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Ensure safe and hygienic sanitation for all, UN urges, marking World Toilet Day

Ensure safe and hygienic sanitation for all, UN urges, marking World Toilet Day

UN Secretary-General António Guterres called the situation “unacceptable” from a moral, economic and health standpoint: “We must ensure everyone, everywhere has access to safe and hygienic sanitation services that provide privacy and dignity.” 

World Toilet Day, observed annually on 19 November, was established by the UN General Assembly in 2013, recognizing the importance of sanitation for development and how it impacts the environment.  

Safe access to clean toilets is also vital to achieving target 6.2 of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6), on adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all. It calls for an end to open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations, by 2030. 

Sanitation and climate change 

This year, World Toilet Day is being commemorated under the theme of “Sustainable sanitation and climate change.” 

The theme draws attention to the threats to sanitation systems from worsening impacts of climate change, such as floods, droughts and rising sea level. Such events can damage toilets, septic tanks and treatment plants, resulting in contamination of drinking water sources, and spread human waste into communities and croplands, causing deadly diseases. 

Ensuring sustainable sanitation that is resilient to climate change, is also vital in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, as toilets, combined with clean water and good hygiene, form a strong defence against COVID-19 and future disease outbreaks.  

Water and sanitation – a human right 

UN independent human rights experts also issued a joint appeal, calling on governments to ensure that no one is deprived of access to water and other basic supplies, and to prioritize universal access to water and sanitation, as human rights. 

The need is even more pressing this year, with the coronavirus pandemic affecting communities everywhere, and the fact that one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is practicing proper personal hygiene by washing hands with soap and water – is out of reach for many. 

“We take this occasion to appeal, once again, for the governments around the world to implement or reinstate the policy of prohibiting water cuts as well as other basic supplies and to guarantee a minimum essential amount of water and essential basic supplies to those who face difficulties to pay for those services and supplies”, the experts said in a joint statement. 

“We reiterate that the minimum core of the human rights to water and sanitation must be guaranteed at all times and under all circumstances”, highlighted the experts.  

The Special Rapporteurs, Independent Experts and Working Groups are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. The experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.


A mother washes her young son’s hands with soap in rural Kavre district, Nepal. Proper hand hygiene can help keep many diseases at bay.

Future of an entire generation at risk, as COVID-19 pandemic drags on

Future of an entire generation at risk, as COVID-19 pandemic drags on

In a report, released on Thursday ahead of World Children’s Day, UNICEF outlined “dire and growing” consequences for children as the coronavirus pandemic lurches towards a second year. 

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a persistent myth that children are barely affected by the disease. Nothing could be further from the truth,” said Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director.  

“While children can get sick and can spread the disease, this is just the tip of the pandemic iceberg. Disruptions to key services and soaring poverty rates pose the biggest threat to children. The longer the crisis persists, the deeper its impact on children’s education, health, nutrition and well-being. The future of an entire generation is at risk.” 

Averting a ‘Lost COVID Generation’ 

As of 3 November, in 87 countries with age-disaggregated data, children and adolescents under 20 years of age accounted for 1 in 9 of COVID-19 infections, or 11 per cent of infections reported by those countries, UNICEF said in its report Averting a Lost COVID Generation

While children can transmit the virus to each other and to older age groups, there is strong evidence that, with basic safety measures in place, the net benefits of keeping schools open outweigh the costs of closing them, UNICEF added, noting that schools are not a main driver of community transmission, and children are more likely to get the virus outside of school settings. 

Alarming revelations 

In addition, using data from surveys across 140 countries, the report found that COVID-related disruptions to critical health and social services for children pose the most serious threat to children, with about a third of the countries witnessing a drop of at least 10 per cent coverage for health services, including routine vaccinations and outpatient visits.  

Coverage of nutrition services for women and children, including school meals and vitamin supplementation programmes also saw sharp declines, as did home visits by social workers. 

Globally, more than 570 million students – 33 per cent of the enrolled students worldwide –were affected by country-wide school closures in 30 nations (as of November 2020). The number of children living in multidimensional poverty is estimated to have soared by 15 per cent – an additional 150 million children by mid-2020. 

