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Farmers ‘can’t rely on UK workers alone’, government warned

Farmers ‘can’t rely on UK workers alone’, government warned

PUBLISHED: 14:04 05 November 2020 | UPDATED: 14:43 05 November 2020

                        <p class="byline">
        <a class="email" href="mailto:[email protected]" rel="nofollow">            <!-- Author Start -->Sarah Chambers<!-- Author End -->
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                                        <p class="article-image-caption">UK workers still only made up 11% of the seasonal farm workforce this year, even after a widely-publicised government-led recruitment drive  Picture: JAMES FOSKETT</p>
                                                            <p class="article-image-copyright">James Foskett Farms</p>

                        <!--PSTYLE=SF Web Summary--><h2>A Suffolk vegetable grower warned his organic business “would finish overnight” if he had to rely on UK labour as the industry seeks clarity on how to source workers post-Brexit.</h2>

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<div id="1.6917110" class="object-465"> <em>James Foskett wouldn't be able to continue with his organic operation without his overseas seasonal workforce  Picture: JAMES FOSKETT</em></div>The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) is calling on the government to explain how fruit, vegetable and flower growers in the UK will be able to recruit seasonal pickers next year.

Its industry-wide survey showed that despite the widely publicised Pick for Britain campaign, UK residents still made up only 11% of the workforce this year.

MORE – Grower hopes eastern Europeans laid off from other sectors may help to plug UK-wide hole in seasonal farm workforce
James Foskett — owner of Foskett Farms, near Woodbridge, which grows a range of crops including onions, potatoes, carrots and a range of organic produce — said this year the farm had welcomed between 5% and 10% casual seasonal workers from the UK at any one time.

“Some are quite good workers for going on graders or harvesters on hourly rates but no good for weeding or picking vegetables on piece rates because they can’t do enough in an hour to earn the minimum wage and so we have to make the wages up,” he said.

NFU vice president Tom Bradshaw is calling for government clarity on where farms can source seasonal labour post-Brexit Picture: JOHN COTTLE

“If we had to rely on UK workers our organic business would finish overnight. We just desperately hope we are given an allocation of seasonal workers from Eastern Europe either from the European Union (EU) or not.”

The NFU’s Horticulture Seasonal Worker Survey 2020 was completed by 244 horticultural growers recruiting more than 30,000 people — which equates to just under 50% of the workforce.

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NFU vice president Tom Bradshaw — who farms at Fordham, near Colchester — said workers from outside the Uk were “absolutely vital” to the horticultural sector especially as the industry had ambitions to grow more fruit and vegetables.

Seasonal workers hand weeding carrots at James Foskett Farms at Bromeswell, near Woodbridge Picture: JAMES FOSKETT

“We are at a critical time in recruitment for many growers. As freedom of movement ends on December 31, those growers of iconic British daffodils, asparagus, and soft fruits still don’t know where they will recruit experienced workers from.

“The Pick for Britain campaign was a great initiative, and many have suggested we could continue to recruit a domestic workforce for the coming 2021 season and beyond. While there was a fantastic response from Brits to the call for domestic workers this year in extraordinary circumstances, we see from the survey results that they only made up 11% of the workforce. Seasonal work on farm simply isn’t a viable solution for many.

“What we’re asking of them is huge. In reality it means people needing to work in very rural areas, away from their homes and families, where they will only have guaranteed work for between three and six months.”

The survey showed first-time UK resident workers stayed for nine and a half weeks on average, compared to just over 14 weeks for first-time non-UK workers and 18 weeks for returnee non-UK workers.

“Understandably, these workers continued to look for work closer to home, meaning many left farms part way through their contract and leaving growers having to re-recruit, which impacted on overall productivity levels and increased production costs.”

The situation was “easily solved” with the implementation of a seasonal worker scheme, building upon the pilot scheme that has already operated successfully for the past two seasons.

“If this is not in place by the beginning of the year, we would be the only developed country in the world without such a scheme. It would seem remarkable for the government to take such a gamble when it will hit UK businesses at a time when economic recovery is paramount. I call on government to act now, support our ambitions to lead a horticultural revolution in this country, growing the food that is so critical as part of a healthy diet, and ensure growers have an experienced workforce recruited in time to see this ambition become a reality.”

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Religion shouldn’t undermine children’s rights in UK, NSS tells UN

Religion shouldn’t undermine children’s rights in UK, NSS tells UN

The National Secular Society has urged the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to ensure children’s rights in the UK are not undermined by religion.

The call came in a submission to the committee as it begins its periodic examination of children’s human rights in the UK.

The committee monitors the progress of member states’ implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Education and children’s rights

The report filed by the NSS raised concerns relating to the undermining of children’s rights in faith schools and throughout state education.

