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Regional Director’s visit cements stronger cooperation on health in Albania


On a recent country visit to Albania, Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, signed a 2-year agreement to work together on key health issues, and met decision-makers and health workers on the COVID-19 frontline.

Following a press briefing, both Dr Kluge and Albania’s Minister of Health and Social Protection, Ms Ogerta Manastirliu, signed a new biennial collaborative agreement (BCA), setting out areas where WHO and the Albanian government can make efforts to improve the health and well-being of the population. This agreement includes: coverage of health services; maternal, child and reproductive health; tackling both communicable and noncommunicable diseases; health financing; and emergency preparedness and response, including COVID-19.

In a statement to the press, Dr Kluge said: “I encourage all efforts made towards delivering universal health coverage, including a focus on a primary health care system that is accessible, affordable and equitable. The European Programme of Work [EPW] places particular attention on 4 flagship initiatives: mental health, digitization, behavioural insights and immunization. It is encouraging to see these reflected in the strategic efforts of the Government of Albania.

“Today’s signing of our Biennial Collaborative Agreement 2021 with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Albania is another positive step in our close work together to deliver on the commitments of the EPW, across Albania and across the WHO European Region.”

Contributing to the European Programme of Work – “United Action for Better Health”, which was agreed by European Region Member States in September 2020, this agreement seeks to strengthen the country’s National Health Strategy in line with WHO’s triple billion health goals: more people benefitting from universal health coverage, more people better protected from health emergencies and more people enjoying better health and well-being.

The signing of the BCA followed a meeting between Ms Manastirliu and Dr Kluge where they discussed the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic response, the country’s National Health Policy, health financing and the new primary health care strategy.

COVID-19 response

Dr Kluge commended the Government of Albania and health-care authorities for their response to COVID-19. Following the structural mechanisms put in place since January, in order to deal with the growing challenges brought by the virus, the strategy prepared for the autumn and coming winter is another positive step in the pandemic response.

As COVID-19 cases surge, Dr Kluge explained that it is vital that with WHO/Europe’s solidarity, the Albanian government continues strengthening testing and contact tracing capacity across the country, with robust case management.

Dr Kluge stressed: “like everywhere in Europe, we must redouble our efforts once again”.

Despite the challenges, Dr Kluge told the people of Albania that they are not alone. “WHO/Europe remains a steadfast partner amid this pandemic and we look forward to sustaining our close collaboration and commitment to leave no one behind.”

National Health Policy and COVID-19 response

In a meeting with Prime Minister Edi Rama, Dr Kluge spoke about the COVID-19 response and the National Health Policy, while also offering support following an earthquake last year which caused damage in the country.

Dr Kluge welcomed the proposal to increase the health budget significantly compared to 2020, while encouraging increased public investment in the health system. Universal Health Coverage (UHC) has been placed at the centre of the country’s National Health Policy – increasing UHC is a central part of “United Action for Better Health”.

In a meeting with President Ilir Meta, Dr Kluge highlighted the ongoing response to COVID-19. This offered the chance to explain the work being undertaken by WHO, as well as recognizing the efforts made by the government in protecting the health system from being overburdened earlier this year, while also preparing for future increases in COVID-19 patients.

Furthermore, Dr Kluge expressed his appreciation to Albania for participation in the Solidarity trial and COVAX facility, working towards global, equitable access to potential COVID-19 vaccines.

Health-care workers

During the country visit, Dr Kluge visited a hospital caring for COVID-19 patients, expressing his admiration for the courage and determination of health-care workers.

“I would like to thank you for the great job that you are doing, but I would also like to thank your families because they suffer as well when you are working day and night. We have to fight the pandemic in the hospitals, but also at home, in the communities and at the primary health centres,” said Dr Kluge.

