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World churches joins UN in condemning brutal killing of 8 schoolchildren in Cameroon

World churches joins UN in condemning brutal killing of 8 schoolchildren in Cameroon
(Photo: REUTERS / Bate Felix Tabi Tabe)The torched remains of a Baptist Church are seen in Mabass, northern Cameroon near the Nigerian border, February 16, 2015. Boko Haram militants kidnapped some 80 people from the village, according to the Cameroon army.

World Council of Churches interim head Rev. Ioan Sauca has joined global Christians and the United Nations in expressing horror at the brutal attack on schoolchildren in Cameron in which assailants slaughtered at least eight students with firearms and machetes.

The children were killed at the Mother Francisca International Academy in Kumba, Cameroon, on Oct. 24.

Unidentified gunmen killed at least eight children in their classroom with guns and machetes, while 12 others were injured.

“The WCC joins with the churches and all people of good will in Cameroon and around the world in condemning this abhorrent act, in commiserating with the families and communities affected, and in praying for the healing of the wounded children,” said Sauca.

Cameroonian church leaders reacted to the recent bloodshed with outrage and demands for action.

Bishop Agapitus Nfon of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kumba lamented the loss of the young lives in the same statement.


“How much of the blood of our children need to be shed before something concrete and immediate is done? How long will the powers that be and are capable of restoring peace and tranquility in the distressed North West and South West Regions sit and wait?”

The attacked was strongly conemned at the UN in Geneva by a spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ravina Shamdasani.

She said that the population continues to pay a heavy price in the ongoing crisis in the North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon and described the attack as “vile”.

“Serious human rights violations and abuses continue to be reported, involving both security and defense forces and armed separatist groups amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Shandasani.

“The killing and maiming of children as well as attacks on educational facilities constitute serious violations of international law and the perpetrators must be held accountable with due regard for international human rights standards.”

She also said that the Cameroonian authorities have an obligation to protect access to education.

No group has claimed responsibility though local authorities have accused separatist fighters of targeting the school, CNN reported.

People have been raising awareness of the incident on social media under the hashtag #EndAnglophoneCrisis.


This was a reference to ongoing movements which advocate a separation between English-speaking Cameroon from the French-speaking part of the country. Separatists in Anglophone regions have been fighting with government forces and government-backed militias for several years.

Both sides faced accusations of violence against civilians, which began in 2016 after residents in the country’s Anglophone provinces, where 20 percent of Cameroon’s population live, protested the government led by French speakers.

The Anglophone conflict has internally displaced more than 670,000 people in affected areas, while 60,000 Cameroonians have fled escalating violence to neighboring Nigeria, according to the United Nations’ estimates in February.

The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, the Rev. Fonki Samuel Forba, on Oct. 25 prayed for justice for the victims and accountability for those responsible.

“May those behind these gruesome killings of God’s children be imprisoned by the judge of the human conscience even before they are found out, prosecuted and sentenced,” he said.

The WCC appealed for renewed efforts for a comprehensive and more inclusive dialogue to address the current security, humanitarian and human rights challenges in the affected regions.

“The WCC stands in solidarity with and offers its support and accompaniment to the churches of Cameroon as they seek to fulfil their essential ministry for justice, peace and human dignity and rights,” said the council.

How politicians use the church and religion to fool voters; harambee donations, wheelbarrows and other tools

How politicians use the church and religion to fool voters; harambee donations, wheelbarrows and other tools

Photo: Deputy President William Ruto at a past church function in Western Kenya, he has conducted several harambees in aid of churches in Mt Kenya, Western and Kisii region.

By Wandia Njoya via FB
There’s faith, there’s culture, there’s theology, and there’s politics. They are all related, but they are not the same.
Faith is the religious belief that spurs action. But how that belief is celebrated and what action is inspired by that belief are decided by culture. In other words, people of the same faith are going to take different actions based on the cultures they are in.
Theology is the intellectual articulation of how that interpretation is done. In other words, theology explains faith by examining faith through culture, sociolgy, politics, economics and other disciplines.

Politics is the social decision making process about power and resources. So if faith is used to determine or contest decisions on resources and power, then faith becomes political.

Now, imperialists are interested in power and resources, which is politics. But they cannot come out openly and say “We want your resources and the power to dictate what you do.” If they did so, you would not welcome them but meet them with pangas. So what do imperialists do?
They hide their intentions by mixing up faith and culture, so that you are so busy talking about identity that you forget what is happening politically. The European missionaries said that African cultures were anti-Christian because African cultures were the barrier to imperial penetration. But by the 1950s, Americans had learned that Africans were not going to accept that argument any more. So what did they do?

