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The COMECE Working Group on Migration assesses the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

The COMECE Working Group on Migration assesses the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

COMECE assesses the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum:

“put Human dignity and Common Good at the centre of the future negotiations”

In view of the International Migrants Day, the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) calls upon the EU and its Member States to put the human dignity and the common good at the centre of the future negotiations on the recently proposed EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. The statement, published on Wednesday 16 December 2020, includes policy recommendations elaborated by the COMECE Working Group on Migration and Asylum.

Following the analysis of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, proposed by the European Commission on 23 September 2020, the COMECE Working Group on Migration and Asylum expresses its concerns about the effectiveness of the Pact to alleviate the difficult situation, aggravated by COVID-19, in which migrants and refugees find themselves.

While recognizing the efforts of the European Commission to set out a new and comprehensive framework aimed to create a fair and predictable migration management mechanism, COMECE urges all negotiating actors to promote a welcoming context as well as a fair and just approach to those in need.

The COMECE document also proposes a series of concrete policy recommendations toward a multi-level solidarity mechanism, external relations based on reciprocity and fair partnerships, and an integrated management of external borders, that would protect and promote the human rights rooted in human dignity of all individuals and families arriving in the EU.

Especially in the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic, “which exacerbated the poverty, social exclusion and stigmatization of migrants, asylum seekers and victims of human trafficking, […] the Pact should create a sustainable and human system of solidarity and responsibility sharing that recognizes the mutual advantages of migration and protects refugees” – reads the statement.

The contribution is the result of the multiple online meetings of the COMECE Working Group ants its experts, who also contributed to the Public consultation on the future of EU legal migration aiming to identify areas of improvement of the EU framework on legal migration.

Already on 16 October 2020 COMECE contributed to the Public Consultation on the integration and inclusion, highlighting the importance of Church based organizations in the process of integration and the need for these organizations to be recognized and be included in future funding.

Photo: © 2016 Catholic News Service

COMECE Communication Officer

Alessandro Di Maio

[email protected]

+32 (0) 2 235 05 15

Turkey’s Erdogan, EU’s Michel discussed EU summit in call

Turkey’s Erdogan, EU’s Michel discussed EU summit in call

President Tayyip Erdogan told European Council President Charles Michel in a call that Turkey wants to build its future with the EU, calling for Ankara and the bloc to move on from a “vicious cycle” in ties, the Turkish presidency said late on Tuesday.

At a summit on Friday, EU leaders agreed to prepare limited sanctions on Turkish individuals over a row with members Greece and Cyprus over Ankara’s illegal hydrocarbon exploration in the eastern Mediterranean. But, they have postponed discussions on any harsher steps until March.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said after the summit that EU leaders planned to discuss weapons exports to Turkey with NATO allies following a Greek push for an arms embargo on Ankara.

The Turkish presidency said that Erdogan urged Michel to take a more constructive approach toward Turkey.

“During the call, President Erdogan stated that Turkey aimed to build its future with the EU, and that they considered every positive step in Turkey-EU ties as a window of opportunity,” the presidency said.

Erdogan also reiterated that Turkey was ready to launch bilateral talks with Greece on their maritime claims, but accused Athens of “running from talks”. He repeated a call for a regional east Mediterranean conference.

Turkey sent a seismic exploration vessel into waters within Greece’s EEZ in August, stoking tensions.

The EU, led by Germany, has sought without success to resolve the dispute while Turkey has repeatedly accused the bloc of being biased.


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, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201211IPR93622/

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MEPs debate EU summit results on long-term budget, rule of law, climate | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201213IPR93804/

European Union disburses € 9 million in grants to support justice reforms in Armenia

European Union disburses € 9 million in grants to support justice reforms in Armenia

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 16, ARMENPRESS. The European Union (EU) informed the Government of Armenia about the disbursement of € 9 million in grants to support Justice Reforms in Armenia, the EU Delegation in Armenia told Armenpress.

The EU’s decision follows a positive assessment on progress in the implementation of the Judicial & Anticorruption Strategies, macroeconomic stability, public financial management and state budget transparency.