The Regional Director also thanked the health-care workers of the infectious disease department at Mother Theresa University Hospital Centre for being part of the Solidarity trial, pointing out that it is 1 of 500 hospitals worldwide which are participating in the trial. Dr Kluge emphasized that it is important to share knowledge, not only for Albania but for the whole world.

Albania has seen a scaling up of 4 health facilities as treatment centres for COVID-19, as well as increasing the salaries of health professionals who have been treating patients with the disease.

Partnerships for health

Working together with partners is an important part of delivering on the EPW.

A highlight of the visit was the meeting with the European Union (EU) Ambassador to Albania, Luigi Soreca. Common ground on strengthening health systems, stronger engagement in the Balkans, and support to the EU accession process of Albania was discussed.

During the visit, Dr Kluge also met with United Nations Resident Coordinator, Fiona McCluney, discussing joint efforts on COVID-19, elevating health on the political agenda and further strategies to support the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in Albania.

The visit also offered the opportunity to meet with the Tirana-hub of the Global Shapers network. The Global Shapers are a community of socially driven young people from across the globe who have been working with WHO/Europe to monitor rumours, address myths and share evidence-based information on COVID-19.

During this meeting, Dr Kluge highlighted the importance of young people as partners in helping stop the spread of COVID-19, including motivating peers. The need for including and listening to young people, particularly on matters of global health which directly affect them, is crucial to strengthening the work of WHO/Europe.

Is France using political Islam to target religion as such?


The law meant to tackle political Islamism in France should not target religion

The resurgence in attacks by radical Islamists in France, home to Europe’s largest Muslim population, has rekindled fierce debates about Islam, secularism, and discrimination. The deplorable assassinations in October 2020 of Samuel Paty, a teacher, and three Catholics in the Basilica of Nice have accelerated the political will of the authorities to adopt a law meant to tackle some of the root causes of Islamist terrorism.

The proposed law announced in October by the President of the Republic and the Minister of the Interior was often titled ‘law on separatisms’, in the plural, while other times it is in the singular form. This was not a mistake, an inaccuracy or a hesitation about spelling or grammar. It reflected the current uncertainty of whether to take the risk of identifying the problem as a religious one and to exclusively target one religion: Islam.

According to the French authorities, a specific group of Muslims are said to separate themselves from the historical majority of society and from its values in a dangerous manner, for example by rejecting scientific truths such as the evolution theory or by contesting the Holocaust.

To avoid the accusation of Islamophobia and concerns about religious discrimination, the government planned to include other religious groups, especially ones labelled ‘sectes’, to instrumentalize them as an alibi of its good faith. All the while, authorities would continue ignoring some very closed Jewish communities. The inherent flaw with this approach is that the security threat is considered religious in nature, which it is not.

A few days ago, the French authorities made the draft law and its new title public. It has changed entirely and is now the “Draft Law Strengthening Republican Principles”. Its scope is much wider than what had been announced, but it still targets separatism. The Council of State has begun examining it. 

The source of the problem that France is attempting to solve is a political ideology: radical Islamism. It is not Islam.

Radical Islamism’s objective is to impose a theocratic governance in Muslim minds whether they are in Muslim majority countries or not. This is accomplished by instilling its ideology in Muslim families, parents, and children, even before school education.

The enemy to combat is not a religion or some religions and their disciples, but a political project. If the French authorities persist in singling out an entire religious community as a threat, they will make the work of radical Islamism all the easier.

Therefore, the law should not target Islam as a religion, but should instead tackle political Islamism, in particular Salafism and its organisations such as the Muslim Brotherhood and its satellite associations.

In line with this objective, about 50 suspicious mosques have been closed since the appointment of Gerald Darmanin as Minister of the Interior in July 2020. However, closing ‘suspicious’ mosques is not a solution and is in fact counterproductive. Such a restrictive measure angers the Muslims who are deprived of their right to collective worship, which is a violation of the international standards on freedom of religion or belief. It’s not ‘mosques’ that disseminate extremist ideas, but rather the individuals in leadership roles in some mosques who instrumentalise religious teachings for political purposes. Certain imams and preachers, who have been identified by the authorities for a very long time, behave as political militants instead of providing faith-building to their communities. The draft law must combat them, not the religious community they belong to.

