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Opening remarks by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis at the read-out of the College meeting and press conference on the European Semester Autumn Package


European Commission Speech Brussels, 18 Nov 2020 Now that Europe is caught up in the second wave of the pandemic, we are again facing a very deep socio-economic impact.
It is a difficult time for everyone. All…

REACT-EU: additional support of €47.5 bn agreed to address impact of COVID-19 | News | European Parliament

REACT-EU: additional support of €47.5 bn agreed to address impact of COVID-19  | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201113IPR91597/

Backed by space technology, Asia-Pacific countries power sustainable development

Backed by space technology, Asia-Pacific countries power sustainable development

Released on Wednesday, UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) report Geospatial Practices for Sustainable Development showcases examples from the region’s countries employing applications of space technology to advance sustainable development.  

“Night-light” satellite images monitoring the impact of lockdowns, “heatmaps” to chart out communities vulnerable to the pandemic and its socio-economic consequences, real-time situational analysis, and dashboards integrating a wide gamut of critical information to support decisions are some of the practices cited. 

The examples, according to the report, show how space applications and geospatial data have played an important role in providing essential location-based and temporal data to make an “overall data map” and snapshots on the COVID-19 pandemic for policymakers and the public. 

Strengthening resilience 

In addition, combining spatial data from contact tracing, quarantining, and social distancing with digital solutions and artificial intelligence (AI)-driven risk analytics can help enhance community resilience. 

Such applications can also help in the recovery phase to build back better, by providing an evidence base for decisions on the easing of lockdown and the resumption of economic and social activities, the report added. 

“The effective integration of geospatial data, with existing statistics and ground-based information, will be key to delivering the timely data needed for governments, businesses, communities and citizens to make evidenced-based decisions”, said Armida Salsiah Alisjahjabana, Executive Secretary of ESCAP. 

The report, issued two years after Asian and Pacific countries endorsed an ambitious plan of action on use of space technologies to support sustainable development also provides a baseline for assessing future progress in the region. 

Importance of partnerships 

In addition to presenting an overview of the status along thematic areas such as disaster risk, natural resource management, connectivity, social development, energy, and climate change, the report also highlights the importance of multi-stakeholder partnerships.  

“Many regional and country-based efforts are sparking innovations that attract both public and private capital, supporting start-ups and spinoffs from space applications research and pilots,” said ESCAP.  

The report outlined seven key recommendations for policymakers to integrate applications of geospatial information into their planning and actions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

These include investments to cultivate national experts; incorporating geospatial information into national institutions and platforms; integrating geospatial data with other data sources; employing geospatial data to create, implement and monitor policies; ensuring privacy, safety and ethics of data; providing open data access; and encouraging local to international collaborations. 

South Sudan: European Union boosts resilience in Northern and Western Bahr el Ghazal states

South Sudan: European Union boosts resilience in Northern and Western Bahr el Ghazal states

JUBA – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomes a €6.1 million contribution from the European Union to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities in Northern and Western Bahr El Ghazal states.

The funds will provide a four-year project to transform the livelihoods of 10,000 vulnerable households through capacity building and providing agricultural inputs and tools to increase production, reduce food losses and enhance access to markets.

“The EU infrastructure development programme, for which the EU has mobilised a total of €16 million under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, complements and builds synergies with previous and current EU-funded interventions in the mentioned states, where priority rural infrastructures have been already constructed and are in use,” said European Union Ambassador Christian Bader.

“This programme not only addresses connectivity and food security, but also fundamental values and issues critical for a sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development such as: promotion of social cohesion, peacebuilding, gender equality, human rights protection, job creation for youths and women, enhanced incomes for poor vulnerable households and, last but not least, environmental safeguards,” he added.

“We are grateful to the European Union for its commitment to supporting vulnerable communities. The empowerment of smallholder farmers is integral to fighting food insecurity and driving economic development,” says Matthew Hollingworth WFP Country Director in South Sudan.