© UNICEF/Everett

An 11-year-old child studies his Class 6 textbooks and revises the exercises at home in Nairobi, Kenya. He cannot participate in online learning as his family has no mobile phone.

‘Prioritize children’s needs’ 

Against the backdrop of the concerning revelations in the report, UNICEF called on governments and partners to take key actions to respond to the crisis.  

The UN agency called for ensuring that all children can learn, including by closing the digital divide. It also urged nations to guarantee access to nutrition, safe drinking water, as well as health, hygiene and sanitation services. Vaccines should also be made affordable and available to every child. 

Alongside, children and young people must be provided with mental health support and protected against violence and neglect, and efforts should be stepped up to  support children and their families living through conflict, disaster and displacement. 

UNICEF also underlined the need to reverse the rise in child poverty and ensure an inclusive recovery from the pandemic for all. 

“This World Children’s Day, we are asking governments, partners and the private sector to listen to children and prioritize their needs,” urged Ms. Fore. 

“As we all reimagine the future and look ahead toward a post-pandemic world, children must come first.” 

Buddhist Times News – China cannot pick the next Dalai Lama, only Tibetan Buddhists can, says US Amb. Brownback

Buddhist Times News – China cannot pick the next Dalai Lama, only Tibetan Buddhists can, says US Amb. Brownback
Sam Brownback, Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, speaks during a news conference at the State Department in Washington. Photo/AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, Pool

Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback has opposed China’s intervention in picking the next Dalai Lama saying, “The United States supports – that religious community has the right to pick their own leadership. That certainly includes the next Dalai Lama”.

The 14th Dalai Lama, now 85, had fled Tibet back in 1959 following a Chinese clampdown to the local population, and since then he resides in India. Currently, the Tibetan government-in-exile operates from Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh. With over 1,60,000 Tibetans living in India.

Brownback even accused China of one of the worst religious persecution situations in the world. He also mentioned the situation in China’s remote area of Xinjiang. Saying that it “will not help them in a fight on terrorism”, US diplomat said that the answer to extremism is not to lock everyone.

Ambassador Brownback was addressing the 2020 Ministerial to Advance Freedom of Religion or Belief where he answered some pressing religious freedom issues in the world notably China’s persecution of Uyghurs, Tibetan Buddhists, Christians, and Falun Gong, etc.

With respect to the persecution of Uyghurs, Ambassador said it’s one of the worst religious persecution situations in the world today and added that China’s justification in locking up millions of Uyghurs in order to prevent terrorism is a futile effort.

“The answer to terrorism isn’t locking up everybody.  The answer to terrorism is religious freedom, allowing people to freely practice their faith, and they won’t fight you as much”, he said adding that If the Chinese weren’t so repressive against the faith they would have a more open society where its citizens will have the freedom to practice their faith in peace.

Ambassador was critical about the use of technology to persecute religious adherence in Tibet which is now being replicated in Xinjiang. He noted that such use of virtual police states to persecute religion must be stopped from spreading to other countries around the world.

On China’s repeated claim over the right to pick the reincarnation of the next Dalai Lama, the US Ambassador at large asserts that the matter of reincarnation of the next Dalai Lama is the concerns of Tibetan Buddhists only and China has no ‘theological basis’ to intervene in that matter.

“The Tibetan Buddhists have successfully picked their leader for hundreds of years, if not longer, and they have the right to do that now” he added and assured that the US will continue to push back China’s claim over the issue of reincarnation.

Last year, Ambassador Brownback visited Dharmashala, the exile seat of Central Tibetan Administration where his presence made a powerful impact of hope upon the Tibetans while sending a tough message to China.

The Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom brings together leaders from around the world to discuss the challenges facing religious freedom, identify means to address religious persecution and discrimination worldwide, and promote greater respect and preservation of religious liberty for all. This event focuses on concrete outcomes that reaffirm international commitments to promote religious freedom and produce real, positive change.

source – cta

Cuomo’s COVID-19 rules discriminate against religion

Cuomo’s COVID-19 rules discriminate against religion

… with the free exercise of religion. The Court’s decision will … unconstitutional when they discriminate against religion.
Cuomo’s rules clearly fall …

The Pope’s invitation to love the Church – Vatican News

The Pope’s invitation to love the Church - Vatican News

By Sergio Centofanti

“I urge you to love the Church of the Lord.”

