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On the meaning of commemorating the dead

old hourglass and antique book with open pages

“In front of the uncovered relics of St. Theodosius of Chernigov (1896), the priest who was dressing the relics, tired, dozed off and saw the saint in front of him, who said to him: “Thank you for working hard for me. I am still begging you when you serve liturgy, pray for my parents”. And he called their names – Nikita the priest and Maria. “Why do you ask me for this, saint, do you want a prayer from me, when you yourself stand before the Throne of Heaven and give the mercy of God to people?” – asked the priest “Yes, it is true, but the liturgical offering is stronger than my prayer,” St. Theodosius replied.

Memorial services, home prayers, and good deeds in their memory, such as almsgiving, donations to the Church, are extremely useful for the dead, but the mention of the Divine Liturgy is especially useful. There are many testimonies and events confirming this usefulness. Many who died with repentance, but failed to manifest it during their lifetime, were freed from torment and received repose. The church always offers prayers for the repose of the dead, even on the day of St. A spirit with kneeling prayers, at vespers there is also a special prayer for those “held in hell”. Each of us who wants to show our love for the dead and give them real help can do it by praying for them, especially with reference to the Holy Liturgy, when particles for the dead and the living are dropped into the Chalice of the Blood of the Lord with the words: “Wash away, Lord, the sins of those mentioned here, where Your Blood is, through the prayers of Your saints.” There is nothing better and greater we can do for them than to give them their names to be mentioned at the liturgy. They always need it, but especially during those 40 days when the soul of the deceased passes on the way to the eternal abodes. Then the body feels nothing, does not see the gathered loved ones, does not smell the fragrance of the flowers, does not hear the eulogies. But the soul feels the prayers offered to it, is grateful to their offerers and feels spiritually close to them.

Relatives and friends of the deceased! Do for them whatever is necessary and according to your power. Do not spend money on external decorations of graves and tombs, but on helping the needy, in memory of the relatives of the deceased, on the church where prayers are offered for them. Show mercy to the deceased, take care of his soul. We all have this path ahead of us – how then can we want to be mentioned in prayer! Let us be merciful to the dead. As soon as someone dies, call a priest to read him “Succession at the exit of the soul”, which should be read to every Orthodox immediately after his death. Try to have the funeral service in the church itself, and until then read the Psalter to him. The funeral may not be performed sumptuously, but solemnly in its full part, without abbreviations; think not of your own comforts, but of the deceased, to whom you are forever saying goodbye. If at that time there are several deceased in the church, do not refuse to sing them together. It will be better if there are two or three deceased, so that the prayer of all the relatives together will be even more fervent than if they are chanted separately, tired and shortening the service. Every prayer will be like another drop of water for the thirsty. See to it that Lent is performed for the dead. In churches where daily services are held, the dead are commemorated during these 40 days and even more. If the deceased is buried in a church where there is no daily service, then the relatives should take care to find one and order a Pentecost service there.

Also, it is good that their names be given for reading in the monasteries of Jerusalem or in other holy places. But the important thing is that the Lent should be ordered immediately after the death, when the soul is especially in need of prayer help.

Let us take care of those who go to the other world before us, let us do all we can for them, remembering that “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.”

Sikh Community concerned About French President Macron’s Attendance at India’s Republic Day Event

Sikh Community concerned About French President Macron’s Attendance at India’s Republic Day Event
© 2024. The World Sikh News

Pro-Sikh freedom organization has shared a poignant letter written to French President Emmanuel Macron, the missive expressed the Sikh community’s disappointment it urged President Macron to address crucial issues during his visit.

A few days before India’s Republic Day on January 26, the pro-Sikh freedom organization Dal Khalsa has shared a poignant letter written to French President Emmanuel Macron was the chief guest at India’s 75th Republic Day celebrations. The missive expressed the Sikh community’s disappointment it urged President Macron to address crucial issues during his visit. The organization’s appeal is a critical plea for international intervention in the Sikh community’s ongoing struggle for justice and recognition. WSN reports.

The cir­cum­stances and de­vel­op­ments in the last year have seen Sikh bod­ies go­ing in­ter­na­tional in their ap­proach to ad­dress­ing burn­ing is­sues con­cern­ing Sikh iden­tity and Sikh rights in a con­certed at­tempt to re­solve the po­lit­i­cal con­flict be­tween Sikhs and In­dia.

Dal Khal­sa’s let­ter to Pres­i­dent Macron, sent through the French Am­bas­sador in In­dia, penned by the par­ty’s Sec­re­tary for Po­lit­i­cal Af­fairs, Kan­war Pal Singh, high­lights the global scrutiny of the In­dian gov­ern­men­t’s role in transna­tional re­pres­sion.

The or­ga­ni­za­tion voices the Sikh com­mu­ni­ty’s con­cerns, stat­ing, “Your ac­cep­tance to be the chief guest at In­di­a’s Re­pub­lic Day cel­e­bra­tions has acutely dis­ap­pointed the Sikhs world­wide.”

