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Hudson man writes about adventures in Key West in new book

Hudson man writes about adventures in Key West in new book

Hudson writer Mike Yurk stepped off an airplane 20 years ago in Key West and fell in love with it. Recently he published his 13th book, “Going Back To Key West,” filled with his adventures, fishing and ramblings around the southernmost city in the United States.

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                    <p>“Hemingway and fishing first brought me to Key West,” Yurk said. “But it was the ambiance, tropical weather and unique lifestyles found in Key West which has been bringing me back ever since.”</p>                            <p>“The stories were initially about fishing,” Yurk explained. “However, as time went on, the more I visited Key West and the more I wrote about it I eventually found myself writing as much about the atmosphere and characters you can only find in Key West as I did about fishing.”</p>                            <p>“As a Hemingway fan and a fisherman I had always wanted to visit Key West and now after 20 years Key West has become a second home to me.” Yurk said.</p>                            <p>There are plenty of fishing stories in “Going Back To Key West.” One of the early stories is how watching a fishing show when Yurk was a kid fueled his dream to catch a tarpon. He fulfilled that dream one morning off Key West. There are other stories about catching sharks and barracuda, as well as snappers and grouper and other fish in the ocean.</p>    
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</div>                        <p>“Going Back To Key West” is subtitled “Eating, Fishing And Drinking In Paradise,” and there is plenty of that going on in Yurk’s book. He takes you to Hemingway’s favorite bar and tells of the inspiration he got on a difficult story he was writing as well as the bar and singer whose song encouraged him to quit his job and go into full-time writing. He writes about going to one of the local restaurants where he hands a bag of fresh fish fillets across the bar and minutes later he and his friends have a great fish fry.</p>                            <p>Yurk has been writing for over 50 years, starting as a newspaper reporter for three eastern central Wisconsin newspapers in the late 1960s and '70s. He has written over a thousand articles for regional and national outdoor magazines. His column The Notes From The Dockside was published in the Hudson Star-Observer for nine years.</p>                            <p>He is a retired Army officer, which gave him the opportunity to live in Germany for almost 10 and in Missouri, Alabama and North Carolina before eventually moving to Hudson 25 years ago.</p>                            <p>The book can be found — along with the rest of Yurk’s books — at Chapter Two Books in Hudson or on Amazon.</p>    </div>

European Parliament calls for review in relations with Egypt 

European Parliament calls for review in relations with Egypt 

The European Parliament called on its member states to conduct a “deep and comprehensive” review of relations with Egypt in light of the deteriorating human rights situation there.

In a statement issued late on Wednesday, the European Parliament called for more transparency in all forms of financial support provided by the EU, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the European Investment Bank (EIB) to Egypt, pointing out that prizes should not be given to leaders responsible for serious human rights violations.

The statement stressed the need to make tangible improvements to the human rights situation in Egypt, and to negotiate the priorities of the new partnership by setting clear criteria that lead to more cooperation to achieve progress in reforming democratic institutions.

The European Parliament also called for human rights concerns to be raised in all talks with the Egyptian authorities, while the Commission also urged the release of human rights defenders.

The statement demanded studying the imposition of sanctions on senior Egyptian officials, who are involved in “serious violations”.

Cooperation in the areas of fighting terrorism and illegal immigration should not come at the expense of continued pressure to comply with human rights and accountability for freedoms, it continued.

READ: Human rights take a back seat as Cairo-Paris axis strengthens

The European Parliament called on Cairo to cooperate with the Italian authorities in the file of the murder of student Giulio Regeni, and hand over the addresses of the suspects to the Italian prosecutor, in order for them to be formally charged.

Italy accuses four prominent Egyptian officers of torturing and killing researcher Regeni in February 2016, and demands Cairo extradite them for trial.

Egypt has refused to cooperate with the investigation. At the beginning of this month, it announced it was temporarily ending the investigation claiming that Egypt’s prosecution had evidence a criminal gang carried out the murder after robbing Regeni.

It said that the gang, whose identity they do not yet know, have carried out similar crimes against Egyptian and foreign nationals and used false documents linking them to the security apparatus.