WFP fights food insecurity, restores livelihoods of rural populations, eliminates isolation and inequity in South Sudan through resilience building programmes such as Smallholder Agriculture Market Support (SAMS). SAMS increases agricultural production and productivity, reduce food losses and boost farm-to-market access in areas with agricultural potential and to improve rural connectivity to social services.

In the 2019-2020 harvest, WFP trained more than 10,500 smallholder farmers— 35 percent of whom were women—and distributed over 30,000 post-harvest handling materials. WFP also bought over 677 metric tons of maize, valued at over US$250,000, directly from smallholder farmers.

The European Union is a long-standing WFP partner, supporting its emergency and development work in South Sudan. It has contributed €152 million to WFP’s operations in the country over the past five years


The United Nations World Food Programme is the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. We are the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.

Follow us on Twitter @WFP_SouthSudan and @WFP_Africa

For more information please contact (email address: [email protected]):

Marwa Awad, WFP/Juba, [email protected] Mob. + 211 92 622 1460

EU court cuts Lithuanian Rail’s EU antitrust fine by a third

EU court cuts Lithuanian Rail's EU antitrust fine by a third

BRUSSELS, Nov 18 (Reuters) – Lithuanian Rail on Wednesday had its 27.9 million euro ($33 million) EU antitrust fine cut by a third though Europe’s second-top court backed EU enforcers’ ruling that it had hindered competition by removing a track running to Latvia.

The European Commission in its 2017 decision said it was unacceptable that the operator removed the 19-kilometre (12 mile) stretch of track in 2008 after Polish oil company PKN Orlen wanted to redirect its freight to Latvian ports from its refinery in Lithuania by using another rail operator and a short route to the border.

Lithuanian Rail subsequently challenged the ruling at the Luxembourg-based General Court. Judges took the EU competition enforcer’s side.

“The Commission made no error in determining that removal of a railway track before the renovation works had even begun constituted highly unusual conduct in the rail sector,” the court said.

It however cut the fine to 20.07 million euros, citing its jurisdiction in this area and the gravity and duration of the operator’s wrongdoing.

$1 = 0.8418 euros Reporting by Foo Yun Chee, editing by Louise Heavens

Politics Isn’t Religion

Politics Isn’t Religion

… it.  
Politics isn’t religion.  Meaning, politics shouldn’t … endeavor in life.  Religion is something toward which … culture replace Christianity, or religion more broadly, with politics. … culture replace Christianity, or religion more broadly, with politics. …

Estimated net sales of SEK 850-1,050 million and SEK 300-400 million in operational EBIT added during FY 2021/2022

Estimated net sales of SEK 850-1,050 million and SEK 300-400 million in operational EBIT added during FY 2021/2022

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Embracer Group AB (“Embracer”) and its subsidiaries have as previously communicated this morning entered into 13 acquisition agreements (the “Acquisitions”). The acquired businesses are, during the financial year ending 31 March 2022, expected to contribute to Embracer Group’s net sales in the range of SEK 850-1,050 million and contribute to operational EBIT in the range of SEK 300-400 million. In addition, during FY 2021/2022 the expanded studio footprint is expected to bring savings on capitalized game development in the range of SEK 50-100 million. The combined operational EBIT and savings on game development are expected to be in the range of SEK 350-500 million and this profitability is expected to grow in the following years as more game development projects will be completed.

The aggregated day one purchase price for the Acquisitions amounts to approximately SEK 2.0 billion on a cash and debt free basis. Approximately SEK 1.7 billion is paid in cash and SEK 0.3 billion in newly issued Embracer B shares with a maximum additional consideration amounting to SEK 1.8 billion, which is subject to fulfilment of agreed milestones, both operational and financial, over a period of up to 10 years. The additional consideration comprise a maximum of approximately SEK 0.9 billion which may be paid in cash and a maximum approximately SEK 0.9 billion to be paid in Embracer B shares at a price corresponding to the volume weighted average price per Embracer B share at Nasdaq First North Growth Market during 20 trading days up until and including the date of signing of the Acquisitions (VWAP 20). The aggregated maximum consideration amounts to SEK 3.8 billion.

