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In Russia, Jehovah’s Witnesses are the most persecuted religion, with 127 prisoners as of January 1, 2024

Three Jehovah’s Witnesses taken away in a paddy wagon after being sentenced to 6.5, 7 and 7.5 years in prison (Credit: jw-russia.org)
Three Jehovah’s Witnesses taken away in a paddy wagon after being sentenced to 6.5, 7 and 7.5 years in prison (Credit: jw-russia.org)

As of January 1, 2024, 127 Jehovah’s Witnesses were in prison in Russia for practising their faith in private homes, according to the last update of the database of religious prisoners of Human Rights Without Frontiers.

Some statistics since the ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses in 2017

  • More than 790 Jehovah’s Witnesses from 19 to 85 years have been criminally charged or have been under investigation for the practice of their faith; among them, 205 were over 60 years old (more than 25%)
  • Over 2000 homes have been raided by the FSB and local police
  • 521 believers have appeared on the national extremist/terrorist watch list (Rosfinmonitoring), 72 of them being included in this list during the sole year of 2023.

Some statistics in 2023

  • 183 homes were raided
  • 43 men and women were detained, including 15 sent to pretrial detention centers
  • 147 men and women were criminally charged and sentenced
  • 47 were sentenced to prison
  • 33 were sentenced for 6 years or more

Last sentences in 2023: from 6 1/2 to 7 ½ years in prison

On 22 December 2023, the judge of the Cheremushkinsky District Court respectively sentenced Aleksandr Rumyantsev, Sean Pike and Eduard Sviridov to 7.5 years, 7 years and 6.5 years for singing religious songs and prayers.

At the end of the summer of 2021, a series of searches took place in the homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Moscow, as a result of which three of them ended up in a pre-trial detention center. The criminal case was investigated during 15 months. Then it was considered in court for 13 months. As a result, by the time of the verdict, they had already spent 2 years and 4 months in a pre-trial detention center.

They all denied the accusation of extremism.

A report by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance expressed concern that “anti-extremist legislation [of the Russian Federation] is being used against certain religious minorities, in particular against Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

European Court of Human Rights

On 31 January 2023, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) considered seven complaints by Jehovah’s Witnesses from Russia related to incidents having occurred from 2010 to 2014, before the ban.

In all of them, the court sided with the Witnesses and ordered them to pay compensation in the amount of 345,773 euros and another 5,000 euros as legal costs. This was the second decision of the ECHR in the last two years in favor of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia.

In June 2022, the ECHR declared that it was unlawful for Russia to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses in 2017. The total amount of compensation under this decision exceeds 63 million euros. So far, the decisions of the ECHR have had no impact on the practice of the Russian law enforcement system. The Russian authorities have not paid compensation to acquitted believers, and continue to sentence them to long prison terms

“One should not be proud of either the fatherland or ancestors…”


