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How I never returned Gilda Cordero Fernando’s book

How I never returned Gilda Cordero Fernando’s book

(June 2010)

In June 2005, a fortnight after the birthdays of my mom and Gilda Cordero Fernando (they are the same age, both born in 1930, my mom on June 7 and Tita Gilda on June 4), I came across an engaging online news story. The item from the San Francisco Chronicle was titled: “Book returned to library 78 years later.”

It was about a borrowed book, Rudyard Kipling’s “Kim,” that was due Aug. 29, 1927, but was only returned in 2005 by the nephew of a deceased aunt who forgot to return it to an Oakland public library. In short, it took almost eight decades for the book to be returned to the library’s shelf.

This story reminded me of my sister Nor‘s recollection that I, at around age 10, borrowed a book from our grade school library that I never returned. And this was more than 40 years ago.

The book’s title: “The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker,” a collection of short stories, published in 1962. The book’s author: Gilda Cordero Fernando.

I cannot recall if GCF’s stories were required reading in grade school. But having borrowed the book and kept it, I must have liked its content. The book is now missing and is probably sitting on the shelf of a relative or a friend. But if I had to pay the compounded fine, the amount would be a princely sum, perhaps equivalent to the price of all of GCF’s publications.

Nor, who was then Grade 3 at Institucion Teresiana, stumbled upon the book, noticed that it was overdue, and read it. This was the beginning of her fascination with GCF’s works.

Nor said she developed her early love for reading, partly from her curiosity about the books that I borrowed, including the Hardy Boys series and a book on American basketball, which perhaps I did not return to the library either. In hindsight, Nor said that I already had signs of having an attention deficit disorder (ADD) during childhood, which might explain why I forgot to return the books. Simply said, there was no malice on my part in not returning books.

Unreturned but lost

But was having ADD the reason that I didn’t return GCF’s book? Or was it because the book reminded me of Mol, GCF’s second son, who was my classmate and pal? “Pal”—that was how we classmates addressed one another in grade school. When we reached high school, this address metamorphosed into “Pare” or the hippie expression “Hey, man.”

In high school, Mol got a failing grade in Filipino and thus had to repeat third year. It’s impossible for a Pinoy who looks very indio and who speaks the native tongue naturally to get a failing mark in Filipino. Mol’s crime was that he uttered a rather vivid but vulgar and disparaging description of an old maid who taught Filipino. The mischievous remark eventually reached the teacher.

I narrated to Tita Gilda this version of why Mol flunked a subject that no one should fail. This was after she received the Gawad Tanglaw award from the Ateneo de Manila University in 2008. In jest, I told her that she could have included in her speech of acceptance a reminder of the nasty experience that her second son went through.

The unreturned but lost book now serves as a remembrance of my connection with GCF and her children. I also became close to her oldest son Bey (may he rest in peace)—we were together in the halcyon days of martial law student activism. Upon early retirement from law practice, he appointed himself the chef of the well-liked Crescent Moon, which we frequented.

And there’s Wendy, GCF’s only daughter—the creative architect and artist, whom I met through my mom and aunt. Wendy is known for her finely crafted paper lamps. Our home—the different rooms and the garden—has become a showcase of Wendy’s wonderful lamps.

Through the years, we have collected all sorts of things associated with Tita Gilda—Wendy’s lamps, ceramic pieces done by Bey’s wife Lanelle (including a set of blue pottery consisting of miniature native jars, which Bey encouraged me to get from Lanelle’s shop), GCF’s books, of course, as well as clippings of her newspaper essays, and a GCF painting titled “Aimez Vous Brahms? “

The subject of the painting is a pleasingly plump woman, seated comfortably with her legs crossed, seemingly caught in a reverie but actually listening intently to recorded music.

This painting reveals how funny and honest GCF is. In her annotation of the painting, Tita Gilda wrote: “That’s a musical composition based on a classical piece. I didn’t know how to draw a gramophone so I just let her hear it.”

But of all things related to Gilda, her “The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker” is what I cherish most.

