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UN marks poignant birthday as staff deaths mount in Gaza

UN marks poignant birthday as staff deaths mount in Gaza

UN Day on 24 October marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter – the day the Organization officially came into being.  

‘We grieve, and we remember’

The dead in Gaza include many teachers, the agency noted in a tweet on Monday. “We grieve and we remember. These are not just numbers. These are our friends and colleagues…UNRWA mourns this huge loss.”

The 13,000-strong agency which operates across the Palestine Occupied Territory has been working tirelessly with other UN humanitarians inside Gaza and across the region, to aid stricken civilians, often at great personal risk.

Determined to forge peace

Through the UN Charter, countries united in their resolve to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”

Secretary-General António Guterres recalled that the Charter “is rooted in a determination” to build peace.

“On this United Nations Day, let us commit with hope and determination to build the better world of our aspirations,” he said.

Call for unity

The UN chief called on all nations to commit to a future that lives up to the name of the indispensable organization.  

“We are a divided world. We can and must be united nations,” he urged.

Commemorative events planned on Tuesday include a concert at UN Headquarters in New York, on the theme of The Frontlines of Climate Action, reinforcing one of the UN chief’s key priorities, ahead of the crucial COP28 summit in Dubai next month.

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Road traffic and domestic heating cause poor air quality across Europe


Emissions from road traffic and domestic heating behind breaches of EU air quality standards across Europe — European Environment Agency

Over the period 2014 to 2020, 944 air quality plans were reported to the EEA, according to the briefing ‘Managing air quality in Europe’. Authorities in Member States are required to set up air quality plans to reduce air pollution in areas where EU air quality standards are exceeded and protect public health and ecosystems. The majority of the air quality plans focus on reducing levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter with a diameter of 10 µm or less (PM10).

From 2014 to 2020, just under two thirds of all reported exceedances of air quality standards were linked to dense traffic in urban centers and proximity to major roads, mainly due to emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx). Road traffic was a key source of air pollution in western and northern Europe, with six countries, namely Austria, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, and the United Kingdom*, reporting road traffic as the only source of exceedances.

In contrast, in southern and eastern Europe domestic heating was an important source driving exceedances of standards for PM10. Countries that reported domestic heating as a significant driver of exceedances include Croatia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, andSlovenia.   

In terms of measures put in place to reduce emissions under air quality plans, two thirds focused on reducing emissions of NOx from the transport sector, while only 12% focused on domestic heating and 4% on the agricultural sector, the latter two being important sources of particulate matter.

According to the EEA report ‘Air quality in Europe 2021’, exposure to air pollution caused a significant burden of premature death and disease in the 27 EU Member States in 2019, with 307,000 premature deaths attributed to fine particulate matter and 40,400 to NO2

Under the European Green Deal’s Zero Pollution Action Plan, the European Commission set the 2030 goal of reducing the number of premature deaths caused by PM2.5 by at least 55% compared with 2005 levels. To this end, the European Commission committed to revising relevant policies that reduce air pollutant emissions at source, such as from road transport and buildings. The Commission is also revising the Ambient Air Quality Directives to align EU air quality standards more closely with  new WHO air quality guidelines published in September 2021.

Background on air quality plans

The EU’s ambient air quality directives set air quality standards for certain pollutants in ambient air to protect human health and the environment. If these values are exceeded, Member States are required to take necessary action to reduce the concentrations of air pollutants and prepare an air quality plan that sets appropriate measures. The aim is to keep the exceedance period as short as possible.

*EEA products, websites and services may refer to research carried out prior to the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. Research and data relating to the UK will generally be explained by using terminology such as: “EU-27 and the UK” or “EEA-32 and the UK”. Exceptions to this approach will be clarified in the context of their use.

Antwerp, an eclectic city: between modern architecture and historic buildings


Antwerp, an eclectic city: between modern architecture and historic buildings

Located in the north of Belgium, Antwerp is a city that has harmoniously combined modern architecture and historic buildings. This unique combination makes Antwerp a popular destination for lovers of art, history and architecture.

At the heart of the city is the historic district, known as the Old Town. This place is full of magnificent buildings, dating from medieval and Renaissance times. Antwerp’s Grand Place is a true architectural gem, with its richly decorated guild houses. The Maison des Brasseurs, the Maison des Chats and the Maison des Diamants are just a few examples of these historic buildings that bear witness to the city’s glorious past.

But Antwerp is not just a city stuck in the past. It is also the birthplace of many modernist architects who left their mark on the city. One of the most iconic examples of modern architecture in Antwerp is the Museum of Contemporary Art, designed by the famous Dutch architect, Rem Koolhaas. This bold and futuristic building is a true masterpiece of contemporary architecture.