 “Sikhs are fac­ing a live threat to their ex­is­tence and iden­tity, not only in Pun­jab and In­dia but also in other coun­tries. Now that you have de­cided and as per­haps there is no look­ing back, we urge you to have a di­a­logue with your In­dian coun­ter­part In­dian Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi dur­ing your visit to New Delhi on transna­tional tar­geted killings of Sikhs, im­ple­ment­ing equal pris­oner norms and laws in the coun­try, restor­ing re­spect for hu­man rights and es­pe­cially em­pha­siz­ing the Sikh de­mand for amend­ing In­di­a’s con­sti­tu­tion to give rest­less peo­ples of var­i­ous na­tion­al­i­ties the right to self-de­ter­mi­na­tion un­der UN covenants.”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Sikh Community concerned About French President Macron’s Attendance at India’s Republic Day Event
Sikh Community concerned About French President Macron’s Attendance at India’s Republic Day Event 2

Dal Khalsa has em­pha­sized the se­vere threat to Sikh ex­is­tence and iden­tity, not only in Pun­jab and In­dia but glob­ally, cit­ing in­stances of ex­tra­ju­di­cial killings by In­dian se­cret ser­vice agents. The let­ter re­it­er­ates the Sikh com­mu­ni­ty’s strug­gle in Pun­jab for Sikh sov­er­eignty.

Sikhs are fac­ing a live threat to their ex­is­tence and iden­tity,
not only in Pun­jab and In­dia but also in other coun­tries.


Fur­ther­more, Kan­war Pal Singh has high­lighted that while In­dia marks 26 Jan­u­ary with pomp and glory, In­di­a’s mi­nori­ties and na­tion­al­i­ties, in­clud­ing Sikhs, ob­serve it as ‘Black Re­pub­lic Day’ due to In­di­a’s dis­crim­i­na­tory and fas­cist poli­cies.

Re­it­er­at­ing its re­solve to place things in proper per­spec­tive, Dal Khalsa has an­nounced a peace­ful protest march in Moga on Jan­u­ary 26, to re­call and re­it­er­ate the con­sti­tu­tional in­jus­tices and dis­crim­i­na­tion faced by mi­nori­ties, in­clud­ing Sikhs.

Dal Khal­sa’s cor­re­spon­dence with Pres­i­dent Macron also touches upon re­cent in­ter­na­tional in­ci­dents, in­clud­ing the as­sas­si­na­tion of Cana­dian Sikh ac­tivist Hard­eep Singh Ni­j­jar and the in­dict­ment of an In­dian na­tional in the US for plot­ting against US cit­i­zen Gur­pat­want Singh Pannu. These events, ac­cord­ing to Dal Khalsa, have placed In­dia un­der sus­pi­cion, with the group ex­press­ing fears and ap­pre­hen­sions re­gard­ing In­di­a’s re­sponse to these in­ci­dents.

Not stop­ping at just the par­tic­i­pa­tion of the vis­it­ing dig­ni­tary at the 26 Jan­u­ary events, Dal Khalsa has ques­tioned the French gov­ern­men­t’s con­tin­u­ous sup­port for In­di­a’s bid to join the UN Se­cu­rity Coun­cil.

Speak­ing to World Sikhs News, with­out minc­ing words, Kan­war Pal Singh said, “If with­out a seat at the high­est level at the United Na­tions, In­dia is un­tame­able and un­ac­count­able, should In­dia gain a foothold at the Se­cu­rity Coun­cil, we shud­der to think of the con­se­quences  that will be­fall mi­nori­ties and na­tion­al­i­ties, en­dan­ger­ing peace in South Asia ex­press­ing con­cerns over po­ten­tial threats to mi­nor­ity rights and peace in South Asia.”

“The carte blanche en­dorse­ment of In­di­a’s at­tempt to be a mem­ber of the UN Se­cu­rity Coun­cil by the gov­ern­ment of France un­der­scores the need for bet­ter com­pre­hen­sion of the pos­si­ble de­struc­tion In­dia can cause to peo­ples’ rights.”

As French Sikh res­i­dents, in­clud­ing cit­i­zens, face se­ri­ous mis­han­dling of their iden­tity is­sues with var­i­ous gov­ern­ment de­part­ments in France, Kan­war Pal Singh also sought the vis­it­ing dig­ni­tary’s in­ter­ven­tion to re­spect Sikh iden­tity and make lo­cal munci­pal and state reg­u­la­tions ac­cord­ingly.

With this timely let­ter, Dal Khalsa has once again fo­cused in­ter­na­tional at­ten­tion on the plight of the Sikh com­mu­nity and it would be in­ter­est­ing to see if France up­holds its com­mit­ment to equal­ity, lib­erty, and fra­ter­nity in ad­dress­ing the is­sues raised.

Stand up against hate, UN chief tells Holocaust commemoration


Hate is growing at an alarming speed, and the world must strongly denounce forces of division, especially in the wake of the abhorrent 7 October terror attacks in Israel, the UN Secretary-General said on Friday, opening a ceremony in the General Assembly Hall commemorating victims of the Holocaust.

“All of us – leaders and citizens – have a responsibility to listen and to learn from survivors and victims by condemning these terrible crimes against humanity, striving to eradicate antisemitism and all forms of bigotry, hatred and intolerance and by finding a way forward to a shared, safe and inclusive future for all,” UN chief António Guterres said.

