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Protests on agri laws pick up in Rajasthan, across caste, religion

Protests on agri laws pick up in Rajasthan, across caste, religion

Over the past one week, protests against the three farm laws in Rajasthan, which were earlier concentrated at Shahjahanpur in Alwar district, along the state border with Haryana, have spread to the state’s eastern districts.

At some places, farmer outfits associated with Samyukta Kisan Morcha have organised rallies and public meetings against the laws, and in other areas, the ruling Congress is helping organise protests.

“Districts such as Dausa in eastern Rajasthan have emerged as the new theatres of protest against the three farm laws. In the past one week, two meetings have taken place in Dausa and we are organising a massive tractor rally at the Rajesh Pilot stadium in Dausa on February 5. Rallies are being organised in Karauli, Sawai Madhopur and Bharatpur districts as well,” said Himmat Singh Gujjar, who heads the Pradesh Kisan Sangharsh Samiti.

Singh, an influential leader from the Gujjar community who has earlier been at the forefront of protests demanding reservation for the community, said he is “with the Congress”. The farmers’ agitation, he added, has brought together protesters from different castes and religious groups such as Jat, Gujjar, Meena and Muslims together.

He added that a recent event organised against the laws in Meena Seemla in Dausa attracted about 7,000 people.

At the Shahjahanpur border, Ranjit Singh Raju, convener of the Gramin Kisan Mazdoor Samiti (GKS) who hails from Sriganganagar district, said that there are more than 3,000 protesters at the site and over 200 tractor-trolleys.

“I left Sriganganagar at the end of November and after initially camping at Tikri border, we have remained at Shahjahanpur. Our agitation will not end until the three laws are withdrawn. The government has tried everything, called farmers Khalistani, said there is no unity among us, but all these measures have failed,” said Raju.

He added that more tractor-trolleys will start for Shahjahanpur from Sriganganagar in the next few days.

Raju said that in Rajasthan, the farmer agitation is being led by the GKS and CPM wing All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), and supported by the Rajasthan Jat Mahasabha. The Rashtriya Loktantrik Party led by Hanuman Beniwal has also participated in protests at the Shahjahanpur.

Raja Ram Meel, president of Rajasthan Jat Mahasabha, has been camping at Shahjahanpur. He said more farmers are likely to join the protest in the next few days.

Meanwhile, Gajraj Khatana, Congress MLA from Bandikui and party general secretary, is also preparing for the rally in Dausa. He is among the 18 Congress legislators loyal to former Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot who were at the centre of the political crisis in Rajasthan last year.

“We are expecting a crowd of around 1 lakh people in the February 5 meeting. Sachin Pilot ji is also likely to be a part of the meeting,” said Khatana.

Unless COVID is suppressed everywhere, we’ll be ‘back at square one’, Tedros warns

Unless COVID is suppressed everywhere, we’ll be ‘back at square one’, Tedros warns

“In one sense, that’s good news, and a remarkable achievement in such a short timeframe”, World Health Organization (WHO) chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told journalists at a regular press briefing in Geneva.  

However, he noted that “more than three quarters of those vaccinations are in just 10 countries that account for almost 60 per cent of global GDP”. 

This amounts to 130 countries, with 2.5 billion people, that have yet to administer a single dose. 

Share and protect 

Against the backdrop that some countries have even vaccinated some lower-risk populations, Tedros recognized that while all governments have an obligation to protect their own people, after inoculating their health workers and older people, “the best way to protect the rest of their own population is to share vaccines so other countries can do the same”. 

“Unless we suppress the virus everywhere, we could end up back at square one”, cautioned the WHO chief. 

Wanted: A massive production scale-up 

On Wednesday, the UN-led coronavirus vaccine initiative COVAX published its distribution forecast for participating States.  

Noting that “countries are ready to go, but the vaccines aren’t there”, Tedros again underscored the need for nations to share doses. 