Besides the Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp has many other modernist buildings worth seeing. The Antwerp Conference and Exhibition Center, also known as “Het Zuid”, is a striking example of modern architecture. This architectural complex houses a conference center, exhibition halls and offices, all integrated into an avant-garde design.

Strolling through the streets of Antwerp, one can also discover architectural gems such as the Stoclet House, designed by Belgian architect Joseph Hoffmann. This Art Nouveau building is a true hidden treasure, with its facade decorated with floral motifs and its sumptuous interiors.

But architecture is not the only wealth of Antwerp. The city is also renowned for its fashion industry, with renowned designers such as Dries Van Noten and Ann Demeulemeester helping to make Antwerp a fashion capital. The MoMu, the Antwerp Fashion Museum, is an unmissable place for fashion enthusiasts, with its exhibitions dedicated to Belgian and international designers.

Besides fashion, Antwerp is also known for its port, one of the largest in Europe. This historic port, located on the Scheldt, played a crucial role in the economic development of the city. Today it is still possible to see the freight ships sailing on the Scheldt, giving the town a unique maritime atmosphere.

Finally, Antwerp is a culturally rich city, with many museums, art galleries and theaters. The Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp houses an impressive collection of artworks, ranging from Flemish masters such as Rubens and Van Dyck, to contemporary Belgian artists.

In conclusion, Antwerp is a city that harmoniously combines modern architecture and historic buildings. Its historic district is full of architectural treasures, while its modernist buildings bear witness to the creativity and daring of its architects. But Antwerp is much more than a city of architecture, it is also a fashion capital, a historic port and a cultural center. A visit to Antwerp is therefore a real journey through history, art and architecture.

Originally published at Almouwatin.com

RUSSIA, A Jehovah’s Witness deprived of his citizenship and deported to Turkmenistan

After his release from the penal colony, Seidkuliev was kept in a deportation center and expelled from the country (Credit: Jehovah’s Witnesses Russia)
After his release from the penal colony, Seidkuliev was kept in a deportation center and expelled from the country (Credit: Jehovah’s Witnesses Russia)

On September 17, 2023, employees of the Federal Migration Service, contrary to a court decision, deported Rustam Seidkuliev to Turkmenistan. Earlier, at the initiative of the FSB, his Russian citizenship was revoked due to criminal prosecution for his faith. 

Seidkuliev was sentenced to two years and four months to penal colony for participating in worship services and talking about Bible topics. In total, Rustam spent a little more than a year and ten months behind bars. After Seidkuliev’s release from the colony, additional punishment came into force. It was not associated with imprisonment and allowed him to live with his wife and move freely around Saratov, and to communicate with friends and to work. 

Judicial proceedings

In January 2020, the Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case against Rustam Seidkuliev. He was accused of extremism for reading and discussing the Bible. Two weeks later, the police arrested him in a shopping center in Adler. He was transported to the city of Saratov and placed under house arrest for seven months. In March 2021, Seidkuliev’s case came to court. Two months later he was found guilty and sentenced to two and a half years in a general regime colony. The regional court reduced this period by two months. The Court of Cassation approved this decision. Seidkuliev served his sentence in Penal Colony-33 in Saratov. During this time, the FSB accomplished the revocation of his Russian citizenship. In April 2023, he was released from the colony, and in September he was deported to Turkmenistan.


According to Seidkuliev himself, FMS officers tried to expel him from the country twice. The first attempt was on September 15, but the flight was delayed, and the believer was returned to the detention center. “The next day, the staff came and said, ‘You have 15 minutes to get ready,'” the believer recalls. “After that, they were taken to Moscow by car, explaining the rush because of the order of the authorities.” 

Seidkuliev arrived in Ashgabat at 3 a.m. There he was kept at border control for about 12 hours and released after paperwork was completed.

More than 20 years ago, Rustam’s stepfather was deported from Turkmenistan because he was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is how the Seidkuliev family ended up in Saratov.

Rustam Seidkuliev became the fourth Jehovah’s Witness to be deported from the country by the Russian authorities because of his religion since 2017. Previously, this happened to Dennis ChristensenFeliks Makhammadiev and Konstantin Bazhenov.


At the Warsaw Human Rights Conference organized earlier this month by the OSCE, Jehovah’s Witnesses recommended that Russia:

  • annul the April 2017 Supreme Court decision that banned and liquidated the legal entities of the Witnesses
  • release all Witnesses in detention
  • remove the Witnesses’ religious literature, including the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (the Holy Bible), from the Federal List of Extremist Materials
  • return all confiscated property owned or used by the Witnesses
  • enforce media standards prohibiting libel and slander
  • abide by Russia’s Constitution and respect international law, including the binding judgments of the European Court of Human Rights

Human right to food needs ‘massive investment’, Guterres

Human right to food needs ‘massive investment’, Guterres

Addressing the UN-backed body meeting in Rome on Monday, António Guterres underscored that the session was taking place “at a moment of crisis for global food security” and provided some sobering statistics. 

