that can make the changes stick.

And (gulp) have the wherewithal to do so.


Republican Josh Hawley soils the Barrett hearing with his special talent for twisting religion

Republican Josh Hawley soils the Barrett hearing with his special talent for twisting religion
Judge Amy Coney Barrett has done a fine job of acting at her confirmation hearings to become a U.S. Supreme Court justice. She has played the role of a reasoned jurist who is not the extremist anti-choice zealot that we all can plainly see she is.

But the Oscar for Best Supporting Bad Actor will likely go to Senator Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, the youngest and arguably most dangerous member of the U.S. Senate. Hawley is on the short list of 2024 candidates to carry the mantle for the Republican Party’s fanatical right wing.




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The hearings had barely begun when Hawley spewed outright lies about how the Democrats were on a mission from hell to denigrate and ridicule Barrett’s Roman Catholic faith.

In a moment for the ages in the annals of straw-man demagoguery. Hawley falsely accused Democrats of anti-Catholic bigotry in advance of their questioning of Barrett. Hawley, an Evangelical, conveniently ignored the fact that five of the Supreme Court’s justice are practicing Catholics (and a sixth, Neil Gorsuch, was raised as one).

“This pattern and practice religious bigotry by Democrats on the committee must stop!” bellowed Hawley, ignoring the detail it hadn’t started. In fact, no Democrat went anywhere near the subject of Barrett’s religious views, nor did they intend to fall into the clumsily placed trap Republicans were trying to set.

That didn’t prevent Hawley from earning a state-TV victory tour, where no less than Tucker Carlson, the Grand Guru of Grievance, wept along with Hawley’s passionate pleas for the Devil Democrats to call off their unholy crusade to bring down God. The irony of doing the dirty work of heathen Donald Trump in the name of the Divine, went unnoticed.

Hawley validated Esquire Magazine’s January description of him as “the thirstiest man in Washington D.C.” As that article had noted, “the most dangerous place to stand in Washington D.C. is any place between Senator Josh Hawley and a live microphone.”


The fiasco was rooted in Barrett’s 2017 Senate hearings to become a federal appeals-court judge. Among her unapologetic instances of publicly associating faith and law, Barrett had co-authored a 1998 law review article “Catholic Judges in Capital Cases.”

Since Barrett was passionately and publicly an anti-choice extremist, it wasn’t exactly a stretch for senators to wonder how her faith might inform her judicial temperament. That felt mostly to pro-choice Democrats, but there also was a skeptic from the other side–Republican Senator Ted Cruz–who worried allowed that her faith not impede the death penalty. That one escaped Hawley’s notice.

This time, Hawley had the chair pulled out from him in the Senate. He attacked Democrats in advance for something they had no intention of doing.


In a normal world, Hawley would have been roundly chastised for that rubbish. We don’t reside in one of those, however, so Howley raked in precious political capital for 2024, his only sincere concern.

It’s a little-known but notable fact that this is not Hawley’s first rodeo when it comes to distorting reality shamelessly when it comes to a judicial nominee. Last year, Hawley derailed the nomination of Michael Bogren to a federal judgeship using some of the most twisted illogic on record. Ironically, he twisted Catholicism on this one, as well.


Bogren had represented the city of East Lansing, Michigan when it was sued for banning a couple from participating in its farmers’ market after they refused to allow their orchard to be rented for same-sex weddings. That seems reasonable enough, unless you’re a homophobe like Hawley.

Bogren had argued that “the First Amendment does not create an exception to anti-discrimination laws based on religious beliefs, whatever those beliefs might be,” the Detroit News had reported.  Bogren used an analogy that a KKK member couldn’t hide behind the First Amendment to deny service to an interracial couple.

Shamelessly, Hawley pounced on the analogy with some unbelievably twisted illogic. Hawley claimed Bogren didn’t merely defend his client, but “denigrated” the orchard owners’ Catholic faith:


“To say that this family following the teachings of their church and the Scripture, that there’s ‘no distinction’ between them and the KKK, that, I think, is really beyond the pale.”

Ed Whelan, a conservative legal scholar writing for the National Review, argued that Bogren — respected on both sides of the aisle — was doing his job as a lawyer, adding that it’s wrong to hold him personally responsible for his legal advocacy.

“Do conservatives really want to embrace the general proposition that arguments that a lawyer makes on behalf of a client should, without more, be held against the lawyer?” Whelan asked. “That’s a proposition that, apart from being unsound, could redound to the detriment of conservative nominees who have defended religious liberty or pro-life legislation in unpopular contexts.”

The conservative Wall Street Journal editorial board criticized Hawley three times in three months, arguing he set a “precedent conservatives will regret.”


But guess what? Hawley was successful in killing Bogren’s nomination. He learned his lesson about the benefit of exploiting emotions irrationally when it comes to religious faith.

The larger question is whether Americans will learn any lessons from watching Josh Hawley ply his craft.