“But we also need a massive scale-up in production”, he said. 

Drawing attention to French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi’s announcement last week to make its manufacturing infrastructure available to produce the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, he called on other companies to follow their example.  

“Companies can also issue non-exclusive licenses to allow other producers to manufacture their vaccine – a mechanism that has been used before to expand access to treatments for HIV and hepatitis C”, said the WHO chief. 

Having received substantial public funding, he stressed that “manufacturers can do more”. 

“We encourage all manufacturers to share their data and technology to ensure global equitable access to vaccines”, Tedros said. 

The WHO chief also called on companies to “share their dossiers” with the UN health agency faster and more fully than they have been doing, “so we can review them for emergency use listing”.

European Union funds new project to improve personalized treatments for ovarian cancer

European Union funds new project to improve personalized treatments for ovarian cancer

The European Union has funded a project to improve personalized treatments for ovarian cancer with nearly 15 million euros for five years. The international DECIDER project has partners from 14 organizations in seven EU countries.

In Europe, over 40 000 women die of ovarian cancer every year. In addition to surgery, most patients are treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. Unfortunately, the effect of the chemotherapy often decreases during the treatment cycles, and currently there are few effective treatments to those patients who develop resistance to platinum-based drugs.

The project starts in February and will develop diagnostic tools to identify earlier and more reliably patients whose cancer is not responding to the current treatments. The research also aims to discover effective combination treatments based on the data measured from the tumors.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality in the world and as the population ages, the incidence of cancers will only increase. Any new tools that enable better and more targeted treatment of cancers in the future will not only decrease the amount of human suffering, but also the burden on healthcare.”

Sampsa Hautaniemi, Professor and Coordinator, DECIDER Project, University of Helsinki

Artificial intelligence to integrate and visualize patient information for doctors

In the project, a patient’s response to treatments is predicted using methods, which use, among others, histopathological and genomic data from the patient. Genomic changes and aberrations in gene functions are used to find effective, personalized treatments.

“We will develop an open source program, which will integrate and visualize all relevant data from a patient. Using this information, doctors can more easily identify effective drugs for their patient,” says Hautaniemi, whose research group works in the project on method development as well as analysis, integration and interpretation of the data measured from the tumors.

An important part of the project is collaboration with SMEs in developing, producing and registering diagnostic kits, producing a drug-sensitivity test based on the tumor tissue samples, developing image based diagnostics of digital samples, and developing data pseudonymization and anonymization techniques necessary for the management of sensitive patient data for privacy risk protection.

All patients participating in the research are treated in Finland, and Finnish patient organizations have an important advisory role in the project.

Legal researchers address ethical and legal concerns

In addition to medical research, the project also includes a legal work package that addresses the ethical and legal concerns that may arise in the project. Furthermore, the legal researchers will also study whether there are inconsistencies between the pharmaceutical regulatory system and other relevant legislation.

“Our aim is to overcome legal challenges that impede or slow down the provision of new treatments for chemotherapy resistance in high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients. We want to facilitate the commercialization and availability of personalized therapies in an ethically and legally sustainable manner,” says Professor Päivi Korpisaari.

Contaminated sesame seed recalls continue in Europe

Contaminated sesame seed recalls continue in Europe

A European alert food system is nearing 500 reports because of the unauthorized substance ethylene oxide in products with sesame seeds.

Belgium made the first alert in early September 2020 in the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) concerning pesticide residues in various lots of sesame seeds from India. Three months later, most European countries have been affected.

Thousands of conventional and organic products with long shelf life dates such as cereals, chocolate, biscuits, bread, crackers, sesame oil, bagels, and Asian dishes have been affected.

More than half of the EU’s annual imports of 70,000 tons of sesame comes from India.

Additional checks

A recall by Ikea

The European Commission strengthened checks on sesame seeds from India in October 2020 with regulation requiring they are tested prior to export to the EU to certify compliance and include an official certificate. The rules also increased checks at border control posts with controls needed on 50 percent of all consignments at the EU border. They are already on the list of products subject to extra checks because of Salmonella.

