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Remarks by President Charles Michel following the EU-Canada Leaders’ meeting via videoconference

Charles Mcihel in front medioa microphones
Photo from https://www.facebook.com/CharlesMichel

French and english text – – Avant toute chose, je voudrais exprimer l’émotion de l’Union européenne suite à ces nouvelles attaques terroristes qui ont été perpétrées en France.

Je voudrais dire notre solidarité avec la France, avec le peuple français. Je voudrais dire tout notre soutien pour les victimes, pour les familles des victimes. Et je voudrais dire qu’une fois encore, ce sont des attaques perpétrées contre la démocratie, contre les libertés et plus que jamais, nous devons être rassemblés, debout pour défendre ces valeurs qui nous rassemblent de démocratie, d’État de droit et de libertés fondamentales.

Nous avons eu l’occasion, lors de cette vidéoconférence avec la présidente de la Commission, le premier ministre du Canada, de passer en revue le partenariat et même l’alliance étroite, solide, robuste qui lie l’Union européenne et le Canada.

Au delà du partenariat, au delà de l’alliance, il y a des liens d’amitié solides qui nous rassemblent, Union européenne et Canada, parce que fondamentalement, nous constatons que nous partageons des valeurs communes, des valeurs centrales au départ desquelles notre vision du monde est inspirée: État de droit, droits de l’homme, la conviction que nous avons besoin d’un monde fondé sur des règles, le soutien au multilatéralisme, la conviction que les défis globaux doivent mobiliser des réponses générales et des réponses globales.

Nous avons eu encore une fois l’occasion, dans le détail, dans la substance, d’aborder les différents sujets au départ desquels nous entendons continuer à travailler étroitement ensemble pour resserrer nos liens et pour faire en sorte que ce socle robuste entre le Canada et l’Union européenne puisse avoir une valeur ajoutée utile au service d’un monde plus juste, au service d’un monde meilleur, au service d’un monde plus équitable.

Today we discussed three key areas of EU-Canada cooperation: Covid-19 and Economic Recovery, EU-Canada Relations and SOME international issues.

Today the world is at a crucial juncture – we see the resurgence of Covid-19 everywhere. So it’s natural that Covid-19 – and our economic recovery – were at the heart of our agenda. We are determined to fight the pandemic together – as a global community, in line with our values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

Our goal is two-fold: first, protect the health of our citizens and second, ensure an innovative, sustainable, and inclusive economic recovery. And there is one way to do this – through solidarity, cooperation and multilateralism. The work of the G7, the G20, and the United Nations are crucial to these efforts.

The EU and Canada also cooperate on Covid vaccines, treatments, and tests to make sure all people have fair and affordable access.

And we discussed strengthening the WHO, global pandemic preparedness and response, and the necessary reforms.

We welcome G20 efforts on debt relief to support the most affected low-income countries, especially in Africa.

This year we celebrate the third anniversary of the provisional entry into force EU-Canada Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). CETA has been good for both the EU and Canada.  Bilateral trade has increased by 24% for goods and 25% for services. And we hope for the swift ratification of CETA by ALL our Member States.

Climate change may not grab the headlines right now.  But it’s no less urgent today than yesterday. We stressed the urgency to step up global action to tackle climate change. The EU and Canada share the common goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. And our economic recovery offers a unique opportunity for a “Green Reset” of our economies.

We also highlighted our close collaboration on our digital transformation. We work together to ensure that Artificial Intelligence and other digital technologies play a role in our Covid-19 recovery.

We also discussed a range of foreign policy and security issues – including China, Belarus, Nagorno-Karabakh, Eastern Mediterranean, Sahel and Venezuela. The EU and Canada see eye to eye on these issues.

Specifically on China, we have serious concerns about the human rights situation in China, including the arbitrary detention of EU and Canadian citizens.

Strong transatlantic relations are critical to address today’s geopolitical challenges and uphold the rules-based global order that we both cherish.

