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Rights experts urge France to protect children from sexual abuse

Rights experts urge France to protect children from sexual abuse

The experts had previously written to the authorities after receiving information about three cases regarding allegations of sexual abuse of several children by their fathers and violations against the mothers who sought to protect them.

In addition, the experts found that, according to the allegations, the children were victims of sexual abuse or at high risk of sexual abuse at the hands of their fathers or alleged perpetrators against whom there was credible and disturbing evidence of incestuous sexual abuse.

Despite the allegations, and in the absence of adequate investigations, the children were placed in the custody of their fathers.

Abuse allegations undermined 

 “We are particularly concerned about the way in which the family court has allowed the alleged perpetrator to accuse the mother of parental alienation in order to undermine the allegations of sexual abuse of the children and divert attention from the alleged abuse to which they are subjecting their partners and children,” the experts said.

They urged the French authorities to respect the “precautionary principle” and the “due diligence principle” in child protection, particularly during legal proceedings, to allow for a preventive approach in cases of uncertainty and complexity.

The views of the child also must be sought and respected, and their best interests must be the main consideration before custody decisions are made in favour of one parent.

Boost law enforcement

The experts also highlighted the need to build the capacity of law enforcement and justice officials to effectively monitor and address human rights abuses affecting these children and their mothers. 

Urgent steps must be taken to alleviate the distressing situation in which children and their mothers are being negatively affected by the lack of adequate consideration for their needs,” they added.

The experts said they have been following the workings of France’s Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Abuse of Children (CIVIISE), whose findings confirm the concerns expressed to the Government.

Mechanism for complaints 

They urged the authorities to establish an effective child-friendly complaint handling system and an investigation mechanism to process victims’ complaints.

“These efforts, including in divorce and custody cases, are essential and should go hand in hand with effective coordination between law enforcement agencies and other service providers, keeping the best interests of the child at the centre of all proceedings or decisions affecting or concerning children,” they said.

Recalling that France is a party to UN treaties on children’s rights and eliminating discrimination against women, they urged the country to “implement its obligations under these international human rights instruments”. 

About UN experts 

The experts who issued the statement include Mama Fatima Singhateh, UN Special Rapporteur on the sexual abuse of children; Reem Alsalem, Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, as well as the members of the UN Working Group on discrimination against women and girls.

They receive their mandates from the UN Human Rights Council and are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.

They are not UN staff and are not paid for their work. 

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Stopping greenwashing: how the EU regulates green claims

Stopping greenwashing: how the EU regulates green claims

The EU aims to put an end to greenwashing, when companies claim to be greener than they are, and provide more information to consumers on the durability of products they buy.

In order to better protect consumers’ rights, promote environmentally-friendly decisions and create a circular economy that reuses and recycles materials, the European Parliament is working on an update of existing rules regarding commercial practices and consumer protection.

Banning greenwashing

Natural, eco, environmentally-friendly… Many products have these labels, but very often those claims are not proven. The EU wants to make sure that all information on a product’s impact on the environment, longevity, reparability, composition, production and usage is backed up by verifiable sources.

What is greenwashing?

  • The practice of giving a false impression of the environmental impact or benefits of a product, which can mislead consumers

To achieve that, the EU will ban:

  • generic environmental claims on products without proof
  • claims that a product has a neutral, reduced or positive impact on the environment because the producer is offsetting emissions
  • sustainability labels that are not based on approved certification schemes or established by public authorities

Promoting products’ durability

Parliament wants to make sure that consumers are fully aware of the guarantee period during which consumers can request a repair of faulty products at the expense of the seller. Under EU law, products have a guarantee of minimum two years. Updated consumer protection rules introduce a new label for products with an extended guarantee period.

The EU will also ban:

  • advertising goods that have design features that could reduce a product’s lifespan
  • making unproven durability claims in terms of usage time or intensity under normal conditions
  • presenting goods as repairable when they are not

86% of EU consumers want better information on the durability of products

Background and next steps

In March 2022, the European Commission proposed to update EU consumer rules to support the green transition. In September 2023, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on the updated rules.

MEPs approved the agreement in January 2024, while the Council has to approve it as well. EU countries will then have 24 months to incorporate the update into their national law.

What else is the EU doing to promote sustainable consumption?

The EU is working on other files with the aim to protect consumers and promote sustainable consumption:

  • Green claims: the EU wants to require companies to substantiate environmental claims by using a standard methodology
  • Ecodesign: the EU wants to introduce minimum standards in product development to make nearly all products on its market sustainable, durable and eco-friendly
  • Right to repair: the EU wants to guarantee the right of consumers to have products repaired and promote repairing over throwing away and buying new products.

