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How Scientology Volunteer Ministers Helped Orlando Get Through the Worst of the Pandemic

How Scientology Volunteer Ministers Helped Orlando Get Through the Worst of the Pandemic

How Scientology Volunteer Ministers Helped Orlando Get Through the Worst of the Pandemic – Religion News Today – EIN Presswire

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Peta calls on Cyprus to switch to organic vegan agriculture

Peta calls on Cyprus to switch to organic vegan agriculture

Animal right’s organisation Peta on Thursday urged Cyprus to include organic vegan agriculture as part of reforms under the EU common agriculture policy, arguing it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the outbreak of viruses.

In a letter to Agriculture Minister Costas Kadis, non-profit organisation Peta pointed out that the production of animal-derived products requires significantly more water, land, and other resources thus causing more greenhouse gas emissions.

“The EU must promote organic vegan agriculture to accomplish the environmental and climate protection measures addressed in the agricultural reform and to support farmers in sustainably cultivating the soil,” explained Ilana Bollag, Peta Germany’s campaigner on climate and food issues.

Vegan farming will also help “reduce the risk of infectious disease outbreaks and the extent of animal suffering”, Bollag added.

According to Peta, animal-derived products pose a risk to humans and other animals alike.

Animals in markets, agricultural operations, and slaughterhouses are usually kept in small spaces amid their own waste and are killed on blood-soaked floors – often without proper stunning and at just a few weeks old – which makes these places perfect breeding grounds for potentially fatal pathogens. SARS, swine and bird flu, and even Covid-19 all originated in places where humans confine and kill animals, the animal rights’ organisation explained.

Moreover, organic vegan agriculture can counteract environmental issues like species extinction, groundwater pollution, and soil acidification.

“According to the United Nations, it will take a global switch to vegan eating to counter the worst effects of climate change. Studies show that switching to vegan foods could reduce the world’s food-related greenhouse gas emissions by 70 per cent by 2050,” Peta’s announcement added.

Organic meat production is equally as bad for the environment as producing meat using conventional husbandry systems, according to a 2020 study.

Another problem is the extensive use of antibiotics in animal operations which leads to a higher risk of infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which, according to the Robert Koch Institute, cause the deaths of 33,000 people in Europe each year.

“Every vegan saves nearly 150 animal lives annually and reduces the risk of suffering from cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity,” Peta added.

We must stop enabling haredi domination of religion and state – opinion

We must stop enabling haredi domination of religion and state - opinion

There are always political forces in any democracy whose views and values are outside democratic norms. History teaches that these forces grow, posing a threat to the nation itself, only if enabled by people who know better. While it is normative for politicians to concede cherished interests in exchange for political power, it is a balancing act. To concede too much is to enable extremism, and to enable extremism is to strengthen it.

The decision of the Israeli Supreme Court recognizing non-Orthodox conversions performed in Israel brought to the fore, yet again, the extreme views of ultra-Orthodox parties. The threats and hatred expressed by some members of Knesset against fellow Jews in the aftermath of the decision is contrary to the highest commands of Judaism. “Do not hate your fellow Jew,” the Torah mandates. “All Jews are responsible one for the other,” the sages insisted.

Decades of excessive political power have corrupted the values of those who claim to be most loyal to Jewish values. “The Torah’s ways are pleasantness, and all its paths are peace,” the Bible teaches. The Talmud asks, “What is said of someone who studies Torah but does not deal honorably and does not speak pleasantly with people? Woe to that person who studies Torah. Woe to his father who taught him Torah. Woe to his teacher who taught him Torah.”

The monopoly granted to ultra-Orthodoxy over most matters of religion and state in Israel is damaging to Israel, damaging to Judaism, and is not even good for Orthodoxy. Most Israelis despise the brand of Judaism exhibited by Haredi parties. Ultra-Orthodox politicians represent the most radical, the least modern and least representative values in the entire Jewish world. They are not the mainstream. They are fringe. They are not even Zionists. The damage they cause to Israel-Diaspora relations is incalculable. Eighty-five percent of American Jews are not Orthodox. As long as ultra-Orthodox parties exert such control over Israeli policies, Israel will never have a healthy relationship with Diaspora Jewry.