“Last year, 735 million people went hungry. More than 3 billion cannot afford a healthy diet,” said the Secretary-General in a video message, adding that “we are going backward on our goal of zero hunger by 2030.”

He emphasized that hunger and malnutrition were not just problems but human rights violations “on an epic scale”, painting a vivid picture of the dire consequences of the rolling crisis.

“When nutritious food is out of reach because of cost or geography; when bodies are eaten away by hunger; when parents watch helplessly as their children suffer and even die from a lack of food”, this is nothing less than “a human tragedy – a moral catastrophe – and a global outrage,” Mr. Guterres stated.

All about access

The Secretary-General made it clear the world has the resources to address this crisis. “There is more than enough food to go around. And more than enough resources to ensure that every person on the planet has enough to eat.”

He emphasized the role of governments in ensuring access to nutritious food, saying that while they have a responsibility to provide it, many governments lack the resources to do so.

António Guterres called for effective international solidarity to transform food systems for all people.

For that, explained the UN chief, massive investment, innovation, science, and technology are essential – to build “sustainable food systems in harmony with nature and addressing the climate crisis.” 

Thinktank on food supply

He commended the work of the CFS – which includes staff from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP) – emphasizing its importance in finding solutions.

“Your Committee’s work is critical to this process. From reimagining agrifood systems to boosting the collection and use of data, to ensuring that the needs of women and girls are at the heart of all that we do.”

The Secretary-General implored the world to prioritize this fundamental human right: “Let’s give the fundamental human right to food the investment and urgent action it deserves.”

Established in 1974, the Committee on World Food Security was reformed in 2009 to become an inclusive international and intergovernmental platform tasked to ensure food security and nutrition for all.

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Scientology and the Rise of New Pragmatic Religions in Europe, A Changing Spiritual Landscape


The Church set out a red carpet for Kulturnatten (Culture Night), welcoming over 1600 people in a matter of hours to their home in the heart of Copenhagen.

BRUSSELS, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, October 26, 2023 /EIN/ — In recent times Europe has experienced a growing fascination with new practical religions, like Scientology, which has seen an increase in popularity for the last seventy years. This change is evident in the rising belief that “the church provides answers to people’s spiritual needs” and the emergence of faith in a “personal deity”.

Despite the trend towards secularism in Western Europe a significant portion of the population still identifies with some form of religion or spirituality. For instance when asked about their religious affiliation a considerable number of individuals still consider themselves Christians making up 71% in Germany and 64%, in France.

This growing interest in new pragmatic religions is becoming more evident. For instance, the case of Scientology has gained momentum, particularly since the launch of the Scientology Network, which broadcasts worldwide in 17 languages, bringing these alternative faiths into the spotlight.

According to Ivan Arjona, who represents Scientology in the European Union, OSCE and the United Nations, this growing interest reflects the evolving panorama in Europe. Arjona mentioned that as individuals become more receptive to concepts and perspectives they are also increasingly open, to exploring alternative religious practices that might better align with their personal requirements.

The changing religious scene is marked by a quest for hands-on methods to connect with spirituality. These movements, such, as Scientology provide “tools and techniques that aid individuals in enhancing their lives and attaining their objectives”. For instance, “Scientology provides a range of courses and counselling services aimed at helping individuals overcome personal challenges and attain greater success in life” says Arjona.

It is asserted by studies that Europeans are responding to this trend in various ways. While secularization in Denmark stands out as one of the most secularized countries globally, with church attendance figures in continuous decline, this trend contrasts with the increased visibility of religious minorities, particularly Muslims, raising questions about the dynamics between different religious and non-religious groups and the future of the Established Church in the country.

A resurgence of religious belief despite the broader trend of secularization, seems to be a response to the fact, as Ivan Arjona says “the church of Scientology gives adequate answers to people’s spiritual needs” and to the concept of a “personal God”. This would seem to suggest that while Europe, in general, may be less religious, there are substantial variations in religious commitment within the old continent.

This increasing interest in practical religions can be seen in the Church of Scientology’s recent participation in Copenhagen’s annual “Cultural Night” (Kulturnatten). During the event, the Church welcomed over 1,600 curious visitors, which proves the growing curiosity about these alternative belief systems. Kulturnatten is a city-wide event that celebrates Copenhagen’s diversity by providing a closer look at the city’s cultural, artistic, and religious institutions. Scientologists in Denmark have now participated in the program for the fifth time which is seen as a testament to the acceptance of new religious movements.