By St. John Chrysostom

“Why are you proud of your fatherland,” He says, when I command you to be a wanderer throughout the entire universe, when you can become such that the whole world will not be worthy of you? Where you come from is so unimportant that the pagan philosophers themselves do not attach any importance to it, call it external and give it last place. However, Paul allows this, you will say, when he says: “concerning election, beloved of God for the sake of the fathers” (Rom. 11:28). But tell me, when, about whom and to whom does he say this? Converted pagans, who were proud of their faith, rebelled against the Jews, and thereby alienated them even more from themselves. So, he says this in order to bring down arrogance in some, and to attract and excite others to similar jealousy. When he talks about those noble and great men, then listen to what he says: “for those who speak like this show that they are looking for the fatherland. And if they had in their thoughts the fatherland from which they came, they would have time to return; but they sought what was better, that is, what was heavenly” (Heb. 11:14-16). And again: “all these died in faith, not receiving the promises, but only saw them from afar and rejoiced” (Heb. 11:13). In exactly the same way, John said to those who came to him: “Do not think to say to yourself, ‘We have Abraham as our father’” (Matthew 3:9); also Paul: “Not all those Israelites who are of Israel, not children of the flesh, are children of God” (Rom. 9:6,8). In fact, tell me, what benefit did the children of Samuel have in the nobility of their father, when they themselves did not inherit his virtue? What good is it for the children of Moses who were not jealous of his strict life? They did not inherit his power. They were written by his children, but the government of the people passed to another who was his son in virtue. On the contrary, did it hurt Timothy that he had a Gentile father? What benefit again did the son of Noah have from the virtue of his father if he became a slave from a free man? Do you see how little protection children have in the nobility of their father? The corruption of the will overcame the laws of nature, and deprived Ham not only of the nobility of his parents, but also of freedom itself. Also, was not Esau the son of Isaac, who also interceded for him? Although his father tried and wanted him to be a participant in the blessing, and he himself fulfilled all his commands for this purpose, but since he was thin, all this did not help him. Despite the fact that by nature he was the first-born, and his father, together with him, tried in every possible way to preserve his advantage, he, however, lost everything, because he did not have God with him. But what am I saying about individuals? The Jews were sons of God, and yet they gained nothing from this dignity. So, if someone, even being a son of God, is punished even more for not showing virtue worthy of such nobility, then what about showing off the nobility of his grandfathers and great-grandfathers? And not only in the Old Testament, but also in the New Testament one can find the same thing. “And to those who,” it is said, “received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave power to become children of God” (John 1:12); meanwhile, for many of these children, according to Paul, it is completely useless that they have such a Father. “If you are circumcised,” he says, “Christ will profit you nothing” (Galatians 5:2).

If Christ is completely useless for those who do not want to listen to themselves, then what is the use of human intercession? So, let us not be proud of either nobility or wealth, but let us despise those who are puffed up with such advantages; Let us not be discouraged because of poverty, but let us seek the wealth that lies in good deeds and flee the poverty that leads us into sin. For this last reason, the famous rich man was indeed poor, which is why he could not, despite intense requests, receive even one drop of water. Meanwhile, is there such a beggar among us who would not have water to cool himself? There is none; and those who are melting away from extreme hunger may have a drop of water, and not only a drop of water, but another, much greater consolation. But this rich man didn’t even have that – he was so poor, and, what’s most painful of all, he couldn’t have any consolation in his poverty from anywhere. So why do we covet money when it does not take us to heaven? Tell me, if any earthly king said that a rich man could not shine in his royal palaces, or achieve any honor, would not everyone throw away their possessions with contempt? So, if we are ready to despise property when it deprives us of honor from the king of the earth, then with the voice of the King of heaven, who daily cries out and says that it is inconvenient to enter those sacred vestibules with wealth, shall we not despise everything and reject wealth? to freely enter His kingdom?

Source: St. John Chrysostom, Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew. Vol. 7. Book 1. Conversation 9.

Violence of men against women in the world

orange and white happy birthday balloons

Gender violence, against women, domestic or family violence, let’s call it whatever we want, always has a common victim who far exceeds the percentages compared to other genders: women.

Rare is the day when the terrifying fact of the murder, rape or brutal assault of a woman at the hands of her partner or ex-partner is not part of the daily news.

But as with all events that become repetitive, they become less and less unnerving as they become routine. That is very dangerous, especially when it comes to trying to put an end to this big problem.

In political quarrels, this issue has become one of their most intense throwing tools, to define the ideology of the opponent, without realizing that ultimately only a matter of semantics differentiates them. The issue of domestic or gender violence has been so politicized that unfortunately, the female figure or the pain of women has been left aside, as shown in some failed laws (case of the Yes is Yes in Spain), where they tend to benefit the aggressors, instead of the victims. Likewise, except for specific campaigns, when you talk to women victims of this violence, you observe the lack of real resources to help them. These women get lost in the system and are forgotten in the tangle of “good statistics” that confuse society year after year, without really removing or protecting them from their abusers.

But it is not like that: the abuser is a being who is not going to stop to read a pamphlet, or watch the news, or observe data about violence and its causes. He is a being who lives obsessed with a woman over whom he believes he has control, including the right to decide on his life or her death. The famous slogan of “If it’s not mine, it’s nobody’s”, surpasses their understanding, turning the act of aggression into an anomalous act, but always brutal.

