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Sexual abuse, electric shocks, chemical restraints in Mental Health Care, report finds

Physical restraint used in a psychiatric facility.

A disclosure by New Zealand’s Royal Commission has exposed a distressing past of mistreatment within its mental health and behavioral facilities impacting 200,000 children and vulnerable individuals.

For some people it meant years or even decades of frequent abuse and neglect. For some it was a lifetime; for others, an unmarked grave,” the report stated.

This thorough investigation spanning six years with a price tag of $101 million has revealed the abuse and neglect that transpired under the pretext of mental healthcare. The revelations have reverberated globally, sparking calls of patients’ rights groups for improvements in mental health services worldwide, particularly in Europe.

Reality of sexual abuse, electric shocks, chemical restraints

The Royal Commissions publication titled “Whanaketia – Through pain and trauma from darkness to light” sheds light on a reality of sexual abuse, electric shocks, chemical restraints, medical trials and other forms of maltreatment. Survivors who have awaited recognition were finally assured by Prime Minister Christopher Luxon that “Your voices are heard and your experiences acknowledged.” The governments acknowledgment of these atrocities as torture marks a step towards justice and recovery for those affected.

reality of sexual abuse, electric shocks, chemical restraints, medical trials and other forms of maltreatment”

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) in New Zealand has been instrumental in advocating for survivors and documenting abuses since 1977 including instances, like the therapy administered to children at the now shuttered Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital.

Many survivors died while under guardianship, or by suicide after receiving guardianship. For others, the effects of the abuse persist and worsen, making their daily activities and choices difficult,” the report adds. The country’s prime minister, Christopher Luxon, called it a “dark and sad day in New Zealand’s history as a society,” stating that “we should have done better, and I am determined that we will“, reports the BBC.

Survivors may receive compensation amounting to NZ$1.2 billion ( NZ$2 billion) shedding light on the magnitude of the injustice.

According to Jan Eastgate, President of CCHR International the report’s global ramifications are significant as similar abuses have been documented in the United States and other nations. We could mention Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland and others too. The inquiry’s conclusions echo those of a U.S. Senate inquiry into misconduct in behavioral institutions underscoring the pressing need for international reforms.

The revelations from New Zealand serve as a reminder of the potential for mistreatment within psychiatric healthcare systems.

Some of the New Zealand report recommendations

  • Recommendation 33The Ministry of Justice, Te Kura Kaiwhakawā Institute of Judicial Studies, NZ Police, the Crown Law Office, the New Zealand Law Society and other relevant legal professional bodies should ensure that investigators, prosecutors, lawyers, and judges receive education and training from relevant subject matter experts on:

a. the Inquiry’s findings, including on the nature and extent of abuse and neglect in care, the pathway from care to custody, and the particular impacts on survivors of abuse and neglect experienced in care

b. trauma-informed investigative and prosecution processes

c. all forms of discrimination

d. engaging with neurodivergent people …

e. human rights concepts, including the obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (page 123)

  • Recommendation 34: NZ Police should review the Police Manual and other relevant material to ensure instructions and guidelines reflect and refer to Aotearoa New Zealand’s international human rights obligations and other relevant international law obligations (including the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) (page 124)
  • Recommendation 35NZ Police should establish a specialist unit dedicated to investigating and prosecuting those responsible for historical or current abuse and neglect in care. (page 125)

Deaths and Unmarked Graves

  • The Inquiry has not only received evidence of people dying in care but also of people in care being buried in unmarked graves. (Point 93, page 45) In 2014, a local historian identified 172 unmarked graves at Waitati Cemetery, Otago. About 85% of these graves are from former institutions such as Cherry Farm (psychiatric hospital) and Seacliff. The historian noted that the last burial was in 1983. (Point 98, page 45)
  • The inquiry found Evidence of unmarked graves for patients who died at some psychiatric hospitals across Aotearoa New Zealand, particularly at Porirua, Tokanui and Sunnyside Hospitals. (Point 77c, page 54)

So, what do we do in Europe?

