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US bishops urge Trump, Barr to stop federal executions

US bishops urge Trump, Barr to stop federal executions
(Photo: Wikipedia Public Domain)United States Penitentiary, Terre Haute, Indiana, the location of the federal death row for men and the federal execution chamber.

President Donald Trump’s administration intends to execute three inmates on federal death row, the last scheduled executions by the Justice Department before the inauguration of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., who has signaled he will end federal use of capital punishment.

Since July, when it resumed carrying out the death penalty after a 17-year hiatus, the Trump administration has executed seven federal inmates, The New York Times reported.

The United States is heading to having 10 federal executions in 2020, more than double the previous record of four in 1938.

“In the last 60 years, before the Trump administration restarted federal executions, there were only four federal executions,” two bishops wrote on the website of the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Conference.

“Since July, there have been five, which is already more federal executions than were carried out in any year in the last century. There are two more federal executions scheduled this week.”

In response to the planned federal execution of Orlando Hall on Nov. 19, and two more federal executions scheduled to take place in December, two U.S. bishops’ committee chairmen called on the government to end this practice, Catholic News Service reports.

“We ask President (Donald) Trump and Attorney General (William) Barr, as an act of witness to the dignity of all human life: stop these executions,” said the Nov. 18 statement.

It came from Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities.

“Sadly, we must call on the administration yet again to stop an execution,” the archbishops said, noting the country is “now on pace for 10 federal executions in 2020, more than double the previous record of four in 1938.”

The archbishops’ statement said the death penalty is “not necessary to protect society.

“It is not necessary to hold people accountable for grave crimes. The decision not to execute someone, even someone who has done something terrible, is not ‘soft on crime’; rather, it is strong on the dignity of life.”

They also quoted Fratelli tutti, the recent encyclical by Pope Francis.

It says: “The firm rejection of the death penalty shows to what extent it is possible to recognize the inalienable dignity of every human being and accept that he or she has a place in the universe.”

On Sept. 22, the two archbishops issued a similar statement, urging Trump and Barr to stop an execution that day and one two days later.

Sister Helen Prejean, a Sister of St. Joseph of Medaille and long-time anti-death penalty activist, has spoken against Hall’s execution on Twitter.

She described him as a Black man who was “convicted and sentenced to death by an all-white jury after prosecutors enlisted a lawyer with a known track record of excluding black citizens from juries.”

Hall, who is 49, was convicted of kidnapping and killing a Texas teenager in 1994.

Sister Prejean tweeted Nov. 18 the Department of Justice is “trying to rush through as many federal executions as possible during the ‘lame-duck’ period between now and January 20, 2021.”

She said that that lawyers with the Justice Department “have informed federal judges that more execution dates will be announced soon.”


“This shameful killing spree must end,” she added.

convicted of strangling a Missouri woman who was eight months pregnant and taking her unborn baby, who survived. Montgomery is the first woman to face the federal death penalty in decades. She has asked for a delay in her execution because her attorneys have Covid-19.

Sister Prejean has said the “system failed Lisa Montgomery. The ultimate failure would be to execute this woman who is severely mentally ill and suffered through decades of torture at the hands of those who were supposed to love and protect her.”

Brandon Bernard, 40, is scheduled to be executed Dec. 10 for the 1999 kidnapping and killing of a husband and wife in Texas when he was 18. Sister Prejean has similarly spoken out for him, saying he is “unjustly on federal death row.”

Development funding and trade transparency needed, to stop COVID-19 dividing the world

Development funding and trade transparency needed, to stop COVID-19 dividing the world

The report, Impact of the Pandemic on Trade and Development: Transitioning to a new normal, said the pandemic had accelerated existing trends in trade, investment and technology, but its impact was “tilted towards the most vulnerable, both within and across countries” and it would leave many developing countries with unsustainable debt burdens.

Getting the world back on track towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a so-called “better recovery”, meant reshaping global corporate networks and multilateral cooperation, the report said.

