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EU institutions establish common priorities for 2021 and until next elections | News | European Parliament

 EU institutions establish common priorities for 2021 and until next elections | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201217IPR94201/

Human rights breaches in China and Iran | News | European Parliament

 EU institutions establish common priorities for 2021 and until next elections | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201211IPR93641/

LIFE: Deal reached to invest €5.4 billion in climate and environmental projects | News | European Parliament

 EU institutions establish common priorities for 2021 and until next elections | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201217IPR94213/

MEPs express support for the priorities of the EU Security Union Strategy | News | European Parliament

 EU institutions establish common priorities for 2021 and until next elections | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201211IPR93638/

Climate change adaptation: MEPs want the EU to be better prepared | News | European Parliament

Climate change adaptation: MEPs want the EU to be better prepared  | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201211IPR93634/

European Parliament approves temporary rules to keep Eurotunnel working


MEPs adopted temporary measures to keep the tunnel railway connection between continental Europe and the UK running after the end of the transition period.

The Parliament approved the temporary rules under urgent procedure with 684 votes in favour (3 against, 2 abstentions).

Parliament voted in October on legislation allowing France to negotiate a new international agreement with the UK regarding the governance of the Channel Tunnel Fixed Link. The Intergovernmental Commission would remain the main safety authority for the tunnel. That agreement has not yet been reached.

To avoid rail traffic being interrupted in the Channel Tunnel Fixed Link as of 1 January 2021, the Parliament agreed to temporarily extend safety licences and certificates to allow France and the UK sufficient time to conclude a bilateral agreement. The licence for the current tunnel infrastructure manager would remain valid for two months after the end of the transition period. The safety certificates and licences issued under EU law to UK companies would be extended for nine months.

Other contingency measures will be put to the vote on Friday, 18 December to provisionally maintain cross-border connectivity between the UK and the EU on roads and by air as of 1 January 2021.

Next steps

The temporary rules have to be adopted also by the Council. They will enter into force when published on EU Official Journal and cease to apply on 1 October 2021 at the latest.

Bank backs eco-friendly farming

Bank backs eco-friendly farming

Ibis Rice Conservation Co Ltd (IBIS Rice) has signed a financing agreement with South Korean-owned Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Plc (PPCBank) to support 1,500 smallholder farmers to grow organic wildlife-friendly jasmine rice, which will help protect endangered species while also earning a premium price for the farmers.

IBIS Rice CEO Nick Spencer said on December 16 that his firm currently works with the 1,500 farmers and pays them a premium of 50 per cent above market price for organic jasmine rice to encourage their use of wildlife-friendly practices. He did not specify how much of that money would go to support the 1,500 smallholder famers living in seven wildlife conservation areas of Stung Treng and Mondulkiri provinces.

In order to participate in the project, farmers have to commit to not allowing any logging or hunting on their land and to prohibit the use of chemicals, thereby protecting the environment and wildlife.

IBIS Rice was founded by the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and is named after the Giant Ibis, Cambodia’s national bird.

“We have recruited and trained more farmers, so we need additional capital financing to buy more rice from those farmers. We make very strong commitments to our farmers by buying all of the [rice] they can produce that meets our compliance standards,” Spencer said.

According to Spencer, the rice is certified wildlife-friendly and organic, meeting the standards set by the EU and US Department of Agriculture (USDA). This allows it to be sold globally in high-end markets, including Europe and Canada. The project has significantly improved the farmer’s livelihoods while reducing deforestation by 75 per cent in the areas where these farmers live and cultivate rice.

In a joint press release on December 16, PPCBank senior vice-president Nhak Kimsroy said the bank appreciated the benefits that the IBIS Rice project provided to both smallholder farmers and wildlife conservation efforts in Cambodia in addition to it being worthy of financing as a sound business opportunity.

“We could see from the certifications that IBIS Rice holds, and the strong commitments its international buyers make, that this was a strong proposal. This agreement marks the beginning of long partnership, and we look forward to the company’s growth,” he said.

Robb Menzi, chief operating officer of WCS Cambodia and chairman of IBIS Rice, said in the joint press release that WCS Cambodia originally developed the IBIS Rice project as a conservation tool with the support of Cambodian government in 2009.

The objective was to incentivise local communities to engage in conservation through the purchase of organic jasmine rice at a premium from farmers who commit to protect the forest and stop hunting.

The project has improved local livelihoods while addressing the threat to some of Cambodia’s critically endangered species, including Giant Ibis.