This is particularly important in today’s dangerous and divided world and a few short months after Hamas’ horrific terror attacks, in which so many innocent Israeli civilians and citizens of other countries were killed,” he said.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Stand up against hate, UN chief tells Holocaust commemoration

Marking the annual International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, observed on 27 January, the ceremony focused on the theme of recognizing the extraordinary courage of victims and survivors.

‘Never let down our guard’

The world must resolve to “stand up against the forces of hate and division”, he continued.

The antisemitic hate that fuelled the Holocaust did not start with the Nazis nor did it end with their defeat, he said, but was preceded by thousands of years of discrimination, expulsion, exile and extermination.

“Today, we are witnessing hate spreading at alarming speed,” the UN chief said. “Online, it has moved from the margins to the mainstream.”

To combat hate, he urged all to speak out.

“Let us never be silent in the face of discrimination, and never tolerant of intolerance,” he said. “Let us speak out for human rights and the dignity of all. Let us never lose sight of each other’s humanity, and never let down our guard.”

‘You are not alone’

In addition to its Outreach Programme on the Holocaust, the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech sets out strategic guidance at national and global levels.

“To all who confront prejudice and persecution, let us clearly say: you are not alone,” Mr. Guterres said. “The United Nations stands with you.”

“Today, of all days, we must remember that demonization of the other and disdain for diversity is a danger to everyone, that no society is immune to intolerance and worse and that bigotry against one group is bigotry against all.”

The former Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in southern Poland.

Unsplash/Jean Carlo Emer

The former Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in southern Poland.

Survivors’ stories are powerful reminders for vigilance: PGA

Dennis Francis, President of the General Assembly, said, in a pre-recorded video message, that promoting remembrance and education regarding the Holocaust is essential to ensuring that the crime of genocide is never seen as either normal or justifiable in any circumstance and to working towards ensuring it is never repeated.

“Today, those who tragically perished and the survivors are the powerful force behind all we do at the United Nations to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, to promote and defend human rights and to work relentlessly for a more just and peaceful world,” he said.

The stories of victims and survivors are the reminders of “our duty to counter hatred and intolerance” amid a surge in hate speech across the world alongside rising antisemitism and xenophobia.

“We cannot and must not be complacent,” he said. “Today and every day, we must recommit to say more than just ‘never again’. We must live our lives daily by this mantra. The Holocaust must forever be a warning to all of us to stay vigilant against widespread hatred, racism, prejudice and intolerance.”

Sisters Selma Tennenbaum Rossen and Edith Tennenbaum Shapiro, survivors from Poland, address the UN Holocaust Memorial Ceremony, held in observance of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims.
UN Photo/Manuel Elías – Sisters Selma Tennenbaum Rossen and Edith Tennenbaum Shapiro, survivors from Poland, address the UN Holocaust Memorial Ceremony, held in observance of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims.

‘Never again is now’: Israel

Israel’s Ambassador Gilad Erdan said the attack on Israel on 7 October by Hamas was “an attempted genocide”.

“We, the Jewish people, understand the meaning of genocide more than any other people,” he said. “We have been persecuted for millennia. Hitler seared the meaning of genocide into our DNA.”

But, on 7 October, Hamas “tore open that wound”, he said, patting a yellow star, a badge the Nazi regime forced Jewish people to wear, affixed to his lapel.

“On International Holocaust Remembrance Day…I stand here, in the name of the State of Israel, in the name of all those murdered by the Nazis and Hamas, and I swear, we will not forget. Never again is now.”

Suitcases and bags confiscated from prisoners at a concentration camp in Auschwitz, Poland.
© Unsplash/Frederick Wallace – Suitcases and bags confiscated from prisoners at a concentration camp in Auschwitz, Poland.

Dehumanization enabled the Holocaust

In a statement commemorating the international day, Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), said the world is duty-bound to examine why the Holocaust happened to ensure it is never repeated.

Indeed, the scale of the crimes committed engaged many perpetrators, he stressed.

The Nazi concentration camps and death trains were staffed, and the victims had often been identified to the police, by people they knew, he said.

Countless bystanders looked away from – or were indifferent to – what they must have suspected was extraordinary, inhuman brutality,” he said. “The dehumanization that enabled the Holocaust – the depth and scale of this failure of empathy and fellow feeling for other human beings – is incomprehensible and terrifying.”

The world’s horror at the Holocaust led directly to the adoption of the Genocide Convention and to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 75 years ago and instrumental in the adoption of the European Convention on Human Rights and a host of international treaties that enshrine equality, dignity and rights in the face of tyranny and destitution, he said, adding that these conventions, principles and values must forever be upheld.

“It is our duty to seek answers to how these crimes could have been prevented,” he said. “If we do not, they could happen again.”

UN Holocaust Memorial Ceremony

This year’s ceremony was hosted by Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, and featured a range of speakers, testimonies from survivors and performances.

  • Speakers included the UN Secretary-General, President of the 78th session of the General Assembly, Permanent Representative of Israel and the United States Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism.
  • Holocaust survivor Christian Pfeil, who was born in the Lubin ghetto in occupied Poland, shared his testimony about the persecution of the Roma and Sinti peoples.
  • Sisters Edith Tennenbaum Shapiro and Selma Tennenbaum Rossen, Holocaust survivors from Poland, shared their stories alongside a performance by violinist Doori Na.
  • Others who contributed to the event included Petra and Patrik Gelbart, who sang a piece about the Roma people. Cantor Daniel Singer recited a memorial prayer.
  • The ceremony is available on UN WebTV here.