Egypt’s public prosecutor says there is insufficient evidence to bring the case to trial.

EURATOM research and training programme: Council reaches political agreement

EURATOM research and training programme: Council reaches political agreement

Member states’ ambassadors today reached a political agreement on the proposed regulation establishing the research and training programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for the period 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2025 (hereafter “the regulation”). The aim of the regulation is to pursue nuclear research and training activities with an emphasis on the continuous improvement of nuclear safety, security and radiation protection, as well as to complement the achievement of Horizon Europe’s objectives.

The total financial envelope for the implementation of the new Euratom programme for the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2025 shall be €1.38 billion in current prices. The indicative break down of that envelope by field of activity shall be as follows:

(a) €583 million for indirect actions in fusion research and development;

(b) €266 million for indirect actions in nuclear fission, safety and radiation protection;

(c) €532 million for direct actions undertaken by the Joint Research Centre.

The new programme will pursue the current programme’s key research activities (nuclear safety, security, radioactive waste and spent fuel management, radiation protection and fusion energy), expand research into non-power applications of ionising radiation and make improvements in the areas of education, training and access to research infrastructures. Furthermore, it will support the mobility of researchers in the nuclear field in the framework of Horizon Europe‘s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

The new Euratom programme will complement Horizon Europe using the same instruments and rules for participation. It will be limited to 5 years, to be extended in 2025 by 2 years in order to be aligned with the MFF 2021-2027.

Next steps

On the basis of today’s political agreement, the agreed text (following legal linguistic scrutiny) will be submitted to the Council for adoption in the first months of 2021.

EU-UK Relations: European Parliament Adopts Temporary Contingency Measures

EU-UK Relations: European Parliament Adopts Temporary Contingency Measures

On Friday, Parliament adopted measures to ensure basic road and air connections in case no agreement is reached on EU-UK future relations.

  • Basic air connectivity: the temporary rules ensuring certain air services between the UK and the EU continue for a maximum of six months were adopted with 680 votes in favour (3 against, 4 abstentions). This includes rights for UK and EU air carriers to continue to fly over and make technical stops on EU territory, as well as serve direct routes to the EU. Also a limited number of specific pandemic-related cargo flights will be allowed.

  • Aviation safety: the regulation ensuring various certificates for products, parts, appliances and companies remain valid was adopted with 680 votes in favour (3 against, 4 abstentions). This will avoid UK and EU aircraft that use these products and services being grounded.

  • Basic road connectivity: the temporary rules ensuring road freight and road passenger transport for a maximum of six months were adopted with 680 votes in favour (4 against, 3 abstentions). This will allow carriage of goods as well as coach and bus services coming to Europe and going to the UK to continue.


EU rules will no longer apply to and in the UK after the end of the transition period. The targeted contingency measures aim to avoid serious traffic disruptions and considerable delays in case there is no agreement on EU-UK future relations in place by 1 January 2021. The contingency measures will cease to apply, if an agreement is reached.

MEPs also approved the Commission’s proposal to extend reciprocal access by EU and UK vessels to each other’s waters until 31 December 2021 by 677 votes in favour, 4 against and 6 abstentions. Read more here.

Next steps

All temporary rules have to be adopted by the Council. They will enter into force after publication in the EU Official Journal and become applicable if a similar set of measures is adopted by the UK.

Council approves the EU drugs strategy for 2021-2025

EURATOM research and training programme: Council reaches political agreement

The Council today approved the EU strategy setting out the political framework and priorities for the EU’s drug policy in the period 2021-2025. The strategy aims to ensure a high level of health promotion, social stability and security and contribute to awareness raising. On the basis of this strategy, the Council will prepare an action plan which will set out concrete measures to achieve these priorities.

With this strategy, the EU and its member states reaffirm their commitment to an approach which is based on evidence, comprehensive and balanced between demand and supply reduction of drugs, with the preservation of human rights at its core. At the same time, this strategy uses the lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis in the drugs area and takes a future-oriented approach, promoting research, innovation and foresight to respond more effectively to increasing challenges and to anticipate them.

