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The EIB Group boosts financing for the Western Balkans in 2020

The EIB Group boosts financing for the Western Balkans in 2020

  • In 2020, the EIB increased its investments in the region by almost 50%, reaching €873 million in financial commitments
  • Lilyana Pavlova, EIB vice-president for the Western Balkans, highlights the EIB’s substantial contribution to social and economic development in 2020, laying the groundwork for further investment under the European Commission’s Economic and Investment Plan
  • The EIB has already mobilised over €1 billion of financing as part of Team Europe’s COVID response for the region

As presented at a press conference today, the European Investment Bank Group (EIB) invested €873 million in the Western Balkans in 2020, increasing its financing in the region by 50% compared to 2019. It provided extensive support to the recovery from COVID-19 under the European Union’s Team Europe initiative to help the most affected sectors.

In line with the European Union’s focus on connectivity, the majority of the investment, €531 million, was allocated to constructing and modernising transport infrastructure in the region, this includes a major investment on Corridor Vc in Bosnia and Herzegovina that also benefited from a €12 million grant provided under the EU Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF). The EU bank supported a diversified portfolio of investments in key sectors for the region, including a €65 million investment for digitalising over 1 500 schools across Serbia. This project will facilitate the introduction of IT equipment and high-speed internet, while some 50 000 teachers will be able to receive training in digital skills. In keeping with the Bank’s climate goals, an €11 million investment for wastewater infrastructure in Kosovo* will improve access to water for some 90 000 people in the Gjilan/Gnjilane municipality.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) received significant support from the EIB Group (the EIB and the European Investment Fund, or EIF) in 2020 with a €320 million investment for the banking sector to support small businesses. The Group has strengthened its instruments that support the private sector and is leveraging EU budget guarantees and risk-sharing solutions further to improve the competitiveness of local companies and entrepreneurs. Strong support for the private sector is necessary to achieve the region’s transition towards a greener, more inclusive and sustainable economic model. Going forward, the Group intends to build on successes such as the WB EDIF (Western Balkans Enterprise Development & Innovation Facility) Guarantee Facility – managed by the EIF – that has supported thousands of local SMEs and jobs and has been recently topped up by DG NEAR (Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations) as part of the response to the COVID-19 crisis. The EIB has also expanded its support for the preparation and implementation of investment projects by providing technical assistance worth €17 million under the Economic Resilience Initiative and the WBIF.

The EIB is playing a leading role in Team Europe’s response to the COVID crisis, committing €1.7 billion of the €3.3 billion total announced at the EU-Western Balkans Zagreb Summit in May 2020. To date, the Bank has mobilised over €1 billion to accelerate the recovery from COVID-19 in the Western Balkans. The funds were channelled to provide immediate assistance for the healthcare and private sector, especially small companies, the hardest hit by the pandemic.

EIB Vice-President Lilyana Pavlova, who is responsible for the Western Balkans, said: I am delighted that the EIB Group has almost doubled its investment volume for the Western Balkans in one of the most challenging years in recent history. However, we will not stop there, but will continue to provide our full support to help the region overcome the COVID-19 crisis, advance with EU integration and accelerate the much needed economic transformation into a green and digital market. We are particularly proud of the EIB’s first impact finance loan that will boost youth employment and women’s entrepreneurship, while triggering investment in the digitalisation of the private and public sector.”

In 2021, the Bank plans to deliver more support for climate action, the recovery of SMEs, connectivity, the digital transformation and projects encouraging inclusive employment. All of these initiatives are part of the European Commission’s Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans. The EIB Group looks forward to working with all of its partners on implementing this major plan that aims to mobilise up to €9 billion for inclusive growth, sustainable transport, the digital and green transformation and the creation of a common regional market, with €20 billion in investment also expected to be leveraged by the Western Balkan Guarantee Facility.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. 

About the EIB in the Western Balkans

The EIB is one the leading international financiers in the Western Balkans. Over 2009-2020, the Bank financed projects totalling €8.6 billion in the region. Besides continuing its support for the reconstruction and upgrading of public infrastructure, the EIB has expanded into many new areas since 2010, including healthcare, research and development, education and SMEs.

