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“Russian oligarch” or not, EU may still be after you following “leading businessperson” rebranding


Following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia has been subject to arguably the most comprehensive and severe sanctions ever imposed on any nation. The European Union, once Russia’s biggest trading partner, led the way with a staggering eleven packages of sanctions in the past 20 months, covering a wide array of people, state institutions and entities, private companies, and whole sectors of the economy. While morally understandable and politically prudent, it was unavoidable that such broad-based sanctions would increasingly emerge as a case of collateral damage.

Part of it is obviously due to the very nature of the European Union as it needs to reach the consensus of all its members who often have conflicting political views and economic interests vis-à-vis Russia and Ukraine, but the deliberate use of vague and obfuscating language has also been apparent and nowhere more so than in the use of word “oligarch”. Mentioned excessively in the Western press since the late 1990s, oligarchs came to symbolize the power and excess of the new class of ultra-rich businessmen who made their fortunes in the murky waters of post-Soviet Russia, often through their connection to the Kremlin.

An ill-defined word even in its heyday of the 2000s, “oligarch” was nonetheless adopted by EU policymakers as the catch-all term to denote anyone from a billionaire on the Forbes list to top managers and board members of companies across various sectors, many with no connection to the Kremlin and zero political clout. Sometimes one could even not see any difference between designated Russian top managers and non-designated foreign top managers working for major companies presented in Russia. Needless to say, this left the EU on very shaky ground legally: if you are on the list because you are an “oligarch” but that very term is evasive and subjective that destroys the rationale of imposing sanctions and makes it easier to successfully challenge them in court.

It took the EU over a year to realize that and it has now stopped using the word “oligarch” as justification for sanctions against Russian business, relying instead on something it calls “a leading businessperson”. While the term is not loaded and has no pre-conceived negative connotations, it is ultimately as vague and meaningless as an “oligarch.” Not to mention the fact that it is not at all clear why one should be sanctioned by virtue of being a “leading businessperson” regardless of actual influence on the Russian economy or the Kremlin’s decision-making. For example, the EU imposed sanctions on nearly all businessmen and top executives who met with President Vladimir Putin on February 24, 2022, in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. How participation in that meeting signifies one’s full embracement of the Kremlin’s Ukraine policies or ability to influence Putin’s decisions is anybody’s guess. In particular, much of the reasoning for designations does not reflect a person’s ability to influence Russian government policies.

Moreover, it can be argued that, following Vladimir Putin’s policies to sideline first-generation billionaire oligarchs like Mikhail Khodorkovsky or Boris Berezovsky, there are no oligarchs in the proper sense of the word (i.e. businessmen with disproportionate political sway, at times surpassing that of the government) left in Russia. Today’s top businessmen are either former oligarchs that retained their capital made in the 1990s, state-linked tycoons, or a new breed of Western-oriented entrepreneurs and CEOs, who, unlike the previous generation, did not make their money following the controversial privatization of former Soviet industry and are not dependent on state contracts and connections.

In October, Marco-Advisory, a leading strategic business consultancy focusing on the Eurasian economy, put out a report titled “Business-Government Relations in Russia – Why Some Oligarchs are Sanctioned and Others are Not.” While it praised EU’s recent decision to be more precise in its wording, the report still noted that “the current approach to sanctions targeting is based on a misunderstanding of how business and government relate to each other in Russia.”

To suggest, like the EU seems to be doing, that being “a leading businessperson” equates with the ability to influence the Russian government it to grossly mispresent their role and real impact. This is doubly so for CEOs of private Russian companies like Dmitry Konov of petrochemical company Sibur, Alexander Shulgin of e-commerce giant Ozon and Vladimir Rashevsky of fertilizer maker Eurochem, who were sanctioned by virtue of representing their corporations at meetings with President Putin. They have subsequently stepped down from their roles to reduce the risk for their companies. While Shulgin, alongside billionaires Grigory Berezkin and Farkhad Akhmedov, was lifted off the EU sanctions list on September 15, such decision is pending for many others that were sanctioned on similar grounds and with little consideration given to their actual roles or the fact that they, like Sibur’s Konov, have stepped down precisely because of sanctions imposed on them. 

As Marco-Advisory put it, there is a very broad group of businesspeople “who have been sanctioned simply for being known in the Western media or because they are on rich lists, as their companies carried out IPOs in the UK or the U.S. or for other reasons, without having any sort of mutually beneficial relationship with the Russian government.” Ultimately, there appears to be little legal or even logical grounds to keep them sanctioned.