Different appreciation

Nowadays, I do have a different appreciation of this book. I connect it to my economics training. GCF’s title is uncannily similar to Adam Smith’s most famous statement, a quotation that every economist knows by heart: “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”

So, did GCF pick up the butcher and the baker from reading “The Wealth of Nations?” (But why not keep the alliteration by maintaining the brewer? Why substitute the brewer with the candlestick maker?)

My peer, Guy Estrada Claudio, answered my question: “Methinks the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker come from a traditional nursery rhyme. So maybe Adam Smith must need to explain why the brewer.” Amazing, economics, the queen of the social sciences, is founded on a nursery rhyme!

Guy likewise pointed out that “these nursery rhymes, being a mother-and-child sort of thing, are a good foundational paradigm.”

Voila! Guy’s insight explains why GCF’s book mattered to me—it symbolized some sort of attachment between mother and child. I saw my mom in her—beauty and brains.

Much later in life, before I got married, I joined a meeting for a cause, which was likewise attended by my late Tita Paula Malay and GCF. We were seated at the same table for lunch. I cannot recall what the meeting was all about, but I cannot forget that lunch. It was not about the culinary experience. It was about GCF serving food to me. She even scooped out the meat of the alimango for me and placed it on my plate. Wow, what tender loving care! I was thrilled by her attention.

It’s fun and exciting to be in Tita Gilda’s company. My affection for her—which began with my liking for “The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker”—has only grown through the years. —CONTRIBUTED

The author wrote this as a tribute to Gilda Cordero Fernando on her 80th birthday 10 years ago. “She loved it,” according to her daughter Wendy. GCF died on Aug. 27.

Maher: Democrats Should Make Barrett’s Religion an Issue – SCOTUS ‘Packed, with Catholics’

Maher: Democrats Should Make Barrett's Religion an Issue - SCOTUS 'Packed, with Catholics'

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that Democrats should make Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s religion an issue, and instead of the court being “packed, with Catholics” there should be a “healthier balance” of religious beliefs on the court.

Maher said, “Democrats have to stop talking about packing the Supreme Court. Because it’s already packed, with Catholics…and once Mitch McConnell and company are done Fed-Exing Amy Coney Barrett to the bench, seven of the nine justices will be Catholic. And look, I have nothing against Catholics, except my entire upbringing. But they are only 20% of the population. If seven out of nine justices were Jews or Muslims or Buddhists would that be okay? And if faith is this super important element of life, as Barrett and her Republican supporters say it is, shouldn’t we have a healthier balance on our highest court?”

After stating people who don’t practice any religion should have representation on the Supreme Court, Maher stated, “And atheists actually make better judges. Because we don’t have to work to separate church and state. We’re not torn between rational decision-making and what it says in the old book of Jewish fairy tales.”

Maher later stated that the “vast majority” of American Catholics are “not scary.” But there is a group that longs “for a return to the Middle Ages, when the church was the state.”

He concluded, “Chuck Schumer said Democrats won’t make Barrett’s religion an issue, but they should. Because being nuts is relevant.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

European Parliament launches an award in memory of journalist who investigated Azerbaijani corruption

European Parliament launches an award in memory of journalist who investigated Azerbaijani corruption

The Bureau of the European Parliament has approved a “Daphne Caruana Galizia’ prize for “outstanding journalism work” in honour of the murdered Maltese journalist, killed in a car bomb on October 16, 2017, in an attack that Maltese police have said was intended to silence her work on unveiling corruption and money-laundering in her country, New Europe reports.

The €20,000 prize will be awarded on a yearly basis as of October 2021 to journalists or team of journalists for their outstanding journalism work based on the principles and values of the European Union, and the candidates will be judged by a panel of independent journalists.

“The Daphne Caruana Galizia prize will strengthen investigative and courageous journalism and press freedom. The importance of investigative journalism has been demonstrated by Daphne and many others through revelations about various tax and corruption stories in recent years,” said Sven Giegold, MEP of the Greens/EFA group, who attended the Parliament’s missions to Malta over recent years.

Caruana-Galizia’s brutal assassination prompted an outcry over the authorities’ handling of the case, eventually forcing Maltese Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat to step down and businessman Yorgen Fenech to be arrested in 2019. One of her revelations pointed the finger at Malta’s prime minister, Joseph Muscat, and two of his closest aides, connecting offshore companies linked to the three men with the sale of Maltese passports and payments from the government of Azerbaijan.