Volunteers helped Croatian families after Earthquake

Scientology VMs in Croatia

Hungarian and Italian Scientologists Deliver Vital Aid to Croatian Families Devastated by Last Month’s Earthquake

Freezing temperatures add to the challenges facing victims of the 6.4 magnitude Croatia earthquake. Volunteer Ministers bring cooking and heating equipment along with other aid.

Two bright yellow vans rolled into Croatia last week. On the side of each van was the motto of the Scientology Volunteer Minister, “Something can be done about it,” one van bearing these words in Italian and the other in Hungarian.   Hungarian and Italian Scientology Volunteer Ministers carried out a joint project to bring needed aid to the victims of the 29 December 2020 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Croatia. 

One group of volunteers set off from Budapest, 410 km northeast of the region. The others came from Padova, 470 km to the west. Both vans were filled with supplies for families in and around Glina, one of the towns hardest hit by the 6.4 magnitude earthquake and some 700 aftershocks. 

This part of Croatia was already at risk before the earthquake blasted the region. It never fully recovered from the war that wracked the country in the early 1990s. And the prime minister has called for an investigation into why the earthquake caused so much damage even to buildings constructed after the conflict. But whatever the cause, the result is that local families are at risk as the winter deepens and temperatures plummet. The 6.4 magnitude earthquake and 700 aftershocks have created tremendous damage. 

Both vans were filled with urgently needed supplies. From Padova came furniture for an earthquake-damaged school. “And knowing that many homes were without power for heating and cooking,” said one of the Hungarian Volunteer Ministers, “we brought generators, heating equipment, portable stoves and convection ovens” and tools for shoring up or reconstructing damaged buildings.

“What struck me most was the red X on the walls of so many houses,” the volunteer said. “The mark signifies life-threatening damage to the homes.”

The Church of Scientology Volunteer Ministers program is a religious social service created in the mid-1970s by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. It constitutes one of the world’s largest independent relief forces.

A Volunteer Minister’s mandate is to be “a person who helps his fellow man on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others.” Their creed: “A Volunteer Minister does not shut his eyes to the pain, evil and injustice of existence. Rather, he is trained to handle these things and help others achieve relief from them and new personal strength as well.”

European Union Commemorates International Day of Education With ‘DA Youth Dem Voice Here’ Contest

European Union Commemorates International Day of Education With 'DA Youth Dem Voice Here' Contest

Monrovia — The Delegation of the European Union to Liberia has commemorated the International Day of Education 2021. It was awarded ten young students who participated in a national Rap/Singing/Poetry contest, dubbed “Da Youth Dem Voice Here” Contest.

“Da Youth Dem Voice Here” Contest was a national Rap/Singing/Poetry contest for young Liberians living in Liberia. It created an opportunity for young Liberians to showcase their youthful creativity while reflecting on their nation-building role. The competition was opened to Liberian High School students from Grade 9-12. The contest was held under the theme, “My Future Liberia.”

Interested young Liberians were encouraged to film themselves either reciting a poem, rapping, or singing about their future aspirations for the country between December 7th, 2020, and January 21st, 2021. Ten top entries were shortlisted for public voting on the Delegations Facebook page. The award ceremony was, therefore, to climax the almost two months-long campaign.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Head of the Political Section, Juan Antonio Frutos Goldaratz, expressed his joy at the campaign’s enthusiasm and creativity. “This was an inspiring event for all of us. We decided to do this because we believe the youth are the future of this country, and your voices are essential in shaping the future. We have seen very talented young people who have shared their thoughts, ideas on education, development, human rights issues, on gender equality, which are very important in Liberia. So it has been an honor and privilege to be part of this.”

He also emphasized the EU will continue to work with Liberia’s young people by investing in developing their skills for a better and brighter future. “The EU is partnering with the Liberian government in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET). We want to ensure that the young people of Liberia get equipped with skills for a better future”.

European Union DX Contest to Debut

European Union DX Contest to Debut

The European Union DX Contest Club (EUDXCC) has announced the debut of the European Union DX Contest February 6 – 7 and on the first full weekend of February thereafter, starting at 1800 UTC on Saturday and ending at 1800 UTC on Sunday. A variety of operating categories are offered, including SWL, and everybody works everybody. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the sponsors say that the multi-multi category will be a multi-transmitter distributed category, with no more than six transmitted signals (one per band) at any time from stations in different locations.