5 Tech Companies That Are Shaping the Way We Travel

5 Tech Companies That Are Shaping the Way We Travel

Today, everyone recognizes that travel and technology are an ideal match. This relationship also makes a vital contribution to how we make hotel and flight reservations. It is so widespread that based on a Google Travel Study, over 74% of travelers make their trips online. This is why we are seeing an increase in the number of travel tech companies.

A mountain backpacker - illustrative photo.

A mountain backpacker – illustrative photo. Image credit: Philipp Kämmerer via Unsplash, free license

These travel tech companies have made planning for trips manageable and convenient for everyone. Modern-day travelers are also playing a key role in popularizing this trend. Tech travel companies like cozycozy are helping tourists plan their trips with just a few clicks. Whether you are looking for sustainable travel experiences or luxury vacations, these tech companies can satisfy your wanderlust. 

Lanes and Planes    

Lanes and Planes is an innovative platform that simplifies corporate travel management. The platform allows companies to manage their employees’ travel expenses via a centralized system. If your organization hasn’t yet implemented expense management software, you can always opt for Lanes and Planes.

Moreover, it is one of the first companies to offer a travel and expense management platform that is completely digital. You can now effectively address expense management fraud with Lanes and Planes. The company also has a mobile application your employees can use during their corporate trips. 


If you want to make your next trip delightful and memorable, cozycozy has got you covered. It is the most prominent hotel search and vacation rental comparison portal on the internet. Moreover, the company claims that it is the only search portal where you can compare a full range of accommodations.

We all know that the overall quality of the accommodation can make or break our travel experience. Cozycozy fully understands this pain point and aims to simplify your accommodation requirements when you travel worldwide. By comparing accommodation facilities on the company’s platform, you can find a place that best meets your needs.

When you plan a trip with multiple stops, there are higher chances of ending up with various tabs depicting different services. Cozycozy wants to simplify this process by aggregating numerous services in a single interface. So, on the company’s portal, you can find Airbnb listings, hostels, campsites, etc.

Note that the company doesn’t directly work with hotels. Moreover, it also doesn’t handle reservations directly. If you want to book an Airbnb, you will be redirected to the respective website. The platform always prioritizes the needs of its users and has more than 20 million active listings.


Duffel is a relatively new travel tech startup but has become popular among travelers. It has developed a flight booking portal that allows travel agencies to book flights directly with airlines. Moreover, Duffel has APIs that developers can utilize to integrate flight booking into the travel agency’s app.

So, if you are in the travel business, you’ll benefit from the APIs of Duffel. These feature-rich APIs can help you search, book, and sell flight tickets in a matter of few minutes. The company states that it wants to democratize the travel industry and make it accessible to all.


Limehome has been able to disrupt the conventional concept of hotels by offering fully furnished apartments to travelers. It is a Munich-based travel tech company that allows travelers to access short-term rental apartments. The company utilizes its proprietary operating portal to automate hotel processes.

The company is also responsible for streamlining pricing, booking, check-in, and other mundane processes to offer comfortable accommodations. It aims to target business and leisure travelers by converting commercial spaces into apartment hotels and operating them through its tech platform.

Indie Campers   

Indie Campers is a campervan rental agency that will let you book RVs for your road trip. It has a vast marketplace of more than 6000 RVs and campervans. So, if you are a big fan of making memories while on the go, Indie Campers is your best bet.

The process of renting a campervan from the platform is easy and straightforward. So, even if you are a first-time user, you won’t find any difficulty booking your RV from the company’s platform. 

So, these are the five tech companies that are simplifying the way we travel. All these companies have showcased a commitment to putting their customers at the center of their offerings. In the future, it is pretty evident that technology will play a pivotal role in how we explore different places.

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Gehenna as “Hell” in Ancient Judaism = The Historical Basis For A Powerful Metaphor (2)


By Jamie Moran

9. The belief in God eternally punishing his human ‘children’ by forsaking them in Gehenna/Hell is oddly parallel with the pagan worshipers sacrificing their children in fire in the Valley of Ge Hinnom. William Blake is clear that the ‘god’ of damnation is Satan the Accuser, not the ‘hidden father’ Yahweh.

Isaiah, 49, 14-15= “But Zion [Israel] said, Yahweh has forsaken me, my God has forgotten me.” Then Yahweh replies= “Can a woman forget her suckling child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.”