While Europe is a “contintent of fundamental rights”, we must not forget that many of the abuses (usually and wrongfully called treatments) that we read today in the inquiry started in the very Europe, specifically experimenting in Germany by psychiatrists in favour of Nazi politicians). It would then be logical to underscore the necessity for Europe to scrutinize its mental health practices and ensure that human rights remain paramount in care provision. This is where the World Health Organizations (WHO) QualityRights campaign comes into play.

The QualityRights initiative aims to enhance care quality and human rights standards, in health and social care facilities worldwide. It endeavors to revolutionize health services by advocating for practices that uphold human rights and enhance mental healthcare quality.

Europe with its healthcare systems and cultural contexts finds itself at a crucial juncture.
The lessons learned from the inquiry in New Zealand (and from the times of the Nazis) should inspire countries to embrace and put into action the WHO’s QualityRights guidelines. Here are some important steps that Europe can consider:

  • Upholding Human Rights: It is vital for European nations to ensure that mental health services uphold and defend the rights of individuals dealing with health issues. This involves preventing any form of treatment and ensuring that care is given with dignity and respect.
  • Empowerment and Advocacy: Empowering individuals with mental health challenges along with their families and communities is essential. By encouraging advocacy efforts and providing platforms for voices to be heard Europe can bring about changes in mental health care systems.
  • Policy and Legal Frameworks: European countries should establish and enforce policies and laws that adhere to international human rights standards. This includes setting up mechanisms for accountability and addressing cases of abuse.
  • Building Capacity: Offering training programs and resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of health professionals, service users and advocacy groups is crucial. This will ensure that care is provided in a way that respects human rights principles.
  • Enhancing Services: Priority should be given to improving the quality of health services while being responsive to the needs and preferences of users. This involves transitioning from institutionalized care, to community based services that help individuals integrate into society.
  • Community Centered Solutions: Embracing care models rooted in communities can help break down the settings that have long perpetuated abuse. By offering support in environments individuals can experience healthier and more rewarding lives.

Spanish Supreme Court Rules that exposing abuses is of general interest and much needed debate

In a verdict Spain’s Supreme Court upheld the value of educational initiatives led by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) acknowledging their crucial role in raising awareness about abuses in psychiatric practices. This decision highlights the importance of advocacy and education in bringing about change and safeguarding rights within mental health services.

The court’s ruling serves as a reminder of the impact that informed and empowered communities can make in challenging systemic mistreatment. By backing efforts that educate the public and prioritize transparency European countries can cultivate spaces where mental health treatment is not only ethical but also effective.

An alarm for urgent action

The recent inquiry in New Zealand has shed light on aspects of psychiatric care exposing harmful practices that should never be repeated. As Europe contemplates these revelations the WHO’s Quality Rights campaign provides a blueprint for improvement. By embracing these standards and drawing lessons from Spain‘s dedication to education and advocacy European nations can ensure that mental health services are not just efficient but uphold human rights principles and dignity.

By drawing insights, from New Zealand’s history and adopting the Quality Rights framework Europe has the potential to pave the path towards establishing a health care system that genuinely upholds and safeguards the rights of every individual, while eradicating at once all the existing abuses without hesitation.

Evacuation orders this week affect thousands in north and south Gaza

Evacuation orders this week affect thousands in north and south Gaza

At least 60,000 Palestinians have moved towards western Khan Younis in Gaza in the past 72 hours following three evacuation orders this week, the UN and humanitarian partners reported on Friday. 

The Israeli military ordered people to leave parts of central and eastern Khan Younis, located in the south of the enclave, on Thursday, one day after issuing two separate directives for parts of northern Gaza.

The UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, said the parts of northern and southern Gaza newly placed under evacuation orders encompass nearly 43 square kilometres.

These areas include some 230 displacement sites, more than three dozen water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and five functional health facilities, including the Indonesian Hospital, according to initial tracking by partners on the ground.

