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Religion and Politics: Do They Belong Together?

Religion and Politics: Do They Belong Together?

The answer to this question at the heart of a classic work on political philosophyNEWS PROVIDED BY
Carmel Communications
Nov. 11, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 11, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ — The clash between religion and politics has been a way of life for centuries yet the history of such political thought has nearly been erased in modern times, leading to a lack of foundational knowledge of perennial issues affecting Americans today. In a republished version of a 1984 classic, THE POLITICS OF HEAVEN AND HELL: CHRISTIAN THEMES FROM CLASSICAL, MEDIEVAL, AND MODERN POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, questions of how religion and politics are intertwined and the reasons why this matters so deeply for humanity are explored and linked together not only in more modern eras but throughout the Old Testament and times of Aristotle and Plato.

THE POLITICS OF HEAVEN AND HELL is written by the late James V. Schall, S.J., a professor of political philosophy from 1977 to 2012 at Georgetown University, where he received his Ph.D. in Political Theory in 1960. Three times he was granted the Award for Faculty Excellence by the senior class at Georgetown’s College of Arts and Sciences. He wrote hundreds of essays and columns, and more than thirty books, including On Islam, The Order of Things, and Another Sort of Learning from Ignatius Press.

Robert Reilly, author of America on Trial, aptly notes in the foreword that man “politicizes everything” as he tries to reconcile the world to himself by his own efforts, which eventually leads to tyranny, perhaps a warning for modern day politics in the 21st century.

Schall wrote in THE POLITICS OF HEAVEN AND HELL that the best defense against tyranny is “the adequate description of the highest things, of what is beyond politics.” Both reason and revelation are needed for this work, and they are eloquently and ably set forth in the book.

“Schall’s book reminds us of the balanced riches of classical and medieval sources of Christian political thought,” said Jay W. Richards, Ph.D., research assistant professor, Busch School of Business, Catholic University of America. “Anyone interested in the survival of the West in the twenty-first century should read this book.”

For more information, to request a review copy or to schedule an interview with Robert Reilly, who wrote the foreword to the book, please contact Kevin Wandra (404-788-1276 or [email protected]) of Carmel Communications.
SOURCE Carmel Communications

CONTACT: Kevin Wandra, 404-788-1276, [email protected]

The Green Organic Dutchman Holdings Ltd.’s (TGODF) CEO Sean Bovingdon on Q3 2020 Results – Earnings Call Transcript


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MEP: The European Union has chosen to leave Armenia alone against Azerbaijan and Turkey

MEP: The European Union has chosen to leave Armenia alone against Azerbaijan and Turkey

Member of the European Parliament from Greece Emmanouil Fragkos believes the European Union has left Armenia alone against Azerbaijan and Turkey.

“The European Union has chosen to leave Armenia alone against Azerbaijan and Turkey! Dictator Erdogan will not stop here and soon the EU will pay for the mistakes it has made! The recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey would have blocked its continuation today!” the Greek MEP tweeted, commenting on the armistice deal on Nagorno Karabakh, which makes Armenia surrender significant territories to Azerbaijan without directly addressing the status of Artsakh.


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Ability To Increase Reach And Receive Grants Online Greatly Facilitates The NGOs And Charitable Organizations Industry

Ability To Increase Reach And Receive Grants Online Greatly Facilitates The NGOs And Charitable Organizations Industry – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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Religion and the Reputation of a Cleric

Religion and the Reputation of a Cleric

Al-Qabas, Kuwait, November 6

A recent BBC investigative report revealed that thousands of young boys across Sudan were chained, beaten and sexually abused by religious figures working for a network of schools that specializes in teaching underserved students to read, write and memorize the Qur’an. The investigation, which was conducted undercover for over a year and a half, included terrifying testimonies collected from 23 victims, including children as young as five years of age. According to one testimony, school officials tied six or seven students together in chains and forced them to run. When the boys fell, they were beaten with whips and clubs. The investigation was published on all major international and Arab media outlets, including in Sudan. But not a single person reacted to the heinous crimes described in it. Meanwhile, when French President Emmanuel Macron made a remark on Islam, the streets of Khartoum immediately filled up with thousands of angry protesters. What happened to these school children was so much harsher and uglier than the remarks of a foreign president. But for some reason, not a single person took to the streets to protest the abuse of innocent children in the hands of clerics who lack any conscience or morals. Consider another recent event: A few days ago, Tariq Ramadan – grandchild of Hassan al-Banna, the founding father of the Muslim Brotherhood – was charged in court with his fifth case of rape. Ramadan is widely considered one of the most prolific scholars of Islam in Europe and, in many ways, the heir to his grandfather. Yet this noble figure, who is regarded with religious awe and honor, turned out to be a person far different than we believed him to be. This reminds me of a third event: A Kuwaiti court recently indicted the head of a large Kuwaiti charitable institution for embezzling the association’s funds. The funds were meant to reach an Islamic country. The reason I’m bringing these three stories up isn’t to attack specific religious officials. Rather, it’s to show that all human beings make mistakes and that it’s dangerous to impose an aura of holiness on those working in religious fields. Granted, clerics should not be subjected to doubts or accusations just because they have long beards and represent sanctity. Yet we must remember that these figures are human beings first and foremost. The only way to rid our societies of corruption and crime is to make sure that everyone – including notable religious figures – is held accountable to the same laws. – Ahmed Al-Sarraf (translated by Asaf Zilberfarb)