The total number of shares that are issued as part of the aggregate consideration, excluding shares issued as part of earn-out structures, amounts to approximately 1,723,000 Embracer B shares issued at a price of approximately SEK 174 per B share. The part of the additional consideration consisting of Embracer B shares amounts to a maximum of approximately 5,170,000 shares provided that all earn out targets are met. Approximately 1,367,000 B shares being part of the additional consideration are issued at closing of the Acquisitions and subject to such as claw back rights and lock-up restrictions. A maximum of approximately 3,803,000 B shares may be issued in the future as additional consideration subject to fulfillment of certain targets. The share issues are made pursuant to the authorization granted by the extra general meeting held on 16 November 2020.

The Acquisitions

All of Embracer’s operating units – THQ Nordic, Deep Silver/Koch Media, Coffee Stain, Amplifier Games Invest, Saber Interactive and Deca Games – are making bolt-on acquisitions. Embracer onboards more than 1,250 experienced and talented people, strengthens its developer footprint in Eastern Europe as well as its development and UA capabilities within free-to-play. In most of the transactions, earn-outs and management incentives over 5-10 years, have been put in place to ensure long term alignment with the founders and management teams joining Embracer.

The announced Acquisitions are aligned with Embracer’s growth strategy and is enabled by the group’s decentralized operating model. Over the past three years, Embracer has expanded from one to six operating units. Each of these operating units have put in place their own M&A agenda with the purpose of adding additional organic growth opportunities and to improve long term profit and cash flow generation. For Embracer’s decentralized operating model to be sustainable and scalable, it is a necessity that most acquisitions are originated and onboarded on the operating unit level. For the Embracer operating model with emphasis on decentralized decision making and independence for local management to work, it is also necessary that founders and management of acquired companies join Embracer with a long-term mindset.

Through the Acquisitions, Embracer Group grows to 58 internal studios and more than 5,700 employees and contracted employees in more than 45 countries.

Embracer’s inhouse developer footprint is expanded by 767 developers, equivalent to a 30 percent increase and brings the total number of internal developers to 3,318. The total headcounts within the group increases to more than 5,700 employees and contracted employees following the Acquisitions. The management depth is further extended by the addition of strong business leaders and local management teams with an impressive track record, where many of the acquired companies are leading premium games developers in their respective countries.

Deca Operating Unit will triple in size in terms of revenues and employees

Embracer entered the free-to-play games segment with the acquisition of Deca Games in August 2020. Today, the Deca Operating Unit is established with the addition of A Thinking Ape and IUGO, two studios based in Canada. Embracer estimate the new Deca Operating Unit will triple in size in terms of revenues and employees and create a full scale free-to-play operation with expertise across IP origination, game development, marketing, user acquisition and live operations. Deca Games, A Thinking Ape and IUGO will continue to operate as independent companies within the Deca Operating Unit free-to-play ecosystem with their respective management teams continuously responsible for day-to-day operations. Founders and management across these businesses have a long term alignment with Embracer and shares a passion for creating a substantial free-to-play business over time through a combination of organic growth and by welcoming more FTP gaming entrepreneurs to the Embracer family.

Embracer Group’s capital allocation strategy are essential for continued growth

The capital allocation priorities for Embracer are unchanged. The first priority for allocation of operational cash flow from released games to reinvest as much as possible into value enhancing organic growth opportunities, e.g. new game projects. The second priority is to use free cash flow to finance, bolt-on acquisitions in the operating units.

Embracer reiterates the ambition to maintain a strong balance sheet and strives to maintain a net cash position to maintain maximum strategic flexibility. For the right inorganic growth opportunity, financial leverage could temporarily exceed 1,0x operational EBIT to net debt, where operational EBIT is measured as management expectations for the coming twelve months. In such circumstances, leverage should at least return to below 1,0x net debt to operational EBIT over the medium term, either by retaining cash from operations or by raising primary capital in the equity market.