It is thought that ethylene oxide was used to stop the growth of Salmonella during the storage of sesame seeds in India.

Suppliers who delivered contaminated batches include Dhairya International, Nature Bio Foods Ltd., Agri Food Products, GSV International, Shyam Industries and Dhaval Agri Exports.

In the EU, the use of ethylene oxide for the disinfection of foodstuffs is not permitted because it is classed as a carcinogen and mutagen. The maximum residue limit for sesame seeds is set at 0.05 milligrams per kilogram. Use is allowed in the Unites States at 7 mg/kg for sesame seeds. Levels found by Belgium were as high as 186 mg/kg but mostly between 0.1 and 10 mg/kg. Some batches exceeded the maximum limit by more than 1,000 times.

Ethylene oxide is a volatile and reactive compound that only remains in tiny amounts in treated foods, according to officials. Detecting and calculating the amount of the substance in food is a complicated process that, for financial reasons, is only used for individual cases in routine food monitoring programs, according to CVUA Stuttgart.

Other foods or countries involved?

One of the recalled items

Member state experts, the EU Commission, and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) held a food and feed crisis coordinators meeting in October. Some countries called for reinforced vigilance on products like pepper and spices where past analysis also showed ethylene oxide.

In late November 2020 there was a meeting in the phytopharmaceuticals and residues section of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed committee that mentioned ethylene oxide.

One country said its national assessment indicated the current MRL of 0.05 mg/kg may not sufficiently protect some consumer groups. Another reported finding ethylene oxide in products not from India but they were compliant with the associated MRLs.

A report from the EU Reference Laboratory for Residues of Pesticides said it is unknown for how long ethylene oxide-fumigation has been in use or increasingly applied to sesame seeds in India but experts suspect it has been common practice for years.

An assessment in Belgium indicated a potential chronic risk. This means that if a consumer was to have the implicated seeds every day of their life, and in large quantities, there could be a risk to health. An assessment by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and Wageningen Food Safety Research found it was “hardly possible” to eat safe quantities of bread, crackers, or cookies with sesame seeds containing ethylene oxide at a level of 10 mg/kg.

In November, the Food Standards Agency said it was not advocating a full consumer recall of affected products and favored a withdrawal as the risk to individuals is low and most products already purchased are likely to have been consumed, making such a recall disproportionate.

(To sign up for a free subscription to Food Safety News, click here.)

Burundi, European Union agree to work together towards restoring relations

Burundi’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Albert Shingiro.

After a nearly five-year suspension of direct collaboration between the Burundian government and the European Union, a high-level political dialogue was launched Tuesday with a view to restoring relations with the EU and its member states.

The two delegations met in Bujumbura on Tuesday and were led by Ambassador Albert Shingiro, Burundian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Claude Bochu, European Union envoy in Burundi.

The resumption of exchanges between the two delegations also saw the participation of Ambassadors of the European Union member states in Burundi.

According to a joint statement released by the delegations, the resumption of political dialogue constitutes a shared priority that will benefit the people of Burundi and Europe.

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The delegations agreed to work together towards restoring relations.

‘’I am delighted with the spirit of openness and mutual trust which characterised the resumption of political dialogue. The exchanges took place in a constructive environment with the ultimate goal being to get concrete results as soon as possible,’’ tweeted Ambassador Shingiro.

Both parties recalled that Burundi and the member states drawn from the European Union are historical partners anxious to strengthen their bonds of friendship and cooperation.

This comes days after President Evariste Ndayishimiye, held a ceremony with members of the diplomatic community accredited to Bujumbura where he reaffirmed the will of his government to strengthen the bonds of cooperation with friendly countries and partners.

In 2016, the EU suspended all direct funding to the Burundian government for failing to meet EU concerns over its human rights record, including the loss of over 400 lives.