The drug phenomenon affects our communities in many different ways, from health, family and social relations, to violence and money laundering. This is a phenomenon that stretches across the globe and that no country can tackle alone. The EU strategy for 2021-2025 provides us with the tools to address it in all its dimensions, together with our international partners. It will also allow us to be more proactive in adapting our response to shifts in the way criminals operate or the development of new substances and trends.
Daniela Ludwig, German Federal Drug Commissioner

Under drug supply reduction/enhanced security the strategy targets all aspects of the illicit drug market, and includes the prevention of, dissuasion from and disruption of drug related crime, in particular organised crime, through judicial and law enforcement cooperation, intelligence, interdiction, confiscation of criminal assets, investigations and border management. This priority area has been further enhanced as compared to the 2013-2020 strategy, to respond to the challenging developments in European drug markets. These are characterised by a high availability of various types of drugs, ever larger seizures, increasing use of violence and huge profits, as well as the use of social media platforms, apps and the internet and darknet for illicit drug trafficking. Such features have not faded during the COVID-19 crisis, to the contrary.

The drug demand reduction policy area consists of a range of mutual reinforcing measures including prevention, early detection and intervention, counselling, treatment, rehabilitation, social reintegration and recovery. Such action needs to be appropriate to the local social context and the needs of the target population, be informed by scientific evidence and be safe and effective. It needs to be developed through the close collaboration of a number of health and social support services. The COVID-19 crisis has further revealed the need to ensure continuity of these actions.

A new, dedicated chapter has been added on addressing drug related harm. This section includes measures and policies to prevent or reduce the possible health and social risks and harm for users, for society and in prison settings. It covers aspects such as reducing the prevalence and incidence of drug-related infectious diseases, preventing overdoses and drug-related deaths and providing alternatives to coercive sanctions.

The strategy also identifies three cross-cutting themes in support of the policy areas:

  • international cooperation: enhancing the role of the EU as a global broker for a people-centred and human rights-oriented drug policy through cooperation with third countries, regions and international organisations, while strengthening the commitment to development-orientated drug policies and alternative development measures.
  • research, innovation and foresight: providing the EU and member states with the necessary comprehensive research and foresight capacities to address drug challenges in a more agile and proactive manner, increasing preparedness to respond to future challenges.
  • coordination, governance and implementation: ensuring optimal implementation of the strategy, including via the key action of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and of Europol, involving civil society and providing adequate resources at EU and national level to achieve this.


The EU drugs strategy 2013-2020 and the two action plans approved on that basis have provided the priorities for EU drugs policy during the past years. In July 2020, the European Commission presented an evaluation of this strategy and an EU agenda on drugs for 2021-2025. On this basis, the Council bodies have elaborated the EU drugs strategy 2021-2025.

PAHO/WHO and the European Union (EU) donate 100 pulse oximeters to the Ministry of Health and Wellness

PAHO/WHO and the European Union (EU) donate 100 pulse oximeters to the Ministry of Health and Wellness
Belize City, Belize, December 14, 2020 UPDATE: Through the reorientation of funds from the “Health Sector Support Programme Belize” project, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) and the European Union (EU) donated 100 pulse oximeters to the Ministry of Health and Wellness for effective and efficient case management and patient follow-up.
In the October 26, 2020 press release, PAHO/WHO referenced the reoriented funds from the project. The primary use of these funds is for capacity building, improving infection prevention and control, and supporting the delivery of health services at the community level.
PAHO/WHO Representative of Belize, Dr. Noreen Jack, and EU Technical Office Representative of Belize, Mr. Nicolaus Hansmann, handed over the pulse oximeters to the Minister of Health and Wellness, Mr. Michel Chebat, who was grateful to accept the devices on behalf of the Ministry. The pulse oximeters, a device used in the standard treatment of patients, is a non-invasive way to provide quick and accurate measurement of oxygen concentration in the bloodstream.
PAHO/WHO and the EU, through the reoriented funds of the “Health Sector Support Programme Belize” project, has and will continue to collaborate in supporting the country and the Ministry of Health and Wellness to effectively respond to the demands and needs for the fight against COVID-19.
Referenced Press Release: The EU, PAHO/WHO and MoH expand COVID-19 laboratory testing and support Community Health Workers

