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First Person: supporting migrants on the COVID-19 frontline in Myanmar

First Person: supporting migrants on the COVID-19 frontline in Myanmar

Myanmar has been preparing for the return of hundreds of thousands of workers – some 650,000 are in Thailand alone – and one of the key tasks was to set up quarantine facilities for those returning migrants. Sandi Swe, who has been working in a quarantine facility since March 2020, shared her experience with UN News. 

April should have been a month of festivities, celebrating Thingyan – the Burmese New Year – but this year has been unlike any other, because of the measures Myanmar has taken to curb COVID-19. As the news of the global pandemic spread, Myanmar’s migrant workers began to return home, and the country has prepared for mass returns by providing safe quarantine facilities. 

Many were established in the border town of Myawaddy, in Kayin State; men and women sheltered in different facilities, and I volunteered to support women migrant returnees. 

I work for a local Myawaddy-based organization, Migrant Monitoring Group (MMG) and, before the pandemic, I had provided awareness-raising training to migrants. I decided to volunteer, even though I was worried, because it didn’t feel right to let fear get in the way. It was simple: everyone needed help, and I could provide that help. 

I started working in the quarantine facility in March and at the beginning, I admit, I took this pandemic very lighly. But day by day, month by month, it is still here. The protective measures are becoming part of our daily routine and we can’t even guess when it will be over.

The number of migrants decreased significantly in the last few months, so aside from cleaning the facilities, we were not that busy and I thought this pandemic was almost over: until now, that is. The rate of return is increasing again, and 100 to 200 migrants are arriving every day. 

In the minds of many people, the issue of migration and returning migrants has  been linked to COVID-19. This job has allowed me to understand the migrants at a deeper level, the challenges they face currently, their anxieties about the present and the future. I believe I understand their situation more clearly and I certainly feel empathy for them. I want to support these people.

It feels good when they ask me for my help, when people need me, especially since I know I can be of assistance and make a difference.

Migrant Monitoring Group (MMG)

Masks are distributed in a quarantine facility during an awareness raising activity about the dangers of COVID-19.

Empowered by helping others

Before the pandemic, I didn’t have any experience of this type of work, but the fact remains that nothing could have prepared me or anyone else for this global emergency. 

I have found time to contemplate how the job empowered me and enriched my life, emotionally, physically and mentally. I have more energy now, and I have to learn to take care of myself and my health, especially if I am to provide more help to others. Before COVID-19, I stayed home most of the time, but working in this environment has shown me that I like to work with other people. 

I pray every day for the pandemic to end quickly. I know I am okay, and it has not affected me too much, but there are others who have lost income and opportunities. I pray for them as well.

All bark no byte? Unease over Irish performance as EU’s lead data watchdog

All bark no byte? Unease over Irish performance as EU's lead data watchdog

Two years after the EU launched its landmark GDPR data rights charter, there are signs Ireland is faltering in its outsized role as regulator of many of the most powerful digital giants.

Hailed as a potent weapon to bring tech titans to heel, the General Data Protection Regulation endowed national watchdogs with cross-border powers and the possibility to impose sizeable fines for data misuse.

Ireland hosts the regional headquarters of Facebook, Apple, Google and Twitter, and is therefore largely responsible for policing their European activities.

But its Data Protection Commission has yet to issue a major decision against any of the giants in Dublin’s glimmering “Silicon Docks”.

“It’s a blessing for Ireland economically to be the seat of these big digital companies for Europe, and that brings a lot of revenue,” one EU Commission official with deep knowledge of the area told AFP.

“With this, of course, comes an obligation. With the role as a lead regulator it has a duty to the citizens all over Europe.

“The patience of the other authorities will fade if Ireland doesn’t get its act together. It’s as simple as that.”

  • ‘Tax haven’ –

Government and business leaders are coy but it is generally understood that multinational tech companies chose Ireland because of its low 12.5 percent corporate tax rate.

In 2018, Facebook Ireland generated 25.5 billion euros ($29 billion) in revenue and paid 63.2 million euros ($73.8 million) in tax, according to the Companies Registration Office.

Meanwhile the government coffers of Ireland — a nation of just five million people — are regularly padded with receipts from multinationals.

Last year, 77 percent of Irish corporation tax receipts came from foreign multinationals and 40 percent were from just 10 companies.