OCHA said more than 80 per cent of the Gaza Strip is now assessed as having been placed under evacuation orders since the conflict began last October.

Aid volume more than halved

Meanwhile, the entry of aid into Gaza remains challenging due access constraints, lack of public order and safety, high levels of insecurity and other factors.

The volume of aid that can be brought into Gaza through operational border crossings has decreased by more than half since early May, following the closure of the Rafah crossing with Egypt.

In April, the daily average was 169 trucks, dropping to fewer than 80 trucks in June and July.

The decrease was even steeper at the Kerem Shalom crossing with Israel, which saw a more than 80 per cent drop in aid cargo entries during the same three-month period, or from 127 trucks daily in April to fewer than two dozen a day in July.

Prior to the ongoing war, 500 trucks entered Gaza daily, according to the UN.

OCHA said humanitarian assistance missions that require coordination with Israeli authorities continue to be denied and impeded.

As of Thursday, just 24 of 67 planned missions to northern Gaza this month have been facilitated while the rest were either denied, impeded or canceled due to security, logistical or operational reasons.

The situation is similar in southern Gaza, where roughly half of 100 planned missions were facilitated by Israeli, but the rest were denied, impeded or canceled. 

UN rights chief ‘shocked and appalled’ by Israeli minister’s comment on starving Gazans to death

UN rights chief ‘shocked and appalled’ by Israeli minister’s comment on starving Gazans to death

OHCHR spokesperson Jeremy Laurence said UN Human Rights High Commissioner Volker Türk “is shocked and appalled” by comments made by Israeli finance minister Bezalel Smotrich, who suggested that letting two million Palestinians in Gaza starve to death could be “justified and moral” in order to free hostages.

The High Commissioner condemned these words in the strongest terms, which also incite hatred against innocent civilians.

Risk of incitement

Mr. Laurence explained that the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare and the collective punishment of the Palestinian population are both war crimes.

“This direct and public statement risks inciting other atrocity crimes,” he said. “Such statements, especially by public officials, must cease immediately. They must be investigated and if found to amount to a crime, must be prosecuted and punished.”

Mr. Laurence also reiterated OHCHR’s long-standing appeal for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages and increased humanitarian aid flows into the enclave.

“This is an immediate call to the Israeli authorities that it is their responsibility to monitor this behaviour,” he said. “Beyond that, let’s take it one step at a time. That is the first stage. It is the Israelis’ responsibility.”

‘Exodus’ from Khan Younis 

Meanwhile, the effects of the latest evacuation order in Gaza are already “very visible”, a senior communications officer with the UN agency that assists Palestine refugees, UNRWA, said on Friday. 

Louise Wateridge spoke to UN News a day after the Israeli military issued the directive, forcing thousands to flee eastern and central Khan Younis and the Al Salqa area of Deir Al-Balah. 

Ms. Wateridge was in Khan Younis on Thursday afternoon and witnessed hundreds of families heading west in temperatures that surpassed 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). 

“The scenes were horrific,” she said.  “It’s like an exodus of these people once again. They’re carrying whatever they can. They don’t appear to have many belongings left. We saw less vehicles with families and it was mostly people on foot.” 

Polio vaccine campaign 

Ms. Wateridge also addressed plans to vaccinate more than half a million children in Gaza against polio following the discovery of the disease in sewage samples last month.

UNRWA, together with the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Gaza Ministry of Health are set to launch two rounds of inoculations in the coming days. 

“This campaign, of course, would be much easier to facilitate and much quicker to facilitate with a ceasefire,” she said.  

“We have been calling for a ceasefire for several months. It will deeply benefit any kind of humanitarian response in the Gaza Strip, including the vaccination response to polio.” 

She underlined UNRWA’s deep commitment to lead the vaccination campaigns on the ground, highlighting the agency’s role as the largest organization in the Gaza Strip. 

A young girl receives food from an outside kitchen supported by the World Food Progamme (WFP) (file).