Reflecting on History and Renewing Commitment: The 79th Anniversary of Auschwitz-Birkenau’s Liberation

brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime
Photo by Fadjar Djulizar on Unsplash

As we commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27th the world is reminded of the horrors of the past and the ongoing commitment, to ensuring that such atrocities never recur. This year marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz Birkenau, a Nazi concentration camp that serves as a powerful symbol of the unspeakable acts committed during the Holocaust. This day not only honours and remembers the six million Jewish victims but also prompts us to reflect on the hundreds of thousands of Roma and other individuals who endured immense suffering under Nazi persecution.

Given the events particularly the abhorrent terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas against Israel on October 7 2023, the importance of this day has become even more profound. President von der Leyen’s statements in advance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day emphasize the growing presence of antisemitism, in Europe. Shed light on the renewed anxieties faced by European Jews.

“No parent should be afraid to send their children to school,” von der Leyen stated, condemning the bullying, harassment, and attacks on Jewish individuals, as well as the vandalism of synagogues and desecration of Jewish cemeteries.

The President emphasized the need for unity and support for Jewish communities, asserting, “There is no place for antisemitic hatred, especially here in Europe. And there is no justification for antisemitism.” This call to action is a reminder of the dark times in history and the importance of standing together against hatred.

The European Commission has taken measures to address antisemitism and promote Jewish life. On October 5 2021 they introduced their ever strategy to support EU countries and civil society in this regard. Additionally, on November 6 2023, the Commission released a communication titled “No place for hate; a Europe united against hatred ” which further showcases their dedication to protecting spaces and countering online hatred.

Preserving the memory of the Holocaust is of importance, especially as we are losing the last survivors. To achieve this the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism has implemented a flagship action called the ‘Network of Places Where the Holocaust Happened.’ This initiative aims to safeguard sites for educational and commemorative purposes.

The European Commission‘s efforts are not limited to Europe alone; they have also launched campaigns like #ProtectTheFacts and other initiatives that combat Holocaust distortion. These endeavours play a role in raising awareness and preventing future genocidal acts. The United Nations General Assembly Resolution on Holocaust Remembrance similarly underscores the significance of education and preserving Holocaust sites.

As part of their commitment to fighting racism and discrimination, the European Commission will allocate over €14 million, from EU funding in 2024 to support projects focused on European Remembrance. This financial support aims to strengthen remembrance efforts enhance education and research in this area as well as combat denial and distortion surrounding the Holocaust.

On this International Holocaust Remembrance Day, let us heed President von der Leyen’s words: “If Europe fails the Jews, Europe will have failed us all. Never again is now!” It is our collective duty to remember the past and ensure a future where Jewish life can thrive without fear, and where antisemitism finds no shelter.

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Aid mission denials are latest threat to Gaza’s hospitals: OCHA

Aid mission denials are latest threat to Gaza’s hospitals: OCHA

Amid new reports of intensified bombing and clashes across the Strip on Wednesday, OCHA said that requests had been denied five times since 26 December to reach the Central Drug Store in Gaza city and Al Awda Hospital in Jabalya, further north.

“At the same time, the continued denial of fuel delivery to water and sanitation facilities is leaving tens of thousands of people without access to clean water and increasing the risk of sewage overflows, significantly heightening the risk of the spread of communicable diseases,” OCHA noted in its latest update on the impact of war in Gaza, issued late Tuesday.

According to the UN World Health Organization (WHO), 15 out of Gaza’s 36 hospitals remain “partially functional”: nine in the south and six in the north. Since the start of hostilities, the UN and health partners have provided healthcare and medical services to an estimated 500,000 people.

No end to deadly strikes

The development came as much of the Strip and especially central and southern areas in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis governorates, experienced further “intense” Israeli bombardment from the air, land and sea in the past 24 hours, OCHA said.

Rocket fire into Israel by Palestinian armed groups also continued, along with ongoing clashes between Israeli soldiers and militants, particularly in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis governorates.

Citing the Gazan health authorities, OCHA noted that 126 Palestinians had been killed between the afternoons of 8 and 9 January; another 241 were reportedly injured. The total estimated number of fatalities is at least 23,210 Palestinians killed and 59,167 injured from Israeli bombardment, that began in response to Hamas-led terror attacks in southern Israel on 7 October, leaving some 1,200 dead including 36 children and another 240 taken hostage. 

“The Israeli authorities estimate that about 136 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza,” OCHA said.

NGOs not spared

The ongoing Israeli offensive has resulted in “many” deadly incidents with “devastating consequences for tens of thousands of civilians”, OCHA said, noting that many had already fled Gaza City and the north to central and southern areas of the Strip.

In one incident in Khan Younis, a five-year-old child of a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) worker died of her injuries after a MSF shelter was hit on Monday. 

In Deir al Balah, four people were also reportedly killed and dozens injured when a house northwest of the city was targeted, OCHA said.

Citing the Israeli military, the UN office reported that between 8 and 9 January, nine Israeli soldiers have been killed in Gaza, with 183 killed since the start of the ground operation and 1,065 personnel injured.