Belize City, Belize, 26 October 2020 – For the past four months, the European Union (EU) and the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) have been supporting the COVID-19 response in Belize. The reorientation of funds from the “Health Sector Support Programme Belize” project is enhancing the Ministry of Health’s capacity to conduct decentralized COVID-19 testing, improving infection prevention and control, and supporting the delivery of health services at the community level. As a result, hundreds of posters have been printed and distributed, radio and television campaigns are airing, and two autoclaves are being procured for medical waste management.
In an effort to rapidly diagnose persons with COVID-19 and decrease the time for laboratory results, the EU-PAHO/WHO collaboration is today donating seven (7) SD Biosensors F200 Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) Analyzers and 400 RDT Standard antigen test kits.
PAHO Director Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, recently described the efficiency expected from the new technology, “By providing results quickly, the new test empowers frontline health workers to better manage cases by isolating patients to prevent further spread…”
Until recently, the diagnosis of COVID-19 has only been possible in areas that have molecular testing, such as the Central Medical Lab in Belize City. However, with the SD Biosensor antigen rapid tests, testing could be available in all the districts.
As expressed by Mr. Juvencio Chan, Senior Medical Technologist and Clinical Laboratory Supervisor at the Central Medical Laboratory, “SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test will assist in screening at-risk populations for timely laboratory diagnosis to ensure rapid patient management response from our health care system.”
To improve working conditions and ensure the safety of laboratory personnel, 20 fire extinguishers, 19 smoke detectors, two sets of emergency shower with eyewash have also been procured for the CML, as per recommendations from previous site assessments.
Both the EU, PAHO/WHO, and MoH recognize the need to respond to the demands created by COVID-19 while, at the same time, maintaining access to healthcare, especially for persons suffering from non-communicable diseases like hypertension and diabetes mellitus. The collaborative effort is supporting an initiative that empowers Belize’s team of 230 Community Health Workers (CHW) to provide basic health services such as blood pressure and glucose monitoring. The CHW network constitutes an alternative strategy for the continued delivery of health services during the pandemic. The programme, which involves training and equipping Community Health Workers to conduct outreach in their villages, is today receiving a donation of 230 CHW work kits containing non-contact thermometers, stethoscopes, glucometers with strips and lancets, and first aid kits.
In addition, 100 pulse oximeters have been procured under this project and will be donated to the Ministry of Health for case management and patient follow-up.
Fredrik Ekfeldt, the Deputy Head of Mission of the European Union Delegation, spoke to the partnership that is supporting Belize’s response to COVID-19:
“As we work together to tackle the unprecedented challenge posed by COVID-19, it is so important for us to do all we can to provide the relevant health services needed to preserve lives. This is why the EU is pleased to support this project that will ensure easy and expanded access to laboratory and other medical services for improved infection prevention and control.”

Please help support Local Journalism in Belize

For the first time in the history of the island’s community newspaper, The San Pedro Sun is appealing to their thousands of readers to help support the paper during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 1991 we have tirelessly provided vital local and national news. Now, more than ever, our community depends on us for trustworthy reporting, but our hard work comes with a cost. We need your support to keep delivering the news you rely on each and every day. Every reader contribution, however big or small, is so valuable. Please support us by making a contribution.

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Plenary highlights: EU budget, Sakharov Prize, water | News | European Parliament

Plenary highlights: EU budget, Sakharov Prize, water | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/eu-affairs/20201210STO93503/

EU Budget 2021 approved: supporting the recovery


For next year’s budget, MEPs obtained better support for key EU programmes that create jobs, tackle the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and boost climate action.

  • Annual budget adopted following approval of Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2021
  • Funds for transport infrastructure, Digital Europe, climate action boosted
  • First annual budget of new seven-year financial framework

llion; payment appropriations total €166.1 billion. The details of the 4 December agreement between Parliament and Council are available here.

After Council formally approved the agreement with Parliament on Monday, Parliament approved the budget on Friday by 540 votes to 77, with 70 abstentions. It was then signed into law by President David Sassoli.

