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US Bishops ask Americans’ support for religious retirement fund – Vatican News

US Bishops ask Americans' support for religious retirement fund - Vatican News

By Lisa Zengarini

In its 33rd year, the “Retirement Fund for Religious” collection, which is distinct from retired priest collections held in respective dioceses for the care of retired diocesan priests, is coordinated by the National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) in Washington, D.C..

Proceeds are distributed to eligible communities to help underwrite retirement and health-care expenses. It benefits nearly 30,000 senior Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests.  

Much-needed campaign

The campaign was initiated by the US Catholic Bishops in 1988 to address the growing lack of retirement funds among religious communities in the United States.

Their funding deficits are rooted in low salaries, as women and men religious engage in ministry for little or no pay at all.

Elderly religious are also living longer and, according to NRRO data, outnumber younger, wage-earning religious by nearly three, making it more and more difficult for US religious communities to cope with rising expenses to provide adequate care for their retired members.

The total cost of care for religious past age 70 exceeds $1 billion annually. The Covid-19 pandemic has compounded this already difficult situation.

Day-to-day expenses

The 2019 appeal raised $26.2 million, and this past June, the NRRO distributed $25 million in financial assistance to 341 religious communities across the nation.

The beneficiary religious order communities combine this funding with their own income and savings to help furnish day-to-day necessities, including medications and nursing care, and the distributions may be applied toward immediate retirement needs or invested for future eldercare expenses.

“We are humbled and incredibly grateful for the ongoing generosity of the Catholic faithful to the annual appeal,” said Sister Stephanie Still, PBVM (Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary), who serves as the NRRO’s executive director. “And we are committed to ensuring the broadest and most beneficial use of these donations.”

FIFA, WHO, EC, European Parliament Sports Group Renew #SafeHome For Women Campaign

FIFA, WHO, EC, European Parliament Sports Group Renew #SafeHome For Women Campaign
                    <div class="post-body-inner">On International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, FIFA, the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Commission and the European Parliament Sports Group have joined forces to raise awareness about the risk of domestic violence and call for an end to violence against women and children.

Following the joint campaigns earlier this year, the renewed #SafeHome campaign is a joint response to be launched on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25th November.

The announcement comes as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect populations across the world and stay-at-home measures are re-introduced in many countries, putting both women and children experiencing abuse at greater risk. Of importance in this context is the recently published EU Strategy on victims’ rights (2020-2025).

Speaking on the renewed #SafeHome campaign, Gianni Infantino, FIFA President said:

“Violence has no place in our society, and sports and football are no exception. FIFA is fully committed to continuing our work with leading international organisations to help end violence, by using football as a platform to raise awareness on this and other key issues facing society today.”

“The world must remain steadfast in our efforts to end violence against women and girls. Preventing and addressing this pervasive violation of human rights should be a key part of every country’s response to COVID-19,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Every one of us must stand with survivors to ensure that they are safe and receive the support and essential services they need at all times.”

Helena Dalli, EU Commissioner for Equality, said:

“Violence against women and girls is a violation of human rights, and has no place in the European Union, or anywhere else in the world. This pandemic is a test for humanity. It has led to heightened exposure of women and children to domestic violence. We must eradicate this shadow pandemic.

“The EU is committed to working incessantly with its partners to prevent and combat violence against women. We must step up, our efforts to achieve gender equality and eradicate violence against women and children.”

“I’m honoured to be part of the #SafeHome joint campaign on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

“We all have a duty to speak up to protect women’s rights and fight any form of violence and this is particularly important during the current circumstances, with confinement often increasing the risk of domestic abuse. Let’s harness the power of sport to raise awareness of this issue and strive to put an end to violence and abuse.” added Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

“With almost one in three women worldwide having experienced violence at some point in their lifetime, domestic violence has devastating impact on the lives of so many within society.

“30 % of women around the world have been raped, beaten, forced to act or abused at least once in their lives. This is a real scourge that we must tackle without hindrance, at all levels of government and on every ground.

