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Gen Z is lukewarm about religion, but open to relationships, study shows

Gen Z is lukewarm about religion, but open to relationships, study shows

Josh Packard, executive director of Springtide. Courtesy photo

(RNS) — More than half of teens and young adults who say they are affiliated with an organized religion also say they have little or no trust in organized religion. In other words, they are involved in religious institutions on paper but are disengaged at some level because they don’t trust religious institutions — even the ones they belong to.

And that’s just the roughly 6 in 10 who are still affiliated.

That lack of trust among religiously affiliated teens and young adults is one of many surprises in the “State of Religion and Young People” study released by Springtide Research Institute, which was founded in August 2019. The study surveyed more than 10,000 Americans ages 13 to 25 — the so-called Gen Z generation — about their involvement in, and feelings about, religion.

“They’re checking the box that says they are Jewish or Catholic or whatever, but over half of them are saying, ‘even though I checked the box, I don’t trust organized religion,’” said Josh Packard, a sociologist of religion who is the executive director of Springtide. “This is sort of stunning and not what you would expect from somebody who checked the box.”

More than half of young people who are affiliated with a particular religion don’t trust religious institutions. Springtide Research Institute, 2020

He thinks the study’s findings should complicate, if not make obsolete, the notion that we can use “affiliated” as an easy shorthand for “religious” in America. Other findings in the study bear this out, including that about 1 in 5 Gen Z members who are affiliated with an organized religion also say they are not personally religious.

“The categories that used to be really effective indicators of their faith and spirituality are just not anymore,” Packard said. “You can’t rely on the old metrics like we might have once been able to.”

If the category of “affiliated” no longer lines up perfectly with “active believers,” the category of “unaffiliated” is complicated too.

For example, 60% of teens and young adults who are not involved with an organized religion described themselves as spiritual, and 19% said they attend religious gatherings at least once a month.

One surprising finding was that 60% of young people who are not affiliated with religion said they considered themselves spiritual. Springtide, 2020

There are some other surprises in the study’s 119-page report, which is available for free. One is about gender. In the past, it’s been clear that men and boys have been more likely to leave organized religion than women and girls. The gender imbalance among religiously unaffiliated Americans has skewed male for years.

In this study of Gen Z, however, the edge among the unaffiliated goes to girls and women, 40% of whom are not involved with an organized religion. This was true of 36% of those who identify as male.

Packard was reluctant to draw definitive conclusions without more data, but he pinpointed many religions’ historical lack of gender equality as a likely factor.

“I would be stunned as a sociologist if it isn’t connected to the greater push that we’ve seen over the last 5 to 10 years for more equality in all facets of life,” he said. And the push may rise over time, as those born in the 1990s and early 2000s have kids of their own and emphasize gender equality at an early age.

Springtide, 2020

For religious leaders and parents who are wringing their hands about how to get young people reengaged in organized religion, Packard worries they’re focusing on the wrong things. Religion has not disappeared; it’s just become more diffuse. What used to happen via programs at churches and synagogues has moved outward into the wider world.

“A declining trust in institutions means the work they used to do falls to others,” the Springtide report suggests. “If the work of meaning making or community building once fell to religious organizations, it is now the domain of groups like Nuns & Nones, The Dinner Party, boutique and garage gyms, or even the workplace. Related to this, with decreased trust in government, a renewed culture of protests, rallies, and petitions has emerged as civilians take social and political matters into their own hands.”

The challenge for religious organizations is to pivot with the times — to stop evaluating their success based on how many young people show up for a pizza party and start establishing small-scale mentoring relationships between committed religious adults and young people who want to have religious conversations.

And there are a lot of these young people, the research shows. They are interested in religious questions but express their beliefs in noninstitutional ways, including everyday moral matters like what they buy. “They’re asking, ‘How am I taking care of the planet with this purchase? Who am I buying it from? Does that company support fair wages? Do they support the causes that I care about?’” Packard said. “These are more than just social justice concerns. Young people talk about these questions in religious language.”