Cash at hand and available credit facilities post the cash payment of the Acquisitions amounts to more than SEK 8.5 billion. Furthermore, on 16 November 2020, the extra general meeting authorized the board of directors to issue B shares in the amount not exceeding ten (10) percent of the total number of shares in the Company at the time when the authorization is used the first time to fund acquisitions, parts of this mandate has been used according to the Acquisitions. The ambition is to continue to partly fund acquisitions with equity to create long term alignment with founders and management joining Embracer.

The shares and dilution

Through the Acquisitions, Embracer may in aggregate issue, including earn-out consideration shares, a total of approximately 6,893,000 shares, meaning that the number of shares in Embracer can increase from 421,139,665 to approximately 428,032,665 B shares, and that the number of votes can increase from 721,731,898 to approximately 728,624,898.

The total number of shares that are issued as part of the aggregate consideration, excluding shares issued as part of earn-out structures, are issued at a price of approximately SEK 174 per B share.

The part of the additional consideration for the Acquisitions consisting of Embracer B shares amounts to a maximum of approximately 5,170,000 shares provided that all earn out targets are met. Approximately 1,367,000 B shares being part of the additional consideration are issued at closing of the Acquisitions and subject to such as claw back rights and lock-up restrictions. A maximum of approximately 3,803,000 B shares may be issued in the future as additional consideration subject to fulfillment of certain targets. All earn-out shares are issued at a price of approximately SEK 174 per B share.

The Acquisitions will, if all earn-out consideration shares are issued, lead to a dilution of approximately 1.61 percent of the share capital and approximately 0.95 percent of the votes in Embracer based on the number of shares and votes in Embracer following completion of the Acquisitions and issuance of all earn-out consideration shares.

All shares issued as part of the consideration for the Acquisitions, excluding the earn-out consideration shares, are issued based on the authorization from the extra general meeting on 16 November 2020.


Ernst & Young AB is providing transaction support and Baker McKenzie is acting as legal counsel to Embracer in connection with the Acquisitions.

Responsible party

This information constitutes inside information that Embracer Group AB is obliged to make public in accordance with the (EU) Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014. The information in this press release has been made public through the agency of the responsible person set out below for publication at the time stated by Embracer Group’s news distributor Cision at the publication of this press release. The responsible person below may be contacted for further information.

For additional information, please contact:

Lars Wingefors, Co-founder and Group CEO Embracer Group AB

Tel: +46 708 47 19 78

E-mail: [email protected]

About Embracer Group

Embracer Group is the parent company of businesses developing and publishing PC, console and mobile games for the global games market. Embracer Group has an extensive catalogue of over 190 owned franchises, such as Saints Row, Goat Simulator, Dead Island, Darksiders, Metro, MX vs ATV, Kingdoms of Amalur, TimeSplitters, Satisfactory, Wreckfest, Insurgency and World War Z, amongst many others.

With its head office based in Karlstad, Sweden, Embracer Group has a global presence through its six operative groups: THQ Nordic GmbH, Koch Media GmbH/Deep Silver, Coffee Stain AB, Amplifier Game Invest, Saber Interactive and DECA Games. Embracer Group has 46 internal game development studios and is engaging more than 4,000 employees and contracted employees in more than 40 countries.

Embracer Group’s shares are publicly listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm under the ticker EMBRAC B with FNCA Sweden AB as its Certified Adviser; [email protected] +46-8-528 00 399.

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SOURCE Embracer Group AB

EU Bishops call for solidarity and hope on path towards better future – Vatican News

EU Bishops call for solidarity and hope on path towards better future - Vatican News

By Vatican News staff writer

The Bishops of Europe have addressed a message of hope and a call to solidarity to European Institutions and Member states amid the health crisis that has overwhelmed the world these past months.

In a message released on Wednesday under their umbrella body, COMECE, they reiterated their commitment to the construction of Europe and to its founding values of “solidarity, freedom, inviolability of the human dignity, democracy, rule of law, equality and defence and promotion of human rights.”