No safe space for children

Separately, UNICEF continues to highlight the dire situation of children in Gaza whose “only hope of survival is a ceasefire”, communications officer Salim Oweis told journalists in Geneva on Friday.

The life of a child in Gaza, in month 10 of this conflict, is not a life. We cannot say it enough – there is no safe place, and everything is running out – food, water, fuel, medicines. Everything,” he said, speaking from Amman, Jordan.

Mr. Oweis was recently in Gaza, where he was “shocked by the depth of suffering, destruction and widespread displacement”.

Sanitation system overburdened

He spoke of walking through “mazes of makeshift shelters” where “you struggle to climb the sand they lay on and you smell the strong odour of sewage filling the paths around.”

Water and waste are a huge problem, he said, referring to the situation in Deir Al-Balah, where most displaced people have fled in recent months.

The partially functioning sanitation system there is estimated to be overloaded by seven times its capacity, meaning that the decades old sewage network is mostly clogged and leaking.

Lack of medicines

“Families urgently asked me for soap and hygiene supplies. They are using water and salt to clean their children or boiling water with lemons to try and treat skin rashes,” Mr. Oweis said.

“They tell me doctors do not have the capacity or medicines to treat them, with more serious medical cases arriving every hour and no supplies on the shelves. And so, the rashes spread.”

He pointed to the serious dearth of medicines for children with cancer, congenital ailments and other pre-existing conditions.

While at Al-Aqsa hospital, Mr. Oweis met a 10-year-old boy called Abdel Rahman, whose leg was injured in an airstrike and never healed. He was later diagnosed with bone cancer.

The boy’s mother, Samar, told him that she wished her son would die and not be suffering – something she could not believe that she would wish for.

Slow death sentence

A child with a disease in the Gaza Strip has been handed a sentence to a slow death because he cannot receive the treatment he needs, and he is unlikely to survive long enough to make it out,” said Mr. Oweis.

“Their only hope of survival is a ceasefire. The children of Gaza are still clinging to the belief that this day will come, and UNICEF shares this hope.”

He insisted that “achieving a ceasefire is still possible, more necessary now than ever and way overdue, and everyone must do everything in their power to advocate for it. 

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French anti-religious MIVILUDES now attacks also the Catholic Church

MIVILUDES catholic church

In a turn of events in the ongoing discussion on religious freedoms in France the government antireligious MIVILUDES is facing criticism for its bias against religion, particularly for expanding its investigation to include traditional Catholic customs. This situation raises concerns about the fairness of the organization, which has historically focused on minority religions.

The Missionary Family of Notre Dame (FMND) led by Superior Father Bernard Domini is currently involved in a dispute under France’s updated anti-religious legislation. The accusations cite Article 223 15 2 of the French Criminal Code, which aims to safeguard minors and vulnerable individuals from exploitation. However, critics of FMND argue that this law’s reaching scope could potentially infringe on religious practices and liberties.

MIVILUDES, condemned to withdraw false information from another movement as reported by Le Monde, responsible for monitoring and addressing trends is being accused of scrutinizing Catholicism with the same intensity as it has done with smaller religious communities in the past, which would also deserve protection from antireligious agencies. Their reports claim that Catholic traditions such as vows of poverty, chastity and obedience are tools, for “control” while established beliefs are labelled as “misleading information”, meant to manipulate followers. These accusations echo criticisms often directed at mainstream religious groups and also smaller ones, even if all they do is to guide people towards a more responsible and ethical life far from the excess of immorality being pushed on society through far too many channels.

The FMND has responded by stating that their practices are being misrepresented and that engaging in life revolves around an individual’s personal calling rather than recruitment. They emphasize, “In the realm of life we don’t actively recruit! It is up to the individual to respond to a call from God.” The congregation asserts that fundamental religious practices should not be misinterpreted as manipulative or coercive. And here is where experts and activists around the world, tell the Catholic Church and its priests and nuns, that they should seek for the same protection to smaller and newer religions because once a government agency is allowed or supported for doing to the small ones, they will become “brave” and also do it to the more established religions.