In line with the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement CEPA standards and associated EU-Armenia Strategic Policy Dialogue on Justice Reform, this assistance package will contribute to strengthening the integrity and accountability in the justice system, improving access to modern and quality judicial services and establishing a specialized Anticorruption Court in Armenia.

This direct financial contribution recognizes and supports the Government commendable efforts to advance important, comprehensive legislative and institutional reforms in the judiciary and therefore also improve the overall business environment. This EU assistance announced today is complementary to other instruments of technical assistance and capacity building support such as with the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation IRZ, as well as in the Eastern Partnership region with the EU-Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance and various EU4Integrity projects.     

H.E. Andrea Wiktorin, EU Head of Delegation, said: “I welcome today’s announcement on this very important budget support disbursement for Armenia. Once again, both EU and Armenia peoples and institutions come together to deliver on good governance and rule of law reforms. The European Union and its Member States are contributing to increase accountability of the judiciary and prosecutorial bodies and push for zero tolerance towards corruption in Armenia. We share the challenge and we can only succeed together”.

Rustam Badasyan Minister of Justice, said: “First, I want to highlight that this disbursement of 9 MEUR is the first tranche of the Justice reforms budget support program with overall amount of 30 MEUR. It is important to reaffirm that the Judicial and Anti-Corruption Reforms remain the priority directions for our Government and we are happy to state that the good progress achieved during this one year has also gained appreciation of our European partners. We are thankful to the European Union for continuous support and effective cooperation in Justice sector.”

Top EU official, Turkish president discuss EU summit

Top EU official, Turkish president discuss EU summit
ANKARA – “While Turkey hopes to turn a new page with the EU, some ceaselessly try to provoke crises,” ErdoÄźan told European Council President Charles Michel in a telephone call, according to a statement from the Turkish Presidency.

Michel called Erdoğan on Dec. 15 to exchange views on the recently held EU summit, Turkey’s Presidential Communications Directorate said in a statement.

EU-Turkey relations should get rid of this vicious cycle as soon as possible, ErdoÄźan said during their conversation.
The president also noted that Turkey evaluates every positive step taken in Turkey-EU relations as “a new window of opportunity.”

The president said the 2016 deal aimed at curbing migration through Turkey to Europe in return for billions of euros in funds could be a starting point to create a more “positive” climate.

Turkey reiterated its readiness for exploratory talks with Greece, the president said, adding that the Greek side has constantly avoided negotiations by making excuses and has taken provocative steps in recent weeks.

Emphasizing that Turkey’s eastern Mediterranean policy is based on fairness and justice, he said the Turkish side always makes necessary efforts for a fair, permanent and sustainable solution in the region.

Ankara wishes that the EU will adopt a sensible and constructive attitude towards Turkey, he added.

An EU leaders’ meeting in Brussels last week decided to draw up a list of Turkish targets for sanctions over Ankara’s “unilateral actions and provocations” in the eastern Mediterranean, believed to be rich in energy resources.

Turkey, which has the longest continental coastline in the eastern Mediterranean, has rejected maritime boundary claims of Greece and the Greek Cypriot administration and stressed that these excessive claims violate the sovereign rights of both Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots.

Ankara has sent several drillships in recent months to explore energy resources. The Oruç Reis vessel returned to the port in Antalya ahead of last week’s EU summit.

Karabakh friendship group created in European Parliament

Karabakh friendship group created in European Parliament

December 16, 2020 – 12:06 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net – A cross-party “Group of Friendship and Solidarity with Nagorno Karabakh” has been created within the European Parliament, European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) reports.

The move was initiated by the Members of the European Parliament François Alfonsi (Officiel) (Greens-EFA; France), Sylvie Guillaume, députée européenne (S&D; France) and Peter van Dalen (EPP; Netherlands).

In a letter sent to all the members, the three MEPs called on all those who are concerned about the security and survival of the Armenians living in Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) to engage in the friendship Group.

The aim of the Friendship group is to give full support to the Armenian people of Artsakh who are suffering from oppression and occupation of their historic territory, the EAFJD said.