“WCS has supported IBIS Rice through its development and start-up phase – it is a shining example of how an enterprise model can create great products for consumers and deliver real conservation and human wellbeing outcomes,” he said.

In a press release, Christy Owen, head of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Green Invest Asia, said the IBIS Rice partnership with PPCBank was a great example of the work that USAID Green Invest Asia accomplished, linking up commercial financing with projects that produce proven carbon savings and positive social impact.

“We congratulate the two sides for this meaningful partnership that will benefit an entire supply chain while helping to preserve the habitat of some of the rarest species in Cambodia,” she said.

EU – UK announce BREXIT agreement in principle reached on ‘all issues’


Press statement by Vice-President Šefčovič following the fifth ordinary meeting of the EU-UK Joint Committee

European Commission Statement Brussels, 17 Dec 2020 

We have just concluded our fifth ordinary EU-UK Joint Committee meeting on the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement – co-chaired with Chancellor Michael Gove, by means of videoconference.   Today marks an important milestone. We have endorsed formal decisions and other practical solutions, ensuring that the Withdrawal Agreement is operational in time, as of 1 January 2021. This means that we have delivered on our overarching objective – to protect the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement, avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland, and maintain peace, stability and prosperity there. This was essential, given the limited time left until the transition period ends at the end of this year. Therefore, I want to thank Chancellor Gove for his personal dedication and solution-driven approach that helped us to reach this important milestone. At the same time, I appreciate the swift approval of the decisions by our Member States. This is also a testament to our shared commitment to the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement.  

Throughout this year, we have indeed worked tirelessly to ensure that both the letter and the spirit of the Withdrawal Agreement, including the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland, are respected and translated into viable solutions. These now provide businesses and people in Northern Ireland with necessary clarity and stability, while we uphold the integrity of our Single Market. Let me highlight the EU’s two main priorities: First, robust working arrangements for the EU’s presence in Northern Ireland so that our representatives can effectively carry out their tasks on the ground. In particular, I welcome that the UK has agreed to provide adequate equipment and facilities, as well as continuous, real-time access to their relevant IT systems and databases, both on the ground and remotely. The second priority, which I strongly welcome, is that the UK has committed to withdraw all contentious parts of its Internal Market Bill, and refrain from introducing any similar parts in its Taxation Bill. Given these reassurances, we were able to find workable solutions for a number of areas, such as the supply of medicines. These solutions will be of a temporary nature and with strict conditions attached.

We are also making sure that the rights of our citizens and UK nationals are protected. Going in detail, we have today endorsed the second Joint Report on Residence Rights and agreed on its publication. In a transparent manner, it provides an update on national residence schemes in the EU and the UK. And it also outlines outreach and assistance measures to support EU citizens and UK nationals, including vulnerable groups, and to inform important stakeholders, such as employers. I want to stress that we take legal certainty for all people concerned very seriously. To demonstrate, just one figure – more than 90% of UK nationals residing in the EU can already apply for a new residence status in our Member States. The UK has also provided reassurances as to its settlement system for EU citizens. We will continue to work with the Member States and monitor this issue closely.

Let me conclude by underlining that I am committed to continue paying full attention to the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement in 2021, with a focus on how our mutually agreed solutions work on the ground. To that effect, with Chancellor Gove, we have agreed today that the Joint Committee will continue to meet at least quarterly during the upcoming year.

Brexit: European Parliament issues Sunday ultimatum in trade talks

Brexit: European Parliament issues Sunday ultimatum in trade talks

The European Parliament has issued an ultimatum to EU and UK negotiators, saying it will not ratify a deal by the end of the year if it is reached any later than this Sunday.

                                                    <p class="no_name">MEPs and chief EU negotiator <a class="search" href="/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_person=Michel+Barnier" rel="nofollow">Michel Barnier</a> have warned that this would mean a short period of “no-deal” terms in which legally tariffs would have to be levied on trade between the EU and UK.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">There has been some progress in the talks but the issue of fish is very much unresolved, Mr Barnier told MEPs, The Irish Times understands, warning that there needed to be a deal within days or there would be a period of no-deal.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">“We give until Sunday to <a class="search" href="/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_person=Boris+Johnson" rel="nofollow">Boris Johnson</a> to make a decision. The uncertainty hanging over citizens and businesses as a result of UK choices becomes intolerable,” said <a class="search" href="/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_person=Dacian+Ciolos" rel="nofollow">Dacian Ciolos</a>, the president of Renew Europe, the group in which <a class="search" href="/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_organisation=Fianna+F%C3%A1il" rel="nofollow">Fianna Fáil</a> sits.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">“Michel Barnier and his team has our full support as we head to the <a href="/news/world/brexit">Brexit</a> moment of truth.”</p>
                                                                                                        <aside class="related-articles--instream has-3">