Top former Mexican Minister arrested for drug trafficking and money laundering – Vatican News


By James Blears

Retired General Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, was Minister of Defense for the entire Administration of President Enrique Pena Nieto from 2012- 2018.  He was arrested on a warrant from the Drugs Enforcement Agency-the DEA, accused of facilitating tons of shipments of heroin, cocaine, crystal meth and marijuana into the United States, even organizing ships to do this.  Mexicos Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard was told of this by Christopher Landau, whos the US Ambassador in Mexico.

Cienfuegos aged 72, whos retired from active service, is nicknamed: "The Godfather." He was presented with an award from the Pentagon two years ago, before his treachery was discovered and now revealed.  Its alleged he aided and abetted a cartel known as H2, which is an offshoot of the Beltran Levya drug cartel, protecting it and advising it of US operations directed against it. Hes also accused of introducing cartel leaders to other corrupt officials. He now faces four charges of drug trafficking and money laundering.  Former President Pena Nieto denies any knowledge or involvement in  these activities. The Generals communications were intercepted by US Intelligence.  Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, says investigations are underway into possible links to former Security Minister Genero Garcia Luna, who served the 2006-2012 Administration of President Felipe Calderon, as Security Minister. Garcia Luna was arrested last year in Texas, and is on trial in New York accused of accepting millions in bribes from the Sinaloa drug cartel, once led by Joaquin “Chapo” Guzman, who now serving a life sentence in a US maximum security prison. He denies all the charges against him. Calderon denies any knowledge of Garcia Luna`s alleged legion of crimes.

President Lopez Obarador is publically supporting his current Minister of Defense, who was not proposed or nominated by General Cienfuegos.  

It`s an appalling blow to Mexico and the United States, that someone who was supposed to be leading the war against drugs, was allegedly involved in supporting the narcos. The ultimate betrayal.

Listen to the report by James Blears

Brutal murder in France linked to terrorism – Vatican News


By Stefan J. Bos

Grieving relatives and residents were laying flowers Saturday at the College du Bois d’Aulne secondary school in the Paris suburb of Conflans Sainte-Honorine.

They mourn the loss of 47-year-old Samuel Paty, the much-loved history and geography teacher who was beheaded nearby. Police shot dead the suspect, who was identified as an 18-year-old of Chechen origin. 

The attacker was reportedly furious that teacher Paty had shown his pupils cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that Muslims consider blasphemous. 

The teacher used the caricatures as part of a lesson on freedom of expression. They were first published five years by French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, prompting Islamic terrorists to attack its offices. 

Muslims upset 

After Friday’s beheading of the teacher, French President Emmanuel Macron rushed to the scene to express his outrage about what he views as Islamist terrorism. “One of our citizens was murdered today because he taught students about freedom of expression. The liberty to believe and not to believe,” Macron said. 

“Our compatriot was flagrantly attacked. He was a victim of an Islamist terrorist attack.” 

The teacher had reportedly upset Muslims at the school. Authorities said they detained some nine people, including parents of a child, on suspicion of involvement in Friday’s attack.  

The violence was adding to tensions in France, where people face several terror attacks in recent years, killing hundreds. The French also cope with new restrictions to halt the coronavirus pandemic. 

Listen to the report by Stefan Bos

Taylor: We can act the part, look the part, but God sees the heart | RELIGION COMMENTARY

Taylor: We can act the part, look the part, but God sees the heart | RELIGION COMMENTARY

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Pope Francis to participate in international Prayer Meeting for Peace – Vatican News

Pope Francis to participate in international Prayer Meeting for Peace - Vatican News

By Vatican News staff writer

On Tuesday, 20 October, Pope Francis will participate in an international Prayer for Peace initiative entitled “No One Is Saved Alone – Peace and Fraternity”.

Promoted by the Rome-based Community of Saint Egidio, the Prayer meeting is an ecumenical event and will see the participation of representatives of many Christian denominations in the Basilica of Saint Mary in Aracoeli on Rome’s Capitoline Hill.

According to a statement released by the Vatican Press Office, the Prayer meeting will be followed by an interreligious ceremony in Michelangelo’s Square on the Capitoline Hill in the presence of representatives of the world’s great religions and other world leaders.

