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Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Six US Congress members call for sanctions against Finland for violating religious liberty

Six United States Congress members have written an open letter demanding action against Finland for criminalizing Christianity through its hate crimes laws used against people supporting traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

The first TV channel for dogs launched

The first dog TV channel is launched in the UK. The program is created entirely according to the preferences of four-legged animals, and its main goal is to help them cope with stress, tension...

This magical addition to coffee speeds up the metabolism

See what scientists have found Coffee is probably the most consumed beverage in the world. According to the British Coffee Association, more than two billion cups of the drink are consumed every day in the...

Belarus-Poland crisis: Human rights of trapped migrants ‘paramount’ 

Amid growing concerns about the plight of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers at the Poland-Belarus border, the UN rights office and UN refugee agency on Friday urged all parties to respect human rights and refrain from using them for political ends. 

Psychologist wants women to do a state exam before a wedding in Russia

Russia has proposed introducing a state exam for women before marriage. The idea was presented in a petition by psychologist Philip Litvinenko, IA DEITA writes. The initiative is not a sexist "joke", but rather the...

Belgium takes away the rights of health workers without vaccines

The Belgian authorities will adopt a decision from April 1 next year that the health workers not vaccinated against COVID in the country will lose their rights to practice the profession. This was reported...

There are almost 240 million children with disabilities worldwide

"No child, especially the most vulnerable, should fight only for their basic human rights." The number of children with disabilities worldwide is estimated at almost 240 million, according to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Children...

How a Vice Admiral persuaded the whole of Portugal to get vaccinated

Portugal is among the countries with the highest vaccination coverage against COVID-19. In practice, there are no people left to be vaccinated - 98% of the adult population is in two doses and only...

Pope Francis addressed arms manufacturers: Stop!

Pope Francis today called on arms manufacturers to stop doing so because the war "is engulfing the children of the homeland," Reuters reported. The Holy Father celebrated a liturgy on Catholic Day to commemorate the...

Stalin’s great-grandson is homeless

Joseph Stalin's direct great-grandson, Selim Bensaad, is now homeless, his spokesman Vadim Gorzhankin said in an interview with TV channel 360. He said the man was forced to spend the night in his car...

How Stalin’s granddaughter lives and looks, who has lived in America all her life

The only daughter of Joseph Stalin, Svetlana Alliluyeva, fled to the West, away from her father and her native country in the 60s. There, a woman called Lana Peters and raised her heiress Olga...

An amateur archaeologist from Switzerland finds the site of the battle of the XII Legion

In 15 BC, in an alpine gorge, a battle took place between the Roman troops and the reta. Two years ago, Lucas Schmid, an amateur archaeologist and volunteer at the Archaeological Survey of the Canton...

Scientists have found neurons responsible for the action of acupuncture

An international group of neuroscientists has discovered mechanisms that indicate that acupuncture may be effective. True, only in certain areas of the body: in others, its action is not confirmed by anything. The work was...

Belief in the devil linked to epidemics – perhaps in vain

A society where the devil or other evil forces are associated with disease is more effective at preventing its spread, new research suggests. Let's try to show why in real life everything may not...

The entire Las Vegas will be connected by the Vegas Loop vacuum train. Everything about this transport of the future

The city of Las Vegas, in the United States, has approved the expansion of a tunnel system called the Vegas Loop. The total length of the network will be 47 km, it will unite...

Too much for one planet: WHO study proposes new tools to make our diets healthy and environmentally friendly

Modern food systems in the WHO European Region and beyond are associated with poor public health outcomes and are unsustainable. To address this global problem, the new WHO study “Sustainable food profiling models to inform the development of food labels that account for nutrition and the environment”, published in The Lancet Planetary Health, proposes a procedure for labelling foods according to their environmental and nutritional impact.

Resolve ‘intolerable’ Belarus-Poland border migrant crisis: UN rights chief

The UN Human Rights High Commissioner has urged Belarus and Poland to urgently resolve the burgeoning migrant crisis on their mutual border, where thousands of people have gathered in an attempt to enter the European Union (EU). 

3 Reasons Why Diversity Matters to CEOs

Peter Mousaferiadis, the founder and CEO of Cultural Infusion, the company behind Diversity Atlas, shares his reasons why diversity matters to CEOs and how to embrace this zeitgeist moment in time. It’s no secret that in...

Virgin Galactic sold another 100 space tickets

Virgin Galactic has sold about 100 tickets to interested space tourists. Since the company's founder Richard Branson flew into space last summer, the company has enjoyed an unprecedented interest in space tourism. The first...

Latvian Minister of Culture: Low vaccination coverage is a post-Soviet legacy

Low vaccination coverage is a post-Soviet legacy faced by almost all Eastern European countries, including Latvia. Looking further east, the situation is even darker. Minister of Culture Nauris Puntlis said this on the air...

Large reserves of organic matter were again discovered on Mars. Scientists are looking for traces of life

The data from the Curiosity rover helped scientists to conclude that there are large reserves of organic matter on the surface of Mars. Scientists from the Curiosity team, led by Paul Mahaffy, have found the...

Aton against anti-vaxers: It smells like death, they don’t smell it

The voice of God! It smells of death around us, but they don't feel it, the abbot of the Mount Athos monastery Esfigmen Bartholomew told the Greek television Mega in a comment for the...

Russian Ministry of Justice recognizes film about ‘Zionists’ filmed in USSR extremist

On November 8 RIA Novosti reported the Soviet documentary film "Secret and Clear. Aims and Deeds of the Zionists" *, filmed in 1973, is included in the list of extremist materials, follows from the...

Uphold safety, human rights on Belarus-Poland border, UN agencies urge

With news footage showing migrants on the border between Belarus and Poland attempting to dodge teargas and make their way through razor wire, UN agencies called for an “immediate de-escalation”, following weeks of rising tension.

Rebellion in Romania against the president – “Pharaoh of a sick country” because of the Covid-19 horror

For the second month in a row, Romania has been ruled by a government with limited powers in the midst of the deadly fourth wave of COVID-19 and amid an energy and economic crisis. The...
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