Nations that oppress women

But let’s not focus only on the aberrant data that exists on crimes against women in Spain. And let’s make a summary about nations where women do not have all the fundamental rights that the United Nations charter grants them. Taking into account also that the figures provided are not one hundred percent reliable, since the police forces themselves, or the government entities, are not reliable in their statistics.

Taking a tour of the world, we find a list of twenty countries that generally ignore the pain perpetrated on women for the simple fact of being women.

1. India

Although the Constitution of this country prohibits the social system of “castes”, and that it also says that all people have the same rights or obligations, these statements are not true in real life.

Indian women appear at the top of the ranking when we talk about gender violence. Some of the atrocities that a woman in this country suffers include permanent physical violence, exploitation or slavery, as well as genital mutilation, forced domestic work or marriages arranged since childhood. That, furthermore, the latter violates the charter of children’s rights.

There is talk of a hundred sexual assaults daily committed in public environments, let’s imagine in a more private environment. But the hardest thing is that few sentences punish the men who commit these crimes, since it is still thought that women are relegated to a position of inferiority. And she therefore submitted to man. India is undoubtedly a patriarchal sexist society.

2. Syria

If the issue of violence against women has always been one of the serious problems in this country, with the arrival of war, the situation for women has worsened considerably, increasing sexual exploitation and slavery.

3. Afghanistan

The lack of freedom for Afghan women makes them an easy target to make them victims of violence, both physical and psychological, in addition to the constant sexual aberrations to which they are subjected. Furthermore, the Taliban government itself denies them access to culture or the most basic training. It is estimated that around 9/10 women have suffered or will suffer some type of abuse at the hands of a man throughout their lives.

4. Somalia

Somalia is another country where violence against women is common. In which we find practices as abject as the excision of the clitoris or despicable honor crimes. Many women die or see their lives or freedom severely limited because of these practices.

Rape is also common, even as a weapon of war to terrorize the citizens of a certain village or region. Women’s legal rights are minimal, although in the Somaliland part there are regulations that reduce sexual discrimination, although the constant violation of human rights is a common practice.

5. Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the countries where there is the highest level of sexual violence against women. Rape being a tool of war to instill terror. And domestic violence, both physical and mental, is common in everyday life.

6. Saudi Arabia

This is a curious country, because even though it wants a more international opening, and wishes to obtain, through its multimillion-dollar investments, an acceptance that it is very far from obtaining, it is still very repressive as far as women’s rights are concerned. There are no laws that defend this group, and for almost everything, the male’s permission is needed. The National Human Rights Association concluded that around 93% of women in this country had suffered some type of aggression by their partner.

7. Yemen

The poor consideration of the figure of women in this country makes Yemen one of the places where gender violence is so common that not even the legislation itself offers any protection against the abusive practices suffered by women.

8. Nigeria

Another African country that is among those that endure the highest levels of gender violence, especially at a sexual level, is Nigeria. In addition to this type of violence, women also suffer discrimination and difficulties when obtaining basic services, even from adolescence.

9. Pakistan

In Pakistan the situation of women is also one of the most complicated in the world. There is a high level of abuse of all kinds that usually ends in death (tolerated murders) or mutilations and malformations, such as those caused by throwing acid at the face, a very common practice that immerses women in violence of its own. life, which will most likely end with her in a brothel or with self-inflicted death. Around 95% of women in Pakistan suffer abuse.

10. Uganda

In this country, some studies have observed the presence of gender and sexual violence, both against adult women and also against girls who have some type of disability. Thus, 24% of these girls affirm that they have suffered some type of abuse. A topic as atrocious as it is little researched.

11. Honduras

This South American country is considered by the UN as one of the countries without a present war, where the most femicides occur in the world. The figure being considered is 14.6 per 100,000 inhabitants. That is, if we take it, for example, to Spain, which has a population of approximately 45 million people, we would be talking about 6,570 murders of women per year.

12. Central African Republic

In this country, the insecurity caused by recent wars has generated an increase in the possibility of suffering some type of violence, including sexual violence. Furthermore, most medical centers do not have the capacity to treat the victims of this scourge, lacking both medical-health and psychological resources.