“The first thing to break is silence; This is the reason for this joint campaign with FIFA, the World Health Organisation and the European Parliament’s Sport Group. We need to do everything we can to put an end to violence and abuse. Every victim is a victim of too much!” explains Marc Tarabella, Member of the European Parliament and co-chair of the European Parliament’s Sports Group.

The campaign is aimed at the general public and decision makers (including recommendations to governments) to not only raise their awareness of the risks, but also what actions they can take to prevent and mitigate these risks.

The video awareness campaign features 19 past and present footballers – Álvaro Arbeloa, Rosana Augusto, Vítor Baía, Khalilou Fadiga, Tomasz Frankowski, Matthias Ginter, David James, Andrzej Juskowiak, Giorgos Karagounis, Annike Krahn, Marco Materazzi, Milagros Menéndez, Noemi Pascotto, Graham Potter, Mikaël Silvestre, Kelly Smith, Óliver Torres, Clémentine Touré and Theodoros Zagorakis – who have stressed their support in addressing this critical issue.

The campaign is being published on various FIFA digital channels, with #SafeHome also being supported with multimedia toolkits for the 211 FIFA member associations and for various media agencies to help facilitate additional localisation and to further amplify the message worldwide.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and FIFA signed in 2019 a four-year collaboration to promote healthy lifestyles through football globally. More information on the WHO-FIFA memorandum of understanding can be found here.

The two organisations jointly launched the “Pass the message to kick out coronavirus” campaign in March 2020 to share advice on effective measures to protect people from COVID-19. This was followed by the #BeActive campaign in April 2020 to encourage people to stay healthy at home during the pandemic.
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The European Publishers Council applauds today’s decision by MEPs to approve a Report initiated by the EPP Group that calls for a crucial new law to protect journalists and independent journalism in Europe.

The European Parliament is calling for the European Commission to propose a new law to protect independent media from vexatious lawsuits intended to silence or intimidate them. The Report also highlights the need for a legal framework to supervise the operation of public service media providers to prevent public broadcasting being used as a tool for political party propaganda, as well as the establishment of a permanent European fund of direct support for independent journalists.

EPC Executive Director Angela Mills Wade said: “We add our voice to that of the European Parliament in calling for this new protection for journalists.  It is the job of the independent media to hold our leaders to account – to speak truth to power – and the right of professional journalists to do their vital job without fear for their safety or freedom.”

This timely proposal is adopted during the week when award-winning Polish photo journalist for AP and Gazeta Wyborcza Agata Grzybowska was violently detained by police in Warsaw whilst obviously working as press to cover the abortion protests. She has since been released.

Angela continued: “Disinformation, fake news and hate speech are becoming an ever-greater threat to society.  The independent news media is legally accountable for the content we disseminate.  We demand respect and legal protection for our journalists who often put themselves at personal risk whilst doing a job that is crucial for our democracy.” 



Oligarchic Imperialism Is The New Dominant World Religion

Oligarchic Imperialism Is The New Dominant World Religion

I was just watching a gaggle
of blue-checkmarked narrative managers
progressive commentators Katie Halper and Briahna Joy Gray
on Twitter for platforming antiwar journalist Rania Khalek
on the grounds that Khalek is an “Assadist”, which is
imperialist for “someone who opposes western imperialism in

Cool, just Sanders’ former
press spox hanging out with an Assadist.

— Jasmin Mujanović (@JasminMuj)
24, 2020

At no point do any of
these narrative managers bother to address the actual things
these women were discussing together or why anything Khalek
was saying in their video conference was wrong. They do not
feel the need to do such a thing, because they have this
label, “Assadist”, which they can pin on one of the speakers
and thereby reject one hundred percent of her work and one
hundred percent of the people who give her a platform from
which to speak. They feel no need to address the arguments,
because they have a label which they all agree means they
can completely un-person someone who opposes western regime
change agendas in a specific region.