The draft law sets the fight against radical Islamism at the religious level when it should only be carried out at the ideological and political one instead. Other religious or spiritual communities and other categories of believers have nothing to do with this political militant activism and should not be targeted.

The French government’s plan is to present the draft law to the Council of Ministers after it has been finalized on the basis of the remarks of the Council of State. The choice of the date of 9 December 2020 will coincide with the anniversary of the 9 December 1905 Law which regulates the relations between state and religions in France.

All religions should feel concerned by this law. Indeed, several vague concepts in the draft law such as ‘behaviours threatening human dignity’ and ‘psychological pressures’ may open the door to many abuses in the implementation of the law on other religious groups as well.

Moreover, an article of this law provides that if any member of a group is considered to have acted in violation of a point of the law, it will allow the ban of the whole association by the Council of Ministers.

It is to be hoped that the Council of State will keep in mind the guidelines of the OSCE/ ODIHR about freedom of religion or belief and the Venice Commission recommendations and will contest these questionable provisions.

Photo by Sung Shin on Unsplash

Next steps to deliver “United Action for Better Health” in Europe


From the launch of a new centre for health emergency preparedness; the establishment of a scientific advisory board to help identify policy priorities during pandemics; and the formation of a regional tripartite joint secretariat to coordinate One Health action against antimicrobial resistance (AMR); to preparing for COVID-19 vaccine deployment and availability; and restructuring WHO/Europe, progress is being made on all fronts to deliver the European Programme of Work (EPW) – “United Action for Better Health”.

At a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Regional Committee (SCRC), WHO/Europe’s governance board, on 18 November 2020, Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, detailed the wide range of activities undertaken by WHO/Europe since the EPW was adopted by Member States in September 2020.

Key among these developments are:

  • operationalization of the WHO European Centre for Preparedness for Humanitarian and Health Emergencies in Istanbul, Turkey, which serves as the regional centre for emergency preparedness and provides technical expertise to improve capacity-building and operationalize selected International Health Regulations (2005) core capacity areas;
  • detailed discussions during the second meeting of the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development, which is to provide policy recommendations on health and care systems, building on experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic; thematic working groups have been set up so that commissioners can explore specific areas such as the economic outlook, innovation and digital transformation, and the role of science in policy-making; a scientific advisory board has also been established to support the Commission’s work;
  • establishing a regional tripartite joint secretariat together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) to coordinate One Health action against AMR across the WHO European Region;
  • preparation for COVID-19 vaccination deployment and availability, including discussions with the European Commission, the introduction of an online platform to monitor national-level preparedness, and guidance on the prioritization of population groups to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in the Region;
  • finalizing a comprehensive restructuring of WHO/Europe, with a comprehensive functional review of all divisions, following the appointment of a new Executive Council.

After the Regional Director’s overview of the activities of WHO/Europe, and an update on the COVID-19 situation in the Region by the Regional Emergency Director, Dr Dorit Nitzan, members of the SCRC reviewed the initial draft programme for next year’s session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe. They also considered the tasks of committee subgroups that will work in the areas of WHO/Europe governance, work at country level and financing.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says limits on indoor worship aimed at limiting spread of coronavirus, not religion

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says limits on indoor worship aimed at limiting spread of coronavirus, not religion
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn, N.Y., are seen in this composite photo. (CNS composite/Shannon Stapleton, Reuters, and Gregory A. Shemitz)
    ALBANY, N.Y. — <a href="https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-announces-restaurants-bars-other-sla-licensed-entities-must-close-person-service" rel="nofollow">New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s order</a> limiting the size of a congregation for in-person services at Catholic churches and other houses of worship does not target religious gatherings on “the basis of their beliefs,” but is based on “the documented fact of their COVID-19 super-spreader potential.”