Given the bureaucratic, broad-based approach to imposing sanctions it is little wonder they have done little to approach their stated goal – that is, changing Russia’s course on Ukraine. If anything, they’ve only made the Kremlin more determined, while forced it to re-route its exports and financial flows to friendly countries like fellow BRICs China and India – something that may be impossible to reverse to the detriment of both Russia and Europe, whose relations are now poised to remain poisoned for years to come even assuming the Ukraine crisis is fully resolved.

Even more so, the sanctions appear to have the opposite effect than the one envisioned by Western politicians even on the first-generation oligarchs, like Alfa Group’s billionaire Mikhail Fridman. Fridman, whose net worth Forbes puts at $12.6 billion, making him Russia’s 9th richest individual, was in October forced to return to Moscow from his London home. In a recent interview to Bloomberg News the billionaire said he was essentially “squeezed out” by excessive restrictions making it impossible to leave the life he was used to and even called his vast investment projects in the UK over the years “a colossal mistake”.

By getting rid of the “oligarchs” on its sanctions list EU decisionmakers seem to be moving in the right direction. Whether that is just a rebranding or a sign of a more ambitious re-framing of Europe’s sanctions policies is yet to be seen. After all, as the history of economic sanctions teaches us, they are much easier to impose than to lift.

Brussels, shopping destination: Shopping districts and boutiques not to be missed


Brussels, shopping destination: Shopping districts and boutiques not to be missed

Located in the heart of Europe, Brussels is not only the capital of Belgium, but also a true paradise for shopping enthusiasts. With its bustling shopping districts and unique boutiques, the city offers a shopping experience like no other. Whether you are looking for big brands, designer boutiques or vintage stores, Brussels has everything to satisfy your desires. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the city’s most popular shopping districts and the shops you shouldn’t miss.

The most famous shopping district in Brussels is undoubtedly Avenue Louise. This prestigious avenue is full of luxury boutiques and major international brands. Brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Hermès attract shopping enthusiasts from around the world. If you are looking for high-end clothing or designer accessories, Avenue Louise is the ideal place for you. You can also find many internationally renowned cosmetics and perfume stores there.

Just off Avenue Louise is the Place du Sablon district, known for its antique shops and art galleries. If you like unique pieces and collectibles, you will be delighted in this neighborhood. There you will find antique dealers specializing in antique furniture, vintage jewelry and works of art. The art galleries at Place du Sablon exhibit contemporary artists and offer unique works for sale. It’s the perfect place to find hidden treasures and unique art objects.

Continuing your visit, you will arrive in the Dansaert district, known for its trendy atmosphere and designer boutiques. This district is the meeting place for young Belgian designers who present their creations in original and trendy boutiques. There you will find unique clothing, accessories and decorative items, all designed by local designers. If you are looking for unique and original pieces, don’t miss out on a trip to the Dansaert district.

Another essential shopping district in Brussels is Sablon-Marolles. This area is known for its antique shops, flea markets and flea markets. There you can find antique furniture, trinkets, rare books and many other treasures. Every weekend, the neighborhood hosts a flea market where you can find unique items at affordable prices. If you have a penchant for vintage and authenticity, Sablon-Marolles is the ideal place for you.

Apart from these districts, Brussels is also full of modern shopping centers. The most famous of them is the City2 shopping center, located right in the city center. This mall is home to over 100 stores, ranging from major international brands to local fashion boutiques. There you will also find plenty of restaurants and cafes to relax in after a busy day of shopping.

In conclusion, Brussels is a shopping destination par excellence. Whether you’re looking for big brands, designer boutiques, or vintage treasures, the city has everything you need to satisfy your cravings. From prestigious shopping districts like Avenue Louise and Place du Sablon to trendier districts like Dansaert, each district has its charm and unique boutiques. So, prepare your wallet and set off to discover the treasures of Brussels!

Originally published at Almouwatin.com

How raising a child with Autism helped develop my faith and made my life better

boy in green shirt holding red paper heart cutout on brown table
Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash

Unesco’s observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is around the corner. The day was established by the United Nations to promote and create awareness of “the benefits of an inclusive and accessible society for all.”

As a father of two children with autism, I am naturally motivated to create an inclusive and accessible society. However, my approach has always been less about big institutions, such as the UN, or government laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. Instead, I’ve tried to take my years of hard-won lessons as a parent and personally share them — in my book, through blog posts, and through direct mentorship of parents who have the loving challenge of raising kids with disabilities.