They also respond to “relational authority,” which means authority that is not based on hierarchy or titles so much as a genuine interest in young people as individuals. Four in 5 Gen Z members surveyed said they were likely to take guidance from adults who care about them. The report pinpoints five values that characterize this relational authority: listening, transparency, integrity, care and expertise. (Expertise comes last on the list intentionally, because 65% of young people say an adult’s expertise doesn’t matter unless the adult cares for them. Listening comes first in establishing a genuine, nontransactional relationship.)

Religion outside the box of programs and buildings is a fresh challenge for many religious leaders and teachers, Packard acknowledges. It’s also harder for sociologists to track. “The local chapter of your National Association for Loosely Affiliated People Interested in Vaguely Religious Questions doesn’t meet at Starbucks on a Wednesday,” he joked. But he stresses it’s important to resist the temptation to label teens and young adults.

“This is the most diverse and complex generation that has ever existed,” he said. “Their religious lives are no different.”

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Quiet Bethlehem Christmas means ‘less business, more religion’

Quiet Bethlehem Christmas means 'less business, more religion'

Deprived of its usual tourist influx by the pandemic, Bethlehem will celebrate a quiet Christmas this year that is less about commerce and more about religion, says its parish priest.

In a normal year hundreds of thousands of visitors flood the Palestinian city in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, located less than 10 kilometres (six miles) from Jerusalem.

Those seeking a quiet moment of contemplation in the Church of Nativity — the site of Christ’s birth, according to tradition — generally have to use their elbows to manoeuvre through the crowds.

While the lack of visitors has been devastating for business owners, it has also offered a rare opportunity for solemn worship, said Father Rami Asakrieh, Bethlehem’s parish priest.

“Sometimes there are more than half million people who arrive in this period to visit the Nativity Church,” he told AFP.

A Palestinian carpenter carves religious statues and figurines from olive wood at a shop near the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank city of Bethlehem


But with coronavirus restrictions making travel to Bethlehem all but impossible for foreign worshippers, the Church of the Nativity has been eerily calm in the days before Christmas.

Under the Grotto of the Nativity, the recitation of Armenian prayers by four monks echoed clearly through the basilica deserted of its typical throngs of visitors.

The Christmas Eve mass on Thursday, regarded as the most important annual event at the church, will be closed to the public.

  • ‘Heartache and pain’ –

Not even representatives of the Palestinian Authority will come to Bethlehem on December 24, Asakrieh said.

A Palestinian shop-owner arranges christmas decorations at her shop in the West Bank city of Bethlehem


“It has never happened before,” he explained, citing only past restrictions during the Palestinian intifadas, or uprisings, against Israel’s occupation.

“I think that this Christmas is different because people are not busy with the external manifestations of the feast,” the priest said, referring to the gift-buying that has, for many, become synonymous with Christmas.

“Now (people) have the time, and they are obligated, to concentrate on the essential… the theological spirit of Christmas,” he said.

“Less business, but more religion.”

In the lead-up to Christmas, the small Chapel of Saint Catherine, adjacent to the Church of the Nativity, was opened to the local Palestinian population.

Many turned out in their Sunday best, including Nicolas al-Zoghbi who said that this year the joyfulnesses of Christmas had been replaced by “depression”.

He recounted the “heartache and pain” felt by those like his son who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

“We hope the Lord will destroy corona, just get rid of it so we can return to our previous life,” said Zoghbi, who is in his 70s.

Bethlehem’s economy is driven partly by an annual Christmas rush that benefits small shops selling postcards, rosaries carved from olive tree wood and other Nativity-related souvenirs.

  • Christians in Gaza –

Sitting outside his Bethlehem store on a plastic chair, Georges Baaboul told AFP he “hadn’t sold anything for nine months”.

“In the last few days I sold about 170 shekels ($52)” worth of goods, he said.

Sixty-year-old trader Saif said he had never seen things this bad through his 60 years in business, including during the intifadas.

In 2020 West Bank tradesmen cannot even count on Christian customers from Gaza


This year, West Bank tradesmen cannot even count on Christian customers from Gaza, the coastal Palestinian enclave controlled by the Islamist group Hamas that is under Israeli blockade.

Gazan Christians generally receive special permission to cross to Bethlehem for Christmas, but this year those permits have not been issued, said Father Youssef Asaad of the Latin monastery in Gaza.

Hamas has imposed strict measures to limit the spread of the virus in the strip, including the closure of mosques and the Latin Church, but masses are being broadcast online.