Tax Justice Network chief executive Alex Cobham said his campaign group generally avoids the term “tax haven” because “every jurisdiction has a lot of work to do to improve”.

“With that caveat, yes, Ireland is a tax haven,” he said.

“Ireland is probably the most exposed to a small number of fairly similar US multinationals in pharma and in tech and it really can’t afford to cross them.”

  • ‘Regulatory austerity’ –

GDPR stipulates that data protection commissions should be separate from outside interference and there is no suggestion of government influence in the Irish process.

But little of the tax bonanza from tech companies is funnelled into Ireland’s Data Protection Commission, which acts as the EU’s regulator for firms like Facebook and their services such as Whatsapp and Instagram.

GDPR requires that countries ensure their data protection commission has the “human, technical and financial resources… necessary for the effective performance of its tasks and exercise of its powers”.

Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon, said the organisation was “disappointed” by the 2020 government allocation of 16.9 million euros ($19.7 million).

Additional funding was “less than one third” of the figure requested which “reflected a year of experience of regulating under the GDPR”, she added.

For Cobham, this suggests “regulatory austerity”, where high regulatory standards are set “but then you refuse to provide the resources to allow any type of effective enforcement”.

“You achieve the effect of not having the regulations while being able to say, ‘but look, we have the regulation’, he added.

Ireland’s 2021 budget raised DPC funding to 19.1 million euros ($22.3 million) — the same amount Facebook Ireland generated in revenue in about six and a half hours in 2018.

A government spokesman insisted the DPC “has received ongoing and positive funding support which has more than met its actual resourcing requirements”.

DPC Deputy Commissioner Graham Doyle added the “considerable” increases in government funding had allowed it to go from 29 staff in 2014 to 150.

But the EU Commission insider said: “It’s a good step forward but more is necessary.”

  • The first case –

The DPC’s first major decision is expected against Twitter in November, making it the first European authority to complete a cross-border case against a tech giant under GDPR.

It is a relatively straightforward test of whether Twitter informed the data protection authority of a breach within 72 hours and properly documented the event.

Nonetheless, the investigation was started in January last year and the DPC made a draft decision in May.

The case has since been tied up in regulatory mechanisms seeking input and consensus from data watchdogs in other EU states.

The drawn-out process is a reminder that the complexities of pan-European regulation still sprawl across the bloc.

But under the stiff GDPR regime Twitter could be fined up to four percent of its annual global turnover — a $140 million wedge of the firm’s reported $3.5 billion 2019 revenue.

If Ireland’s DPC becomes the first watchdog to impose such a stinging penalty accusations its bark is worse than its bite may begin to fade.

Afghan civil society appeals to EU to push for a ceasefire

Afghan civil society appeals to EU to push for a ceasefire

(Last Updated On: October 31, 2020)Four key recommendations were presented to the European Parliament in a meeting with Afghan civil society members under the umbrella of Afghanistan Mechanism for Inclusive Peace (AMIP) this week.

In its role as a “transfer mechanism for the peace talks”, AMIP facilitated the meeting that was aimed at highlighting the role of civil society in the Afghan peace process and called on the European Union and its member states to encourage the parties to the conflict to “immediately implement a comprehensive, nationwide and unconditional ceasefire.”

AMIP also asked the EU to call on all regional actors to “support a ceasefire agreement unequivocally, and to refrain from interference in the Afghan conflict.”

“We ask the European Union and its member states to continue their commitment and active support to an inclusive, Afghan peace process, that preserves and builds on the political, economic and social accomplishments of the citizens of Afghanistan. 

“All Afghans have suffered from the consequences of conflict, and deserve to live in a peaceful and prosperous country.

AMIP also called on the EU to “continue their commitment and support of Afghan civil society and especially that of women groups, and their participation in all processes that lead to stability and peace in Afghanistan.”

Their fourth recommendation was on the EU’s support in a post-war scenario. 

“We are grateful for the European Union’s consistent support to Afghanistan, and urge the EU and its member states to maintain its support for stability and development in the post-peace phase.”

In a tweet after the meeting, the Head of EU Delegation in Kabul ambassador Andreas von Brandt said he stated at the meeting that there was a “need to bring all Afghan voices to the negotiating table but also seek societal consensus for compromise.”

The discussion was held between the Chair of the EU Parliament Delegation for relations with Afghanistan Petras Austrevicus; the Head of EU Delegation in Kabul ambassador Andreas von Brandt; and Afghan civil society members. Also attending the meeting was representatives from the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, Afghanistan Justice Organization, Afghanistan Policy Group and the Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organizations.