Feudal Future Podcast — A Test of Strength: Pandemics Through the Eye of Religion, with Rev. John L. McCullough

Feudal Future Podcast — A Test of Strength: Pandemics Through the Eye of Religion, with Rev. John L. McCullough

On this episode of Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by Rev. John L. McCullough, President Emeritus of Church World Service. CWS is a global ecumenical organization specializing in Development and Humanitarian Assistance, Immigration and Refugee Services, Justice and Human Rights. Headquartered in NYC with primary offices in: Bangkok, Belgrade, Buenos Aires, Elkhart (IN), Hanoi, Islamabad, Jakarta, Miami, Nairobi, Phnom Phen, Vientiane, Washington, D.C. CWS is also branded as CROP Hunger Walks, and is a major sponsor of the Ecumenical Advocacy Days. Mission Statement: Church World Service works with partners to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice around the world.

[4:00] Marshall opens up the discussion asking Rev. John what the impact of covid has had on faith-based organizations

[6:45] Joel and Rev. John discuss how developing countries respond to crises without relying on the government

[22:15] Marshall and Rev. John dive into the effect COVID is having on refugees and resettlement across the world

[32:00] Rev. John ends the episode with how religion will reinvent itself through this pandemic

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Faith in the Frontline with COVID19


Interfaith Response to COVID-19

Faith-based organizations and religious institutions have been in the frontline mitigating the impacts of COVID19 and providing communities with much needed guidance and support. This page highlights some of the actions that have been taken and guidelines that have been issued by faith institutions. This is not an exhaustive nor a complete list, but some that were shared with Faith for Earth:

The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2020 highlights the emerging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the SDGs

Church Agencies and Faith Organizations in response to COVID19

REPORT: Preventing the next pandemic – Zoonotic diseases and how to break the chain of transmission

Information Verification by UN on Coronavirus

Returning to work in the context of COVID-19 – A Webinar Recording by WHO and ILO

UN Environment Programme´s response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Aggregates all UNEP-related content with regard to COVID-19

Remarks of the UN Secretary General at the High Level Video Conferencing: Role of Religious Leaders Addressing COVID19

WHO Practical Considerations and Recommendations for Religious Leaders and Faith-based Communities in the Context of COVID-19

World Bank Group and COVID-19

Islamic Relief Launches Gduidance on Safe Religious Practice During The Coronavirus Pandemic

WHO COVID19 Risk Communication Updates

PaRD: Religion in times of COVID-19

New Alliance of Virtue expresses solidarity with people afflicted by COVID-19, praises frontline paramedics

Interfaith Public Health Network: COVID_19 Resources

UNOAC: A Joint call for Solidarity, Compassion and Unity

UNFPA: COVID-19: A Gender Lens – Protecting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and Promoting Gender Equality”

UN Communications Response initiative to counter COVID-19 misinformation.

Religions for Peace: Launch of GLOBAL Multi-religious Faith-in-Action COVID-19 Initiative


WEF: Love your neighbour: Islam, Judaism and Christianity come together over COVID-19

UAE Fatwa on Congregations and COVID19

The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers: Six ways Religious and Traditional Actors can take action to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in their communities

Act Alliance: A Call for Humanity and Stronger Global Governance

JLI: Launch of Global Multi-Religious Faith-in-Action COVID-19 Initiative

The Muslim Council of Britain: Coronavirus Guide for Mosques and Madrasas

Islamic Development Bank to support pioneering ideas in the fight against COVID-19 via $500m Transform Fund

Animal Testing and COVID19

Church of Scientology: COVID19 Prevention Resource Center and Interfaith Small Peace – Great People

Baha’i stories in response to COVI19 from Italy (and here), AustraliaUSALuxembourg, and Slovenia

Israel Congregation of Manchester- Passover and Coronavirus: Lessons from today

WEA Sustainability Center: People and Planet 2.0 – Can the Covid-19 tragedy be a historic reset?”