Christian Gaza resident Issa Abou George said he could not buy gifts for his children this year, but will participate in services online.

“My family and I will pray to God for the pandemic to end as well as for peace, in the Holy Land and the world,” he told AFP.

Rose Town Youth To Benefit From European Union Funded Block Making Project

Rose Town Youth To Benefit From European Union Funded Block Making Project

Some fifteen (15) youth comprising males and females within the Rose Town Community are set to benefit from the opportunity of honing their skills through a block making training initiative.

The block making training will be facilitated in partnership with the HEART/NSTA Trust and at the end of the training persons will be issued with the requisite certification.

The project is being implemented through the support of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund Poverty Reduction Programme (PRP), which is funded by the European Union to the value of Three Million Jamaican Dollars (J$3,000,000).

The initiative is also supported by the Planning Institute of Jamaica’s Community Renewal Programme.

The announcement was made recently at the launch of the block factory project, attended by the Member of Parliament, Mark Golding, Ambassador Marianne Van Steen – Head of the European Delegation to Jamaica, JSIF’s Managing Director, Omar Sweeney, Representatives of the Planning Institute of Jamaica, Representatives of the Social Development Commission, Members of the Rose Town Benevolent Society and other key stakeholders.

The European Union as the largest grant funding international agency in the Caribbean continues to underscore the importance of supporting community initiatives.

Ambassador Van Steen in addressing the audience posited “The European Union is happy to support these types of initiatives because they impact lives in a meaningful way and contribute to the government’s development goals. These community-based projects allow residents the opportunity to actively participate in deciding what their priorities are and designing initiatives together to achieve them.”

Meanwhile, Managing Director of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund, Omar Sweeney, added that;” this initiative will bolster the ability of the beneficiaries to utilise their skills in a productive way in order to gain employment and generate income opportunities”. He also said that after training, persons will be able to supply their community with the necessary raw materials for building.

For his part, Member of Parliament, Mark Golding, in his address applauded all the key stakeholders for making the initiative a reality. He also urged the community members to work together with the stakeholders in order to ensure a successful completion of the project.

The project will be supervised under the guidance of Errol Jackson, a longstanding community member and President of the Rose Town Benevolent Society.

NSS urges even-handed approach to freedom of religion or belief

NSS urges even-handed approach to freedom of religion or belief

The National Secular Society has urged the UK’s new envoy on freedom of religion or belief, Fiona Bruce, to take an even-handed rather than selective approach to promoting the principle.

Fiona Bruce was appointed as the prime minister’s special envoy for freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) this week.

The NSS has questioned the wisdom of the appointment.

Bruce is a council member of the Evangelical Alliance council. She chairs the all-party parliamentary pro-life group and has lobbied to limit women’s reproductive rights.

She has voiced opposition to same-sex marriage and assisted dying, and support for daily Christian worship in state schools.

In 2016 she was accused of seeking to exclude non-religious worldviews from religious education when she took over as chair of the all-party parliamentary group on RE.

But she has also raised human rights abuses in countries such as North Korea, Pakistan and Nigeria in parliament.

NSS letter and comment

In a letter to her, the NSS warned that efforts to promote FoRB are impeded when the agenda is manipulated to protect specific beliefs rather than people.

It said the perception of FoRB as a right that protects religious groups and individuals, rather than more broadly as a right that protects both the religious and non-religious, risks disengagement from potential civil society allies.

NSS chief executive Stephen Evans said: “Freedom of religion or belief is fundamental to living in an open, tolerant and diverse society – and we support the government’s agenda of promoting and protecting this right around the world. But in doing so the government must take an even-handed approach.

“It’s vital to recognise that freedom from religion is a necessary corollary to freedom of religion.

“Fiona Bruce has rightly used her platform to raise some significant human rights abuses. But she’s also promoted a false narrative of persecutions of Christians in the UK – and her parliamentary activity indicates a keenness to impose her religious beliefs on others. This isn’t a vision of FoRB the government should promote.

“We hope to work with Ms Bruce and the government to ensure that everyone’s right to freedom of religion or belief is upheld and protected equally.”


  • Bruce has replaced Rehman Chishti, who resigned from the government in September in opposition to the internal market bill.