None the less, that does not mean Gehenna/Hell should be dismissed in polite company. It has a more powerful point, once free from the punitive misunderstanding.

10. One modern interpretation of Gehenna, which styles itself a ‘narrative historical’ hermeneutic, makes sense of many texts, Jewish and Christian, by understanding the iconography of Hell more in terms of Israel’s struggle with its pagan neighbours. God will vindicate the Jews, finally, whatever the beating they take on the way. So, after all that long historical and political struggle, in which the Jews are repeatedly the victim, at last, at the very end, Yahweh will support and prove, vindicate and laud, the Jews – and ‘give hell’ to their pagan persecutors.

This interpretation makes sense of Isaiah and Jeremiah as well, because it reads those references to the ‘Hell’ coming to Israel as a warning of the imminent fall of the Jewish nation and Exile to Babylon. Thus Jerusalem itself will become like Gehenna/Hell [Jeremiah, 19, 2-6; 19, 11-14] once it falls to the Assyrians. Why? Because when Israel falls, it will be like the Valley of Rubbish, fires will consume it, worms will feed off its corpses.

In short, the images of Hell as the place of “the unquenchable fire” [Mark, 9, 43-48, quoting from Isaiah] and the place “where the worm does not die” [Isaiah, 66, 24; also repeated by Jesus in Mark, 9, 44; 9, 46; 9, 48] refer not to somewhere, or some state of being, we go to after death, but are images of destruction, down-fall, in this life. Both Israel, and her Assyrian enemies, will come to this Hellish condition after they ‘tumble down’, and are brought to ruin. Their own addiction to evil will bring upon them this terrible ruin.

There are at least two very important aspects to this meaning of Hell as final destruction of the Evil Way – not punishment for those who give in to the Evil Way, yet definitely the end of what they valued, pursued, built up, by its power.

 [1] The warning that evil doing ‘comes to no good’ in the end is addressed not just to the Jews in their specific context, but to all of us in ever shifting contexts. The constant is that to fight the good fight and walk the good road is not simply difficult in itself, the hard way as the converse of the easy way, but more importantly, it is opposed by worldly forces, and the evil forces ‘secretly’ running them. Hell is ‘hidden’ in this world under cloaks of respectability, validation by human law which cares nothing for real ethical uprightness and tolerates ethical transgression, and an entire patina of poisoned fantasy images of ‘the good life in the earthly paradise’ that seduce and flatter to capture and corrupt human desire. In this situation, the people trying to live by ‘faith, truthfulness, justice, mercy’, are going to get a rough ride. The Way of Evil will prosper and rule, for a time, for a long time, and those opposing it, whether religious or not religious, will ‘get hell’ for their stand.

The imagery of Hell does not say those who opposed redemption will never be redeemed, so as to satisfy some childish urge for vengeance. It is really addressed to those working for redemption, and facing ‘an uphill battle.’ These workers in the spoiled vineyard, trying to make it flower again, have gambled their life on redemption, and to these it is disclosed= you will be vindicated, in the end. Whatever the set-backs, and ‘punishments’ to be put up with from the Evil One and his servants getting up to ‘wickedness in high places’, the leap of faith — its trust in the unknown and non-secured — must be maintained ‘despite everything.’ Carry on. Do not throw in the towel. Do not conform. Dare to ‘come out of the woodwork’, in standing up for Truth against the Lie. In this world, doing good and resisting passing on the evil done to you by doing the same evil to others, may not be respected or materially rewarded= more likely it will be punished; none the less this struggle is its own intrinsic reward, and significantly, it will ‘win out’ over the longer haul.

For people who serve nothing but falsity and lovelessness, their lives, their works, their successes in evil and edifices of vainglory, will end in whole scale and pitiless destruction.

This destruction will be in some sense a ‘final verdict’ on the betrayal of truth, and rejection of love, in such life-projects.

This need not have any implications for an afterlife, given the Jewish emphasis on the ultimate importance of this world, not just the spirit world, on the body, not just the soul, on the composite creation, not just on some supposedly better part of it as opposed to a worse part..