USAID CFOI: Database to capture Faith-based efforts to fight COVID_19

National Zakat Foundation: Zakat and Coronavirus

BBC: The Law of Generosity combatting Coronavirus in Pakistan

Climate Action: Coronavirus: The immediate effect on climate change

CDC: Resources for Community- and Faith-Based Leaders

WCC: Child-focused COVID-19 resources: awareness raising by churches

WEA Creation Care: Covid-19 and some of its implications for creation care and climate change

David Grossmann in Haaretz: When It Fades, New Possibilities Will Emerge

GreenFaith: Faith Community Call for Care and Resilience

Act alliance and Religions for Peace: A Joint Statement – Urgent Action Needed to Prevent COVID-19

Global Ethics: COVID-19: What Our Network is Saying

Global Ethics: 10 Commandments for Responsible Pastoral Reactions to the Corona-Crisis

The Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker

Animal Interfaith Alliance: Covid-19 – When Will We Heed Nature’s Warnings?

Pujya Swamiji: Prepare and Repair during 21 Days of Total Lockdown

WEA Webinar “People and Planet 2.0 – Can the Covid-19 tragedy be a historic reset?

Berkley Center: COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions

ISESCO Award for COVID19 treatment of vaccine

European Parliament Frontex Inquiry is Major Step Towards Accountability: EuroMedMonitor.org

European Parliament Frontex Inquiry is Major Step Towards Accountability: EuroMedMonitor.org

European Parliament Frontex Inquiry is Major Step Towards Accountability: EuroMedMonitor.org – EU Politics Today – EIN Presswire

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Conservative scholars call for coalition centred on life, family, religion, education

Conservative scholars call for coalition centred on life, family, religion, education

.- A group of conservative scholars released a letter Sunday highlighting what they consider the most important goods for society that people of good will ought to work to conserve, citing a need for a “new consensus” among those who consider themselves conservative.

“Conservatives might disagree on many things, but disagreement is not something to avoid; in fact, a real and productive disagreement is an accomplishment,” the Jan. 31 letter from a group of scholars working with the Witherspoon Institute, a non-profit organization focused on moral reasoning in a free society, reads.

“Among conservatives, there is fragmentation and confusion. Some of this follows from the convolutions and intense debates about the last administration, but it goes beyond President Trump, revealing the fragility of the coalitions that defined the right during the Cold War and its aftermath.”

“A new consensus is needed, and we invite others to work with us toward shaping it…If we can establish the conversation partners of a post-Trump conservative coalition, then we can begin the hard work of engaging the most serious questions that face us.”

The scholars identify several “elements of our common life…central to human flourishing” that they believe ought to be focused on in public discourse. 

Under the umbrella of “marriage and life,” the scholars identified same-sex marriage, gender ideology, abortion, pornography, contraception, and social isolation as some of the most pressing problems to be addressed.

The letter comes against a backdrop of several planned or enacted agenda items from the Joe Biden administration that are at odds with a Catholic view of human sexuality.

In one of his first acts in office, Biden on Jan. 21 signed an executive order to interpret sex discrimination in federal law to include sexual orientation and gender identity. On Jan. 28, Biden issued a presidential memorandum repealing the Mexico City Policy, allowing the U.S. to again fund international pro-abortion groups through family planning funding and global health assistance.

“How can we counter technology’s worst effects on our souls while preserving the freedom of expression that makes meaningful discourse possible? How will we help young people to see the emptiness of endless consumption—of both people and things—and its insufficiency as a source of joy?” the authors wrote.

“How can we help our fellow citizens overcome the fear of commitment and suffering and recover the belief that self-giving love is worth the cost?”

“However necessary the defense of religious freedom, such freedom in itself is insufficient for the promotion and flourishing of religion, particularly at a moment when religion in America is in decline in both adherents and substance,” it said.

“Too few religious leaders and intellectuals seem prepared to provide and teach thick, meaningful religious truths in a publicly accessible and winsome way. Like so much in our moment, contemporary religion appears trapped in decadence. How can we revive and restore it?”

In terms of education, the scholars identified school choice, local control, parental rights, and quality of education as some pivotal topics.