Opening – MEPs hold a minute of silence in memory of victims of terrorism | News | European Parliament

Opening - MEPs hold a minute of silence in memory of victims of terrorism | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201109IPR91122/

Holy See: certain anti-Covid-19 measures limit religious freedom – Vatican News

Holy See: certain anti-Covid-19 measures limit religious freedom - Vatican News

By Vatican News staff writer

According to the Holy See, the different measures imposed by OSCE-participating States to combat the COVID-19 pandemic have had profound consequences on the freedom to manifest one’s religion or belief, and have limited the religious, educational and charitable activities of religious communities. In particular, Monsignor Janusz UrbaĹ„czyk warned legislators of OSCE states about the serious consequences that restrictive measures such as those applied due to the pandemic can create in religious communities. Besides playing an important role in the fight against the crisis, including in the field of health, these communities, he said, also offer “moral support and messages of solidarity and hope”.

The OSCE, which comprises 57 participating States of Europe, North America and Asia, addresses a wide range of security-related concerns, including arms control, confidence- and security-building measures, human rights, national minorities, democratization, policing strategies, counter-terrorism and economic and environmental activities.

Autonomy of religious communities

“States must respect the autonomy of religious communities, guaranteeing them the freedom to choose, appoint and replace their leaders or decide – on the basis of their internal norms – the content of their beliefs, their structure or their name,” Msgr. UrbaĹ„czyk urged. 

Noting that the exercise of religious freedom leads to personal fulfilment and helps contribute to the good of society, the Holy See official lamented that, in certain societies, religions continue to be perceived as a source of intolerance and a threat to peace. He deplored attempts to limit religions or creeds to the private sphere, relegating them to temples and places of worship and depriving them of their legitimate role in the public arena.

Role of media

In this regard, Msgr Urbanczyk noted that the media, as instruments for the promotion of the freedom of religion, have failed to create the right balance or consensus on how and where to draw a line between the right to freedom of expression and the right to freedom of religion. Sometimes, he said, there are insults or discrimination against doctrine, the institutions or the followers of particular religions. He called on the OSCE to develop guidelines to promote religious tolerance and non-discrimination in the media and, in particular, to avoid “labelling and denigrating” believers or their communities as “bigots and fanatics”.

The Holy See representative also condemned the “dissemination of contempt” for religious communities, including “instigation to hatred” and the promotion of irreverence through “provocative representations” of religious symbols on the internet and social media. 

Inter-religious dialogue, cooperation

Speaking about the role of civil society in defending religious freedom, the Vatican official urged support for interfaith dialogue and collaboration to promote greater tolerance, respect and understanding among the different communities of believers. He called for a dialogue that guarantees the stability and security of democratic societies; and which, as Pope Francis says, could be “instruments to build bridges”.

Msgr Urbanczyk further clarified that interreligious dialogue is an internal matter of religious communities. They should be left to decide whether and when to initiate it, which communities to engage and which issues to dialogue on. In this regard, he said, the state should not interfere in the freedom of religious communities under the pretext of a consultation.

The Holy See representative concluded by stressing the need to convince people that in a secular age, freedom of religion and belief is an important right that deserves to be protected.    

Budget and recovery: no more excuses for delays, says budgets committee chair | News | European Parliament

Budget and recovery: no more excuses for delays, says budgets committee chair | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/eu-affairs/20201022STO89916/

European Union bolsters Covid-19 response in South Sudan

European Union bolsters Covid-19 response in South Sudan

JUBA – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomes a donation of EUR 4 million from the European Union (EU) to purchase Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to ensure the continuity of humanitarian operations in South Sudan during the COVID-19 pandemic.