This situation highlights an issue concerning MIVILUDES’ approach. Critics argue that the organization’s actions (while they’re also under investigation by the Court of Accounts) demonstrate a rooted bias against religious expressions, whether they stem from established religions like Catholicism or minority faiths such as Scientology or Jehovah’s Witnesses. They argue that such a standpoint undermines the values of equality and respect for all religions, advocating for a balanced and respectful treatment of religious practices irrespective of their size or history.

Global voices, including the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, have expressed concerns about the consequences of France’s legal stance, suggesting it could violate the fundamental right to religious freedom and expression.

With the trial facing FMND, it prompts contemplation on the state’s role in overseeing religious practices. It questions both principles and religious freedom while calling for fair treatment of all faiths.

This particular situation could shape the outlook on religious acceptance and diversity in France as the community deals with determining the extent of state involvement, in religious views, practices and traditions.

3 eCommerce Technologies Shaping Online Stores Today

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Photo by Tumisu on Pixabay

Technology has always shaped the way the retail sector operates and, in the digital age this has led to the ever-increasing take-up of eCommerce platforms to do business over. Not every online store might boast the same turnover as Amazon or eBay but most brick-and-mortar stores now have an online shop if only to showcase their product ranges. What does the future hold for eCommerce and which are the most important trends to be aware of?

Online store – illustrative photo. Image credit: Shoper.pl via Pexels, free license

1. Voice-Based Searches

A huge number of households throughout the Western world now use a smart speaker for more than simply turning on their favorite playlists. Voice-based searches are now more and more important to many businesses that rely on getting the attention of would-be consumers. Voice-based technology is only likely to grow from here on, so optimizing websites with content that will pick up on the right sorts of voice-based inquiries, as opposed to traditionally typed-in keywords, is something that is very much shaping the eCommerce sector today.

2. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is crucial for the success of eCommerce businesses today but how does technology help? One way is through so-called omnichannel marketing which is about creating a consistent approach so that consumers obtain a unified buying experience. Technology helps simplify how this is achieved so that online stores run by people with little know-how in digital marketing can obtain professional results. Making use of an omnichannel eCommerce platform, for example, will enable users to string their marketing efforts on different channels together, within a single interface, importing products from different types of CMS. This way, ads can be displayed on a wide variety of platforms in one go. This enables companies to create more well-targeted ads with less effort.

3. Artificial Intelligence

AI is now widely used in eCommerce, typically making recommendations based on what customers are likely to be most interested in from the available data. Of course, for this reason, AI and data harvesting go hand-in-hand in the eCommerce world because the results are so much stronger when the two are well aligned. AI isn’t just an automated recommender tool, however. It is increasingly being deployed to deal with straightforward customer service questions and even sales inquiries. If someone is looking for a product to solve a particular problem, then an AI chatbot can often be the best way to understand the need and make an appropriate suggestion. There again, since many post-sales questions are similar in nature, using AI to respond to the most typical ones is often preferred to simply referring customers to the FAQs section. This means, like other eCommerce technology trends, it can be a big cost-saver.

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Investigation Goliath: Suspected ringleaders of international crime group charged with €93 million VAT fraud

Investigation Goliath: Suspected ringleaders of international crime group charged with €93 million VAT fraud

(Luxembourg, 9 August 2024) – Three suspected ringleaders of an international criminal group were indicted yesterday at the Regional Court of Dusseldorf (Germany) for a €93 million VAT fraud, following an investigation by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Hamburg, code-named Goliath. The three were charged with criminal association and VAT fraud on a large scale. 