Image: Official portrait of Fiona Bruce MP, via parliament.uk [CC BY 3.0]

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European Union gives green light for Fiat Chrysler-Groupe PSA merger

European Union gives green light for Fiat Chrysler-Groupe PSA merger

BRUSSELS: The European Union (EU) on Monday gave conditional approval to the mega merger of car giants Fiat Chrysler (FCA) and Groupe PSA, after the firms promised to address competition fears.

The tie-up, which was announced late last year and planned to be completed in early 2021, will create Stellantis, set to be the world’s fourth-largest automaker in terms of volume, and number three in terms of sales.

The combined company unites brands such as Peugeot, Citroen, Fiat, Chrysler, Jeep, Alfa Romeo and Maserati into a global giant, each of which will continue under its own marque.

The European Commission said the decision to approve the deal came after it had carried out an “in-depth investigation” over concerns it might stifle competition.

“The approval is conditional on full compliance with a commitments package offered by the companies,” the commission said in a statement.

Brussels was worried the merger could effect Europe‘s lucrative market for vans, which are technically easy to manufacture but sell at good prices.

To assuage those concerns, the commission said PSA would continue an agreement with Toyota to manufacture vans to be sold under the Japanese brand in Europe.

The statement said that the new firm would also facilitate access for competitors to its van repair and maintenance networks.

“We can approve the merger of Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot SA because their commitments will facilitate entry and expansion in the market for small commercial vans,” EU competition chief Margrethe Vestager said.

“In the other markets where the two automotive manufacturers are currently active, competition will remain vibrant after the merger.”

Italian-American FCA and France’s PSA said they “warmly welcomed” the decision by the European authorities.

The merger must still be approved by shareholders at a meeting on January 4, the companies said, with the aim of finalising it by the end of the first quarter.

The tie-up is seen as crucial for the two groups in light of heavy investments that must be made in electric cars as the global car market undergoes a major shift.

Massive global disruptions caused by the coronavirus this year had at one stage cast doubt over the merger as automakers saw sales and share prices slump.

Fiat Chrysler in October said it returned to profit in the third quarter, doing better than expected as the market recovered from the steep downturn.

PSA reported its sales had stabilised over the same period, after a plunge of almost 35% in the first half of the year. – AFP

Fiona Bruce appointed as new Freedom of Religion or Belief Envoy

Fiona Bruce appointed as new Freedom of Religion or Belief Envoy
Fiona Bruce has been appointed as the UK Government’s new Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB). 

Bruce, a committed Christian, said the plight of young Christian girls like Leah Sharibu, kidnapped by militants in Nigeria, and Maira Shahbaz, forced into a marriage in Pakistan, would be priorities for her.

Welcoming the news on Twitter, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said: “Fiona Bruce is a champion for freedoms here and abroad.

“I look forward to working with her as the UK’s Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief to make sure everyone, everywhere is free to have and practise a faith, belief, or not, in accordance with their conscience.”

She succeeds Rehman Chisti who resigned earlier this year after the Government suggested it would break international law over Brexit. 

Bruce said she was “honoured” by the appointment.

“There is much to do, and my post will be placed at the service of some of the most vulnerable people across the world, people like young girls Leah Sharibu from Nigeria and Maira Shahbaz from Pakistan, both brutally abducted from their homes and whose plights I was able to highlight recently in the House of Commons,” she said.

“This appointment comes in the light of continuing large scale horrors taking place – such as those against Uighur Muslims in China, Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and Yazidis in Iraq and at a time when, as the late and much respected former Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks stated, ‘the persecution of Christians throughout much of the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, and elsewhere, is one of the crimes against humanity of our time.’

“These are some of the most deeply concerning issues of our generation, on which it will be a privilege to engage as Special Envoy, both nationally and internationally, with others similarly concerned.”

Her appointment has been welcomed by CSW’s Founder President Mervyn Thomas, who said: “This appointment is wonderful news for all who work on freedom of religion or belief.

“Fiona Bruce has been unwavering, courageous and outspoken in championing this fundamental right since she became an MP in 2010, and we look forward to continuing to work with her in her new role.

“We would also like to thank Rehman Chisti MP for his work advancing the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief worldwide both during and after his time as FoRB envoy.”

