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Sunday, June 16, 2024
Books‘Oh Mylanta!’ Rochester’s Danielle Leukam Signing Her New Children’s Book Sunday

‘Oh Mylanta!’ Rochester’s Danielle Leukam Signing Her New Children’s Book Sunday

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Brad said to Erin, “You fly like a girl!”
She gave him a smile,
and spun in a twirl.

Danielle Louise Leukam is a mom, registered nurse, a published author (4 Pounds of Pressure is her memoir of rape survival and taking back her power), and now, the author of a children’s book called Fly Like A Girl.

Danielle Leukam

Let’s get to know her better…

Jessica Williams – You have two hours to binge watch anything at all…what are you picking?

Danielle Louise Leukam – Oh boy. I would pick Grey’s anatomy and Station 19. It’s a spin off of Grey’s anatomy. So it has some of the same characters from Grey’s anatomy. I was watching station 19 once and I had a pretty…I don’t know, it was a traumatic experience watching one of the episodes by myself. So I kind of wrote about it in my book.

James Rabe – The snack, your son loves and the snack, your son will not eat.

DLL – Ooh. Okay. He loves mini muffins, like the mini chocolate chip muffins. He calls them Muffies…Mom, can I have some Muffies?

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DLL – And the snack that he doesn’t eat? Vegetables. So if he, if he says, mom, I’m really, really hungry, I want a snack. I’ll say, you know, how about an apple or some carrots? And he’ll say, no, well then I’ll reply and say, well then you’re really not that hungry.

JW – That’s a good response.

JR – As adults can’t we admit that vegetables rarely fill us up. It just gets our fingers moving and our hands fiddling.

DLL – Yeah, I would agree with that.

JW – Okay. You got a thousand bucks that was just handed to you. What are you going to do with the cash?

DLL – Oh, Mylanta. That’s a good question.

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DLL – Well, probably one of two things I would either save it because I’m really cheap. Or I would go to a bookstore.

JW – Do you ever go to Half Price Books in The Cities?

DLL – No, I’ve never heard of it, actually.

JW – You Need To Go There. You will love it.

JR – What is a book you loved as a kid?

DLL – I loved the book Holes and it’s now a movie with Shia LaBeouf….that’s one of the only books that I’ve read multiple times. It’s just a fun little book and a fun movie to just kind of get lost and be in a, in a world that’s not here, you know?

Danielle Louise Leukam’s Book Signing and Release Party

Meet the author and get your copy of Fly Like a Girl Sunday from 3 – 6 PM at Forager Brewery’s Library Room in Rochester, Minnesota. She’ll have copies of both Fly Like A Girl and her memoir, 4 Pounds of Pressure, available for purchase and autographing.

If you can’t make it to the book signing, just click the titles to buy them on Amazon.

What’s Fly Like A Girl about?

…my children’s book was inspired by my big sister who is currently over in Kuwait in the National Guard. And it’s, it’s kind of about gender equality. It’s only about 21 pages and it’s got two characters. They’re super heroes. So there’s Brad and Erin. And Brad was inspired by my friend Bradley Dahlgren. He passed away from a brain tumor in 2018. He was from Rochester here. So he’s the super boy in my book. And my sister is a super girl in my book.

Hear more from this conversation by clicking PLAY.

Brad said to Erin, “You fly like a girl!”
She gave him a smile,
and spun in a twirl.

Erin said to Brad,
“Yes, I sure do! And I’m taking a bet,
you wish you did too!”

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: [email protected]

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Iowa School Bus Airbnb Features Amazing Scenery [PHOTOS]

This fully renovated Skoolie sits along the banks of the Upper Iowa River.

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