A press release from the Church of Scientology International detailed the event saying:

“From the start of the city-wide event at 6 p.m. until midnight, guests toured through the Church’s information centre, its chapel, and rooms set aside for providing the religion’s spiritual counselling (called auditing) and training. They also saw the Office of L. Ron Hubbard—a facility in every Church of Scientology that honours the legacy of the religion’s Founder and stands in testament that the Church is true to Mr. Hubbard’s writings and ideals. Scientologists were on hand to answer questions and refer visitors to Mr. Hubbard’s books and courses where they could gain more in-depth information.”

An important datum to helps to explain why Scientology is in such a position is the personal implication of Mr. David Miscavige, the ecclesiastical leader of religion, who has played and plays a pivotal role in increasing the reach of Scientology in society, especially since he launched the “Ideal Churches” program reinforcing and guaranteeing not only the standard application of religion’s doctrines but also its social programs of the Truth About Drugs, United for Human Rights, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, and many others.

In conclusion, Europe is experiencing a diverse response to the growing interest in new pragmatic religions, with some countries becoming more secularized and others retaining a strong religious identity. The Church of Scientology’s active presence in Denmark and the increase in belief in a “personal God” reflect the changing spiritual landscape in the region.

– https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/05/29/10-key-findings-about-religion-in-western-europe/
– https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2016/03/preliminary-findings-country-visit-denmark-heiner-bielefeldt-special-rapporteur
– https://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-sociologie-1-2006-5-page-99.htm
– https://ndpr.nd.edu/reviews/the-varieties-of-transcendence-pragmatism-and-the-theory-of-religion/
– https://www.scientologynews.org/press-releases/culture-night-at-the-church-of-scientology-helps-the-curious-find-out-more.html

Scientists have predicted how the Sun will die


In 10 billion years we will be part of a planetary nebula

Scientists have made predictions about what the last days of our solar system will look like and when they will happen.

At first, astronomers thought the Sun would become a planetary nebula – a glowing bubble of gas and cosmic dust – until evidence showed our star lacked the mass to do so. However, evidence was subsequently found to support the old thesis.

The Sun is about 4.6 billion years old – measured by the age of other objects in the Solar System that formed around the same time.

Based on observations of other stars, astronomers predict that the Sun will reach the end of its life in another 10 billion years.

Before that, other important things will happen.

In about 5 billion years, the Sun should become a red giant. The star’s core will contract, but its outer layers will expand to the orbit of Mars, engulfing our planet in the process.

As for humanity, it can survive another 1 billion years on the planet. The reason for this is that the brightness of the Sun will increase, making the temperatures unlivable.

By studying other stars, scientists conclude that 90 percent of Sun-like stars evolve from red giants to white dwarfs and then end up as planetary nebulae.

“When a star dies, it ejects a mass of gas and dust into space. The envelope can be up to half the mass of the star. This exposes the star’s core, which at this point is running without fuel before finally dying,” explained astrophysicist Albert Zijlstra from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, one of the authors of the paper.

“Only then does the hot core cause the ejected shell to glow brightly for about 10,000 years – a short period in astronomy. But this makes the planetary nebula visible. Some are so bright that they can be seen from extremely great distances – tens of millions of light years. Before eventually, such stars would be invisible at such a distance,” adds the scientist.

“The data says you can get bright planetary nebulae from low-mass stars like the Sun, the models say it’s not possible,” says the scientist. This means, according to him, that the models need to be updated, and the future of the Sun becomes easier to predict.

Planetary nebulae are relatively common in the observable Universe, with the Helix Nebula, the Cat’s Eye Nebula, the Ring Nebula, and the Bubble Nebula all known.

Illustrative Photo by Billel Moula: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-plants-during-golden-hour-542515/

The Future of Ukraine, how to get out of the crisis ?


For the first time since the war started, the future of Ukraine is being considered. A high-level international conference was held in Paris on how to stop the bloodshed.

The conference was organised at Paris Business School on October 24th 2023  with prominent speakers, experts, researchers and journalists. It was moderated by Frédéric Encel, professor of geopolitics at Paris Business School and Sciences Po with a keynote speakers Ambassador Gerard Araud, former French diplomat and Jeffrey Sachs, American Econmist and professor at Columbia University.

Ambassador Araud has highlighted that the war in Ukraine needs diplomacy which is difficult to understand for Europeans. He brought the precedent and South and North Korean model of ceasefire and freezing the conflict as a possible solution.

He also reminded that all the boundaries in Europe of today are the result of different wars and in each war was a an attacking side and a defending side. It is remarkable that the Ambassador sees good chances that the war will be stopped after Donald Trump wins the elections, which is a likely scenario for the upcoming US elections.