Henrietta Blyth, CEO of Open Doors, said the Conversative MP has been a “champion” for minority religious groups.

“We are thrilled that a new special envoy has been appointed,” said Henrietta. “And we are delighted that it is Fiona Bruce – she has been a friend of Open Doors through the years and is a real champion for freedom of religion and belief,” she said. 

“Freedom of religion and belief affects all religious groups and it’s great to see that the Government is open to appointing members of all religions to the role.

“Rehman Chishti MP was very energetic in pursuing the recommendations from the Bishop of Truro’s report to support persecuted Christians and we will look forward to continuing our work on this with Fiona.”

Dr David Landrum, the new director of Advocacy and Public Affairs at Open Doors UK & Ireland, said:

“This is a timely and important appointment. Fiona understands that the freedom to convert is at the heart of religious freedom and that religious freedom underpins all our other human rights and civil liberties.

“We look forward to working with Fiona as the UK government affirms its commitment to addressing the persecution of Christians across the world.

“We know that from her extensive campaigning work and her role on the Joint Human Rights Committee Fiona is not only very knowledgeable about the issues facing the persecuted church, but she also has both a heart for religious freedom and a vision to see things change.”

Pope Francis Offers Guidance For A Better Future In New Book: ‘Let Us Dream’

Pope Francis Offers Guidance For A Better Future In New Book: ‘Let Us Dream’

Photo Courtesy of CBS

This year has been overwhelming, leaving many of us sad and anxious about what the future holds. In Pope Francis’ uplifting and practical new book “Let Us Dream” (written in collaboration with his biographer, Austen Ivereigh and published by Simon & Schuster, a ViacomCBS company), the preeminent spiritual leader explains why we must—and how we can—make the world safer, fairer, and healthier for all people now.

The following excerpt from “Let Us Dream” (available now) features reflections from Pope Francis on the toll the pandemic has taken on the elderly and ways we can all better serve these beloved members of our families and communities.

In every age people experience “hunger and thirst for righteousness” (Matthew 5:6), a cry that goes up from the margins of society. If we discern in such a yearning a movement of God’s Spirit, it allows us to open up to that movement in thought and action, and so create a new future according to the spirit of the Beatitudes.

For example, one sad sign of our times is the exclusion and isolation of the elderly. A significant number of all Covid-19 deaths have been in elderly care homes. Those who died were vulnerable not just because of their age but because of the conditions in many of those homes: underfunded, neglected, dependent on a high turnover of poorly paid workers. I often went to such homes in Buenos Aires, where the caregivers do an amazing job in spite of so many obstacles. I remember once them telling me that many of the residents hadn’t been seen by their relatives in at least six months. The abandonment of the elderly is an enormous injustice.

Scripture tells us that the elderly are our roots, our source, our sustenance. The prophet Joel hears God’s promise to pour out His Spirit to renew His people: “Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28). The future will be born from the conjunction of the young and the old. As Francisco Luis Bernárdez, an Argentine poet, puts it: “At the end of it all I’ve understood / that what on the tree flowers / lives from what is buried.”

A tree separated from its roots does not flower or fruit, but dries up. So here we have two ills with the same cause: the abandonment of the elderly deprived of the visions of the young, and the impoverishment of the young deprived of the dreams of the old; and a society that dries up, becomes fruitless, and sterile.

In the light of the Gospel and our Catholic social principles—solidarity, subsidiarity, option for the poor, universal destination of goods—it is impossible not to feel the need to put everything into overcoming that gap so that the generations encounter each other. How do we welcome the elderly back into families, restore their contact with the young? How do we give young people the roots so they can prophesy, that is, open spaces for themselves to grow in? Discernment comes in at this point: What does this mean for me and my family? What does this mean for our public policies? We might wonder the same about unemployed young people deprived of the chance to study, often drawn to the sad world of drugs.

We may feel a prompting of the Spirit to find out who are the lonely elderly nearby, and how with others I could offer them friendship. Or I might want to ensure that care homes are as much like families as possible, well funded and embedded in community. At a deeper level, we may wonder how we ended up in this situation, under pressure from jobs and families who convince people they cannot have the elderly living with them.