Bombardments have caused widespread damage in Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip.

Overcrowding fuels disease threat

Meanwhile, UN humanitarians reiterated warnings about the growing risk of disease in the Strip, particularly in the southern city of Rafah, as yet more civilians flee hostilities following Israeli evacuation orders.

Pre-war, Rafah was home to around 280,000 people, but it now has a population of well over one million, the UN relief agency for Palestinians (UNWRA) said on Tuesday in an online post on X.

“Overcrowded streets witness alarming spread of disease”, but staff are “overwhelmed by the ever-increasing need”, the agency said.

1.9 million uprooted

After more than three months of violence, nearly 85 per cent of Gaza’s population is now believed to be displaced – some 1.9 million people – according to UNRWA.

The UN agency continues to shelter nearly 1.4 million people in 155 UNRWA facilities across all five governorates but facilities “are far exceeding their intended capacity”.

UNWRA installations have also received 63 direct hits, it said, with at least 319 displaced people killed in the agency’s shelters and more than 1,135 injured since 7 October.

On 9 January, 131 trucks with supplies entered the Gaza Strip through the Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings, according to OCHA.

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International Court of Justice calls on Israel to prevent “genocide” in Gaza

International Court of Justice calls on Israel to prevent "genocide" in Gaza
© UN - The International Court of Justice delivers its ruling in the case of South Africa v. Israel in The Hague.

On Friday January 26th, the highest court of the United Nations urged Israel to take all measures to prevent any acts of genocide, in the Gaza Strip. The awaited decision was made by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) based in The Hague, Netherlands.

Additionally the court called upon Israel to grant access to Gaza. It emphasized that Israel should promptly and effectively facilitate the provision of services and urgent humanitarian aid required by Palestinians to address their living conditions.

The Israeli Prime Minister stressed that the ICJ was not taking away Israel’s right to defend itself, but that he was outraged that the court had declared itself competent to rule on the merits of the case. He went on to assert that Israel was waging a just war against the Hamas monsters who had killed, kidnapped, raped and tortured Israeli citizens, and that it would continue to do so as long as Hamas constituted a threat to Israel’s security and existence.

In response to these developments Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu swiftly denounced South Africas allegations of “genocide” in Gaza as outrageous. stressed that the ICJ was not taking away Israel’s right to defend itself, but that he was outraged that the court had declared itself competent to rule on the merits of the case. He went on to assert that Israel was waging a just war against the Hamas monsters who had killed, kidnapped, raped and tortured Israeli citizens, and that it would continue to do so as long as Hamas constituted a threat to Israel’s security and existence.

Reactions from several countries

South Africa hailed a “decisive victory for the rule of international law and an important step in the quest for justice for the Palestinian people”. The South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered that the Court “has determined that Israel’s actions in Gaza are plausibly genocidal and has indicated provisional measures on that basis”, thanking it “for its swift decision”.

Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki spoke out in a video message. Friday’s order is “an important warning that no state is above the law”, he said. “States now have a clear legal obligation to end Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinian people of Gaza.”

Hamas, in power in Gaza since 2007, hailed “an important development” which, in its view, “isolates Israel” on the international stage.

The Minister of National Security, an extreme right-wing figure, considers the precautionary measures requested of Israel by the International Court of Justice to be anti-Semitic in nature, and calls on Israel not to comply with this decision.

The United States also reacted through a State Department spokesman: “We continue to believe that the accusations of genocide are unfounded, and note that the Court did not find genocide or call for a ceasefire”.

The European Union called for the “full and immediate” implementation of this decision, welcomed by several countries including Turkey, Iran and Spain.

You can read the ICJ order in full here and watch the full video of the judgement here.

The Prague Archdiocese is being investigated for misuse of property


An investigation against key figures in the management of the Archdiocese of Prague (Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia) led to their removal from the posts they have held for years.

The investigation by the authorities is against Prague Archbishop Michael (Dandar) for the transfer of church properties to a private person, and it began at the end of last year. However, his secretary Igor Strelets, considered his right-hand man and “gray cardinal” in the archdiocese, as well as the chairman of the Diocesan Council Fr. Jan Beranek. It was officially stated that their removal was due to an “audit” and the need for “reforms to improve the work of the diocese”. In addition to them, three priests were removed from their positions of episcopal vicars.

Igor Strelets, who is a secular person, was responsible for the “Russian connections” in the church of the Czech lands and Slovakia. According to an article in the local edition of “Free Europe”, the Prague diocese maintains close ties with Moscow – many of the clerics studied in Russia, and later received expensive gifts from the Kremlin and the Patriarchate. Cyril in the form of villas and financing of various projects. For example, in 2011, when the lease of the residence of the Archbishop of Prague in Prague expired, the Patriarch of Moscow “fraternally” donated a two-story building, which still houses the administration of the local archdiocese.

Archbishop. Mikhail Dandar and Strelets have had close ties to Russia for many years and were formerly members of the Czechoslovak security service, the equivalent of the KGB. Strelets worked in the counter-intelligence department, and Mikhail Dandar lived for several years in the USSR, receiving a diploma from the Leningrad Theological Academy in 1969, and in the same year he was recruited by the Czech secret services under the pseudonym “Misha”. He was ordained by Mitr. Nikodim (Rotov) from the Russian Orthodox Church and was sent to one of the Russian parishes in Dresden.

