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Informal talks between EP and Council on Rule of law conditionality continue | News | European Parliament

Informal talks between EP and Council on Rule of law conditionality continue | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201029IPR90407/

Disney and A&E History Channel Asked Not to Spread Weird Conspiracy Theories


Eleven NGOs and academic research centers specialized in human rights and religious liberty, two of them with special consultative status at the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) wrote on October 28, 2020, to Disney CEO Bob Chapek, protesting an episode on A&E’s History Channel, part of its program “America’s Book of Secrets,” entitled “Cults, Hate Groups, and Secret Societies.” Disney is the co-owner of the A&E Networks, which in turn owns the History Channel.

The episode, now being aired in different countries, supports weird conspiracy theories, suggesting that Freemasons may operate a secret base hidden under Denver International Airport, where babies may be killed; that the Illuminati try to dictate how many children each family may have and conspire with the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett; and that “cults” are proliferating like never before and are guilty of all conceivable wrongdoings.

One special target of the episode is the Church of Scientology, which is attacked by lumping it together with the Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazis, and religious movements that committed mass homicides and suicides. While Scientology is discussed, images not related to this religion are shown.

The show promotes conspiracy theories and anti-cult stereotypes and is not, the eleven NGOs said, inoffensive. When hate speech is promoted against minority groups, be they the Freemasons or the Scientologist, violence is never far off.

The eleven NGOs called on Disney and the A&E Network to avoid spreading fake news, conspiracy theories, and hate speech, which, they argued, in times of world pandemic are more dangerous than ever.

Why Is A&E’s History Channel Spreading Conspiracy Theories and Attacking Religious Liberty? An Open Letter to Bob Chapek

Dear Mr. Chapek:

We write to you as you are the CEO of The Walt Disney Company, co-owner of the A&E Networks, which in turn owns the History Channel.
We live in challenging times. The COVID-19 pandemic has been compounded by what is dubbed an “infodemic,” in which weird conspiracy theories are irresponsibly spread. In a few short months, this infodemic has escalated from a curiosity to a major cause of concern to governments, international organizations, and human rights advocates. Just like the pandemic, the infodemic can kill; when certain minorities are targeted through lies and hate speech, the prospect or reality of violence is never far off.

As organizations specializing in the defense of religious freedom, we are concerned with an episode on A&E’s History Channel, part of its program “America’s Book of Secrets,” entitled “Cults, Hate Groups, and Secret Societies.” The episode aired originally on August 18, 2020 and is now being broadcast in several countries.

The episode is a typical compilation of conspiracy theories, some so clearly preposterous they would not normally be granted any attention.

For example, it is argued that under Denver International Airport there may be “an underground military base that’s supposed to be a launching point for the New World Order.” Those who intend to launch a sinister New World Order from the secret base hidden under the airport are identified with the Freemasons. Their program is announced, the episode says, in murals at the same airport allegedly depicting “war, corpses of babies, people fleeing underground, a plague, death, Nazism, dictatorship, the coming of a New World Order.” “You have a mural,” the episode says, “that shows this soldier in a gas mask with a scimitar stabbing a dove and this endless chain of dying women and babies going out from under it. It’s just horrific.”

Anti-Masonism has long been a plague in America and beyond, and has led to harassment and discrimination of law-abiding citizens whose only sin is being members of Freemasonry—a brotherhood that espouses ideas with which some may disagree but which is certainly not illegal, and which has undeniably and powerfully contributed to charitable and benevolent activities. It is even more alarming when the myth of the Illuminati as a secret group controlling the world is propagated in what purports to be a serious documentary format—with names named and shamed as connected with a vast Illuminati conspiracy aimed, inter alia, at “telling other people whether they should or should not have children.” The Koch brothers, Jeff Bezos, Henry Kissinger, Warren Buffett, and the unavoidable Bill Gates are all connected in the episode with these Masonic-Illuminati conspiracies.

This would only be one among many paranoid conspiracy theories if not framed in the broader category of “cults, hate groups and secret societies,” lumping together Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazi Party, the Osho Rajneesh movement, the Branch Davidians, Heaven’s Gate, Jim Jones’ Peoples Temple, and the Church of Scientology.