We see the reality, we discern, and we discover there a sign from God. We do not claim to have the answers, but applying the Gospel’s criteria and sensing the prompting of the Spirit, discernment allows us to hear the Lord’s invitation and to follow it. Our life becomes, as a result, richer and more prophetic, allowing us to respond with the depth that only the Holy Spirit can give us.

Excerpted from “Let Us Dream” by Pope Francis and Austen Ivereigh. Copyright © 2020 by Austen Ivereigh. The Scripture quotations contained herein are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of

Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.

About The Authors

Pope Francis

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on December 17, 1936, the son of Italian immigrants. He was ordained a priest in the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) in 1969 and made a bishop in 1992. He became Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998 and was named a cardinal in 2001. In March 2013 he was elected Bishop of Rome, the 266th pope of the Catholic Church.

Austen Ivereigh

Austen Ivereigh is a writer, journalist, and commentator best known for two highly regarded biographies of Pope Francis: The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope and Wounded Shepherd: Pope Francis and His Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church. 

Buddhist Times News – Bodh Gaya Global Dialogue on ‘Sustainable Development, Heritage & Enlightenment’

Buddhist Times News – Bodh Gaya Global Dialogue on ‘Sustainable Development, Heritage & Enlightenment’

By   —  Shyamal Sinha

The Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha today addressed the valedictory session of Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA) and Deshkal Society on 3rd Edition of Bodh Gaya Global Dialogue on “Sustainable Development, Heritage and Enlightenment”  through virtual mode here at Raj Bhavan.

Addressing the delegates on the occasion, the Lt Governor observed that the timeless teachings of Buddha have strong relevance even in contemporary times and are very important for thinkers and intellectuals because of the dynamic changes we are seeing in every field in today’s era.

Indians are known for their greeting to their guest in Sanskrit “अतिथि देवो भवः” Atithi devo bhava meaning “Guest is like God”. India’s culture and heritage are a rich amalgam of the past and the present.

Bodh Gaya is a cradle of Buddhism culture, Buddha teachings, and heritage and a unique location for seekers from India and abroad .

“The wisdom of Buddha, in essence, is a seed with the potential to grow and awaken the whole of humanity. Let us imbibe the wisdom of Mahatma Buddha and conserve and preserve our tangible and intangible heritage and society woven around it”, said the Lt Governor.

I am delighted to be a part of the deliberation on the important topic “Sustainable Development, Heritage and Enlightenment”. I believe that sustainable development caters both material developments of Individual, region, place as well as nourishment of the soul. In this context, our focus has to be on conservation, restoration of tangible heritage as well as dissemination of intangible legacy to kindle the center of humanity, the Lt Governor maintained.

While appreciating the efforts of the organizers for conducting Global dialogue, the Lt Governor observed that Bodh Gaya Global Dialogue is in fact a rare opportunity where people from different walks of life come together, in communion, with the spirit of oneness to promote Bodh Gaya as a World Heritage site, besides strengthening the relationship between Buddhist Pilgrimage in India and the South East Asian Nations.

The Republic of India is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much higher birth-rate makes it likely to reach pole position in less than ten years.

It is an extremely diverse country, with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity across its expanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracy on Earth and a hub of trade in Southeast Asia. India provides a vast canvass for touring whether it may be cultural, adventure, religious, history, beach, wildlife and other forms.

The Lt Governor said that the religious places depict our beliefs, moral values, and cultural heritage and it is the responsibility of one and all to contribute their bit to preserve and redevelop them.

Highlighting the significance of Bodh Gaya, the Lt Governor said that Bodh Gaya is a source of spirituality, meditation, human welfare, and compassion.

“Bodh Gaya teaches the whole world the values of thought, analysis, faith, respect, and is a symbol of kindness and compassion for all living beings. Bodh Gaya is a cradle of Buddhism culture, Buddha teachings, and heritage and a unique location for seekers from India and abroad”, he observed.

The Lt Governor further lauded the efforts of IGNCA and Deshkal Society on various fronts for the multi-dimensional development of Bodh Gaya to strengthen relationships and build a strong and sustainable network between Bodh Gaya and South-East Asian Nations.