Christophe Gomart, a general and a respected columnist joined the analysis of Ambassador Araud by reviewing the situation from a military perspective and considering that Ukraine’s and Russia’s potentials. Ukraine is getting destroyed and exhausted, although keeping high spirit but  Russian capabilities appear to be higher despite the aid to Ukraine from the West.

Gaidz Minassian, a professor at sciences Po and a journalist at le Monde compared the Ukrainian-Russian war to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijani and how this war had a lot of repercussions on other conflicts in the region and the need to put an end to the conflict to stabilize the region.

Manel Msalmi, the president of the European Association for The Defense of Minorities and a researcher in international relations in Brussels mentioned that Ukraine needs to fight against corruption and food insecurity. She has emphasised the ongoing destruction of Ukraine and human suffering. Manel Msalmi has also raised the issue of the rising level of corruption in Ukraine which is widely discussed in the USA now. And she said: “We must ask a question: why the diplomatic means are so weak? Why not to use the means of negotiations to stop the war? In the meantime, Ukraine is getting destroyed. The war destabilises the world and eliminates Ukraine”.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs, American Economist and professor at Columbia University joined the discussion via zoom. He has stated that this war should have been prevented so many times. Unfortunately, there were occasions to negotiate, but the US was trying to enlarge NATO by any cost without taking into consideration Russian concerns. Now, Ukraine is loosing not only by sacrificing hundreds of thousands but possibly loosing sovereignty. He was very critical of the current US policies. He insisted that the way to stop the war through negotiations must be found.

The last speaker was Gérard Chaliand, a geopolitical, writer and winner of the book prize of geopolitics. He warmly congratulated professor Sachs and highlighted the need to stop the war and save the life of Ukrainian people but also questioned the continuation of military supplies to Ukraine.

The conference ended with a series of questions from the students who were intrested to exchange with the experts.

This was the first event of this sort which may lead to further discussions and eyes opening.

Europe’s road transport needs to shift gears towards sustainability — European Environment Agency

Europe’s road transport needs to shift gears towards sustainability — European Environment Agency

The EEA assessment ‘Decarbonising road transport — the role of vehicles, fuels and transport demand’ analyses the driving factors for greenhouse gas emissions from passenger cars and heavy goods vehicles in the European Union (EU). The new report is part of the ‘Transport and environment reporting mechanism’ (TERM) series of annual assessments.

According to EEA data, CO2 emissions from passenger cars in the 27 EU Member States increased by 5.8 %, and emissions from heavy goods vehicles increased by 5.5 %, from 2000 to 2019.

The main reason for the total increase in both car and truck emissions was growing transport volumes, which have only partially been offset by better fuel efficiency and the use of biofuels, the EEA assessment shows.

Adding to the challenge of growing transport volumes, Europe has not yet shifted to greener transport modes. During the past two decades, cars have maintained and slightly increased their dominant share in land-based passenger mobility while trucks have done the same in freight transport.

Improving vehicle CO2 efficiency, including increasing the share of electric vehicles, is expected to play an important role in decarbonising passenger and freight transport — especially when coupled with continued decarbonisation of electricity and fuel production. 

However, the EEA assessment also finds that decarbonising Europe’s mobility system requires methods beyond efficiency gains in road transport. This includes higher occupancy rates, for example through ride-sharing, and fuller cargo loads, as well as, curbing demand and shifting to greener transport modes: walking, cycling, buses, trains, and inland navigation.

To support the overall climate neutrality target, the EU goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport by 90% by 2050, compared with 1990 levels.

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Israel-Palestine: Protection of civilians ‘must be paramount’ in war Guterres tells Security Council

Israel-Palestine: Protection of civilians 'must be paramount' in war

The UN Security Council has been meeting at UN Headquarters in New York for what was a scheduled quarterly open debate on the ongoing conflict Israel-Palestine, now given greater urgency by the Hamas attacks of 7 October and the deepening humanitarian crisis as the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip continues. 

The UN chief said the situation “is growing more dire by the hour”, repeating his call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. Follow lives updates here:


Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s Foreign Affairs Minister, spoke acknowledging the greatest crime of all committed by the Nazi regime in the last century.

“Never again”, to me as a German, means that we will not rest knowing that the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors are now being held hostage by terrorists in Gaza, said the Federal Minister.

For Germany, Israel’s security is non-negotiable. Like any other State in the world, Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorism within the framework of international law.  

Addressing the plight of the Palestinians in no way contradicts this clear and unwavering stance. It is a key part of it, she declared.

For full blow by blow coverage of the debate so far and the dozens of speakers to come on the Israel-Palestine crisis, you can visit our special UN Meetings Coverage Section, here.