For a more competitive Europe, creating jobs and investing in the EU’s future

MEPs succeeded in bolstering, on top of the Commission’s budget proposal, programmes they considered key to boosting growth and jobs, reflecting widely agreed European Union priorities, namely Digital Europe (+25.7 million) and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for transport infrastructure (+€60.3 million).

Strengthen respect for Europe’s values and boosting climate action

As a supplementary effort to fight climate change, the additions obtained by the EP for the LIFE programme (+€42 million) aim, from the outset, at contributing to reaching the target of 30% of climate-relevant spending in the EU budget for the 2021-2027 period.

The Rights and Values programme will receive an additional €6.6 million, and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), an independent EU body that fights crimes against the Union budget will benefit from an extra €7.3 million.

MFF top-ups: supporting the young, EU research and healthcare

Other reinforcements for 2021 reflect the top-ups to selected key EU programmes that Parliament obtained in the deal with Council on the next long-term EU budget (MFF) 2021-2027, approved on 16 December.

This is the case for Erasmus+ (+€175.1 million), Horizon Europe (research programme, +€20 million) and the EU4Health programme, the EU’s response to COVID-19, by a further €74.3 million. EU4Health will support medical and healthcare staff, patients and health systems. Similarly, the commitment appropriations for humanitarian aid have been increased by €25 million and for supporting the EU’s southern neighbourhood by €10.2 million.


“I’m pleased that we reached a swift agreement in the interest of European citizens in these challenging times. With the top-ups for some of the future-looking programmes agreed in the multi-annual framework just weeks ago, we obtained budget increases for other programmes with proven European added value. These extra investments in, for example, the trans-European transport networks and digital Europe, all respond to real needs and are in line with the expectations of EU citizens”, said the Chair of the Budgets committee Johan van Overtveldt (ECR, BE).

“In all conscience, we know that this budget is not up to the challenge. It was the most that could be obtained given the restrictions of negotiating the MFF with heads of state in unanimity. The good news is that there is a solution that can mobilise 50 billion EUR per year for health, climate and jobs, and that cannot be blocked by the unanimity rule: taxing speculation in enhanced cooperation. The Commission says it can be adopted by the end of 2022. Let’s get to work without delay”, said the lead rapporteur (Commission section) Pierre Larrouturou (S&D, FR).

“We cannot build promising policies for the future without operational, efficient, modern, environmentally friendly and interactive institutions that are capable of functioning even in the event of force majeure. By voting in favour of the 2021 budget, we are giving the institutions of the European Union sufficient resources and staff so that they can best fulfil their missions and meet citizens’ expectations in times of crisis. This new agreement finds the balance between making savings in a time of crisis and not impeding the EU institutions from functioning properly, said the rapporteur for the other sections, Oliver Chastel (RENEW, BE).

EU-UK relations: parliament adopts temporary contingency measures


On Friday, Parliament adopted measures to ensure basic road and air connections in case no agreement is reached on EU-UK future relations.

  • Basic air connectivity: the temporary rules ensuring certain air services between the UK and the EU continue for a maximum of six months were adopted with 680 votes in favour (3 against, 4 abstentions). This includes rights for UK and EU air carriers to continue to fly over and make technical stops on EU territory, as well as serve direct routes to the EU. Also a limited number of specific pandemic-related cargo flights will be allowed.
  • Aviation safety: the regulation ensuring various certificates for products, parts, appliances and companies remain valid was adopted with 680 votes in favour (3 against, 4 abstentions). This will avoid UK and EU aircraft that use these products and services being grounded.
  • Basic road connectivity: the temporary rules ensuring road freight and road passenger transport for a maximum of six months were adopted with 680 votes in favour (4 against, 3 abstentions). This will allow carriage of goods as well as coach and bus services coming to Europe and going to the UK to continue.


EU rules will no longer apply to and in the UK after the end of the transition period. The targeted contingency measures aim to avoid serious traffic disruptions and considerable delays in case there is no agreement on EU-UK future relations in place by 1 January 2021. The contingency measures will cease to apply, if an agreement is reached.