Unrest erupted in Burundi, a landlocked African country, in 2015 against a decision by late President Pierre Nkurunziza to run for a third term, which the opposition said was illegal.

With an aid package worth some €430 million ($520 million) for the period 2015-2020, the EU is Burundi’s biggest donor.

The Ndayishimiye-led administration has been hailed for opening up the East African country to regional investors and the international community.

Christian Nibasumba, Burundi representative of Trade Mark East Africa said he was encouraged to see the high-level political dialogue between Bujumbura and the European Union with a view to resuming good ties.

Carbon levy on EU imports needed to raise global climate ambition

  • The mechanism must not be misused to further protectionism
  • All imported products under the EU Emissions Trading System should be covered
  • It should constitute an alternative to existing measures on carbon leakage

To raise global climate ambition and prevent ‘carbon leakage’, the EU must place a carbon price on imports from less climate-ambitious countries, say Environment MEPs.

On Friday, the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety adopted a resolution on a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) with 58 votes for, 8 against and 10 abstentions.

The resolution underlines that the EU’s increased ambition on climate change must not lead to ‘carbon leakage’ as global climate efforts will not benefit if EU production is just moved to non-EU countries that have less ambitious emissions rules.

MEPs therefore support the introduction of a WTO-compatible CBAM to place a carbon price on imports of certain goods from outside the EU, if these countries are not ambitious enough about climate change. This would create an incentive for EU and non-EU trade industries to decarbonize in line with the Paris Agreement objectives.

MEPs underline that it should be designed with the sole aim of pursuing climate objectives and a global level playing field, and not be misused as a tool to enhance protectionism.

CBAM must be linked to a reformed EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)

The CBAM should be part of a broader EU industrial strategy and cover all imports of products and commodities under the EU ETS. MEPs add that by 2023, and following an impact assessment, it should cover the power sector and energy-intensive industrial sectors like cement, steel, aluminium, oil refinery, paper, glass, chemicals and fertilisers, which continue to receive substantial free allocations, and still represent 94 % of EU industrial emissions.

To prevent carbon leakage, carbon pricing under the CBAM should be linked to the price of EU allowances under the EU ETS, they add.


After the vote, Parliament rapporteur Yannick Jadot (Greens, FR) said:

“The CBAM is a great opportunity to reconcile climate, industry, employment, resilience, sovereignty and relocation issues. It is a major political and democratic test for the EU, which must stop being naïve and impose the same carbon price on products, whether they are produced in or outside the EU, to ensure the most polluting sectors also take part in fighting climate change and innovate towards zero carbon. This will give us the best chance of remaining below the 1.5°C warming limit, whilst also pushing our trading partners to be equally ambitious in order to enter the EU market. Parliament is leading the way and we expect the same level of ambition from the Commission and member states.”

Next steps

Plenary is set to vote on the resolution in its session 8-11 March 2021. The Commission is expected to present a proposal in the second quarter of 2021.


While the EU has already substantially reduced its domestic greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), those from imports have been rising, thereby undermining the EU’s efforts to reduce its global GHG footprint.

Parliament has played an important role in pushing for more ambitious EU climate legislation and declared a climate emergency on 28 November 2019.

EU flags concern over Austrian minimum airfare plan

EU flags concern over Austrian minimum airfare plan

The EU has raised concerns over Austrian plans to set a minimum airfare, a spokesman said, weighing in on an environmental policy debate that pits traditional airlines against low-cost carriers.

A minister from Austria’s Greens, the junior partner in the governing coalition, announced plans last June for a €40 minimum fare that explicitly targeted no-frills operators.

The European Commission “expects to receive more detailed information from the Austrian authorities on the precise content of the envisaged measures,” the spokesman for the EU executive told Reuters on Wednesday (3 February).