For example, I’ve worked hard to help people understand why our autistic kids and others with similar neurodivergent challenges react to their surroundings and experiences differently than most. I tried to explain, for example, why they respond so strongly to intense sensory experiences at medical appointments. Bright lights, buzzing machinery, a stranger’s masked face inches from your own, and sharp objects poking the body are some of kids’ worst experiences – and they often overwhelmed our boys. It’s surely one reason why the authors of a recent study called for dentists to receive specialized training to be able to care for neurodivergent patients.

Holiday travels pose another sensory challenge. Driving and flying require being prepared with headsets to drown out noise, music, and games to encourage calm, and “in the moment” solutions to overstimulation. Simple aids, such as squeezing a stress ball or chewing a stick of sugar-free gum always help. Relatives who want to rush hugs and kisses must be reminded – oftentimes firmly – that their genuine joy at welcoming us into their homes must be balanced with awareness that autistic children (and adults) require a gentler, more gradual touch.

Of course, there are times when all the prep in the world doesn’t mean a thing. There have been occasions when people at grocery stores, Mass, and company functions have thought my kids are undisciplined because they’re yelling or pulling away. We used to be ashamed; now we understand how those times can be opportunities to increase awareness in the onlookers – and to build up humility in ourselves as we ask for their understanding.

The word “disability” has thankfully gotten an upgrade in the last few years. People no longer hear that word and think of a nuisance or a burden; on the contrary, we’ve learned that the disabled have the same dignity as all human beings. Whether it’s in the grocery line or the doctor’s waiting room, we know that the noise can be a problem. When onlookers give us a minute’s grace to take our kids on a quick destressing walk or to pull out the stick of sugar-free gum to help them calm down by engaging the senses, that’s a small thing that makes a world of difference for us. 

I wrote my book to show how I’ve gained more joy than I thought possible from raising my kids. It’s not just asking God to help turn suffering into something good, though that’s been part of it. It’s also watching my kids thrive – one of my sons is great at X, and the other has mastered Y – in ways that most others can’t. It’s experiencing the simple joys they see in life, which keeps me grounded after a long day of working with current clients and trying to find new ones.

Do we need a more accessible and aware society? For sure. But it’s not because disabilities are bad. It’s because the rest of us need to see the good that can come from transforming challenges into joys.

Chris Peden is the father of two autistic children, founder of Peden Accounting Services, and author of The Blessings of Autism: How raising a child with Autism helped develop my faith and made my life better.

Pedro Sánchez is sworn in as President of the Government by an absolute majority in Congress

Copyright Spanish Parliament

The Plenary of the Congress of Deputies has given its confidence to Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government. The candidate has achieved the support of the absolute majority of the Chamber with 179 votes in favour and 171 votes against.

The President of Congress, Francina Armengol, will communicate the result of the vote to His Majesty The King so that he may appoint Sánchez as president, as determined by article 171.6 of the Rules of Procedure of Congress.

  • The candidate obtains the confidence of the House with 179 votes in favour and 171 against.
  • The President of Congress will communicate the result of the vote to His Majesty the King for the appointment of the head of the Executive.

This second day of the investiture session began with the speeches of the representatives of the groups that did not speak on Wednesday, with a time limit of 30 minutes for each one. Mertxe Aizpurua, from the Euskal Herria Bildu Group; Aitor Esteban, from the Basque Group (EAJ-PNV); and the deputies Néstor Rego (Bloque Nacionalista Galego), Cristina Valido (Coalición Canaria) and Alberto Catalán (Unión del Pueblo Navarro), members of the Mixed Group, took the floor. The debate was concluded by the spokesman for the Socialist Group, Patxi López.

After the speeches, the public vote was taken by roll-call. Members were named one by one, in alphabetical order, starting with José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, who was chosen at random. The vote was closed by the acting government, who are Members of Parliament, and the members of the Bureau, with the President in last place.

The members of the Socialist Group, the Plurinational SUMAR Group, the Republican Group, the Junts per Catalunya Group, the Euskal Herria Bildu Group, the Basque Group (EAJ-PNV) and the deputies of the Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) and Coalición Canaria, members of the Mixed Group, voted in favour of the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.

All together they have 179 votes, surpassing the absolute majority (176 MPs) needed for the investiture. The Popular Group, the VOX Group and the deputy of the Unión del Pueblo Navarro (UPN), with a total of 171 votes, voted against.