This was Pope Francis’ invitation at the conclusion of the General Audience on Wednesday, the feast of the Dedication of the Basilicas of the Apostles Peter and Paul.

“This feast highlights the meaning of the church, a sacred building where the faithful reunite. May it enkindle in us the awareness that each of us is called to be a living temple of God,” working together “with generosity and enthusiasm” to “build up the House of the Lord, the dwelling of the Most High among us.”

Family of God

Loving the Church is an important characteristic of the believer, who belongs to the family of God.

In a catechesis on 29 May 2013, Pope Francis recalled that God’s plan “is to make of us all a single family of his children, in which each person feels that God is close and feels loved by him”. The Church “is not an organization established by an agreement between a few people”, but “she is a work of God”, she is born “from the supreme act of love of the Cross, from the pierced side of Jesus from which flowed blood and water, a symbol of the sacrament of the Eucharist and of Baptism”. The Church “became manifest when the gift of the Holy Spirit filled the heart of the Apostles and spurred them to go out and begin their journey to proclaim the Gospel, spreading God’s love.”

Still today some say: “Christ yes, the Church no”. Like those who say “I believe in God but not in priests”. In response the Pope said, “But it is the Church herself which brings Christ to us and which brings us to God. The Church is the great family of God’s children. Of course, she also has human aspects. In those who make up the Church, pastors and faithful, there are shortcomings, imperfections and sins. The Pope has these too — and many of them; but what is beautiful is that when we realize we are sinners we encounter the mercy of God who always forgives. Never forget it: God always pardons.”

“In the end,” said the Pope, “the Church is our mother because she brings us to new life and leads us to Christ.  So we must love her, even when we see her face marred by human frailty and sin, and we must help to make her ever more beautiful and radiant, so that she can bear witness to God’s love in the world” (Message of Pope Francis for the 2019 World Day of Prayer for Vocations).

Love Church like family

Pope Francis is inviting us to love and defend the Church, just as we love and defend our families, even when our parents, brothers, sisters, or children make mistakes or have problems.

As an example of love for the Church, the Pope once pointed to Padre Pio:

“He loved the Church, with the many problems the Church has, with so many adversities, with so many sinners. Because the Church is holy, she is the Bride of Christ, but we, the children of the Church, are all sinners – some big ones! – but he loved the Church as she was, he did not destroy her with the tongue, as it is the fashion to do now. No! He loved her. He who loves the Church knows how to forgive, because he knows that he himself is a sinner and is in need of God’s forgiveness. He knows how to arrange things, because the Lord wants to arrange things well but always with forgiveness: one cannot live an entire life accusing, accusing, accusing the Church. Whose is the office of the accuser! The devil! And those who spend their life accusing, accusing, accusing, are – I will not say children, because the devil does not have any – but friends, cousins, relatives of the devil. And no, this is not good, flaws must be indicated so they can be corrected, but at the moment that flaws are noted, flaws are denounced, one loves the Church. Without love, that is of the devil” (Greeting of Pope Francis to the Archdiocese of Benevento, 20 February 2019).

War fought with prayer, love

The devil works to destroy the unity of a family. Pope Francis has often pointed this out: Satan wants to divide brothers and sisters and divide the Church to drive people from God.

Many times the greatest danger comes not from outside but from within: “Self-destruction, ‘friendly fire’ from our fellow soldiers, is the most insidious danger. It is the evil which strikes from within” (Presentation of the Christmas greetings to the Roman Curia, 22 December 2014).

The devil’s is a “dirty war” and “we who are unaware fall into his game” (Mass at Santa Marta, 12 September 2016).

And again, “the devil seeks to foment an internal war, a sort of civil and spiritual war. A war which is not fought with arms but with the tongue” (Homily for the Vatican Gendarmerie, 28 September 2013).

This war of accusations, hatred, and lies, affirms Pope Francis, can be fought only with prayer and love: Pray for the Church and love her, because “Jesus Christ and the Church are one and the same” (General Audience, 29 May 2013).