 [2] Never the less, even if Hell speaks of the mysterious spiritual power that will be fiercely active in the End Game, it does have one very important implication for the afterlife. It does not imply eternal punishment for evil doing, but it does warn the evil doer of two realities easy to sweep under the carpet. [a] Not only that they will, in the end, ‘leave nothing behind’ as a testament to their time in this world — their legacy to the world will be that they contributed nothing to its redemption and therefore their time in the here and now leaves only a record of guilt and shame. [b] But also that it is not possible to go into the everlasting, in the direct presence of God, with filth, with rubbish, with untruth, with lovelessness. It is not that God punishes us for having done X, Y, Z. It is that such is the divine truth, and the divine love, anything untrue and unloving cannot ‘abide’ in it. In this life, we can hide from truth, and hide from love, and seem, for a while, ‘to get away with it.’ To leave this life is to be stripped naked. No more hiding. The truth of our truthfulness or untruth, our attempt to love or evasion of love, is revealed. It is more than revealed= it cannot survive ‘forever.’ It had a brief ‘shelf life’, but it cannot go into the everlasting.

This is a way of speaking about what we take with us out of this world. We may own a house, a yacht, a car, but ‘you cannot take it with you.’ We are only custodians for a brief moment of these worldly things. Is there anything we can take into the everlasting from our life in this world which will survive in that new environment? Only the deeds of truth and love can ‘go on.’ These will be our robes of honour that we do take with us. Obviously, if we are heavily identified with and invested in untruth and lovelessness, then dying will be a shock, because all that we put such value in, such hope in, will be shown up as worthless, and ephemeral. When it burns up like yesterday’s newspaper in fire, ‘we will have nothing left.’ We will, in that case, enter the everlasting as the real paupers.

11. In Isaiah, Hell is called “the burning place” [Isaiah, 30, 33], and that this burning is ‘accursed’ speaks of something not so concrete as a ruined city after an invading army has sacked it, something more powerful and mysterious.

The historical-narrative hermeneutic should itself not be pushed too literally. Downfall, or destruction, has spiritual and existential meanings as well as a definite political and historical context. What unites all these meanings is what ‘destruction’ really means to, and in, the human heart.

God does not punish, only the devil punishes, and therefore the devil is the architect of the ‘reward and punishment scenario’, as the ‘false god’ of idolatry who demands sacrificing our very humanity for the sake of Mammon. Satanic religiosity is inhuman, anti-human, and in this stance, attacks, and indeed sacrifices, the childlike in everyone. The child is too vulnerable and bendable, too bold and stroppy, too much a mixture of wheat and tares= Satanic religion wants this paradoxical mixture of our basic humanity ‘sorted out’, decided ‘one way or the other way’, and uses the threat of eternal banishment and eternal torture to enforce in this life a premature and harsh division of lambs and goats. The Satanic religion solves it, by deciding in advance of God making any judgement, who is ‘in’ and who is ‘out.’ The ‘in’ are cramped in heart, kow towing to the Satanic Threat; the ‘out’ are more expansive, conflicted, mixed, in heart, but can ‘get there’ in the end, according to God’s judgement. God reads the heart.

God neither condemns, too early, the human heart, nor does he tolerate its lapsing.

God does not punish. But, God certainly does destroy.

Evil is destroyed, if not blatantly [historically-politically], then more inwardly [psychologically-spiritually], because the evil we do puts our own heart ‘in Hell.’

What all of these meanings converge in is the stark reality that the fire of untruth in the human heart cannot ‘eternally abide’ in the Fire of Truth. Thus whether the burning of Truth that consumes untruth happens in this life, or happens after we die, either way, it is an inevitable fate. The heavenly experience of this Fire of Spirit is joy and intensity of passion; the hellish experience of the same Fire of Spirit is torment of passion. ‘No rest for the wicked’= the torment is never at rest, never allows us peace.

The torment arises and then goes ‘on and on’ when we are lying to ourself and to humanity and to God, clinging on to our untruth, resisting its exposure, and repudiating the necessity to let it go, to let it, like the trash it is, be burned up and given over to the worms to feed on.

This chance for purgation starts in our life on earth, and maybe continues into an afterlife.. Let’s hope we take the opportunity for purgation, after death, if we have evaded it in life.

12. But why care about any distinction between the burning of God’s Fire that is heavenly or hellish, depending on our embrace or repudiation of it? Why not say, so what? What is the big deal? Let’s drop the fuss.. Let’s chill out..

The Hell into which untruth in the heart and its deeds brings us can only be ignored, or lightly dismissed, if actions do not matter.

If actions do not matter, then the heart does not matter.

If the heart does not matter, then the ‘organ of fire’ through which God wants to come into the world he has made is lost.

That would be catastrophic. Punishment for wrongs is Satanic. By contrast, it does matter that the evil in the heart, and in the deeds it does in the world, has dire consequences, for the doer and for everyone else.