Candidate’s nomination debate

The investiture debate, provided for in article 99 of the Constitution and regulated in articles 170 to 172 of the Rules of Procedure of the Congress of Deputies, began this Wednesday at 12:00 noon with the speech of the candidate for President of the Government, who presented the Government’s programme to the House without time limit and asked Congress for its confidence.

After Pedro Sánchez’s speech, the President of Congress, Francina Armengol, suspended the session. It resumed at 3:30 p.m. with the representatives of the parliamentary groups speaking, in order from largest to smallest, for a maximum of thirty minutes. Alberto Núñez Feijóo, from the Popular Group; Santiago Abascal, from the VOX Group; Yolanda Díaz, from the Plurinational SUMAR Group; Gabriel Rufián, from the Republican Group; and Miriam Nogueras, from the Junts de Catalunya Group, took the floor. Pedro Sánchez was able to respond to them one by one or in groups. The second intervention of the parliamentary groups was in accordance with the regulatory ten-minute time limit.

The Czech Republic freezes Russian assets in real estate


The Czech government said today that it is freezing Russian-owned real estate in the country. This is part of the sanctions imposed by Prague because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Reuters reported. The EU member state’s government press office said sanctions were also imposed on a Russian company controlled by President Vladimir Putin’s administration, which is responsible for managing the Russian state’s assets abroad. The statement did not name the company.

“Revenues from the company’s activities serve to directly finance the Putin regime,” the government said in a statement. “As of today, the company’s commercial activities are considered illegal, as well as the circumvention and violation of this sanction, and the company’s assets in the Czech Republic are frozen,” adds the press service of the cabinet, from where they note that on the territory of the Czech Republic, the Russian company in question manages a number of real estate properties.

  In principle, the imposed sanctions do not affect diplomatic missions, the Czech news agency (CTK) clarifies, referring to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jan Lipavsky. The Czech sanctions list goes beyond the scope of the EU sanctions packages, including six other individuals and entities. This country has been one of Ukraine’s biggest supporters since Russia invaded the neighboring country in February last year, Reuters notes.


Barcelona Opera has hired a coordinator for intimate scenes


Intimate Scene Co-ordinator Ita O’Brien will direct the adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, which will be performed on the Gran Teatre del Liceu stage from 28 October

The Barcelona Opera House has hired an “intimacy coordinator” to ensure performers feel comfortable when taking part in passionate scenes, Reuters reported, cited by BTA.

This is happening for the first time in Spain and is rare for continental Europe.

The creation of such a position came after the #METOO movement rocked not only the film industry, but also the world of opera with allegations of sexual harassment.

Intimate Scene Co-ordinator Ita O’Brien will direct the adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, which will be performed on the Liceu Grand Theater stage from 28 October.

O’Brien, who has consulted on intimacy issues for HBO and Netflix productions, says operas have always revolved around dramatic stories and that historically, performers arrived in town just days before the premiere and were not expected to discuss intimate scenes.

“Without that process of consent and seeking consent, people have been left feeling awkward, harassed, absolutely abused,” says Ita O’Brien.

The specialist, who has 40 years of experience in musical theater and acting, is the founder of the organization Intimacy On Set, which provides support in the television and film industries.

During rehearsals, O’Brien invites performers to “connect with a hug,” then discuss where they feel comfortable being touched and what makes them uncomfortable.

“We’re inviting the contractor to really tell us where their boundaries are, and that’s a big shift in the industry,” she says. “Your yes is yes, your no is no, and maybe is no,” adds the expert.

Mezzo-soprano Adriana Bignani Lesca, who plays Cleopatra’s handmaiden and has a kiss scene with another woman, thinks the opera should have a coordinator of intimate scenes.

In the United States and Great Britain, such experts have previously been used in the creation of television shows and operas.

In January, famous Spanish opera singer Plácido Domingo was again accused of sexual harassment – three years after similar allegations forced him to apologize and marred his career. Domingo denies any wrongdoing.

Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric: https://www.pexels.com/photo/aerial-photography-of-high-rise-buildings-1386444/

Large snails can be dangerous as pets


About two-thirds of at least 36 known snail pathogens can also infect humans.

Large African snails up to 20 centimeters in length are experiencing a boom as pets in Europe, but Swiss scientists warn against breeding them, DPA reported.

Animals can be dangerous to humans, for example by carrying lung parasites from rats. This can cause meningitis in humans, reports a team of scientists from the University of Lausanne in a publication in the scientific journal Parasites & Vectors.