We also agreed to cooperate in protecting our democratic systems against cyber-attacks and disinformation.

Our EU-Canada relationship is strong, anchored in the values of democracy, human rights, and multilateralism. And we look forward to expanding our cooperation at our next Summit, when conditions allow. Thank you.

France : la BEI investit 75 millions d’euros dans le fonds INFRAGREEN IV

France : la BEI investit 75 millions d’euros dans le fonds INFRAGREEN IV

La confiance de la Banque européenne d’investissement renouvelée avec 75 millions d’euros d’investissements

RGREEN INVEST, société de gestion française dédiée au investissement et au financement de projets d’infrastructures liés à la transition énergétique et l’adaptation aux changements climatiques, annonce ce jour le 3ème closing de sa stratégie INFRAGREEN IV. Le fonds, dont le montant total est porté à 480 millions d’euros, est sur le point d’atteindre son objectif de taille de 500 millions d’euros.

RGREEN INVEST ambitionne de continuer à lever des fonds jusqu’à la fin de la période de souscription  (mars 2021) pour parvenir au montant maximal réglementaire (hard cap) de 650 millions d’euros. L’objectif : continuer de financer et soutenir de nombreux projets à travers l’Europe. A date, ce sont plus de 150 millions d’euros du fonds INFRAGREEN IV qui sont investis et engagés dans des projets d’infrastructure européens, et notamment français, permettant de réduire les émissions de CO2.

« Le soutien renouvelé de la Banque européenne d’investissement est, en cette période d’incertitude, un gage de confiance particulièrement précieux », commente Nicolas Rochon, Président-fondateur d’RGREEN INVEST. « Les investisseurs privés, qui continuent de croire en la transition énergétique et l’adaptation au changement climatique, ont besoin de voir que les institutions publiques respectent leurs engagements à faire de la transition écologique et climatique une priorité », poursuit-il. 

« En tant que banque européenne du climat, nous sommes très fiers de soutenir RGREEN INVEST dont l’ambition en matière climatique rejoint celle de la BEI. » a déclaré Ambroise Fayolle, Vice-Président de la BEI. Et de rajouter : « Par ce nouvel engagement, notre objectif est d’attirer de nombreux investisseurs au niveau européen pour développer des projets d’infrastructures innovants et durables. En agissant ainsi, nous préparons l’avenir. Nous soutenons les futurs champions de la transition énergétique. » 

La BEI renouvelle sa confiance à RGREEN INVEST en investissant 75 millions d’euros dans INFRAGREEN IV

La BEI qui est la Banque de l’Union européenne (UE) a investi 75 millions d’euros dans le fonds INFRAGREEN IV. Cet investissement répond pleinement aux priorités d’action de la BEI qui soutient la transition vers une économie sobre en carbone, respectueuse de l’environnement et capable de résister aux changements climatiques. Elle est aujourd’hui le premier bailleur multilatéral au monde en matière de transition énergétique.

La BEI avait déjà investi 50 millions d’euros lors du lancement du fonds INFRAGREEN III, clôturé en  décembre 2018 au-dessus de ses objectifs de levée de capital, pour un montant de 307 millions d’euros.

INFRAGREEN IV, fonds de soutien au développement des énergies renouvelables en Europe

INFRAGREEN IV, lancé en décembre 2019, investit en fonds propres et quasi-fonds propres dans des projets d’infrastructure liés à la transition énergétique et climatique. Ces projets greenfield et brownfield sont localisés et opèrent essentiellement dans l’Espace Economique Européen. Le fonds INFRAGREEN IV est labellisé « Greenfin Label France Finance Verte ».

Informations générales

A propos d’RGREEN INVEST :

Société de gestion française indépendante du groupe RGREEN, créé en 2010 par Nicolas Rochon, RGREEN INVEST est la société de gestion française, indépendante, spécialisée dans le financement d’infrastructures vertes. Premier acteur à proposer une gamme complète de solutions de financement sur-mesure, RGREEN INVEST est au service des acteurs de la transition énergétique en Europe.