This is the argument New York Attorney General Letitia James, representing Cuomo, laid out in the state’s response to the Brooklyn Diocese’s Nov. 12 filing with the U.S. Supreme Court seeking an injunction against the governor’s order.

The diocese is challenging Cuomo’s order on religious freedom grounds. The state of New York filed its response by the Nov. 18 deadline set by the court.

The diocese said the order’s provisions “violate the free exercise clause” of the First Amendment by limiting “in-person ‘house of worship’ attendance to 10 or 25 people” but allowing “numerous secular businesses to operate without any capacity restrictions.”

“There is nothing more important than the safety of our parishioners. That is why we have worked diligently to implement strict COVID-19 safety rules that go above and beyond state requirements,” Brooklyn Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio said in an October statement, after Cuomo issued his executive order.

When he issued his order Oct. 6, James said, Cuomo “went to great pains” to say it was not aimed at religion and was “about mass gatherings. One of the prime places of mass gatherings are houses of worship.”

Backstory: Bishop DiMarzio of Brooklyn says ‘religious freedom … being unjustly attacked’ by Gov. Cuomo, new restrictions

“The diocese’s interest in holding indoor religious gatherings of potentially hundreds of people … does not outweigh the need to prevent” the spread of COVID-19 in already severely affected areas, said James, who told the Supreme Court the diocese’s application for a writ of injunction “should be denied.”

On Nov. 16, Agudath Israel of America, an umbrella organization that represents affiliated Orthodox Jewish congregations across the U.S., and two Orthodox congregations in New York City filed an emergency application with the high court for an injunction to stop Cuomo’s order. The state had to file a response by Nov. 20.

In the meantime, the Brooklyn Diocese announced Nov. 18 that its 69 Catholic schools and academies in Brooklyn and Queens, the two New York boroughs that make up the diocese, will continue in-person learning.

The announcement came in response to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to close New York City public schools indefinitely starting Nov. 19.

“I am frustrated that the mayor’s announcement was made as Catholic schools and academies throughout Brooklyn and Queens were dismissing our students” for the day, said Thomas Chadzutko, diocesan superintendent of Catholic schools. “I want to make it clear to parents, teachers, staff and students that the mayor’s announcement only pertains to New York City public schools, and our schools will be open tomorrow (Nov. 19).”

He added, “We have worked tirelessly to ensure that our school community remains safe for everyone, and we will continue to ensure strict compliance with all health and safety protocols.”

Covid: the deception of selfishness, the force of compassion – Vatican News

Covid: the deception of selfishness, the force of compassion - Vatican News


At the moment it is a perception which will later be studied with the instruments of social science. In the meantime, with a global virus that holds the world under a veil of uncertainty, one thing is evident, “conflict is worsening everywhere”. This is the opinion held by one of the experts called by Pope Francis as a member of the Vatican Covid-19 Commission. Dan Plesch, director of the Centre for International Studies & Diplomacy at SOAS at the University of London, highlights the risk that the pandemic could trigger a “global war”. “A literal fight for the vaccine of survival in our communities”, he says, “must be prevented” and neither “is not the time to be making and providing weapons”. Rather, Dan Plesch states, “global society can save itself from terrible misery and enjoy safety and happiness by absorbing the contribution of Pope Francis’s Commission”.

You are part of the Vatican COVID 19 Commission, Pope Francis’ response mechanism to an unprecedented virus. What do you personally hope to learn from this experience? In what way do you think society as a whole can be inspired by the work of the Commission?

R. – I have absorbed wisdom and compassion from other Commission members. Global Society can save itself from terrible misery and enjoy safety and happiness by absorbing the contribution of Pope Francis’s Commission.

Pope Francis asked the COVID 19 Commission to prepare the future instead of prepare for it. What should be the role of the Catholic Church as an institution in this endeavor?