The Austrian environment and transport ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Faced with pressure for higher airline taxes to curb greenhouse gas emissions, flag carriers like Lufthansa and Air France-KLM have argued instead for minimum fares that could all but abolish much of the low-cost market.

Austria unveiled its proposal after granting €600 million in aid to Lufthansa-owned Austrian Airlines.

But a “pricing freedom” provision within the European Union’s main 2008 air services regulation states that airlines “shall freely set air fares” for flights within the bloc.

“The Commission supports measures to promote the greening of aviation, and of transport in general, which are compatible with the internal market rules,” the EU spokesman said.

“As always, the Commission will verify whether the new measures are in line with EU common rules and, if necessary, will engage a dialogue with the Austrian authorities.”

The green compromise in the Austrian Airlines bailout

After weeks of negotiations, it is now set: Austrian Airlines (AUA) is saved from insolvency by the Black-Green government. For the Greens, who are in a governing coalition in Austria for the first time, it was a difficult litmus test. EURACTIV Germany reports.

Air France, unions rail against EU bailout conditions

Air France, unions rail against EU bailout conditions

Air France and its pilot unions protested on Wednesday (3 February) against EU demands that the airline give up takeoff and landing slots at its Paris base in return for government aid.

Brussels wants the French airline, part of Air France-KLM , to cede 24 Orly airport slots as a condition for approval of a state-backed recapitalisation, La Tribune reported this week.

“We wouldn’t understand being subjected to drastic measures that weaken our position in Paris,” Group Chief Executive Ben Smith told L’Express magazine in an interview – adding the slot demands could give low-cost Ryanair a foothold at Orly.

The SNPL pilot union accused the EU in a statement of seeking to “destroy the efforts of Air France employees”.

Battered by the coronavirus pandemic, many traditional airlines have received government aid under European Union guidelines that temporarily relax state aid rules.

In return for its €9 billion bailout last year, Germany’s Lufthansa reluctantly gave up 24 slots at each of its main hubs, Frankfurt and Munich – or three flights a day for four competitors’ aircraft at each base.

The EU executive and French government have declined to comment on discussions under way about Air France bailout terms.

France injects billions of euros into favoured airlines

The French government is reportedly going to increase its stake in national carrier Air France, in a move that will shore up the airline with up to €5 billion, and has also won EU support for its plan to help Corsair ride out the pandemic.

Under the plan submitted to Brussels, France would swap a €4 billion shareholder loan granted to Air France-KLM last year for hybrid debt or perpetuities, lightening the group’s debt burden, according to French media reports confirmed to Reuters by company and government sources.

The Dutch government, which formally resigned last month but remains at work ahead of March elections, has yet to say whether it will take part in the recapitalisation or convert its own €1 billion loan to KLM. The two governments each own close to 14% of the airline group.

But appearing before a parliamentary committee on Wednesday, Dutch Finance Minister Wopke Hoekstra said some KLM slot concessions at Amsterdam Schiphol seemed inevitable as the EU seeks to “keep a level playing field” among member states and companies.

“So it’s reasonable to expect that remedies will be part of the solution,” Hoekstra said. “You can see in the Lufthansa case what you can roughly expect.”

EU presidency trio assesses European defence policy progress

EU presidency trio assesses European defence policy progress

Portugal’s defence minister, João Gomes Cravinho, held a videoconference with his German counterpart and the Slovenian secretary of state on Wednesday (3 February) to take stock of “developments in European defence policy”.

The presidency trio comprises the current presidency of the Council of the EU (Portugal) along with the previous (Germany) and the next (Slovenia).

According to a statement issued by the ministry of defence, this meeting took place around a month before an informal meeting of defence ministers, scheduled for 2-3 March in Lisbon, under the Portuguese presidency.

Cravinho, Germany’s Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, and the Slovenian Uroš Lampret discussed the developments related to the Strategic Compass, the EU strategy for maritime safety and transatlantic relations.