Avec une vingtaine de professionnels expérimentés, RGREEN INVEST dispose d’une des plus importantes équipes de spécialistes du financement de projets d’infrastructures liés à la transition énergétique et climatique en France. Soucieux des enjeux climatiques, intégrant l’ESG au cœur même de ses critères d’investissements, RGREEN INVEST permet ainsi aux investisseurs institutionnels de participer à la transition énergétique tout en partageant avec eux la performance financière.

Avec plus d’1 Md€ sous gestion, RGREEN INVEST a ainsi financé des projets en France et en Europe, équivalent à une puissance installée de plus d’1,6 GW évitant ainsi près 550 000 tonnes d’émission de CO2 (selon un calcul interne de RGREEN INVEST).


INFRAGREEN IV est un Fonds Professionnel Spécialisé (FPS) sous forme de Société de Libre Partenariat (SLP) de droit Français, déclaré à l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers et dont la souscription est réservée exclusivement à des investisseurs professionnels (sous conditions) conformément au règlement du fonds. Le fonds est actuellement autorisé à la commercialisation en France, en Belgique, en Allemagne, en Espagne, au RoyaumeUni, en Italie, au Luxembourg et aux Pays-Bas. Le Fonds est notamment exposé au risque de marché, au risque de crédit, au risque d’illiquidité, au risque lié aux projets, au risque de conformité, au risque juridique et réglementaire, au risque financier, et aux risques opérationnels liés à la transition énergétique. Ce document est communiqué à titre d’information uniquement. Il est mis à disposition pour fournir des informations préliminaires sur le Fonds et est susceptible de faire l’objet de mises à jour, compléments d’information, révisions et vérifications sans avis préalables. Ce document ne constitue pas une invitation, un conseil ou une recommandation de souscrire, acquérir ou céder des parts émises ou à émettre par le Fonds ou tout autre véhicule d’investissement. Il convient de rappeler aux destinataires de ce document qui seraient intéressés par un investissement dans le Fonds, qu’une telle souscription de part ne peut se faire que sur la base des informations contenues dans la version finale de la documentation du Fonds et qui peuvent différer des éléments produits ici. Aucune garantie n’est donnée sur la validité, l’exactitude, la pérennité ou l’exhaustivité de l’information mentionnée ou induite dans ce document ou toute autre information fournie en rapport avec le Fonds.

RGREEN INVEST Société de gestion de portefeuille agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers n°GP-15000021. Société par actions simplifiée dont le siège social est situé à Paris, au 63 Avenue des Champs-Élysées, et immatriculée au Registre du commerce et des sociétés de Paris sous le numéro 797 827 995.

À propos de la Banque européenne d’investissement

En tant que banque européenne du climat, la BEI a décidé d’augmenter les financements de projets qu’elle soutient à l’appui des objectifs climatiques et environnementaux pour les porter à 50 % de son activité d’ici à 2025, de sorte que le Groupe BEI mobilise au moins 1 000 milliards d’EUR d’ici à 2030 pour promouvoir des investissements qui contribuent à la réalisation de ces objectifs. Elle a également fait part de sa décision d’aligner toutes les activités du Groupe BEI sur l’accord de Paris. Pour ce faire, elle cessera de financer des projets à base de combustibles fossiles à partir de fin 2021.

En France, en 2019, la BEI a consacré 47 % de ses financements – soit 3,28 milliards d’euros –  à la lutte contre le changement climatique.

Millions affected as devastating typhoon strikes Viet Nam

big waves under cloudy sky
Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS on Pexels.com

A major typhoon has struck central Viet Nam, affecting millions of people – including about 2.5 million children – in a region already reeling from the effects of severe floods, according to UN agencies in the country. 

There are also reports that 174 people have died or are missing. 

