A heart attack occurs when an artery carrying blood and oxygen to the heart becomes obstructed.
Short, repeated bouts of restricted circulation using a...
University of Houston Researchers Exploring the Bounds of Room-Temperature Superconductivity.
In the simplest terms, superconductivity between two or more objects means zero wasted electricity. It...
Several FDA-approved drugs — including for type 2 diabetes, hepatitis C and HIV — significantly reduce the ability of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2...
Image of a Wolf Rayet star – potentially before collapsing into a black hole. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada
Astronomers are increasingly drawing back the curtains on...
New solar cycle clock resolves timings of solar activity, revealing the long and the short of the Sun’s seasons.
Research led by University of Warwick...
Scales of descriptors — from whole nanoparticle to unit cell to individual atoms. Credit: University of Birmingham
Researchers have developed a ‘library of properties’ to...
The illustration shows an aluminum-26 nucleus (green) escaping a supernova explosion. It will subsequently decay via gamma-ray emission that can be observed by satellites....
Support for mandates has increased across partisan and demographic subgroups.
As infections from the delta variant surge, the percentage of Americans who support vaccine mandates...
Types of venom fangs in snakes: rear fangs (crab-eating water snake), fixed front fangs (taipan), and hinged front fangs (Gaboon viper); fangs highlighted in...
An image taken by the Curiosity Rover MastCam instrument shows layered sedimentary rocks composing Mount Sharp. The rover has been driving from the floor...
Tree stump in lignite deposits. Credit: Vittoria Lauretano
New research led by the University of Bristol demonstrates that a decline in the concentration of atmospheric...