The authors noted that “Conservatism should be governed by a sense of the primacy of the person,” and that “no law or policy or institution destructive of the human person can be just.”

“Race, equity, justice before the law, fair business practices, unions, the dignity of workers, just compensation, civil rights, taxation, respect for the contributions of women, sexual identity—these are not topics to ignore or deride. The first task is to understand. Then, from the stance of understanding and compassion, we must clearly articulate the true conditions of human well–being, working through law, civil society, family, and individual action to bring about those conditions as we are able.”

Craft Beer Marketing Awards Competition: 2021 Entry Deadline Extended and LIVE Awards Ceremony Date Announced

Craft Beer Marketing Awards Competition: 2021 Entry Deadline Extended and LIVE Awards Ceremony Date Announced

Craft Beer Marketing Awards Competition: 2021 Entry Deadline Extended and LIVE Awards Ceremony Date Announced – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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Consecutive drop in new COVID-19 cases ‘encouraging news’: WHO

Consecutive drop in new COVID-19 cases ‘encouraging news’: WHO

“There are still many countries with increasing numbers of cases, but at the global level, this is encouraging news”, said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking during the agency’s bi-weekly briefing from Geneva. 

“It shows this virus can be controlled, even with the new variants in circulation. And it shows that if we keep going with the same proven public health measures, we can prevent infections and save lives”. 

Stay the course 

While welcoming the development, Tedros recalled “we have been here before”, and warned against complacency. 

“Over the past year, there have been moments in almost all countries when cases declined, and governments opened up too quickly and individuals let down their guard, only for the virus to come roaring back”, he said. 

The WHO chief stressed that as vaccines are rolled out, people everywhere must continue to take measures aimed at keeping themselves, and others, safe. 

“It is vital that governments enable people to make the right choices, whether it is making quarantine easier to adhere to, or making workplaces safer,” he said.  

“Controlling the spread of the virus saves lives now, and saves lives later by reducing the chances of more variants emerging. And it helps to ensure vaccines remain effective.” 

Lack of data undermines response 

WHO has underscored the urgent need for better data to strengthen pandemic response and improve health outcomes, in a new report launched on Monday. 

The SCORE Global Report provides a snapshot of the state of health information systems around the world and is the first study of its kind. 

SCORE stands for Survey, Count, Optimize, Review and Enable, and the report covers 133 country health information systems and just under 90 per cent of the global population. 

It reveals that globally, four in10 deaths remain unregistered, while only one in 10 deaths is recorded in the African region. 

WHO said the lack of data worldwide limits understanding of the true mortality impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which undermines response planning.

Scoring a goal against COVID-19 

The global football governing body, FIFA, is supporting the drive to make COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and diagnostics available to all countries. 

FIFA has teamed up with WHO for the “ACT Together” campaign, which also promotes adherence to the everyday public health measures aimed at preventing coronavirus spread, such as hand washing and wearing masks. 

Star footballers and competing team captains will participate in the campaign, which is being held in conjunction with the FIFA Club World Cup 2020, taking place in Qatar from 4-11 February. 

FIFA President Gianni Infantino emphasized the importance of having a level playing field, whether in football or in health. 

“Fairness and team spirit are key values of our sport,” he said. “And these same key values, fairness and team spirit are needed for today’s great challenge: overcoming COVID-19.” 

It is important for football to address issues that affect society, 2001 Ballon d’Or winner Michael Owen told the briefing, reminding that vaccine access must be fair and equitable. 

“This has been a global pandemic, and globally we need to give access to vaccination,” he said. 

Update on Wuhan mission  

Meanwhile, WHO Technical Lead on COVID-19, Dr. Maria Van Kerhkove, said the international mission on the ground in Wuhan, China, is having “very productive discussions” with counterparts there. 

The 15 experts arrived in the city last month to study the origins of the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease. 

Dr. Van Kerhkove reported that they have visited hospitals, as well as the market, and have met with officials from the Wuhan Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and the Chinese CDC. 

“Their focus is on the early cases and they are having very good discussions around that,” she said. 

The mission has attracted media attention and Dr. Van Kerhkove  underscored that the team must be given the space to carry out its work.