13. Argentina

It is one of the countries in South America that suffers from a higher rate of gender violence. The data available from this country is usually not entirely reliable, given that it is not easy to record all attacks. There is talk of a large number of murders of women for this reason. And although there is legislation that attempts to protect women, authorities face a very conservative view of gender roles.

14. Iraq

Iraq is another of the countries where women’s rights are constantly violated and where there is great permissiveness for the practice of gender violence, whether domestic or social. This leads us to levels of physical, psychological and sexual violence that are as high as they are intolerable, especially after the relatively recent war conflicts.

15. Mexico

Mexico is undoubtedly a country where the numbers of murders of women make us tremble. There is talk of more than 23,000 cases of murdered women in the last 10 years. Violence against women in the domestic environment is very internalized. Furthermore, there is a belief that socially it is not seen as a problem. An unfortunate culture of the macho man seems to be widespread.

16. Venezuela

According to official data, but taking into account that the figures are usually “made up”, it is said that almost 40% of women have suffered abuse in different areas: domestic, work and social. Nearly 200 murders were recorded in 2020 alone. But the most curious thing about the case is that there is no one convicted for this cause.

17. Guatemala

The United Nations Organization and its organization Mujeres y Care in Guatemala, indicated that in 2021, 69% of the women surveyed to obtain objective data on violence against women in that country, stated that they had suffered psychological violence, 55 % of them, also physical and 45% of the total economic violence. If we take these figures into account in a country where poverty is endemic, we could make a statistical extrapolation until we obtain results that would greatly exceed what the UN said.

18. Denmark

But you don’t have to leave Europe to find truly surprising data. In Denmark, a cultured and economically well-positioned country in the world ranking, there is a level of abuse and gender violence close to 48%. The female population claims to have suffered some type of violence, mainly in a family context, but also in the workplace.

19. Finland

Although it is a country that stands out in a large number of facets, including educational practices; The truth is that Finland is another of the European countries that shows a higher rate of gender violence. 47% of women claimed to have suffered some type of violence due to their sex. Curiously, it is also one of the countries that spends the most on developing protection policies and one of the least sexist. Which is positive, especially because he is clear that it is a scourge to eliminate and he will surely achieve it in the not too distant future.

20. United States

Although it is considered the most advanced country in the world, it is still on this list. The data show very high figures in terms of violence against women. Thus, according to a study carried out in 2021, an average of more than five women or girls were murdered every hour by someone in their own family. Of the 81,000 women and girls intentionally murdered that year, 45,000 (56%) died at the hands of their partners or other family members.

The data from some of these countries is terrifying and, divided by areas of influence, sheds light on the atrocious reality of women in the world. The analysis of the causes that cause all this exceeds the space of this report, but without a doubt these causes are not the same in all of them, but the concept “violence of men against women” underlies in a terrible way, whether this is cultural, religious or power issues.

Originally published at LaDamadeElche.com

An artificial intelligence was trained to recognize irony and sarcasm

An artificial intelligence was trained to recognize irony and sarcasm

Experts from New York University have trained an artificial intelligence based on large language models to recognize irony and sarcasm, reports the magazine “Computer Science”.

In artificial intelligence today, there are several language models that can analyze texts and guess their emotional tone – whether these texts express positive, negative or neutral emotions. Until now, sarcasm and irony were usually misclassified by them as “positive” emotions.

Scientists have identified features and algorithmic components that help artificial intelligence better understand the true meaning of what is being said. They then tested their work on the RoBERTa and CASCADE LLM models by testing them using comments on the Reddit forum. It turns out that neural networks have learned to recognize sarcasm almost as well as the average person.

On the other hand, the Figaro site reported that artists “infect” their works themselves in order to fool artificial intelligence (AI). The Glaze program, developed by the University of Chicago, adds a markup to the works that confuses the AI. Faced with data exploitation by AI, artists set a “trap” in their creations, rendering them unusable.

Paloma McClain is an American illustrator. AI can now create images in her style, even though McClane never gave her consent and will not receive any payment. “It confuses me,” says the artist, who lives in Houston, Texas. “I’m not famous, but I feel bad about that fact.”

To prevent the use of her works, she used Glaze software. Glaze adds invisible pixels to her illustrations. This confuses the AI because the software’s operation makes the images blurry.