Most of all, it matters for God, if the human heart is indeed to become the throne-chariot of God’s coming to the world.

Hence, untruth getting burned up in the Fire of Truth is a necessity for the completion of humanity’s calling to be the doorway through which God enters the world.

Hell is in the abysses of the human heart.

13. It is important, given this existential understanding of Hell, to note the way in which Jesus refers to Gehenna 11 times in the New Testament.

One of the motifs he repeats again and again is that it is better to be injured, or incomplete, if this prevents going into Hell, rather than being whole and using this health, talent, strength, to pursue wickedness. “It is better for you that one of the parts of your body perish, than for your whole body to be thrown into Gehenna” [Mathew, 5, 29; also= Mathew, 5, 30; 10, 28; 18, 9; 23, 15; 23, 33; Mark, 9, 43; 9, 45; 9, 47; Luke, 12, 5].

This points in a new direction— to the Cross.

Through our injury, through our incompletion, we may be stopped from ‘potent’ adherence to evil. If we can be broken enough to reach the heart-break in us and in everyone, deep down in the heart, we can then embrace the Cross.

In the heart-break, we are ‘in a better position’ to embrace the Cross.

The Cross undercuts Hell in the deeps of all humanity. Thus, the Cross ends the Dualism of ‘Heaven and Hell.’

This is not widely known in Christianity, because few Christians have been called to walk the extreme Way of the Cross.  

Arguably the first to try it out was the Good Thief, who died on the Cross next to Christ. This man was not righteous, but admitted to being unrighteous. On any strict Dualist Judgement of his ‘worthless’ life, he must be headed after death not for paradise, but for Gehenna. Yet the Cross has a reversal whereby the thief, the unrighteous, could come in to the kingdom of the redeemed first, before the righteous. The righteous ‘don’t need the Cross’ – but that is their loss. If they do not embrace it, they miss out on what puts an End to ‘Heaven versus Hell’ by undercutting Hell from within its own root in the human heart in the fathomless abyss.

Jesus had to enter Jerusalem, and go through his Passion, to know the Cross would end Hell.. Heaven versus Hell is a relative truth, like Karma, because it takes seriously the truth or lie in our actions, and thus in the heart from which all action comes; in the Cross, it is reversed, and does not become the eternal truth. A different truth, won from suffering and reversal, emerges from the bottomless abysses where Hell had been ‘hidden.’

The Jews understood Hell as the converse of ‘the kingdom come.’ Yes= in Hell, we realise we betrayed redemption in this world, and thus our remorse and self reproach bites into our heart terribly.

But the Cross ends this Hell of the heart that convicts itself, because its Way Through is a Way of Failure, and Heart-brokenness. This is why in Hell is God’s secret, or ‘hidden wisdom.’

It is the devil who wills Hell to be ‘the end of the road’ for humanity. Hell is a spiritual dustbin where the rejects are thrown away, and the more full to the brim Hell is with the human trash, the better the devil likes it.

Anyone who has a heart can be redeemed= in Hell, and through Hell. Hell becomes, by the Cross, the process of ‘coming through.’

The moment of worst crisis in the burning is often the moment of the most dramatic turn around. In some people’s depths, you can hear the change-over like a summer tornado suddenly in your back yard. In other people’s depths, it happens imperceptibly, like the gentlest spring rain.

Deep concern over Afghan arrests, UN commits to stay and deliver in Mali, new migrant support plan

World News in Brief: Deep concern over Afghan arrests, UN commits to stay and deliver in Mali, new migrant support plan
© WFP/Mohammad Hasib Hazinyar - A mothers brings her malnourished daughter to a nutrition clinic in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Since 1 January, in Kabul and Daykundi provinces, UNAMA has documented a series of hijab decree enforcement campaigns by the de facto Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, aided by Taliban police units.

In the capital, Kabul, large numbers of women and girls have been warned and detained, said the mission in a press statement. Some have also been detained in Nili City in Daykundi province.

World News

UNAMA is looking into allegations of ill treatment and detention. Religious and ethnic minority communities also appear to be disproportionately impacted by the clamp down.

To secure release, a mahram, or male guardian, has been required to sign a letter guaranteeing future compliance or else face punishment, and it’s alleged that payments have sometimes been demanded, UNAMA reported.


“Enforcement measures involving physical violence are especially demeaning and dangerous for Afghan women and girls,” said Roza Otunbayeva, Special Representative of the Secretary General and head of UNAMA.

