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Wednesday, January 8, 2025



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Protect Yourself Against Heart Attack and Stroke – Train Your Blood Vessels

Protect Yourself Against Heart Attack and Stroke – Train Your Blood...

A heart attack occurs when an artery carrying blood and oxygen to the heart becomes obstructed. Short, repeated bouts of restricted circulation using a...
500,000 American Men Get Vasectomies Every Year – A Specialist Explains the Quick and Simple Procedure

500,000 American Men Get Vasectomies Every Year – A Specialist Explains...

This year, many vasectomy patients are young or single men concerned about unwanted pregnancy at a time when abortion care may not be...
Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Latest Study Finds No Increase in Risk of Brain Tumors

Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Latest Study Finds No Increase in...

Longstanding fears that using mobile phones may increase the risk of developing a brain tumor have been reignited recently by the launch of 5G...
The Sex of Your Cells Matters When It Comes to Heart Disease

The Sex of Your Cells Matters When It Comes to Heart...

Most mammals, including humans, have two sex chromosomes, X and Y. One sex chromosome is usually inherited from each parent, and they pair up...
Zero Wasted Electricity: Working To Revolutionize the Way We Live With Superconductivity

Zero Wasted Electricity: To Revolutionize the Way We Live With Superconductivity

University of Houston Researchers Exploring the Bounds of Room-Temperature Superconductivity. In the simplest terms, superconductivity between two or more objects means zero wasted electricity. It...
Repurposing FDA-Approved Drugs To Combat All COVID-19 Variants – Including Delta and Omicron

Repurposing Drugs To Combat All COVID-19 Variants – Including Delta and...

Several FDA-approved drugs — including for type 2 diabetes, hepatitis C and HIV — significantly reduce the ability of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2...
We Think We’ve Spotted the Mysterious Birth of a Black Hole

We Think We’ve Spotted the Mysterious Birth of a Black Hole

Image of a Wolf Rayet star – potentially before collapsing into a black hole. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada Astronomers are increasingly drawing back the curtains on...
Planetary Bodies – Where Water and Life Could Exist – Observed for First Time in Habitable Zone of Dead Star

Could water and life exist in the habitable zone of a...

Planetary Bodies – Where Water and Life Could Exist – Observed for First Time in Habitable Zone of Dead Star A ring of planetary debri...
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Written on Water: Scientists Reconstruct the Ancient History of an Ocean Current

Postdoctoral researcher Adriane Lam and Assistant Professor Molly Patterson making sense of new geochemical data obtained from planktic foraminifera. Credit: Binghamton University Ocean currents embody...

Dodging Bullies: Female Hummingbirds Disguise Themselves As Males To Evade Harassment

Both male and female White-necked Jacobins fan their tails during courtship or aggressive interactions. Because this bird also has its wings partially raised it’s...

New Insulation Material Enables More Efficient Electricity Distribution

The basis of the new material is polyethylene, which is already used for insulation in existing HVDC cables. Now, by adding very small amounts...

Under the Northern Lights: Mesospheric Ozone Layer Depletion Phenomenon

In geospace, the Arase satellite observes chorus waves and energetic electrons, while on the ground, EISCAT and optical instruments observe pulsating aurorae and electron...

Extensive Chains of Volcanoes Provides Safety Valve for Earth’s Long-Term Climate

Fiery river in Kamchatka, Russia. Extensive chains of volcanoes have been responsible for both emitting and then removing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), stabilizing temperatures at...

The Sun’s “Convective Conundrum” Solved? Scientists Inch Closer to Cracking Mysteries of Space Weather

New research from University of Colorado at Boulder, could help scientists better understand the phenomena behind ‘sunspots’. The sun has long intrigued scientists. However, this...

What Goes Up Must Come Down: Helping Clean Up Space Junk With First-of-Its-Kind Mission Optimizer

Illustration of ClearSpace-1, a planned active debris removal mission. Credit: ClearSpace SA Less than a year on from the UK Space Agency committing £1 million...

Hidden SARS-CoV-2 “Gate” Discovered – Opens To Allow COVID Infection

The glycan gate opens: Supercomputing-driven simulations depict the glycan N343 (magenta) acting as a molecular crowbar to pry open the SARS-CoV-2 spike’s receptor binding...

“Great Unconformity” Puzzle: Geologists Dig Into Grand Canyon’s Mysterious Gap in Time

A new study led by the University of Colorado Boulder reveals the complex history behind one of the Grand Canyon’s most well-known geologic features:...

Substantial Water Reservoir on Mars? Earthly Rocks Point Way To Water Hidden on the Red Planet

Hydrohematite (right) is a brighter red than anhydrous hematite (left). Credit: Si Athena Chen, Penn State A combination of a once-debunked 19th-century identification of a...
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