Storm Molave, which made landfall at around 11 am local time on Wednesday, is one of the strongest storms to hit the southeast Asian nation in 20 years.

The resulting “extreme rainfall” could continue over the coming days, worsening the already precarious situation faced by many families, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a statement

 “For the affected populations, their homes remain severely damaged, their food stocks have been lost, they have no access to clean water for drinking, washing and cooking; and water and sanitation systems have been damaged,” said the agency. 

Evacuation centres flooded

Thousands have been moved to evacuation centres, which are themselves flooded, resulting in difficult health and hygiene conditions for the displaced people, primarily women, children and elderly. Health centres have also been damaged, leaving without to access basic health care services. 

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Millions affected as devastating typhoon strikes Viet Nam
UNICEF/Pham/AFP-Services | A woman carries her child as she walks past the ruins of a house destroyed by recent floods central Viet Nam. (October 2020)​

“Added to this is the trauma of the violent storms and rushing waters, that for a population where many cannot swim, creates fear and impacts mental wellbeing,” UNICEF added. 

The storm has also damaged vital infrastructure, including electricity and roads, leaving many communities cut off from assistance and protection. 

Affected populations 

An estimated 7.7 million people live in the affected areas, including as many as 1.5 million who have been “directly affected”, the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Viet Nam said in a humanitarian  update late Wednesday. 

Of these, some 177,000 people considered vulnerable (poor or near-poor), should be prioritized for urgent humanitarian assistance, it added. 


According to the Resident Coordinator’s Office, UN agencies and partners are developing and will release a multi-sector response plan, within the coming days, to support emergency relief efforts. 

In the immediate term, UNICEF has mobilized to provide emergency water, nutrition, sanitation, education and protection support, it said in the statement. It is also coordinating with Government agencies and humanitarian actors to reach the most vulnerable and those most affected. 

The Vietnamese army has also deployed troops and vehicles for search and rescue missions. 

Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher Appointed Next Secretary General of World Evangelical Alliance


Deerfield, IL – October 29, 2020

The International Council (IC) of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Thomas Schirrmacher as the next Secretary General / CEO. Bringing many years of experience serving in various roles in the WEA, Dr Schirrmacher was recommended by the Search Committee from among more than a dozen candidates, and unanimously affirmed by the IC on a conference call on October 27. He will assume leadership of the WEA on March 1, 2021.

In a letter announcing the appointment to WEA’s constituency, Dr Goodwill Shana, Chair of the International Council, said: “Thomas will be known to many of you, as he has served in the WEA for many years. He enjoys working with groups of diverse people and seeing people work together to advance the aims of the WEA. He is committed to building partnerships and seeing WEA contribute to the development of the global Christian community.”

“He has a great deal of experience that we believe will benefit the WEA and we are very happy to appoint such a gifted person,” Dr Shana continued and added: “We have every confidence that Thomas is able to lead WEA at this point in our life and history and with great vision for the future. We will continue to covet your prayers and support in ensuring that this very significant step proceeds smoothly and results in the strengthening of the WEA and the proclamation of the gospel around the world.”

Outgoing Secretary-General Bp Efraim Tendero commented: “It is with great joy that I will be handing over the stewardship of the WEA to Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher early next year, the person who is best prepared to lead the global body of evangelicals into the future. As we have partnered together in the WEA Senior Leadership Team for several years, I saw in him the charisma, competence, and capacity that is matched by the character, conviction and calling from God that are needed for such a global task. I have full confidence that he will lead the WEA as empowered by the Holy Spirit in advancing the Good news of the Lord Jesus Christ to all nations, and effecting personal, family and community transformation for the glory of God.”

Upon his appointment, Dr Schirrmacher said: “I am humbled that so many esteemed leaders are putting their trust in me. Having been part of the leadership for a long time, I already feel very much at home in the WEA. Beside all my academic and socio-political involvement, the center of my convictions has always been the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ for each individual and the whole world. And I see WEA as the best place to serve the Church. I feel safe in the assurance that I am carried by the prayer of millions of believers and knowing that I am standing on the big shoulders of my predecessors.”