Two of the defendants remain in pre-trial detention. One of the suspects was arrested during an action carried out by the EPPO on 22 November 2023, targeting the international criminal ring. Another suspect – a Danish citizen who had fled to Africa to escape detention – was arrested in Nairobi (Kenya) and deported on 5 June 2024

The defendants are believed to be the ringleaders of a criminal organisation, active in the international trade of consumer electronics (mainly AirPods). They are suspected of evading tax by means of a VAT carousel fraud – a complex criminal scheme that takes advantage of EU rules on cross-border transactions between its Member States, as these are exempt from value-added tax – with estimated losses to the EU and national budgets of at least €93 million.

According to the investigation, the suspects established companies in Germany and other EU Member States, as well as in non-EU countries, in order to trade the goods through a fraudulent chain of missing traders – who would vanish without fulfilling their tax obligations. Other companies in the fraudulent chain would subsequently claim VAT reimbursements from the national tax authorities.

If convicted, the defendants face up to 10 years of imprisonment.

This investigation, which counted on the support of Europol, German tax agencies and several national police forces, has stretched across Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. 

Earlier in this investigation, the EPPO seized 1 800 AirPods, as well as cash, two luxury cars, worth a combined €550 000, and a high-end watch, worth €907 000.

All persons concerned are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in the competent German courts of law.

The EPPO is the independent public prosecution office of the European Union. It is responsible for investigating, prosecuting and bringing to judgment crimes against the financial interests of the EU.

Spain says YES to Bahai marriage


In an important step towards promoting religious inclusion and diversity in Spain, the first legally and civilly recognised Bahá’í marriage in the country has taken place. This significant milestone came after the Bahá’í Community of Spain obtained recognition as a religious denomination with Notorious Roots, a procedural path in which they have pioneered, allowing a couple to marry through the Bahá’í ceremony without the need for an additional civil act.

“Having the status of Notorious Roots automatically allows religious communities to give civil validity to marriages celebrated under their doctrine,” explains Ms Clarisa Nieva, representative of the Bahá’í Community of Spain. “This step not only saves time and paperwork for believers, avoiding the need to celebrate both a Bahá’í wedding and a civil wedding for their marriage to be valid in Spain, but also highlights the spiritual and legal significance of their beliefs”.

A Simple but Solemn Process

The Bahá’í wedding ceremony is noted for its simplicity and solemnity. During the ceremony, the couple commit themselves to each other by saying: “We will all, indeed, abide by the will of God“, before at least two witnesses approved by the local Bahá’í Governing Body. Members of this community, when it comes to their weddings, have a great deal of choice in additional details such as readings, music and decorations, which are decided by the bride and groom.

Nura and Gonzalo, the pioneering couple to use this approval, say that they completed the initial procedures in the same way as any other resident in Spain, either by going to the Civil Registry or to a notary. “In our case, we went to the Civil Registry of Valladolid,” they say, “the important thing when starting the process was to mention that we wanted to celebrate a Bahá’í religious wedding, for which we attached the necessary endorsements that accredit our religion to access this new procedure,” they added.

A Step Towards Inclusion

From the Bahá’í Community, Clarisa Nieva expresses her gratitude for this move towards diversity: “From our religious community we are grateful that civil procedures are being opened up to the diversity of beliefs and practices existing in our society”. But she warns of the challenge involved: “It is not an easy path for both sides; both the public administration and the religious communities must build bridges of communication and flexibility in the implementation of these procedures“.

With no “Minister of Worship” per se in the Bahá’í Faith to officiate at the ceremony, Nievas explains that they had to appoint “Delegates with marriage registration capacity” from their communities, so that they could register Bahá’í marriages with the Spanish Civil Registry, thus showing a commendable ability to make reasonable accommodations.

“We are very happy to be the first beneficiaries of this procedure that allows us to make known the importance of marriage in the Bahá’í teachings,” conclude the couple, who already have their family book. “ This union is not just between two people, but between two families. Marriage is considered a strength for the well-being of the community and society of which we are part .”

(…)These two brilliant stars are married in your love, together in the service of your Sacred Threshold, united in the attention of your Cause. Make this marriage like a thread of light from your abundant grace (…).