The issue is not their right to believe whatever they want. Rather, it is the political power to coerce behavior, granted exclusively to unrepresentative ultra-Orthodoxy, which inflicts such damage on Israel and world Jewry.

The haredi parties’ response to the court decision will be furious. They will do everything in their power to compel the Knesset to legislate overturning the decision. I have firsthand knowledge of what will happen. The first time I met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in the late 1990s. The Supreme Court had recently ruled that the state must recognize non-Orthodox conversions from abroad, and the ultra-Orthodox parties were threatening to legislate circumventing this decision. I quickly mobilized a large delegation of Reform rabbis on an emergency mission to Israel. We landed five hours late. The prime minister waited for us. Our meeting started at midnight and lasted until 1:30 a.m.

WE CAUTIONED the prime minister not to give in – that it would open a chasm between the Jewish state and world Jewry. We made the point that as damaging as the disenfranchisement of our movement in Israel is, if the court recognized a right, to take it away would cause enormous harm that would grow year after year. It is one thing not to have a right recognized; it is another thing to take a recognized right away.

We made the same point to the prime minister several years ago on the Western Wall agreement. It is one thing to ignore egalitarian worship at the Wall – as damaging and as frustrating as that is. But to do what the Prime minister did – to propose a compromise, to have the government approve it, and then to walk away from your own proposal because of haredi political pressure – would cause grave harm to Israel-Diaspora relations. Sadly, but predictably, we were right. Most members of Knesset know we are right. The prime minister knows. In the aftermath of this month’s elections, once again, the temptation to concede too much to the haredi parties will be overwhelming.

American Jews also have a role to play. While Israeli voters properly decide domestic policies, Israel, by its own self-definition, is the national home of the Jewish people. It exists not only for its citizens, but for world Jewry as well. American Jews do not have a vote, but they have a voice. Therefore, it is distressing that the American-Jewish establishment has been largely silent. This, too, we have seen before. When it comes time to express themselves on a matter of such central importance to American Jews, its representative organizations lose their voice. “Let the Reform and Conservative movements fight this on their own,” they seem to think.

To all of our partners in the Jewish world: Federations, the Jewish Agency for Israel, AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, the Conference of Presidents, and all the pro-Israel organizations that work to strengthen Israel’s international standing and deepen the Israel-Diaspora relationship: It is not only the Reform and Conservative movements’ fight. It is your fight as well. Most of your supporters and most of your financing come from the non-Orthodox community. You cannot sit this out. If our bond with Israel deteriorates further, it will weaken all of us.

To all our friends in Israel and worldwide: The reason we care so much in the first place is that we love Israel. We are committed to Israel, not uncritically, but unconditionally. We are Zionists, unlike most haredim.

We are about to experience another hate-filled campaign from ultra-Orthodox politicians, ranting about the harm that everyone but them is inflicting on the Jewish people.

This time, let us cease being enablers.

The writer is the senior rabbi of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, a Reform congregation on New York’s Upper West Side.

COVID disrupts contraception services, leads to 1.4 million unintended pregnancies, says UNFPA 

COVID disrupts contraception services, leads to 1.4 million unintended pregnancies, says UNFPA 

According to new estimates from the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and Avenir Health, this has led to around 1.4 million unintended pregnancies.  

These latest figures come as many countries, particularly high-income nations, show early signs of steeply declining birth rates.  

Together, the findings demonstrate how the pandemic has severely impacted women’s control over their own reproductive health, and undermined family planning. 

Contraceptives out of stock 

Analysing contraceptive service disruptions last year in 115 lower and middle income countries, data from UNFPA, Google Mobility and other surveys, found that access to family planning was hit by travel restrictions, interrupted supply chains and overwhelmed health facilities, among other factors.  

“The results, for many women, have been life-changing”, according to the UN sexual and reproductive health agency. 

UNFPA profiled a 32-year-old Nepalese woman who married at 17, became a mother of four by age 24, and became pregnant after the nearby health centre ran out of contraceptives. Her fifth baby was born on 25 February. 

Unintended pregnancies put a great strain on families that are already struggling under pandemic-related financial burdens, the UN agency explained. 

And its consequences are not simply economic, they are also linked to increased maternal morbidity, mortality and unsafe abortions.  

UNFPA’s projections showed that family planning services were largely disrupted in April and May of last year for an average of 3.6 months.  