There are many
such labels that are used to exclude people from positions
of influence and power for simply disagreeing with the
official doctrine of status quo oligarchic imperialism in
any way. “Assadist” is one of them; it allows someone to be
completely marginalized from platforms of significant
influence without anyone ever needing to admit that they’re
simply depriving anyone of a platform who criticized the way
the US power alliance used proxy armies and propaganda
campaigns in a campaign to topple Damascus. “Kremlin asset”
is another, as are “conspiracy theorist”, “tankie”, or
“[insert imperialism-targeted leader] apologist”.

reality, these labels are interchangeable with the word
“heretic”. They mean “Someone who disagrees with the
mainstream consensus religion of oligarchic

In ages past people would be excluded
from positions of influence and power if they did not belong
to the dominant religion in that place and time. If you were
a Jew living in the Holy Roman Empire, for example, the door
would be closed to you from ever holding a position of power
or influence over the mainstream population. In the same
exact way, those who do not espouse the mainstream orthodoxy
of continual military expansionism and status quo politics
are cut off from major positions in politics and media using
the modern-day equivalent of the “heathen” label. It’s a
very old dynamic adapted for a new

Caitlin Johnstone: ‘Mainstream
establishment orthodoxy is essentially a religion, as fake
and power-serving as any other, and if you want to work in
mainstream politics or media you need to demonstrate that
you are a member of that religion’

Jonathan Cook (@Jonathan_K_Cook)
21, 2020

Oligarchic imperialism
is the new dominant world religion. It is the scripture that
everyone reads from. It is what shapes our culture. It is
what holy wars are fought over and acts of terrorism
committed for. It’s what power is built around. It’s what
you’re branded a heretic for rejecting. It’s just as fake as
any other religion, just as crafted toward the advantage of
the powerful as any other religion, and just as dependent
upon blind faith in insubstantial narratives as any other
religion. But it lets its adherents feel smug and superior
to people who believe in those primitive older

Adherents of the old dominant religion used
to read the Bible; adherents of the new dominant religion
read The New York Times. Adherents of the old
dominant religion used to go to church on Sunday; adherents
of the new dominant religion go to Hollywood movies.
Adherents of the old dominant religion fought in the
crusades; adherents of the new dominant religion kill
families with drones and Tomahawk missiles overseas.
Adherents of the old dominant religion used to burn heretics
at the stake; adherents of the new dominant religion
imprison journalists and deplatform “Assadists”, “Putin
apologists” and “conspiracy theorists” so their ideas don’t
infect the rest of the flock.

These labels exist
because if mainstream platforms admitted that they refuse
access to literally anyone who disagrees with status quo
oligarchic imperialism, they would have to admit that they
are not the objective arbiters of absolute reality they
portray themselves as being, but are in fact propagandists
for a very specific belief system. That they are not tasked
with the responsibility of reporting the news, but with
promoting the doctrine of the new dominant world religion.
That they aren’t news reporters, but high

isn’t disappearing, it has just changed its form. The world
has become too small for widespread belief in omnipotent
deities creating the universe in six days and controlling
all our affairs, so now people tell new fairy tales about a
liberal world order which must be preserved by a beneficent
superpower and its allies. In reality it is nothing other
than propaganda for a murderous, tyrannical theocratic
empire, of just the sort once presided over by

Western imperialism is worse than every single
issue the mass media are screaming in your face about on any
given day. It is without exaggeration worse than 100 percent
of those issues. If people could really grasp the horrific
nature of imperial warmongering, the wars would be forced to
end. It is the job of the imperial high priests to prevent
this from happening, which is why they use dismissive labels
to marginalize anyone who might be inclined to remind you of

In a murderous, tyrannical theocratic empire,
the only sane position to hold is that of heresy and
apostasy. Hopefully one day mankind will open its eyes to
reality and require no blind faith in any artificial belief
constructs of any

© Scoop Media

European Parliament Votes For Right To Repair

European Parliament Votes For Right To Repair

In a landmark move, the European Parliament voted today to support consumers’ Right to Repair. The resolution was adopted with 395 in favor and just 94 against, with 207 abstentions. iFixit reports: “By adopting this report, the European Parliament sent a clear message: harmonized mandatory labelling indicating durability and tackling premature obsolescence at EU level are the way forward,” said Rapporteur David Cormand, MEP from France. The vote calls for the EU Commission to “develop and introduce mandatory labelling, to provide clear, immediately visible and easy-to-understand information to consumers on the estimated lifetime and reparability of a product at the time of purchase.”