In the spirit of Assisi

The Community of Saint Egidio, that is preparing to host its 34th meeting inspired by the historic interreligious encounter wanted by St. John Paul II in 1986, said it has promoted this International Meeting of Prayer for Peace in the spirit of Assisi and Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli tutti

The event, which will take place in respect of the anti-covid norms will be live-streamed in 8 languages through the Community’s various web and social media channels. 

Quoting from Pope Francis’ third encyclical letter, Fratelli tutti, a Saint Egidio communiqué says “The different religions, based on their respect for each human person as a creature called to be a child of God, contribute significantly to building fraternity and defending justice in society”.

“In a difficult moment in history”, the communiqué continues, “because of the pandemic but also because of old and new wars in progress – such as the one that has lasted for ten years in Syria or the current one in Nagorno-Karabakh, a solemn moment of reflection, prayer and encounter will be offered to the world from the heart of Europe: a message of hope for the future in the name of the greatest good, which is that of Peace”.

Everyone is invited to participate in the online event.

A minute of silence for the victims of war and the pandemic

So, on Tuesday afternoon the religious leaders will pray separately in venues across the city: Pope Francis the Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, and other Orthodox and Protestant representatives in the Basilica of Saint Mary in Aracoeli; Jews in the Synagogue of Rome; Muslims, Buddhists and representatives of other Eastern religions in the Capitoline Museums.

The interreligious ceremony in the Capitoline foresees the participation of many international names such as Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and President Sergio Mattarella of Italy. A minute of silence in memory of the victims of the pandemic and all wars will conclude the event.

Caritas Zambia urges the Zambian Government to patent local foods – Vatican News

Caritas Zambia urges the Zambian Government to patent local foods - Vatican News

Mwenya Mukuka – Lusaka, Zambia

Speaking Friday, this week, when he made a presentation at the Second National Food and Seed Festival in Lusaka, Caritas Zambia Executive Director, Eugene Kabilika said just as multinational companies have patented seeds and plants, the government of the Republic of Zambia through the relevant ministry should also patent local foods, especially those that are now being produced at a commercial level.

Mr Kabilika cited Chikanda and Chibwantu – a popular local food and drink, as some of the products that should be hastily patented. He said the royalties realised could help improve the lives of local people.

Protect the livelihoods of communities through agroecology

Meanwhile, Caritas Zambia says the global shocks the world is experiencing today highlights the urgent need to support agroecology.

Agroecology is a people-centric system of sustainable agriculture and social justice movements driven by local farmers and other food producers to retain power over their local food systems, sadi Kabilika. In so doing, locals protect livelihoods, communities and defend the right to nutritious and diverse food.

The Caritas Zambia Executive Director told the Second National Food and Seed Festival that climate change, economic downturns and widespread disease were a threat to African food systems.

“Climate change, economic downturn and widespread disease threaten African food systems. However, agroecology enables food producers to develop sustainable farms, bustling local markets, and small innovative enterprises that bring security, resilience, and prosperity to African livelihoods in the face of global or regional shocks,” said Mr Kabilika.

Food sovereignty is key to food security

He added that agroecology is the better economic and ecological alternative to the failing industrial, agricultural system.

“Food sovereignty is the solution to food security. Agroecological systems can sustainably feed more Zambians than industrial agriculture by keeping power over [local people’s] seeds, markets, diets and profits in the hands of the local community,” he said.

Need to safeguard public health

Mr Kabilika further said that agroecology protects and safeguards public health by providing nutritious foods to communities and rejecting toxic pesticides and fertilisers that poison farmers, agricultural workers and consumers. 

Mr Kabilika further noted that agroecology protects biodiversity on farm eco-systems and localises sustainable food systems. At the same time, agroecology, defends Africa and the world from future outbreaks and pandemics spurred by human exploitation of forests, industrial animal agriculture and wildlife trafficking.

Black Currant Oil Global Market Report (2020-2027) Segmented by Type, Application and region (NA, EU, and etc.)

Black Currant Oil Global Market Report (2020-2027) Segmented by Type, Application and region (NA, EU, and etc.)

The MarketWatch News Department was not involved in the creation of this content.