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First-in-class cholesterol-lowering treatment NILEMDO® * (bempedoic acid) tablet and its combination with ezetimibe NUSTENDI® * (bempedoic acid and ezetimibe) tablet approved in Switzerland

First-in-class cholesterol-lowering treatment NILEMDO® * (bempedoic acid) tablet and its combination with ezetimibe NUSTENDI® * (bempedoic acid and ezetimibe) tablet approved in Switzerland – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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Minimizing the COVID-19 risk: advice to individuals, communities and governments for the winter holidays

Minimizing the COVID-19 risk: advice to individuals, communities and governments for the winter holidays

Winter holidays are a time for family, community and renewal. This year more than ever, across the WHO European Region, people are anxious to gather together and reflect on what has been both an extraordinary and difficult 2020.

Annually across Europe, we see a massive increase in gatherings that bring together people of all ages, including families, religious groups and friends. This brings a significant risk of increased COVID-19 transmission during the upcoming holiday season.

Despite some fragile progress, COVID-19 transmission across the European Region remains widespread and intense. There is a high risk of further resurgence in the first weeks and months of 2021, and we will need to work together if we are to succeed in preventing it.

WHO makes a plea that everyone take the following points to heart.

  • We must all play our part to prevent yet another resurgence of cases in Europe.
  • Individual decisions this winter holiday won’t just affect you and the people closest to you – they will also impact your communities.
  • Do not underestimate the importance of your decisions and your power – as an individual, a family or a community – to influence what happens next in this pandemic.

Skiing and other gatherings: advice to governments

There are over 1000 ski resorts across the European Region. Eleven months into the pandemic, we know that ski resorts played a significant role in seeding the pandemic across Europe and that social gatherings were key in its resurgence during and after the summer.

Skiing does not spread COVID-19, but busy mountain resorts do. During the upcoming holidays, WHO recommends that countries carefully consider adapting the setup of seasonal activities to remove the possibility of crowding, especially in confined or closed settings, including during travel.

WHO offers this additional advice to countries for the winter.

  • Assess the winter gatherings that would normally happen, be they sporting, recreational or religious, and evaluate very carefully the risks associated with them. Authorities should consider postponing, limiting or cancelling mass gatherings in the current European transmission context.
  • Adjust and communicate decisions and any associated travel guidance early, based on how the virus is spreading domestically and internationally. Prevent those who have COVID-19 and their contacts from travelling.
  • Take measures to decongest public transport and key transportation hubs.

Celebrations, gatherings and travel: advice to individuals and communities

Despite risks, there are a few simple measures that individuals and communities can take to make the holidays and winter season as safe as possible.

On celebrations

Communities across the European Region are weighing whether or not to host religious processions, holiday markets and church celebrations. In countries experiencing widespread community transmission of the virus, postponing or reducing such gatherings should be seriously considered.

Regardless of location, religious services should take place differently this year. They should be held outdoors whenever possible or be limited in size and duration, with physical distancing, ventilation, hand hygiene and mask use, as appropriate.

On indoor gatherings

Indoor gatherings, even smaller ones, can be especially risky because they bring together groups of people, young and old, from different households, who may not all be adhering to the same infection prevention measures.

Gatherings should be held outside if possible, and participants should wear masks and maintain physical distancing. If held indoors, limiting group size and ensuring good ventilation to reduce exposure risk are key.

It may feel awkward to wear masks and practise physical distancing when around friends and family, but doing so contributes significantly to ensuring that everyone remains safe and healthy.

Vulnerable people and older friends or relatives may find it very difficult to ask loved ones to stay away physically, regardless of the anxieties or concerns they may have. Consider what others may be feeling and the difficult decisions they will be facing.

On travelling

For some people, travelling is the only way to visit families and friends. For those who are travelling, avoid any transportation that might be crowded.

Some countries require a negative test before granting access, and some others require quarantine. WHO encourages everyone to follow guidance from authorities when travelling.

While marking the holidays this year may look different, we can still make the most of it. We wish everyone a joyful and peaceful winter holiday season. Play it safe and stay healthy.