Sameh Shoukry Minister for Foreign Affairs of Egypt said the “Palestinian territories are going through horrific developments”, noting that the thousands of people had been killed there, including thousands of children. 

“It is shameful that some continue to justify what is happening, citing the right to self-defence and resisting terrorism”.

He asserted that silence in this case is tantamount to giving one’s blessing, and that calling for respect for international humanitarian law without describing specific violations, is tantamount to participating in the crimes.

Check out our UN News explainer published last week, outlining what happens if ambassadors serving on the Security Council are unable to agree a course of action as has been the case so far with the crisis in Gaza.

Israeli diplomat calls on UN chief to resign

The Israeli ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan called on the UN Secretary-General to “resign immediately” in a tweet at 11.22am, and at the stakeout outside the Security Council. Foreign Minister Eli Cohen also tweeted that he would not be meeting with the UN chief today for a scheduled bilateral. 

Ambassador Erdan told reporters at the stakeout that in noting the Hamas attacks “did not happen in a vacuum” in his address to the Council, the UN chief was “justifying terrorism”.

In response to questions concerning the Foreign Minister’s tweet, the UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said that the Secretary-General would be meeting family representatives of hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza, adding they would be accompanied by a representative of the Israeli Permanent Mission to the UN.  

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Israel-Palestine: Protection of civilians 'must be paramount' in war Guterres tells Security Council


China’s Ambassador Zhang Jun said “the eyes of the entire world are on this Chamber,” calling on the Council to send a powerful, united message.

That includes an immediate ceasefire, which the Council must express in clear, unambiguous language. If not, the two-State solution could be jeopardized. States should uphold a moral conscience not double standards.

Ambassador Zhang Jun of China addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe – Ambassador Zhang Jun of China addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.

Turning to the humanitarian situation in Gaza he said urgent efforts are needed. Aid supplies currently allowed to enter the enclave are “a drop in the bucket”. The full siege of Gaza must be lifted alongside the collective punishment of Palestinians.

In this vein, he called on Israel to stop its attacks and allow aid to be delivered, adding that international humanitarian law must be upheld. The Council must defend the rule of law at every level and oppose any violations, he said.

The root cause of the conflict rests in the prolonged occupation of Palestinian territory and a lack of respect for their rights, he said, adding that Council actions must not deviate from this.

Palestinians queue for water in Gaza.
© WHO/Ahmed Zakot – Palestinians queue for water in Gaza.


Vasily Nebenzya Russia’s ambassador to the UN said it was unfortunate the meeting was taking place on UN Day against the backdrop of “unprecedented” violence that has caused “catastrophic” casualties on both sides, with Russians among the victims.

The number of deaths and injuries “bears witness to the fact that scale of the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip has exceeded all of our worst imaginations,” he said.

The “terrible acts” of 7 October and the “tragic events” that followed were the result of years of “destructive positions” that Washington had taken, accusing the US of sabotaging potential solutions to the protracted conflict in the region.

Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia of the Russian Federation addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.
UN Photo/Manuel Elías – Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia of the Russian Federation addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.

“We along with many others for several years now, have warned that the situation is on the brink of explosion and the explosion occurred,” Mr. Nebenzya said.

“This crisis has once again shown that without fair settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in line with Security Council and General Assembly resolutions and based on approved international decisions on the two-State solution, regional stabilization will be out of reach,” he added, reiterating Russia’s position that there needs to be a sustainable negotiation process.

“Following this there must be the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian State, within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, coexisting in peace and security with Israel.”

United Kingdom

Tom Tugendhat the UK’s Minister for Security expressed resolute support Israel’s right to self-defence. At the same time he recognized that Palestinians are suffering, noting that the UK has committed an extra $37 million to support civilians in Gaza.

“We must prevent this conflict sparking conflict beyond Gaza and engulfing the wider region in war,” he said, pointing to Hezbollah attacks on Israel’s northern border and rising tensions in the West Bank. “It is in the interest of Israeli and Palestinian civilians and all States in the region, that this conflict does not spread further.”

Foreign Minister Tom Tugendhat of the United Kingdom addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.
UN Photo/Manuel Elías – Foreign Minister Tom Tugendhat of the United Kingdom addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.

The UK’s longstanding position on the Middle East Peace Process supports a negotiated settlement leading to a safe and secure Israel living alongside a viable and sovereign Palestinian state.

“The events of the past week show with total clarity, the need to achieve these goals,” he said. “Hope and humanity must win out.”


Catherine Colonna France’s Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs said it is “high time” for the Council to shoulder its duty to condemn Hamas’ attack in Israel.