R. – Humanity is under a combination of threats accelerated by the impact of the virus, our very existence is in immediate peril therefore all dimensions of the Catholic Church must before all else work on these concrete and spiritual actions. Now is not the time to be making and providing weapons in an already collapsing international system.

What personal lessons (if any) have you derived from the experience of the pandemic? What concrete changes do you hope to see after this crisis both personally and globally?

R. – Personally, I have grown closer to my immediate family and friends freed from the treadmill of commuting.

Five years ago, a well-known American entrepreneur the new enemy could be invisible. Can an invisible virus provoke a war?

R. – Tensions, competition, hatred of foreigners, scape goats, incompetent leaderships all are made worse by the virus, if we escape unscathed we will be very fortunate.

The coronavirus crisis has brought not only individual but also national selfish attitudes. This type of nationalism sparks dangerous feelings of anger towards others, even if they too have a nationalist bent. History is unfortunately full of such examples that have led to conflicts. Does this risk exist today?

R. – Yes, we have a little time. The “volcanic” impact of the virus is still underway and the “tsunami” of social catastrophy is coming and must be robustly prepared for.

Inequalities are enormous. Take, for example, access to healthcare in various countries across the globe. Does the hypothesis of a vaccine that is not accessible to everyone entail the risk of conflict?

R. – A literal fight for the vaccine of survival in our communities must be prevented. The poor must be at the front of the queue.

Regarding those who today suffer from hunger: how willing are they to fight for access to healthcare? In various African countries, people say they prefer Covid to hunger. Could the combination of the two, pandemic and hunger, be a dangerous spark?

R. – There is a terrible choice that is unnecessary. The selfishness of the wealthy is a theft.

What parts of the world are at greater risk of war breaking out because of Covid? in the rich and divided north, or the poor and hungry south?

R. – Conflict is worsening everywhere, a slide to global war is too hard to think about for too many.

Pope Francis and Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the UN, have launched a ceasefire appeal wherever there are conflicts in the world, in order to foster the fight against the coronavirus. Why have these appeals not been heeded?

R. – The short-sighted power interests continue as usual, and the wealthy feel immune to the distress influencing the lives of the many.

Several times, even well before the pandemic, Pope Francis has often spoken of a “third world war fought piecemeal”. So, in your opinion, should we fear another worldwide conflict provoked by an invisible virus, or has one already effectively begun that we should be dedicating ourselves to extinguishing?

R. – Both!

Understanding Religion, Islam through a “calming” perspective

Understanding Religion, Islam through a “calming” perspective

Haroon Moghul has contributed essays to a half dozen major news outlets, written three books, served on the Advisory Committee on Cultural Engagement at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, and helped establish the Islamic Center at NYU. Impressive. But Moghul would say, “My bio makes me seem like I do a lot of things, but I really just sit on Zoom calls all day. Although that’s everyone nowadays.”

On one of Moghul’s most recent Zoom calls, he was joined by some twenty-odd Etown students and faculty for a conversation hosted by the Bowers Writers House. He wished to discuss something old.

Moghul made a name for himself when he landed in the unenviable niche as a spokesman for Islam — right after 9/11. Appearing on news shows to help calm the waters during a disastrous time for Muslims in America, the pundit’s mental and spiritual states underwent great strain. Of being in the public eye in the capacity he was, Moghul would “not recommend it.”

To cope with pressure and prejudice, Moghul sought relief through writing. His book, a tongue-in-cheek memoir called How to Be a Muslim, was in some ways an exercise of self-healing. Moghul discussed this work at the Bowers Writers House six years ago.

Not catching a break, Moghul’s book tour coincided with another all-eyes-on-the-Muslims event, the 2016 election. Without missing a beat, the writer began to pen a second book to unwind from the stressful scrutiny of selling the first. This volume, titled The Future of Islam is in Your Hands, works to introduce Islam to a mainstream audience.