The ministers said they want to deepen the dialogue on the Strategic Compass, “based on the first EU threat analysis”, to identify concrete steps to move the process forward and ensure the participation of the 27 member states.

Presented by EU defence ministers in June 2020, the Strategic Compass covers three phases: a threat analysis of the EU, the establishment of strategic objectives to strengthen the EU as a security and defence actor, and the creation of political guidelines for military planning procedures.

The communiqué said that “possible measures allowing a rapid operationalisation of the initiative in the Gulf of Guinea”, defined by the EU as the first Maritime Zone of Interest of the Union, were also discussed, following the adoption of the Coordinated Maritime Presences by the Council of Foreign Ministers.

Concerning transatlantic relations, the trio of presidencies examined a number of topics which will be addressed at the next meeting of defence ministers, in particular the relationship with the new US administration under President Joe Biden, and the European Union’s relationship with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).

Measures for the new European Peace Facility “to train and equip partners in training missions” were also discussed.

Majority of French still against Balkans’ EU integration

Majority of French still against Balkans’ EU integration

Some 59% of French citizens do not see the prospect of the Western Balkans countries’ EU accession in a positive light, a new study has found. But it also revealed increasing mistrust toward the bloc overall.

Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia are official candidates for EU membership, the latter two already engaged in accession talks for several years, while Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo are considered potential candidates.

Although none of the six Western Balkan countries is close to joining the EU, the report, conducted by the Open Society Foundations, found that more than one French in two opposes the EU enlargement toward that region.

While 49% believe that the enlargement to include Montenegro, for example, would be a bad thing, the study emphasised that as many as 76% of the respondents were negative about Turkey, which is also an EU candidate.

“Do the French have a grudge against Kosovars, Albanians or Bosnians? It would be too simplistic to say that. It’s rather that they don’t really care,”  Srđan Cvijić, one of the authors of the study, told EURACTIV France.

“The Balkans are a bit of a scapegoat,” added Sébastien Gricourt, director of the Balkan Observatory for the Jean Jaurès Foundation, who also participated in this study.

In fact, nearly one in four respondents said that their life would not be impacted much, if at all, by such an enlargement.

Distrust toward the EU

However, it seems that French people’s negative attitude toward the Balkans somewhat reflects their opinion of the EU institution as a whole.

“The reflex that the French have for enlargement is in fact the reflex they have for the European Union,” Gricourt explained.

The French are among the Europeans who have the least confidence in the EU. The study showed that 62% of those in favour of Balkan accession had a good image of the EU, while more than one in two (55%) disagreed.

In addition, there is also an element of ignorance at play.

“When shown the map of Europe with the current member states highlighted, many participants were surprised that the countries of the Western Balkans are not already part of the EU,” the report said.

A vacuum for extreme-right to step in

Skopje and Tirana have made substantial progress on reforms in the last two years, but Paris has insisted that no green light for the official start of EU accession talks should be granted.

The French government has primarily opposed Albania’s accession, and this had a spill-over effect on North Macedonia as well.

French President Emmanuel Macron stressed at the 2018 Sofia Summit that in order to have a stronger and more united EU, “we also need to modernise the EU and the eurozone, and for me, this is a prerequisite for further membership.”

For Gricourt, the whole discussion over the Balkan region’s EU future should be “de-politicised”.

He recalled that the question of Serbia’s potential accession to the EU had been put to the twelve candidates heading the lists for European Parliament’s election in a televised debate in April 2019. Only two candidates, Raphaël Glucksmann and Jean-Christophe Lagarde, were in favour.

Gricourt warned that instrumentalising enlargement is a strategic mistake because “we are leaving the field to the extreme right”.

In order to avoid this trend, the expert said, more education was needed to explain the accession process, the many criteria and achievements required before a country is allowed to join.

Interestingly, 43% of the respondents appeared to have changed their mind during the various stages of the study, Cvijić explained.

[Edited by Sarantis Michalopoulos, Zoran Radosavljevic | EURACTIV.com]