France stands firmly with Israel which has the right to defend itself, while respecting international humanitarian law. Indeed, all civilian lives must be protected she stressed.

Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna of France addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe – Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna of France addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.

Safe, swift aid access is urgently needed in Gaza; “each minute counts”, she said, calling for humanitarian pauses and a truce that could lead to a sustained peace, underlining France’s continued provision of aid to the enclave.

At the same time the Council must mobilize and fully exercise its responsibilities, she added.

“It is our duty to pave the way to peace,” she said. “The only viable solution is the two-State solution. We need to do all we can. This Council must act and it must act now.”

United States

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told ambassadors around the horseshoe table that among the more than 1,400 people Hamas killed on 7 October were citizens of over 30 UN Member States, including Americans.

“Every one of us has a stake, every one of us a responsibility in defeating terrorism,” he said.

He also underscored the vital need to protect civilians, adding that Israel has the “right and the obligation” to defend itself and “the way it does so, matters.”

US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
UN Photo/Manuel Elías – US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Secretary Blinken said that Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people and Palestinian civilians are not to blame for the “carnage” committed by the militants.

“Palestinian civilians must be protected, that means Hamas must cease using them as human shields. It is hard to think of an act of greater cynicism,” he said.

He noted that Israel must take all possible precautions to prevent harm to civilians and that food, water, medicine and other humanitarian assistance must be able to flow into Gaza and to the people who need it.

He also said that civilians must be able to get out of harm’s way, urging the consideration of humanitarian pauses.

Amid relentless violence, families flee their shattered homes in Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood, seeking refuge in the southern Gaza Strip..
© UNICEF/Eyad El Baba – Amid relentless violence, families flee their shattered homes in Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood, seeking refuge in the southern Gaza Strip..


Maura Viera Minister for Foreign Affairs of Brazil underscored that under International Humanitarian Law, Israel as the occupying power “has the legal and moral obligation” to protect the population of Gaza.

“Recent events in Gaza are particularly concerning including the so called evacuation order, which is leading to an unprecedented level of misery for innocent people.”

Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira of Brazil  addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe – Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira of Brazil addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.

He added that the amount of aid flowing into Gaza through the Rafah crossing is “certainly insufficient” to meet the needs of the civilian population in the enclave noting that the lack of power is impacting healthcare workers and hospitals – with safe water supplies very limited.

“Civilians must be respected and protected at all times and everywhere,” the Minister stressed, reminding that all parties must “strictly abide” by their obligations under international law.

“I highlight in this respect the fundamental principle of distinction, proportionality, humanity, necessity and precaution which must guide and inform all actions and military operations,” he said.


11.04: Israel’s Foreign Affairs Minister Eli Cohen holding up a collage of those kidnapped by Hamas, said the hostage situation is a “living nightmare”. Recalling the 7 October attack on Israel, he said the day “will go down in history as a brutal massacre” and a “wake-up call” against extremism and terrorism.

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen of Israel addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
UN Photo/Manuel Elías – Foreign Minister Eli Cohen of Israel addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

“Hamas are the new Nazis,” he said, calling for immediate access to hostages and their unconditional release.

Qatar could facilitate. 

“You, members of the international community, should demand Qatar to do just that,” he said. “The meeting should conclude with a clear message: bring them home.”

Israel has a right and duty to defend itself, he said. “It’s not just Israel’s war. It’s the war of the free world.”

The proportional response to the 7 October massacre is “a matter of survival,” he said, thanking nations for supporting Israel.

“We are going to win because this war is for life; this war must be your war as well,” he said. Right now, the world faces a “clear choice of moral clarity”.

“One can be part of the civilized world or surrounded by evil and barbarity,” he said. “There is no middle ground.”

If all nations do not stand decisively by Israel’s mission to “eliminate the monsters from the face of the Earth”, he said this will be “the darkest hour of the UN” which will “have no moral justification to exist”.

Foreign Minister Riad Al-Malki of the State of Palestine addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe – Foreign Minister Riad Al-Malki of the State of Palestine addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

State of Palestine

10.45Riyad al-Maliki Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine stated that the Security Council and the international community has a duty and an obligation to save lives.

“Continued failure at this [Security] Council is inexcusable,” he stressed.

He emphasized that only “international law and peace” were worthy of unconditional support by countries, adding that “more injustice and more killing, will not make Israel safer.”

“No amount of weapons, no alliance, will bring it security – only peace will, peace with Palestine and its people,” he said, stating: “the fate of the Palestinian people cannot continue to be dispossession, displacement, denial of rights and death. Our freedom is the condition of share peace and security.”