“Detentions carry an enormous stigma that put Afghan women at even greater risk,” Ms. Otunbayeva said. “They also destroy public trust.”

UNAMA has discussed these issues with the de facto authorities and calls for the immediate release of those detained.

Greater funding needed for Malians following UN mission’s withdrawal

Although UN agencies were able to reach more than 1.8 million people in Mali last year, more funding and commitment to long-term development is needed following the drawdown of the UN mission at the end of December, according to UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric.

UN peacekeepers from Chad arrive in Gao bringing an end to the UN’s presence in the Kidal region of northern Mali.

Briefing reporters in New York on Thursday, he stressed that the UN and partners were “committed to staying and delivering principled assistance and protection services” despite the gap left by the end of the peacekeeping mission at the request of Mali’s military authorities.

He said the UN would continue working with national authorities, Malian organizations and local communities, “but to keep the response going, agencies urgently need support for critical enabling services such as logistics, mine action and security”.

“In some locations, these services were of course being provided previously in part by the UN peacekeeping mission,” he added.

He noted that nearly two million Malians had received assistance last year despite the already “escalating insecurity” in parts of the country, much of which is plagued by armed extremists following more than a decade of unrest and political upheaval.

Agencies also need full funding for this year’s humanitarian response, Mr. Dujarric said. The full response plan will be launched at the end of this month and is expected to require $700 million through 2024 – a 10 per cent decrease from 2023 – “which reflects a more prioritized focus on the country’s most severe needs”, he said.

While humanitarian aid remains essential, more will be needed to address future challenges, including development assistance and social cohesion programmes, he said.

UN launches plan to save migrant lives, promote legal pathways

A lack of safe and legal pathways for migrants has left many vulnerable to abuse and deadly assault, according to the UN migration agency (IOM), which launched a new strategy on Thursday designed to assist them.

Speaking at the launch, IOM Director General Amy Pope insisted that it was crucially important to reduce the risks and impacts of climate change, which has become “the top driver” of migration.

Conflict and growing inequality have also increased migration pressures today, said Ms. Pope, who was speaking from N’Djamena in Chad. It’s there that many of the seven million people displaced by violence in neighbouring Sudan have now settled.

IOM said in a statement that its strategic plan is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and that the agency is using innovation and technology “to help migrants, their families, communities, and societies flourish”.

“There is not a corner of the globe that is not touched by, or is in some way invested in, the issue of migration,” the IOM chief said.

Father Alexey Uminsky was deposed for refusing to read the “military prayer”


On January 13, the Moscow Diocesan Church Court announced its decision in the case of Father Alexei Uminsky, depriving him of his priestly rank. Today was the third session of the court, as Fr. Alexey didn’t show up for it. According to the rules of the ecclesiastical court, at the third meeting the decision can be taken without the presence of the “accused”.

According to the decision “… in accordance with Art. 45, para. 3 of the Regulations for the Ecclesiastical Court of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate): it is recognized that, based on Apostolic Rule 25, Father Alexey Uminsky is subject to deprivation of rank for violation of the priestly oath (perjury) – and more precisely, refusal to fulfill the patriarchal blessing to read the prayer for Saint Rus at the divine Liturgy”.

The decision was sent to Patriarch Kirill for approval.

This is the second Moscow priest to be stripped of his priesthood for refusing to read the so-called “war prayer” included in the Liturgy after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The first was Fr. John Koval, who instead of “victory” prayed for “peace”. Unlike Fr. Ioan Koval, who was not a public figure, Fr. Alexey Uminsky is a preacher known throughout the country, a clergyman with great authority in Moscow. His sermons and articles have been published in various languages. In his defense, an open letter was sent to Patriarch Kirill, signed by more than ten thousand people, including 29 priests and 12 deacons. Predictably, their letter went unheeded.

The authorities insist on reading the prayer for the “Victory of Holy Russia” during the Liturgy for two reasons: first, it is an expression of loyalty to the policy of the Kremlin and the Moscow Patriarchate that supports it; at the same time, secondly, it is part of the complex of measures that are being pushed through the Orthodox Church in Russia to militarize society. The ROC has been assigned the important ideological role of presenting Russian aggression against Ukraine as a metaphysical event of a religious nature and thus justifying it.

Over 450,000 children institutionalized across Europe, Central Asia

Over 450,000 children institutionalized across Europe, Central Asia

The UN Children’s Fund’s investigation, Pathways to Better Protection, reveals that children with disabilities account for up to 87 per cent of those in care, where data is available.