   Oct 17, 2020 (Market Insight Reports) --

The Black Currant Oil market research in this report provided by Global Market Monitor includes historical and forecast market data, consumer demand, application segmentation details, and price trends. This report also provides a detailed overview and data analysis of major Black Currant Oil companies during the forecast period.
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Leading Vendors
Irwin Naturals
Health From The Sun
Reference of Sweden
Nature’s Life
Mrs Meyers
Carlson Laboratories
Nature’s Plus
Just Nutritive
Primavera Life
Standard Process
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day
Worldwide Black Currant Oil Market by Application:
Food Field
Beverage Field
Commodity Field
Worldwide Black Currant Oil Market by Type:
Table of Content
1 Report Overview
1.1 Product Definition and Scope
1.2 PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) Analysis of Black Currant Oil Market

2 Market Trends and Competitive Landscape
3 Segmentation of Black Currant Oil Market by Types
4 Segmentation of Black Currant Oil Market by End-Users
5 Market Analysis by Major Regions
6 Product Commodity of Black Currant Oil Market in Major Countries
7 North America Black Currant Oil Landscape Analysis
8 Europe Black Currant Oil Landscape Analysis
9 Asia Pacific Black Currant Oil Landscape Analysis
10 Latin America, Middle East & Africa Black Currant Oil Landscape Analysis
11 Major Players Profile

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Key Regions Overview
Major countries of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the rest of the world are all exhaustive analyzed in the report. Apart from this, policy mobilization, social dynamics, development trends, and economic development in these countries are also taken into consideration.
Black Currant Oil Market Intended Audience:
? Black Currant Oil manufacturers
? Black Currant Oil traders, distributors, and suppliers
? Black Currant Oil industry associations
? Product managers, Black Currant Oil industry administrator, C-level executives of the industries
? Market Research and consulting firms
Report Spotlights
Detailed overview of market
Changing market dynamics in the industry
In-depth market segmentation
Historical, current and projected market size in terms of volume and value
Recent industry trends and developments
Competitive landscape
Strategies of key players and products offered
Potential and niche segments, geographical regions exhibiting promising growth
A neutral perspective on market performance
Must-have information for market players to sustain and enhance their market footprints
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How religion, edu affect women’s marriage age

How religion, edu affect women’s marriage age

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that the government is likely to change the minimum legal age for women to get married. Some experts have argued that the current minimum age of 18 years is not right for a woman to get married and bear children.
In his Independence Day speech, Modi had announced setting up of a committee “to deliberate on the minimum age for marriage of our daughters.”
The age of marriage of a woman in India varies by state, level of education, families’ financial status, caste and religion, according to National Family Health Survey (2015-16).
Women in central and eastern regions are likely to get married at the youngest age. On the other hand, women in northern and southern states of the country get married relatively later in life. At 25.1 years, age of marriage is highest in J&K. Tap or click on the map below to know the average age of marriage in different states.
When the age of first marriage of women between the age of 25 and 49 years was compiled based on rural and urban areas, it was found that women in villages get married a year and eight months earlier than women in cities. Most likely due to the access to education and work opportunities available in urban areas.
Education is one of the best deterrents against the early marriage of women. Women who have completed 12 years or more of education get married much later, the data revealed.
Women from financially well-off families are likely to get married at least three years later in life compared to those with limited financial means.
When analysed through the prism of religion, data shows that women in the Christian community marry later in life with a median age of 21.6. Hindus with a median age of 18.5 were the religious group that is likely to marry at the earliest.
There wasn’t much change observed in the age of marriage of woman in case of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes. The women in all these three groups married at a much younger age relative to the rest of the society.
Any change in the minimum marriage age will generate a debate on the choice between individual rights and social good enforced by law. In several countries, the minimal legal age of marriage varies depending on whether parental consent is granted or not. In the US, for example, with parental consent, the minimum age of marriage falls to 13 and 14 for women and men. Full list of global minimum age of marriage is here.
Also to be kept in mind is the social practice of child marriage, which is still widespread (but not restricted to) in Rajasthan. These marriages are generally not consummated until the man and the woman attain adulthood. A case could also be made of letting states legislate the minimum age with central government’s law being a model or advisory in nature.