About two-thirds of at least 36 known snail pathogens can also infect humans. Among the popular species for terrariums are the large African snails of the species Lissachatina fulica and Achatina achatina.

“Social media is full of pictures of people putting the animal in contact with their skin or even their mouth,” said researcher Cleo Bertelsmeier, quoted in a university statement.

She teaches at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine. People believe that snail slime is good for the skin. However, this carries the risk of transmitting pathogens.

Bertelsmeier and her colleagues analyzed photos on social media to see how widespread large snails are as pets.

Many people are not aware of the risks “they are exposing themselves or their children to when they handle snails, for example when they put them on their face,” says co-author Jerome Gippe.

The researchers warn that if the pet trade grows, “it will create more opportunities for the introduction and spread of harmful pathogens to humans and other animals.”

African snails are gluttonous and reproduce quickly. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has included them in its list of dangerous invasive species and defines them as pests, reminds DPA.

Helping Neighbors Near and Far


The Scientology Volunteer Ministers (VMs) recently organized a cleanup operation in Rome and another of their teams provided flood relief in Florence.

ROME, ROME, ITALY, November 15, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Scientologists in Italy often participate in helping their communities during local disasters, by joining their Volunteer Ministers program.

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers Program was launched over 30 years ago by L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, as a way to help people suffering from disasters and injustice. As Hubbard said, “If one does not like the crime, cruelty, injustice and violence of this society, he can do something about it.”(1)

The yellow-shirted VMs recently gathered at the Via Boccea junction near Rome’s Grande Raccordo Anulare ring road to clean up and enhance the landscape. The Roman group collected 6 bags of garbage and 150 glass bottles, discovering waste paper, cans, plastic, and dry leaves along the roadsides. Another team of VMs in Rome also organized a cleanup along the Via Boccea to improve their city. They collected trash and cleared landscaping debris from the roadsides near the highway.

In early November, severe storms led to major flooding in Florence and its surrounding areas. VMs were dispatched to assist with debris clearance in the province of Florence. In Campi Bisenzio, a municipality near Florence, the VMs worked to remove obstructions, enabling other rescue vehicles to reach the flooded areas. Coordinated by the Campi Bisenzio Town Council, the VMs made three trips to dispose of over 30 cubic meters of rubble collected from flooded homes and streets in Campi Bisenzio. Local residents of Florence showed their gratitude by offering discounted accommodations and complimentary breakfast to the VMs.

The VMs plan to continue relief efforts in Tuscany in the coming days, while also conducting local community service projects in other Italian cities. As Hubbard wrote, “A Volunteer Minister does not shut his eyes to the pain, evil and injustice of existence. Rather, he is trained to handle these things and help others achieve relief from them and new personal strength as well. How does a Volunteer Minister accomplish these miracles? Basically, he uses the technology of Scientology to change conditions for the better—for himself, his family, his groups, friends, associates and for mankind.” (4)

“Italian Scientologists are always very eager to help civilize society by promoting awareness, kindness, freedom from suffering, trust, decency, honesty and tolerance,” said Scientology representative to the EU Ivan Arjona. “Their initiatives will continue in the coming weekends around Italy”.

(1) https://www.scientology-losangeles.org/news/humanitarian-activities/scientology-volunteer-ministers-help-the-local-community-with-a-food-drive-0d5f4e
(2) https://www.romatoday.it/zone/aurelio/boccea/interventi-di-cura-per-l-ambiente-nella-capitale.html
(3) https://www.firenzetoday.it/cronaca/rifiuti-campi-bisenzio.html
(4) https://www.volunteerministers.org/newsletter/2016-06-40-years-scientology-volunteer-minister-help.html

At UK’s AI Summit, Guterres says risks outweigh rewards without global oversight

At UK’s AI Summit, Guterres says risks outweigh rewards without global oversight

Addressing the Summit on Artificial Intelligence Safety convened by the United Kingdom, at the famous Bletchley Park estate – where Allied code breakers made a huge contribution to the war effort cracking Nazi codes – the UN chief emphasized the need for “sustained and structured conversation” around its risks, challenges and opportunities.

“The United Nations – an inclusive, equitable and universal platform for coordination on AI governance – is now fully engaged in that conversation,” he said.

Three key areas

The Secretary-General outlined three key areas for immediate action.

First, he called for addressing existing threats related to the release of powerful AI models which currently lack sufficient guardrails and oversight.