They lauded African cultures as vehicles of Christian faith, and also suppressed theology. They said that all ethnic cultures are equal in Christianity, and Christianity is a supra-culture where we all bring our ethnic expressions as equals.

The equation of faith with culture and worldview is the most effective trick American Christianity has played on us. By calling Christianity culture, they forced Kenyan Christians to avoid political issues out of care to maintain a fake cultural “unity.” So Americans are able to bring American cultural products like worship styles, homeschooling and neoliberalism, but we were not allowed to say that this was because of US political and economic dominance. We were pressured to accept them as culturally neutral, or at least, give an African version of them. There was no langauge with which to question the political or theological dimensions of those cultural products. And then discussions of economics and politics have been suppressed by suppressing theology.

That’s how the Kenyan church remains the pillar of the neocolonial Kenyan state. The church suppresses theology in order to close off any spaces for asking political and economic questions. And then with biblicism, Christians can tell you that we cannot raise political and social questions because that is outside the bible.

Theology was crushed by intellectual laziness. The church went along with private sector in shouting about arts and humanities as useless, precisely because they knew that arts and humanities would question what the church was doing politically and economically.
And that is why Kenyan churches have no language with which to ask questions about harambee donations from politicians.

How does one get out of this stalemate? Not by misinterpreting Marx’s statement on “opium of the masses” or by arguing there is no God or that Christianity is colonial. That’s escapism. We have to fight fire with fire and return theology to the public sphere. We have to insist on theology: a discussion of faith in its context. We have to do the actual work of studying the context.

You can start by reading about the African independent churches, historical figures like Elijah Masinde and Simon Kibangu, and what Steve Biko said about black theology. Read the histories of Christianity that you will never be told about in church or in school.

#SARS protests: We need more in-depth conversations and reforms – Vatican News

#SARS protests: We need more in-depth conversations and reforms - Vatican News

English Africa Service – Vatican City.

The Bishop of Oyo Diocese, Emmanuel Adetoyese Badejo, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that what was happening, in response to the #ENDSARS protests of the youths in the country, was like “first aid” -to buy time. He has since urged the Federal Government to address a much larger problem, with sincerity.

“Maybe we should all be having an ‘#End Corruption’ Or ‘#End Sectionalism,’… protest marches. The problem to comprehensively address is: What kind of institution (in this case, the police) system of governance, or federal structure and even society gave birth to such a monster and try to address it sincerely. You may scrap SARS, but the deficient and ailing structure will generate other such Frankenstein monsters,” Bishop Badejo declared.

Oppressive institutions need to be reformed

While noting that the challenges of the country go beyond the SARS Police unit, Bishop Badejo stressed the need for the total restructuring of the country’s police force, some government agencies as well as the country’s governance structures.

“The call for the reform of the entire police force makes sense. But then you can stretch it further and show me how many institutions of governance in Nigeria or even the civil service are free of blame with respect to oppressing citizens and taking them for granted,” wondered Bishop Badejo.

Criminality thrives in the absence of the rule of law

The Bishop added, “Wherever the rule of law has been made comatose, the ground becomes fertile for banditry and criminality even among highly trained officers and citizens. That, am afraid, might be very appropriate about Nigeria, our country,” said the Bishop of Oyo

Bishop Badejo further noted that the recent protests were necessary though unfortunately, later hijacked by elements who were bent on destroying property and causing anarchy.

Pent-up anger

“The protest in itself is good, especially as we seemed to have an unresponsive government which now seems to have been forced awake. However, I support concerns that the protests were infiltrated, if not hijacked by devious people who have no clear idea what a protest should be like and who really don’t care. They just want to destroy,” Bishop Badejo said.

Bishop Badejo continued, “This, however, is because there has been so much pent up anger against so many occurrences in the country that many people are not ready to reason with anybody. All they want is an opportunity to lash out in vengeful action. This is not good for our nation. I have said it severally that we all, not just the youth, must take responsibility for demanding accountability from our government institutions and politicians, not just the police.”

Protests must end in negotiation and dialogue

“Let the government deploy all legitimate means to secure dialogue. I like what the Governors of Lagos and Oyo are doing with as much openness as possible. That is a good model to follow in all our institutions. Name names, take action to assuage hurts, and bring the guilty to book,” said Bishop Badejo.

