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NewsEU adopts Human Rights priorities for 2022 at UN fora

EU adopts Human Rights priorities for 2022 at UN fora

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Human rights: EU adopts conclusions on EU priorities in United Nations human rights fora in 2022

The Council today approved conclusions on the EU’s priorities in UN human rights fora in 2022. The conclusions reaffirm the EU’s commitment to respect, protect and fulfil human rights, democracy and the rule of law consistently and coherently in all areas of its external action and to support the UN human rights system as a cornerstone of its external action. The EU will address recently emerging risks for human rights, including hybrid threatstechnological developmentsclimate change, and the continuing consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

On the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of the Rome Statute, the EU will reiterate its unwavering support for the International Criminal Court and reaffirm its commitment to fighting impunity and delivering justice for victims. Furthermore, the EU will continue to call on all states to uphold international human rights law and grant unconditional and unhindered access to their territories for the UN and human rights monitoring mechanisms.

The EU will continue monitoring the human rights situation globally and denouncing human rights violations and abuses wherever they occur. Furthermore, the EU will acknowledge positive developments in the field of human rights and continue to seek cooperation with all countries and regional organisations.

Council conclusions on EU priorities at UN human rights fora are approved on a yearly basis.

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