It is a well-known hate speech technique to lump together disrelated groups that have no connection, then claim they are all similar, and all bad. It is unfortunate that what purports to be factual, legitimate content on the History Channel only presents superficial platitudes on Waco, Jonestown, Rajneeshpuram, or Heaven’s Gate—all subjects on which serious scholarly literature exists, including in-depth investigations of the reasons behind the events depicted. Instead, only the “anti-cult” version is presented, and we hear from former deprogrammers like Rick Ross, who have embarrassing criminal records and who make claims about all “cults,” state that a cult is “a group of people attached to a disturbed personality,” and that “these people are, by nature, unstable.” We also hear from anti-cult scholar Janja Lalich that “today, there are more cults than ever before,” without any evidence offered for this general assertion.

To create a false impression of objectivity, we hear two brief balanced comments on the Scientology religion from a leading scholar of new religious movements, Professor J. Gordon Melton, but these are overwhelmed by a flood of anti-Scientology commentary by individuals like Tony Ortega whose main activity is attacking the Scientology religion.

The visual construction of the episode can only be characterized as fake news; Scientology courses are discussed while images are displayed that do not depict the activities of this Church; lectures by other groups are depicted while discussing Scientology lectures; and drawings showing the human brain are put on screen to explain the reactive mind and the state of clear, which, in Scientology, have no connection whatsoever with the brain.

This biased misrepresentation is offensive to Scientologists. The episode’s hate speech against the Scientology religion is mostly built by innuendo, presenting Scientology in the same context as the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, mass suicides, or folk tales about the Illuminati and the Freemasons killing babies under the Denver airport.

Is this merely laughable? History, including recent events, prove that hate speech harms. Scientologists themselves have been physically attacked by unstable individuals whom irresponsible TV programs like this one had convinced that the Scientology religion was an intolerable form of evil. In 2019, a Taiwanese Scientologist, Yeh Chih-Jen (1994–2019), was stabbed to death in Sydney, Australia, by a teenager who had been persuaded his mother was in danger because she was participating in Scientology activities there.

The History Channel cannot hide behind “free speech” arguments. Hate speech and fake news are not free speech. Denouncing Scientologists, Freemasons, or prominent businesspersons as evil enemies of humanity may lead some who watch these shows to take the law into their own hands, and to try to violently stop what they have been made to believe are malevolent individuals and groups.

Particularly in these times, bizarre conspiracy theories casting religious minorities and entire categories of people as public enemies are extremely dangerous. We call on Disney to immediately stop this bigotry, cease broadcasting this show, remove it from the History Channel website, and repudiate such wild conspiracy theories and disinformation. It is time to put an end to the promotion of inflammatory hate speech that will only generate further violence.


CAP-LC – Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience*
CESNUR – Center for Studies on New Religions
EIFRF – European Inter-Religious Forum for Religious Freedom
Fedinsieme [Faiths Together]
FOB – European Federation for Freedom of Belief
FOREF – Forum for Religious Freedom Europe
Fundación para la Mejora de la Vida la Cultura y la Sociedad*
HRWF – Human Rights Without Frontiers
LIREC – Center for Studies on Freedom of Belief, Religion and Conscience
ORLIR – International Observatory of Religious Liberty of Refugees
Soteria International

*UN ECOSOC Special Consultative Status

EU court sets conditions for EU antitrust regulators to access Facebook documents

EU court sets conditions for EU antitrust regulators to access Facebook documents

Kremlin, after French attacks, says wrong to kill but wrong to insult religion too

Kremlin, after French attacks, says wrong to kill but wrong to insult religion too

Jaswant Sikh Khalra Memorial Lecture 2020 and book launch


ZOOM invite :

Host and organisers: The APPG for British Sikhs, UNITED SIKHS , British Organisation for Sikh Students (BOSS) and Sikh PA are pleased to invite you to attend the Jaswant Sikh Khalra Memorial Lecture via zoom.

You may watch a trailer on the event at link below:

Topic: Jaswant Singh Khalra Memorial Lecture 2020: Dispelling the Darkness of Injustice

Time: Nov 3, 2020 06:30 PM London

2020 Marks 25 years since the revolutionary Jaswant Singh Khalra was abducted and disappeared by the Punjab police. In his memory, UK Sikhs are organizing an event to commemorate Khalra’s human rights work, fierce spirit and resistance against the state oppression.

The event will comprise an address by the UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Religion or Belief, a Memorial Lecture on the continuing work of Khalra and the UK launch of the highly anticipated book on Khalra’s life “The Valiant”.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 992 8512 9507

Passcode: JSKhalra

Pope bestows pallium on new Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem – Vatican News

Pope bestows pallium on new Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem - Vatican News

By Vatican News staff writer

Shortly before the General Audience in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, Pope Francis bestowed the pallium on His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the new Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.