Moghul’s presentation at the Bowers House focused on a single chapter which summarizes a story from the Quran for a modern audience. The author found great comfort in this narrative during the low points of his spiritual journey. While he hoped to do the story justice, he noted this was the first time he had tested his material on a public audience. And so, the guinea pigs listened to the tale.

Moghul explained that before our world began, a jinn named Iblis was one of God’s most pious servants. So holy was Iblis that he prayed to live forever so that he could live to pray forever. But then God created Adam. Iblis became jealous when God selected Adam to become his representative on Earth. Iblis exacted revenge and planned to convince God that Adam could not be his representative. From here, the story follows about the same beats as its biblical version with Iblis assuming the form of the snake in the Garden of Eden.

The principle difference is in God’s reaction. As opposed to the original sin idea — that humanity is sullied forever because their distant ancestors ate an apple the God of Islam takes a more forgiving approach. While he still casts Adam and Eve out of paradise and onto Earth, he forgives them. He admires that they took the initiative to admit their mistake and beg for forgiveness. In trying to prove Adam could not be God’s representative, Iblis proved the opposite.

This, says Moghul, is the difference between man and the devil. Man can admit his wrongdoing and grow. The devil cannot. Moghul takes this story to heart. He believes nobody is perfect but that we are capable of improving ourselves and others — to become better citizens, better Muslims, or just better human beings.

This was an enlightening lecture. That Allah was more forgiving with Adam than the Christian God was something that passed by many. It probably passed by most Americans in the last two decades where our dialogue of the whole religion has been consumed with raving terrorists and stereotyping fear-mongers. Moghul says the intent of his career has been to inject some calmer ideas into a conversation that has become “shrill and harsh.” 

Moghul’s event, a wonderful example of theological storytelling, also points to the under-appreciated role of the Bowers Writers House. This little building on the far, far end of campus (you have to walk across a field to get there) hosts scholars from any and every discipline. The director of the house, Dr. Jesse Waters, says his job locating and talking with such a vast array of interesting people, makes him, “the luckiest guy on the planet.”

Dr. Leigh Shannon Haley-Mize, interim director of the Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking, enjoyed Moghul’s lecture and is grateful to Waters for booking the writer. As Etown reorganizes to focus on interdisciplinary work, Shannon Haley-Mize believes the highly generalist Bowers Writers House has “great potential” to bring departments together. She looks forward to collaborating with Waters in the future. With any luck, perhaps this partnership between departments can help bring a little of Moghul’s quest for self-improvement to the College.

This World Children’s Day, ‘reimagine a better future’, for every child

This World Children’s Day, ‘reimagine a better future’, for every child

In a joint message, President of the European Parliament David Sassoli and UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore called for urgent investment to protect children’s futures. 

As the world responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, “the rights of every child everywhere, need to come first in any recovery plan”, they stated. 

The senior officials were joined by several young people from around the world, drawing attention to the challenges facing today’s youth.  

“We see our generation facing challenges as never before in our lifetimes, millions of children are missing out on basic health care, are being cut off from education, and are facing poverty and violence everyday”, the youngsters said.  

“The COVID-19 pandemic took away ‘normal’, but for us ‘normal’ was never good enough anyway.” 

COVID-19 not the ‘only danger’ 

The youth advocates warned that COVID-19 “is not the only danger.” 

“Our planet is suffering and climate change is real, inequality and discrimination are real, the stress on our mental health is very real. 

On World Children’s Day, they continued, “we have a unique opportunity to listen to the visions and solutions of children and young people, for generations to discuss and act together.” 

That, Ms. Fore and Mr. Sassoli stressed, is why UNCIEF and the European Parliament have come together “to make sure no child is left behind.” 

“To make this day to REIMAGINE a better future where all children have a place and opportunities, where all children survive and thrive, where more investments are made today to secure their tomorrow”, the joint message added. 