And the numbers of unaccompanied and separated children seeking asylum in such institutions in western Europe is on the rise.

“We have a long way to go before ending Europe and Central Asia’s long and painful legacy of institutionalizing children,” said Regina De Dominicis, UNICEF director for the region.

Children in institutions often struggle to form positive relationships throughout childhood and adulthood, leaving them feeling isolated and lonely.

Moreover, those in residential care, particularly from a young age, may experience cognitive, linguistic, and other developmental delays, making them more susceptible to falling foul of the the legal system, and being institutionalized again.

Table of Contents

Some positives

Despite these challenges, the UNICEF report highlights some positive trends.  

In Bulgaria, Moldova, and Georgia, family-based care has become the norm versus formal alternative care, thanks to Government policies and increased investment.

In Türkiye and Romania, investments in prevention, family support, and foster care promotion have led to a reduction in the number of children in certain types of residential care facilities.

However, the report underscores the lack of progress for children with disabilities. In countries with available data, figures increased in all settings between 2015 and 2021.


To conform with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and the UN Guidelines on Alternative Care, UNICEF emphasized the need for the systematic closure of large-scale institutions used to house and educate children.

This includes replacing residential facilities for children with disabilities, or unaccompanied and separated children, with high-quality family and community-based care.

UNICEF called for increased resources to support early identification and intervention for at-risk children, a robust social service workforce, family support services to prevent unnecessary family separation, and quality foster care for children in need of protection.

The agency stressed the importance of reallocating resources from institutional care to family and community-based care and ensuring investments in quality data.

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BMW to Deploy Humanoid Robots – Rivals to the Famous Teslabot

BMW to Deploy Humanoid Robots – Rivals to the Famous Teslabot

Robotics startup Figure has announced a partnership with BMW Manufacturing to introduce its humanoid robots to the carmaker’s U.S. facility.

Humanoid robot produced by Figure.

Humanoid robot produced by Figure.

This collaboration reflects a growing trend among companies leveraging human-like robots for specific physical tasks. Tesla’s humanoid robot Optimus Bot (aka Teslabot) attracted a lot of attention during its reveal last year, but obviously, this model is not the only one on the market, and an increasing number of companies are starting to explore the possibility of working with that kind of autonomous or semi-autonomous robotic equipment.

The deal, Figure’s first commercial agreement since its 2022 founding, entails an initial deployment of a limited number of robots, with potential expansion based on performance targets. The details about the precise quantity remain undisclosed. However, it is known that Figure’s humanoids will be integrated into BMW’s manufacturing processes in Spartanburg, South Carolina, over the next 12-24 months.

A short demonstration of the Figure’s humanoid robot can be seen below:

This BMW’s manufacturing facility in Spartanburg is the largest automotive exporter in the U.S., employing 11,000 people. Over the first stage of adoption (which entails the aforementioned 12-24 month period), the humanoids will undergo training to execute specific tasks, integrating into various manufacturing processes such as the body shop, sheet metal, and warehouse.

Brett Adcock, Figure’s CEO, emphasized the careful design of the robots to ensure safety alongside humans. The collaboration with BMW on manufacturing automation is seen by the producer as a significant validation for Figure in the robotics space.

Car manufacturers, including Honda and Hyundai, have been exploring the application of humanoid robots to handle repetitive and hazardous tasks on assembly lines. Tesla recently introduced its latest humanoid, Optimus Gen 2, with Elon Musk envisioning a future with a billion humanoid robots by the 2040s.

The surge in interest from investors focuses on general-purpose humanoid robots equipped with AI-powered software, capable of diverse movements and learning new tasks akin to humans. While current robots are task-specific, the short-term viability of more flexible robots for a broader range of services in real-life scenarios remains uncertain.

Written by Alius Noreika

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The Hungarian government threatens EU values, institutions, and funds, MEPs say

The Hungarian government threatens EU values, institutions, and funds, MEPs say
Sitting of 17-01-2024 - Situation in Hungary and frozen EU funds (joint debate – European Council meetings)

Parliament condemns the deliberate, continuous and systematic efforts of the Hungarian government to undermine the EU’s founding values.

In a resolution adopted on Thursday with 345 votes for, 104 against and 29 abstentions, MEPs express strong concern about the further erosion of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary, in particular through the recently adopted so-called ‘national sovereignty protection’ package – which has been compared with Russia’s infamous ‘foreign agents law’.