Inspired by Christian faith, which “is the ultimate foundation of our hope and universal brotherhood,” the Bishops also reaffirm their will to strive, together with other sister Churches and ecclesial communities, to “build a universal fraternity that leaves no one out.”

The Covid-19 pandemic

Highlighting some of the wide-ranging effects of the Covid-19 health crisis, they noted that the pandemic has shaken many “previous securities and has revealed our vulnerability and our interconnectedness.”

Many, the Bishops noted, were worried that the EU itself “as an economic, political, social and cultural project, was at risk.”

However, propelled by the realization that everyone is in the same boat and we can only save ourselves by staying together, the EU is demonstrating its capacity to rediscover the spirit of the Founding Fathers and is beginning to respond in a united manner. This spirit, the Bishops hope, will be reflected in the Covid-19 recovery instrument and the reinforced EU budget for 2021 – 2027.

A new mindset

The future of the European Union does not depend only on economy and finance, but also on a common spirit and a new mindset, the Bishops stressed.

In this regard, efforts should not be simply devoted to returning to the “old normal.” Instead, the continent must take advantage of the crisis to bring about a “radical change for the better” by rethinking the present models of globalization, guaranteeing respect for the environment, openness to life, social equality, protecting the dignity of workers and the rights of future generations.

The Bishops also pointed out that Pope Francis’ Encyclicals Laudato sí and Fratelli tutti can be a source of inspiration for shaping a new civilization. In Fratelli tutti, the Bishops note, Pope Francis “calls on the whole of humanity to universal brotherhood and social friendship, not forgetting those on the margins, wounded and suffering”. At the same time, the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, with their emphasis on human dignity, solidarity, preferential option for the poor and sustainability, can guide the path to building a different economic model in a post-pandemic society.


COMECE stressed the importance of solidarity as a fundamental principle of the Social Doctrine of the Church as well as being at the core of the European Integration process.

Solidarity, the Bishops said, “is to be understood in terms of ‘doing together’ and as ‘being open to integrate everyone’,” including those on the margins.

In this light, the Bishops appealed for the Covid-19 vaccine, when it becomes available, to be accessible to all, especially to the poor. They also called for increased humanitarian aid and development cooperation, and for military spending to the redirected towards health and social services.

Care for Migrants and refugees

The European Bishops noted that solidarity towards refugees should not only involve funding but extended to include “opening up the borders of the European Union proportionally by each Member State.”

They proposed that the Pact on Migration and Asylum presented by the EU can be a step toward establishing a common and just policy on migration. However, they said, it must also be carefully evaluated. Besides, certain principles and international legal obligations have to be respected “regardless of the persons involved.”

On this issue, the Bishops recommend collaboration with Church institutions and private associations already working in this field.

They further stressed the respect for the freedom of religion of believers, in particular, “the freedom to gather together to exercise their freedom of worship, in full respect of sanitary requirements” during the pandemic.

Post-pandemic society

During these months of pandemic, the Bishops note that they have witnessed “so many signs that open us up to hope,” from the work of health personnel, to caregivers for the elderly and the gestures of ecclesial communities – notwithstanding the difficult moments, including times of suffering, loneliness and sometimes, death.

The Bishops recalled Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi message on Easter Sunday when he noted that Europe was able to rise again and overcome the rivalries of the past after the Second World War. For the Pope, they noted, it is important that “these rivalries do not regain force, but that all recognize themselves as part of a single family and support one another.”

Therefore, whether the world will be better or worse after the crisis, or whether we will come out strengthened in solidarity or not, the depends on us, the Bishops stressed.

Concluding, the European Bishops expressed their hope that Europe can come out from this crisis “stronger, wiser, more united, exercising more solidarity, caring more for our common home, being a continent that pushes the whole world forward towards greater fraternity, justice, peace and equality.”