A note from the Holy See Press Office on Wednesday evening said the short, simple and highly symbolic ceremony took place in the Santa Marta Chapel in the Vatican.

According to Canon Law (CIC can 437), within three months from the reception of episcopal consecration or if he has already been consecrated, from the canonical provision, a metropolitan is obliged to request the pallium from the Roman Pontiff either personally or through a proxy.

It represents the power which the metropolitan has by law in his province, in communion with the Roman Church.

Pallium is the Latin word for mantle or cloak. It is a woollen band that is bestowed by the Pope upon the shoulders of Metropolitans or Primates as a testimony of their communion with the Bishop of Rome and their mission to spend their lives for the flock, imitating the Good Shepherd carrying His sheep on their shoulders.

The pallium also signifies the power which the metropolitan, in communion with the Roman Church, has by law in his own province.

On 24 October 2020, Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Pizzaballa as Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, making him the 10th Patriarch since the reestablishment of the Latin Patriarchate in 1847.

In greetings to his diocese, Patriarch Pizzabella said: “The pallium reminds us that we have chosen in Baptism to take upon us the yoke of Christ, the weight and glory of the Cross, which is love given to death and beyond.”

World Cities Day: Value communities, today and for the future

Bill Maher Pans Amy Coney Barrett’s Religion: ‘I Believe The Spanish Inquisition Had Fine People On Both Sides’

In a message marking the World Cities Day, commemorated annually on 31 October, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that COVID-19 has brought into sharp focus the importance of close-knit communities. 

UN Video | Secretary-General António Guterres video message on World Cities Day

“Cities have borne the brunt of the pandemic”, said Mr. Guterres. 

“With the pandemic often overwhelming public health and support services, communities have organized to keep their neighbourhoods safe and functioning, engaging with local and national governments to support the official response”, he added. 

Innovation and resilience 

Neighbours shopped and cooked for the sick and elderly, residents cheered health workers, and local volunteer and faith-based groups supported the vulnerable, across the world. Communities also came together, formed self-help networks, developing apps to link up those in need, with those offering help. 

“Communities are innovative, resilient and proactive”, said Mr. Guterres. 

In addition, with forecasts predicting that around 68 per cent of the world’s population will be living in urban areas by 2050, up from the current 55 per cent, the UN chief highlighted that communities will be all the more important for the rapidly urbanizing world to respond effectively to the pandemic and prepare for future infectious disease outbreaks. 

“Let us maintain this recognition of their value [and] put our communities at the heart of the cities of the future”, he said. 

Communities bring sustainable solutions 

In a separate message, Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), also called for utilizing communities’ knowledge and potential. 

“We must recognize that communities must be at the centre of designing their own, longer term solutions and we must listen to them as their on-ground experience will help us build resilience and equity in the future”, she said. 

“Valuing our communities is an important first step towards the transformational change we need to build back better and build back greener”, added the head of UN-Habitat. 

WFP/Karolyn Ureña

A woman in the Dominican Republic receives food from a community kitchen set up to help fight hunger triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The World Cities Day 

Designated by the UN General Assembly in 2013, World Cities Day recognizes the significance of urban basic services as a foundation for the overall social and economic development. The Day also ties into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with Goal 11 aiming to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. 

This year, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the theme of the World Cities Day is “Valuing Our Communities and Cities.” 

The 2020 Global Observance, on 31 October, will take place in the Kenyan city of Nakuru – the first time it is being hosted in Africa. The event will be held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Alongside, commemorative events will be held across the world, including a special event, on 29 October, supported by the UN World Health Organization (WHO) featuring health leaders and mayors on the urban response to COVID-19. UNESCO will also be hosting an “Urban Dialogue” on 30 October, with the academia, public and private sectors, and civil society.

InvestEU Fund: boost for sustainable, innovative and social investment | News | European Parliament

The World Evangelical Alliance says that Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher is to become its next Secretary General from March 2021 when he takes over from the current CEO Bishop Efraim Tendero.

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201024IPR90106/

UNHCR appreciates the European Union’s continuous support of Rohingya refugees and host communities in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh [EN/BN]

Steve Chapman: Blame politics for religion's decline

PLACE: Dhaka

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomes the generous, multi-year contribution of EUR 14 million (approx. 139 crore BDT) from the European Union (EU), which will support UNHCR’s continued protection and assistance of Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshi host communities in Cox’s Bazar. The EU is one of the long-standing donors for UNHCR Bangladesh since 2005.

