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European Union gives green light to post-Brexit trade deal with the UK

European Union gives green light to post-Brexit trade deal with the UK

BRUSSELS: The European Union (EU) gave the green light on Monday to its post-Brexit trade deal with the UK, clearing the way for it to come into effect in the New Year.

The British parliament will have to ratify later this week the deal to cushion the economic shock of the divorce. Brussels will apply it on a provisional basis until European lawmakers consider the agreement in the coming months.

Customs and regulatory controls on cross-Channel commerce will still come into effect on Jan 1 after Britain leaves the EU single market. But there will be no immediate return to a regime of tariffs and quotas that could have disrupted trade after Britain’s decision to quit the club.

Sebastian Fischer, spokesman for the German presidency of the EU, said: “EU ambassadors have unanimously approved the provisional application of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement.”

Under EU procedure, the decision by ambassadors from the 27 member states to endorse the plan will take effect at 3pm (1400 GMT) on Tuesday. But there is no expectation that any EU members will now slow the adoption of the trade deal, the fruit of a tortuous 10-month negotiation.

Germany holds the rotating EU presidency and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer said the coalition government has no objection to the text.

“Germany can accept the negotiated accord,” she said. In Paris, President Emmanuel Macron‘s office announced that his government had also backed the deal.

“The accord will come into force on January 1. From the first day, France will be vigilant that it is put in place correctly,” the French government statement said.

Separately, Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke by telephone with the president of the European Council, Charles Michel.

“I welcomed the importance of the UK-EU Agreement as a new starting point for our relationship, between sovereign equals,” Johnson tweeted.

The European Parliament will want to study the deal even after its provisional application and was expected to convene a session in the first quarter of next year to ratify it.

But on Monday, MEPs were discussing the possibility of pushing that date back further to give themselves more time to study the text and to watch how relations develop.

The member states’ provisional approval will last until the end of February, but EU parliamentary leaders asked on Monday for a few more weeks to arrange a vote in March or April. But if London refuses this delay, they have agreed to hold a special plenary session on or around Feb 23.

Brussels’ chief negotiator Michel Barnier met the president of the European Parliament David Sassoli and the MEPs coordinating EU-UK ties on Monday.

He described the exchanges as “fruitful” and thanked the MEPs “for their trust and support throughout this extraordinary negotiation.”

British parliamentarians are to meet on Wednesday to debate the accord.

Although the 2016 Brexit referendum that set the divorce in motion proved to be extremely divisive, the vote is expected to go smoothly.

The MPs have not had long to study the 1,200-page text, but Johnson has a comfortable majority of Conservative MPs in the Commons and has hailed the accord as a victory.

The minority Scottish National Party will oppose the deal – as it opposed Brexit – but bulk of MPs from the main Labour opposition will back it to avoid further disruption.

The deal offers the British duty-free and quota-free access to its market of 450 million consumers, and gives European fishermen access to UK waters for at least another five-and-a-half years.

But it provides for Europe to impose compensatory measures on British business if London backslides on standards for state aid, the environment, labour law and taxation. – AFP

Recognise Sarna religion, include separate code in census: Adivasi outfits

Recognise Sarna religion, include separate code in census: Adivasi outfits

Ten Adivasi organisations met here on Monday and submitted a memorandum to the state government demanding that it ask the Centre to recognise “Sarna” as an Adivasi religion and include a separate religious code for it in the 2021 census. The demand was unanimously backed by the Santhal, Munda, Oraon, Ho, Bhumu, Bedia, Savar, Kharia, and Mahali communities.

Last month, the Jharkhand government convened a special Assembly session and passed a resolution to send the Centre a letter recommending it to recognise the Sarna religion and include a separate code for it in the next census.

International Santhal council president Naresh Kumar Murmu said, “We met minister Purnendu Basu and submitted a memorandum to him and Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. We want the government of West Bengal to take a similar step like the one taken by the Jharkhand government.”

Murmu said a “Sarna Dharma Mahasammelan” would be held at the Netaji Indoor Stadium here on January 3 on the birth anniversary of Marang Gomke Jaipal Singh Munda, an Adivasi leader who was a member of the Constituent Assembly.

Murmu added, “The population of the followers of Sarna is more than the Jain religion and ‘Hital’ is our religious text, which was written by our spiritual guru and inventor of Ol Chiki script Guru Gomke Pandit Raghunath Murmu. Adivasis have no caste system, do not believe in idol worship. Adivasis believe in nature worship.”