For many years the right hand of the archbishop. Mikhail Dandar was Igor Strelets, a man without a theological education, but with close ties to Russia, thanks to which he financed projects of this highly Moscow-dependent local church. He sponsors the publishing activity of the diocese, the website of the Orthodox Church of the Czech Republic and Slovakia is registered in his name. He organizes and pays for the domestic and foreign travel of church hierarchs. These activities are carried out through the joint-stock company “Czech National Cultural Fund”, which he owns and which is financed by the Russian budget. The Czech media accused him of having a business relationship with a sanctioned businessman close to the Kremlin.

In July 2023, against the backdrop of the war started by Russia in Ukraine, the Archbishop of Prague participated in a meeting with representatives of the Night Wolves motorcycle club. The members of the motorcycle club and their leader are under sanctions for their close ties to Vladimir Putin and their support for the war in Ukraine. When asked why the Czech Orthodox hierarch attended a meeting with the Russian rockers, assistant head of the Prague Diocese Stšelec, organizer of the event, said that the meeting was dedicated to the memory of those who died during the First World War. These ties of the Czech clergy to Russia were sharply criticized by local believers, which was widely reported in the Czech secular media.

Among the problems of the Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church, which from time to time become known to the general public, are mainly property issues.

In May 2022, it became known about the huge debt of the church. It turned out that the church had not paid into the state health insurance system for its employees for ten years. Because of this, part of the church’s property was confiscated. It is in debt, even though the Czech Republic passed a restitution law in 2013, under which the budget pays money to churches that lost property as a result of nationalization during communist rule in Czechoslovakia, as compensation for repression. By virtue of this decision, the Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church received more than 300 million crowns (about 16 million dollars). Czech law enforcement authorities are currently investigating two cases in which, according to the investigation, Archbishop Michael Dandar has appropriated church property.

According to a 2021 census, Orthodox Christians in the Czech Republic numbered 40,000. Their number increased significantly after the start of the Russian war in Ukraine due to the many refugees.

Illustrative photo: Orthodox icon of The Holy New Martyrs of Bohemia

Sectarian ignorance stalks against the Jehovah’s Witnesses


On 14 December 2023, the Court of First Instance of Alcorcón ruled that freedom of expression was protected for a group of “former followers” of the Jehovah’s Witnesses religious organisation, in terms of being able to describe it (insulting) as a destructive sect. And it condemns this religious organisation to pay the costs of the proceedings. Justice thus adds to the ignorant treatment that people who have not done well within a religious organisation arrogate to themselves the right to vilify and insult without the religious organisation, at least in some European countries and, in this specific case in Spain, having the right to defend its honour.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Sectarian ignorance stalks against the Jehovah's Witnesses

About the above photograph: “Exhibition on State Terrorism in Argentina at the Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos with photos of detainees – among them followers and baptised members of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Argentina – in the CCD-ESMA taken by the military. During the years of the Argentine dictatorship, Jehovah’s Witnesses were detained, tortured and, in many cases, disappeared because of their religious beliefs, their neutrality in political affairs, and their opposition to compulsory military service. This situation was also replicated in other South American countries under military dictatorships during the 1970s to 1980s.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses arrived in Spain at the end of the 1950s from the USA. The General Directorate of Security, linked to the National Catholicism of the time, began a persecution of all its members, accusing those who, because of their beliefs, refused to do military service of terrorism. Summary trials were held against them and they ended up in prison, something unthinkable today. Likewise, in the arrests that took place during the State of Exception decreed by Franco in January 1969 throughout Spain, Jehovah’s Witnesses were arrested in Valencia, accused of being (the men) all homosexuals. Something totally false, but necessary to put them in prison.

For years they continued to go through the ordeal of suffering in prison in our country, while they declared themselves conscientious objectors, until the Spanish democratic state decided to put an end to military service. However, there was never any talk of compensating those who had been imprisoned, some of them for years, because of their ideas. This was the beginning of another ordeal.

In the 1980s, it continued to appear, as a sectarian organisation, in all the lists that were published, where reference was made to “dangerous” groups and organisations. And so to this day, where the headlines are still as curious as they are striking: “The dark side of Jehovah’s Witnesses: young man tells of a harsh confession”. “Jehovah’s Witnesses. World, beliefs, behaviour”. “Historic ruling by a Spanish court: it is possible to call Jehovah’s Witnesses a ‘sect'”. “Victims of Jehovah’s Witnesses win in court the right to denounce their “total control” over the faithful”. Hundreds of headlines that only copy each other in a sort of repetition without contributing anything constructive.

In Spain, and in other European countries, Jehovah’s Witnesses are considered to be a deeply rooted religion, therefore, living in the 21st century, it is hard to understand the ignorance of societies as permissive as those in Europe, with secular and democratic governments that do not defend the right to free belief in a real way.

Other questions would be the crimes that each person commits and where justice will have to act, but not on the basis of the spite of people who have not been able to understand or integrate into a particular religious group.

What is a sect or cult?

Years ago, a sect was just a group of people who met to share an idea. Not forgetting that the Catholic Church in its beginnings was qualified as such, and even the Roman Empire qualified those first Christians as a destructive sect. As the group grew larger it became a religious movement and later a religion with all its contradictions.

