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Sunday, September 29, 2024
EuropeKing receives call from European Council president

King receives call from European Council president

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

AMMAN — His Majesty King Abdullah on Wednesday received a phone call from European Council President Charles Michel, and discussed strategic cooperation and partnership between Jordan and the European Union.

Discussions also covered regional and international efforts to counter terrorism and extremism, and the need to enhance cooperation in this regard, within a holistic approach.

European Council President Michel highlighted King Abdullah’s leading role in promoting global peace, security, and harmony, and the importance of the Aqaba Process initiative launched by His Majesty.

The King stressed Jordan’s rejection and condemnation of all forms of terrorism, which has nothing to do with religion.

His Majesty also reaffirmed the importance of denouncing hate speech of all forms, and upholding the values of harmony, peace and mutual respect, embodied in the teachings of Islam.

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