Unavoidable transformation

“While the pandemic may be far from over, it has become clear that transforming global approaches to trade and development cannot be avoided when charting a sustainable course to recovery from the pandemic”, UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi wrote in the foreword.

“It is our hope that this ‘better recovery’ can sow the seeds of a healthier, fairer and greener globalization that can be nourished by a more resilient approach to multilateralism.”

The pandemic is loading more costs onto developing countries while simultaneously reducing the availability of external finance, the report said. Cutbacks are likely in international development spending and remittances sent home by migrant workers are expected to fall 20 per cent this year.

Developing countries did not only need debt relief, but direct liquidity support to give them budgetary spending power in the short term and a framework for sovereign debt restructuring in the long term, it said.

“For developing countries – especially for the poorest and most vulnerable among them – new international consensus on financing must be reached in order to extend to all countries the fiscal breathing room and liquidity needed to meet the extraordinary outlay of resources required to tackle the health and economic crisis head on.”

New Marshall Plan

The report called for a “Marshall Plan” of international development spending to help poorer countries recover.

“There is the risk that a sovereign liquidity crisis could quickly turn into a solvency crisis if countries do not receive sufficient liquidity support. Proactive steps by the international community are required to avert a broader and deeper crisis”, it said.

The report said that international trade had sped the transmission of the pandemic and the accompanying economic shock around the world, but trade was also part of the solution and policies for fairer and greener trade would help the weakest and most vulnerable to recover.

Some of the pandemic’s economic trends would endure and should be harnessed to help the global recovery, such as accelerated digitalization. But other potentially positive changes such as more climate-friendly production and consumption, still needed policy support to reach critical mass, the report said.

Room for hope, in new world order

Despite enormous challenges to development aspirations, the right policies and sufficient coordination would steer the world economy back towards the SDGs, which were agreed by all UN Member States in 2015 and aim to reduce poverty, protect the planet and promote peace and prosperity by 2030.

“Thus, despite the grim outlook, it is still possible to turn COVID-19 into the finest hour of the United Nations and build a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable future”, the report concluded.

Zimbabwe: Bishops encourage unity and reconciliation ahead of Advent season – Vatican News

Zimbabwe: Bishops encourage unity and reconciliation ahead of Advent season - Vatican News

By Fr. Benedict Mayaki, SJ

As the Church prepares to enter into the Season of Advent – the period of joyful anticipation of the birth of Our Lord at Christmas – the Bishops Conference of Zimbabwe (ZCBC) has called for unity and reconciliation in the country.

In their pastoral letter released on Wednesday, the Bishops, inspired by the word “Advent,” which comes from the Latin “Advenio” meaning “behold I come,” encouraged the faithful to make the cry of John the Baptist, “Prepare the way for the Lord, make His path straight” be heard in all the “socio-political, economic and religious spheres of life.” 

“It is the Lord Jesus who comes to live among us in order to renew us,” the ZCBC said. “The coming of the Lord is also a coming of new things, new ideas, a renewed hope in Him and in each other and what we are capable of doing together if only we can trust, reach out and find each other across our set social and political boundaries,” the Bishops added.

“Whatever our circumstances as individuals, as families, communities, as a nation and at a global level,” the Bishops continued, “this is the time we look forward to the good news that comes with the grace of our Lord.”

Genuine social relationships

Highlighting the difficult times caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, including the upheavals in the social, economic, spiritual, and educational sectors, the Bishops stressed the need for social relationships that are a “genuine acknowledgement of the other that is made possible by love alone.”

“If we are to care truly for each other, we need to begin by looking at the relationship between people,” the Bishops said, adding that “a true human and humane community can break out of the indifference brought about by consumerism and lack of political charity.”

The ZCBC members warn that “politics without charity can never bring about the common good” and called on politicians to practice politics that is inspired “by the encounter with Christ and imbued with love and political charity.” The Bishops also seized the opportunity to encourage the government to “extend a hand of welcome to all the opposition parties so that advent hope can be rekindled among our suffering people.”