The concept of destructive sect arises fundamentally when a religious movement prevailing in a region colonises the idea of God, turning its belief into an absolute truth and denigrating what others think.

On the other hand, and although I will skip over it now, we cannot speak of sects or terrorist or totalitarian beliefs and movements, which often emanating from consolidated religious beliefs, end up trying to impose their ideas by force of arms.

Do I know what the group I belong to is like?

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Sectarian ignorance stalks against the Jehovah's Witnesses

Although I will go more deeply into the subject in subsequent articles, I would like to make it clear that the ideas of Jehovah’s Witnesses, or their beliefs, emanate from the Bible. A set of books shared by millions of Christians, Jews and Muslims. That it is a religion born in the late 19th century, apocalyptic in character and whose beliefs are similar to those of hundreds of different religious movements around the world. Therefore Jehovah’s Witnesses are, in terms of their beliefs, no different from other biblical traditionalist groups.

Take the example of the Amish, an exotic religious group that has not reached Europe, but whose customs are far more radical than those of Jehovah’s Witnesses. What would we say about them in this society where we are always looking at the speck in the other’s eye. The Amish have a strict code of conduct called Ordnung, which regulates all aspects of their daily lives; they see to it that all teenagers of an age are allowed to experience Rumspringa, a period of freedom where they go out into the world to experience it, before deciding whether or not to be baptised into their church and embrace their beliefs; they live under a strict patriarchy where men have the authority and women take care of the home and what goes with it, as well as the children; they dress simply and modestly, in dark, muted tones, without ornaments or buttons; they reject any kind of contact with modern energy, live without electricity, cars, mobile phones, etc. They often suffer from congenital diseases due to inbreeding and genetic isolation, and, among many other things, they often read the bible in Old German, a language they speak among themselves.

If a Western European decides to join such a group, he should take all this into account. And if he does so, he should do so on his own responsibility. Surely no European, not brought up in such religious structures, would end up in it. Are they a destructive sect? In the United States, nobody considers them as such. They abide by the laws of their community and the place where they live, they do not mix with the rest and have no idea of what is going on in the world.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Sectarian ignorance stalks against the Jehovah's Witnesses

Of course, not everyone is qualified to belong to this or similar groups, especially in a society as open and permissive as ours. Understanding that such permissiveness should not be understood as positive or negative, at least not in this discourse. It is clear that within Jehovah’s Witnesses there will be people who will consider throughout their lives that they do not need the control of the group, when the reality is that their personal experience, their belief has simply mutated. What happens then? Many people pretend that this change is accepted by the group when the group remains unchanged. When they are rejected, because they have changed their mind, it is the fault of the others. The group is immobile, backward, sectarian, and finally, when the family, friends, and the environment reject you, you feel hurt, and humiliated, starting the great psychological farce where everything useful to you some time ago is no longer useful to you. Everything you believed in is now old, apocalyptic, false. Perhaps you have evolved to a different way of thinking and therefore belong to a different religious movement.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Sectarian ignorance stalks against the Jehovah's Witnesses

In the end you end up questioning what you loved and joined a group of people who had their beliefs. If you look, you will see that they are still where you were a few months ago. Do you think you are better, with the right to insult the collective for not being there, because they have rejected you? You have evolved, but to where?

Jehovah’s Witnesses, like other groups, have their beliefs. We may like them more or less, but when one studies them, one knows exactly what they are. Therefore, when a person wishes to change from such a comfortable belief as Christianity, where permissiveness and passivity, together with rituals, do not have to be taken seriously, they should consider whether they are prepared to enter into another way of thinking that will force them to modify their actions, their behaviour or their way of relating to life and to others.

It is a pity that in Europe, in the 21st century, we still blame our own mistakes as believers on the collective, on the idea, on the group that remains cohesive.

And of course, in this first approach, I am not going to go into those brainy anthropological studies where they talk about pyramidal structures, leaders, etc., when the birth of any self-respecting religion fulfils those pyramidal requirements that seem to scare researchers so much. The reality is that what is happening in the world of sects today, and I am talking about organisations born within democratic and non-totalitarian parameters, is just noise, headlines and the unfortunate misinformation of some clueless jurist.

Jehovah’s Witnesses have the right to be among us without the need to be insulted and above all to be labelled as a “destructive sect”, if justice does not see it, it will have to look at it. Oh, and whoever is not ready to join a particular religion or contemporary religious movement, should find another hobby.

Originally published at LaDamadeElche.com

Human trafficking: deal on new EU rules

Human trafficking: deal on new EU rules
© European Union 2024 - Press Conference by Malin BJÖRK, (The Left, SE) and Eugenia RODRÍGUEZ PALOP, (The Left, ES), rapporteurs on the outcome of the negotiations on the revision of the directive on combating trafficking in human beings

Parliament and Council negotiators reached a provisional deal to revise rules on preventing and combating human trafficking on Tuesday.

The informal agreement reached by Parliament and Council on Tuesday night will expand the scope of the current directive to include forced marriage, illegal adoption, exploitation of surrogacy and better support for victims.