                                                                                                                    <p class="no_name">In a joint statement, the heads of the parliament’s political groups said the parliament “stands ready to organise an extraordinary plenary session towards the end of December” to ratify a deal.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">However, it would not do so if a deal came any later than Sunday, it warned, insisting that the parliament must have a copy of a provisional text “as soon as possible” to begin scrutinising it.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name"><a class="search" href="/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_person=Manfred+Weber" rel="nofollow">Manfred Weber</a>, the head of the powerful European People’s Party of <a class="search" href="/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_organisation=Fine+Gael" rel="nofollow">Fine Gael</a>, reiterated that a deal would only be ratified if it arrived by Sunday.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">“After that we cannot reasonably scrutinise the deal before the end of the year. The agreement is too important to rush through parliament,” Mr Weber said.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">National governments technically have the power to provisionally apply trade agreements until they are ratified, after a proposal by the <a class="search" href="/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_organisation=European+Commission" rel="nofollow">European Commission</a>. </p>

                                                    <p class="no_name">However, the commission has long been warning that the alternative to ratification in December is a temporary period of no deal.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">Nevertheless there would be significant pressure to do whatever possible to minimise the economic damage of no-deal terms, making for a potentially fraught political fight within the EU’s institutions.</p>

European Parliament sets Sunday deadline for approving Brexit deal this year

European Parliament sets Sunday deadline for approving Brexit deal this year
The European Parliament will not meet to ratify a Brexit trade deal this year unless one is signed before Sunday, the leaders of its main political groups have said.

The new red line means Britain is expected to face a no-deal exit from the single market if nothing has been agreed by the close of the weekend – causing significant economic disruption.

In a joint statement, the parliament’s conference of presidents said they stood “ready to organise an extraordinary plenary session towards the end of December” but only if “an agreement is reached by midnight on Sunday 21st”.

They made the comments after a meeting with EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier in Brussels on Thursday morning, in which he is said to have told them a deal was possible by Friday.

Dacian Cioloș, leader of the parliament’s liberal Renew group and an ally of Emmanuel Macron, said the deadline was necessary because “uncertainty hanging over citizens and businesses as a result of UK choices” was becoming “intolerable”.

Manfred Weber, chair of the parliament’s largest group, the centre-right European People’s Party, said: “After [Sunday] we cannot reasonably scrutinise the deal before the end of the year. The agreement is too important to rush through Parliament.

“We owe it to the people and businesses in our constituencies who will be heavily affected by Brexit, to scrutinise the deal appropriately. After Sunday we don’t believe this would still be possible.”

Iratxe Garcia Perez, leader of the centre-left socialist group, said: “We will not be rushed into a consent vote of the Brexit deal before the end of the year if we don’t have access to the text by Sunday.”

The warning by the Parliament raises the possibility that the UK could be hit by a limited period of trading on no-deal terms from the beginning of January, even if an agreement is signed before the end of the year.

While the European Union and UK both have some powers for “provisional” application of deals without the consent of their parliaments, it is not clear whether these would help prevent a no-deal in this case.

Mr Barnier is understood to have told ambassadors and MEPs in separate private meetings that even the reduced length of the provisional application process means there could well be a short no-deal in January even if it is used.

The European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has also promised the Parliament that she would not use the procedure to bypass MEPs. The joint statement by the parliamentary group leaders recalls this, noting that Ms Von der Leyen said provisional application could take place “only once the European Parliament has given its consent”.

The Independent additionally understands that the European Council’s legal service believes that provisional application would not be fast enough to prevent a no-deal on 1 January if the process was set in motion after this week. 

Mr Barnier struck an upbeat tone on the possibility of a free trade agreement on Thursday, saying there had been “good progress” but that “stumbling blocks remain”. 

He said talks were in their “final stretch”, adding: “We will only sign a deal protecting EU interests and principles.”

The chief negotiator reporters told presidents that a deal was possible by Friday.

But UK sources were significantly less upbeat, stressing that the two sides were still very far apart in key areas. EU member state diplomats believe a deal is possible but warn that the path to one is narrow.

Back in Westminster, Downing Street would not be drawn on the European Parliament’s timetable. The prime minister’s spokesperson said the House of Commons would not be recalled on Christmas Day or the Boxing Day Bank Holiday for its own ratification procedures, but did no rule out weekend sittings to approve the agreement.