It highlighted widespread discrimination against children, some stemming from religious exceptions to equality legislation, including concerns around:

  • Religious discrimination against children in pupil admissions and other aspects of school life
  • Children being compelled to take part in religious worship
  • A failure to ensure religious education is objective, critical and pluralistic
  • Inadequate access to age-appropriate relationships and sex education which is inclusive and comprehensive.

The report also drew the committee’s attention to severe breaches of children’s rights in religious schools, including unregistered faith schools that operate outside of the law.

The submission expressed alarm at the “unacceptably slow” shift away from religiously segregated schooling in Northern Ireland, where just seven per cent of children attend integrated schools.

It urged the UN to press the UK to phase out religiously segregated state-funded schools in NI and to ensure every child in the UK has the right to access a local publicly-funded secular school.

Forced genital cutting

The submission also expressed concern over the failure to address the forced genital cutting of boys.

The committee has previously recommended that the UK ensure “no one is subjected to unnecessary medical or surgical treatment during infancy or childhood” and “guarantee bodily integrity” – but only in relation to female genital mutilation and intersex surgery.

The NSS submission called for protections from non-therapeutic genital cutting to apply to all children equally, regardless of sex.

Child sexual abuse in religious institutions

The NSS also highlighted serious failings to protect children from sexual abuse in religious settings.

It called on the CRC to recommend the UK adopts a new mandatory reporting law, requiring those in positions of trust toward children or vulnerable adults to report suspected physical or sexual abuse to the appropriate civil authorities.


NSS chief executive Stephen Evans said: “Too often the individual rights of children are relegated or ignored when they clash with the interests of religious communities.

“We hope this examination compels all governments in the UK to better protect and promote children’s best interests and human rights where religious interests stand in the way of their realisation.”


  • Every state that has ratified the convention is required to report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child on how it is fulfilling its obligations. This allows the committee to assess what progress a state is making in implementing the convention. This reporting process happens once every five years.
  • At this stage civil society groups are invited to submit issues of concern ahead of the 88th pre-session of the CRC.
  • The UN last examined how well the UK is implementing the treaty in May 2016 and published its recommendations in June 2016.
  • The NSS has also submitted a report to the committee focusing primarily on child sexual abuse in religious institutions in Germany.

Photo by Toan Nguyen on Unsplash.

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Nagorno-Karabakh, EU Bishops appeal for intensifying multilateral peace efforts

Nagorno-Karabakh, EU Bishops appeal for intensifying multilateral peace efforts

Nagorno-Karabakh, EU Bishops appeal for intensifying multilateral peace efforts   

COMECE calls on the European Union to actively engage for peace in the Nagorno Karabakh region and provide concrete assistance to communities affected by recent flare-up of violence between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Since the end of September 2020, the Nagorno Karabakh has been repeatedly experiencing renewed waves of violence, leading to the loss of lives of many civilians and to the destruction of homes, basic infrustructures and places of worship.

COMECE expresses concerns about the situation in the south Caucasus, currently marked by fragile truces interrupted by armed clashes, causing not only grave material damage, but also spiritual suffering.

In recent weeks, Pope Francis has addressed several appeals to the parties in conflict “to stop the shedding of innocent blood and engage in sincere negotiations with the help of the international community”.

While joining Pope Francis’ prayers for a lasting peace in the region, COMECE welcomes the humanitarian assistance provided by the European Commission to cover the needs of civilians affected by the conflict, and calls on the EU to actively contribute to the OSCE-led negotiation efforts involving all conflict parties and regional stakeholders.

In this context, Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto, General Secretary of COMECE, appeals on the EU to ensure the protection of places of worship and the safety of all local communities. In the medium and long term, COMECE also enourages the EU to promote integral human development and a strategy on empowering people – especially the youth – at all levels of political, social and economic life in the region.

Genmab Announces Phase 3 Study Evaluating Epcoritamab in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma

Genmab Announces Phase 3 Study Evaluating Epcoritamab in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma

Genmab Announces Phase 3 Study Evaluating Epcoritamab in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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Digital Security Act: JnU student sued for ‘derogatory’ comments on religion

Digital Security Act: JnU student sued for ‘derogatory’ comments on religion

Jagannath University (JnU) student Tithy Sarker has been sued under the Digital Security Act for making “derogatory” comments about religion on Facebook.

Abu Musa Rifat, a student of the university’s zoology department, filed the case with the Cyber Tribunal in Dhaka today, Shamim Al Mamun, bench assistant of the tribunal, confirmed to The Daily Star.