“We’re trying to use technological capabilities to protect human creations from AI,” explained Ben Zhao of the University of Chicago, whose team developed the Glaze software in just four months.

Much of the data, images, text and sounds used to develop AI models are not provided after express consent.

Another initiative is that of the startup Spawning, which has developed software that detects searches on image platforms and allows the artist to block access to their works or submit another image instead of the one searched for. This “poisons” the AI’s performance, explains Spawning co-founder Jordan Mayer. More than a thousand sites on the Internet are already integrated into the network of the startup – Kudurru.

The goal is for people to be able to protect the content they create, Ben Zhao said. In the case of the Spawning startup, the idea is not only to have prohibitions against the use of the works, but also to enable their sale, explained Jordan Meyer. In his view, the best solution would be for all data used by AI to be provided with consent and for a fee.

Austria gives free public transport cards to 18-year-olds


The Austrian government allocated 120 million euros in this year’s budget for a free annual card for all types of transport in the country, and all 18-year-olds with a permanent address in the country are entitled to receive it.

The goal of this investment is “to get young adults used to using public transport, to discover its conveniences and thus contribute to the protection of the environment in the long term”.

Within a period of three years, until reaching the age of 21, young people are entitled to use this free annual card.

Environment Minister Leonore Gevesler of the Green Party introduced the “climate annual ticket” two years ago. For three euros a day, holders of this annual card can travel for free regardless of public transport, and the price for a year amounts to 1,095 euros. For adults over 65 years old, young people up to 25 years old and people with disabilities, the rate is lower – 821 euros. Currently, 245,000 people use Austria’s annual transport card. It is valid for one, two or three provinces, which also determines its price.

Illustrative Photo: Vienna Public Transport / City of Vienna

Women‘s tears contain chemicals that block male aggression


Women’s tears contain chemicals that block male aggression, a study by Israeli scientists found, cited by the electronic edition “Euricalert”.

Specialists from the Weizmann Institute of Science found that tears lead to a reduction in brain activity associated with aggression, which in turn limits such behavior in the representatives of the stronger sex. The effect occurs after men “smell” the tears.

Male aggression in rodents is known to be blocked when they smell the tears of female specimens. This is an example of social chemosignaling, a process that is common in animals but less common—or less well understood—in humans. To see if they have the same effect in humans, the researchers observed the impact of female emotional tears on a group of men who participated in a special game for two. For the purposes of the analysis, some of the volunteers were given saline instead of tears.

The game is designed to provoke aggressive behavior against an opponent perceived to be cheating. When given the opportunity, men can retaliate against a competitor by making him lose money. The representatives of the stronger sex do not know what they are smelling and cannot distinguish between tears and saline, which are odorless.

Aggressive behavior aimed at revenge during a game dropped by more than 40% after men had access to women’s emotional tears, according to Israeli data.

In the re-examination with magnetic resonance imaging, functional imaging showed two brain regions associated with aggression – the prefrontal cortex and the anterior insula. They are activated when men are provoked during the game, but they are not activated as much in the same situations when the representatives of the stronger sex are under the influence of tears. Moreover, it is clear that the greater the difference in this brain activity, the less often the opponent retaliates during the game.

The discovery of this link between tears, brain activity and aggressive behavior suggests that social chemosignaling is a factor in human aggression rather than just animal curiosity.

“We found that, just like in mice, human tears emit a chemical signal that blocks male aggression. This contradicts the notion that emotional tears are uniquely human,” noted the Israeli scientists, led by Shani Agron.

The research data is published in the open access journal PLOS Biology

What is tire pyrolysis and how does it affect health?


We introduce you to the term pyrolysis and how the process affects human health and nature.

Tire pyrolysis is a process that uses high temperature and the absence of oxygen to break down tires into carbon, liquid and gaseous products. This process is usually carried out in specialized installations called pyrolysis plants.

The basic idea of tire pyrolysis is to convert the rubber material into valuable products, such as carbon, liquid fuels (pyrolytic oil) and gases.

