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EuropeEU reaffirms support for programmes to reduce hunger

EU reaffirms support for programmes to reduce hunger

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

The move results from an agreement signed in November 2019, by the European Union, FAO and the Angolan government.

This agreement, allowed the implementation of the programme for Strengthening Resilience and Food and Nutrition Security (FRESAN) in the south of the country.

It is a programme estimated at USD 24.6 million which are earmarked to support projects related to agriculture and nutrition.

The E.U ambassador to Angola, Jeannette Seppen, highlighted the importance of financing with several international partners, with a view to strengthening food and nutrition security, as well as boosting the agricultural sector.

Jeannette Seppen, intervened by video conference in the act of launching 225 field schools, in FRESAN, by FAO, for the southern provinces of Huíla, Namibe and Cunene.

The diplomat assured that actions in these fields can also play an important role in promoting gender equality and empowering women.

She said that FRESAN, until now, is the European Union’s biggest humanitarian initiative in Angola, whose factor is based on the reduction of hunger and poverty among vulnerable families.

She also referred that the European Union is also cooperating with the provincial governments in the fight against the pandemic that threatens food and nutritional security.

FRESAN seeks to reduce hunger, poverty and vulnerability, as well as food and nutritional insecurity in the three Provinces, by strengthening resilience and sustainable family agricultural production, as well as improving the nutritional situation of families, supporting capacity development institutions, as well as research and promotion of nutrition.

FRESAN carried out in 2018 Studies on the Programme for Strengthening Resilience, Food and Nutrition Security in Angola which was financed by the European Union.

This Study indicates that 1.1 million people from the provinces of Huíla, Namibe and Cunene are affected by drought as consequences of climate change.

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