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Religion is essential, even during a pandemic, Latter-day Saint apostle David Bednar tells global forum

Religion is essential, even during a pandemic, Latter-day Saint apostle David Bednar tells global forum

In their efforts to thwart the spread of a virus that has killed more than a million people, world leaders should not override religious freedom, Latter-day Saint apostle David A. Bednar told a global gathering of scholars and officials from diverse faith traditions Wednesday.

“The ongoing pandemic has demonstrated that some government officials fail to understand how and why religion is fundamental to the lives of billions of people,” Bednar, one of the top leaders in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said at a virtual meeting of the G-20 Interfaith Forum. “COVID-19 regulations have often distinguished between ‘essential’ and ‘nonessential’ activities and then treated religious activities as ‘nonessential.’”

To do so, “completely misconceives how vital religion is to people’s lives,” Bednar said, echoing themes he addressed in a June speech during a conference sponsored by LDS Church-owned Brigham Young University.

(Photo courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Religious Freedom Annual Review, hosted by the Brigham Young University law school. The livestream was broadcast on Wednesday, June 17, 2020. Bednar also spoke about religious freedom during COVID-19 in a G-20 Interfaith Forum on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020.

Governments obviously have “a crucial role to play in protecting people from the coronavirus,” the apostle said, given that “no one has a right to spread a dangerous virus.”

The question is how they do it, he said, and whether they recognize the “centrality of faith to human dignity.”

Severing people from their religious communities, he warned the assembled leaders Wednesday, “threatens people’s spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health. Experts are documenting the rise in depression, physical and emotional abuse, suicide and other tragedies during times of social lockdown and isolation.”

Bednar called for “respect, accommodation and cooperation — for creative solutions that mitigate the threat of COVID-19 while not cutting people off from an essential part of their lives.”

Instead of governments seeing religion as opposing efforts to solve the crisis, he said, it “can be a powerful font of legitimacy and practical assistance in a time of crisis.”

The Utah-based faith has urged its members around the world to be “good citizens” during the pandemic and heed public health advice and government guidelines. Latter-day Saint leaders halted all worship services and temple operations around the world for long stretches and now have begun slowly resuming their meetings and reopening their chapels and temples.

“As with secular activities, religious activities should be carefully limited when truly necessary to keep people safe,” Bednar said. “But that is not the end of the matter. How secular officials understand religion and religious people deeply influences how they treat religious institutions and believers in a time of crisis. The deeper and more respectful the understanding, the more legitimate and effective public policy responses can be.”

The 68-year-old church leader blamed at least part of the “crisis of legitimacy in the response to COVID-19” on policymakers’ failure to recognize the central role faith plays in the lives of believers.

Bednar also pointed out that religious institutions can be a powerful and influential ally in the battle against the pandemic.

“Misinformation is a major obstacle in a health crisis,” he said. “Faith communities can debunk rumors, calm fears and facilitate accurate information.”

Sharon Eubank, first counselor in the general presidency of the women’s Relief Society and president of Latter-day Saint Charities, addressed the forum the past two years, according to a news release, and is scheduled to do so again Saturday.

Syria condemns European council’s statement about extension of sanctions… based on hypocrisy

Syria condemns European council’s statement about extension of sanctions… based on hypocrisy

Damascus, SANA-Syria strongly condemned the statement of the European Council on the extension of sanctions for an additional year on some Syrian institutions and individuals under the pretext of developing and using chemical weapons, affirming that it was based on hypocrisy and deception and it comes as a continuation of the campaign hostile to Syria.

“The Syrian Arab Republic condemns in the strongest terms the statement issued by the European Council on Monday, November 12th,  extending the imposed sanctions for an additional year on some Syrian institutions and individuals under the pretext of the developing and using of chemical weapons,”  An official source at the foreign and expatriates ministry said in a statement to SANA on Wednesday.

The source added that the statement was based on hypocrisy and conception, and it is a continuation of the campaign hostile to Syria to which the European Council has resorted since the beginning of the terrorist war on Syria till now, using the Syrian chemical file as a pretext to continue their lies against Syria.

 “ Syria affirms that the statement indicates once again to the incredibility of the European Council and comes within the framework of the EU policies’ agreement  with the unilateral coercive measures imposed by the US with the aim of starving the Syrian people and undermining their resilience , and at the same time supporting armed terrorist groups, including their repeated using of chemical weapons against innocent civilians,” the source added.

The source concluded its statement by saying that Syria has repeatedly stressed  that it considers the use of chemical weapons as an immoral act, and it condemns its use anywhere, under any circumstance and against anyone, and Syria does not possess any chemical weapons.

Bushra / Manar/ Mazen Eyon

Bad Religion release “What are we standing for?”

Bad Religion release “What are we standing for?”

Human security and resilience highlighted at EU-Africa relations webinar – Vatican News


By Vatican News

The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the EU (COMECE), is holding a webinar on Thursday to provide a faith-based contribution towards a future, people-centered, and fair partnership between the European Union and Africa.