Ecological conversion

Reiterating Pope Francis’ appeal in Laudato sí for profound interior conversion in the face of the ecological crisis, the Bishops warned of the urgent necessity of taking steps against the crisis that “is not far from our doorstep” and “is inside our home fuelled by poverty, business interests and consumerism.”

They note that the season of Advent calls on Christians to look again on how to curb the destruction of Zimbabwe – the “jewel of Africa” – because “the human environment and the natural environment deteriorate together and we cannot adequately combat environmental degradation unless we attend to causes related to human and social degradation.”

Looking ahead

Acknowledging that Zimbabwe has had a particularly “difficult journey this year,” the Bishops called on all to “put the common good at the heart of our recovery plans.”

“We need to help each other. Simply being kind is one small way to do this,” the Bishops recommended. “Returning to communal liturgical celebrations will help foster communion among us.”

“Let us use our time to talk creatively, positively and concretely about the future we dream and desire to build the Zimbabwe we want.”

Concluding their pastoral letter, the Bishops leave the faithful with two questions: Do I recognize my need for others? Do I realize and accept the fact that I am responsible for others and the natural world by virtue of being human?

Pope urges Latin American Church to promote solidarity during pandemic – Vatican News

Pope urges Latin American Church to promote solidarity during pandemic - Vatican News

By Devin Watkins

Two Vatican offices teamed up with the local Church to host a seminar entitled: “Latin America: Church, Pope Francis, and scenarios of the pandemic.”

Taking place on 19-20 November, the online event was organized by the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, and the Conference of Latin American Bishops (CELAM). It seeks to find ways to combat the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the people of the region by promoting solidarity.

Marginalized at the center

In his video message released on Thursday, Pope Francis thanked the organizers of the event, and expressed his hopes that it might inspire people to work to guarantee everyone a dignified life, especially those on the fringes of society.

“When I say ‘the marginalized’,” said the Pope, “I do not say it in the sense of giving alms to them, or as a gesture of beneficence. No, I mean they are our hermeneutical key.”

He said the Church must begin her reflections on the human peripheries, otherwise she errs.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has amplified and highlighted even more the problems and socio-economic injustices which already gravely afflicted all of Latin America, and placed even more strain on the poor.”

Bearing the brunt

Pope Francis reflected on the difficult situations that many families face, especially those who cannot procure protection against the coronavirus, such as a house, water, and health products.

“Right now, I am thinking of our brothers and sisters who—besides bearing the impact of the pandemic—are witnessing with sadness that the ecosystem around them is in serious danger due to forest fires which are destroying vast areas of the Pantanal and Amazon rainforests, which are the lungs of Latin America and the world.”

Sharing our bread

The Pope acknowledged that the pandemic’s effects will be felt long after it ends, especially on the economy.

He urged seminar participants to focus their efforts on two hinges: “In the Kingdom of God, all have bread, and it remains in surplus. The organization of society is based on contribution, sharing, and distribution, not on possession, exclusion, and accumulation.”

Solidarity is love

Faced with the crisis, the Pope urged the Church in Latin America to pay attention to three T’s as indicators of people’s situation: “the lack of a roof (techo in Spanish), the lack of land (tierra), and the lack of work (trabajo).”

He said the people of the region can teach everyone to deal courageously with the crisis, and that it is possible to emerge from it better than before.

“The path of solidarity as justice is the best expression of love and closeness,” he said.

Unity overcomes conflict

Pope Francis then urged politicians and the Church to find solutions to the afflictions facing the people of Latin America.

“It would do us good,” he said, “to recall once more that unity is better than conflict.”

“I exhort you—propelled by the light of the Gospel—to continue to seek out al those who ask for help, together with all people of goodwill.”

EU Top Diplomat Confirms EU Foreign Ministers Agreed to Develop New Sanctions on Belarus

EU Top Diplomat Confirms EU Foreign Ministers Agreed to Develop New Sanctions on Belarus

“And today we have agreed to proceed with the preparation of the next round of sanctions as a response against the brutality of the authorities and in support for democratic rights of Belarusian people,” Borrell told a press conference.