DKG’s ’The Book Club’ continues to meet by Zoom

DKG’s ’The Book Club’ continues to meet by Zoom

A book club that is associated with the membership of Alpha Delta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) of Washington Court House simply named “The Book Club” is composed of 10 DKG members, including Marie Fetters, Cassandra Furlong, Nancy Mowery, Sandy Sowash, Susan Stuckey, Kim Bonnell, Dianne Junk, Debra Wing, Christy Eckstein, and Cathy White.

The Book Club was formally established in October of 2013. The club currently meets on the fourth Monday of the month and due to the pandemic has been meeting by Zoom in recent months. The club has found that there are advantages to meeting by Zoom.

The two members, Marie Fetters and Cassandra Furlong, who now live out of state can meet with us in person on a regular basis. Another advantage is the connection and friendship with Suzanne Lucey, the owner of the “Page 158 Books,” a book store in North Carolina. The club was introduced to Suzanne by DKG member Marie Fetters, who now lives in North Carolina.

Suzanne visited the book club by Zoom this past October when they decided to read “One Good Mama Bone,” by Bren McClain for the next meeting in November. Suzanne Lucey arranged for the author to visit with the club in person during the Zoom meeting on Nov. 23. It was a delightful meeting with wonderful insightful discussion with Bren about her book. It was interesting to hear her tell how her life experiences and interactions with others reflect in her writing.

Bren McClain grew up on 72-acre cattle farm near Anderson, South Carolina which was a great influence throughout her book One Good Mama Bone. She earned a BA in English from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. She wrote for her local newspaper in Anderson, worked in radio and television, taught high school English for one year, and had a career in media relations before becoming a full-time writer.

Bren has won several writing awards, including the 2017 Will Morris Award for Southern Fiction, the 2019 Patricia Win Award for Southern Fiction, and the Great Book Reads by Women’s National Book Association. She is now working on her next book, “Took,” that also includes farm animals, which should be published within a year to a year and a half and has already won the William Faulkner-William Wisdom Prize for a Novel in Progress. Bren said she hopes to visit the club in person by the time Took is available. The Book Club can’t wait!

The Book Club is also looking forward to its continued friendship with Suzanne Lucey and her promise to bring new book titles and introduce us to other authors to visit in the future to discuss their books. In dark and difficult times opportunities often present themselves. In dark clouds there can be silver linings.

Delta Kappa Gamma is a sorority of professional women educators.

Sikhism now an official religion in Austria

Sikhism now an official religion in Austria

AMRITSAR: Sikhs of Austria will now be able to use Singh and Kaur after their forename, mention Sikhism as their religion, and register themselves as Sikhs after the Sikh religion was officially registered by the Austrian government.
While talking to TOI over the phone from Vienna on Monday, Jatinder Singh Bajwa, secretary Gurdwara Guru Nanak Dev Ji Parkash, 22nd District, Vienna, said now the Sikhs and their children would be able to use Singh and Kaur after their forenames which they earlier used to write in the ‘extra name’ column.
About the process of registration of Sikhism in Austria, he informed that there were seven gurdwara’s in Austria out of which three were in Vienna with one gurdwara each in Klagenfurt, Linz, Graz and Salzburg.
The gurdwara management committees of Austria then constituted a nine-member-committee of Sikh youth on November 1, 2019 who was entrusted with the task of pursing the registration process of the Sikh religion with the Austrian government.
Jatinder, the only professional Sikh chef in Vienna, informed that the committee prepared a ‘constitution’ on Sikh religion and their practices incorporating the values of Sikhism, Sikh guru’s, Akal Takht’s rehat maryada (religious code of Sikh living), significance of Sikh religious symbols, the value of 5 K’s in the life of a Sikh, their distinct identity, Sikh’s turban, etc. which was submitted with the Austrian government.
“On December 17 we received a letter informing about the registration of Sikhism in Austria and on December 23rd we held a thanksgiving prayer in the gurdwara” he said.
Reacting to the development, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee president Bibi Jagir Kaur said that “this is an important achievement attained with the efforts of sangat in Austria.”
“Now that Sikhism is registered in Austria, it will help in dispelling the myths of Sikh identity abroad,” said Kaur

Weekly schedule of President Charles Michel

Weekly schedule of President Charles Michel

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Belarus allows Catholic leader to return from Poland after forced exile

Belarus allows Catholic leader to return from Poland after forced exile
(Photo: The Press Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus)Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and Metropolitan of Minsk and Mogilev, Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz visit the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1 April 2013 in times of better relations. When they met Lukashenko said the Roman Catholic Church is very important in Belarus and its influence in the society is large.