After a hearing, Judge Mohammad Ash Sams Joglul Hossain took the case into cognisance and recorded the complainant’s statements.

The court also instructed the Cyber Crime Investigation Division of the Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) unit of police to investigate the matter and submit a report to it by December 8.

Read more: ‘Derogatory’ Comments on Religion: Suspended JnU student ‘missing’ for 4 days 

Regional Director visits newly opened GDO in Istanbul and speaks at Turkic Council on country visit

Regional Director visits newly opened GDO in Istanbul and speaks at Turkic Council on country visit

On a recent country visit to Turkey at the invitation of Minister of Health Dr Fahrettin Koca, WHO Regional Director for Europe Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge delivered a keynote address at the Health Scientific Board of the Turkic Council and spoke with Mr Baghdad Amreyev, Secretary General of the Turkic Council.

The Regional Director’s visit also offered the opportunity to visit WHO/Europe’s new geographically dispersed office (GDO) in Istanbul, which will be a centre of excellence for preparedness for humanitarian and health emergencies.

Preparedness for humanitarian and health emergencies

Earlier this year, WHO/Europe and Turkey’s Ministry of Health signed an agreement to establish the new GDO focusing on preparedness for humanitarian and health emergencies. Dr Kluge met with Deputy Minister of Health Professor Emine Alp Meşe and expressed his thanks to the Ministry for their support in establishing the GDO.

Dr Kluge reiterated that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the real and lasting impact of health emergencies on health systems. He spoke of the importance of ensuring that countries have the necessary capacities to prepare for health emergencies. The GDO will be a regional centre for such capacity-building and training.

Emergency preparedness is strongly emphasized under the European Programme of Work (EPW), United Action for Better Health, which envisages protecting more people from health emergencies as one of its core priorities. This will also contribute to the triple-billion goals highlighted in WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work.

Speech at the Turkic Council

In his keynote speech at the fourth meeting of the Health Scientific Board of the Turkic Council, Dr Kluge stressed the importance of subregional networks like the Turkic Council, which help coordination on health security threats such as COVID-19. In addition, Dr Kluge spoke of the need for greater understanding how health and livelihoods interlink, and emphasized how decisive measures taken early to control the pandemic will, in the long run, benefit the economy.

The meeting also provided an opportunity to speak with other health ministers, including Dr Alexey Tsoy of Kazakhstan, Dr Alymkadyr Beyshenaliev of Kyrgyzstan and Dr Alisher Shadmanov of Uzbekistan.

Working together with United Nations partners

Central to WHO’s work in countries, partners play a vital role in improving health care. Dr Kluge met with Ms Alanna Armitage, Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). He thanked UNFPA for their collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic and recognized ongoing work between the agencies, including an agreement and joint work plan on the implementation of the WHO European Action Plan on Sexual and Reproductive Health in countries of eastern Europe and central Asia. Dr Kluge and Ms Armitage spoke about the importance of sexual and reproductive health and maternal health to both agencies, adding that a new action plan should be planned together between WHO/Europe and UNFPA.

In a separate set of meetings, Dr Kluge spoke with Ms Gwi Yeop Son of the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UNDCO) about possible areas for collaboration with the opening of the new GDO in Istanbul. The meeting also offered the chance to highlight the implementation of the EPW, which regards partnerships with other United Nations agencies as an important part of success. The discussions covered how WHO/Europe and UNDCO can work together to ensure that any potential COVID-19 vaccine is rolled out smoothly in countries of Europe and central Asia.

Responding to an earthquake

During the visit, an earthquake struck Izmir and affected other parts of Turkey as well as neighbouring Greece. The Regional Director expressed his condolences to the Turkish authorities and offered WHO/Europe’s support. The WHO Country Office in Turkey immediately mobilized a response to support partners in the Ministry of Health as well as the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey (AFAD).

Remarks by Commissioner Gentiloni at the press conference on the Autumn 2020 Economic Forecast

Remarks by Commissioner Gentiloni at the press conference on the Autumn 2020 Economic Forecast

European Commission Speech Brussels, 05 Nov 2020 Let me begin by thanking DG ECFIN and my team for their efforts.
It is not easy to have solid forecasts in such an uncertain situation.
We have with five key me…

Consultation Paper on Draft advice to EC under Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation

Consultation Paper on Draft advice to EC under Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation

ESMA invites responses to the questions set out throughout this Consultation Paper and summarised in Annex II. Responses are most helpful if they:

–        respond to the question stated and indicate the specific question to which they relate;

–        contain a clear rationale; and

–        describe any alternatives ESMA should consider.

ESMA will consider all comments received by 4 December 2020.

All contributions should be submitted online at www.esma.europa.eu under the heading ‘Your input – Consultations’.