Its origins, and the impact of the Bahá’í Faith in Spain

The Bahá’í Faith, a religion with more than eight million followers worldwide, focuses on the unity of humanity and contributing to the common good through service activities. They strive to apply the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh (their founder) to their individual and collective lives in order to contribute to the improvement of their environments. It is also noteworthy that the Bahá’í International Community (BIC) , who defend the rights of their followers, in addition to making numerous contributions of knowledge and projects for development and governance, has consultative status with the United Nations, where they are always very active. Most of the community activities focus on promoting the spiritual education of children, youth and families to serve society and contribute to the common good .

The Baha’i, with a history of almost 80 years in Spain, began with Virginia Orbison in 1946 , managing to register for the first time in 1968 , and have obtained the status of Notorious Rootedness in 2023 (BOE No. 230-Sec.III) , which represents not only a recognition of their social and educational contribution, but also a sign of stability.

The community has more than 5,000 members and is present in 15 Autonomous Communities of Spain, with 108 registered entities and 17 places of worship promoting spiritual education and service to society. This recognition of Bahá’í marriage represents a further step towards its integration into Spanish society, celebrating its diversity and bringing a new meaning to religious coexistence in the country.

Pope Francis calls on religions to unite to reduce demand for drugs


While Pope Francis calls for global, undivided drug prevention, during the Paris Olympics some ex-priests and some French anti-religious agencies (under investigation by the Court of Accounts), disregarding the common good, criticise the prevention actions of other religions.

In a moving address to the city of Rosario, just over a month before the Paris Olympics, Pope Francis highlighted the relevance of addressing contemporary challenges with holistic and collaborative solutions. He emphasized that achieving peace implies the joint commitment of all social, political and civic entities.

All social, civil and religious institutions must be united to do what we do best and together create community. We can all collaborate and be part of sporting, educational and community spaces.

Pope Francis

On the road to peace, complex and integral answers must be found, with the collaboration of all the institutions that make up the life of a society,” he affirmed.

One of the central themes of the Pope’s message was the need to address not only the supply but also the demand for drugs through prevention and assistance policies. Pope Francis criticised state inaction in this area, stating that “the silence of the state in this matter only naturalises and facilitates the promotion of the consumption and commercialisation of drugs“.

He called for the rehabilitation of politics as a form of charity and promotion of the common good, assuring that “No one of good will can feel excluded or be excluded from the great task of making society a place where all can experience themselves as brothers and sisters“.

The Pope also highlighted the fundamental importance of democracy in the fight against drug trafficking, calling to ensure the autonomy of the judiciary to combat corruption and money laundering: “Every member of the judiciary is responsible for guarding its integrity, which begins with the uprightness of its heart“.

Furthermore, Pope Francis appealed to the social responsibility of the private sector, noting that “There is no good economy without a good businessman. Unfortunately, there is also a bad economy without the complicity of part of the private sector“. He urged entrepreneurs to commit themselves not only to avoid associating with criminal groups, but also to contribute to social welfare.

Finally, he urged all social, civil and religious organisations to collaborate together to create areas of encounter in the most needy communities, stating that “No one is saved alone, even in private neighbourhoods one can find insecurity and the threat of consumption for one’s own children“.

In this situation, it is counterproductive that some former priests, such as Luis Santamaria del Rio who criticises many Christian denominations, as well as French anti-religious agencies such as MIVILUDES, criticise the attempts of other religions to combat drug use. “Instead of offering solutions, these dissenting views seem to forget that the drug problem goes beyond religious differences and needs a united and supportive approach” said a passerby. Pope Francis reiterated his support for those working for justice and community building in difficult contexts, adding that “Charity will be the most explicit proclamation of the Gospel to a society that feels threatened“.

Asked about their drug prevention activities, Ivan Arjona, Scientology’s European representative, told this newspaper that “it seems that distributing 1 million drug prevention booklets during the Paris Olympics, with French, Spanish, Belgian, German, Hungarian, English, American, Italian and other volunteers from all over the world, even if it hurts the vested interests of any heartless person who could call it propaganda, is a good announcement of the Gospel, charity and love for society without looking at political or religious labels“.

