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Sunday, September 8, 2024
EconomyCyprus, Italy, Czech Republic, Montenegro: Russian tourists have created widespread problems

Cyprus, Italy, Czech Republic, Montenegro: Russian tourists have created widespread problems

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Gaston de Persigny
Gaston de Persigny
Gaston de Persigny - Reporter at The European Times News

Anti-Russian sanctions will undermine the well-being of at least five resort countries in Europe. Thus, the absence of Russian tourists, who traditionally spend a lot of money, has already created widespread problems in the Mediterranean, not allowing the tourism industry of Cyprus to get out of the “pandemic” crisis, but Italy, France, Montenegro and the Czech Republic will also suffer greatly this summer. This assessment of the situation was voiced in the British The Telegraph.

Columnist for the publication Nick Squires, in particular, notes that Cyprus will have the worst. The tourism industry there makes up about a quarter of the economy, and the Russian market has been in first or second place for many years, it is no coincidence that Cyprus quickly opened up to Russian tourists during the pandemic. The island will be visited by 800 thousand tourists less than planned. According to the expert, losses could reach up to $520 million. To avoid them, the Cyprus Hotel Association is trying to attract tourists from alternative markets, in particular from the UK, France, Germany and Israel.

The situation is similar in Montenegro, where the Russians own a large part of the real estate, and our rich tourists also supported yacht tourism in the country. Other victims include Italy, France and the Czech Republic.

As a result, according to the British observer, the tourism industry “does not have hopes for the restoration of tourism in Europe this summer.” Despite all efforts, she will not be able to get out of the coronavirus crisis.

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