Under no circumstances should a pyrolysis plant be opened within the city limits. A tire pyrolysis plant will certainly cause harm to people’s health. The risks are not few, and anything that poses a risk to the health of the people in the city is a gamble that we should not take. The danger comes from the emissions from the installation and the main risks are two – to the health of people and to the ecosystem.


Let’s see what they are and how they affect.

The gaseous substances released from a tire pyrolysis plant are:

• CH₄ – Methane

• C₂H₄ – Ethylene

• C₂H₆ – Ethane

• C₃H₈ – Propane

• CO – Carbon monoxide (Carbon Monoxide)

• CO₂ – Carbon dioxide (Carbon Dioxide)

• H₂S – Hydrogen Sulfide

Source – https://www.wastetireoil.com/Pyrolysis_faq/Pyrolysis_Plant/can_the_exhaust_gas_from_waste_tire_pyrolysis_plant_be_recycled_1555.html#

Substances 1-4 are returned to burn in the reactor, fueling the pyrolysis process.

However, H₂S, CO, and CO₂ – hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide do not burn and are released into the atmosphere.


Here’s how they affect:

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

Only 1% of tire sulfur is found in the pyrolysis liquid, the rest is released into the atmosphere as hydrogen sulphide.

Source – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165237000000917

Hydrogen sulfide is one of the more well-known gases poisonous to human health. It is an extremely fast-acting, highly toxic, colorless gas with the smell of rotten eggs. At low levels, hydrogen sulfide causes eye, nose, and throat irritation. Moderate levels can cause headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, as well as coughing and difficulty breathing. Higher levels can cause shock, convulsions, coma and death. In general, the more severe the exposure, the more severe the symptoms.

Source – https://wwwn.cdc.gov/TSP/MMG/MMGDetails.aspx?mmgid=385&toxid=67#:~:text=At%20low%20levels%2C%20hydrogen%20sulfide,convulsions%2C%20coma%2C %20and%20death.

Also, in addition to human health, it also affects the environment. Hydrogen sulfide, entering the atmosphere, quickly turns into sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which accordingly causes acid rain.

Source- http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~qq002439/aferraro_sulphcycle.pdf

Needless to say, we should not take any action that in any way increases the levels of this poisonous gas near where we live.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Carbon monoxide is another poisonous gas that we also absolutely do not want in our homes.

It affects health through its reaction with hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is the compound that supplies cells with oxygen. The affinity of hemoglobin is more than 200 times higher for CO than for oxygen, so it replaces oxygen in the blood already at low concentrations, effectively leading to suffocation at the cellular level.

The effects on human health are diverse. At very high exposures, this gas can cause strokes, loss of consciousness and death of parts of the brain and the individual himself. At lower exposures, there are milder behavioral effects, eg impaired learning, decreased vigilance, impaired performance of complex tasks, increased reaction time. These symptoms also occur at levels inherent in a standard urban environment near busy intersections. Certain effects on the cardiovascular system are also observed.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide, in addition to being a greenhouse gas, is another gas that also has multiple health hazards in elevated amounts.

Source – https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-019-0323-1

Heavy metals

Pyrolysis at temperatures above 700 °C converts heavy metals such as Pb and Cd (lead and cadmium) from liquid to gaseous state.

Source – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7831513/#:~:text=It%20is%20known%20that%20Cd,heavy%20metals%20Cd%20and%20Pb.

Their harm to the human body has been widely documented for years and is clear to science.


Lead poisoning can cause reproductive problems in men and women, high blood pressure, kidney disease, digestive problems, nervous disorders, memory and concentration problems, a general decrease in IQ, and muscle and joint pain. There is also evidence that lead exposure can lead to cancer in adults.

Source – https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/resources/lead-and-health#:~:text=Lead%20poisoning%20can%20cause%20reproductive,result%20in%20cancer%20in%20adults.


Cadmium causes demineralization and weakening of bones, reduces lung function and can cause lung cancer.

Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19106447/#:~:text=Cd%20can%20also%20cause%20bone,the%20risk%20of%20lung%20cancer.

Of the six most critical environmental pollutants, tire pyrolysis produces 4 of them. They are lead, carbon monoxide, fine dust particles, and hydrogen sulfide. Only ozone and nitrogen dioxide are not produced.