The EU motion calls for a repair score, similar to the scores that iFixit has been assigning to gadgets for the past fifteen years. According to a recent EU survey, 77% of EU citizens would rather repair their devices than replace them; 79% think that manufacturers should be legally obliged to facilitate the repair of digital devices or the replacement of their individual parts. Matthias Huisken, Director of Advocacy for iFixit Europe, said “This is a huge win for consumers across Europe. This vote will set in motion a wave of new repair-friendly policies, from repair scores at retail to product longevity disclosures.”

From Genesis to siddur Lev Shalem: A history of Judaism through its books

From Genesis to siddur Lev Shalem: A history of Judaism through its books

Jeffrey Spitzer

Jeffrey Spitzer, a distance educator and curriculum consultant, will explore the basics of Jewish history by investigating the emergence of Jewish books and “book culture” on six Thursdays from 7:30 to 9 p.m. The Zoom course begins on Dec. 3 with a class entitled, “Torah as Constitution and the Bible as Anthology (1300-165 BCE)” Resources and suggestions for exploration will be provided.

Other classes are: Dec.10: “Books that Didn’t Make It, and the “Oral Book” That Did (300 BCE-220 CE),”

Dec.17: “Why One of the Two Talmuds is The Talmud (200-700 CE),” Jan. 7: “The Siddur, the Guide, and the Zohar (700-1492 CE),” Jan. 14: “I Don’t Want Your Set Table (Shulchan Arukh) (1492-1789 CE),” and

Jan.  21: Histories, Cookbooks, Art Scroll, and Sefaria (1789-2021 CE).

The course, sponsored by Congregation Agudat Achim’s Adult Education Committee, is free and open to the public.

The Zoom link may be found on the congregation’s website. Phone number is 929-436-2866; Meeting ID: 970 211 663; Password: 918024.

Pope to Caritas Slovenia: ‘May the Church be united’ – Vatican News

Pope to Caritas Slovenia: 'May the Church be united' - Vatican News

By Vatican Radio staff writer

Pope Francis has sent a message of gratitude and appreciation for the charitable activities of the Slovenian Caritas Concerts “Klic dobrote” thirty years from their establishment.

The “Klic dobrote” Concerts, which translates into “Call for Generosity” Concerts, raise awareness and organize fundraising for good causes while promoting harmony and unity.

In his message the Pope expresses his wish that this year’s “Klic dobrote” take another step forward, also for the unity of the Church and for the people of Slovenia.

“Where there is no unity, dear brothers and sisters, there is no Spirit of the Lord. The Lord always seeks unity, which does not mean uniformity,” he writes.

Upholding the diverse qualities, charismas and personalities that are part of society, he calls for respect “always in unity, with the Spirit of unity.”

“We should not be sectarian, one against the other,” he says, “We should not be Party people.”

As they prepare to perform their 30th anniversary concert, Pope Francis concludes his message wishing organizers and participants in the “Klic dobrote” Concerts all the best: “May this concert express the harmony of your unity. May the Lord bless you. And don’t forget to pray for me!”

MEPs set out blueprint for a new Industrial strategy | News | European Parliament

MEPs set out blueprint for a new Industrial strategy | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201120IPR92128/

Media freedom: EP warns of attempts to silence critics and undermine pluralism | News | European Parliament

Media freedom: EP warns of attempts to silence critics and undermine pluralism | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201120IPR92117/

Parliament wants to better protect consumers from unsafe products | News | European Parliament

MEPs set out blueprint for a new Industrial strategy | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201120IPR92127/