A young child has her temperature taken at school in Bayanzurkh district, Mongolia. UNICEF provided infrared thermometers to schools and kindergartens in the district as part of its COVID-19 prevention efforts.

Practical and concrete actions  

This year, with COVID-19 upending every aspect lives everywhere, UNICEF launched a plan with practical and concrete actions to protect children. 

“Decision makers must start by listening to children and young people and including them in decision-making,” urged UNICEF, stressing that doing so is vital as it is the children who will live with the impact of this pandemic for decades to come.  

UNICEF called for global action to ensure all children learn, including by closing the digital divide; guarantee access to health and nutrition services; make vaccines affordable and available to every child; support and protect the mental health of children and young people; and bring an end to abuse, violence, and neglect, among other objectives. 

Messages globally 

Meanwhile, messages on the Day have been trending globally on social media platforms, offering support, urging action, and also asking for ideas and inspiration to improve future prospects.  

Sachin Tendulkar, retired Indian cricket superstar and UNICEF South Asia Goodwill Ambassador, declared that “children are the world’s most valuable resource and our best hope for the future.” 

Similarly, Siwon Choi, a singer-songwriter from the Republic of Korea and Regional Ambassador for UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific, invited his Twitter following to “share your ideas for a better future for all.” 

Click here to see some of the messages. 

‘Go Blue’ 

Similar to previous years, major world landmarks are “going blue” to stand for the rights of every child. This year, the representative action is not only a celebration but a resolve towards reimagining a better world for children.

Cytokinetics Names Nancy Wysenski to Board of Directors

Cytokinetics Names Nancy Wysenski to Board of Directors

Cytokinetics Names Nancy Wysenski to Board of Directors – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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The European Securities and Markets Authority, the EU’s securities markets regulator, today launches a public consultation on supervisory fees for data reporting services providers (DRSPs) to be supervised by ESMA starting in 2022.

Following the ESAs Review, the authorisation and supervision of data reporting services providers (DRSP) will be transferred from national competent authorities to ESMA starting January 2022.

The consultation aims to gather stakeholder views on fees for DRSPs that will be supervised by ESMA. The proposed fee framework for DRSPs draws on the existing fee frameworks for Trade Repositories and Securitisation Repositories which set out application as well as annual supervisory fees.

ESMA is proposing both application and authorisation fees, as well as an annual supervisory fee for DRSPs. It has also proposed a timeline for the payment of the fees.

Next steps

The closing date for responses is 4 January 2021. ESMA will consider the responses to this consultation in providing technical advice to the Commission and aims to publish its final report in Q1 2021.

Public Consultation on fees for data reporting service providers (DRSP)

Public Consultation on fees for data reporting service providers (DRSP)

This consultation paper is published to seek stakeholders’ input on ESMA’s proposals relating to fees for data reporting service provides (DRSPs) in relation to the new competences granted to ESMA under Regulation (EU) 600/2014 (MiFIR) as amended by Regulation 2019/2175 (ESA Review).

Responding to this paper

ESMA invites comments on all matters in this paper and in particular on the specific questions summarised in Annex 1. Comments are most helpful if they:

  1. respond to the question stated;
  2. indicate the specific question to which the comment relates;
  3. contain a clear rationale; and
  4. describe any alternatives ESMA should consider.

ESMA will consider all comments received by 4 January 2021

All contributions should be submitted online at www.esma.europa.eu under the heading ‘Your input – Consultations’.

Publication of responses

All contributions received will be published following the close of the consultation, unless you request otherwise.  Please clearly and prominently indicate in your submission any part you do not wish to be publicly disclosed. A standard confidentiality statement in an email message will not be treated as a request for non-disclosure. A confidential response may be requested from us in accordance with ESMA’s rules on access to documents. We may consult you if we receive such a request. Any decision we make not to disclose the response is reviewable by ESMA’s Board of Appeal and the European Ombudsman.