Source – https://www.in.gov/idem/files/factsheet_oaq_criteria_pb.pdf


Pyrolysis is a dangerous process that should not be allowed near residential areas. Many articles can be found on the internet describing this process as ‘harmless and environmentally friendly’, but all of them are written by the companies that sell the equipment themselves. It is also described as the better option, rather than burning the tires in the open. This is an absurd comparison, as there are more sustainable ways of reusing tires. For example, cutting them and using them as a surface in an urban environment (for playgrounds, in parks, etc.), as well as they could be added to asphalt.

Pyrolysis clearly produces emissions that lead to harm to human health and the environment. No matter how much its effects are minimized, in any case it should not be allowed to be done near residential areas, let alone in the center of the city, following the model of heavily polluted countries like India and Pakistan.

In Russia, two poets heavily sentenced for a text hostile to the offensive in Ukraine

In Russia, two poets heavily sentenced for a text hostile to the offensive in Ukraine
Photo de Tong Su sur Unsplash

The repression of dissenting voices in Russia continues unabated as the year draws to a close. According to the Russian NGO OVD-Info, nearly 20,000 Russians have been arrested since the start of the conflict in Ukraine for protesting against Kremlin policies. And 783 individuals became defendants on the ANTI-WAR case by the end of November 2023

The latest victims: two poets who took part in a reading against the war in Ukraine, sentenced on December 28, 2023 by a Moscow court to five-and-a-half and seven-year prison terms. The two men were convicted of inciting hatred towards members of armed groups in the Donbass region and “public calls to commit activities against state security”.

In September 2022, a criminal case was opened against Artem Kamardin, Yegor Shtovba and Nikolai Daineko, three participants in a public poetry reading in Moscow, near the statue of the poet Mayakovsky, a traditional gathering place for government opponents and dissidents since Soviet times.
Kamardin read the poem “Kill me, militiaman”. The investigation found that the poet, with this poem, stirred up hatred towards “participants in hostilities in the LPR and DPR”.

According to the investigators, Kamardin called in verse for “not accepting” summonses from representatives of military registration and enlistment offices, “not signing” documents confirming receipt of summonses and “not appearing” on them.

Shtovbu and Daineko are considered Kamardin’s “accomplices” because they “repeated Kamardin’s work aloud”.

Daineko reached a pre-trial agreement during the investigation. His case was dealt with separately and, in May, he was sentenced to 4 years’ imprisonment in a general regime colony. After appeal, the sentence was confirmed.

Kamardin was sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment in a general-regime colony under articles on incitement to hatred and public calls for action against state security. Shtovba was sentenced to five and a half years in a general-regime colony on the same charges.

A dozen people were arrested near the court after the verdict was announced, including journalists and members of a support group.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== In Russia, two poets heavily sentenced for a text hostile to the offensive in Ukraine

Artem Kamardin’s wife, Alexandra Popova, was dragged out of the courtroom after shouting “Shame!” Then three other people were arrested as they left the courtroom, including SOTAvision correspondent Evgeniy Kurakin and a RusNews journalist who was later released. A support group published the video shot by Popova while she and the other detainees were in the police van.

Alexandra Popova was finally released from the Krasnoselsky district police department, she reported on the support group’s telegram channel.

According to her, the security forces are considering releasing some of the detainees. Three people were kept overnight for taking part in an unauthorized gathering near the courthouse.

The others arrested at the courthouse were released, but were charged with “violation of assembly procedure”.

RUSSIA, 6 and 4 years in prison for a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Shaping the Future, Belgium’s Agenda for the EU Presidency

blue and yellow star decor
Photo by bruno neurath-wilson on Unsplash

Let’s provide an overview of the key policy areas and responsibilities of the Belgian presidency of the European Union, highlighting its focus on various thematic areas such as enlargement, foreign affairs, economic governance, migration, health, social policy, green and digital transition, research and innovation, energy, environment, education, and culture.

Belgium’s Presidency of the European Union

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Shaping the Future, Belgium's Agenda for the EU PresidencyOverview of the Presidency’s Agenda

Belgium’s presidency of the European Union will prioritize key thematic areas such as enlargement, cohesion policy, and preparation for the next institutional cycle. Additionally, it will focus on multilateral cooperation, peace, security, and development in foreign affairs. The presidency also aims to address economic governance, financial support for Ukraine, and the VAT gap in economic & financial affairs.