EU Parliament, Council Heads Condemn Lyon Attack, Ankara Wishes Swift Recovery to Victim

EU Parliament, Council Heads Condemn Lyon Attack, Ankara Wishes Swift Recovery to Victim

On Saturday, Charles Michel wrote in a tweet that freedom of conscience in Europe must be respected. 

“We condemn this new heinous act in Lyon. All our thoughts for the priest who is between life and death. In Europe freedom of conscience is guaranteed for all and must be respected, violence is intolerable and condemnable,” Charles Michel wrote on Twitter.

​David Sassoli issued a similar statement via Twitter, stressing that Europe will stand firm against violence and terrorism.

“We are shocked and saddened by another brutal attack in Lyon. All our thoughts are with the victim who is fighting for his life. Europe will never bow to violence and terrorism. We will always defend freedom of conscience,” Sassoli said.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Saturday condemning the Lyon attack and wishing a swift recovery to the victim. According to the statement, Turkey has been fighting against various forms of terrorism for years and stands in solidarity with the French people and the Orthodox community in France.

On Saturday, an attacker armed with a hunting rifle with a sawed-off barrel wounded a Greek Orthodox priest in Lyon and then fled the scene of the shooting.

The priest, identified as 52-year-old Nikolaos Kakavelaki, was shot in the 7th district of Lyon near a Greek church on Saturday afternoon. He is now in serious condition at the hospital, according to France 24.

Lyon Mayor Gregory Doucet told reporters on Saturday that the motives behind the attack remain unknown. Lyon public prosecutor’s office said it had opened an investigation for attempted murder.

Lyon’s public prosecutor, Nicolas Jacquet, announced late on Saturday that a suspect had been arrested as part of the investigation into the attack.
On Thursday, a 21-year-old man from Tunisia killed three people in a knife attack in the Notre-Dame de Nice Basilica. The French government has designated it a terrorist attack.

The Lyon and Nice attacks occurred as France is experiencing national unease in the wake of an increasing Islamic threat following the brutal murder of French history teacher Samuel Paty by a radicalized teenager in mid-October.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on Turkish citizens to boycott French goods amid bilateral tensions over French President Emmanuel Macron’s statements against radical Islam.

On October 21, Macron delivered a speech during a commemoration ceremony for Samuel Paty. The president urged to “free Islam in France from the foreign influence and strengthen control on the mosques’ funding,” and stressed that France would continue to defend freedom of expression and step up its battle against radical Islam.

In response to these comments from Macron, Erdogan said that the French president disrespected millions of French Muslim citizens and “needed mental treatment.” He added that the “manifestation of hostility to Islam means hostility to Turkey.”

Macron said later on Twitter that “we will not give in, ever,” adding, nonetheless, that France respected “all differences in a spirit of peace” but hate speech was unacceptable.

Turkey has been joined by other Muslim countries in condemnation of Macron’s recent comments on radical Islam.

‘Kintsugi’ book review: The gleam of a repaired heart

'Kintsugi' book review: The gleam of a repaired heart

Express News Service

Kintsugi is a collection of six short stories, all the characters linked to each other, some tenuously, some strongly. We meet Haruko, a jewellery apprentice of Japanese-Korean extraction in a jeweller’s lane in Jaipur, after which we go over to Tokyo, then Kyoto, to meet Meena, Yuri and Hajime.

Then we return to that old Jaipur street to learn what happened to Haruko’s mentor, the kundansaaz’s daughter Leela, who Haruko had tutored in lapidary work for a brief spell;  we also meet Haruko’s friend for a short but intense while, Dr Prakash, again, and then we head to an island in Borneo, finally winding up in Singapore to catch up with Haruko and her current companion, Hajime. 

The stories exist in a quiet zone, there is a beautiful economy of words at work here, yet we are drawn into the lives of these six people almost immediately. These are men and women with secret and not-so-secret desires who yearn to break free of their more prosaic than tormenting shackles, who are ready to take all the risks such actions inevitably hold. Some of them, though, want to play it straight, to settle rather than risk their lives and reputations, want the comfort of steady routine in their lives.

And so we root for those who would break free, like Leela and Meena, even as we understand those who would carry on in their set grooves, like Prakash. And while we definitely bridle at the rampant patriarchy seen at  the gaddis (workshops) in the Jaipur segments of the book, it’s not as if we don’t understand where those characters are coming from.

