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Sunday, June 16, 2024
ReligionChristianityMore than 300,000 victims of pedophilia in the Catholic Church in France

More than 300,000 victims of pedophilia in the Catholic Church in France

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

More than 300,000 have been victims of sexual crimes in the Catholic Church in France since 1950. This was announced by the report of a special commission of inquiry, which was presented yesterday.

2,500 pages of investigation over a 70-year period with shocking results: the report of the commission investigating pedophile crimes in the Catholic Church is presented in a difficult atmosphere. He reported about 3,000 sex offenders (clergy and laity in parachurch organizations) and a six-figure number of juvenile victims.

The commission worked for two and a half years on Church, police and media records, and more than 60,000 victims testified in person, some of whom had the floor. The Commission concludes that at least 60% of them have problems in their emotional and intimate life.

“Until 2000, there was a deep, even brutal, indifference to the victims,” said commission chairman Jean-Marc Sove, who called on the Catholic Church to take responsibility. The report contains 45 proposals and recommendations for action. There will be compensation for the victims.

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