MEPs also approved the Commission’s proposal to extend reciprocal access by EU and UK vessels to each other’s waters until 31 December 2021 by 677 votes in favour, 4 against and 6 abstentions. Read more here.

Next steps

All temporary rules have to be adopted by the Council. They will enter into force after publication in the EU Official Journal and become applicable if a similar set of measures is adopted by the UK.

Buddhist Times News – Bihar CM says, Buddha museum, stupa to be ready by 2021


Bihar CM says, Buddha museum, stupa to be ready by 2021

                            <p class="post-meta">
                               <span class="date"><i class="icon-calendar"/> Dec 18, 2020</span>
                               <span class="meta-user"><i class="icon-user"/> <a href="https://www.buddhisttimes.news/author/shyamal/" title="Posts by Shyamal Sinha" rel="author" rel="nofollow">Shyamal Sinha</a></span>
                               <span class="meta-cat"><i class="icon-book"/> <a href="https://www.buddhisttimes.news/category/breakingnews/" rel="category tag" rel="nofollow">BREAKING NEWS</a>, <a href="https://www.buddhisttimes.news/category/topnews/" rel="category tag" rel="nofollow">TOP NEWS</a></span>
                                 <span class="meta-comment last-meta"><span>Comments Off<span class="screen-reader-text"> on Bihar CM says, Buddha museum, stupa to be ready by 2021</span></span></span>
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Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar

By  — Shyamal Sinha

C M Nitish Kumar   inspected construction works at the Buddha Samyak Darshan museum and the Buddha Memorial Stupa near Vaishali, about 60km north of Patna.

There are many claims of Gautama Buddha relic but none of them are authentic. The relic which was found in Vaishali is apparently the only authentic one. It was mentioned by Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang in his book which is preserved in China. Dr. Anant Sadashiv Altekar the archeologist and historian who discovered it in an archeological excavation between 1958–60. It was found in mud stupa in a casket. Later that mud stupa was declared as archeological site and casket was kept in Patna Museum.

The CM asked the officials concerned to expedite the construction works which were delayed because of the Covid-induced lockdown.
After the inspection, Nitish said the officials assured him that the construction works would be completed by the end of 2021.

The museum and memorial stupa are being built with an expenditure of Rs 315 crore over an area of 72 acres. The state government has already acquired 72 acres of land in Vaishali for the purpose.

“The construction work was badly hampered due to Covid-19 pandemic. It has resumed now. I have come here to take stock of the ongoing work. After the availability of the COVID vaccine, tourists will once again start visiting tourist places. Vaishali has its own historical and religious importance. The place is directly related to Lord Buddha and Lord Mahavira. Vaishali has its own history,” Nitish told reporters in Vaishali.

Nitish said once the museum is ready by the end of 2021, a large number of tourists and followers of Budhha would start visiting the place. “Followers of Buddhism from other countries visit Bodh Gaya and Rajgir. Once the museum in Vaishali is ready, they all will prefer to visit the place after Bodh Gaya and Rajgir,” Nitish said.

He said the state government was getting the necessary support from the Centre for linking Vaishali with the Budhha circuit. “Once the memorial stupa is ready, the foreign visitors will come to Vaishali after their Bodh Gaya trip,” the CM said. Earlier in February last year, the CM had launched the construction work for Rs 315 crore Buddha Samyak Darshan Museum and the memorial stupa. The memorial stupa will house one of the authentic mortal remains of Lord Buddha.

Ramabhar Stupa, the place where Lord Buddha was said to have attained Mahaparinirvana or the Final Enlightenment. The 15 meters high stupa is one of the most important pilgrim spots for Buddhists; and its location amidst gorgeous lush surrounds only make it more appealing.

“After ‘Mahaparinirvana’ of Lord Buddha, his mortal remains were distributed into eight parts. One of the eighth parts was kept at a mud stupa in Vaishali by the then Lichchhavi king of the Vaishali republic. The mortal remains were later recovered during an archaeological excavation between 1958 and 1960. They are now kept safely at Patna Museum, while the mud stupa has now been protected as an archaeological site,” a state government official said.

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