About Dr Thomas Schirrmacher:

Dr Thomas SchirrmacherDr Schirrmacher has served in various roles in the WEA since 1999, and is currently the WEA’s Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns. Prior to this, he was a member of the Religious Liberty Commission, developed the International Institute for Religions Freedom, built up WEA’s Office for Intrafaith and Interfaith Relations, is Chair of WEA’s Theological Commission, and WEA’s Ambassador for Human Rights.

Dr Schirrmacher studied theology at colleges in Switzerland, the United States, Netherlands and also received a degree from India. He holds several degrees in various disciplines and a number of earned doctorates to his name. He was pastor and co-pastor of local churches in the Bonn area from 1982 – 2000 and, in 2015, was consecrated as an episcopal leader serving the Communio Messianica, a global body of believers from another faith background. He also taught theology and trained future pastors from 1982 – 2018.

Dr Schirrmacher has a great concern for the persecuted church and, with others, started the WEA’s International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP).

Dr Thomas Schirrmacher is married to Dr Christine Schirrmacher. Together they have two adult children and currently live in Bonn, Germany. Christine is a professor of Islamic Studies at the Universities of Bonn and Leuven as well as serving WEA as Commissioner for Islamic Affairs.

Ireland: Church leaders and Prime Minister discuss Covid impact – Vatican News

Ireland: Church leaders and Prime Minister discuss Covid impact - Vatican News

By Vatican News

In discussions with the Irish Prime Minister or Taoiseach, Michael Martin on Wednesday evening, Archbishops Eamon Martin, Diarmuid Martin, Michael Neary, Kieran O’Reilly SMA and Bishop Dermot Farrell emphasized their support for the current health measures in place.

Importance of prayer and worship

However, they highlighted that “the coming together in prayer and worship, especially for Mass and the Sacraments, is fundamental to Christian tradition and a source of nourishment for the life and well-being of whole communities.” They also stressed the importance of gathering for worship “as a source of consolation and hope at Christmas time.”

The Church and safety measures

In a statement issued following the meeting, the Archbishops underlined “the mammoth effort that has been made by priests and volunteers at parish level to ensure that gatherings in Church are as safe as possible and the consistent messaging from the Church about the protection of health and life for all in the community, particularly the vulnerable.”

Ireland is currently in lockdown, and pastoral work continues at parish level even as the celebration of Mass is moved on-line.

The statement noted that during the meeting, “The challenges of those suffering bereavement at this time were acknowledged, particularly as we enter the traditional time of remembrance in the month of November.”

The Archbishops also emphasized the need to protect the most vulnerable in society at this time, and  “the positive value” of keeping schools open.

Solidarity and engagement

The statement concluded by saying that all parties recognized “the need for a shared understanding of the effects of the pandemic as it evolves and to align our response accordingly. All agreed on the importance of ongoing constructive engagement and solidarity in facing and overcoming the challenges of Covid-19 together.”

Pope expresses condolences for the death of Cardinal Fernandez – Vatican News

Pope expresses condolences for the death of Cardinal Fernandez - Vatican News

By Vatican News staff writer 

Having learned “with sadness” of the death of Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez, Pope Francis expresses his “heartfelt condolences” in a letter to Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim, the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, and to the “clergy, religious and laity of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur.” 

In his letter, the Pope prays for the Cardinal’s “eternal rest”, expressing his gratitude for his “faithful witness to the Gospel, his generous service to the Church in Malaysia and his longstanding commitment to the promotion of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue.”

Finally, the Pope writes that “to all who mourn the late Cardinal’s passing in the sure hope of the Resurrection I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of consolation and peace in Jesus Christ our Saviour.”