According to the foreign policy representative, the new sanctions will target not only individuals but also entities.

Last month, the leaders of the EU countries reached an agreement on sanctions against the Belarusian government. They did not, however, include President Lukashenko in the list, saying that otherwise no dialogue between him and the people of Belarus should ever be expected to take place.

An opposition supporter argues with a police officer during an opposition rally to reject the presidential election results in Minsk, Belarus October 4, 2020.

 Belarus has been witnessing mass anti-government protests since the results of the presidential elections in the republic were announced late on 9 August. According to the country’s election committee, President Alexander Lukashenko, who has been in office for 26 years already, was re-elected for a sixth term after winning more than 80% of the vote, while opposition candidate, Svetlana Tikhanovskays, got a bit more than 10 percent. Clashes between protesters and riot police repeatedly took place during the rallies. Opposition supporters have accused the authorities of resorting to excessive violence during the protests. 

In the face of ridicule: one woman’s fight to bring sanitation to a Nepali village

In the face of ridicule: one woman’s fight to bring sanitation to a Nepali village

Born into the privilege and comforts of a high-caste Brahmin family in Nepal, Ratna Khawas’s life changed drastically when she got married to someone outside her social class, in 1968.

She and her new husband moved to his home village in Belbari, where there were no toilets or handwashing facilities. “I got the shock of my life,” she said. “I had to go to the open field for defecation, as there were no toilets in the whole community.” That shock set her on what became a lifelong quest to improve sanitation for her and her neighbors.

Growing up in a wealthy family in Dharan, 40 miles west, and a world away from Belbari, young Ratna was encouraged to pursue her education. In 1962, she became the first young woman in the region to obtain her “School Leaving Certificate”, having passed a notoriously difficult exam, and went on to become a teacher at Kali High School. That’s when she met and fell in love with Kami Lal Khawas, a young man from an underprivileged community who had a good education.

“I was so much in love with him, as he was an educated person,” said Ratna. “I felt that was enough for me and we got married,” she said, and followed him back to his village as his wife.

Renu Kshetry

A well with a cement platform and a handwashing station has been built at a house in Belbari’s ward 8.

‘I felt that my world had collapsed’

Everything about her new family was different: their habits, their cuisine, their culture. The adjustment was made even more difficult because her father-in-law refused to allow her to continue teaching. For him, a strong advocate of a patriarchal society, it was unimaginable for women in the community to step outside their household for any kind of income-generating work.

“I felt that my world had collapsed. I did not know what to do. I had nowhere to go, as the doors of my parents’ house were closed to me,” says Ratna, recalling the consequences of marrying outside her caste.

The most glaring challenge confronting Ratna in her new life was the complete absence of sanitation and hygiene facilities, which she knew were important for good health and personal dignity. Dharan, where she had lived as a girl, was a developing city where most of the houses had toilets. With its lack of such facilities, Belbari seemed a backward place to her.

“I tried to convince my husband to build a toilet in his house, but he refused to go against his family’s tradition,” she recalls. Ratna was frequently ridiculed by neighbors as an outsider and as someone “always talking about faeces and urine.”

Renu Kshetry

UN-Habitat has supported the construction of toilets in Belbari which offer safety and comfort, and which are more sanitary than the practice of open defecation.

A safe space

In 1975, after her father-in-law’s death, Ratna’s husband allowed his wife to participate in a women’s empowerment programme. After her training, she became a public health professional for the Belbari constituency, working for the family-planning division of the Ministry of Health.

Over the next ten years, Ratna visited 250 households in the community, educating women about reproductive health, sanitation and hygiene, nutrition, and other health topics.

Still, sanitation remained her top priority. Faced with opposition from her extended family, she was unable to build a toilet at home. In 1989, she rebelled and left the family home with her four children. They settled on a piece of land that was owned by her husband, where they built a latrine and then a home.