Publication of responses

All contributions received will be published following the close of the consultation, unless you request otherwise. If you do not wish for your response to be publicly disclosed, please clearly indicate this by ticking the appropriate box on the website submission page. A standard confidentiality statement in an email message will not be treated as a request for non-disclosure. A confidential response may be requested from us in accordance with ESMA’s rules on access to documents. We may consult you if we receive such a request. Any decision we make not to disclose the response is reviewable by ESMA’s Board of Appeal and the European Ombudsman.

Data protection

Information on data protection can be found at www.esma.europa.eu under the heading ‘Data protection’.

Who should read this paper?

This Consultation Paper may be of particular interest to non-financial undertakings and asset managers covered by Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (the ‘Taxonomy Regulation’) as well as to investors and other users of non-financial information.

Chi-Med Highlights HMPL-689 Clinical Data to be Presented at the 62nd ASH Annual Meeting

Chi-Med Highlights HMPL-689 Clinical Data to be Presented at the 62nd ASH Annual Meeting

Chi-Med Highlights HMPL-689 Clinical Data to be Presented at the 62nd ASH Annual Meeting – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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Bishop Oballa: Increase in Gender Based Violence is worrying

Bishop Oballa: Increase in Gender Based Violence is worrying - Vatican News

Samuel Waweru – Nairobi.

Bishop Oballa urged couples to work towards ensuring that things are right in the family so that society can achieve success in curbing Gender Based Violence (GBV).

“The family is one of the most precious values that the Church holds and promotes,” said Bishop Oballa. “If things are right in the family, society will thrive. If things begin going wrong at the family level, society is going to be affected. God intended that as the first unit of society, the family should be a place of holiness, communion and love,” he said.

Gender Based Violence during Covid-19

The Bishop was addressing Family Life Coordinators drawn from Kenya’s Catholic Diocese of Ngong during a training workshop on Prevention and Intervention of violence. The workshop was held at the Watakatifu Wote Senta in Ngong recently. The training was organised by the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) – Family Life National Office. It was the first in a series of trainings planned across Catholic dioceses in Kenya to address the rising incidences of GBV in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic.

Bishop Oballa noted that Covid-19 has brought out many issues that have been underlying in families, saying the world we are living in today calls for families to have a lot of compassion and love for one another. He encouraged families not to give room to intolerance as this could spark violence.

God’s word can heal our tendency to violence

“God’s word can heal our anger, intolerance and tendency to violence so that we can start to treat one another with love and mercy in all situations without calculation, especially with those we live,” said the Bishop. “I believe we give room to intolerance and violence when we begin calculating. When people start calculating, they give room to sowing discord, and this brings bitterness.”

Bishop Oballa called upon the family life coordinators to strive to have model families and be examples that others can emulate, telling them that a lot is expected from them by God and the Church.

‘When you cultivate a model family, this will help you to work on your wrong relationships and allow God to heal whatever it is that has not been going well,” he said. “I call on you to reflect on whether you are the man or woman, husband or wife, father or mother, that you should be. God has expectations of you, and the Church too has expectations of you,” emphasised Bishop Oballa.

See in every human person, a child of God

The Bishop urged the coordinators to heed the exaltation of Pope Saint John Paul II that calls on Christian families to share in the life and mission of the Church.

“If all families understood the ministry of the Church, GBV would have no place whatsoever in the society,” said Bishop Oballa. “If everyone saw in every human being, a child of God, GBV would be non-existent. Please go out and be ambassadors of God’s love and peace.”

Combating violence in society requires commitment

He told the coordinators that success in their work of combating violence in the society would not depend on their numbers but their commitment to the cause. He reminded them that Jesus only had 12 Apostles, but the message of Salvation has today reached the ends of the world.

“You just need a few people who grasp the message and are convinced to be able to pass the message and influence the attitudes and habits of others,” said the Bishop.

He thanked the staff of KCCB – Family Life National Office for organising the diocesan trainings, saying this was a true mark of their commitment and dedication in ensuring the laity are formed in ways that contribute to peace and a loving atmosphere in the homes.

Change begins with each one of us

For his part, the National Executive Secretary of the KCCB – Commission for Pastoral and Lay Apostolate, Fr. Josiah Muthee, told the coordinators to be committed to the GBV campaign and have the zeal and passion of football fans while championing their cause. He said the time had come for those in Kenya to take matters of child safeguarding seriously just as is happening in the Western World.

 “Ensure that you benefit as much as possible from this training before you can cascade the GBV campaign to the grassroots. Change begins with all of us. We must be ready to do away with certain norms, cultures and customs that have become outdated,” said Fr. Muthee.