We are given capsule lessons in the art of making kundan, meena and thewa jewellery, and the author’s attention to detail is charming. We are given glimpses of how complex life can be, both at home and away from home. And we are shown again and again, just how the human heart and its longings remain the same from person to person.

These six people  are not very much out of the ordinary, yet the way the story’s spotlight settles on them for the duration of telling their tale, has us transfixed, entering fully into their lives, needing to know it all ends well for them. There is more unsaid than said, and this reader for one, gives the author profound thanks for that. And just like the art of kintsugi, the Japanese technique of repairing broken pottery using powdered gold, these six characters too, pretty much find grace in the aftermath of heartbreak, and are ready to pick up the pieces and move on into a luminous dawn. 

In a lovely act of subtlety, the title is never explained, except for a  passing reference, and yet it doesn’t take us long to realise the characters are all damaged, all in need of kintsugi. Some are given the benediction of that exquisite repair, some are not, but all survive to face another day. I have no hesitation in saying that this is easily one of the best books I have read in 2020 and that is straight-up praise, given that the pandemic has not put any kind of crimp on some really good books being written or read, in this, the Time of the Virus. 

Opinon: Science or religion

Opinon: Science or religion

All Hallow’s Eve has finally arrived. Legends and myths would have us believe the veil between our world and that of the spirit is the thinnest during the witching hour of Halloween.

Also remember daylight savings time ends, so fall back and observe the one-hour time change on Saturday night.

Seances and nighttime visits to cemeteries are popular, if illegal, adventures for Halloween night. It should be noted that graveyards are surrounded by fences to keep things in as well to keep them out.

I’m not sure if the COVID-19 will keep the children from trick-or-treating this year. I’ll be ready with candy, just in case!

When I was in high school, there were a few area AM radio stations that were our favorites. As the 1960s transitioned into the 1970s rock-and-roll eventually morphed into the era of the disco.
We listened to KYNO, KARM and Madera’s own K-HOT radio stations. My mom, QuoVada, enjoyed listening to K-HOT, too.

One day, while listening to disc jockey Ross Thornton, I heard him attempt to call a famous astrologist for an on-air interview.

When he was unsuccessful, my mom called him. In those days the station phone was 674-8888. They broadcast the number to be used for requests, dedications and on air games the channel hosted. She told him she was a local astrologer and if he would provide her with a few vital statistics she would give him a thumbnail sketch of his personality based on his sun sign.

He gave her his birthday and year. During the next segment she did some quick calculations and then presented him with an on-air personality profile.

Thornton enjoyed the experience so much, they worked it into a regular weekend radio show titled “Astro Analysis by Quo Vada!” This intro, with spooky background noises, is still remembered by fans of her show. I often hear it when I meet somebody who was a fan of the show.

Her show consisted of 12 segments where she gave a brief outline of the week ahead based on the monthly Sun signs. One more thing she added to her report, announced the name of a local “celebrity,” whose birth sign was the current month. By celebrity, I mean notable locals like former football coach and then Madera High School Principal Bob Warner.

Gathering the sign suns of notable people was the most difficult part of preparing the scripts for her show. During this time, asking a person “What’s your sign?” served as a classic pickup line. It still is for many cheesy, low rent Lotharios. As a conversation starter, that’s not too bad an opening line.
If the person you are trying to converse with is interested, they might answer with one of the 12 Sun Signs. Other answers might include, “Stop, Yield,” or my personal favorite, “Slippery When Wet!” This response will indicate the level of interest for getting to know the Enquirer.

My gang of girls and I spent a lot of time collecting birthdays and Sun Signs for almost everyone we met. Alluding that my mom might announce their name on the radio helped to increase weekend listenership.

I also got to hang around the K-HOT studios while my mom taped her show. Meeting local radio DJs such as Chuck B. Wesley, future judge Charles Wieland, and of course Ross Thornton was pretty heady stuff for a high school kid.

The down-side of my mom’s new notoriety was the way the local clergy reacted to her show. Raised in the Church of Christ on Central and North B streets, she found the pastor of her church less than pleased when a member of its congregation appeared to be trafficking in the paranormal.

“Things like astrology, numerology and even playing with a Ouija Board is a science to be studied, not a religion to be believed,” she said.