It wasn’t long before her husband joined her. Then her nephews started building toilets for their homes. Slowly, as they could afford it, other members of the community also began to install latrines, because they had learned that access to a toilet gave them a safe space to manage their sanitation needs.

Pushing the last mile

Life in Belbari now is a far cry from the situation Ratna found when the newlyweds arrived in the village over half a century ago. Today, with Ratna’s help and inspiration, nearly all of Belbari’s 250 households have toilets.

“My only wish now is to build toilets for the seven remaining households,” says Ratna. Her efforts have received financial support from Nari Bikash Sangh (Women’s Development Forum) and local government and technical support from UN-Habitat in Nepal, which has advocated for an end to open defecation. With the support of the office, 600,000 improved toilets have been built across the country and, in the past 10 years alone, UN-Habitat has contributed to nearly one-third of all the territory that is now free of open defecation.

“The biggest achievement was pushing the last mile,” says Sudha Shrestha, Chief Technical Advisor at UN-Habitat Nepal. “This was in the region of Tarai, where the total toilet coverage was only 13 percent. Together with the government, we achieved 100 percent within four years.”

Despite her success so far, Ratna is not resting on her laurels, with so much that still needs to be done to improve sanitation, and end open defecation. “I will consider the campaign a success once the senior citizens and middle-aged men make it a habit to use toilets regularly,” she says. With support from the UN, Ratna’s dream may be realized the world over.

EU economies need public investment-led stimulus, ECB President tells MEPs | News | European Parliament

EU economies need public investment-led stimulus, ECB President tells MEPs | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201113IPR91598/

Migration and asylum: time to find balance between solidarity and responsibility | News | European Parliament

EU economies need public investment-led stimulus, ECB President tells MEPs | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201113IPR91600/

Europe Food Preservatives Market 2020 Precise Outlook – Kerry Group PLC, Brenntag Holding GmbH, Tate & Lyle PLC, Jungbunzlauer Suisse AG, Koninklijke DSM N.V., DuPont de Nemours, Inc


The Europe Food Preservatives Market report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides an in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies. We analyzed the impact of COVID-19 (Corona Virus) on the product industry chain based on the upstream and downstream markets, on various regions and major countries and on the future development of the industry are pointed out.

Europe food preservatives market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.23% during the forecast period (2020-2025).

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The 100 Pages report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market. Top Companies in the Global Europe Food Preservatives Market: Kerry Group PLC, Brenntag Holding GmbH, Tate & Lyle PLC, Jungbunzlauer Suisse AG, Koninklijke DSM N.V., DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Corbion NV, Merck KGaA

Market Overview:

– The natural food preservatives segment is expected to record robust growth during the forecast period, particularly in the developed countries of Europe that have a large number of food companies using natural preservatives in their products.
– In addition to maintaining the quality of the food, specialty preservatives, such as sorbic acid, benzoic acid, nisin, and acetic acid, help control contamination. One group of specialty preservatives and antioxidants also prevent food from becoming rancid or developing an off-flavor.
– With the increasing acceptance of the ready-to-eat (RTE) food in Europe, manufacturers of RTE foods are inculcating clean label ingredients, which offer high nutrient and more shelf life.

Beverage Application is driving the Market

The popularity of on-the-go beverages has led to the introduction of highly convenient packaging formats. Additionally, functional beverages are emerging as a preferred class of meal-replacement solutions in the region. Companies are producing a large variety of non-alcoholic ferments as specialty food ingredients for applications in beverages, like soft drinks and malt-based juices. Sorbates and benzoates are often used in combination, especially in highly acidic drinks. Sorbates are very effective preservatives against bacteria, yeasts, and molds. The antimicrobial effectiveness of sorbates depends on the physical and chemical properties of the beverages. Thus, contributing to the preservatives market in Europe. The European marketplace has witnessed significant growth in natural preservatives led by the increasing consumer awareness of the potential negative impact of synthetic preservatives on health, in contrast to the benefits of natural preservatives, has generated interest in the development and use of natural products among the beverage manufacturers._

