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Friday, October 18, 2024


Willy Fautre

Willy Fautré, former chargé de mission at the Cabinet of the Belgian Ministry of Education and at the Belgian Parliament. He is the director of Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF), an NGO based in Brussels that he founded in December 1988. His organization defends human rights in general with a special focus on ethnic and religious minorities, freedom of expression, women’s rights and LGBT people. HRWF is independent from any political movement and any religion. Fautré has carried out fact-finding missions on human rights in more than 25 countries, including in perilous regions such as in Iraq, in Sandinist Nicaragua or in Maoist held territories of Nepal. He is a lecturer in universities in the field of human rights. He has published many articles in university journals about relations between state and religions. He is a member of the Press Club in Brussels. He is a human rights advocate at the UN, the European Parliament and the OSCE.
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PANAMA, the cradle of the fourth edition of the Faith and...

Panama, a reference for its successful accommodation of the de facto religious diversity and the peaceful coexistence between historical, tribal and new religions This year,...
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France – Yoga: Disproportionate widescale police raids with abuses starting from...

The starting point was a personal revenge by an academic who got a suspended sentence of four months in prison for harassment On 28 November...
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Faith-based organizations making the world better through social and humanitarian work

A conference at the European Parliament to make the world better The social and humanitarian activities of minority religious or belief organizations in the EU...
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Russia, Jehovah’s Witnesses banned since 20 April 2017

World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses (20.04.2024) - April 20th marks the seventh anniversary of Russia’s nationwide ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses, which has led to hundreds of peaceful believers...
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Spectacular simultaneous SWAT raids on Romanian yoga centers in France: Fact...

Operation Villiers-sur-Marne: Testimony On 28 November 2023, just after 6 a.m., a SWAT team of around 175 policemen wearing black masks, helmets, and bullet-proof vests,...
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Fleeing Persecution, The Plight of Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light...

Namiq and Mammadagha's Story Exposes Systematic Religious Discrimination It has been almost one year since best friends Namiq Bunyadzade (32) and Mammadagha Abdullayev (32) left...
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Russia, Jehovah’s Witness Tatyana Piskareva, 67, sentenced to 2 years and...

She was just participating in a religious worship online. Earlier, her husband Vladimir received six years in prison on similar charges. Tatyana Piskareva, a pensioner from...
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Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart...

During a recent visit to Brussels of Alona Lebedeva, the head of the industrial Aurum Group, I had the opportunity to meet and interview...
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Is France using political Islam to target religion as such?

The law meant to tackle political Islamism in France should not target religion The resurgence in attacks by radical Islamists in France, home to Europe’s...

From Afghanistan to France: Islamism attacks schools and kills teachers

On 17 October, a teacher at a middle school in a town northwest of Paris was beheaded on the street outside of his school. He was assassinated for facilitating a discussion with his students about caricatures of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad during his civic education class, which is in conformity with the National Education curriculum. Police shot his killer to death sometime later that same day. French President Emmanuel Macron denounced the killing an “Islamist terrorist attack”, as it appears that the killer was carrying out a sort of fatwa launched against this teacher on social media.

Event in Brussels on LGBTQI rights highlights elevated risk during pandemic times

LGBTQI activists raise alarm over an increase in hate speech and violence and propose strategies to strengthen protections by improving funding mechanisms. LGBTQI people around...

Discrimination of Serb minority in Croatia: A case raised at the U.N. in Geneva

At the 45th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, a case of discrimination based on ethnicity in Croatia was submitted to...
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