Earlier estimates, produced in April 2020, illustrated that serious family planning disruptions lasting six months could affect 47 million women in low and middle income countries, and result in seven million unintended pregnancies. 

Acting swiftly  

Fortunately, quick action has helped many health systems to maintain or restore essential health services, including contraceptives, said UNFPA.  

The agency pointed out that even amid rising costs and supply chain constraints, it was able to procure and deliver contraceptives and other reproductive health supplies, as well as personal protective equipment for health workers. 

Creative efforts, such as using a ride-hailing app to deliver contraceptives, SMS outreach and targeting family planning counselling to quarantine centres, also helped maintain or restore services.  

UNFPA sad that many women continue to face serious obstacles to receiving family planning and other life-saving reproductive health services.  

A growing price 

Although the total costs of the pandemic are not yet known, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2.5 million people around the world have died from COVID-19.  

When the full toll is calculated, UNFPA upheld that it will have to include the “extraordinary consequences” borne by women and girls, including those whose futures were rewritten, bodies injured or lives lost due to disruptions in access contraception and health care.

‘Some light at the end of the tunnel’ as pandemic turns one – Guterres

‘Some light at the end of the tunnel’ as pandemic turns one - Guterres

“So many lives have been lost”, said António Guterres, with “economies upended and societies left reeling.  The most vulnerable have suffered the most. Those left behind are being left even further behind.”

He commended the effort across the world to adapt, and live in news ways, honouring health workers “for their dedication and sacrifice and all other essential workers who have kept societies running. I salute all those who have stood up to the deniers and disinformation, and have followed science and safety protocols”, he said. “You have helped save lives.”

The key – vaccines for all

Mr. Guterres said the UN would continue mobilizing the international community to live up to the promise of the COVAX equitable vaccines initiative, and make them “affordable and available for all, to recover better, and to put a special focus on the needs of those who have borne the burden of this crisis on so many levels – women, minorities, older persons, persons with disabilities, refugees, migrants and indigenous peoples.”

 All in all, with the unprecedented vaccine development effort in multiple nations across the world, “there’s some light at the end of the tunnel” he said, lauding the start of last week’s historic rollout which has continued by COVAX, to bring shots to some of the lowest-income nations.

“Yet I am deeply concerned that many low-income countries have not yet received a single dose, while wealthier countries are on track to vaccinating their entire population”, added the UN chief, highlighting what he said were the many examples of “vaccine nationalism” and hoarding in the richer nations taking place, together with side deals involving manufacturers.

‘Greatest moral test’

“The global vaccination campaign represents the greatest moral test of our times”, he said.

“It is also essential to restart the global economy – and help the world move from locking down societies to locking down the virus”, added the Secretary-General. “COVID-19 vaccines must be seen as a global public good.  The world needs to unite to produce and distribute sufficient vaccines for all, which means at least doubling manufacturing capacity around the world.

“That effort must start now. Only together can we end this pandemic and recover.” 

Mr. Guterres said that solidarity was the key, and the creation of a genuine united front: “Only together can we revive our economies. And then, together, we can all get back to the things we love.”

MEPs express concerns over attacks on media in Poland, Hungary and Slovenia | News | European Parliament

MEPs express concerns over attacks on media in Poland, Hungary and Slovenia | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20210304IPR99220/

Human rights breaches in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bahrain and Cambodia | News | European Parliament

MEPs express concerns over attacks on media in Poland, Hungary and Slovenia | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20210304IPR99223/

MEPs highlight impact of pandemic on children’s health and education | News | European Parliament

MEPs express concerns over attacks on media in Poland, Hungary and Slovenia | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20210304IPR99222/

Syria needs a greater financial and political response from the EU | News | European Parliament

MEPs express concerns over attacks on media in Poland, Hungary and Slovenia | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20210304IPR99218/

Sunshine Biopharma Receives Notice of Allowance for a New Patent Application Extending Protection of Adva-27a in Europe Until 2033

Sunshine Biopharma Receives Notice of Allowance for a New Patent Application Extending Protection of Adva-27a in Europe Until 2033

Sunshine Biopharma Receives Notice of Allowance for a New Patent Application Extending Protection of Adva-27a in Europe Until 2033 – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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