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Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Indonesia: Statement by the Spokesperson on the 15th anniversary of the signature of the Helsinki Peace Agreement for Aceh

15 August 2020 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement. The peace agreement brought an end to 30 years of conflict. Aceh’s example serves as an inspiration of how, through negotiations and strong political will, peace can be achieved even in the most dire of circumstances.

Balkans’ fact-checkers join Facebook against disinformation

Balkans’ fact-checkers join Facebook against disinformation

Revised COVID-19 case definitions

WHO has published revised interim guidance on public health surveillance for COVID-19 cases. This document includes revision of suspected and probable case definitions to integrate increased knowledge on the clinical spectrum of COVID-19 signs...

Measles and rubella elimination: verification process continues amid COVID-19 pandemic

Public health systems and independent national verification committees in countries of the WHO European Region have shown continued commitment to measles and rubella elimination even with the COVID-19 pandemic creating an extraordinary burden on health systems.

Belarus: UN rights chief condemns violence against protesters, calls for grievances to be heard

The flow of free information is “crucial” in a democratic society, the UN human rights chief said on Wednesday, spotlighting the landlocked eastern European nation of Belarus, “especially in a context of crisis and social unrest”.

Looking ahead: what MEPs will work on until the end of 2020 | News | European Parliament

Looking ahead: what MEPs will work on until the end of 2020 | News | European Parliament

As restrictions are eased, asylum applications in the EU+ increase significantly, but remain at half pre-COVID-19 levels

As restrictions are eased, asylum applications in the EU+ increase significantly, but remain at half pre-COVID-19 levels

Cambodia loses duty-free access to the EU market over human righ

Cambodia loses duty-free access to the EU market over human righ

Engage our youth to shape Europe’s future

Engage our youth to shape Europe’s future

Cambodia loses duty-free access to the EU market over human rights concerns

Cambodia loses duty-free access to the EU market over human rights concerns

Belarus: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the presidential elections

Belarus: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the presidential elections

Azerbaijan response to COVID-19: better testing and contact tracing are key

Azerbaijan should strengthen contact tracing and testing to further boost its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a team of WHO experts has recommended after visiting the country. The second team of WHO experts to visit Azerbaijan since the pandemic started, it also noted the country’s achievements in responding to the outbreak.

Coronavirus: Eight macro-financial assistance programmes agreed to support enlargement and neighbourhood partners

Coronavirus: Eight macro-financial assistance programmes agreed to support enlargement and neighbourhood partners

Glycoalkaloids in potatoes: public health risks assessed

Glycoalkaloids in potatoes: public health risks assessed

Belarus: UN chief following post-election developments ‘with great concern’

The UN Secretary-General has appealed for restraint in Belarus, where ongoing clashes between police and demonstrators continue following disputed elections held on Sunday.

Updated weekly schedule of President Charles Michel

Updated weekly schedule of President Charles Michel

“The people in Lebanon can count on the European Union” – Charles Michel

"The people in Lebanon can count on the European Union" - Charles Michel

Lifting of travel restrictions: Council reviews the list of third countries

Lifting of travel restrictions: Council reviews the list of third countries

Spanish human rights attorney writes to Von der Leyen on planned violations of fundamental health rights

Spanish human rights attorney writes to Von der Leyen on planned violations of fundamental health rights

Turkmen Court Sentences Brothers Eldor and Sanjarbek Saburov to Two Years in Prison

On August 6, 2020, a Turkmen court sentenced Brothers Eldor and Sanjarbek Saburov to two years in prison for their conscientious objection to military service. The siblings are 21 and 25 years old, respectively. The court refused the brothers’ request to appeal. This is the second time both were convicted for their neutrality.

Spain: EIB provides €20 million in financing to Sanifit

Spain: EIB provides €20 million in financing to Sanifit

EU support for Italian biotech’s red blood cell technology to treat rare diseases

EU support for Italian biotech’s red blood cell technology to treat rare diseases

FIEE SGR gets EU backing to close its second fund dedicated to energy efficiency

FIEE SGR gets EU backing to close its second fund dedicated to energy efficiency

CoR COTER Bulletin No. 3: Updates on the COVID-19 crisis

CoR COTER Bulletin No. 3: Updates on the COVID-19 crisis

High Representative EU on the postponement of elections in Hong Kong

High Representative EU on the postponement of elections in Hong Kong
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