Violations of the EU Treaties

Regretting the Council’s failure to apply the Article 7 (1) procedure (following Parliament’s activation of the mechanism in 2018), Parliament calls on the European Council to determine whether Hungary has committed “serious and persistent breaches of EU values” under the more direct procedure of Article 7(2). MEPs also condemn the actions of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who last December blocked the essential decision to revise the EU’s long-term budget, including the Ukraine aid package, “in full disrespect and violation of the EU’s strategic interests and in violation of the principle of sincere cooperation”. The EU must not give in to blackmail, they highlight.

Protecting EU funds

Parliament regrets the Commission’s decision to release up to €10.2 billion of previously frozen funds, despite Hungary not fulfilling the demanded reforms for judicial independence and the Commission recently prolonging the application of Conditionality Regulation measures.

Further, MEPs condemn the reported systemic discriminatory practices against academia, journalists, political parties and civil society when allocating funds. They regret the use of manipulated public procurement procedures, takeover bids by the government and entities with ties to the Prime Minister, and the use of EU funds to enrich the government’s political allies.

The measures required to release EU funding under different rules must be treated as a single package, and no payments should be made if deficiencies persist in any area. Parliament will look into whether legal action should be pursued to overturn the decision to partially unfreeze funds, and notes that it can use an array of legal and political measures if the Commission is in breach of its duties as the guardian of the Treaties and to protect the EU’s financial interests.

The upcoming Hungarian Presidency of the Council

In light of these issues, Parliament questions if the Hungarian Government will be able to fulfil its duties in the second half of 2024, warning that, if the position of President of the European Council is vacant, those duties would fall to the Hungarian Prime Minister during the country’s six-month Presidency of the Council. MEPs ask the Council to find proper solutions to mitigate these risks, and call for reforms to the Council’s decision-making process, to end the abuse of the right of veto and blackmail.

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Fundamental rights report finds threats to key freedoms, equality and dignity

Fundamental rights report finds threats to key freedoms, equality and dignity | News

MEPs looked into the state of citizens’ rights in the EU in 2022 and 2023, identifying an array of concerns about fin fundamental rights in all member states.

The report on the state of fundamental rights in the EU was approved with 391 votes in favour, 130 against, and 20 abstentions.

MEPs call for justice for the killing of journalists and welcome the agreement on the media freedom act. They reiterate their concern over the use of spyware, highlighting the need to regulate the industry strictly and calling on EU countries, in particular Greece, Hungary, Poland, Spain, and Cyprus, to follow Parliament’s recommendations on this front.

Backsliding on women’s and LGBTIQ+ rights

The text recalls that gender-based violence is highly prevalent in all EU countries and strongly condemns the rapid backsliding on women’s and LGBTIQ+ rights in several member states, including the denial of access to safe and legal abortion in Poland.

In the case of Hungary, Parliament calls on the European Council to determine whether Hungary has committed serious and persistent breaches of EU values under Article 7(2) TEU, and strongly deplores the systematic scapegoating of the LGBTQI+ community by the authorities. Parliament once again calls for the negotiations on a directive to combat violence against women and domestic violence to be concluded swiftly and for gender-based violence to be included in the list of EU crimes.

Increasing level of corruption

Parliament expresses deep concern over the increasing level of corruption in several EU countries and reiterates its condemnation of alleged incidents involving high-level officials and politicians, including current and former MEPs. The EU anti-corruption framework and the Whistleblower Protection Directive must be fully implemented in the member states, and an independent ethics body is needed at EU level, MEPs point out. Parliament also speaks against government attempts to influence judicial independence and calls for effective checks and balances.

Other areas of concern include:

  • threats to freedoms of association, speech and assembly, including police violence and mass arrests;
  • disinformation and the need to ensure artistic freedom;
  • religion-based and racist incidents and that not all member states have fully transposed the framework decision on racism and xenophobia;
  • police violence against Romani persons;
  • widespread fundamental rights violations against migrants and refugees, and the codification of pushbacks into national law;
  • children’s right to equal recognition of parenthood across the EU;
  • the risk of biases built into new technologies, including AI;
  • social, economic, and environmental rights (e.g. poverty and social exclusion, digital poverty); and
  • improving institutional safeguards (including establishing the Fundamental Rights Agency as an independent human rights authority).


Rapporteur Katarina Barley (S&D, Germany) commented: “Fundamental rights violations are widespread in EU member states. Times of crises are like a litmus test in this regard, as the respect for fundamental rights cannot depend on favourable economic and societal conditions. They are not optional; they are the essence of our societies and a core founding value of the EU.”