Furthermore, it prioritizes migration and asylum reform, as well as combating organized crime and terrorism in justice and home affairs. In the health sector, efforts will be made towards strengthening the EU’s resilience to health threats and improving medicine supply. The presidency also emphasizes the need for a stronger social safety net and gender equality in employment and social policy.

Moreover, it places emphasis on the green and digital transition, fair competition for businesses, and future-ready policies in the internal market and industry. The agenda also includes a focus on open strategic autonomy, research valorization, and space activities in research, innovation, and space. Addressing energy security, affordability, and accelerating energy transition in the energy sector is another priority.

Lastly, the presidency is committed to addressing climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and implementing the European Green Deal in the environment sector.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Shaping the Future, Belgium's Agenda for the EU PresidencyKey Policy Areas

Belgium’s presidency will prioritize decisions related to EU enlargement for Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and the Western Balkans. It will also focus on regulations and considerations for genetically modified crops and food, with an emphasis on new genomic techniques and strict regulations.

Additionally, the presidency aims to coordinate essential goods, services, and workers during emergencies through the Single Market Emergency Instrument. Furthermore, it seeks to reduce legal battles over royalty rates through legislation on standard essential patents. The Net Zero Industry Act is also a key policy area, aiming to restore the EU’s green energy industries.

Moreover, the European Health Data Space will impact reshaping the sharing of health data for primary patient care and research. Proposed changes in the EU’s pharmaceutical rules and their implications for drugmakers are also on the agenda. The Right to Repair Directive aims to make it easier and cheaper for people to fix their broken electronics. Lastly, the presidency will work towards the objectives of the proposed 5G rollout plan and the Gigabit Infrastructure Act to allow a faster and cheaper rollout of 5G and fiber networks in Europe.

Responsibilities of the Belgian Presidency

The Belgian presidency plays a crucial role in driving forward the Council’s work on EU legislation and representing the Council in relations with other EU institutions. It chairs meetings in the Council and its preparatory bodies, and organizes formal and informal meetings. Additionally, the presidency collaborates closely with the President of the European Council and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Significance of Belgium’s Presidency

Belgium’s presidency of the European Union holds significance in a challenging time for the EU. It plays a vital role in defending the rule of law, democracy, and unity, as well as other thematic areas. The presidency aims to strengthen the EU and make progress in crucial areas such as climate change, economic growth, and social cohesion.


The Belgian presidency’s agenda encompasses a wide array of policy areas and responsibilities crucial for the EU’s future direction. It is essential to recognize and engage with the impact of the presidency on shaping the EU’s legislative and policy agenda, encouraging further awareness and involvement [1,2,4].

Scientists have developed a yarn inspired by polar bear fur


This fiber can be washed and dyed

A team of Chinese scientists has developed a yarn fiber with exceptional thermal insulation inspired by polar bear fur, Xinhua reports. According to a study published in the journal Science, this encapsulated airgel fiber is washable, dyeable, durable and can be used in modern textiles.

Airgel fibers generally lack the strength and stretch needed to be woven into fabrics and lose their insulating properties in wet or humid conditions. However, researchers at Zhejiang University took inspiration from polar bears’ unique fur, which effectively keeps them warm and dry. According to the study, fur hairs have a porous core enclosed within the dense structure of the sheath.

By mimicking the structure of the core and sheath of bear hair, the researchers created a tough airgel fiber with lamellar pores that effectively traps infrared radiation near the skin and retains its mechanical strength, making it suitable for knitting or weaving.

According to the study, the fiber retains its thermal insulation properties with minimal change even after 10,000 repeated stretching cycles at 100 percent loading. The research team tested the fiber in a thin sweater, which, despite being about one-fifth the thickness of a down jacket, has thermal insulation properties comparable to those of a thick jacket.

According to the researchers, this “thinned” clothing design provides rich opportunities for the development of multifunctional airgel fibers and textiles in the future.

Illustrative Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-photography-of-white-polar-bear-53425/