The event is organized in collaboration with several Catholic organizations, and is taking place under the theme: “Fostering human security and resilience in the future EU-Africa partnership – The role of local communities.”

The online event will offer a platform for open dialogue between members from civil society, religious and faith-based actors from Africa and Europe, as well as other stakeholders and EU policymakers. The webinar will also feature speakers from different African countries who will talk about local initiatives and how grassroots actors play a role in building human security and resilience.

Other co-organizers of the webinar include the Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN), Caritas Europa, the International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity (CIDSE), COMECE, Don Bosco International, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Europe, and the Community of Sant’Egidio.

A human-centered EU-Africa partnership

Father Barrios Prieto, General Secretary of COMECE, explained to Vatican News that the webinar’s focus on the themes of human security and resilience comes from proposals in view of a now-postponed meeting between the EU and Africa on partnership.

The meeting, he noted, was supposed to be held this year but has been postponed to 2022.

Ahead of it, COMECE and the Bishops’ Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) prepared a document addressing the issues of human security and resilience. The webinar, therefore, is a part of the Church’s contribution toward a human-centered EU-Africa partnership.

Interview with Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto

Voices from the grassroots

Fr. Prieto underscored the importance of the work of grassroots actors in various fields and policy areas, highlighting that the purpose of the webinar is to “hear what the grassroots actors are doing in Africa to foster human security and resilience.”

“We want to hear these voices … in defending human rights for example in Zimbabwe, in building social cohesion in Liberia, in fostering resilience in Kenya and vocational training, in providing capacity support for the family, farmers in Nigeria, or what is done with young people in the Central African Republic.”

He added that these accounts from local actors can be instrumental in policymaking and in the formulation of proposals.

COMECE/SECAM document 

Speaking further on the joint COMECE/SECAM document addressed to EU and African leaders on partnership, Father Prieto said it has met with “very positive reactions.”

Explaining further, he said the Bishops centered the document on the “people, the families and the persons” in Africa and put them in the first place.”

“This document has an important advantage,” he said. “It was elaborated together with the African Church,” as COMECE and SECAM put forward proposals for the partnership between Africa and the EU ahead of the now-postponed meeting.

However, the postponement of the high-level meeting is not all bad. Fr. Prieto said it gives the parties time to “hear more the voices of the local communities and what is being done.” In addition, he noted, “we are having follow-ups and meetings.”

Fratelli tutti and EU-Africa future partnership

Fr. Prieto points out that Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical Fratelli tutti’s focus on universal fraternity “speaks to the heart”. This, he pointed out, is a concept that “can help very much.”

Interreligious dialogue is another aspect that Fr. Prieto hopes will speak to the African context. He noted that the Holy Father himself said in his latest Encyclical that one of his inspirations was the 2019 Abu Dhabi document on fraternity in Abu Dhabi.

Fr. Prieto added that interreligious dialogue and fraternity are concepts that can be used fruitfully when developing the partnership between Africa and the EU.

Gildan Named One of the World’s Most Sustainably Managed Companies

Gildan Named One of the World’s Most Sustainably Managed Companies

Gildan Named One of the World’s Most Sustainably Managed Companies – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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Scientology Volunteer Ministers continue helping the frontliners

Scientology Volunteer Ministers continue helping the frontliners
Scientology Volunteer Ministers

Over the past 6 months, Over 1,608 clinics and hospitals across 5 provinces have been sanitized weekly for free, a contribution from the Scientology Volunteer Ministers who decided to participate during the lockdown by helping those who help others. They drove thousands of kilometers and spent thousands of hours paid just to serve others.

Since President Ramaphosa announced the lockdown in March this year, Scientology Volunteer Ministers did not wait for orders. Looking at all the technology they have to better understand their fellowman, they knew assistance would be needed and figured out how they could best assist in light of the circumstances. Sanitization and education on hygiene is what they decided to do.

“Little did we know how vital and big it would become and how many would reach for our assistance,” said Sandile Hlayisi, Public Affairs Director for the Scientology Volunteer Ministers. “We are empowered with the Volunteer Minister technology written by L. Ron Hubbard more than 50 years ago for South Africa. This comes with a big responsibility. And we use it at the service of our fellowman with pride and dignity,” Hlayisi added.

But the Scientologists are not the only ones happy with themselves. Others who benefit from the service are too. The regional director for Environmental Health for Sedibeng said: “We were sitting here with no solution and no idea and everyone was terrified, and you guys came like a white night out of the blue and you were there to help us. I believe you saved all of our lives! What you are doing is very important. I consider your actions to be extremely effective. I saw your teams working and I am totally impressed with their professionalism and their technical ability.”

At the Rensburg Clinic, one of the Sisters said, “You are doing wonderful work! I am surprised that you are volunteers and care for people so much. That is really great. I like these books, this is something that can really help us with our patients.”

Hlayisi says he is proud to be representing the Scientology Volunteer Ministers. He feels that with all the work they have done, they might be one of the reasons the spread of the virus in that province has been contained so far.

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