Mr. al-Maliki stressed that avoiding an even greater humanitarian catastrophe and regional spillover, “it must be clear that this can only be achieved by putting an immediate end to the Israeli war launched against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. Stop the bloodshed.”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Israel-Palestine: Protection of civilians 'must be paramount' in war Guterres tells Security Council

‘Humanity can prevail’

Briefing the Council, Lynn Hastings, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, said agreement on the resumption of aid deliveries through the Rafah, Egypt, crossing and the release of a small number of hostages over the past few days “shows that through diplomacy and negotiation, humanity can prevail, and we can find humanitarian solutions, even in the depths of conflict”.

The world is looking
to the Member
States around this
Council to play its part

Lynn Hastings

Urging all countries with influence to exert it and ensure respect for international humanitarian law, she said civilians must have the essentials to survive. As such, the passage of rapid and unimpeded humanitarian relief must be facilitated, and water and electricity connections resumed, she added.

She said that 20 more trucks are due to move over the Rafah crossing today “although they are currently delayed.” She said the UN was dtermined “to do our part to ensure these deliveries continue.”

She paid tribute to the 35 UN Palestine relief agency (UNRWA) colleagues who have tragically been killed during the Israeli bombardment. 

Parties on all sides “must take constant care, to spare civilians”, with water and electricity connections resumed, in accordance with the rules of war. 

10.38: “If we are to prevent any further descent into this humanitarian catastrophe, dialogue must continue – to ensure essential supplies can get into Gaza at the scale needed, to spare civilians and the infrastructure they depend on, to release hostages, and to avoid any further escalation and spillover,” she said. “The world is looking to the Member States around this Council to play its part in leading the way.”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Israel-Palestine: Protection of civilians 'must be paramount' in war Guterres tells Security Council

‘The stakes are astronomically high’: Wennesland

Addressing the current risk of conflict expanding to the wider region, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, said he and the UN Secretary-General have been pursuing “any and every opportunity” to address the situation on the ground and to prevent further civilian death and misery.

10.28: “It is critical, that we, as a united international community, employ all our collective efforts to end the bloodletting and prevent the further expansion of hostilities, including in the region,” he said. “The stakes are astronomically high, and I appeal for all relevant actors to act responsibly.”

Any miscalculation could have “immeasurable consequences”, he warned, adding that these devasting events were not divorced from the broader context in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Israel, and the region.

For a generation, hope has been lost, he underlined.

“Only a political solution will move us forward,” he said. “The steps we take to address this crisis must be implemented in a way that ultimately advances a negotiated peace that fulfils the legitimate national aspirations of Palestinians and Israelis – the long-held vision of two-States, in line with UN resolutions, international law, and previous agreements.”

‘More dire by the hour’: Guterres

10.11: Mr. Guterres gave what he termed an introduction to the current crisis, saying the situation in the Middle East is “growing more dire by the hour“.

“Divisions are splintering societies and tensions threaten to boil over”, he said.

“It is vital to be clear on principles” he added, starting with the protection of civilians.

Secretary-General Guterres underscored the need for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, “to ease epic suffering, make the delivery of aid easier and safer and facilitate the release of hostages”.

Watch the UN chief’s full remarks here:

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Israel-Palestine: Protection of civilians 'must be paramount' in war Guterres tells Security Council

He also emphasized that the world cannot lose sight of the only realistic foundation for peace and stability in the Middle East – a two-State solution.

“Israelis must see their legitimate need for security materialized and Palestinians must see their legitimate need for an independent State realized, in line with UN resolutions, international law and previous agreements.”

What’s at stake

It marks the fourth time the 15 ambassadors of the UN’s premier peace and security body will convene since the intense cycle of violence began.

You can follow all the proceedings live on X broadcast by our colleagues at UN Web TV – click on the tweet here on the page, or click on the video embedded in the main photo area of this story.

So far, there has no agreement on any action, to alleviate the suffering of civilians caught up in the spiralling conflict between Hamas militants, who control the enclave of over two million Palestinians.

The Council failed to adopt two previous draft resolutions addressing the escalation. The first from Russia calling for an immediate ceasefire, failed to get enough votes, while a Brazilian draft was vetoed by the United States. Although it called for humanitarian pauses for aid access, the US determined objected to the fact it did not mention Israel’s right to self defence.

The UN chief António Guterres is due to brief today along with the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland. 

UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory Lynn Hastings is also down to brief. She’s also been given the brief of deputy special coordinator.

Foreign ministers from several countries are also due to take part.

So far, 92 different countries have signed up to speak.

Today is also United Nations Day, marking 78 years since the UN Charter entered into force. In a statement the UN chief said that “at this critical hour, I appeal to all to pull back from the brink before the violence claims even more lives and spreads even further.”

UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe – The 15 members of the UN Security Council meet to discuss the conflict in Gaza.