“In these unprecedented and immensely challenging times, our life-saving and essential work, and the overall humanitarian response in support to the Government of Bangladesh, would not be possible without the EU’s sustained support and commitment to Rohingya refugees and local communities in Bangladesh”, said Steve Corliss, UNHCR Representative in Bangladesh.

Since the mass influx of Rohingya refugees in 2017, UNHCR and other humanitarian actors have been supporting the Government of Bangladesh in delivering a wide range of assistance to the refugees and surrounding host communities, such as the distribution of core relief items and shelters, improvement of water systems, and increasing access to education and health services. The EU has been one of the most active supporters of the response for Rohingya refugees.

“This funding provided to UNHCR is an important contribution to Bangladesh’s continuous generosity and humanity in hosting Rohingya who fled neighbouring Myanmar”, said Ambassador Rensje Teerink, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Bangladesh. “It is part of the Team Europe global response to COVID-19 in the country to address the refugee crisis worsened by the pandemic”.

This new contribution will support the joint Government of Bangladesh-UNHCR registration exercise, which enhances assistance and protection of the refugees in Bangladesh, ensuring efficient access to aid and targeted protection for those with specific needs. The contribution will also support camp management, promote the empowerment of refugees and host communities, enhance peaceful co-existence between the communities, as well as support the COVID-19 response, including mitigating the socioeconomic impact of the virus in Cox’s Bazar.


Media contacts:

In Cox’s Bazar:

Louise Donovan ; [email protected]; +8801847327279

In Dhaka:

Mostafa Mohammad Sazzad Hossain; [email protected]; +8801313046459

EU budget talks: Council rejects Parliament’s breakthrough proposal


EP’s negotiators made a breakthrough proposal on Wednesday on the critical issue of how to count the costs of common debt in the next long-term EU budget. Council has rejected it blindly.

At the 10th trilateral dialogue, Parliament and Council representatives reviewed all pending issues in the negotiation. On the question of the top-ups for the 15 flagship programmes, Council further hardened it stance while Parliament proposed a series of openings, said the members of the Parliament’s negotiating team on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and Own Resources (OR)

“Despite being largely left out of the decision to set up the EU Recovery instrument, Parliament has agreed that the costs of the new debt will be borne by the Union budget.

However, Parliament believes that such costs should be counted above the stringent ceilings of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). Otherwise, they enter in competition with regular Union programmes. This is due to the top-down approach of the Council, which consistently sets overall MFF ceilings at a level closer and closer to 1% of the EU’s GNI. When repayments of the principal of recovery debt kick in after 2027 (more than 15 billion euros per year), this would be the end of the Union budget as we know it”, EP’s budget negotiators said.

“In 2021-2027, counting NGEU (‘Next Generation EU’ recovery instrument) costs above the ceilings would have released 12.9 billion euros within the ceilings for topping up flagship expenditure programmes, as requested by Parliament.

Tonight, we offered the Council to count the NGEU costs above the ceilings, but without redistributing the 12.9 billion euros to the flagship programmes. This would leave a significant unallocated margin that would be very welcome to finance unforeseen needs in the coming years, given the troubled times we are going through. Council would retain full control over whether this margin is used or not for additional expenditure in the future”, the MEPs added.

“The Council has blindly refused to consider this possible breakthrough, arguing once again that this was touching a ‘red line’ set by the European Council summit of July 2020. Parliament has a negotiating mandate; Council has a series of red lines.

Let us be very clear: our offer is 100% compatible with the letter of the European Council conclusions of 21 July 2020:

  • It would not change any of the ceilings set by the Heads of State and Governments;
  • It would not directly translate into additional expenditure if Council does not agree with it;
  • It would not be in contradiction with the specific part of the conclusions dealing with interest payments (paragraph 74), which says nowhere explicitly that those should be counted within the ceilings.

Therefore, it is clear that our proposal does not, as Council says, ‘reopen the agreement of the Heads of States and Governments’. Instead, Council invents new ‘red lines’ for itself along the way. At this stage of the negotiations, and in the current context, this is irresponsible”, the negotiating team concluded.

The EP’s negotiating team for the next long-term EU budget and Own Resources reform

Johan Van Overtveldt (ECR, BE), Chair of the Committee on Budgets

Jan Olbrycht (EPP, PL), MFF co-rapporteur

Margarida Marques (S&D, PT), MFF co-rapporteur

José Manuel Fernandes (EPP, PT), Own Resources co-rapporteur

Valérie Hayer (RENEW, FR), Own Resources co-rapporteur

Rasmus Andresen (Greens/EFA, DE)

Follow them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/i/lists/1205126942384676866?s=20