South Sudan’s healthcare infrastructure is extremely limited, and the consequence of an upsurge in COVID infections could have a devastating impact on vulnerable people, especially coming on top of the already heavy impact of accumulated other shocks such as floods, economic crises and increased localized conflicts.

Humanitarian workers are at the front line of the fight against COVID-19 in South Sudan. Over 65 metric tons of PPE, such as face shields, goggles, gowns and face masks, were transported to South Sudan by WFP’s free-to-user cargo services as part of the global response to the pandemic.

Giving humanitarian workers adequate access to protective equipment is key to containing the spread of the virus and ensuring that the most vulnerable receive the support they need. PPE requests are managed by WFP and distribution will be prioritised across the country by an inter-agency team led by the World Health Organization.

“Humanitarian workers in South Sudan will now be better protected from the virus and will be better equipped to fulfil their life-saving mission,” said European Union Ambassador Christian Bader. “Health and humanitarian workers are a precious lifeline for all people of South Sudan.”

“This donation comes at a critical time. The European Union is supporting our ability to save lives in an ever-evolving situation, keeping communities and aid workers safe in the process. We are very grateful for this support,” said Matthew Hollingworth, WFP Country Director and Representative in South Sudan.

The European Union is a long-standing WFP partner, supporting its emergency and development work in South Sudan. It has contributed EUR 152 million to WFP’s operations in the country over the past five years.


The United Nations World Food Programme is the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. We are the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.

Follow us on Twitter @WFP_SouthSudan and @WFP_Africa

For more information please contact (email address: [email protected]):

Saddal Diab, WFP Juba Mob: + 211 92 255 5013

Musa Mahadi, WFP Juba Mob: +211 92 255 9505

Zambia: Church cannot remain silent in the face of worrisome trends says, Bishop Lungu – Vatican News

Zambia: Church cannot remain silent in the face of worrisome trends says, Bishop Lungu - Vatican News

Mwenya Mukuka – Lusaka, Zambia.

Bishop Lungu made the remarks when he officially opened a ZCCB Peacebuilding workshop in the capital, Lusaka, on Wednesday. The workshop has the theme: Towards a Peaceful Zambia – the role of the Church.

The two-days workshop is being held at the Bishops’ Kapingila house. The aim is to raise awareness among key pastoral agents to be true and effective promoters and mediators of peace. The workshop has attracted forty-four participants from all Catholic Dioceses of Zambia. These include the country’s Bishops as well as various pastoral coordinators, communication secretaries, Caritas, and social programme directors drawn from the country’s dioceses. Also participating are members of the Catholic Secretariat management team.

Socio-political challenges threaten peace in Zambia

Zambia is currently faced with several socio-political and economic challenges. In general, the country is considered a stable and peaceful democracy. However, there are growing concerns, in Zambia, that the current government has progressively become authoritarian, thus risking instability, in the country. The Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka Archdiocese, Telesphore-George Mpundu, has of late been in the forefront raising the alarm over the shrinking political space and ordinary citizens regularly facing intimidation for criticising the government. Members of Opposition political parties have been arrested and prevented from carrrying out their political activities. Some independent media outlets have been closed by authorities under arbitrary circumstances. Security actors such as the police service have become overly politicised. All this is happening at a time when Zambia is experiencing economic hardships aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most people, especially in rural areas, are struggling to meet basic needs such as access to healthcare, education, sufficient food, clean water, and housing.

Unacceptable to allow such trends from our comfortable zones

Bishop Lungu emphasised that such worrisome trends if left unchecked could see the country lose its treasured peace at the altar of expedience with the obvious results of continued discord and lack of progress in the pursuit of the common good.

“It is morally unacceptable to allow certain trends to go on while we remain watching and waiting from our comfort zones.  This workshop is no doubt, a manifestation of that desire to do something about our situation. A time to take note of the silent cries of our people,” said Bishop Lungu.

The Church is the conscience of the nation

The ZCCB President further said that the Church may take pride in that it is the voice of the voiceless and the conscience of the nation. Yet, if the voice of the Church at certain critical times goes silent, for whatever reason, that is failure in its mission.

The prelate of Chipata noted that the Church must remain true to its identity as ambassadors of Christ and effective promoters and mediators of peace.

Bishop Lungu hoped that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, participants at the workshop would contribute to genuine peace and reconciliation in Zambia.