Mergers: Commission refers acquisition of newly created joint venture by Telefónica and Liberty Global to the UK competition authority

Mergers: Commission refers acquisition of newly created joint venture by Telefónica and Liberty Global to the UK competition authority

European Commission Press release Brussels, 19 Nov 2020 The European Commission has referred the proposed acquisition by Telefónica S.A. and Liberty Global PLC of a newly created joint venture to the Consumers…

EU auditors see uphill battle for EU antitrust regulators versus big tech


BRUSSELS (Reuters) – EU antitrust enforcers face an uphill battle in tackling tech giants abusing their dominance because of the difficulty of finding remedies, the EU’s budget watchdog said on Thursday in its first audit of the regulators.

Slideshow ( 2 images )

The report by the European Court of Auditors comes as critics of Google GOOGL.O voiced frustration at what they say is ineffective enforcement of a series of EU rulings ordering it to stop favouring its own online services to the disadvantage of competitors.

Besides Google, European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager is also investigating Amazon AMZN.O, Apple AAPL.O and Facebook FB.O.

“Although the Commission has taken a number of case decisions tackling challenges resulting from the digital economy, significant challenges remain to be resolved,” the watchdog said.

“For example, practices in digital markets can cause damage to consumers. However, it is difficult for the Commission to find appropriate remedies to tackle an apparent competition problem as determining consumer harm can be particularly complex.”

The ECA said the issue applies not just to internet companies but also businesses involved in digital innovation such as those in energy, telecommunications, financial services and transport.

It said part of the problem lies in EU antitrust rules which only allow enforcers to act after wrongdoing has been committed.

The Commission “needs to scale up market oversight to be fit for a more global and digital world. It needs to get better at proactively detecting infringements and select its investigations more judiciously,” said ECA’s Alex Brenninkmeijer who was in charge of the report.

EU antitrust officials however have swatted away arguments that they are not able to do their job well in digital cases.

“EU competition rules are flexible enough to deal with digital markets,” Commission Director General for competition Olivier Guersent told an online event on Wednesday.

Reporting by Foo Yun Chee; Editing by Alexandra Hudson

European Union Delegation warns Sri Lanka over prolonged import ban

European Union Delegation warns Sri Lanka over prolonged import ban

Nov 19, 2020 (LBO) – The current import restrictions are having a negative impact on Sri Lankan and European businesses, and on Foreign Direct Investment, the Delegation of the European Union (EU) said.

Issuing a statement, the Delegation of the European Union (EU) and the Embassies of France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Romania reminded Sri Lanka that the Trade is not a one-way street.

“Such measures impair Sri Lanka’s efforts to become a regional hub and negatively impact Sri Lankan exports by constraining the import of raw material and machinery,” the statement said.

“We recall that a prolonged import ban is not in line with World Trade Organisation regulations.”

The delegation added that Sri Lanka’s withdrawal of support for the United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution 30/1 remains a source of concern.

“The Government has stated its continuing commitment, including to the EU, to fostering reconciliation, justice, and peaceful coexistence among Sri Lanka’s diverse communities,” the statement stressed.

“The EU stands ready to support the Government’s efforts in this area. The rule of law and a vibrant civil society are essential in this regard.”

The Delegation of the European Union further stated that they are looking forward to continuing their deep engagement with Sri Lanka, in line with their shared international commitments and obligations.

As COVID-19 continues to bring a number of challenges, the Colombo-based Heads of Missions representing the European Union and its Member States, held a series of high-level meetings, including with Foreign Minister Gunawardena.

They underlined the EU’s long-standing support for Sri Lanka as a reliable partner, including through over 1 billion EUR of grants over the last 25 years, notwithstanding the Member States’ bilateral assistance.

Thanks to the EU’s special Generalised System of Preferences (GSP+), Sri Lanka enjoys competitive, predominantly duty- and quota-free access to the EU market, based on the continued implementation of 27 international conventions on human rights, labour, environment, climate change and good governance.

The EU is the second biggest export market for Sri Lanka worldwide, with a positive trade balance of more than 1 billion EUR (about 220 billion LKR) in 2018 and 2019.