Germany is Among the Largest Player

Synthetic preservatives still dominate the share of the preservatives market in the country, however, the market experiences the surging demand for natural preservatives. Whereas, under synthetic antimicrobials, lactates hold a prominent share of the Germany market. The availability of ingredients in liquid, powder and crystalline forms further enhance the application in numerous food products. For instance, In Germany, Galactic produces and retails a range of antimicrobials such as Galacid, and Galaflow formulated in liquid, powder and crystalline forms for its extensive application in the food industry. Moreover, the growing demand for food application has insisted players of the market to widely produce additives in the country. For instance, Celanese Corporation manufacture Nutrinova Sorbates in a single-purpose plant in Frankfurt, Germany for its extensive food applications. The plant has accountability given through EU law.

Competitive Landscape

The Europe food preservatives market is dominated by global players, and the market is highly competitive owing to the presence of numerous regional and global players. Players such as Koninklijke DSM N.V. are inclining towards various strategies such as merger and acquisition, product innovation and expansion. Thereby, focusing on all the elements of the market. _For instance, Koninklijke DSM N.V. invested in the launch of two innovative natural antimicrobial additives including DelvoCid+ and other mushroom-based natural preservative to satiate the extensively growing demand for natural and organic food products. Moreover, companies such as Dupont adopted continuous expansion as their strategy to achieve a competitive advantage in the market and expand their geographical presence and customer base.

Influence Of The Europe Food Preservatives Market Report:

-Comprehensive assessment of all opportunities and risk in the Europe Food Preservatives market.

– Europe Food Preservatives market recent innovations and major events.

-A detailed study of business strategies for growth of the Europe Food Preservatives market-leading players.

-Conclusive study about the growth plot of Europe Food Preservatives market for forthcoming years.

-In-depth understanding of Europe Food Preservatives market-particular drivers, constraints and major micro markets.

-Favourable impression inside vital technological and market latest trends striking the Europe Food Preservatives market.

What Are The Market Factors That Are Explained In The Report?

Key Strategic Developments: The study also includes the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on regional scale.

Analytical Tools: The Europe Food Preservatives Market Report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market by means of a number of analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the growth of the key players operating in the market.

Key Market Features: The report evaluated key market features, including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin. In addition, the study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with pertinent market segments and sub-segments.

The report has 150 tables and figures browse the report description and TOC:


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MarketInsightsReports provides syndicated market research on industry verticals including Healthcare, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Technology and Media, Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Heavy Industry, etc. MarketInsightsReports provides Global and regional market intelligence coverage, a 360-degree market view which includes statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.

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Europe Weight Loss Management Market Emerging Trends and Demands 2020 to 2025 | General Nutrition Centers Inc., Amway Corp., Glanbia PLC, and Herbalife International


The Europe Weight Loss Management Market report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides an in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies. We analyzed the impact of COVID-19 (Corona Virus) on the product industry chain based on the upstream and downstream markets, on various regions and major countries and on the future development of the industry are pointed out.

The European weight management market is projected to witness a CAGR of 4.91% during the forecast period, 2020-2025.

Click the link to get a Sample Copy of the Report:


The 116 Pages report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market. Top Companies in the Global Europe Weight Loss Management Market: General Nutrition Centers Inc., Amway Corp., Glanbia PLC, and Herbalife International.