It will also:

  • make sure anti-trafficking and asylum authorities coordinate their activities so that victims of trafficking, who are also in need of international protection, receive appropriate support and protection, and that their right to asylum is respected;
  • criminalise the use of services provided by a victim of an offence concerning trafficking in human beings, where the user knows that the victim is exploited, to reduce the demand driving exploitation;
  • introduce penalties for companies convicted of trafficking, including excluding them from tendering processes and from reimbursement for public aid or subsidies;
  • ensure that prosecutors can choose not to prosecute victims for criminal acts they were coerced into committing, and that they receive support regardless of whether they cooperate in investigations or not;
  • ensure support to victims using a gender-, disability- and child-sensitive approach and based on an intersectional approach;
  • guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities and appropriate support, including appointing guardians or representatives, to unaccompanied children;
  • allow judges to consider the non-consensual spreading of sexual images or videos as an aggravating circumstance when handing out sentences.


Eugenia Rodríguez Palop said: “As Parliament, we had an ambitious position and the Council has shown itself open to dialogue, with the initial push of the Spanish Presidency. We all had to give in, but the result is good. We have introduced, amongst others, the exploitation of surrogacy, improved prevention, strengthened investigation and prosecutions as well as coordination and monitoring, and included measures to better protect, assist and support all victims. Today we are a little closer to ending this form of barbarism.”

Malin Björk said: “I’m happy with this agreement. It strengthens the protection of victims of trafficking, with a special focus on the most vulnerable victims including persons in need of international protection, women and girls and children. It requires the Member States step up their response to trafficking in human beings including mandating national anti-trafficking coordinators. We have agreed to tackle exploitation of trafficking victims in its most obvious forms. Even though I would have liked to have a more extensive ban on exploitation including sexual exploitation, this is already an improvement on current legislation. It can never be okay to take advantage of trafficking victims.”

Next steps

Parliament and Council will have to formally approve the agreement. The new rules will come into force twenty days after their publication in the EU Official Journal, and member states have two years to implement the provisions.

    New Genomic Techniques: MEPs want to ban all patents for these type of plants

    New Genomic Techniques: MEPs want to ban all patents
    Photo de CHUTTERSNAP sur Unsplash

    New genomic techniques (NGT) are techniques for targeted genome modification (mutation or insertion of one or more genes at specific sites in the genome)

    The proposed regulation – in line with the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy – lays down specific rules for the deliberate release and placing on the market of NGT plant and related food and feed. Currently, plants obtained by NGTs are subject to the same rules as GMOs. To better reflect the different risk profiles of NGT plants, the proposal creates two distinct pathways for NGT plants to be placed on the market.
    In the draft report, the rapporteur has called for a common EU register for Category 1 NGT plant(s) to ensure traceability. There were close to 1200 amendments submitted covering all of the Commission proposal. The rapporteur has also included provisions that exclude NGT plants from patentability.

    To make our food system more sustainable and resilient, MEPs support new rules for some NGT plants, but those not equivalent to conventional plants must follow stricter rules.

    The Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety on Wednesday adopted its position on the Commission proposal on New Genomic Techniques (NGT), with 47 votes to 31 and 4 abstentions.

    MEPs agree with the proposal to have two different categories and two sets of rules for NGT plants. NGT plants considered equivalent to conventional ones (NGT 1 plants) would be exempted from the requirements of the GMO legislation, whereas for NGT 2 plants this legislation adapts the GMO framework to those NGT plants.

    MEPs also agree that all NGT plants should remain prohibited in organic production as their compatibility requires further consideration.

    NGT 1 plants

    For NGT 1 plants, MEPs amended the proposed rules on the size and number of modifications needed for a NGT plant to be considered equivalent to conventional plants. MEPs also want NGT seeds to be labelled accordingly and to set up a public online list of all NGT 1 plants.

    While there would be no mandatory labelling at consumer level for NGT 1 plants, MEPs want the Commission to report on how consumers and producers’ perception of the new techniques is evolving, seven years after entry into force.

    NGT 2 plants

    For NGT 2 plants, MEPs agree to maintain GMO legislation requirements, including mandatory labelling of products.

    To incentivise their uptake, MEPs also agree to an accelerated procedure for risk assessment, taking into account their potential to contribute to a more sustainable agri-food system, but underline that the so-called precautionary principle must be respected.

    Ban on all patents filed for NGT plants

    MEPs amended the proposal to introduce a full ban on patents for all NGT plants, plant material, parts thereof, genetic information and process features they contain, to avoid legal uncertainties, increased costs and new dependencies for farmers and breeders. MEPs also request a report by June 2025 on the impact of patents on breeders’ and farmers’ access to varied plant reproductive material as well as a legislative proposal to update EU rules on intellectual property rights accordingly.

    Next steps

    Parliament is scheduled to adopt its mandate during the 5-8 February 2024 plenary session, after which it is ready to start negotiations with EU member states.

    NGTs could help to make our food system more sustainable and resilient by developing improved plant varieties that are climate resilient, pest resistant, give higher yields or that require fewer fertilisers and pesticides.

    Several NGT products are already or in the process of becoming available on the market outside the EU (e.g. bananas in the Philippines that do not go brown, with the potential to reduce food waste and CO2 emissions). The European Food Safety Authority has evaluated potential safety issues of NGTs.