Belarusian authorities allowed the Catholic archbishop of Minsk to return home for Christmas after lifting a four-month ban on him entering the country during the ongoing protesting against government actions.

Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz of Minsk-Mohilev was denied entry to Belarus on Aug. 31 while returning from a trip to neighboring Poland.

He shed tears on his return, calling for unity, reconciliation, and forgiveness during his country’s continuing political upheaval, Cruxnow reported.

“The Apostolic Nunciature express its gratitude to the State Authorities of Belarus for responding positively to Pope Francis’ request to return Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord with the faithful of which he is pastor,” the Vatican’s diplomatic representative in Belarus said Dec. 22.

The Belarus authorities had invalided the 74-year-old Kondrusiewicz’s passport, and border guards had blocked him from returning to Belarus from Poland.


The archbishop had spoken in defense of protests following a disputed presidential election, and protestors have called for new elections.

Since then, the country’s opposition leaders have been forced into exile. Thousands have taken to the streets in persistent demonstrations in which protestors, including Catholic clergy and laypeople, have been beaten and jailed.

At one point, police barricaded the doors of the church of Saints Simon and Helena in Minsk and, hours later, arrested demonstrators who took refuge inside as they left the structure, Crux reported.

Widespread protests have beset Belarus following the disputed Aug. 9 presidential poll in which the incumbent Alexander Lukashenko was declared to have won with 80% of the vote.

Electoral officials said that the opposition candidate, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, earned 10% of the vote. The opposition claims that she gained at least 60% of votes, Catholic News Agency reported.

Lukashenko has been president of Belarus since the position was created in 1994.

He has suggested Archbishop Kondrusiewicz, who also is also believed to have Polish ancestry, might be a citizen of more than one country.

An envoy from the Vatican had met Lukashenka earlier in December in the capital Minsk before the entry ban was lifted.

Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, the apostolic nuncio to the United Kingdom, acted as a special envoy of Pope Francis to Lukashenko, delivering a letter on Dec. 17.

It had a request regarding Archbishop Kondrusiewicz.

Archbishop Gugerotti was an apostolic nuncio to Belarus from 2011 to 2015

Kondrusiewicz noted that while he has spent the bulk of his time as an archbishop abroad, he always held Belarus close to heart, “because this is my Motherland,” Crux reported..

“When I crossed the border, I knelt down and prayed, I kissed this land,” Kondrusiewicz said Dec, 24, noting that “the motherland cannot be thrown out of the heart,” said Radio Free Europe.

“This is my land. I grew up here; I want to be here. I want to serve here. And I have never opposed Belarus, I have always defended the interests of Belarus, and I will continue to do so,” the Catholic leader said.

Catholicism is the second-largest religious tradition in Belarus, after Eastern Orthodoxy.

European Parliament to scrutinise deal on future EU-UK relations


Provisional implementation is to remain a unique exception, said EP leaders. Parliamentary oversight will start soon to adopt the EP position before the end of the provisional application.

On Monday 28 December, the leaders of the political groups in the European Parliament and President David Sassoli exchanged views with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier on the deal reached on 24 December on the future relationship between the EU and the UK.

The Conference of Presidents reiterated Parliament’s thanks and congratulations to the EU negotiators for their intense efforts to reach this historic agreement that can now form the basis of a new partnership.

In the spirit of unity that prevailed throughout the negotiation process, and given the particular, unique and specific circumstances, the Conference of Presidents accepts a provisional application to mitigate the disruption for citizens and businesses and prevent the chaos of a no-deal scenario. This decision on this specific provisional application neither constitutes a precedent nor reopens established commitments made among EU institutions. It should not serve as a blueprint for future consent procedures, underlined the political groups’ leaders.

The Conference of Presidents also decided to examine with the Council presidency and the Commission a proposal to slightly extend the period of provisional application, allowing for a parliamentary ratification during the March plenary session.

The Committees on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, together with all associated committees, will now carefully examine the agreement and prepare Parliament’s consent decision to be discussed and adopted in plenary in due time and before the end of the provisional application. In parallel, the political groups will prepare a draft resolution accompanying the consent vote.