Suspect Questioned over Anti-EU Graffiti at EU’s Ramat Gan Office

Suspect Questioned over Anti-EU Graffiti at EU’s Ramat Gan Office

Photo Credit: Amio Cajander / Wikimedia

European Union flags flying in front of the European Commission building in Brussels

Israeli activists Sheffi Paz and Meirav Hajaj, residents of south Tel Aviv, were alleged as the two who vandalized the entrance to the offices of the European Union in Ramat Gan on Sunday.

The pair were seen in security footage spraying “EU Get Out” and “German money kills Jews” in red spray paint” on the door to the office complex.


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Paz was picked up for questioning Sunday evening by Israel Police after it was found that she and Hajaj were seen on the security footage defacing the entrance to the EU embassy.

Paz was subsequently questioned by police at the precinct in Ramat Gan in connection with the incident.


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Pope at Audience: Mary a woman of prayer and model for our prayer – Vatican News

Pope at Audience: Mary a woman of prayer and model for our prayer - Vatican News

By Vatican News staff writer

Pope Francis greeted the faithful on Wednesday morning, saying: “Today we meet the Virgin Mary as the prayerful woman.”

Continuing his catechesis on prayer during the weekly General Audience, which is currently streamed live from the Apostolic Library, the Pope upheld Mary as a model for our own life and prayer.

Humble of heart

He recalled her in her youth, “the young girl of Nazareth wrapped in silence, in dialogue with God, who would soon entrust her with a mission.”

Although she was already full of grace and immaculate from the moment she was conceived, the Pope said, she knew nothing “of her surprising and extraordinary vocation and the stormy sea she will have to cross.”

“One thing is certain,” he said. “Mary belongs to a great host of the humble of heart whom the official historians never include in their books, but whom God used to prepare for the coming of His Son.”

Waiting for God’s will

Pope Francis went on to describe how Mary waited for God to take the reins of her path and guide her, and how she prepared, with great docility, “the grand events in which God takes part in the world.”

The Catechism, he said, recalls her constant and caring presence in the benevolent design of the Father throughout the course of Jesus’s life.

Mary was praying, Pope Francis recalled, when the Archangel Gabriel brought his message to her in Nazareth: “Her small yet immense ‘Here I am,’ made all of  creation jump for joy at that moment”. He said that trusting obedience was preceded throughout salvation history by many other trusting obediences, by so many people who were open to God’s will.

An attitude of openness

Pope Francis said there is no better way to pray than to place oneself in an attitude of openness: “Lord, what You want, when You want, and how You want”.

He said that this attitude allows many believers to face reality without getting upset when their days are filled with problems, “knowing that in humble love offered in each situation, we become instruments of God’s grace.”

Prayer, the Pope said, “knows how to calm restlessness, knows how to transform it into availability. “

Prayerful acceptance

He recalled the many moments of tremendous trial endured by the Virgin Mary and of how she was accompanied by prayer in every moment of her life, and in every moment of Jesus’ life, right up to His death and resurrection.

“If in prayer we understand that each day given by God is a call, our hearts will then widen and we will accept everything. We will learn how to say: ‘What You want, Lord. Promise me only that You will be present every step of my way,’” he said.

Mother of God and Mother of the Church

Mary, the Pope said, prayerfully accompanied the newborn Church and through her openness to the power of the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God thus became the Mother of the Church.

“In the Virgin Mary, natural feminine intuition is exalted by her most singular union with God in prayer. This is why, reading the Gospel, we note that she seems to disappear at times, only to reappear for crucial moments: it was God’s voice that guided her heart and her steps where her presence was needed,” he said.

A splendid pearl

Saint Luke tells us that Mary “treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart,” he  continued, explaining, “Everything ends up in her heart so that it might pass through the sieve of prayer and be transfigured by it.”

The Mother keeps everything and brings it to her dialogue with God, Pope Francis concluded: “Someone has compared Mary’s heart to a pearl of incomparable splendour, formed and smoothed by patient acceptance of God’s will through the mysteries of Jesus meditated on in prayer. How beautiful it would be if we too could be a bit like our Mother!”