Pope Francis to resume live broadcast of General Audience – Vatican News

Pope Francis to resume live broadcast of General Audience - Vatican News

By Vatican News staff writer

Pope Francis’ General Audiences will once again be broadcast live from the Library of the Apostolic Palace, beginning next Wednesday, 4 November, .

The news came in a statement released on Thursday by the Holy See Press Office. In the statement, the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, explains that the decision was made after receiving reports of a positive case of Covid-19 during the General Audience on Wednesday 21 October, as well as “in order to avoid any possible future risk to the health of the participants.”

Pope Francis resumed his live audiences on 2 September, after having broadcast them live from the Library of the Apostolic Palace for 189 days, since 26 February. Before his first catechesis in the courtyard of San Damaso, he said “After so many months we resume our meeting face to face and not screen to screen. Face to face. This is beautiful!”

Live streaming of the Pope’s Audiences will be available, with English commentary, through the Vatican News Youtube channel, as well as on the Vatican News homepage. 

MEPs’ ideas for tackling harmful or illegal content online | News | European Parliament

MEPs' ideas for tackling harmful or illegal content online | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/economy/20201022STO89919/

Roadmap sets direction of Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development

Roadmap sets direction of Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development

The 19 commissioners of the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development convened virtually on 27 October 2020 to agree on the major themes and roadmap that will guide their work under the chairmanship of Professor Mario Monti.

The Commission, comprising leaders from the political, financial, economic, social, policy and medical spheres across the WHO European Region, was established to deliver recommendations on investments and reforms to improve the resilience of health- and social-care systems. Its mandate is to rethink policy priorities in the light of pandemics so that societies will be better able to cope with future health threats and other crises.

Opening the second meeting of the Commission, Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, referred to the strong support expressed by Member States for its establishment. He underlined that the Commission’s work will contribute to delivering the European Programme of Work (2020–2025), which was endorsed at the 70th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe last month.

Establishing the Scientific Advisory Board

Scientific Coordinator Professor Elias Mossialos briefed commissioners on the setting up of the Scientific Advisory Board. The Board will bring together scientific experts from the Region to establish the evidence base and to present priorities and policy options within the health- and social-care fields for the Commission’s consideration. It will also synthesize material produced regarding other cross-sectoral issues and lead on report writing. The Board will meet for the first time on 6 November 2020.

Harnessing interdisciplinary experience

The commissioners considered the framework within which they will provide their recommendations, and discussed a roadmap to deliver their work in the coming months. They noted that the Commission’s unique value is in bringing together comprehensive, interdisciplinary and intersectoral experience and expertise.

They agreed on collaborating in working groups covering the following thematic areas:

  • international governance for health
  • governments, state capacity and societal resilience
  • economic outlook and financial instruments for sustainability
  • environment, animal and human activities (One Health)
  • political infrastructure and the role of science in policy-making
  • innovation and digital transformation.

During the rich debate on next steps, commissioners recognized that the current situation offers a unique open door for politicians to reform the health- and social-care sectors. For the Commission to make use of this opportunity, its recommendations must be timely, concrete and actionable, but must also have a broad, thorough scope. These proposals will be targeted at the highest levels of political decision-makers, landing on the desks of prime ministers and heads of state.

The Commission also noted the importance of finding ways to engage the public, civil society and relevant stakeholders to further resource sustainable solutions.

Common themes emerging in the subsequent discussions included the importance of harnessing new technologies; gathering best practices from across the globe; acknowledging the current socioeconomic strains and politicized climate that health authorities and governments are navigating; taking account of environmental pressures; and considering the unequal impact of the pandemic on vulnerable groups.

In conclusion, Professor Monti expressed his appreciation for the commissioners’ invaluable insights and commitment. The working groups will be established in the coming days, and the Scientific Advisory Board will meet in early November. The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for December 2020.

Still a long way to go to achieve gender equality in all EU countries | News | European Parliament

Still a long way to go to achieve gender equality in all EU countries | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201029IPR90417/