I am witnessing a great miracle happening for mankind through this initiative. The worshippers from Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam, Japan, and eminent monks and scholars have been coming regularly to Bodh Gaya and are taking a lead in reviving and developing Southeast Asia’s rich ancient legacy, said the Lt Governor.

The Lt Governor also suggested linking Bodh Gaya, Rajgir, Sarnath with eminent places in East Asia for sustainable development of our collective heritage.

The Lt Governor said as per UNESCO ‘Bodh Gaya is of Supreme Value to the World’. The efforts put in by various stakeholders during recent years have led to the promotion of Tourism along with Ecological Sustainability, Livelihood Generation, besides massive transformation has been seen in the Civil Society group regarding Urban Heritage Planning.

Recalling the teachings of Lord Buddha, the Lt Governor said the total awareness comes with an empty mind and that is the state of Buddhahood. We all have that potential of Buddhahood and all we need is a little bit more awareness in our life, in our work, he added.

“I see this occasion as an opportunity to be more spontaneous, be ourselves and live and work compassionately for others too in order to eradicate inequality in society.”

“The message of Mahatma Buddha is to awaken people and show them how to live as pure consciousness and this is what IGNCA and Deshkal Society is doing through Bodh Gaya Dialogues. Be aware, be more loving, and be more compassionate, observed the Lt Governor.”

source  —  gk news

Canon Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) expands Ambassador Programme to over 100 leading international photographers and filmmakers including risings stars of the future

Canon Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) expands Ambassador Programme to over 100 leading international photographers and filmmakers including risings stars of the future

Canon Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) expands Ambassador Programme to over 100 leading international photographers and filmmakers including risings stars of the future – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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Fruits and vegetables crucial for healthy lives, sustainable world: Guterres

Fruits and vegetables crucial for healthy lives, sustainable world: Guterres

In a message launching the campaign, Secretary-General António Guterres said that despite tremendous benefits of fruits and vegetables, “we do not consume enough of them.” 

“Fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone of a healthy and varied diet. They provide the human body with an abundance of nutrients, strengthen immune systems and help lower risks for a number of diseases,” he said. 

“As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the health and livelihoods of people across the world, we must come together to ensure that nutritious food, including fruits and vegetables, reaches the most vulnerable, leaving no one behind,” the UN chief added. 

Mr. Guterres also drew attention to the strong links between food systems and sustainable development. He called on all stakeholders to make food systems more inclusive, resilient and sustainable, including through adopting a more holistic approach to production and consumption that benefits human and environmental health. 

“Let us use this International Year to rethink our relationship with how we produce and consume food, and to re-examine our food systems and commit to a healthier, more resilient and sustainable world where everyone can access and afford the diverse nutrition they need.” 

Health benefits 

Consuming sufficient, or even more than the recommended amounts, of fruit and vegetables has many health and nutrition benefits. Rich in fibres, vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables are crucial for growth and development of children, and help boost immune systems.  

They are also linked to lower risk of depression and anxiety, obesity and non-communicable diseases; promote gut health; and counter micronutrient deficiencies. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people should eat a minimum of 400 grams of fruits and vegetables daily, as part of a healthy diet. 

Not eating enough 

However, due to a number of factors, such as availability, affordability, or lack of knowledge and awareness, many people around the world consume less than that amount. 

Against this background, Qu Dongyu, Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) described the International Year as “a unique opportunity to raise global awareness.” 

Speaking at a virtual launch event, on Tuesday, Mr. Qu also highlighted the role of digital technologies in reducing waste, improving nutrition and market opportunities. 

He outlined the challenges in improving production and agrifood chains, and called on countries to use the International Year to improve infrastructure, farming practices thereby supporting small scale farmers.  

Alongside, the also emphasized the importance of fruits and vegetables as a good way for farmers to generate more income. 

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UNICEF/Veronica Houser

Children learn about fruits and vegetables at a early childhood development centre in Rwanda. (file photo)

The International Year 

The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 was proclaimed by the General Assembly in December 2019 to raise awareness on the important role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition, food security and health, as well as in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

It will promote diversified, balanced, and healthy diets and lifestyles through fruits and vegetables consumption, reducing losses and waste in fruits and vegetables food systems, and share best practices. 

The International Year complements several other key initiatives including the Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025), the Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028), and the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health.