Related: Sri Lanka to receive same benefits of EU GSP+ for UK from 2021

Churches of Scientology Disaster Response National Deputy Director Recipient of Utah Philanthropy Day’s Heroes Award


Ms. Joava Good, Deputy National Director was honored this week for her volunteer contributions during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic disaster

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Churches of Scientology Disaster Response National Deputy Director Recipient of Utah Philanthropy Day’s Heroes AwardWASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES, November 18, 2020 /EINPresswire.com/ — This week Utah celebrated many of its unsung heroes who have given much of their time to helping others during the pandemic months of 2020. Officials of Utah Philanthropy Day stepped forward and honored over 60 volunteers with their 2020 Heroes Award. Those honored were recognized virtually during a special broadcast by Salt Lake City’s ABC4 TV.

Among the honorees was Ms. Joava Good, Deputy National Director of the Churches of Scientology Disaster Response (CSDR), recognized for her leadership in mobilizing volunteers to perform thousands of hours of volunteer work in responding to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic disaster.

Every year since 1999, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the Utah Nonprofits Association, and UServeUtah have celebrated Utah’s outstanding philanthropists and community volunteers who embody the spirit of philanthropy and volunteerism. In most years, the event is celebrated at a special luncheon, but due to the pandemic this year the event was held virtually on November 16th.

Ms. Good was recognized for her immediate response to Utah’s pandemic by helping to raise thousands of dollars for masks and PPE supplies and organizing over 1,000 hours of volunteer work by fellow Utah Church of Scientology Volunteer Ministers as well as Scientology volunteers from outside the state. In collaboration with volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Salvation Army, the Utah State VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster), Intermountain Health Care, the Elders of the Tribe at Fort Duchesne and several police departments, Ms. Good delivered PPE masks and hand sanitizer bottles for businesses, helped sanitize police vehicles and stations, and distributed thousands of the Church of Scientology’s Stay Well education hygiene protocol booklets.

The distribution of the Scientology Stay Well booklets in Utah was part of a nationwide campaign which included the District of Columbia, where over 100,000 booklets were given free of charge to businesses, government agencies and nonprofit organizations to help ensure that citizens were reminded about the importance of washing their hands, social distancing and isolation of those who are ill.

Rev. Susan Taylor, National Director of CSDR in Washington, DC, was delighted to hear of Ms. Good’s award and stated that Ms. Good exemplifies the words of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, who wrote, “A Scientology Volunteer Minister does not shut his eyes to the pain, evil and injustice of existence. Rather, he is trained to handle these things and help others achieve relief from them and new personal strength as well.”

Ms. Good is a hands-on volunteer who personally drove thousands of miles around the state of Utah to deliver supplies, spent hundreds of hours on the phone coordinating activities to ensure people were well served, and stood side by side with those in need with compassion and prayer. She is the past president of the Utah State VOAD and the lead civil society and government liaison for CSDR in Utah.

“Joava Good has been our top volunteer for over 14 years putting her heart and soul into her volunteerism, working with community and government leaders throughout the state and the nation,” remarked Rev. Taylor. Through her compassion and leadership, she has truly made a huge difference in helping others.”

CSDR is the Church of Scientology’s disaster response program in the United States operating in most of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, as well as deploying volunteers on a regular basis to foreign countries to support their Church’s international disaster relief efforts. CSDR has been a member of the National VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) since 2006 and works closely with other disaster organizations to bring the needed relief and care to those who are affected.

CSDR is tasked with the duties of providing spiritual care as well as assisting with the unmet material needs of survivors, responders and caregivers who are affected by trauma, loss, upset, stress and confusion after a disaster. The basis of its long term commitment to help is written throughout the Scientology scriptures and is reflected in “The Scientology Handbook,” based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of the Scientology religion, regarding the role of the Volunteer Minister.

Scientologists@Home: Being Industrious and Setting and Accomplishing Targets

Scientologists@Home: Being Industrious and Setting and Accomplishing Targets

Scientologists@Home: Being Industrious and Setting and Accomplishing Targets – Religion News Today – EIN Presswire

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