The political groups’ leaders stressed Parliament’s will to monitor closely the implementation of the EU-UK agreement in all its details. They underlined that parliamentary cooperation is a key part of the future treaty between the EU and the UK. When the right time comes, Parliament will seek to establish contact with the UK Parliament to cooperate.

On a specific note, leaders regret the UK’s choice not to include Erasmus programme in the agreement.

China fishing in Nepal’s troubled waters, rushes senior leader to Kathmandu


Representative Image By   —  Shyamal Sinha

Amid political chaos in Nepal, China is sending a vice-minister of the Chinese Communist Party to Kathmandu to “assess the ground situation”.

The Kathmandu Post quoted two Nepal Communist Party (NCP) leaders confirming that Guo Yezhou, vice-minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China, is arriving in Kathmandu on Sunday for a four-day visit.

During the visit, Guo will meet the senior leaders of both the factions of the NCP, according to sources.

Sources in both the factions of the NCP confirmed that Guo, along with his four-member team, will land in Kathmandu on Sunday morning.

Bishnu Rijal, Deputy Head of Department of Foreign Affairs of the NCP (Dahal-Nepal faction), while confirming that the Chinese side communicated about Guo’s visit to Kathmandu, denied divulging details “at this point of time”.

Nepal President Bidya Devi Bhandari had dissolved the Lower House on Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli’s recommendation. The move has invited 12 petitions in the country’s apex court, claiming it to be “unconstitutional”, including one by former prime minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal who filed the plea on Tuesday.

After dissolving the Parliament, Oli also proposed elections on April 30 and May 10, 2021, nearly two years ahead of the schedule.

Seven cabinet ministers had submitted their resignations after the Parliament dissolution was ratified by the President.

Oli has been facing pressure from the rival factions of the NCP, led by former prime minister Dahal and Madhav Nepal.

In particular, the Chinese envoy in Nepal has been hyperactive in recent weeks, meeting the President as well as Prachanda under the garb of mundane official agendas. It is thought the Chinese Communist Party is attempting to play a big brother role in keeping the Nepal Communist Party together. India has refused to be drawn into the Nepal turmoil, with the MEA terming it as Nepal’s internal matter, though it has expressed it is keeping a watch on developments.

source – ANI

The virus that shut down the world: Education in crisis

The virus that shut down the world: Education in crisis

Global impact of unparalleled disruption


Children in Odisha, India take lessons in the open air as a precaution against COVID-19.

School closures as a result of health and other crises are not new, at least not in the developing world, and the potentially devastating consequences are well known; loss of learning and higher drop-out rates, increased violence against children, teen pregnancies and early marriages.

What sets the COVID-19 pandemic apart from all other crises is that it has affected children everywhere and at the same time.

 It is the poorest, most vulnerable children who are hurt the most when schools close and so the UN was quick to advocate for continuity of learning, and the safe opening of schools, where possible, as countries began to put lockdown measures in place: “unfortunately, the global scale and speed of the current educational disruption is

unparalleled and, if prolonged, could threaten the right to education”, Audrey Azoulay, the head of the UN education agency, UNESCO, warned in March.

Digitally divided

© UNICEF/Helene Sandbu Ryeng

A 14-year-old girl tunes into English and science lessons in the South Sudanese capital, Juba.

Students and teachers found themselves grappling with unfamiliar conferencing technology, an experience that many found difficult to cope with, but which was, for many living in lockdown, the only way to ensure any kind of education could carry on.

However, for millions of children, the idea of an online virtual classroom is an unattainable dream. In April, UNESCO revealed startling divides in digitally based distance learning, with data showing that some 830 million students do not have access to a computer.

 The picture is particularly bleak in low-income countries: nearly 90 per cent of students in sub-Saharan Africa do not have household computers while 82 per cent are unable to get online. “A learning crisis already existed before COVID-19 hit”, a UNICEF official said in June.” We are now looking at an even more divisive and deepening education crisis.”

 However, in many of the developing countries where online or computer learning are not an option for most students, radio still has the power to reach millions of people and is being used to keep some form of education going. In South Sudan, Radio Miraya, a highly trusted news source run by the UN mission in the country (UNMISS),

began broadcasting educational programming for the many children who, due to COVID-19 measures, were unable to be in the classroom. You can hear excerpts from the Miraya programmes in this episode of our flagship podcast, The Lid Is On.