Market Overview:

– The market is primarily driven by factors, such as rising incidence of obesity and chronic diseases, rising awareness about nutrition and healthy lifestyles, an increasing number of fitness centers, and rising disposable income across the region. In addition, an increasing number of health and fitness clubs across the region fueled the market’s growth. Moreover, product innovations by leading players, such as herbal and organic slimming products, are boosting the market’s growth.
– However, the major factor restraining the growth of the market is the high cost of weight loss products, owing to the additional processing required for low-calorie products and additional nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

Rising Obesity Concerns across the Region

Concerns related to weight and obesity are increasing at a rapid rate in most of the EU member states, particularly among children. In addition to causing various physical disabilities and psychological problems, excess weight drastically increases a person’s risk of developing a number of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, along with the risk of developing more than one of these diseases (co-morbidity) and body weight. The involvement of different governmental sectors and national policies favored the European region significantly. For instance, the WHO European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015-2020 has been initiated specifically for the purpose of restricting the marketing of unhealthy foods to children, mainly to curb the obesity epidemic. Also, the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO), an authoritative body of the obesity community within Europe, is focusing on developing a universal, evidence-based approach for tackling obesity across disciplines and countries, along with the improvement of quality and availability of care, while supporting the campaign projects and groups across the region. As a result of this trend, the demand for healthier balanced diets is expected to increase. This, in turn, may provide significant growth opportunities for players operating in the weight loss management products market.

Italy to Drive the Regional Market

Italy has been reported to dominate the weight loss management market in the European region, owing to the rising incidences of major health concerns, such as obesity and diabetes, in the region. The significant presence of global players catering to weight management supplement products is driving the market’s growth in this region. The rising popularity of natural and organic ingredients in weight management supplement products is one of the driving factors for the increasing demand for these products in Europe. In terms of distribution channels, weight management products are primarily available in mass-market channels, such as hypermarkets/supermarkets and convenience stores. Also, with the increasing internet penetration, the online market related to weight loss, including food and beverages and supplements, witnessed rapid growth, globally, in the past 3-4 years. This category attracted a few vertical specialists, like Amazon, Walmart, and Carrefour, who are focusing on the growth of e-retailing.

Competitive Landscape

The European weight loss management market is competitive, due to the presence of numerous domestic and multinational players. Companies are focusing on mergers, expansions, acquisitions, and partnerships, along with new product developments, as strategic approaches adopted to boost brand presence. Key players dominating the regional market include General Nutrition Centers Inc., Amway Corp., Glanbia PLC, and Herbalife International.

Influence Of The Europe Weight Loss Management Market Report:

-Comprehensive assessment of all opportunities and risk in the Europe Weight Loss Management market.

– Europe Weight Loss Management market recent innovations and major events.

-A detailed study of business strategies for growth of the Europe Weight Loss Management market-leading players.

-Conclusive study about the growth plot of Europe Weight Loss Management market for forthcoming years.

-In-depth understanding of Europe Weight Loss Management market-particular drivers, constraints and major micro markets.

-Favourable impression inside vital technological and market latest trends striking the Europe Weight Loss Management market.

What Are The Market Factors That Are Explained In The Report?

Key Strategic Developments: The study also includes the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on regional scale.

Analytical Tools: The Europe Weight Loss Management Market Report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market by means of a number of analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the growth of the key players operating in the market.

Key Market Features: The report evaluated key market features, including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin. In addition, the study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with pertinent market segments and sub-segments.

The report has 150 tables and figures browse the report description and TOC:


Customization Of The Report:

MarketInsightsReports provides customization of reports as per your need. This report can be personalized to meet your requirements. Get in touch with our sales team, who will guarantee you to get a report that suits your necessities.

If you have any questions about any of our “Europe Weight Loss Management market report” or would like to schedule a personalized free demo of Europe Weight Loss Management market report, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

Best wishes,

Irfan Tamboli

Head of Sales Operations

Market Insights Reports

Tel: + 1704 266 3234 | +91-750-707-8687

Email: [email protected] | [email protected]

About Us:

MarketInsightsReports provides syndicated market research on industry verticals including Healthcare, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Technology and Media, Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Heavy Industry, etc. MarketInsightsReports provides Global and regional market intelligence coverage, a 360-degree market view which includes statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.

This Press Release has been written with the intention of providing accurate market information which will enable our readers to make informed strategic investment decisions. If you notice any problem with this content, please feel free to reach us on [email protected].