(Source: CNSNg.org)

MEPs warn of attempts by some EU countries to silence and subdue critical media | News | European Parliament

MEPs warn of attempts by some EU countries to silence and subdue critical media | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201024IPR90116/

EU agri-food products to be protected in China | News | European Parliament

EU agri-food products to be protected in China | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201024IPR90103/

European values: COVID-19 emergency measures pose a “risk of abuse of power” | News | European Parliament

MEPs warn of attempts by some EU countries to silence and subdue critical media | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201024IPR90104/

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Reach Out to the Town of Csökmő as COVID-19 Surges in Hungary’s Second Wave

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Reach Out to the Town of Csökmő as COVID-19 Surges in Hungary’s Second Wave

The bright yellow van of the Volunteer Ministers from the Church of Scientology Budapest was once more filled to the brim with supplies. This time, the Volunteer Ministers headed east to the town of Csökmő where the mayor and the president of the local Roma association worked with the volunteers to distribute food and cleaning supplies to those in need.

In September, with an increase in COVID-19 in the country, Hungary closed its borders to visitors, but the number of cases of the virus continues to surge. When a coronavirus case was diagnosed in the town of Csökmő, residents became frightened about its possible spread. Nearly a fifth of the town lives below the poverty line. They lack adequate food and the resources to procure basic hygiene products. 

With donations from Scientologists and supplies from the Red Cross, Volunteer Ministers brought a ton of hand sanitizer, cleaning products and food for all 653 at-risk residents to ensure they get through this challenging time safe and well.

In addition to providing food and supplies, Volunteer Ministers ensure communities know how to protect themselves from the virus. As soon as the pandemic began, the most effective measures were researched for ensuring the safety of Scientology staff and parishioners, and these were implemented internationally as protocols under the direction of Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige.

To make this prevention information broadly available, the Church of Scientology created more than a dozen videos and three educational booklets: How to Keep Yourself & Others WellHow to Protect Yourself & Others with a Mask & Gloves and How to Prevent the Spread of Illness with IsolationThese are all available in Hungarian and 20 additional languages on the How to Stay Well Prevention Resource Center on the Scientology website.

The Scientology Volunteers of Hungary are headquartered at the Church of Scientology Budapest, whose new home was dedicated in 2016 by Mr. Miscavige. The Church of Scientology Volunteer Ministers program is a religious social service created in the mid-1970s by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. 

Yemeni children suffer record rates of acute malnutrition, putting ‘entire generation’ at risk 

Yemeni children suffer record rates of acute malnutrition, putting ‘entire generation’ at risk 

New analysis from the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), the global standard for gauging food insecurity, revealed that in some areas more than one in four children were acutely malnourished. 

“Acute malnutrition rates among children below five years old are the highest ever recorded in parts of southern Yemen, according to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification”, said UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) spokesperson, Marixie Mercado. “This new analysis released today puts the number of children suffering from acute malnutrition this year at 587,573, which is an increase of around 10% since January this year.”  

Nationwide crisis 

The IPC analysis looked at southern parts of Yemen, but a forthcoming analysis of northern areas is expected to show equally concerning trends.   

Ms. Mercado said the most significant increase in southern areas was a 15.5% rise in children with severe acute malnutrition, a condition that leaves children around 10 times more likely to die of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, malaria or acute respiratory infections, all of which are common in Yemen.  

World Food Programme (WFP) spokeperson, Tomson Phiri, said the IPC forecast showed that by the end of 2020, 40% of the population in the analysed areas, or about 3.2 million people, would be severely food insecure. 

“Those predictions, from what we are gathering on the ground, are likely to be an underestimate. It is highly likely that the situation is worse than initially projected as conditions continue to worsen beyond the forecast levels. Why is this so? The underlying assumptions of the projections have either been, or are close to being surpassed”, he said.  

At the time the data was gathered, it was assumed that food prices would be stable, but that was no longer the case.  

Devastating food price increases 

“In fact, food prices have skyrocketed and are now on average 140% higher than pre-conflict averages. For the most vulnerable, even a small increase in food prices is absolutely devastating”, Mr. Phiri said.  

“Our colleagues on the ground are also telling us that the situation is worse than in 2018 when WFP expanded assistance by over 50% and in the process averted a possible famine. Those gains in 2018-2019, I’m afraid we might be losing them as the conflict continues to intensify and economic decline continues unabated.”  

Some families were being displaced for the third or even the fourth time, he said. 

“And each time a family is displaced, their ability to cope, let alone to bounce back, is severely diminished.” 

‘Entire generation’ at risk – Grande 

Lise Grande, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, said the UN had been warning since July that Yemen was on the brink of a catastrophic food security crisis. 

“If the war doesn’t end now, we are nearing an irreversible situation and risk losing an entire generation of Yemen’s young children”, she said in a statement. 

Jens Laerke, spokesman for the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told the Geneva briefing that Yemen needed help.  