A lost generation?


A seven-year-old girl studies online at home in Kyiv, Ukraine, as schools remain closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite such efforts, the UN was warning in August that the long-term impact of disrupted education could create a “lost generation” of children in Africa. A World Health Organization (WHO) survey of 39 sub-Saharan African countries revealed that schools were open in only six nations and partially open in 19.

By the end of the year, 320 million children were still locked out of schools worldwide, and UNICEF felt compelled to issue a call for governments to prioritize school reopening and make classrooms as safe as possible.

“What we have learned about schooling during the time of COVID is clear: the benefits of keeping schools open, far outweigh the costs of closing them, and nationwide closures of schools should be avoided at all costs”, said Robert Jenkins, UNICEF Global Chief of Education.

As much of the world experiences a spike in COVID-19 cases, and with vaccinations still out of reach of most people, more nuanced policies are needed from national authorities, declared Mr. Jenkins, rather than blanket shutdowns and closures:

“Evidence shows that schools are not the main drivers of this pandemic. Yet we are seeing an alarming trend whereby governments are once again closing down schools as a first recourse rather than a last resort. In some cases, this is being done nationwide, rather than community by community, and children are continuing to suffer the devastating impacts on their learning, mental and physical well-being and safety”.

No crib at European Parliament? – Francis Vassallo

No crib at European Parliament? - Francis Vassallo

Who does the European Parliament offend by properly celebrating Christmas?

I recently read that Spanish MEP Isabel Benjumea tried to organise the putting up of a crib in the European Parliament during the Christmas festivities. After writing to the highest authorities she was eventually informed that the decision had to come from the department that looks after the maintenance of the building of the European Parliament. She later received a reply from that department saying that it is not the policy of the European Parliament to put up a crib, which celebrates the birth of Christ, as this could “offend others”.

May I politely ask who are these others that would be offended by having a crib put up in the European Parliament?

Europe, so far, is Christian and the European Parliament should be representing Christian values.

I am fully aware that there are people of different races and religions in Europe today  but, as far as I know, the majority is still supposedly of Christian faith, albeit many of those supposedly Christian do not practise their faith at all as materialism has, unfortunately, taken over in many parts of our society. Here again I ask: who is offended?

If anyone should be offended then let them speak out and,  thus, not enjoy the public holidays in Europe and work on Christmas Day.

So why do we put up all those street decorations around the world in December? Is it because we are celebrating the month of electricity?

December 25 is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ was born and the Christian world celebrates this day not just as a holiday but as a religious holiday.

The lighting up of our streets and the decorations we put up is to celebrate the birth of Christ but the most symbolic image of this event is the crib, which teaches us and reminds us Christians of the birth of Christ.

Europe so far is Christian and the European Parliament should be representing Christian values

The very word itself, Christmas, signifies Christ.

Why, then, do we give pre­sents to each other on Christmas? This symbolises the presents that the three Magi Kings gave: gold, representing kingship on earth, frankincense, a symbol of deity, and myrrh, an embalming oil as a symbol of death.

It is rather ironic, therefore, that on the celebration of Christ’s own birthday we give presents to everyone except to the birthday boy Himself, Christ. We even try to forget that He exists by refusing to celebrate His birthday.

I do not expect to see such decorations and a crib in a non-Christian country but to have our own European Parliament claim that the reason why they do not want to have a crib is not to offend a minority is offensive to the majority.

It is obvious that the European Parliament is absolutely spineless. I urge the president of the European Parliament to reconsider such an offensive decision and change the policy. He should also apologise for offending the majority of us Christians by re­fus­ing to display a crib.

May I ask how many non-Christian MEPs there are? I am sure the answer would be a definite minority.

If this is correct, then the European Parliament is willing to please this minority and offend the majority.

Well, this is, therefore, a new definition of ‘democracy’!

I fully recognise that my argument will fall on deaf ears as the only MEPs who might read my article are the Maltese ones who are Christian.

Therefore, I ask them to protest this issue because, while we are only a minority, it seems that minorities seem to be respected more in the European Parliament than the majority.

I would also suggest that, as a beautiful gesture, every government of the European Union member states donate a crib to the European Parliament to show that Europe is all about Christian values.

Francis Vassallo, former governor, Central Bank of Malta 

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