Second, Mr. Guterres expressed concerns about the long-term negative consequences of AI, including its impact on jobs; the erosion of cultural diversity erosion due to biased algorithms and the stoking of geopolitical tensions arising from the concentration of AI corporations in just a handful of countries.

The third concern was that in the absence of immediate action, AI will exacerbate inequalities that are already growing wider.

“This is not a risk; it’s a reality,” he warned.

Ethical principles

To address these concerns, Mr. Guterres mentioned the development of over 100 different sets of often overlapping ethical principles for AI.

While there is broad agreement on principles such as reliability, transparency, accountability and the ability to shut down AI applications, global oversight is needed to prevent incoherence and gaps, he urged.

The UN chief highlighted the launch of his new Advisory Body on AI, which consists of experts from government, business, the tech community, civil society, and academia.

“It is truly universal, with representation from all parts of the world, in order to foster the networked, inclusive, evidence-based solutions that are needed,” he said.

Partnerships for future

The Advisory Body will work in tandem with other global initiatives set up through the EU and the G7, for example, and will provide preliminary recommendations by the end of the year on building scientific consensus and making AI work for all of humanity.

These recommendations will feed in to the Global Digital Compact, proposed for adoption at the UN’s Summit of the Future next September.

“In other words — its work will embed AI governance into intergovernmental processes, and an established global Summit,” Mr. Guterres said.

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Russians not collectively to blame for Ukraine war: Human rights expert

Russians not collectively to blame for Ukraine war: Human rights expert

In a recent interview conducted with UN News, she emphasised the significance of her report and its purpose, holding to account one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

“It is unique that for the first time” one of the ‘P5’ permanent members of the Security Council has been subject to monitoring by another major UN body, the Human Rights Council, having just created the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights the previous year, she said.

Civil society ‘completely destroyed’

The report describes in detail how the human rights situation in Russia began to deteriorate 20 years ago. It highlighted Russia’s persecution of anti-war demonstrators, torture of detained activists and opposition figures, and the targeting of lawyers who defend these groups. 

Russian journalist and prominent opposition activist Vladimir Kara-Murza, who is imprisoned in the Russian Federation.

The human rights situation has “gradually deteriorated” over the past 20 years, from the two Chechen wars, and then, after the full-scale armed attack on Ukraine in February last year, the human rights situation has “deteriorated dramatically,” said Ms. Katzarova.

The main “tragic finding is that civic space in the Russian Federation has been destroyed completely” she told UN News.

Refusal to cooperate

Ms. Katzarova’s access to the country has been restricted by the Russian Government, although this has not stopped her from collecting information from almost 200 sources both inside and outside Russia, including human rights activists, political activists, opposition voices and journalists.

Ms. Katzarova expressed hope that Russian authorities will allow her to visit the country soon. She also expressed a desire to communicate not only with representatives of civil society, but also with Government officials and officials working in the justice system.

She said she hoped the Russian authorities will change their minds and begin to communicate “with my mandate”, because “I’ve been appointed to help the authorities, as any other special rapporteur of the United Nations, we are there to assist”.

She said she had also contacted the Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Moskalkova as her role exists separately from the Government.

She was keen to have her input for her report as the human rights ombudsman, since the Russian people can turn to her with their complaints. “Unfortunately, she did not answer”, said the UN independent expert. 

Russians abroad

According to the expert, part of her job is to serve the Russian people, to give them the opportunity to be heard, amidst the current climate of general isolation. 

She recalled that many Russians left the country to avoid mobilisation or persecution for ideological and political reasons. The governments of the countries in which these Russians settled should provide them with support, she emphasised. 

As Russians now find it difficult to travel abroad, she said she had told representatives of other States, the European Union and Western governments to review the bans, as it “only isolates the people and serves the propaganda of the government…saying to the Russian people, well, the collective West does not like you because you’re Russian citizens.”

Fear of speaking out

The expert also emphasised that, given the numerous cases of persecution of media workers, human rights activists and lawyers, an atmosphere of fear has formed in the country.

Citizens are now afraid to express their opinions, in particular regarding the war. 

“I don’t believe that all Russian people are supporting any war, and particularly this war on Ukraine. Mind you, a lot of Russians actually relate to a lot of Ukrainians. I mean, there are mixed marriages”, Ms. Katzarova recalled. 

Special rapporteurs 

UN Special Rapporteurs are independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council to review situations in individual countries or global thematic issues. They are not employees of the UN, do not represent any other organisation or government, work in a personal capacity and do not receive a salary from the UN for their work.

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