“What can the world do right now? We have been warning for several months now that Yemen was heading towards a cliff. We are now seeing the first people falling off that cliff. Those are the children under five years of age. One hundred thousand of them are at risk of death, we are told. The world can help. The world can help by supporting the humanitarian response plan”, Mr. Laerke said.   

Massive underfunding 

“I’m sorry to keep repeating that over and over again. It is massively underfunded. It is only 42% funded. It asked for $3.2 billion. We are 10 months into the year. That is way below the funding levels we’ve seen in the past few years. So there is something the world can do. Money can help, and I think, of course, that now is the time to provide that money.” 

A staggering 80 per cent of Yemen’s population – over 24 million people – require some form of humanitarian assistance and protection, including about 12.2 million children. A total of 230 out of Yemen’s 333 districts (69 per cent) are at risk of famine.  

Despite a difficult operating environment, humanitarians continue to work across Yemen, responding to the most acute needs. However, funding remains a challenge: as of mid-October, only $1.4 billion of the $3.2 billion needed in 2020 has been received. 

Food Colors Market Size Projected To Record $3.5 Billion by 2027: At 12.4% CAGR

Food Colors Market Size Projected To Record .5 Billion by 2027: At 12.4% CAGR

Food Colors Market Size Projected To Record $3.5 Billion by 2027: At 12.4% CAGR – Organic Food News Today – EIN Presswire

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Churches-EU Dialogue: Ecumenical delegation meets online with German EU Presidency

Churches-EU Dialogue: Ecumenical delegation meets online with German EU Presidency

Churches-EU Dialogue: Ecumenical delegation meets online with German EU Presidency

An ecumenical delegation of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) had an online meeting on Tuesday 27 October 2020 with Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe at the German Federal Foreign Office, to exchange on the priorities of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

During the meeting, the delegation presented reflections, proposals and policy recommendations, addressing pressing priorities for the EU Presidency such as the COVID-19 recovery, climate issues, migration and asylum and the forthcoming Conference on the Future of Europe.

In the current context, dramatically marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the delegation of EU Churches highlighted the need for the European Union to assert and express solidarity by supporting each Member State in recovering, through ecological, social and contributive justice, thereby transforming this dramatic and painful crisis into an opportunity.

Churches encouraged the EU Presidency to facilitate effective dialogue among the Member States in order to proceed speedily towards an agreement on the Recovery Plan. “A delay – highlighted the delegation – would severely damage sectors relying on EU funds to mitigate the impact deriving from the COVID-19 crisis and negatively affect the most vulnerable members of our societies”.

While welcoming the European Green Deal as an ambitious strategy, the delegation underlined “the crucial importance of achieving a socially just transition, reconciling competitiveness and economic growth with a sustainable economy and society”.

In light of the recently adopted new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum proposed by the European Commission in September 2020, Churches welcomed the idea of setting out a new comprehensive framework, aimed at creating a fair and predictable migration management mechanism. The ecumenical delegation also called on the EU and its Member States to act in concrete solidarity and responsibility towards migrants and refugees, stressing that rescuing people in distress at sea is a moral and legal obligation that should be respected by all States and non-State actors.

The meeting was also an opportunity to exchange on the Conference on the Future of Europe. EU Churches expressed their availability in “actively and constructively contributing to and participating in the Conference” in line with Article 17(3) TFEU and alongside other stakeholders, providing inputs for an institutional structure that better serves the Common Good, promoting dialogue and person-centered policies.

The event followed a first preparatory meeting held in July 2020, during which EU Churches presented their joint contribution on the programme of the German EU Presidency to Michael Clauss, Ambassador at the Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU.

Meetings with rotating EU Council Presidencies are part of a long-standing tradition supported by Article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU), which foresees an open, transparent and regular dialogue between the EU institutions and Churches.

The meeting was held by video conference. The EU Churches’ delegation was composed of:

  • H. E. Mgr. Franz-Josef Overbeck, Bishop of Essen and Vice President of COMECE;
  • Bishop Frank Otfried July, Director of the EKD Commission of European Affairs;
  • Manuel Barrios Prieto, General Secretary of COMECE;
  • Jørgen Skov Sørensen, General Secretary of CEC;
  • Lena Kumlin, CEC Senior EU Policy Advisor;
  • Katrin Hatzinger, Director of the EKD Brussels office;
  • Gabriela Schneider, Policy Advisor of theCommissariat of the German Bishops, Catholic Office;
  • Oliver Thomas Rau, Advisor of the German Bishops’ Conference;
  • Friederike Ladenburger, COMECE Legal Adviser for Ethics, Research and Health;
  • Stephan Iro, Deputy Representative of EKD Council.