In a moving finale, Pope Francis asked for the protection of Our Lady of the Rosary and sent his blessing to all, highlighting the church’s ongoing commitment to helping victims of all kinds of violence. In an increasingly complicated world, his message is a strong reminder that achieving peace and justice requires creativity and commitment from everyone.

From Athens to Strasbourg: 75 Years of Influence of Greece in Council of Europe

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Photo by Nick115 on Pixabay

Greece is set to commemorate an occasion as it marks 75 years since it became a member of the Council of Europe on 9 August 1949. The Council was established in London on 5 May 1949 by ten founding countries with the goal of advancing democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Europe.

In honor of this milestone, various events were held in Strasbourg over the weekend to celebrate Greece’s partnership with the Council. Diplomats, historians and scholars came together to discuss Greece’s contributions and its commitment to upholding the values of the Council throughout the years. A proud moment for Greece was when it took over the chairmanship of the Council of Europe‘s Committee of Ministers, from Georgia, in May 2020. During this time, Greece focused on advancing rights, democratic governance and legal collaboration before handing over responsibilities to Germany in November of the same year.

This event provides a chance to reflect on Greece‘s contributions to fulfilling the Council’s objectives in key areas like cultural heritage, migration and social unity. Being one of the members of the Council, Greece has played a significant role in promoting joint initiatives aimed at protecting the freedoms and democratic ideals that are foundational to European solidarity.

As Greece marks 75 years of association with the Council, it highlights the country’s commitment to these principles and its determination to continue working towards collective peace and prosperity, across Europe. The anniversary commemorations not acknowledge a shared history but also reaffirm Greece’s unwavering promise to strive for a future where human rights and democratic principles drive European advancement.

Human Rights Crisis: EU Rebukes Israeli Proposal to Starve Gaza Civilians

garbage, man, palestine
Photo by hosnysalah on Pixabay

In a rebuke highlighting the European Union’s dedication to humanitarian values and international law the EU High Representative expressed serious concern about the controversial comments made by Israeli Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich at the Katif Annual Conference. Minister Smotrich’s remarks suggesting it could be morally justifiable to let two million Gaza civilians go hungry until hostages are released have drawn criticism from the EU for potentially crossing ethical boundaries set by international humanitarian laws.

The EU’s strong denouncement underscores its unwavering opposition to war crimes the intentional starvation of civilians viewed as a blatant violation of human rights and dignity. Minister Smotrichs statement was labeled as “shameful”. Seen as indicative of a broader disregard for international agreements governing conflicts. By endorsing harsh deprivation as a means of political leverage, Smotrich has brought increased global attention to Israels policy choices regarding Gaza.

In a statement, the EU urged the Israeli government to distance itself from Minister Smotrich’s comments and demanded transparency on allegations of torture at Israels Sde Teiman prison. These requests form part of the EU’s plea for Israel to comply with UN Security Council resolutions and follow directives, from the International Court of Justice.
The situation for civilians in Gaza is incredibly severe. The EU is once again urging Israel to allow unrestricted humanitarian assistance. This request underscores the need to provide food, medical help and essential supplies to numerous individuals, including children, who are facing conditions similar to famine and disease.

Additionally, the EU has restated its appeal for a ceasefire. It has stressed the importance of ending hostilities not for freeing all hostages unconditionally, but also for significantly boosting humanitarian aid to Gaza. The EU’s unwavering support for peace and aid demonstrates a concern for the welfare of civilians caught in the ongoing conflict.

This development poses a test for Israels leadership as they navigate internal and external pressures amid renewed calls for peace and humanitarian support in one of the world’s longest standing conflicts. With global scrutiny mounting, the EU’s strong stance reaffirms its role, as a protector of human rights and champion of international law.