She and a group of like minded friends also had a Theosophy group that met once a week. This group explored various doctrines with a knowledge of God achieved through spiritual ecstasy, direct intuition or special individual relations, especially a movement founded in 1895 by Helen Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott 1832 -1907, according to Google.

She also received private requests for more detailed Star Charts from fans of the show. She would chart the position of the planets based on the date, year and the exact time a person was born. Using the ephemeris of position of the heavens at the moment a person was born, she gleaned precise personality traits and a possible glimpse of what life path that person should pursue.

I never knew what these personality profiles contained, as she maintained strict client anonymity.
One of my greatest regrets is that my mother passed from this life before the advent of the personal computer.

Between tracing family trees and her work with astrology, she would have loved the Internet.

Be safe this Halloween, and may you have long days and pleasant nights. Have a great weekend.

• • •

Readers may contact Tami Jo Nix by emailing [email protected] or following @TamiJoNix on Twitter.

France has no problem with any religion – Macron – PM News

France has no problem with any religion – Macron – PM News

EU provides additional €400,000 humanitarian aid to help Nagorno Karabakh civilians

EU provides additional €400,000 humanitarian aid to help Nagorno Karabakh civilians

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 31, ARMENPRESS. The European Union provided an additional €400,000 in humanitarian aid to support the civilians in Nagorno Karabakh, EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič announced.

This funding brings EU emergency humanitarian aid to €900,000 since the hostilities started.

“The EU calls for an immediate end to the hostilities that have already claimed civilian lives. We are extremely concerned about the deterioration of the humanitarian situation, given the upcoming winter and the aggravating coronavirus pandemic,” Lenarčič said.

Editing by Stepan Kocharyan

Islamic leader says Lalmonirhat lynching goes against religion

Islamic leader says Lalmonirhat lynching goes against religion

The man, Abu Yunus Md Shahidunnabi Jewel, was beaten and burnt to death in public although everyone has the right to trial under the law of the land if he or she commits a crime, Matin said at a protest programme in Dhaka’s Shahbagh on Saturday.

“The burning of a man to death in Lalmonirhat was completely against Islam and humanity. I condemn such an incident,” he said at the programme organised by the Muktijuddho Mancha.     

The leader of the Islamist party believes there were ill-intentions behind the killing of Jewel.

“Islam is a religion of peace. No religion supports violence and killing. An extremist quarter is trying to create anarchy in Bangladesh in the name of religion. Their main target is to tarnish Bangladesh’s image globally,” Matin said. 

The speakers at the programme also demanded punishment to those who spread rumours over religion on social media and at religious gatherings.

A mob killed Jewel and injured another in Lalmonirhat on allegations that he showed disrespect to the Quran at a mosque last Thursday.

Jewel, a resident of Rangpur, is a former student of Dhaka University. Thet father of two lost his job as a school librarian last year. Relatives said he was undergoing treatment for “mental illness”.


The police have arrested five people over the killing of Jewel.

“We are conducting an operation to arrest the others,” said Abida Sultana, superintendent of police in the district.

The police, the family of Jewel and Burimari Union Parishad filed three cases with Patgram Police Station over the incident.

The mob also torched Jewel’s motorcycle and the UP office, where the local UP member Hafizul Islam took Jewel and the injured, Sultan Zubayer Abbas, to save them from the angry locals.

Sumon Kumar Mohanta, the OC of Patgram Police Station, rescued Abbas and fled the Burimari Union Parishad office through the rooftop, locals said.

The mob stormed the office and dragged Jewel out before beating and burning him to death on the Lalmonirhat-Burimari Highway near Burimari Land Port.

UP Chairman Abu Sayeed Newaz Nishat said the union council decided to take action after watching videos of the incident.

Additional District Magistrate TMA Momin is leading a three-strong committee formed the district administration to investigate the incident. Md Rabiul Islam, additional superintendent of police in the district, and Patgram Upazila Executive Officer Kamrun Nahar are members of the committee.

Rabiul said the police did arrive at the scene but could not take control of the situation. As many as 10 policemen were injured, he said.

Are conspiracy theories really ‘a new religion’?

Are conspiracy theories really ‘a new religion’?

… described as “a new religion,” and is now making … quot; and the abandonment of religion. Still, there is no doubt … the birth of a new religion,” wrote Adrienne LaFrance for … said Molly Worthen, historian of religion and politics at the University …